Cara Delevingne is a 20 year old model from England who is currently one of fashion's "It Girls" coming from a relatively well connected family (see AANGIRFAN post and further down this post), she won 2012 Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards. As I have said previously, with these “It” girls you would normally expect to find the kinds of shoots shown in this post.
Alice in Wonderland programming shoot in 2009, prior to her organised jump up the modelling hierarchy.
The bird cage is another common programming and psychological motif, invoking the Vanessa Paradis Chanel advert with her as a caged bird.
She has appeared on the cover or i-D a number of times with the usual one-eyed cover (the magazine’s name is a winking eye), the more recent one (left) where she looks somewhat petrified with a tarantula over one eye wearing leopard print. On Terry Richardson’s cover shoot (right) note the serpent ring also, and of course we know he likes his models very ‘youthful’ (see my post). In the tarantula i-D shoot she appeared with various symbolic animals such as the snake, owl and a couple of reptiles. Below is a short clip from a longer video for Burberry World Live in which she symbolically releases an owl while wearing an owl, the owl being classic Illuminist/”elite” symbolism used at Bohemian Grove and such (originally representing hidden knowledge associated with Athena, Ishtar/Lilith and others).
More owl shots from Cara, why does she keep appearing with the symbolic, occult owl?
To go along with the owl, the top she is wearing (Jamie McFarland) is also highly symbolic of occult principles, predominantly duality.
Terry Richardson’s i-D shoot is in his predictable style below. A Richardson shoot like this (all of them follow the same formula; thumbs up, wear Terry’s glasses etc) seems to be a rite of passage for most models. Perhaps part of programming (or at least shaping) them to get used to these kinds of predatory photographers as he is possibly one of the most depraved.
She appeared in a sex-kitten themed shoot called 'Cat' for Love Magazine along with model Edie Campbell.
As part of the shoot she lip synched Shania Twain's 'That Don't Impress Me Much' (in which Shania wears full leopard print sex-kitten programming apparel) wearing a typical black mask that goes along with kitten shoots.
From a Karl Lagerfeld shoot where Cara is dressed up like a dominatrix to sell shoes, from the video.
Below covering her eye with a Karl Lagerfield doll.
Further associating her with sex-kitten programming she appeared in a video for Louis Vuitton AW13/14 in which she played a “Lady of the Night”, ambling dissociatively on the streets of Paris. In the end it cuts to the catwalk where the models enter their hotel rooms with designer Marc Jacobs emerging in pyjamas (representing their “client”). I believe this is hinting that these models are engaged in high-class prostitution for the elite (this is how you make it to the higher echelons of the modelling business). Other models included in the video are the aforementioned Edie Campbell, Georgia May Jagger (see further down the page) and Kate Moss (in the catwalk), the latter may possibly be the focus of the next post in this series.
A shoot with Bryan Ferry was very one eye-centric.
The checkerboard is also a prominent indicator of these chosen models and Cara is no exception. The below left photo accompanies a piece on her rise to “top model” status which describes that her first modelling shoot was at age 7 (though other sources say 8) and that her godfather, Nicholas Coleridge (CBE) is the President of Condé Nast Publications who publish Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ and other major publications. She was best friends with the daughter of Sarah Doukas, CEO of Storm Model Management. Her godmother is Joan Collins (see Springmeier’s take on the Collins bloodline) and she is related (cousins, see article) on her mother’s side to Samantha Cameron (wife of blue blooded British PM David Cameron, herself of significant aristocratic lineage). So clearly nepotism has played a large role in her rise up the ladder, and I think the use of the Masonic, duality checkerboard to go along with this article is a nod to those “elite” familial connections.
On her mother, Pandora's, side, Cara's grandfather is the former English Heritage chairman Sir Jocelyn Stevens, founder of the 1960s pirate radio station Radio Caroline.
Meanwhile her father Charles, a property-developer, had a grandfather who was a politician (Hamar, 1st Viscount Greenwood) and his aunt, Doris Delevingne, was a society beauty who was friends with Winston Churchill.
With her parent's social standing, Cara and her older sisters Chloe and Poppy became accustomed to rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous from a young age. Joan Collins is Cara's godmother while their mother's friendship with Sarah Ferguson meant they also became close to Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.The photo that opens this post comes from the Australian Russh Magazine in which she is made up to look like a witch in a cover piece titled ‘Faith’, note the down and up triangles (as above so below) to go along with the duality checkerboard theme. Note below the dissociative black and white spiral with WONDER below it (a ‘WONDER WHEEL’ also features in the shoot).
Daily Mail
I have previously shown she has done her fair share of kitten shoots already in her fledgling modelling career, here are a few more.
The above shoot also featured some one eye symbolic poses as she was shot with baby animals, perhaps symbolising her infancy in her Illuminist backed modelling career.
Her first tattoo was predictably a lion which has kitten associations and elite, Illuminati (royalty/sun/Ishtar/Aton/etc) symbolism.
Unsurprisingly she has the usual original Monarch Kitten Marilyn Monroe cues. Below, taken by Cara from her Instagram showing Georgia May Jagger (featured further up) in a kitten onesie (in either Georgia’s or Cara’s room, they share a flat apparently) with MM up on the wall.
Georgia May Jagger below in a photoshoot with kitten connotations. She is the daughter of Sir Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, hence her own nepotism backed rise in the fashion industry.
She dressed up, fittingly as a ‘Satanic Reptilian’ for her 21st earlier this year. Below ad with a serpent theme (thanks to Christinne for the tip).

Cara has a sister, Poppy who, while not as famous as her younger sibling is also in the industry with a few predictable shoots.
Above photographed by Terry Richardson with transgendered model Lea T and below in a typically crass and suggestive video from Agent Provocateur in which Poppy plays a sex-kitten who has lost her “pussy”.
Cara has been introduced into the Illuminist controlled celebrity society by her “Wifey” Rita Ora pictured above with Paris Hilton, Lily Donaldson and Milla Jovovich (there should be a post on her forthcoming).
She was said to have had a relationship with Harry Styles of One Direction (though she denied this) whose tattoos may suggest he is under MK. This has already been covered over at VC and elsewhere but apparently ‘SMCL’ below the birdcage, next to the theatrical masks stands for “Smile More, Cry Later” which would fit with the programming angle.
With Rihanna and Miley Cyrus below, appropriately wearing a Mickey Mouse top, coming from the Disney school of Monarch programming.
talk about synchronicity, but I was wondering when you were going to do a piece on her. There is something very different about her, aside from the obvious. I have a friend in the fashion world who never quite made it. I've always wanted to tell her she wasn't born into a satanic bloodline while keeping a straight face.
Ben, take a look at that:
dont forget azealia banks' abomination "yung rapunxel" and angelina jolie's "cancer" stunt brainwashing women into mutilating themselves for the nwo
eurovision contest this year has a butterfly for logo
My god is it good to see you again, friend. Hope you're well.
These fuckers are going full tilt now.
how about this?
Cheers for the comments zillian, Christinne, Heathendemolition and anons. Appreciate the sentiments and intriguing links.
Interesting article on Cannes, not really surprising is it? I wonder how much Cara and Georgia are going for at Cannes this year? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2325054/Cannes-Film-Festival-2013-Cara-Delevingne-Georgia-May-Jagger-lead-glamour-plunging-floorlength-dresses-Opening-Ceremony.html
By the way, I'm trialing ads for a few weeks. If they aren't bringing anything in because of low traffic I'll just get rid of them after a month. Couldn't get adsense because of "adult content", so trying a different ad provider. Use adblocker in the mean time if they annoy you.
Not surprising at all, speaking of Cannes prostitutes. U could make interesting posts on other celeb spawn, famous just because their parents were/are famous. MK on the menu of course. Tali Lennox, Amber LeBon, Coco Sumner (briefly covered on this blog), Eve Hewson (Bono's daughter). Geldoff scums were covered here also.
Dont forget some X factor contestant, also of blue blood, Bo Bruce....
poor brooke mueller....
Ahhh, yes, Terry Richardson, the vile, perverse Kitten Handler to the top Fashion "Starlets."
Note her X (St. Andrew's Cross / Saltire) Atonist ring.
You might be interested in this re another celeb snapper :
Hi Ben welcome back ive really missed you! This has to be the best blog ever! By the way im a huge Greenday fan and im convinced Billiejoes so called break down and dissappearing for 3 months into rehab was just a cover for something alot more sinister, id love if you could do a piece on him, best regards Ben
So much to cover here, Ben. As anony 0:44, mentioned Billy Joe from Greenday (which I love anyway), Ill come up with Nick Stahl and his 2 times disappearance, Carrie Fisher's recent meltdown, Clint Eastwood's wife, Dina, being put in rehab, Catherine-Zeta Jones sharing Dina's fate again, Lil Wayne's "seizures", half of Kriss Kross duo sudden and weird death (due to drugs, yeah, rite), Annette Funicello's death, Rick Warren's son, Matthew's "suicide", Buckwilde's Shain Gandee death at only 21, Lindsay Lohan's recent bruises/abuse marks, COURTNEY STODDEN aka the teen bride, KELLY OSBOURNE's "seizures, poor MINDY MCCREADY's death, Jenni Rivera's death, director David R. Ellis' death, Sage Stallone's death/sacrifice and subsequently his step aunt's shortly after that and so on.... Let me know if u want more, coz I got them all....
Hi Ben, your blog is such a useful library for knowledge-seekers. Thank you for your insightful, intelligent work.
Georgia May Jagger seems to be invoking Bridget Bardot a lot here. And I notice it's Rihanna's turn (again) to "channel" Marilyn Monroe this week...
Rihanna channels Marilyn Monroe in sexy blonde wig as she shares sultry snaps posing as the iconic star
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2326857/Rihanna-channels-Marilyn-Monroe-sexy-blonde-wig-shares-sultry-snaps-posing-iconic-star.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
I'm going to piggy back off of CHristinne's comment referring to Chris Kelly from the rap duo "Kris Kross". His death is very suspicious, from the 911 phone call that was released to the public where we are supposed to believe it was his mother who called and refers to herself as his "friend", the caller couldn't sound anymore disinterested in the call, the same day as his death earlier that day MTV did a fashion tribute to Kris Kross and he's dead hours later, he died on the satanic sacrifical helliday of "Beltane". Leading up to his death there have been pictures released of him looking very disheveled. He supposedly did a radio interview where he exposes Jermaine Dupri as a thief and fraud, stealing from his artists and goes o to say they were "raped financially". The caller knew some interesting inside news but from the sound of the voice I don't think it was Chris Kelly but maybe a friend or relative calling on his behalf. Earlier this year in February, he and his bestfriend, the other half of Kris Kross, Chris Smith, reunited after 17 years for the So So Def reunion, and there is an interview where Jermaine Dupri says that he wanted to get all of his artists together before one of them dies! These young boys toured with Michael Jackson at the age of 13 years old, I have a picture of them with MJ where Michael is doing the horn salute standing right in the middle of the two boys. They were known for wearing their pants backwards and sagging (easy access for pedophiles)the Aleister Crowley reference of everything backwards can not be overlooked. Their final video is very interesting with plenty of esoteric symbolism throughout. I am very surprised that there are only about 3 blogs who have taken the time to look into Kris Kross as the occult symbolism surrounding them is very blatant! It's always a drug overdose isn't it?
just read this today on the website Crazy Days and Nights:
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Blind Items Revealed
February 25, 2013
Every so often I hear a story about an actor or actress who is into pain or a little S&M. Nothing too terrible or excessive. Then you also see things like other actresses who enjoy the company of men and cannot be picky about what they can choose to say no to since they are getting a great deal of money. This model is different. You might not be able to put a face with the name, but you would know the name. A list in her world with B list name recognition in the real world. Over the past several months, what was just a hidden thing for her has come out in the open as she becomes more famous. What she used to hide with makeup or "a week off for vacation" is now there for the world to see when she is not careful about showing off her wounds. Not only has she been spotted with bruises around her neck and wrists, but there is not a day that goes by that you don't see her with bruises or rope burns around her ankles. Those are the obvious signs. If you happen to see her changing during a gig or a show, you will see the cuts and bruises from a whip on her back and stomach. She told a friend that while she used to be able to get turned on by just a tiny amount of pain, she has now become so numb to it, that it takes a greater and greater amount before she is able to be pleased and she worries that one day she might die because of her need to feel release, but that it comes at a very high price. She has never discussed the origins of why she needs pain although she did say that her second or third sexual encounter was with a man in his 50's when she was in her teens and that he used to beat her and she was so in love with him that she never said no.
Answer: Cara Delevingne
Oh and not to forget the whip in Cara's hand to make it all complete. Point is she often is seen wearing leggins, trousers, jeans, long skirts, dresses, definitely in order for her to hide her scars....
@maggs - Cara hinting to her preference, wearing a gimp mask
Do not be deceived, y'all. This is a BOY. How can anyone think for a second this thing has any feminine featured besides makeup? Everybody get with the deception of the baphomet and generational satanism in hollywood, or have your very own "Crying Game" moment...good research, by the way.
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