Quickly cobbled this one together because I'm being so damn slow with other posts with more writing in them (this kind of post seem to flow pretty fast so wanted to get one out after some minor 'distractions' and general burnout). I thought this new shoot and video from Interview Magazine with Megan Fox was interesting enough to post quickly (in the interview some brief mentioning of them being puppets/tools for the Hollywood machine), doesn't need much elaboration featuring the kind of mannequin programming (this mannequin was apparently created specifically in her likeness by the way) showing her in a frozen (mannequin/statue-like) possible trance state on the bed with it and other scenes (I think this post has some more detail on mannequins, which is a basic kind of hypnotic 'freeze' command anyway). Note her and the mannequin in a duality checkerboard floor corridor which she drags the mannequin down to kill it. The final scene involves her symbolically killing herself (possibly killing an alter or something) via the mannequin by strangling and gagging it with her hand. This all goes along with the narrative they have created for her in the media with quotes from her saying that she has "mental problems" and her tattoos and such that may point to her potentially being Monarch programmed. [Edit: Fixed video]
The music going along with the video was clearly chosen for its MK/mind control lyrics, the track titled 'Master's Hands' by French actress/singer Charlotte Gainsbourg (the woman from Antichrist, with themes of trauma/dissociation/hypnosis/explicit sex etc), i.e."Pull my strings and cut my rope, Rattle my frame and shatter my ghost, And if I can't get back in line, They're gonna break me down...".

The shoot is the work of Illuminist/celebrity/fashion photographer Craig McDean, who has photographed many others (see this link for some of his portfolio), some have featured in this blog like the above Rachel Weisz (+ husband and child) shot. One from a typically dualistic shoot of kabbalistic (former?) slave Madonna below.

To round off this short post (I have already covered Jennifer's Body briefly in older posts + other stuff to do with her like the tattoos, see link near start; her new tattoo by the way 'Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' seems to come from some relatively unheard of poet Angela Monet, as someone interestingly noted in the comments the direct quote can be found in David Icke's 'Tales from the Time Loop' from years back) her more recent films have been relatively occult themed like 'Jennifer's Body' which I have only recently watched. She enters some kind of dissociative state while watching a band in her small town of 'Devil's Kettle' where a fire breaks out and is taken by the band in their van in this 'out of it' state, and is then sacrificed in a Satanic ritual by them wanting to make it big (an exaggeration of what bands have to do to make it big in reality, for the most part sell out to the music corporate/Illuminist overlords) and she becomes possessed by a succubus demon because she was not a virgin, and her friend Amanda Seyfried kills her (not worth covering in detail in my opinion, don't want to make this post longer than it has to be).
Butterfly motifs (also a symbol of female sexuality and transformation which I have mentioned in the past) and obviously plenty of occult themes are prevalent throughout. Some of the flashbacks to Megan and Amanda's character childhoods have more Monarch symbolism (Amanda's character, who as an adult always wears butterfly earrings and such, is covered in more butterfly print; she will probably pop up in some future post and will post some of her symbolic shoots etc) with barbie dolls, some twinning programming suggestions (at one point one sucks the other's blood or something) and other things also.

Below is another one by him of the MK half of the Olsen Twins, Mary-Kate in an Interview Magazine shoot. Just to make things more relevant to the post, Megan's first film role, after being strictly raised in Oak Ridge, Tennesse (lots of military stuff/history going on there, always a clue, the National Laboratory is listed in Deeper Insights Illuminati Formula as being involved in mind control/genetic Monarch research) by strict Catholic parents and the usual training for performance from age 5 and modeling by age 13, was in an MK and Ashley movie 'Holiday in the Sun' at age 16 (still from it below, in her stereotypical early role).

Butterfly motifs (also a symbol of female sexuality and transformation which I have mentioned in the past) and obviously plenty of occult themes are prevalent throughout. Some of the flashbacks to Megan and Amanda's character childhoods have more Monarch symbolism (Amanda's character, who as an adult always wears butterfly earrings and such, is covered in more butterfly print; she will probably pop up in some future post and will post some of her symbolic shoots etc) with barbie dolls, some twinning programming suggestions (at one point one sucks the other's blood or something) and other things also.

Her most current film is Jonah Hex, which is a loosely occult themed Western comic-book adaptation where she plays a prostitute Lilah who has spent her life in a brothel, a typical role. Perhaps more pertinent to Monarchs is her role alongside Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray in 'Passion Play' which she plays a "caged circus freak with wings", which is "a magical-realist drama in which Fox’s character sprouts wings at puberty and is drafted into a traveling circus" (from Interview piece). Below is a leaked camera phone photo from the set of Passion Play trapped in her glass box/cage, the exposed photo apparently embarrassed and infuriated her in a similar way to her character on display in the actual film is supposed to feel.

Anyway, future posts are forthcoming but I am still going at a leisurely pace (though I put this one together in like 1 hour today so I'm not exactly consistent), the Charlotte Lewis/Golden Child post is so delayed that it doesn't seem relevant anymore but will put it up soon anyway (there is some interesting stuff in it).

Edit [June 2011]: No one will probably see this as this post is like a year old (if anyone does, I do plan on posting again later this year by the way) but here is a photo from late April 2011 of Megan with her current husband (slave/handler?) Brian Austin Green donning an Illuminati T-shirt going for a pizza at Lucifers.

Edit [June 2011]: No one will probably see this as this post is like a year old (if anyone does, I do plan on posting again later this year by the way) but here is a photo from late April 2011 of Megan with her current husband (slave/handler?) Brian Austin Green donning an Illuminati T-shirt going for a pizza at Lucifers.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 948 Newer› Newest»Give. It. A. Rest.
Is this the chick who played the role of JT LeRoy? Sure writes like her.
Don't you have a fashion line or a book to write?
time for a new post methinks.
i just got de ja vu...hmm
anyways, yes i have read about theories concerning michael jackson and the illuminati plenty of times, i just think its weird how they are making it seem as something as simple as greed.
i am going to read this now:
There are a lot of news articles and tv adverts about Michael this week (due to the anniversary of his death) I feel sad about it but I will watch the Martin Bashir documentary again (they are re-running it here) with my new MK illuminated eyes.
On a lighter note, as I notice things have gone WAY out of hand, if you want a laugh, to put things all back into perspective, check out my latest blog entry on my crazy experiences with a ufo group. I promise you will laugh!! ;-) Tell your friends!
I feel sad about it but I will watch the Martin Bashir documentary again (they are re-running it here) with my new MK illuminated eyes.
i vaguely remember they were riding mini-cars there, and i spotted 23 number on Jackson car...
This is certainly interesting. Anyone read The Heart is Deceitful.....???
From Wikipedia, below......
Laura Victoria Albert (born 1965) is the author of writings credited to the fictional teenage persona of JT LeRoy, a long-running literary hoax in which LeRoy was presented to the public and publishers as a transgendered, sexually questioning, abused, former homeless drug addict and male prostitute. Albert was raised in Brooklyn, and she and her former partner Geoffrey Knoop have a young son. She has also used the names Emily Frasier and Speedie.
In a New York magazine article in October 2005, Stephen Beachy suggested that LeRoy was a literary hoax created by Albert.[1] Beachy suggested that Albert was not only LeRoy's friend Emily Frasier, but also Speedie, LeRoy's street-hustling friend, as well as LeRoy himself. Albert has since confirmed that she is the writer behind the LeRoy books.
Investigation showed that the advance for LeRoy's first novel, Sarah, was paid to Laura Albert's sister, JoAnna Albert, and that further payments to LeRoy were made to a Nevada corporation, Underdogs Inc., whose president is Carolyn F. Albert, Laura Albert's mother.
The New York Times published an article about Disneyland Paris with the JT LeRoy byline in the Sunday magazine T:Travel supplement in September 2005.[2] After the publication of the New York article, the Times found that expense receipts included an Air France itinerary for three people instead of the four described in the article. Employees at Disneyland Paris and two Paris hotels confirmed that the person claiming to be JT LeRoy matched photographs of Laura Albert, who told the employees she was traveling with her husband and son. She told hotel employees who thought JT LeRoy was male that she was a transsexual woman who had sex reassignment surgery three years earlier.
A 9 January 2006 article in the New York Times gave evidence that the role of LeRoy was played publicly by Savannah Knoop, the half-sister of Albert's partner.[3] Geoffrey Knoop later stated Albert was the author of the JT LeRoy works.[4][5] Albert explained the circumstances of JT's existence in a Fall 2006 Paris Review interview with Nathaniel Rich.[6]
In June 2007, Albert was sued by Antidote International Films Inc. for fraud, which claims that a contract signed with JT Leroy to make a feature film of Sarah is null and void.[7][8] On June 22, 2007, Laura Albert was found guilty of fraud by a Manhattan jury, and ordered to pay $110,000 to Antidote, as well as an extra $6,500 in punitive damages.[9]
In August 2008, the Authors Guild released an amicus brief in regards to the trial verdict, supporting Laura and opposing the jury’s decision, stating that the decision “will have negative repercussions extending into the future for many authors. The right to free speech, and the right to speak and write anonymously are rights protected by our Constitution, and the district court's decision which holds that Laura Albert's use of pseudonym breached the Option and Purchase Agreement, is one that will have a chilling effect upon authors wishing to exercise their right to write anonymously.” They go on to request that the court reverse the decision in regards to a breach of contract.
i'm going to do that too.
miss you michael!
“Over the Rainbow.” From Fritz’s book: “Some alters live “over the rainbow” and some do not. Both types will use the term “over the rainbow”, but with different meanings attached. For those who live “over the rainbow,” they serve their masters in such a deep hypnotic trance that they perceive reality like it’s a dream….Deeper alters who live “over the rainbow” experience memories/life in the following fashion: faces and porn cameras are airbrushed out of their memory, distinctive marks in the perpetrators such as scars and wrinkles are airbrushed out, colors and lights are very bright due to the total dilation of the pupils while in deep trance, and there is no sense of time for these alters.” [note the mention of “bright color,” as pointed out earlier, and keep that last bit concerning “no sense of time” in mind, as it will come up again later……..]
i just read that excerpt from that new site i have been checking out...are their any examples we can relate to on this? it kind of makes me think of lindsey lohan and her loss of concept of time and her cavorting around the world as if she owned the place and could do what she wants...when she wants, and doesnt have to suffer her actions, (or does she suffer) in her mind..
i just read this, (on the article on that site about dissecting movies, this one is from eyes wide shut)
Also on the front cover of the New York Post, for an unrelated article, it says in big bold letters, “LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.” Bill had told Mandy at the beginning of the movie after reviving her, “You’re lucky to be alive.” Now she’s dead after offering herself up in his place…and he’s the one who’s lucky to be alive. This sort of “mirroring” is used throughout the movie, including with the dialogue, which I’ll get to in a moment.
Lucky to be alive was like a hidden message towards him, just for the sake of it, i want to post this that was in some newspaper a few years ago:
i know it has nothing to do with the movie, but it is sort of that subliminal programming thing, adult swim has also showed up in old navy ads...such as..
(i cant find the ad on youtube, it was last year or the year before, talking about adult swim wear...)
but anyways, sometimes there are hidden messages in ads, newspapers, tv shows etc, which are mainly meant for one particular person to take note of, and in the meantime no one else will stop to think twice about it..
oh i didnt include the part before "lucky to be alive" that is said on the new york post, DEAD AT 30! someone mentioned in a comment before that a certain headline, (im not sure i remember which one and who it was referring to) but the headline was that similar to the one in the movie...
but i noticed it is the new york post, like the newspaper in eyes wide shut...
poor venus
Someone said a naughty word and hurt your feelings. :(
Cry me a river, sweetie pie, because you brought this all on yourself, just as your young and histrionic apprentice did.
Ben has the absolute right to regulate his forum however he sees fit, and this is not contingent in any way on your approval. You need to either accept this, or not be a part of it. Period.
When a person throws around all these overly dramatic labels, like "sadistic", "hateful" and "psychological abuse", as often as you do, and in reference to such insignificant jabs of wit, it tells me that you may actually believe your own hysteria.
Therefore, it follows that you apparently consider the words of strangers to be powerful enough to affect you in very dramatic and disproportionate ways.
Rational, mentally healthy people simply don't keep coming back for more, once they identify a situation as being bad for them - they move on and take whatever important lessons they can from the experience, and put it behind them. Read this part again, very slowly and carefully.
You're either just being a drama queen here, and exploiting this spectacle of your own creation to harrass and damage Ben somehow -
OR, you really do perceive people who you don't even know to have such power and influence over you that you somehow can't stop coming to this place that you claim is "psychologically abusive".
So, the main problem with your tale of woe is that you are choosing to be here, knowing very well (or you should have) what to expect after you intentionally provoked a conflict with Ben, over what amounts to a petty difference of interpretation.
I have no idea how you could possibly think you could come here and unfairly criticize and provoke Ben, and then just retreat and cry "abuse" when someone comes back at you. This is usually referred to as "a chickenshit thing to do."
You simply can't have it both ways - either it really isn't THAT BAD (being that you keep coming back for more), or if it really IS that abusive and traumatic in your troubled mind, you really should not be coming here at all, because you are so fragile, easily wounded and have inadequate coping skills to tolerate an author making a joke (on his own blog!) - or someone calling another someone (who so richly deserved it) a malignant tw@t. lol
Your inability to simply stay away from people or things that you feel are "abusive" to you actually demonstrates moderately severe emotional issues, in not being able to assert the proper control over your life to make healthy choices for yourself - like staying away from sh!t that upsets you so much, for example.
It is remarkable that the one person that you actually CAN control (and you have not only the right, but the obligation to control) - yourself - is the one person that you don't seem to make any effort to control!
The conversations on blogs will always include crass remarks and jokes that someone, somewhere in the world will be offended by, no matter how we may try to avoid it.
The important thing is that you don't make the rules here, and you never will. No one here really cares what you think the rules ought to be, and likely never will. I know that this may be very sad for you and hard to accept, but I can assure you that it is absolutely truthful.
So, please spare us all the "poor abused me" bullsh!t, because YOU fired the first shots here, directly at Ben, in a very unkind and disrespectful way.
I honestly hope that, at the very least, you'll consider getting some form of counseling (be it a friend, family, clergy, etc.) to help you with chronically and intentionally spending so much time around places and people who you feel are "abusive", as well as your need to tell other people what and how to think and feel, when it is not welcome.
Perhaps, in this way, you are truly your own worst enemy, and most obvious source of "abuse".
I might also suggest that you be very cautious about who you decide to pick fights with, because you are sooo sensitive and all; even the venus-penis joke seems to have had devastating effects on your delicate, little mind.
One day, you might invite the wrath of someone who is much less thoughtful than I, and then you'll end up spending a fortune on kleenex and xanax.
It's a jungle out there! LOL
as for the tragic case of Donny, who still won't show any respect (for himself or others) by staying away from places he's unwelcome...
I don't know if it's his poor reading comprehension or just not paying attention, but I never said I thought he might be MPD. His behavior is clearly not sophisticated or interesting enough to be an MPD/DID case.
His disorder(s) are much more of the "garden variety", from what I've seen, and what I said before (after his suicidal ploy to get attention and blog comments) is that he might want to take a look at the list of symptoms for Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD), which I would guess reads like the story of his life.
It is a frighteningly accurate description of pretty much everything he has said and done here, mixed with a few Borderline characteristics.
Very sad, especially because it seems doubtful that he would ever accept it or seek help. The best we can probably hope for is that he'll take it elsewhere and find someone who will tolerate and indulge his atrocious behavior.
It's a long shot, I know. :(
And...part of my making that point to poor Donny (which I now doubt he was intelligent enough to pick up on) was that in many places, like his state, merely saying really stupid things like that (threatening to kill someone, including yourself) in the presence of certain people - such as a school teacher, doctor, nurse, cop, firefighter, etc. - makes them obligated to deal with it, which can, and often does, include taking your stupid ass in for a mandatory 48-72 hour psych eval...which I don't get the impression is something he really wants to happen to him.
So there was, in fact, some very friendly advice there, mixed in with my disgust for his very stupid and inappropriate behavior.
I'm quite certain now that my good intentions and kindness, like Ben's, went unappreciated and were a complete waste of time and effort.
But you can rest assured that, in my case anyway, it won't ever happen again. :P
Just to clarify, to clear it up for Donny anyway as he has somehow managed to misunderstand it, 'This post has been removed by the author' means the person who wrote the comment deleted it (the author of the comment, not the blog), NOT me, I never deleted any of Venus' comments as he accused me of in his latest deleted comment. Donny your comments will continue to be deleted and you should consider why you have been removed from other places as well (not just here), it certainly has nothing to do with your "critiques". If you think I handle things badly then just focus on your own blog and getting the info out in the way you see fit, I don't think it is really worth your time dedicating your blog to being purely a character assassination of me just because you didn't get what you wanted from this blog (i.e. a lot of readers and commentators).
Just looked over the last entry and saw the part where Donny calls Miley a slut. Couldn't help but notice that the next post is Ben saying "You are right Donny". When you tolerate a person's disrespect of others then don't be surprised when it comes back to bite you. Feminism may be problematic but misogyny is just as bad.
What? Are you joking? I specifically called him out on that very issue in regards to his hypocrisy and said that I would never say a thing like that, if I ever said "you are right Donny" it certainly wasn't in reference to that...
I actually parted ways with another blogger for a similar reason, among others, in the sense that I felt it was important to emphasize (most of the time anyway) that the record exec scum (rather than just calling Miley, herself, a degenerate whore, which may or may not be the case, but we can find better ways to say it) who are making these decisions are really the problem, in terms of their packaging and marketing of young women as this new generation of hypersexualized, S & M, dripping with occult symbolism, toys of the industry.
However, I think it is fair to say that many of these artists, Miley in particular, is more complicit in what she is are doing and portraying, especially because she is a minor, and must give express consent to be a part of these leathery and feathery ceremonies. Perhaps it is also very important to mention the role of her father in all this, too, being that, as I said, she is a minor and a closer eye would be kept on what she is asked and allowed to do, versus what her legal guardian will allow her to be a part of. Billy Ray is apparently cool with anything at all they choose to do with his "little girl", and I've read some comments of his where he said how great he thought it was, etc.
Someone must have given their "oky-doky" to use the stage filled with doll heads on voodoo sticks, for example.
I keep thinking about that whole marketing effort, with some past knowledge of such things, and I'm still just at a loss to understand how we get from this - "ok it's Miey's time to grow up and be a sexy star now, so she'll be showing some skin and dancing naughty, and the lyrics will be more adult and sexualized" - to THIS - "ok we want Miley to be a big successful pop singer star, so the way we think we can do that is to begin with having her in a cage and she has large black wings like a fallen angel, and then she'll be on a stage with a lot of voodoo stuff, including cute babydoll heads on sticks, reminiscent of the cannibalistic tribes of the south pacific and Africa."
How do these very evil and degenerate themes beome so easily integrated into marketing that is intended to promote sexuality???
Isn't it much more compelling to her target audience (18 - 29 maybe, horny straight males) to be presented in ways that are, maybe, actually attractive? Say, for example, really pretty clothing, beautiful hair and makeup, which emphasizes her good points and generally shows her in a beautiful, feminine and sexy way?
How do these depictions of voodoo and other occult rituals, and fallen angel wings and cages spark horny impulses in young guys? (which is actually what sells records and concert tickets btw)
Oh, and also we'll have Miley mock-kiss another female...and then if there's any backlash, we'll issue a statement saying "Well, she didn't REALLY kiss her, you know, it was just an act". Ok, so WHY even put on that act, then???
I just reminded myself of something that I already knew -which is that these very contradictory elements are what I talked about extensively in the piece on PsyWar - and what a pretty, sexy pop singer has to do with voodoo and occult rituals is exactly nothing, which is exactly the point and the goal there - cognitive dissonance.
Conflicting images create the conflict or disturbance at the subsonscious level, thus creating a deeper imprint in the mind of the viewer, forcing them to reconcile the conflict without the involvement of the rational, conscious mind, most of the time.
Cog-diss: exposure to the often unpleasant imagery along with the simultaneous sexuality = Desensitization 101.
Did you ever get a chance to look at that thing I sent you about banning by IP? I still haven't tried it yet, but it seemed like it might be pretty good info from just a quick browsing of it...
Also, the way I understand it, calling one particular individual female whatever naughty word or string of insults, especially if it is in reference to some very specific examples of irresponsible behavior, amounts to a criticism of that one individual female, not at all "misogyny", which I understand to be a broader hatred or disrespect of all women, in general.
So, using the example you just did; "feminism is problematic, misogyny even worse" - I'd say that grossly misunderstanding and exagerrating someone's adverse comments about one person (be they female, black, white, jewish, asian, etc.) is probably as unfair
if not worse than the person who made the comment.
It all depends on whether the person was really targeting ALL women, I supppose. It's very unfair to label ALL of anything as being wrong, evil...except, as I said recently, perhaps demons and Skull n Bones types...and maybe Scientologists! (humor added for effect).
And it is, likewise, just as unfair to distort what someone says with regard to a specific person, who may belong to whatever group(s), as being some kind of generalized insult and attack on all women, or whatever is involved.
The point I was making was that Ben was trying to distance himself from Donny by saying that he would never call Miley a slut. But then he turns around and agrees with Donny when he says that. So it sure seems like Ben's reluctance to use "naughty words" comes more from a fear of being politically incorrect than a disagreement with the sentiment behind what was said. And that just seems really deceptive.
There is something more than a little bit gross about a 40 year old man justifying calling a 17 year old girl a slut. Give your obsession with Miley a rest. We don't want to know.
Like I said, I did NOT agree with Donny when he said that, not in the slightest (I completely disagreed and have said nothing akin to that in any post) I have no idea where you got that idea from and I am done responding to your trolling (I implore people to do the same as it gives her a reason to keep going).
Here is the comment that Donny wrote:
"I personally think Miley isn't really innocent obviously she is a monarch mind control slave but listen to this one of the judges from that show ''So you think you can dance'' is Miley's producer/Handler and they where both found dancing very sexually in a dance club the other day it was very messed up Miley is really slutty
For no reason we need more proof about how much power she does and doesn't have other her programming.
I think we should be more concerning for Demi Lovato and her ex twin programmed best friend Selena Gomez they are the real victims here Demi is
Nice just as her friend and I think are have more moral standards then Miley has I think Both Demi and Selena would be even more awake an fighting back at the illuminati and their handlers if some programmers de-program them.
Demi in my opinion is the most traumatized victim of Disney today just listen to her songs she sings about her abuse and feeling like she can't breathe
She needs justice she is innocent, also her handlers can't just much of her programming away from us considering her episode on Grey's Anatomy is symbolic of her having MPD and her being abused. Whose with me?"
And here is Ben's response:
"Donny you are right about Demi's role in Grey's Anatomy which I usually avoid like the plague but may have to check that one out (clip here, makes me a little sick considering her self harming/cutting in reality but obviously the role fits perfectly). On a side note I think you may need to take a break and figure out how you can sort out blog posting on Mac to fix the line/writing issue, also do something to take your mind off this stuff, you can't be thinking about it 24/7 is all I'll say." What I see here is a kid who has obviously been abused and is now taking that out on others. He even asks the question: who is with me? People here had the opportunity to call him out for disrespecting Miley. Instead, Ben commends him for the analysis about Demi instead, which sends home the message that it is ok to trash MK victims. If there was any disagreement there, then it definitely wasn't expressed. What I want to know is what is the difference between Donny's disrespect of Miley and his disrespect of all the other commenters here? Why tolerate one and not the other? Like I said before, if you tolerate a person's abuse of others, then don't be surprised when it comes back to you.
I said I wasn't going to be drawn in again but Venus, I was just trying to be respectful and polite to him, this only shows how you are intentionally twisting the things I say to fit your agenda and grudge against me, I clearly was not referring to what he was saying about Miley Cyrus which I find abhorrent (if I had called him out on it, how do you think he would react, considering how he usually does). Please find something else to do, you have made your point countless times now. What you are doing IS trolling.
LVB I have looked into doing an IP ban of Donny as he's obviously not going to stop, I'm not sure exactly how to find out his IP though (anyone wants to email me with some advice on that I'd appreciate it).
Sorry Ben, but this is too funny:
I posted a comment on Donny's blog, since he was begging for it so badly, and here's how he responded.
"Dude shut up I mean come on you have the nerve to come to my blog and say I am jealous of Ben's blog! what a load of shit I mean come on even the dumbest fuck could tell you that Ben has said some really sadistic things to mind control victims you are just covering his ass up because you just can't deal with the facts here!"
Donny, you are full of lies and slander. There is absolutely nothing to back up ANYTHING you say. You need a time out. Stop wasting Ben's time by forcing him to delete all your comments and just leave. You are a liar.
Ben - I'm not sure IP banning is possible on Blogspot. I researched it a couple nights ago, and it seems to be a recurring problem for people. Sorry.
What I want to know is would you be so polite if someone made a degrading comment about you? I highly doubt it, given how defensive you seem to be. So why tolerate the same types of comments about Miley?
Venus gets called a name by an anonymous stranger in another anonymous strangers blog but cannot build a bridge and get the hell over it.
Venus = DISINFO TROLL (MK Victims Beware)
Venus = Escaped from lunatic asylum
Either way it's bad.
What's really funny is that this Venus person is basically just using Donny as a vehicle to express their own grudge with Ben, and just pretending to actually take Donny seriously. Venus must be desperate for some sort of gratification, if they're looking for it in a rude, hateful person like Donny. Aleksandra pointed this out already, but I felt it needed to be re-iterated.
Why is Donny so scared of you banning him? If I were banned from a site for acting like a 3 year old, I would simply stop visiting. But maybe he needs ideas from your blog to write as his own. Who knows.
This whole thing is ridiculous and could be fixed easily with an IP ban. It's really just two people slowing down the progress of a blog (that far, far more than two people read) with their constant whining. Ben's not a babysitter.
anyone whos gonna lose sleep over MK ultras has serious problems. There are many more people in need of attention whos rights and lifes are alot worse. You constantly see these celebrities laughing, smiling, falling inlove. Sure their lives may be controlled by the powers that be to an extent but they arent miserable all of the time. I know people who have been ruined by abuse from childhood and battle depression constantly, are unable to have relationships and never feel the joy at times that these celebs do. Their joy may be fleeting but at least its there at times. People need to find something else to worry about if you ask me!
If the likes of miley werent there they would be replaced in a second, getting paid millions to " act" like a slut is something well many women even men might do. Sex sells. And despite the amount of talented individuals out there who portray themselves as humans instead of objects, they wont get a look in. So I dont understand the point of focusing on miley when clearly she is just part of the industry, as are the rest and doing her job.
clearly this site is somewhat dodgy as even my comments have been removed why is that?
Its interesting that you all cannot tolerate 3yr old donny as you put, an yet feel sorry for someone like britney and others when they regress. Tiny bit hypocritical.
12:49 As of late I have deleted nobody's comments but Donny's (for understandable reasons), sometimes people have trouble getting their comments to show up I understand (they'll send it and it won't go through or something) so that might have happened to you. I haven't noticed any in my emails that have disappeared from the comments here though. Do you have a timestamp I can look up or just try redoing the comment, I did not remove it (if it showed up originally and it somehow disappeared I should still have it in my email).
why are my comments getting deleted?
Oh ok i apologise, i thought they were.
I'm not reading the comments anymore. I think the people that have something to say should have a blog and I'll read what they say on their blog. It's become too easy to go on someone else's blog vent. Even though disabling isn't really a good idea. I'm just reading the posts. Looking forward to the next one Ben!
I sent you an email, so take a look at that and you should be in business here shortly. :)
No one should have to put up with the amount of truly moronic bullshit that you've had to.
Take care.
Well, it's actually pretty obvious, even setting aside the more complex psych aspects...
Venus will not respect Ben's wishes to go elsewhere and protest, criticize and malign him as much as he/she wants to, exactly because of what Donny has found in having his blog - which is that, no one goes there, and no one cares.
So, Venus knows very well that even with complete freedom to do and say whatever he/she wants to on a wide variety of available blogs and websites, it is much more satisfying to stand at Ben's doorstep weeping and moaning to his friends and neighbors about what a bad person he is.
This is known as malice and clear intent to harm and injure, which is obviously not coming from any personality type that would be involved in helping MK's, or any other person with serious problems, for that matter. Because they are simply far too self-involved and worried about getting what they want, first and foremost, to ever truly care about anyone else's needs.
This whole thing is a facade that is designed to draw in a few of the more naive folks (no offense to Lori, for example, who I think is truly a kind and caring person, who has actually self-admitted to being a little gullible, which is very cute lol) to think that he/she venus is some sort of MK helper, with advanced knowledge of the subject. This is simply not truthful, and I'll tell you why I say that.
Anyone who is truly pursuing this mission in life to help others (not just MK victims, but any kind of "others" really) would be saying at least a few positive things about Ben and all the good he is doing by bringing awareness to this subject. They would be focused on postitive things, and offering useful information and ideas that might actually help us understand some things we don't already know.
This is not what's happening, and it is easy to see from the pattern of what IS happening that this person's behavior consists of 80% trash Ben, and 20% look at me I'm special and know more about MK than all of you do, while offering nothing to back that up.
Even this level of stupidity would be ok, if it were happening on their own blog or website, but their refusal to get a clue and show some basic respect for Ben (and the rest of us) here in his own place tells us everything we need to know; complete disregard for the rights of others, pure selfishness versus consideration for others, and so on.
But now, they have a different double bind to deal with rather than their own self-inflicted one ("I hate it here but I won't stop coming here) - now, it's like this - Ben knows the IP, so either continue posting your hostile rubbish and be banned, or stop doing it and there will be no need to do that.
Either way, we win. :)
You people are what I call ''Spiritually immature''
you see I am a very old soul and find this to be a wast of human life ''My Life'' to wast with spiritually
disconnected people.
Good, so why don't you fuck off then instead of wasting your time here?
P.S. Anyone that needs to announce that they are an old soul and spiritually superior to us here plebs is clearly delusional. Donny and Venus, ffs get help, both of you.
Tequila Slamma
Great comments and observations. Donny calling anyone else immature (spiritually or in any other way)
is like Hitler calling Gandhi a warmonger. LOL
That word verification TORTURIO is too funny.
It also reminds me, unfortunately, of the hilarious sugar-induced alter ego of Beavis, known as Cornholio. lol
The other day, someone mentioned a B & B episode or something here, which I hadn't thought of in a long time, and in close proximity to a comment about the "venus-penis" joke or anagram.
These two concepts had the unfortunate effect of causing me to imagine a Beavis and Butthead conversation along these lines:
Beavis: Venus in pieces sounds like penis in vices hu hu hu
Butthead: hu hu hu you said penis hu hu hu
Beavis: yeah hu hu hu that's pretty cool hu hu
Butthead: yeah hu hu it's like another word for weener hu hu hu
Thanks for the somewhat annoying but humorous trigger, whoever you are hu hu hu . :)
We definitely need more humor around here...like fish need H2O.
Knock, knock...
Who's there?
Venus and Donny.
You're not welcome here, please go away.
No way dude, because we hate your sadistic abuse so much that we have to keep coming here all the time.
"F-CK YOU!", said the spiritually mature "old soul" to the childish, spiritually immature masses. LMAO
God, it feels good to laugh sometimes. hee hee
Is it just me or does Donny remind anyone else of a cartoon supervillain with his random inflections? I keep reading his posts in Skeletor's voice... Donny seems like an extremely bitter and obsessive person, but he's as "mind controlled" as I am. Which is not nearly to the extent as the people Ben writes about.
LVB, your analysis of Venus and Donny was excellent and it helps that you're so honest about this stuff. Someone needs to say it.
Wow, uncle tom Tommy? Are you suddenly racist? The surprises never end...
Alright Donny, I'm done messing with you. Only because it's kind of making me look like a bigger jerk than I actually am, and because when I was your age I decided to mess with a kid on a forum who acted the same way you are acting now (except he was about 11 at the time) having alot of fun with it and the next thing I knew he was posting pictures of himself on the forum with fake cuts on his arms that looked like ketchup, but man, you are digging yourself a huge hole here, and that's the point I'm trying to get across. Nobody here really wants to see you do this to yourself, which is why we're all responding the way we are. We're not going to support the way you're acting because we all know from experience (we were all your age once too) that kicking and screaming isn't going to get you anywhere in life. It might be a release, but being calm and cohesive is the only thing that's going to get you anywhere in this field of research, or anywhere in general. Alarmism and grudges against other researchers will only make you look really defensive (which shows others that you have something to hide, perhaps the fact that you can't back up what you present, there are many possibilities once you've shown this). Seriously, force yourself to calm down and look at this rationally. You've already made it far enough mentally to know that the world is a screwed up place, and what you are aware of concerning these subjects (well, the main idea at least, I don't think someone can be randomly triggered by a random blogger, there is far more to the triggering process) is not fantasy. But you have to drop the self-pity and move on from this whole thing happening between you and Ben. It will help you in the end.
Please listen to what I'm saying, Ben isn't going to stop deleting your comments, so you have to stop fighting. I can understand why you're fighting so hard, but it's who you are directing all this energy towards (namely, all of us here at the comments section of POM) that is a little backwards. You have to learn to work in harmony with others in your field of research and respect their space. Saying you're "mind-controlled" at this point and you can't help it is a total excuse, because you've shown that you have the brainpower to see these things for what they are. You seem extremely frustrated and it sucks to see sometimes, just chill out and enjoy your life and don't worry so much about what us complete strangers think. You have to use your willingness to not give up for more positive goals than trying to defame a fellow researcher for basically nothing other than you're hurt that he doesn't read your blog.
I am actually really appreciating a few of your soon to be deleted comments. So my apologies if I said you should have gotten kicked out when I made a comment about the tolerance of personal attacks on this blog. What I meant to say was that some of your more disrespectful posts, like the one about Miley, should have been removed. But you obviously have a valid viewpoint and a lot to contribute. Maybe you could try to ease up on the anger because this gives people an excuse to dismiss your concerns as drama, even if you are exposing some legitimate problems, which you are. Obviously this can be hard to do when others who should be older and wiser are handling the situation in an inappropriate way. But it is well worth the effort to rise above whatever insults people are sending your way right now. Focus on your blog and getting more information out there. I'll be looking forward to new posts. :)
"Last month, Fox was dumped from Michael Bay's film before shooting started. Nobody can seem to settle on an official reason (Bay says she's too skinny; Fox says she quit voluntarily; most people think she was straight-up fired), but the second it was announced (Fox was replaced by Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley), everyone's minds flashed back to an interview where Fox compared Bay as a director to dictators like Hitler and Napoleon."
venus' greatest hits...volume 1
"If you offer to help someone and then mock them at the same time it kind of sends a mixed message."
Interesting. Let's explore mixed messages a little bit, shall we?
Duplicity is defined as “contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action;
especially, the concealment of one's true intentions by deceptive words or actions”. It is saying one thing and doing (or meaning) another, and doing it intentionally, in order to deceive.
"Tommy, I think you may be misinterpreting what I wrote because nowhere did I say
that Donny shouldn't have gotten kicked out..."
"And before people say I am defending him, let me just say that the kid had it coming
for the comments about Miley alone."
and now...
"So my apologies if I said you should have gotten kicked out when I made a comment about the tolerance of personal attacks on this blog. What I meant to say was that some of your more disrespectful posts, like the one about Miley, should have been removed."
That just kills me. SOME of the more disrespectful posts??? Just find me one that isn't!!
Duplicity, indeed.
What kind of motives would any reasonable person ascribe to someone who will not take a firm position on anything other than Ben being "sadistic" and "abusive", yet feels the need to tapdance and doubletalk to stay in the good graces of someone with Donny's track record of kindness, uber-sensitivity and honesty, and serve as his apologist in chief?
LOL :)
And btw, once again venus, any tolerance or lack thereof involving your self-imposed definition of "personal attacks" is purely at the discretion of the blog owner; their free speech rights are what matter in their own place. You are an unwelcome, uninvited guest. When will you finally acknowledge this inconvenient (for you) reality?
Why is it so important to you to be a thorn in Ben's side, to the extent that you will disregard all common sense and demand to be allowed to harrass Ben in his own place?
You're obviously not here for any other reason, which is evident in how you don't add anything useful or interesting to the MK discussion (which is actually identical to Donny's M.O., btw).
This would seem really odd, for a person who claims to have so much knowledge to share on the subject, if we didn't already know better.
Maybe this helps
You're too slow! I gave that to him a few hours ago lol
You're a kind soul, tho. :)
LVB Thanks and sorry about the cornholio trigger.... not!
You said venis and penis in the same sentence hu hu hu hu
It's probably wrong of me to respond to Donny and Venus in such an immature manner but their posts went from annoying to stupid to spit my drink out funny (e.g. Donny's declaration of spiritual maturity)and it was becoming evident that giving them the benefit of the doubt and responding to them like sane people wasn't getting anyone anywhere.
If anyone has tried arguing with a drunk, then they're probably getting deja vu from reading the posts of Donny and Venus.
LVB you've mentioned a few times how Donny's manner of writing switches, I've noticed that myself.
I'm almost starting to visualize Donny and Venus as a couple of (or even just one) extremely overweight nerds with no life who live in a basement eating pizzas and drinking coke while trolling internet forums for a laugh. If not then they are both very sick in the head and in desperate need of help.
Whatever the case, if there are a few gullible/vulnerable readers amongst us it's possibly a good thing that venus and donny have shown us all their true colours.
@ LVB it was me that mentionied Beavis and Butthead lool i was watching my sisters old videos at my dads, she's got a whole collectionof them, n its funny that the one i was watching first was actually the movie where beavis is saying that cornvolio yhing, its beavis and butthead do america...lool, always watch B & B at my dads cos his tv ariel dont work n all my sisters got is that and red dwarf..
lool your whole comment there just had me in stitches..the conversation..
n lool @ tommy mentioning skeletor, my dad went to a carboot other day n bought a whole set of he-man action figures for like a pound, skeletor is one, i uploaded the pic to my myspace...was thinking about the reptilian theme in he-man..one of the villians in the figure set is a reptillian with a long neck,
ooh @ lori n ben i started a blog, its nothing special but i uploaded tose pics of those things i mssg about if u wanna see, stupid comment wont post with the link send i mean..its on this blogger thing called thursdays child has far to go, when the sun goes down can that info find it?..lori i want you to look cos we talked about it....im crap at computers awwww ben poor u with the venus n donny thing......waiting for a new post lool
hi everyone:
tila posted her part 3 in exposing the illuminati
she begins to talk about the programming now...i told her about it actually. i was kind of worried that i did that, (if i might of set her off or triggered her if she was somehow MK'd) i gave her a link to this site and told her to research project monarch etc...it looks like she has...
if you come here tila, then dont get caught up in the negativity. that is good that you are sending a message out there. keep it up.
im not done reading her post yet...but i remember that lady gaga "commercial" yes it is very freaky. why the hair and baby powder again? hmm...
i told her about disney programming as well..
seeing the deleted donny comments makes me think of that joke where whenever someone says something (like in austin powers) they immediatly get SSHHH'd!)
hey i..SSHHHHHT!
no but...SHHHT!!!
ok so i read tilas breakdown of that lady gaga commercial, which is this:
Ok for the people who don’t know the DEEPER meaning behind this commercial, and think it’s “CUTE” well I think it’s actually quite the opposite and VERY SCARY! Here’s why:
1. The video title and COMMERCIAL itself is called: THE BRAIN!
2. Just like I said in my previous posts, “THE OTHERS” aka ILLUMINATI, are using a very hush, hush Government project and strategy that highly works to BRAIN WASH people as you can see in this video.
3. In the beginning, there are strange frequencies and radio transmitters with visuals that immediately puts you in an induced-like trance and hypnotizes you.
4. When you hear them speak, it is not at all human form. It is robotic-like to relax your mind, to put you in a state of hypnosis.
5. When you see Lady GaGa, she is covering one eye (the all seeing eye) in which by now I’m SURE you noticed that she does that quite a LOT in her music video’s as well as all of her pictures. Any other artist you see doing that, are apart of this society as well. There’s too much to name and list!
6. You notice she is using a “HELLO KITTY BRUSH” that is another symbol. They want to start them young. A lot of them are easier to brainwash when they are children. Believe it or not, DISNEY is actually VERY satanic! Go do research on that and found out about the man who started DISNEY and actually how evil it is really meant to be. This lures the kids in cuz they want to start them young so they are forever slaves, when they grow up. For instance, Britney Spears!
7. Notice the video keeps flickering and sending out weird noises, which they do in A LOT of pop music video’s today! The man who’s talking to her represents “THE DEVIL” he asks her what does she want in life? She says “I’ve been brushing for hours.” Translate that, it means she’s been working very hard her whole life to be “Famous” so now that they have come to her, she’s trying to brush away “REALITY” as she says “JUST TO MAKE SURE IT’S GONE” meaning, her life before she met the Devil, has to be thrown in the trash, to which she does. There are more symbols at that point that show some of the people involved, all powerful.
8. The man says “I think it’s safe to say you’ve lost your mind” and she says “I know exactly where it is….in his belly, of course! The HUB OF THE CITY!” That means the big machine, the machine that owns all the mainstream media. The rich and powerful that are all in this Elite Society!
9. Gaga then continues “I was scared at first” meaning she’s not sure if signing with the DEVIL is OK! I mean, the DEVIL??? Then she continues “POP ATE MY HEART, HE SWALLOWED MY BRAIN” Meaning, the Devil gave her an offer she couldn’t resist! Pop music is her heart and soul. She loves it, but then they “THE OTHERS” the “DEVIL” brainwashed her, and promised her if she signed her soul away, then anything she wanted, she would get it 10 fold! More than she could ever imagine! She would have the world at her fingertips! So how could she say no to that? It’s just her soul she’s giving away to to DEVIL so she could forevver be their puppet!
10. Then the man asks her “So what else do you have to live for?” Since she has no soul left and nothing about her, heart, brain, soul, does not belong to her anymore. That is what his question means.
11. Gaga then proceeds to answer his question of what else does she have to live for? And she says “THE FAME, OF COURSE!”
i think she is being disinfo, because it is not very representative of the true meaning, i remember reading it here...what is the true meaning again, anyone? what does the hair and baby powder symbolize?
tila is not giving the full story, she is making stepanie germanotta aka lady gaga appear as if she mindfully 'sold her soul to the devil'...doesnt she understand the full concept of MK mind control???
i think she cant tell the truth because they do not want her too, or maybe if she is programmed, this is so much to think about..
ehhhh!??! who knows
also lady gaga said this in rolling stone interview:
“I have this recurring dream sometimes where there’s a phantom in my home and he takes me into a room, and there’s a blond girl with ropes tied to all four of her limbs. And she’s got my shoes on from the Grammys. Go figure—-pyscho. And the ropes are pulling her apart. I never see her get pulled apart, but I just watch her whimper, and then the phantom says to me, ‘If you want me to stop hurting her and if you want your family to be OK, you will cut your wrist.’ And I think that he has his own, like, crazy wrist-cutting device. And he has this honey in, like, Tupperware, and it looks like sweet-and-sour sauce with a lot of MSG from New York. Just bizarre. And he wants me to pour the honey into the wound, and then put cream over it and a gauze.”
Hi I'm new here.. don't know much about MK and such but very interested about the subject. I have a few questions for anyone who has a few minutes to spare:
Some of you were talking about the Milk campaign; care to share what's wrong with it?
Does anyone know why is Amanda Bynes quitting acting?
Also has anybody noticed there are so many songs about 'December'? Thanks.
oh yeah, and tila is showing pics of the all seeing eye thing everyone is doing, well, look what we have here
darn i hate that we have to wait now to see our comments! why cant people just be proud enough to step away rather than continuosly post comments which will obviously be deleted? now its like a chicken without his head, we cant read other peoples comments and respond back to them...hope it gets back to normal soon...
this is a crazy story:
Hey Lori
That'a good one there with Miss "Hero Patriot" Tequila busting out a 666 for the camera!
Disinfo double agent sorta thing is what she appears to be at this point.
@Lori I think all this what Tila posted is what I remember reading on VC just slightly difirent,not sure if VC is even aware that all what he wrote is now being used as disinfo.
Lori thanks for sharing the snippet of the Rolling Stone interview with Lady Gaga, that dream is seriously creepy when considered in the light of possible MK programming.
As for Tila Tequila, I didn't even know who she was until I started reading the blog comments here so I'm not sure what to make of her. She strikes me more as an attention whore than an MK Victim or disinfo merchant (much like our resident trolls now that I think of it) I just hope she doesn't join us here because things can get confusing with two Tequilas onboard.
Thanks for the blog.
I enjoyed the thoughtful comment about the calousness of MK celebrity bashing. Hopefully with enlightenment comes love to heal our sick society. I also was disturbed by that Shutter Island movie and it's themes. In particular I remember a satanic head painted on the wall in the cell with the 'supposedly' innocent abused prisoner.
Guys, this idiot has no limits:
How much abuse for the champion?
No doubt about it, seems like Jolie is truly insane and that is not a condition that improves with wealth, fame and power; quite the contrary.
As a big tennis fan, I knew a few things about Capriati's antics, but it sounds like she's really gone off the deep end now. Could it also be programming breaking down? She's about that age now, I suppose. Very sad.
@ anon...angelina jolie shiloh wants to be a boy.....excerpt, quote from article on contactmusic.com about it...
She (angelina jolie) adds, "(She's)(shiloh) goofy and verbal, the early signs of a performer... I used to get dressed up in costumes and jump around. But at some point, I got closed off, darker. I don't remember anything happening. I think you just get hit with the realities of certain things in life, think too much, start to realise the world isn't as you wished it would be, so you deepen. Then, as I had kids and got older - being goofy, lighter - it all came back."
what happened to make her get closed off and darker i wonder??? MK programming maybe???
hey zarqaad i will look for your thursdays child blog that is good that you are making your own blog. to ralph, the milk thing is about dehumanization. they are wearing cowbells and leashes which is very dehumanizing. i dont know why amanda bynes is quitting acting?? it is strange tho, she is only 24...but then again, do they ever quit acting? i thought jay-z was supposed to retire a few times but he never went away...so who knows?
i do think tila is disinfo. that lady gaga commercial, the hello kitty is symbolic of kitten programming, not starting them out young, although she is right, they do start programming them at young ages, i do believe she is a disinfo agent however because everyone views her as a crazy lady anyways...
is that why you started calling yourself tequila heel of tequila? haha!
the point i was trying to make of tila coming here is because of my own reasons but i dont feel like explaining now....sigh!
oh again on a new show on adult swim last night, they said POISON on it and had a drink with poison on it! ha!!! it makes me feel special! ha!!!
oh some strange quotes from the angelina article:
she was explaining her kids...
"And twins Knox and Viv (who turn 2 next month)? They're "classic boy and girl," says the actress. "Shes really female. And hes really a little dude."
classic boy and girl? its like she treats her kids as items in a catalogue! shiloh is just like a little boy, (is there some sort of gender confusing program out there? it just makes me think. my sister was a tomboy too, but still, its all so weird)
Says the mom, "I got back from work last night, and everybody was playing music and dancing and I suddenly found myself dancing around with a bunch of little fun crazy people."
its like she wants a batch of very different but colorful little fun "crazy people"
it makes me think of angelina jolie flying a plane which is trafficking drugs...
everything is so bizarre...i would like to learn more but it is so tough to sort through!!??!!
Yes, CAPRIATI turned 34 this April, so its about time to say so...
i have a question, something i always wondered upon reading all this...
of course i have heard of MPD however before i read this, i never imagined the source came from WELL PLANNED traumatic experiences. i understand that if someone was horrifically abused as a small child, then yes of course they will develop MPD, but sometimes it isn't at the hands of project monarch or MK ultra, it is because they are a victim of bad parents, abuse, power etc...(its not all because of monarch etc)...
anyways, we think of these celebrities, singers, and actors that we are reading about here. while they seem normal with normal personalities, they are photographed with some very telling symbolisms, aka the covering one eye up, devil horns, shattered glass, mirrors, black/white duality, butterflies etc...yet like i said it is hard to see them with multiple personalities.
if someone suffers from MPD, what do they feel? what do they experience? is it like an internal switch goes off and then they lose track of time, and waken minutes, maybe hours later, without memory of what they were doing, amnesia? dont they question it?
i am just having trouble understanding..?..i would definately question periods of lost time if that has ever happened to me, and believe me, getting drunk and blacking out is very scary, so blacking out and not being drunk would be even MORE scary...wouldnt you think?
i dont know? i would just like to know. i guess i should try and read more books on MPD and DID, just wondering if anyone has any sort of answer...especially concerning these celebrities who supposedly have MPD...im not trying to say i think they all do, because i read it here, but i do believe in project monarch and electroshock, all that breaks apart someone into several different programs and compartments, its just that they seem like they have their normal personalities??? the only true thing we have seen so far is the britney thing, with her 'alter egos' as they call it...
also, tila tequila whatever she calls herself is going on celeb rehab 4, (i thought she wasnt going to be on it..who knows) it makes me think, what really goes on there now? is that some sort of programming. i think tila has some sort of drug addiction, however i do not think that is her core problems. she has a sociopathic, histrionic, narcissistic disorder...she is part of reality tv so she even brags about how she will be a 'firecracker POW BOOM!' on the show...yes it is about ratings come on now! if she truly wanted treatment, why go on a show which airs off on vh1? a show which shows reality show trainwrecks right AFTER they have celebrity rehab on...you know?
she is doing it to get on tv again, plus they all get payed, but maybe, maybe hidden programming takes place there too?
also, is venus still posting? i do like to hear what she has to say even tho now our comments are disabled. i always try to listen to everything and make judgement on my own...
it always makes me wonder...
oh nevermind, she decided to do her european tour instead of CR4...
ahh who knows than?
Lori, Venus hasn't yet posted anything since I turned on comment moderation (neither has Donny), depending on if she comes back with the same old claptrap I may or may not publish her comments.
hmm...well it looks like donny hasnt made a new post on his blog in quite some time, the last one is the one about this site...if he really cared with a passion like he claims he does, than he should not worry about what anyone thinks and continue to post new posts. he used to have like, five or six new posts a day. for some reason, i dont think he is going to make any new posts on his blog, which is kind of telling...but due to his irate nature, i hope he doesnt harm himself...he has joked about it in the past..
its kind of funny how that person knew who anonymous was before they admitted it was venus...
i know lori, i wanted to make a blog, well its kind of random right now, i just like to write whatevers on my mind n this blogger program works on my dads pc, myspace n facebook are not.... i cant even send no message or write on myspace...i sent you a big long one other day off my fone n it dissapeared....i wonder sometimes when the messages dissapear...where do they go? it was saying the mssg was sent but its not in my sent box n u aint reply so i know u never got it..
I like writing but for some reason cant keep a diary....lool...i like this blogger thing I dont care if anyone actually reads it....i was born on a thursday...
Angelina jolie...okay ever since i read that comment the other day about gem programming and her emerald earings and emeralds meaning drug trafficking i just have these images too of her flying her private jet around smuggleing coke, or something, in her big emerald earings...it just sounds nuts, like i was telling my dad all this stuff the other day n he was listening, i mean he's into ufo's n all that but dont think he really buys all this, but just when i was explaining it, it sounded crazy...bwoy...
Brad pitt was with jennifer aniston for years before he got with angie, i always thought brad n jennifer looked like brother and sister...
John travolta flies a private jet too..is he a drug smuggler??? is he MK'd?
N no Ones commented what they think about des o'connor, michael barrymore n bruce forsythe and paul o grady ect...those big british stars...im just intrested....i know what you mean lori its sooo confusing and nuts..
lool lori it was me that guessed it was venus writing as anonymous..i wrote that cos i was reading bens blog back when all the venus thing was going on, actually that was around the time i first got into bens blog n started reading the comments n i dont know just straight away i could tell it was her same writing style, n then when she started going on about people getting pushed out of here and sexually explicit content, i just KNEW....because that was exactly the same stuff she was spouting on about before....so i decided to post it n see...n i was in stitches when she answered using her psydonm (is that spelt right) venus in pieces....i couldnt believe i was right...i think its cos ive read sooo much letters in my time....used to clocking writing styles....poor ben, i just dont know why she feels so strongly for...its like shes got some vendetta against him and i dont get it? whats he ever done to her?? i mean she held onto that grudge for weeks reading this blog obv waiting for an opportunity to start...why?...its ridiculous...and ben doesnt just delete comments where people slag him off and leave other comments where others are slagged off, ive read this blog and comments a while now n seen comments where people cuss ben, he leaves em, this is the internet, and like i said before, for someone whos supposed to have lived the life she documents in her blog, shes very easily shocked and offended....i dont get it...come on if she lived that life she would know how people go on and especially on the web, its all anonymous really, like i said in my other comment as anon, no one truely knows who anyone is on here, so how can you take personally or get upset over anything anyone says, and personally i havent read anything in the comments section that makes me feel that people here are anything she accuses them, then maybe i am just very thick skinned, and not as easily shocked or offended as she....??!!
who knows......mwwwaaaahhhhh x
you know, i am reading some of the comments left on tilas illuminati post and people are so blind and ignorant. they try to justify what they see, it is unbelievable how no one even QUESTIONS these symbolisms and hidden meanings. granted, tila is disinfo, but wouldnt you think this should raise more concern for people to go and do their own research? people are idiots who would rather hate of tila or anyone for that matter instead of finding out more info themselves! so no matter how much info is leaked and exposed, people for the most part are ignorant and clueless and do not care to know or learn anything. this is humanity my friends. nice huh? and in the comments, they keep linking back to her letter to "them" begging them to take her. yes but they can try to raise awareness. i have and i saw that my comment got a few thumbs down, because i did not call tila a stupid attention whore etc. i just dont understand anymore how blinded everyone is!??!!
also, in that lady gaga commercial, someone pointed out she used a johnson and johnson product. wasnt casey johnson heiress of johnson and johnson? yes, she was. what did that mean, when she put a peice of her hair in the can and then some johnson and johnson baby powder in it?
hmm....im not sure but i did just respond back to one of your messages, zarqaad...
i would like to find out more about that one person you said who got all the plastic surgery.
has anyone noticed how megan fox now looks much older than 23? she seems to have gotten alot of plastic surgery too. now she looks fake...
i notice how i read here and on LVB's blog too, about models and their 'lost eyes'. well how come tyra, who was also said to have lost eyes, she always talks about 'smyzing'...meaning, smiling with your eyes. she made that term up...
i admit, smiling eyes are so much nicer and warmer than lost dead eyes....sadly enough :(
i think venus brought the donny thing up because he is an unsavory character DUE TO HIS WHINING etc, that is why he was banned. ben was not deleting his comments until others had asked him too. he did apologize about the remark had it caused misunderstanding with the whole demi lovato/twitter thing..and he did fix it, yet donny was still complaining etc...it really was just a distraction from a good discussion and what not..
i havn't seen the lady gaga advert/commercial...i would like to....that sounds strange putting her hair in the can and then putting johnson n johnsons powder on it.....yes casey johnson was the heiress, but she'd been cut off, when they went to her house after she died it was in a right state if i can remember dont quote me but im sure i read something about the power was cut off or she had a debt on it n the pool was dried out n full of rubbish......casey johnson was tila tequilas girlfriend/ fiance as well.......casey had an adopted daughter but she didnt live with her, caseys parents had guardianship of the child......
Back to gaga....peoplewho are into those things use hair in black magic, vodoo, witchcraft and charm spells, stuff like that.......
Really people??? "Megan's first film role, after being strictly raised in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (lots of military stuff/history going on there, always a clue,"
Get your facts right Megan Fox grew up in a mobilehome park , she is trailer trash at its best! Trying to capitalize on the same motif as Angelina Jolie, tats, crazy rants, etc etc. same old ways to get noticed by the paps. These woman are fame whores to the first degree, nothing more.
And to the person posting about Tila Tequila, really...that woman is a mess becuase of her own doing, drugs and wanting to be famous so bad she is willing to be photographed while a tampon string hangs out of her coochie, and yes she was alone while the video was rolling on her laptop. All these woman just want fame, money and attention any which way it comes. It has nothing to do with some secret society, and if it did exist they would want any of these two bit hookers ho strolling for them..good lord trailer trash is the last thing on the Illuminati mind.. That is why thy are called MONARCHS becuase they are supposedly from blue bloods not trailer trash hicks from the south lol And Tila Tequila, good lord, there are millions like her in Asia, nothing special there....
Great comments.
About your MPD/DID questions, I would recommend you first read Ben's post (if you haven't already) called "The Art of Dissociation", which is about a lady who is a real, documented case; very disturbing, especially the symbolism in her artwork that is painted by one of her alters that is apparently a child level personality. You can learn a lot from that post, her therapist's work and writings, Dr. Valerie Sinason, who I have read a lot about and mentioned here.
She has tons of experience in this area. I think mostly she began helping disabled children who were victims of sexual and violent abuse (if you can imagine how sick someone must be to do that to mentally / physically disabled chldren), and something that I hadn't thought of before I read her is how she explains that it ends up being very similar to all the cases of Satanic and other ritual abuse cases, in the sense that people generally don't believe the children when they tell what has happened to them. In the case of disabled children, Down's syndrome, among others, people somehow think "I don't believe anyone would sexually abuse them, because just LOOK at them, they aren't even attractive, who would want to have sex with THAT??" Sad, huh? Those poor kids also make the best targets for that very reason, too, because the predators (parents or otherwise) know that even if they somehow manage to be able to explain to someone that they have been raped or abused, no one is going to believe them, because they are "retarded", not to mention "unattractive".
It's a very ugly world, which is why very few doctors even want to get involved, much less specialize in it for a lifetime. It also doesn't pay nearly as well as a private practice, talking to rich people about their marriage problems or drug addictions, etc.
She also talks about something that most people never think about, which is that many doctors of psychiatry/psychology cannot handle dealing with cases like these, because it is so f-ing heartbreaking that it destroys them down mentally. Imagine hearing about the ugliest kinds of sexual and violent abuse of the most innocent victims, day in and day out - how strong would you have to be do get out of bed and and go to that job every day?? It is traumatic even for shrinks just to hear about this sh!t and even causes them to have dissociative reactions - and these things didn't even happen to them!
That's how serious and powerful dissociative traumas really are.
As for your one question, yes people can have MPD/DID and not even really be aware of it. It is said that some of the "core" personalities may know that others exist, but I a lot of the time, the alters are completely "firewalled" off from the others, and have no idea they exist, or communication with any others. This is one of the ways that shrinks know which cases are real - different personalities within the same person have different opinions, memories, experiences, vocal styles, handwriting and even speak different languages than other alters. How freaky is that?? Paul Bonacci is one example of this that I've mentioned before.
He is for 100% real, and so is the lady in Ben's article "The Art of Dissociation."
Anyway, I hope this helps and gives you some good learning resources. Go into the Publications section, there are a lot of really good things to read there. Just be warned that it is very harsh reality, both with the disabled children and the Satanic ritual abuse. It would be best to just read a bit, and then take a break from it now and then, and come back to it later. Don't drive yourself nuts all at once, because as she says, this stuff has even driven many doctors away from it crying like babies. Take it slowly and carefully. :)
erghh i hate that we now have comment moderation....now we have to wait till who knows when!!???!!!!
on craig ferguson (its on but im not really paying attention) but i noticed the actress mentioned his snake mug and showed her own snake ring, then she mentioned his white rabbit and then she said it is like she was stepping through the looking glass.
the actress is Jane Adams...
I dont know about u, but it seems kinda fishy song to me...
shawty's love is like a pyramid
we stand together till the very end
there'll never be another love for sure
iyaz and charice here we go
stones heavy like the love you've shown
solid as the ground we've known
and i just wanna carry on
we took it from the bottom up
and even in a desert storm
sturdy as a rock we hold
wishing every moment froze
now i just wanna let you know
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
cold never ever when you're close
we will never let it fall
a story that was never told
something like a mystery
and every step we've took we grown
look how fast the time has flown
the journey to the place unknown
we're going down in history
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid girl i'ma show you
that i love you so much that we're gonna get through
even when it storms i will never go
i'ma be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after
pyramid... keep it going...
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
Yes, it does kinda suck.
But Ben's doing his best, and until we get all the kinks out of doing IP bans, this is the best way to temporarily control the trolls. lol
And when you get frustrated about it, just remember that moment, and be sure to direct all your anger and disgust at the 2 trolls who made it necessary by behaving like fools for weeks and months.
Lori I just started calling myself Tequila because I was thirsty and posting and needed a name. I hope I don't sound like a crazy disinfo agent! (I was joking about her coming here, I don't care what she does really)
Back to lady gaga... about this thing with the hair and the baby powder, I haven't seen it but hair can be symbolic of thoughts emanating from the mind if that's any help. Maybe she's symbolically compartmentalizing a piece of her mind in the can? I'm clueless about what the baby powder could signify though without actually viewing it.
I disagree with anonymous who thinks the illuminati wouldn't touch trailor trash. I'm pretty sure they'll use whoever and whatever suits their purposes trailor trash or not. And besides, it's true that money doesn't always buy good taste.....
Now that things are almost back to normal around here I'm going to revert to posting as an anonymous info sharer so toodles & I'll see y'all round like the rim of a shot glass!
The comment moderation might suck but fuck it's nice reading some normal conversation for a change.
thanks LVB i am going to read that site and what she wrote. yes i did read the art of dissaciation and it is very disturbing.
here is the lady gaga the brain commercial i kept talking about:
@Lori Lol VC told Tila that she's stealing his stuff,as I've said.He already wrote about the brain commercial.
Thanks you must be talking about the russian milk ads. But I heard rumors about the american campaign being demeaning too although the girls don't wear bells and stuff; just a milk mustache and I don't get it.
"Thanks you must be talking about the russian milk ads. But I heard rumors about the american campaign being demeaning too although the girls don't wear bells and stuff; just a milk mustache and I don't get it."
Quick guess:
milk = semen
semen on woman's face = aftermath of a blowjob
Blowjobs tend to be considered demeaning to the giver.
I haven't seen the American ones but I guess it is possible to take it that way, though I'd probably look at it and just see milk mustaches.
Lady Gaga as a man
(alter ego Jo Calderon)
And another Hollyweird sex offender...
I'm one of the people who left this blog right after Brenda left. She and a handful of other people were worth reading but the trolls were destroying this blog.
Ben, I came back today to see if anything was different, and except for LVB, Tommy and Chris, it's not. You seem to have lost your "mojo" and with that disinterest (whatever you're going through), you have lost touch with this blog as well.
Personally (and it's just my opinion) I think you spend far too much time pandering to idiots like Donny and trying to pacify these obvious mental cases. Don't keep trying to make these nuts happy. Cut them off. Remove their posts. All the crazies like Donny and other trolls are doing are degrading your hard work here.
I totally get it that after Uni, you're tired and want to chill and not engage in anything more pressing than a cup of tea and a long nap. Been there, done that. But if this blog ain't trippin' your trigger, end it. Move on. I personally think the subject matter (while VALID AND TRUE) does something to the psyche after awhile that almost worms itself into each of our minds and makes us think, "What the fuck am I doing? What's the point? Life sucks."
I know that's how I was feeling after following your blog for nearly 18 months. And while the probing posts by people like Brenda who obviously is highly intelligent and took the TIME to respond to people with respect and kindness, the rest of it is just like too much candy....you start to feel sick after a lot of it.
Chris Knowles over at The Secret Sun is someone I've taken to following on a daily basis now. Much more esoteric but not with that "the sky is falling, life is fucked" sense. And Chris WILL NOT POST ANY COMMENT that is rude, off topic, etc. He states that on his comment section. Go over and read it and you'll see what I mean. You post a comment on his blog and HE READS IT BEFORE POSTING IT. Is that censorship? Hell if I care. It's called taking a tight rein of your baby (your blog) and making sure the integrity stays true to form. THAT WAY you don't end up with the mess that's become the comment section here.
And while I'm not sure, I think Brenda is over at The Secret Sun too, posting under a different name. Can't be certain but some of the info I've read, jives with what she talked about here.
I totally get it that after Uni, you're tired and want to chill and not engage in anything more pressing than a cup of tea and a long nap. Been there, done that. But if this blog ain't trippin' your trigger, end it. Move on. I personally think the subject matter (while VALID AND TRUE) does something to the psyche after awhile that almost worms itself into each of our minds and makes us think, "What the fuck am I doing? What's the point? Life sucks."
I know that's how I was feeling after following your blog for nearly 18 months. And while the probing posts by people like Brenda who took the TIME to respond to people with respect and kindness, the rest of it is just like too much candy....you start to feel sick after a lot of it.
Chris Knowles over at The Secret Sun is someone reading on a daily basis now. Much more esoteric but not with that "the sky is falling, life is fucked" sense. And Chris WILL NOT POST ANY COMMENT that is rude, off topic, etc. He states that on his comment section. Go over and read it and you'll see what I mean. You post a comment on his blog and HE READS IT BEFORE POSTING IT. Is that censorship? Hell if I care. It's called taking a tight rein of your baby (your blog) and making sure the integrity stays true to form. THAT WAY you don't end up with the mess that's become the comment section here. (Hey, I see that you've just enabled comment moderation...GOOD FOR YOU. BUT remove that comment about Donny and Venus. Don't give them the power, brother. No need to apologize either. Read what Chris Knowles writes on his comment box. This is YOUR blog. You don't have to cow-tow to anyone.)
And while I'm not sure, I think Brenda is over at The Secret Sun too, posting under a different name. Can't be certain but some of the info I've read, jives with what she talked about here.
I was confused which parts of your comments to publish but yeah I agree for the most part and I think I get your overall sentiment (sorry I think I messed up the consistency of your comments), having to respond to and deal with all of the trolling and whatnot has ground me down a lot over the past months, I can't deny that, I may leave comment moderation on for many of the reasons you have said (Chris' example is certainly a good one I feel). I probably need a break due to the anxiety caused by it too, going away for two weeks with family on holiday in late July will do me good I think, so hopefully... maybe I will get my "mojo" back, as you aptly put it after then. Appreciate the comment.
Twilight’ actor is bloodline descendant of Dracula, related to Prince Harry, Bush, Cheney… and Cousin Barry
I look forward to your new posts Ben!
At the risk of being brutally (yet semi-legitimately) attacked by my Serbian friend, Aleksandra, (for "sucking up" or "kissing ass") lol I would just like to say a few words about the "Former Follower"'s comment to Ben re: "mojo lost?"
This thing we all do is a strange confluence of art, critical thinking, philisophy, psychology, stupidass celeb/musician mocking, and just plain old human banterting about ideas...which may
very well be the best part!!
Regardless of what any other person reading the words within an article (Ben's, VC's, or one of mine), just try to remember that a person had many things going on simlutaneously at (physically, mentally, financially, sexually TMI?? lol) at the time. Well, anyway, the point being, that the author is only human.
Cranking out some of these things just flows like a dream, and others are more of a struggle, what to say, how to say it, how to not say too much all at once...etc
Just please keep us in your minds and hearts, all of you, and know that we really do the best we can give you some pretty good articles, as often as we can.
It's not as easy as one might think to crank these out like cookie cutter articles, and I really think you wouldn't be at all satisfied if we did. So, give Ben his time. He needs it, he's earned it, and therefore he shouldn't need to beg for it, by any means.
Perhaps I'll try to fill the void while he's on holiday, although I do actually have a bunch of crap of me own to do, but nonetheless I will try to overcome those obstacles and pump out some words of wisdom that will be worthy of all of your beautiful eyes - neurons - synapses.......
The main thing is just that these are difficult subjects, and we all need to recognize when it is time to take a break. And perhaps even moreso, just don't let it become your primary focus in everyday life, because that can bring you to the burnout "fuck it" stage just as quickly. I don't want that to happen to any of us, if possible, at least not in any permanent way.
Praise Ben's multitiude of kickass work in the past in order to motivate him for his future - do not dwell on the present, and above all else DO NOT ever tell any writer (song, book, etc.) that they need to write faster. Speed is the demon of creative genius and quality writing, not to mention the very creative tasks involved in researching these things (at least in my own experience).
Let Ben be Ben, Vig be Vig, and I will be me, LVB.
One way or another, I'm sure all of us are going to give you new things to think about and blow your hungry minds, just give it some time to brew... :)
When I started on another blog, I felt almost immediately that push-pull demand of people wanting new stuff daily. While I can certainly understand that, I just sort of knew instinctively that it wasn't for me. So, to do that, put out that quantity of material on a daily or near daily basis, you almost have to have at least a partner, or a small team of writer, research assts, etc.
In my case, I have found solace now in just being me. As much as I get a kick out of the milions of hits on VC when I publish there, you also just get more of that same huge level of expectation and demands from the "masses" wanting new stuff, more stuff, MORE!!!!
It's funny how that works, and not altogether different from other things I've done, like being involved in bands and all that goes along with that.
The bottom line is just that we can't make everyone happy all the time, so we have to try (at least try) to find some happy medium where we can keep quite a few of the best, loyal people content, and somehow also keep ourselves satisfied, emotionally, physically and financially (which this gig really sucks for btw) LOL
Cheers to Mighty Ben!!
Ben - I don't mind at all that you've turned on comment moderation, personally I see it doing alot more good than bad. Please take your time with your blog, hopefully reading through our comments before you post them will give you a little more incentive to get your ideas out to us. I can understand being anxious over the whole donny and venus thing, that whole thing was the epitome of the word clusterfuck. It was even stressful for me and I only comment here.
We all love your ideas and the way you express them, but there are other things we can read in the meantime so don't worry about losing readership.
Mel will be destroyed in the media for this far worse than Alec Baldwin or anyone else has ever
been, and thus all Christianity will be dragged in with him, due to his relationship with 'The Passion' movie - see how that works?
They've kinda got this game all figgered out by now, and dummies like Mel Gibson certainly don't help matters much. lol
As always, you've crystallized my thoughts more perfectly than even I probably could have. :)
Have a wonderful holiday weekend, everyone. Happy Independence Day
to all of you, from a loud and very proud American!!
F King George III, his lineage and his modern day equivalent, King Barry Soetoro, and so many others who make up the elite ruling class scum of this earth!!
Regarding MEL's rantings about Jews, all was/is just another trick for more attention or to dstract it. Many persons from his staff are Jews, including bodyguards, ao u get the picture. More than this, there are rumors saying Oksana is Jewish too. What has MEL to do with another tool of opression/brainwashing, namely the Xtian religion? That bloody (literally) shit called THE PASSION? His hypocrisy mabe? Get real...
Another famous Soutk Korean star's suicide:
this is interesting from the comments, i don't follow this thing for myself, but i'm big fan of the guy(mainly 80s), and even if he said what he said he had all the right to do it (we have freedom of opinions, do we? and do he said something wrong, Rothshilds are Jews and they made wars)...
by Sweetnut
Posted Thu, 07/01/2010 - 10:17pm
I tend to believe this, maybe it's really hatred from the Jews for Passion and all in all just another distraction...this whole Mel Jew rant was made up by TMZ, and TMZ according to Courtney Love is handled/owned by top Illuminati lawyers...and about Oksana she is for me clearly a gold digger...
anon and jerry
Grea points there.
As a person with some investigation background, I am just wondering, for starters, when did this alleged incident occur? Like recently, past few days, or what? Because, as I see it, anything serious enough to have involved punching a woman in the mouth and knocking out teeth would be an automatic "cops there right now" kind of situation, wouldn't you think? And he would've been arrested right then and there, dealt with.
So, if we're seeing that she is just claiming this later, after having shopped the tape around to the highest bidder, THEN we have a whole different story, don't we?
Mel is still screwed either way, I'm afraid, but maybe he can go on Larry King like Dog the Bounty Hunter and cry like a big lying pussy and say, "Kids, your uncle Mel did wrong. Now don't you kids never ever use that N word, ya hear me?!!" sniff
@10:00 regarding robert pattinson
i can't decide whether thats true or just made up bs for publicity of the latest film?
I lost count how many times they said some personalities are related to my voivod, Vlad. How much truth is in all these? Not too much truth in it, Id say. But the attention and publicity matters, u see... PATTINSON, the TWILIGHT series, dark hero related to Vlad, another supposedly dark hero. Connect the dots. Bullsh*t! I said it before and I say it again now: the Dracula myth is zero and has nothing to do with Vlad. It was just an idiot's imagination, namely Bram Stoker's.
yeah i think you're right, C.
i would love a twilight post though ben (hint hint!)
@croeswaltsjdjwakd whatever your daft screen name is
you know, despite all this people 'waking up' business there's still SO many brainwashed individuals out there. it saddens me. just been chatting to my american pal and he said that he didn't think george bush was that bad. i mean what the fuck
you can't even begin to explain stuff to a person like that urghh it bugs me!
very interesting article on david beckham's tattoos!
Check this out too:
"just been chatting to my american pal and he said that he didn't think george bush was that bad. i mean what the fuck
you can't even begin to explain stuff to a person like that urghh it bugs me!"
Dude, if you don't live in the states, you have no idea. It's a completely pointless endeavor to even bring up any of these subjects with 99.9% of the populace. They are all completely satisfied with the way things are and only react to things that they are commanded to by the media. They just want their steak and video games after their 12 hour work shifts.
he also said that conspiracies like the illuminati are dumb oh and on facebook he 'liked' fox news.
I will tell you one interesting thing, though...I used to have a cat named Vlad the Impaler, and he literally kicked everyone's ass and never lost a battle. Not one.
If he were still around he could take that wimpy Pattinson guy's skull off his pencil neck in about 2 seconds...just sayin yaknow HE mighta been related to the real Vlad. LOL
You know what's funny is that barely anybody talks about Twilight and the Twilight saga. I just watched Eclipse and I noticed that it kind of seems like it's about mind control. You kind of need to watch the movie to understand this, but they talk about Victoria is using the vampire army as puppets, to get revenge on Edward for killing James. She's 'pulling the strings'. And they refer to people that have just became vampires as 'newborns', which is like they're being rebirth-ed.. Jus like what happens to Beyonce in Crazy In Love video. Beyonce to Sasha Fierce, Eminem to Slim Shady... Pretty much Sasha is symbolization of a person possessd by evil to gain success. Also, when the vampires kill other vampires, they do it like the other ones are mannequins, they LOOK like mannequins. Just watch how Edward kills Victoria, her head gets broken off her body and she totally looks like a mannequin. I think the rebirth thing is the birth of a new alter, I might be wrong about this part but Im sure it's related to some kind of mind control.. I did pay attention to any symbols too much like butterflies in the movie but there's a possiility there were some symbols. There's prolly more to this but that's all I caught, it's interesting though, maybe Im right maybe it Is about mind control, you should make an article or post (or whatever you call these) on this.
Oh and btw, from the same person talking about Twilight, the Volturi or whatever is like a secret cult/ society/ group. And vampires in twilight are supposed to be so 'beautiful', luring people in.
Can you pleaaase make an article about twilight I feel like it has symbolism such as the ones you always talk about there's just something weird about that series. And please, no Christian bullshit.. Sorry if you get offended. A reply would be appretiated. Like NOBODY on the Internet is talking about twilight and it's possible reference to mind control and the illuminati so can you please cover this. I say no Christian bullshit becuz some of us are not Christian , I saw articles and videos about how christianity should not Think twilight is acceptable bcuz of vampires, blah blah, that's not what I'm talking about tho. I'm talking about mind control.
Hey Ben.
I feel these Donny/Venus characters are just trying to tire you out so you don't get a chance to work on other posts.
I'm not sure what I can say other than ignore them... which you are actively doing.
Sometimes I feel you shouldn't focus too much on the comments or put up a comment "time limit" like a day or a couple of days or even a week if you feel like it and then THAT'S IT so you can focus.
You're obviously very intelligent and capable and observant and seems a lot of people just don't like that. As for empathy, I think you're extremely empathetic from your postings but having a sense of humor about some stuff when you see it in and out for years on end will happen whether one likes it or not. I mean, I don't see much trolling going on at Celtic Rebel (as an example) but maybe he moderates more? I don't know.
By the way, I tried watching your interview but apparently you need to sign up (pay) for it at Red Ice and I can't at the moment. Is your interview available on Youtube or another video site?
All the best and I will keep checking back to read your posts.
- Nami
has anyone ever seen this film, called Sybil? its about a girl with MPD, i'm just about to watch it now. i only know about it because it was the inspiration behind the tears for fears album name, 'songs from the big chair'...interesting huh?
Hey Ben, just curious. WHERE HAVE YOU DIED TO??
re: Dave Chapelle
I've always loved the guy's humor and miss his show. I have tons of respect for his work and what he did (or at least what I think he did) in walking...running away from the supremely f-ed up entertainment business without regrets - and even moreso, talking about it pretty openly, considering the circumstances.
I like this person's comment posted on the site where C's link is: (it's written in "Aussie" but I think most people can figure it out LOL) :)
"his concerns may be genuine.
the guy left a 50 million show and did a runner, because of the way certain people wanted the show to go and what they wanted him to promote.
because he spoke up about the evils of hollywood and the unsavoury practises, he will be targeted and made out to be the next looney. mark my words, this is an intelligent man, do not believe a word of what you read, the disinforamtion agents are out to get him!"
From what I know of "the biz" and the scum of the earth people running it, I couldn't agree more.
They don't like it one bit when people start telling the truth - the real truth of things. Sure, celebs can write all the "tell all" books they want to about other celebs and drug use, sexual perversions, etc., but try writing one about the filthy inner workings of top execs at Paramount, Sony or whoever - and watch what happens.
You'll never beat them at their own game - lawyers and mass media character assassination. It's their specialty, and God help you if you ever get on the wrong end of it.
Whatever it is that's going on with him, I wish him well. He may very well be self-medicating to cope, who knows?
I get the feeling he may be one of few who have maybe seen a little too much on the inside, and are probably scared sh!tless.
Anyone else noticing any glitches with comments since moderation? The total number of comments seems to be fluctuating and it seems harder to navigate through the swathes.
RE: Twilight. I haven't seen any of that drivel but I can't help but feel that the whole thing has been put there to catch the minds of Harry Potter fans as they get older, they both seem to be promoted in the exact same way.
Absolutely dead on there re: Twilight.
Vampires and the occult repackaged as "bubblegum" cute boy heroes for the (mostly American I suspect?) teenage female target audience.
I haven't read or seen any of this rubbish either, but from what I understand, the author of the books is (so we are told) a very unlikely source - just some average housewife? Here are a few things I find interesting...
"Stephanie Meyer is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has stated that she is "straitlaced" about her beliefs, and does not drink alcohol or smoke.
Meyer, a Mormon, acknowledges that her faith has influenced her work. Meyer also steers her work from subjects such as sex, despite the romantic nature of the novels. Meyer says that she does not consciously intend her novels to be Mormon-influenced, or to promote the virtues of sexual abstinence and spiritual purity, but admits that her writing is shaped by her values, saying, "I don't think my books are going to be really graphic or dark, because of who I am. There's always going to be a lot of light in my stories."
Ok, so this supposedly "strict Mormon girl", who won't drink or smoke and doesn't want her stories to be sexual, has no problem whatsoever glamorizing the occult and vampires; undead creatures who feed on human blood? Have I got that right?? :)
(I would also recommend VC's article on the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, and take a good look at all of the symbolism there. I'm sure many people are aware of the links between the Mormon church and Freemasonry.)
So, anyway, I wouldn't be at all surprised to know that "her stories" have been heavily edited - if not completely re(ghost)written - to fit the goals of, shall we say, a very different agenda. Her original stories may be nothing more than the "germ of an idea" for what eventually reaches the drooling teenagers, who are swarming to the bait very much like the "Beatlemania" of the past, or as you said, the Harry Potter "witchcraft for kids" phenomenon.
Ultimately, money is always at the core, yes, but with so many other things that young minds will find adventurous and fun - why does it always seem to involve some form of the occult these days? And why are these things progressively being pushed to younger and younger audiences??
Two words that I've spoken about quite a bit in relation to mass media and psychological warfare = exposure and desensitization.
Food for thought.
re Chapelle: this is from comments section of celebitchy: I think he’s possibly got panic disorder or some anxiety disorder - who walks away from $50M unless they’re totally freaking out at all times?.
See? this is exactly the mentality of people out there, he refused tons of money, so he must be a nutcase...i'm curious about this South Africa mental health facility(programming centre? RPA is notorious for this), and he checked there himself?
and this is comment from TMZ (the centre of all smear campaigns) I think Dave is crazy - for part of his career, he was able to channel his crazy into comedy with great success,, this is bullshit, Dave was sane, clever just as Eddie Murphy in his standup days...they are destroying him right before our eyes...
Was this a warning for JEREMY PIVEN or what?
@ the chapelle story
I also read the comments below the story and I'm completely shocked how random people can just gossip around about mental illness and what 'caused the attack and so on as if they are qualified or have any knowledge about the topic.And based on what?Him rejecting money?
Here's an explaination of Twilight on encyclopedia dramatica,doesn't really have to be considered as relevant but it's funny tho.
OMG that thing about Twilight is the funniest sh!t I've read in a very long time! Thanks. lol
(for those who whine about stuff being "sadistic" "hateful" and "psychologically abusive", please look away NOW...)
re: Twilight
"Full of one-dimensional characters and completely devoid of originality, the series is comparable to reading the scribblings and shit stains of an epileptic downie coloring while a strobe light is being shone in its face. Avoid reading it at all costs."
i think maybe dave chappelle started panicking on that private jet perhaps, after all, if they want to kill someone, it happens alot on private jets. i do think they got to him. i am pretty sure they are messing with him.
hey i just wanted to mention that i just watched "the lovely bones" and i did notice a butterfly in the girls room and she also had butterflies on her shirt. the movie is about a girl who was murdered by her neighbour. just thought i would note...
word verification (i dont know!??!!) evilo
oh yeah i also wanted to say, i also watched the crazies the other day. i remember thinking something before about the preview when it said tigers...anyways, that movie seems to be like every other movie made to make us used to the idea of quarantined and genocide. are they trying to desensitize us to the idea? quarantine and zombified people appear alot in movies, from all the zombie movies, cloverfield, i am legend etc...and more....
oh i just saw this DROID commercial:
i dont trust cell phones especially all the newer ones. i might seem paranoid but i feel they have tracking devices and microphones and maybe cameras in them. why? oh because certain things that i have personally experienced....
oh by the way, there was a sprint commercial a while back, and in it is said, "this many people are texting about diapers" i know it was a generalization, but i was like, how do they know what they are texting about? also there is a new bing commercial. these bikers get lost and so they go to their cellphones and bing helps them. the one guy was like, "how does bing know where we are?"
it just stood out to me...
oh yeah, in the recent pictures of dave chappelle, he does have a different look in his eyes. perhaps he did go to a programming facility in south africa. very weird...
It's not far fetched at all about mobile comm devices - many already have GPS, and systems are also available for cars, using the idea that parents can keep track of where their kids are, to protect them, of course, but the potential for govt and private corp abuse there is pretty obvious.
And even without GPS, any cell phone, Blackberry etc that is turned on is emitting a signal that can be tracked to the nearest cell site/tower - which can get pretty close, and then with a little more time and equipt once the signal is triangulated between the 3 nearest cell sites, they have your exact location.
It's a bit different than the BS you see on shows like "24", but I can tell you with some inside knowledge that these things do exist, just as many new things have become available since 9/11 for roaming wiretaps on cell phones, etc. It's not so much the parts of "Patriot Act" that people fear so much, because most of those things already existed before 9/11 (like FISA warrants for counter-terrorism, etc.), but what is really new and dangerous are the technologies like Carnivore and Echelon (and much newer versions of digital telecomm sniffing for the web) that have the highest potential for abuse, especially with a president like we have currently, who is notorious for unethical methods against any and all perceived enemies - especially those within the United States, like US citizens.
It is all very dangerous in the wrong hands, and govt at the federal level has never been especially kind or loving. As
Jefferson said, govt is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
tmz has to know about what is going on with these celebrities, right? come on! they are in on it! anyways, i found this in the comment section on tilas site...basically the employees work long hard days and only make 500 a week...this is interesting..
"Do you happen to know anybody that works at TMZ? I do. As a matter of fact, I know the girl who broke the story that Michael Jackson had passed. She was good friends of the Jackson Family at the time. As a result, her news helped TMZ move from 750 in US Rankings, all the way to 150 within less than six months. This helped them to make at least $19 Million Dollars in Advertising Revenue that year. Do you think she was ever thanked? Or given a raise? No, she still made the same $500 a week all the way until she finally forced herself to quiet they're tyrannical ways."
Very good points about TMZ.
I can tell you that the @sshole "boss" guy on TMZ who just stands there with his trendy coffee cup and a constant smug look on his face always gave me a sick feeling. lol
So, yes, I think they are an evil and parasitic entity that feeds off an even more evil and parasitic industry. :)
I happened to see this one again in some sort of marathon over the holiday weekend. Very interesting and well done movie, and I also read the book, which was even better. The use of the butterfly symbolism as the central theme is amazing to me, as I had no idea about any of the Monarch stuff at the time this came out.
The FBI character, Jack Crawford, was loosely based on a real guy named John Douglas, who was the "OG" original profiler of serial killers, and started the FBI's Behavioral Sciences Unit. He has written several good books, which I've read most of. It's a very tough subject to deal with, obviously, but I highy recommend them to anyone who can handle it, and is interested in knowing more about the behavioral psychology of sociopaths. This sort of thing will also actually teach you a great deal about the mentality of those individuals involved in the various aspects of MK. How different is it, really, to kidnap and kill another human being's body, than to do the same thing with their mind?
Former member of Public Enemy speaks out against the Illuminati. I think he is another disinfo agent like Tila. Some of what he says is just flat out wrong (watches/D.C 10x10) and the guy interviewing him flashes the Jay Z rockafeller sign during the interview.
i just have a little insight to share...well, i have always had suffered from sleep paralysis, and i know fully well what it is and how it affects me. however, at the risk of sounding crazy, i will share that on three occasions something very weird happened. for some reason i would wake up, and i saw a holographic man wearing white with bright spray paint in the room with me. he picked something up by my pillow. anyways, i dont like to think about this stuff because it freaks me out, but last night i was watching the colbert report and they were talking about time travel. does anyone know anything about quantum physics? Michio Kaku
anyways, last night it happened again. i woke up out of nowhere and i caught a glimpse of a person standing next to me, and then he turned an orangey-reddish light and disappeared. i was afraid to fall back asleep. i kept hearing voices and the tv was not on but i heard them a commercial talking about "hooverrounds", hooverrounds are some sort of wheelchair that is electrical.
the interview starts at 18:35
interview here sorry
16:35 it starts...
The family of perverts strikes again:
Anyone else riled by these gratuitious "let's teach kids everything there is to know about sex" programs like the one being heavily promoted on channel 4 at the moment? Can't help but feel it's liberal crap being foistered on the masses, of course contributing to the sexualisation of minors. That Anna Richardson or whatever her name is is a despicable thing.
I never saw "Sybil", but was certainly aware of the reference in Songs From The Big Chair. What exactly is it about the chair? Is it a trigger for switching or is it where she feels most grounded?
yes, 'the big chair' is where sybil feels the most safe.
is your screen name a reference to the TFF song of the same name by any chance?
this is a youtube clip about the quarantine theme
i made this blog a while ago about adult swim.
i am going to make another one too and i will try to include more of the symbolisms i have took note of from their shows and bumps, and yes they do know who i am. i go on the forums every couple of days and i have been to events where they have said "poison" out of nowhere. i have tried to explain it but they do realize who i am and like messing around with me.
does anyone have any feedback on [adult swim]? i remember someone mentioned it might be some sort of psyops experiment? it has hit me personally DUE TO THINGS THAT HAVE REALLY HAPPENED AND OCCURED TO ME!
yes i will make a blog about it...
i was just researching about bohemian grove (in my newer posts in my blog) and they worship the owl molach. i just won the betty shotglass contest and it is a part of the adult swim forums. on the shotglass is an owl...
my blog about adult swim and moloch
my blog about bohemian grove
about night hallucinations, i experience that alot. i know i sound crazy, but last night i saw more holograms and heard noises. i do know what sleep paralysis is, but this was just different...i saw holograms in the room as me, and one of them was holding up some sort of wand.
@ Lori
You could try setting up a video camera or a web cam somewhere in you room. If there really is something happening then there is the possibility you will catch it on tape. That or what ever is doing it will leave you alone and you can get a some sleep.
sleep paralysis is so weird, i have a friend who suffers from it sometimes. it sounds scary as hell! i read up about it recently and in some countries they believe its the devil visiting you in your sleep or something. my friend has had people standing on his chest :/ the 'logical' explanation for it is lack of sleep though which i think i believe, because the last time he had it he had not slept for about 3 days. when was the last time you slept lori?
Cover Matt Damon, please? A reliable source tells me he's a Phoenix (male Monarch).
For starters, check out this movie-
The lead (Matt Damon), due to a chance encounter with someone he shouldn't have met, runs afoul of a group of men who literally control everything.
just now on family guy, the episode where it had pictures of the devil was on...also, sometimes i think that someone who works at adult swim programming schedule does mess around with me. i just made a post on the forums about play doh spaghetti, and they showed the king of the hill episode where he mentioned play doh spaghetti (it was the one where there is a character named Lori on it, so i kept hearing my name) maybe they left some subliminal hypnotic messages so i would think of play doh spaghetti, that happened to me before but i dont feel like explaining now...
a few more things happened on tonights programming but i dont feel like explaining it...just the usual weird "coincedences" but arent really...
oh earlier i made a blog about the simpsons and hidden msgs in it about illuminati and they aired the family guy devil one.
i do know they do say the episodes in advance, but they dont follow those schedules.
they have aired shows due to things i have said before...
just saw a sunkist commercial. made me think of sun worship...
ok so now on adult swim, they are playing the Skull and bones episode of family guy, this after i made my blogs about adult swim and simpsons illuminati signs...
i am going to make a thread about who makes the scheduling? they can easily put in a certain episode upon feeling like it...just so weird...
hey I KNOW!
Okay this was just freaky.
Activision Blizzard announced that they are planning to expand their RealID system to the World of Warcraft forums in an effort to crack down on harassment and trolling.
The RealID uses the players full name as a handle which can be used to communicate with people across different games.
Essentiallyif you post on their forums in the near future then you will also post your real name.
A Blizzard employee posted his real name to show that it isn't a big deal. . . and within an day or so his phone number, his wife's phone number, his employment history, his social security number, his home, and his parent's home were found on google maps and posted.
Anyway what the article doesn't say is that Blizzard Activision cut a very lucrative deal with Facebook to integrate and share systems with one another. The company is trying to hand over the personal information of their 11 million subscribers to facebook under the guise of keeping them safe from harassment.
But getting to the freaky part.
They just threw a huge party for E3 featuring Eminem and Rihanna.
And to show you all what kind of mindset is behind this, here is something from their CEO Bobby Kotick.
"The CEO's long-term vision, in his own words, is to instill the corporate culture with "skepticism, pessimism, and fear...We are very good at keeping people focused on the deep depression." "
Is it pretty safe to say whose side these people are batting for?
I dont know if this was posted before, but here I go:
i have thought about setting a camera up while i sleep i have also thought about taking a quick picture when i see the holograms but i am afraid too...i understand sleep paralysis is when you are frozen and cant move but when i see the holograms i am fully awake. i also hear noises in the room while i am fully awake. last night i was fine after i fell asleep (after all the weird 'coincedental' programming on adult swim)
i have had felt dogs biting me, dolls jumping on me, someone shaking me, whispering in my ear, i have seen skeletal smiling people, decapitated gorillas head...etc lots of freaky scary stuff during my sleep paralysis i have also astral projected a few times but i can differentiate between SP and being awake and seeing something. once i woke up and i seen a man standing there and i actually ran up the stairs and woke everyone up...it is freaky stuff but it really does happen
facebook definately does have an agenda. singer M.I.A. has said facebook spies on us. hey i know they do! i have a facebook but i blog alot on myspace, and hey, they sure as heck read my blogs! im not trying to sound conceited, but they know all about me! they do...
most likely, 'they' know aobut this site as well.
"the answers arent always at the bottom of the box, sometimes they are on tv"-homer simpson once said
weird i am watching dr. oz, (its on tv) why did dr. oz just quote homer simpson?
its Q&A time, i just found that weird..
yeah i suppose 'the answers' are on tv, be it subliminally, eh???
jerry beck
This one's for you - I'm betting these are somewhere in your mountain of 10,000 albums lol
I heard something today that triggered some good memories of this time in my life and even some relevant ideas here...
Spent some time in FLA with these guys recording "Slave to the Grind" album, good friend of mine was their mgr for years, etc.
She caught the melting sky.
It burned but still the winter passes by and by to the other side
A slow parade of wind that blows through trees that wilted
With the season's children
Are we saved by the words of bastard saints? Do we live in fear or faith?
Tell me now who's behind the rain
A maze of tangled grace
The symptoms of "for real" are crumbling from embrace
But still we chase...the shadows of belief
And new religion clouds our visions of the roots of our souls
Are we ashamed of our own fate?
Or play the fool for our own sake
Tell me who's behind the rain?
What do we need? Where do we go when we get where we don't know?
Why should we doubt the virgin white of fallen snow
When faith's our shelter from the cold?
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you
Quicksand Jesus I need you
Quicksand Jesus I believe you
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away
The phrase "Quicksand Jesus" is the "Jesus" that people turn to as a last resort when they are already in deep trouble, instead of living by faith, generally.
Here's another good one from those sessions, also with a deeper message, a little hint about MK, rebellion against NWO and the idea of "sacrifice". I messed with DS' preamp setup on this to get some of the nastiest guitar tones that I've ever heard. Good times. :)
Won't beg, won't bleed
The end of sacrifice is a threat
to society
Hard line, you'll see
Once you've made a mark, you've
made a threat to society
Ha, ha, thats a good one!
hi LVB yes, i'm aware of S.Bach status (he has other weird/telling lyrics check here http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/sebastianbach/angeldown.html)...he has rose tattoo which some researchers associate with rape marking (maybe that is too far fetched, but when he was young he was very feminine and all, maybe that's the sign of some kind of abuse, and he was lately in reality show Celebrity Fit Club humiliation)...what about his early handlers J.Bon Jovi (goat head on his right arm), he is lately frequent visitor of the white house (maybe he is new Paul Bonacci)...
PS. don't lol me on my 10k albums :)...it's only 1/8 of all hairmetal/AOR cd's out there, and in the 80s EVERYONE played melodicrock music, even Ridge Forrester from Bold And Beautiful LOL (check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOcI7eqDr5k)
For all I know, calling ur father the love of ur life is wrong in all ways. To GWYNETH PALTROW this is normal:
hey jerry B
First, I was not LOLing at u for having 10k albums in any bad way, I was more just laughing in a cool way like omg that's amazing. :)
Also, I know what u mean about SB, only thing is like with the couple of songs I mentioned (which I think are both very good btw), they are both written by Sabo and Bolan, not Bach.
Same guy I mentioned was mgr for pretty boy JBJ, don't even get me started talking about him and all his commie-crat white house pals LOL. I do like Sambora though, he's an ok guy and has all the talent in that band and a far better voice than Adonis BJ, if you've never heard Richie's solo stuff I recommend it.
does bin laden actually exist?
i've always thought he's just this fantasy character with a beard made up by the americans to instill fear into everyone
I would say at least that we know he DID exist, but I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that he was killed (or died of his kidney
disease) long ago. It's easy to see that keeping him "alive" in the minds of people via mass media serves the purpose of the ruling elite very nicely.
I'm thinking of releasing an article about the biggest media propaganda psyop I've ever seen, which was the coverage of the Bosnian/Kosovo confict. Started entirely by the US and UN via the World Bank and IMF policies in Yugoslavia, and then run by CIA with financing from the Saudi royal family, among others.
Bin Laden was tasked to export thousands of mujahideen terrorists from Afghan and other places into Bosnia, with the full knowledge and at the direction of the CIA. It's more than a little strange how all these CIA assets later turn into fierce enemies of the USA and attack us...Bin Laden, Noreiga and Saddam Hussein to name only a few.
It is definitely a repetitive pattern, and is not far fetched at all to think "false flag" ops are involved. All you really have to do is think about the basics of criminal psychology and understand who has a motive in the situation, and who benefits from the outcome of what has happened over and over again so many times.
The manipulation and evil of it all is very troublesome, and makes me ill to think that so many folks just believe what they are told and don't really think about such things or question motives and outcomes.
Any thoughts from you guys on whether you would be interested in an article like this? It's a very revealing subject and study of the capabilities of the NWO psywar machine. The whole thing had almost nothing to do with what most people think it did, and it went on right under their noses, with very little awareness of what was actually happening.
The role of BIN LADEN has been played by countless imposters. Sure there had to be one and he was. Whatever happened to the real dude, we can only speculate.
Here's smth really creepy and crappy both, Ive never seen smth similar and Im sure nor have u:
this is on tilas site its about Jay-z's song, "Free Mason"
im watching the truman show right now. i watched it years ago but didnt really think anything of it, now its like....different. people being set up in his life..
FYI...re: Twilight rubbish...if any of you want to see some movies in this genre that are actually very creative and good (i.e., not from Hollyweird lol), check out the following. And yes, sub-titles are involved in the Russian ones, but they are well worth the effort imo.
'Night Watch' Nochnoi Dozor (Russian) Timur Bekmambetov
'Day Watch' (sequel)
'Let the Right One In' (Swedish, but dubbed in English) Tomas Alfredson
One of the creepiest vamp movies I've ever seen...low budget, but powerful and just odd as hell lol.
The blue blood moron and his model slave
is that actually the title of jay-z's new song?! ohmygod. rubbing it right in our faces now what a joke
Taylor Swift discusses why the number 13 is so important to her:
"A huge poster of a Nazi swastika behind a 1940s-style naked pin-up model clad only in a Mickey Mouse-mask and stretched across a building has stirred controversy in Poznan, western Poland."
nazi + model + mickey mouse = what are people missing here?
I have followed your blog for a very long time, I had heard about it from "The Vigilant Citizen". I used to go on that website a lot for information about the "Occult & Illuminati" until they credited you for the work that you did. They were influenced by the information you had posted on your website. When I first came here I was like WOW, your blog is so informative. I have been wondering if you have been busy and not being on here as much. I have noticed that you really don't come on here as often as you use too. The reason I came on here though is I want to ask for a request for a new entry like can you do something on "Ashley Tisdale" she had just turned "25" 2 weeks ago (and has her second album "Guilty Pleasure") and I've have read 1 entry on here and I noticed that by the time you turn 30 and still with the Illuminati/Monarch which I believe she is in, you get killed off and such. I am a fan of her music I just want to see another entry on this blog and read about something that I'm interested in too. If you could do I would be greatly appreciated. Or just add another entry that's fine too. Thanks for taking the time too read this comment.
how can you overlook something like this
this is the platform where Spain celebrate the World Cup victory...
just watched that taylor swift vid!
why is the most evil number so good for her, is it because she's in with the illuminati/occult? i know its a stupid question but i would like someone to explain this
uhh taylor swift. they are big on numerology. she was probably planned to be born on the 13, 13 etc etc...its so crazy and so hectic to keep up with! congrats taylor! enjoy your swift awards! ugh! i dont know why i am so annoyed, but i am!?!!! is it normal to feel this way?? has anyone ever thought, hey if i could i wouldnt mind a peice of that life, you know? but its all very occultish. the numerology, everything. the mk ultra. yes i wonder when a new post will be put up!????! i saw an angel in that world cup picture, what is the significance?
i didn't see anything in that world cup pic, lol what is with me i'm so blind!
ben i think its time for a new post, i've never seen the comments amount to this many...it means we're itching for something new. no pressure though mate ;)
@t said,
I knew you would get the reference!
Boredom and pain lit the cynical flame...
article on Lindsay Lohan in Yahoo news
"My impression of Lindsay is that she's a fragile lost child - a sleeping beauty with her head in the sand. I found her not fully forewarned of the consequence of her actions.
"She was like Teflon to that comment. It just slid right off her. She seemed to have some inner deep sadness that that was her fate.
"My real worry for her is not just the jail time but my fear is that she's overly susceptible to a probation system that's set up for her to fail."
Self-destruct mode?
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