Quick post on Miley Cyrus' latest video (yawn, I know), no time to elaborate really (exam on Friday, all finished on the 18th). Needless to say Miley's "evolution" is going exactly as someone who reads this blog would expect.
The British director Robert Hales has directed other videos from fellow Disney Monarchs Britney Spears, Jonas Brothers and some other videos I have covered (Demi Lovato . From the introduction, you get the feeling of a Nazi-like American elite viewing their dehumanized ritualistic creature spreading her dark angel wings (Lucifer?), naturally a stuffed ram for Baphomet rears it's head among all the bird (Avez just means bird btw; so 'Bird Cyrus') feathery dehumanization. Miley's peacock feathers are another commonly used symbolic ritual feature (eyes, royalty, Hera and such).
I am led to believe that the top album artwork is fake but the image on it of her in a more constrained bird cage does come from the shoot for the video (I have a suspicion that it was going to be official but they got cold feet about putting such a psychologically dark image on her album cover), the photo itself has not been released so am including it here.
The British director Robert Hales has directed other videos from fellow Disney Monarchs Britney Spears, Jonas Brothers and some other videos I have covered (Demi Lovato . From the introduction, you get the feeling of a Nazi-like American elite viewing their dehumanized ritualistic creature spreading her dark angel wings (Lucifer?), naturally a stuffed ram for Baphomet rears it's head among all the bird (Avez just means bird btw; so 'Bird Cyrus') feathery dehumanization. Miley's peacock feathers are another commonly used symbolic ritual feature (eyes, royalty, Hera and such).
I am led to believe that the top album artwork is fake but the image on it of her in a more constrained bird cage does come from the shoot for the video (I have a suspicion that it was going to be official but they got cold feet about putting such a psychologically dark image on her album cover), the photo itself has not been released so am including it here.

See more of the bird cage MK theme (and plenty more dotted around the blog), at it's simplest it is just psychological symbolism of being a beautiful creature kept in a metaphorical cage (mental prison/slavery) but perhaps (or not) 'Avez Cyrus' is the name of her 'caged bird' alter. The video even features a shattered glass scene as the frenzied animalistic group of Miley and co run through the museum, symbolizing the shattered/fragmented mind part of the programming.

Looks like a rock band (most of them long before my time, though I vaguely recognize it) t-shirt so someone can probably fill me in on where exactly it is from and get a better image of the motif (Edit: I'm told it it is Pink Floyd which makes sense, I searched for it and uploaded the full shirt to my imageshack), the "Illuminati" symbolism is clear and obviously conscious on the part of the filmmakers, and putting it on display in the trailer makes it all the more likely that someone like myself would notice it.
1 – 200 of 473 Newer› Newest»Woah...the first time I'm actually on the site when there's an update AND I get to comment first LOL! Sorry I'm being a bit juvenile. Have read the lyrics of the song and its all pretty obvious as Ben says!
Outrageous vid, brimming with symbolism. Gosh, shes only 17, even I said it before! What will she do when shes 20? But since we have TAYLOR MOMSEN (16 yo) walking around dressed like a whore, then its all ok. Good luck with ur xams, Ben!
Great post, Ben!
At about 2:06, as the lyrics "I'm like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged" are sung, we are shown glass shattering in the background; the all-too common symbolic reference to mind control - shattered mind, dissociative alter personalities.
Two nearly simultaneous layers (one auditory, one visual) of communicating this same message to the viewer.
Shattered glass, shattered mind - I'm like a puzzle but my pieces are jagged.
Poor MC'ed Miley Cyrus.
Wonder if she did Greg Kinnear?
Interesting what Lori said about Solange Knowles being Beyonce's baby in the comments section below....There's a blogger named MK who's nickname for Solange is "Basement Baby" !!
I always did wonder the meaning behind that nickname...
Ben - That shirt the guy is wearing in the last pic is a Pink Floyd shirt, the alternate version of this one (it also has a clearer view of the pyramid design). It's kind of funny how completely obvious this shirt is.
Re: Kinnear's t-shirt, I see a k and an F = Pink Floyd?
does anyone notice how strange miley looks in this video? she looks like she is in shock sort of, she has a wild look in her eyes....i have a question, when they are supposedly in their alters, is it like, when someone who suffers from MPD they are UNAWARE of their other personalities....so, if miley or selena gomez or someone is in one of their 'alters' during a video shoot, dont they question it? they seem normal and unlike those who actually suffer from MPD (i watched that video of the woman who did have split personalities) i have yet to read the illuminati formula for mind control slave, but i always wondered....you know? miley and others seem like bright people, so dont they ever question it? dont they stumble across sites like this and want to know the truth and answers??? DONT YOU EVER WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH??? or you just cant tell? is that the symbolism behind the SHHHH tattoos and such??? so much info is out here yet so many questions!
I just hope that parents will start to realize what their children are watching. This video made me look at Miley Cyrus with serious disgust. She comes out with raunchy clothes on and dancing sexually with both male and female... But hey, this is what america is coming to....
Thanks for the link to my article at Public Vigil. I posted a back link to this article on our front page in the "Featured Articles" section.
(I posted this information earlier at your Rihanna article, but figured it really belongs here.)
Here's some stuff I noticed in the video.
- Many of the woman in the gala have bird adornments. One woman has a big fluffy hairdo that I think is supposed to suggest a bird's nest. I assume that the bird women are all prostitutes, because there are other women that do not have these markings.
- When they show the full moon, there's an image of devil-type figure in silhouette. It's very small. You have to pause it or you probably won't notice.
- There is obviously supposed to be an orgy going on with Miley having sex with both men and women.
- You can't miss the devil-goats and there is a flat sort of rock that suggests a sacrificial altar. The whole black mass thing.
- There's the whole peacock love goddess thing - Hera. Another one of Zeus' conquests I suppose. He liked to get it on with swans - Leda - and other birds I guess.
- She also appears to have fish scales, which is probably an allusion to a mermaid. Another love goddess thing I suppose.
"Atargatis is identified with: Astarte, Ishtar (the whore of Babylon), Venus Urania, Hera, Rhea, Cybele, Aphrodite. She is sometimes also called Artemis Azzanathcona."
- At the very end of the video one of the flags goes "limp" and Miley's wings are "spread eagle", if you catch my drift. It appears to be the moment of "climax".
Great article! why aren't you guys commenting on my posts? do you like leaving me out?
yeah i've noticed those tattoos aswell. does it mean they actually know about all this stuff but just keeping it secret? even lily allen has one
Where is everybody?
Hi Benjamin. I was going to update my old Miley article with some new comments, but I ended up writing a new article instead.
Miley Cyrus - the flying Holy Harlot
I moved the link to your article to the top of my new article instead. Thanks again for linking to my article.
Donny - Give it time, when I first started my blog I felt like no one read it at all, too (and I made sure people knew that). But once you actually have readers, you feel a little more pressured to write about stuff that they would enjoy reading. So you should enjoy the time you have without too many people criticizing your work to hone your blog writing skills. Don't worry so much about whether people are reading what you write or not, not that there isn't anything there worth reading, but because it takes time to be recognized.
Oh wow--I was going to go to Donny's site to leave this comment, but then I saw the word verification--rearying-- and I just couldn't help myself. Donny--stop begging here. Fix your blog(it truly is hideous to try and read) and get your facts straight--people will naturally gravitate towards you then. If you really are fifteen I'm impressed--you have so much potential--I'm sure as you write more you'll be better able to make connections--just please always try to write from your own perspective. And don't try to be smarter than your audience (like the little mermaid video). Now, this should be the last conversation we have about your blog on someone else's blog. Get to work and we'll be seeing you soon.
Listen I told you guys that blogger works crapy with Mac computers and it is hard to try to find a way to
Fix the word editing problem because no one is helping me.
Where Miley sings 'I can't be saved', 'I can't be blamed', 'I can't be tamed', this is where the scene flash-cuts between the lights flashing and her with 1 partner, then 2 partners, then same-sex partners as so on. The whole video, music, dancing moves reminiscent of Gaga, could just as easily be replaced with Britney et al...even the riding of the Ram is so obvious as to be almost a joke!
It's simply cloning teen-stars, one after the other...
Where Miley sings 'I can't be saved', 'I can't be blamed', 'I can't be tamed', this is where the scene flash-cuts between the lights flashing and her with 1 partner, then 2 partners, then same-sex partners as so on. The whole video, music, dancing moves reminiscent of Gaga, could just as easily be replaced with Britney et al...even the riding of the Ram is so obvious as to be almost a joke!
It's simply cloning teen-stars, one after the other...
So what are the men behind the scenes trying to say. She's been so throughly mind controlled that "she can't be tamed, can't be saved."
The only cases I have seen where they supposedly cure MK victims. It's with the power of the bible-.-
From one mind prison to another, in my view. So far i think only the handlers (or those higher up) with inside information, can cure/help them=/
"I’m not a mistake, I’m not a fake, It’s set in my DNA"
Guess she's spot on. It's set in her DNA..
Just one thing i noticed, in about 3:1 A golden metal finger, now where have i seen that before..
How many of our Grandparents divorced?
Then, how many of our Parents divorced?
Then, again:
How many of the couples that married in the last ten years DIVORCED?
This is propaganda for giving your body for interest, not love.
Love is Dead.
Love is NOT dead! Unless YOU believe it is.
"How many of our Grandparents divorced?
Then, how many of our Parents divorced?
Then, again:
How many of the couples that married in the last ten years DIVORCED?
This is propaganda for giving your body for interest, not love."
Ur comment is propagandistic too. U sound like a fundamentalist Xtian. They didnt divorce coz hypocrisy was high, not coz there was real love around. Society, conveniences, all the stuff. Open ur eyes. Love is another relative notion.
Hmm that is a strange lyric about it being "in her DNA." I remember when I first discovered Miley, it was the academy awards a couple years ago, or maybe three years ago. She was being feted by all the media companies covering the Oscars. I remember thinking it was so weird that her name was on the lips of every newscaster every five minutes "Miley Cyrus" is here!
I was like: Who the fuck is Miley Cyrus??!
Then this homely CHILD in a RED dress comes out with a smokers voice and a hee-haw accent and buck teeth. She was being interviewed above all the A list actors. Even the A listers were being asked questions about her and asked to comment on her presence at the awards.
I was like what in the fuck movie was she in??!
Then I found out she sang a song for one of the movies???? All that fuss for that?!!
Then I'm like: Red dress? Check. I have this image of her in the center of an eyes wide shut gig with all the hollywood moguls. She was the ritual whore for that night apparently, but not just any whore. A genetically connected one.
I would LOVE to know who she's related to. Maybe Cyrus the Great? She could be Persian (read Iranian) somewhere down the line...Then that peacock feather stuff would make sense since that bird is a symbol for the persian god Ahura Mazda
I listened to The Happening song by The Supremes. I don't like it. You were right, it takes a nasty little, stomach-dropping turn into a minor key. Creepy lyrics too.
Oh and did you notice the circus theme to the music?
donny you also call these young girls sexist bitches. that is going to turn off alot of people going to read about it. i commend you writing about it and i have been reading your articles too. relax. you are getting a message out even tho people are not commenting. i might go back and leave some comments...
so does anyone question all this i wonder? like, im pretty sure miley might know about all of this....
The positive thing about what we are seeing here, is you can see the revelation of the children of darkness being exposed for what they really are. Take heart, and do not despair.
It's more than obvious here, for those that have not let themselves become so emotionally cut off from their own Divinity as these 'creatures' have become...
There is light in the darkness, so take heed. If you can see this garbage for what it really is, then you are in a good, and ultimately empowered place.
It only seems like the Children of Darkness are the predominant force in power right now, but that is only an illusion, and THEY know it.
Their time has come, to pay the piper, and make amends for all the wrongs they've perpetrated on this planet in the name of a false god - for whatever is not God is not real - that's what taking a bite from the tree of knowledge looks like: light versus dark, when in reality, God is neutral. God, simply is - and I do not wish to come across as religious in my exhortations here, because religions IS one of the arms of the beast, along with the media/propaganda, politics, the 'Health' organizations, etc.
You are what you seek, and maybe you've already 'found' Self, which is right where you least expected IT to be: YOU.
I AM the One I've been waiting for, and this is what we all are, in Truth.
Darkness is only a scary bedtime story told in this polarity consciousness realm, called Earth, that holds little or no relevance in the grand scheme of things. GOD IS.
If you find yourself reacting negatively to what you see in the media, then turn it off, and go for a walk in the woods. Connect to your heart, and choose to see the all the good in the world. God is Self Creating, and we do not wish to fuel the fire of unconsciousness with our own fears...for that is not the Way.
Are you in this world, or are you of this world? You choose. Are you identified by the creations of the creation? Or do you know that you are That I AM?
What we are seeing is the creation making a small god out of it's own vain image, and not the other way around. This is a perversion of the One True Law, which is simply, Love God (Divine Mother/Father God) above all else, and love thy neighbour as thyself - why? Because everything IS God, and the Divine Law simply is to love thyself, which IS GOD. You are that which you seek.
Forget all this nonsense. Choose to fill yourselves up with the beauty of this world, and transcend the lie. What 'They' worship, is an idea that does not exist in the first place. God has no opposite. God IS. WHat is the opposite of IS?
Do you see?
Put your conscious awareness on the True God within. Just be aware, that is all you need do. Don't try and do anything with IT, let IT surprise you with IT'S gifts. You are the abundance you seek; you are the Love you want; you are the fulfillment of all your own desires, see?
In Peace,
lol children of darkness.
around 1:03 or so you can hear her say 'black mafia' or something along those lines. i definitely hear the word 'mafia' at least. the beginning, with the circle of 'elites' at this showing, wow, that's apparent and creepy enough in and of itself. also, notice the naziesque flags in the background. it's the 'eye of the peacock' wing. this entire vid is saturated with symbolism. and if you go to mtv or a place of that sort and watch what are considered 'todays hits' almost every single video is darker and more blatant than ever
oh, and we can't forget all the goats. there's a live goat she's around and then a dead goats head on the floor. also, the polar bear made me wonder, a jab at us about global warming maybe? jeez, i just keep finding crap....
"Miley's painful looking movie 'The Last Song' (from the author of 'The Notebook'... kill me now, I am not sitting through this!)
You made me laugh hard there, senor. That or listening to J Lo & Celine Dion on repeat, eh? Good luck on your exams! Skep
@ u
Been reading through the Hidden Hand and the Insider haven't we?
about solange, this is kind of weird. there is always something a bit strange about that kids show yo gabba gabba (with that phallic one eyed montster thing....that i have been seeing everywhere)...she is singing about momma or something? and she is in front of a sun a bunch of times. also she is wearing a caveman-esque dress and she shaved her head (which does not look good on her) she used to be pretty now shes looking sort of clownish...
It's a spoon father!
lol, that supremes song does sound a bit like it should be used in a scary movie. i reckon if i were a child it would have scared me. i used to be "scared" of some music when i was little, mostly theme tunes. infact, i still find the news theme tune a bit creepy! i know that sounds really weird...
some of the lyrics-
"I saw the light too late, when that fickle finger of fate
came and broke my pretty balloon
I woke up, suddenly I just woke up to the happening."
Miley said about CANT BE TAMED vid: “It’s about explaining the song and living the lyrics… I don’t want to be in a cage. I want to be free and do what I love.
just fucking shut up about miley cyrus. goddamnit. all you're doing is giving her mass attention which i'm pretty sure she is loving
and yeah i know she is the topic but...zzzzzzzzzz
Can someone tell me why people aren't checking out my blog?
I don't know about y'all, but I have moved along. I just saw Iron Man 2 today in glorious Imax. I have a review up already for those interested and as sick of hearing about M.C. as I am.
Iron Man as Prometheus Unbound
bunny time, check it out if your interested
Hey Ben,could you possibly do an article on the movie Revolver by Guy Ritchie or if you havent watched it you could watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFhmxOThFUA .
I'm not sure what does the theme of Ego in the whole movie suppose to represent and the whole chess theme i guess is asociated with masons or something,not sure if the whole movie is suppose to enlighten us or to confuse us.Thanks!
how about some kids programmes? lol i noticed when my little sister was watching 'the story of tracy beaker' (which is about kids in a foster home) it had a checkered floor in there and a big butterfly stuck on the fridge door which they kept showing so you couldn't miss it...
I made a small clip with the transition stages, check it out
NEW KATY PERRY!!! (guess who this is about?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KblC96VS5b8
more about rabbits...(the matrix was on today too and i watched it)
My full, original “Imma Bee – PsyWar Transhumanism” article is at a new location…much more to come.
Actually there's another interesting Supreme's song "Reflections" which is about mirror programming. Even more interesting is the opening of that song which sounds like a naval signal (submarine) code or perhaps an EKG machine.
'You Keep Me Hanging On' has a morse code intro...
Anyone see the trailer for the new movie "Babies"? Its a documentary about....babies. The last shot of the trailer has a naked baby with a goat.
Its on the same sort of level as the Anne Geddes photographs which are supremely creepy for some reason. Especially these:
It just doesn't get any more disturbing than those pics of the babies you posted.
They want us to see how truly disgusting they are. They are flaunting and enjoying it, just as Ben has said before about the sociopath serial murderers leaving clues to taunt police and show how clever they are.
That's what is happening in those pictures, and probably even more than that. Trophies.
Great find C.
"So in the video Miley is “not trying to not be me.” She’s just trying to figure out who that is, and it’s really uncomfortable to watch. Remember how much of a controversy those backless Vanity Fair photos of Miley Cyrus draped in a sheet were two years ago when she was just 15? It came out that photographer Annie Liebovitz convinced Miley to put on the sheet and take the arguably provocative photos after her parents left. Fast forward to 2010 and it’s Miley who is convincing her parents and handlers to let her give us her version of “sexy.” Just like Annie Liebovitz, someone should have told Miley “no.” "
Seems like every time a "star", child or not, wants to be portrayed as more "racy", Annie Leibovitz gets the call.
It's also very telling that MC's father/handler "loved it", if those are actually his words.
Miley Cyrus - “Can’t Be Tamed” Lyrics
For those who don’t know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, 24 hours a day
‘Cause I’m hot like that
Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I’m under inspection, I always get the 10s
‘Cause I’m built like that
I go through guys like money flyin’ out their hands
They try to change me but they realize they can’t
And every tomorrow is a day I never planned
If you’re gonna be my man, understand
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be saved
I can’t be blamed, I can’t, can’t
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be changed
I can’t be saved, I can’t be (can’t be)
I can’t be tamed
If I see my reflection about my intentions
I’ll tell ya I’m not here to sell ya
Or tell ya to get to hell
I’m like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this, we can make some magic
I’m on like that
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
I’m not a trick you play, I'm wired a different way
I’m not a mistake, I’m not a fake, It’s set in my DNA
Don’t change me (x4)
(I can’t be tamed)
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
Some of the things I highlighted:
*Part of something I don't know....Hmm, like a mother fucking secret society, that hmm 5 people/companies own all Mass Media resources so you sell what they want, be what they want, or no career....
*NOT A MISTAKE, WIRED A DIFF WAY, SET IN MY D.N.A, and also the ROBOT cd title....COME ON, Metropolis hint, also getting that robot theme out there more. Humans by nature are flawed. WE NEED their technology, and fake implants (sure to come) to upgrade ourselves. WTF!
*Built Like that, can refer to her seriously hot bod, but hmm...in CONTEXT with everything else, seems more like physically built and MADE like a ROBOT, hmm like the TITLE of her fucking album. Remember grade school...CONTEXT CLUES...read in between or around the lines for hint to the main idea from the story.... lovely.
*Every tomorrow is a day I've never planned. Duh, she plans NOTHING, she's a controlled Monarch Victim, she just basically shows up and needs to be alive and they are good to go and film anything.
*I CAN'T BE SAVED - I take it as, she can't be saved from her "Destiny", but ALLLSOO....WHY the fuck is a 17 year old, WHO IS STILLLLLL ON DISNEY RECORDS LABEL singing about SENDING ANYONE TO HELL? Why even say that word, the majority of her fans are young suburban girls who prolly go to church every sunday?? So she is singing about HELL and then says I CANT BE SAVED.......What do they call it when someone sees the light and believes in God, goes to church and says sorry for their sins...OH YES! BEING SAVED. Miley CAN'T be saved....Lovely right!!!!???
*If I see my reflection...... Mirrors...So now they aren't just SHOWING Mirrors, or BREAKING Glass/Mirrors, they are SINGING about reflections/mirrors in songs. Lovely.
It's sad how these artists (Britney/Miley) sing on and on....I'm OUT OF CONTROL, CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO, but yet...Miley's video ends with her back in the cage, and Britney sang PIECE OF ME, in a cage on tour.... Actions speak louder that words, but not as loud as these fucking Miley lyrics, lmfao.
that time square bomber brought about an "orwellian type security and surveillance" similar to londons ring of steele (just on tv now so i felt i should post about it)
big brother is watching you!
also, what is the deal with puppet justin bieber.."beiber fever" or whatever. so lame! i doubt anyone in real life cares about him except tweeny girls because, well, hes pushed down their throats...who cares about him tho! getting photographed with kim kardashian and who knows
what is this all about? i hate the way perez says, "miley being slutty cyrus again"
why is this her nickname? amanda seyfriend vagina...
Congrats to direct descendant of King William IV, relative of the Queen, David Cameron and his Astwhore wife (see what I did there? aren't I clever ^^, apologiez had exam today so tired), it's about time the Royal bloodline stopped hiding behind stooges like Blair and held both the crown and the puppet office of PM. IN YOUR FACE "DEMOCRACY", BLUE BLOODS CONTROL ALL!
Good to see some 9/11 protesters on Sky News still banging that broken drum, reckon they'll still be doing it when they're 60?
New post up this week probably, again apologiez for this comment, elections are depressing times for people who aren't brain dead about who is really running things.
I AGREE WITH (obvious Illuminist opposition, now Deputy PM) NICK! lol (only Brits will get that probably)
Notice how Amanda Seyfried in that clip mentioned how the paparazzi "weren't from around here" and they are "criminals" ???
I have some theories about who the paps really are, but I will air them at another time.
he is going to be one wicked dictator. thats all i can say!
i posted an article to friends on facebook with shit loads of info about how these presidents/pms are all related to each other and royalty, but they still took no notice.
Well said on the election front comment Ben.
The whole fucking thing is a nonsense to make the people think they have power - but they don't as long as they fall for the deception.
You see how Brown has to ask the Queen permission for leaving his post, and Cameron has to be invited. Thus it is in your face that the final decision is up to her. She can over-ule the "people" if she wishes. Remember too, the military are loyal to her, not the government.
The way I see it, all celebrity/sport/pop "worship" is part of the conditioning for the future - for a bogus messiah. Obviously the New World Order or the new global village currently being finalised will need a figurehead.
ps when you get some time - check De Vere - the links are at the bottom of the following short teaser. Blue blood is dragon blood. It might not be true but it is fascinating
I know it's a coincidence, and a macabre one at that, but check out the logo of the latest airliner to crash...Afriqiyah Airways...9999...or was it just the ash cloud to blame, they're saying it's definitely not terrorism. How do they know that so soon?
OK, folx, Ive got 2 hot ones:
Better link to NOEMIE LENOIR:
Benjamin - We're all looking forward to your new article. Is your schedule going to be allowing you to post more often in the near future?
So with regards to all things Miley, I have a new article that I'm pretty proud of about how Disney purposely creates the "good girl" image so that when the "good girl goes bad" it will have the maximum Cognitive Dissonance effect on their young fans. It's hard to explain. Just read the article - The Disney deception
Meditakeout just published some photo of her grinding on some old 50 year old or giving him a lap dance. UGH!
Another story that I spottedtoday with another Victoria Secret model is here
They claimed she was found unciousnes and had a "lethal mixture of drugs". They claimed she tried to commit suicide, I'm not buying it. She was also linked to a man that dated paris hilton and is currently on trial for spiking the drinks of his famous gal pals and then taping them having sex then blackmailing them. When will it ever end, Ben?
I personally think Miley isn't really innocent obviously she is a monarch mind control slave but listen to this one of the judges from that show ''So you think you can dance'' is Miley's producer/Handler and they where both found dancing very sexually in a dance club the other day it was very messed up Miley is really slutty
For no reason we need more proof about how much power she does and doesn't have other her programming.
I think we should be more concerning for Demi Lovato and her ex twin programmed best friend Selena Gomez they are the real victims here Demi is
Nice just as her friend and I think are have more moral standards then Miley has I think Both Demi and Selena would be even more awake an fighting back at the illuminati and their handlers if some programmers de-program them.
Demi in my opinion is the most traumatized victim of Disney today just listen to her songs she sings about her abuse and feeling like she can't breathe
She needs justice she is innocent, also her handlers can't just much of her programming away from us considering her episode on Grey's Anatomy is symbolic of her having MPD and her being abused.
I meant we need to know how much Miley does or doesn't have over her programming.
Sorry again I meant Demi and Selena would be more aware and awake if some De-programmers de-programmed them I'm a little dyslexic so it kinda messes with my writing sometimes.
Whose with me?
NOEMIE LENOIR... The pic says all, as usual... Its terrible what has happened to her and I dont really know what to say... Dead, her sufferance will end forever; alive, shell always be a slave, but she leaves behind her 5 yo son...
Sad to hear about Noemie Lenoir though not really surprising considering the industry she's in, the kind of thing shown in Sara's comment is endemic, cheers for the link. Quite a few photos worth posting of her and whatnot, heh Chris I was about to post that one of her in a cage in this comment (from Ellen Von Unwerth's usual dehumanization shoot), usual themes in some other photos too + her role in Rush Hour 3 is pertinent, which Roman Polanski is in, ugh. Are people still interested in those kinds of model posts (not that I plan to stop doing them)? I feel like I've equipped people to look through galleries and see the obvious themes themselves tbh and I am just repeating a formula when I do it.
baba hopefully, obviously I still haven't got the 'blogging bug' back so to speak, but I think once I'm free from worrying about exams (finishing on Tuesday) I will get back into it more focused and post more often. I have set myself a deadline of this weekend for finishing this post so will put something up by Sunday in what ever form.
Donny you are right about Demi's role in Grey's Anatomy which I usually avoid like the plague but may have to check that one out (clip here, makes me a little sick considering her self harming/cutting in reality but obviously the role fits perfectly). On a side note I think you may need to take a break and figure out how you can sort out blog posting on Mac to fix the line/writing issue, also do something to take your mind off this stuff, you can't be thinking about it 24/7 is all I'll say.
It's interesting to hear what people are saying about the new UK PM. Ben is going to enjoy the following link (if he hasn't seen it already!
Miley's all over the news again... she's been caught on video dirty dancing with the the 45 year old producer of her film... with children watching!
Also... wanna see the most disturbing thing ever?
Skankily dressed seven year olds doing a raunchy dance to a beyonce song infront of a studio audience.
That Miley lap dance stuff is old news anyway and as far as I remember, the link to that was posted here too back then.
Ja wohl! Mein Fuhrer! Germany's Next Top Model ist uber Monarchen! As you'd expect, obviously; for anyone who cares. They even copied near exactly that Monarch butterfly bubble shoot from Klum's Make Me A Supermodel (with Los Angeles city hall's symbolic pyramid top at the centre of the city backdrop). Katy Perry on the show responding to the fact that a model refused to make a bird noise, "To be a model you have to be a chameleon... If they want you to be a bird, you be a bird! Tomorrow they might ask you to be a butterfly." (paraphrased slightly) Which Katy sadly knows about all too well...
All of those shows (+ 'Top Modeling' in general), whatever the country just sets out to dehumanize and manipulate its victims through various methods so they'll do whatever the sick perverse manipulators want, I won't bore you with another post on them though, it just would be the same shit rehashed for new seasons and clone shows anyway.
Yeah ben I know I do not think about this stuff 24/7 I just do stuff when I get time to.
Like I said there is not much I can do about the writing thing right now when I get time I'll find out what to do.
Benjamin - Once your mind is free from your daily distractions and worries, I'm sure you'll feel the need to blog again about the gnostic noises which are all around us. All you have to do is turn on the radio or TV or read the latest news online to get a new inspiration for an article. As you say - no need to rehash the same old stuff.
There's plenty of new pagan ritual P.R. campaigns coming down the pike. Summer's is coming. Which means summer movies, and summer pop music and summer fashions. All aimed at ensnaring young idle minds during their summer school recess.
You've been one of the most prolific posters on this occult mind control theme in the past. So I know you've got it in you. But if you need a break, then by all means take the time to clear out your mind. This junk can start to take a toll on any of us. No one is immune.
baba, may I ask the meaning of your name? Would it refer to the sound a sheep makes? And what of your avatar? Very OTO Crowleyian, no?
I worriedly await your response...
baba in Serbian means grandmother though not sure what was "baba"'s reason to choose that name.
please keep up the great work,
This "image change" is, indeed, completely predictable. Surely no one's pretending to be surprised or outraged?
Glad you're posting again by the way.
I posted this on post from 2008 (i guess only me is tracking comments in RSS-Ben please post link for tracking RSS comments)...
For me synchromysticism it's not that easy. How can you explain similarities between killing of Kennedy and Lincoln? This is really mind blowing, and saying that it is someone up the ladder cunning and plotting is not getting to me. To me this is hidden satan hand (or i don't know, reptilian super mind), who mark this events. Same with 9.11 warnings in movies (this could be only social engineering). We have also numbers in movies (Depp room in his early teensex movie Private Resort is 2023 ), i find 11, 23, 9-11, everywhere, movies, tv, papers. I would like to say this is only distraction, but i simply don't think so. This is something deep, something human who use 10% of the brain can't comprehend.
Great to see you back, Ben. Some complain about writng positive things, well this blog isn't at all positive. This is about dark things, if someone don't like it don't go here. Have you heard Ben about killing polish President in Smolensk? Did West sold Poland once again? And condolences about Cameron, he is very dark guy, you will quickly miss other stooges, Blair and Brown.
anyone seen press conf of Charlotte Lewis? her female lawyer Gloria Allred had on her left shoulder big white butterfly (butterfly on 50 year old woman is normal?), to me it is a handler marking (Lewis is 100% MK Slave, she was in Playboy, her roles are significant, for example in Golden Child, Pirates, Red Shoe Diaries)...it's interesting to see that Polanski still is at trouble, this is nothing to worry about, cause he is dirty bastard, but why they are prosecuting one of their own?
and for kicks Allen defends Polanski LOL http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001470/news#ni2465567
BTW Gloria Allred is interesting also, She represented Nicole Brown Simpson's family during the O. J. Simpson murder trial, On July 19, 2007 she filed a lawsuit in Superior Court on behalf of Elizabeth Mazzocchi against actor Esai Morales for "intentional and negligent transmission of a sexually transmitted disease, assault, battery, and breach of contract." In September 2007, she represented Tony Barretto, a former bodyguard of pop singer Britney Spears, in the child custody case between Spears and ex-husband Kevin Federline.
Cheers Jerry, good to hear from you; yeah I know what you mean about my comment on synchromysticism in that old post. I think I have just become generally more cynical about that kind of thing especially in some of the wishy-washy way some people cover it like it's a positive thing a la Jake Kotze. But that's just me and some people do great work on it and are on the right track.
I started a Charlotte Lewis post btw after hearing of that news, I couldn't fail to notice that butterfly brooch also. I saw The Golden Child a few months back and it has some very clear Monarch and occult allusions so the post will basically be a pretty short analysis of that film. Allen is probably worse than Polanski so no surprises there then! I tend to think Polanski did something piss off one of the media gatekeepers or some other elite, but don't really know obviously.
Hmm, I feel like Vigilant could have linked to one of my posts where some of the images were sourced from (particularly the occult themed shoot) in his latest post on Christina Aguilera. In my opinion, he'd probably still be going on about demonic possession and shit instead of MK if it weren't for my blog. Oh well what are you gonna do, guess it saves me from having to do one on Christina's latest stuff.
Vigilant seems fishy to me...it's just too occult by the book, information from other blogs and sites (many times word by word lol) written very much in retarded manner...it's good that these things gets the exposure, but IMO Vigilant will become center (or is just by now) for controlled opposition (you know, cupcakes and t-shirts with vigilant logo and other shit), just like all the bullshit from Alex Jones (it is clear that he is MK CIA puppet, highly interesting is his physical similarities to late comedian Bill Hicks) and most of other mainstream artist in that genre, virtually everyone is muddying the water, good guys are DEAD ;)
What a dilemma, whos worse, ALLEN or POLANSKI? Bitter humour... Lets say ALLEN coz he abused his own children, no matter if biological or adopted, the idiot wasnt discriminating. His gorgeous son shared the same treatment. Too bad he's used in very high circles, I dont doubt this:
On Friday (14.05) in very well connected (MK, Illuminati etc) TV from my country they play on evening Rush Hour 3 (interesting timeline cause diffrent movie was in the schedule)...what was that,sick joke?
Beautiful french model Noemie Lenoir who has been linked to BDR, Diddy, and Kerry Washington - yeah definately she was a slave...
This is off the book but I know somebody who played in same team with Claude Makelele (very early in his career), and he said that Claude was always very silent, he never said anything, showed very little emotion (he said that he was very robotic)...he worked tremendously hard (he had very little football talent), friend told me also that he remember that Makelele was treated for exhaustion few times...so, is it that hard to think he is MK too?
"If it wasn't for me.."
This honestly pissed me of,I mean you're acting like kids..
No offence,but at least 60% of your posts are just copied daily mail and other paper's articles(with none of your opininon or emotions,except for a joke or two!when talking about sexual abuse of children)or just a bunch of pictures where you spot butterflies.The one thing i like the most about Vigil's posts is there's always a conclusion,thoguh your posts seem kind of pointless,just spoting the obvious.
And at least the guy pays for the damn site!If you had to pay for the blog I'm sure you wouldn't give a fuck about ever writing another post.Not to mention that half of the people who read this got here from Vigilant's site.
But finally it doesn't matter who wrote what first,it's about infroming people and not letting the elite use and abuse them,or is it?
well said.
Aleksandra, a bit harsh but some fair points in there. That part of my comment was ill-advised on my part and did regret it after I wrote it. As I've said in previous comments, I just think when someone else has done the hard work in digging up some images (they don't just come up by googling 'christina aguilera + occult + mind control') and has posted them in the context of conspiracy/illuminati/mk, if someone is posting them again on another site about it then the source should be at least linked to in some form. But yes it was wrong and I would retract that if I could, what can I say, I got a little frustrated, I'm only human after all.
You guys are kinda out of it considering not that much people have gone to my blog and I really need the feedback.
Are any of you even buying the things I seal?
This is pissing me off come on even on Ben singleton's first post he got comments but do you comment on
Mine No!!!!
Do you even care about what I am exposing? what the hell is wrong with you people? I thought truth tellers
Support one another I guess that's not how you work around here now is it?
Uh oh looks like I started something :P Donny we've been through this, chill the fuck out! You'll get comments sooner or later just relax and keep going, people are reading it so don't worry.
Anyhoo, don't know if people have seen this yet but Christina's 'Out' magazine cover is pretty predictable with the serpent and fractured mind hat, check it out http://justjared.buzznet.com/2010/05/15/christina-aguilera-out-magazine-cover/
donny, i already read enough blogs and i can't be bothered to read yours aswell. sorry
Oh really now all you have to do is visit my blog don't be a jerk.
whats up with this?
oh yeah, about tmz, i have this weird kind of story. i made a reference to something in my blog, and i put two videos in my blog, which was "im your puppet" and master of puppets by metallica...well the next day they used both of those songs on their show!?
i also used to pay attention to the comments because it sort of gave clues...like i take note of certain things and i feel i should read comments, it hasnt happened lately because i dont really go on that site too much anymore...eh i have alot of stories like that...and its not just coincedence. does anyone else have stories similar to mine i wonder?
Okay okay I understand it is just annoying to not see that much people even care about what I am exposing.
Hey Ben,
I appreciate your comments about
lack of attribution on pics and etc. As gracious as we try to be, we're all human, and it is a bit frustrating at times, not so much the imitation part (sincerest form of flattery and all), but just the lack of gratitude and appreciation, I suppose?
Anyway, here’s a new one I just published:
Mind control for amateurs. :)
...and there's another massive one in the works coming later this week, hopefully, that has some stuff about supermodels, etc - which will most definitely include attribution and thanks to you for the awesome pics - enjoy and take care!
NOEMIE LENOIR was also linked to RUSSELL SIMMONS, KIMORA's husband. And Ben, I honestly dont think u should apologize for what u said. If smb didnt like ur comment regarding VC (I found nothing wrong with it), fine, so what? Its just not u to apologize for such things...
yeah,arent we all sucking up now..
I honestly don't know for what is he suppose to get credit,did he took the pictures himself,no,does he have any copyright on the pictures,nope.And they weren't really so damn hard to find as he just went on the offical site of the person and looked in the gallery.
As much as Donny pisses me off(either learn how to use mac or buy a normal pc)he did raise an important question.How come none of you speak about this publicly?
Yeah that Satanic/abuse photo shoot is readily available on the first page of Christina Aguilera's official site gallery... Most of them don't even have proper galleries on their official site (can't see one on hers) you have to spend a lot of time looking through many different sources in digging up photos that often don't end up in mainstream website's galleries and fan sites etc (of course ultimately it is just clicking but it is quite time consuming and does involve effort).
I've brought it up in other comments too and have praised the professional way Vigilant's posts are laid out making it more accessible for people. I just think it is common courtesy in the spirit of sharing this info and images people have discovered to link to the place where you have seen them posted in this context.
I don't believe Donny raised that point here, it's obviously something you wanted to raise in your hostility to myself and others. In the internet age, how is this blog not speaking about it publicly? I've been speaking about it publicly here and trying to make people aware through it for two years now (though you may not like the way I go about it and have probably missed some of the posts where I elaborate on the details and the basics which I do not like to repeat as I feel I have already covered them in older posts).
Chris, I'm usually more diplomatic than that in comments so that is why I regretted saying it giving people like Aleksandra something to jump on with their pent up frustrations at the way I do things. I should know that a lot of people coming here are not long-term readers (who have read it properly) of both mine and Vigilant's blog so do not have all the background info for a balanced perspective.
Great work on that post it looks like LVB, definitely read through it in full later this week.
Looks like I missed my deadline of Sunday for new post, oh well finals finish tomorrow so will definitely have new stuff up this week (no time to finish off the charlotte lewis/golden child post today unfortunately).
Don't forget to buy your laptop batteries!
i like this blog because it is sort of a more intimate community, what with the comments. i never read the comments on vigilant citizen. it seems like a rehashing of things i read elsewhere, and while all of these forums are eye-opening and informative, (even donny's where there is actually new, fresh material and things i have never seen before such as whatever it was that jonas brother was doing to demi lovato?), vigilant's site does sort of have a commercial feel to it and it seems alot of the people that go there do not truly understand the fundamentals of MK 'culture' should i call it...they dont understand the tactics and different programming they do. i still need to read fritz and springmeier so i can further understand it all...
i am wondering, when someone like christina wear these costumes, flash the devil horns or focus on an eye or something, are they aware and knowledgeble about what they are doing? i am sure they do. do they go along with it because they are threatened if they try to leave? it makes me think of the rihanna video, i forget which one, where she is singing in a club and the guy says she can never leave.
hmm...justin bieber got some sort of tattoo of a bird and he is 16. from this site, i know alot about females and their programming but im not so sure about the males.
ben could you do some insight on gwen stefani? i just a read a comment actually on that vigil site about her. i never thought she was mind kontrolled i always just thought she was stylish.
what else? oh, interested in the olsen twins. MK and ashley. hmm...
john travoltas dogs were "killed". scientology bastards are sick.
i got freaked out reading the comments. i was reading them and i didnt notice some of them, which said, "please remove the comment at a certain time it was offensive. so i scrolled back up and it kept saying the same thing. wth?
I know that Terry Richardson's pictures were talked about on here before. Has anyone seen the pictures done by his "protege", Tyler Shields? I mean, we have a younger version of Terry going around photographing women in abusive/demeaning shoots and it's "cool". Just makes me sick. :(
This is in response to Tommy's comment about the internet being seeded with material to provide easier censorship.
In the US Federal Government is now legally able to enact "indefinite civil control" (life-sentences) over individuals deemed harmful to society regardless of their sentence length.
"The federal law at issue in the case allows the government to continue to detain prisoners who had engaged in sexually violent conduct, suffered from mental illness and would have difficulty controlling themselves."
Essentially if they claim someone has a mental illness (targeted individuals?) they can lock them away for a really long time.
Look,maybe I was misunderstood.
There are many posts that I liked from your bolg,if I didn't like your blog in total what the hell would I be doing here?I'm not saying that all of your posts are emotionless and leak opinion.
What pissed me off is your bitching and whinning(which must of had come from jealuosy and seeking for attention,no offence)
Believe it or not I use to respect you much more then I did Vigilant as he seems very shady to me(exsposing the industry yet at the same time he is a music producer for popular artists(?))while you seemed very honest and open.
You accused me of lying and putting words in other people's mouth even though Donny did ask you why don't you help mk slaves and talk about this thru the media in comments for the Rihanna post(I'm sure he ment by going on tv,newspapers and going on public events)and how come you're so sure that Vigilant had taken images from your blog?
No offence(again),but you think of your self and everything that you do very highly so you see every form of criticism as a direct attack to your ego even though you say how you happily agree with it I'm sure you don't as you're comments are filled with duplicity.
But I don't want to continue this argument becuase I know that that most of the stuf written virtualy can be easily misinterpreted,so I better stop now,before I offend anyone.
"Vigilant is a music producer for pop-artists..." ? IS THIS TRUE?? Can someone please clarify this for me? Where can I get this info mentioned by Aleksandra? Or is she mistaken?
Okay, I've just answered my own question by reading Vigilants own words on his site under 'About Vigilant'...I didn't notice it before!
"Vigilant is a music producer for pop-artists..." thats explain a lot, doesn't it? this site is, a lot like Lola said earlier, too commercial...i for one don't trust vigilant (my pick this is a handler/mk victim)...BTW there was a lot of media insiders on this blog, and majority (all of them really) don't work in media anymore
O look who's doing the one-eye thing!
/me throwing toys out of pram:
Aleksandra you sure came across as someone who liked some of my posts and appreciated the efforts I've put into getting this stuff out there. I always try to be open and honest about everything which is why I'm not afraid to put my own sense of humour in some posts, and I definitely don't put humour where I feel it is inappropriate or in more serious posts which you seemed to suggest.
And you really can't blame me for not remembering every detail of all of Donny's many comments and emails can you? I figured you meant in this post's comments as you said it as if it were something he just raised (I just scanned through his comments here).
Vigilant may well have found those images elsewhere, though they are both (mannequin and satanic one) featured in that post so that is what led me to think that, for sure someone else may have reposted them in his forum and he had seen them there or whatever.
It is fairly obvious why I don't speak about this "in the media", what should I do, start bullhorning Parliament with a 'End is Nigh' style poster strapped to me?
I'm not going to loose sleep over losing your respect or whatever (just checked back at some of your other comments, that sure was a quick swing from sincere comments with links and suggestions to thinking that I'm a heartless whiny asshole or w/e it is that you think of me), I told you I regretted saying that, yet you continued to be unnecessarily hostile for what ever reason.
Hmm Red Dead Redemption is out soon... oh sweet Xbox, you never bruise my peach-like ego! :) Seriously though, should have new post up in a couple of days now that I finished my finals today (also partly a reason for my bitter sounding comment, stressful time for me past few months getting shit done, like I said I'm only human, stuff gets on top of you).
Porn version of ALICE
in the cast guy named BAUER (rothshilds real name), director of this is critical acclaimed Erica Mclean, her(?) last movie was Hardcore CIRCUS (you can bet this is, as in Alice, a MK fare)
yep, the porn version of alice, thats sunny lane. i know her. her parents pimped her out when she was only 18. im not sure her whole story, but i know she flashed the devil horns when i saw her at the avn awards..
interesting story involving evan stone (i think i shared this story here, but i guess i will reshare it, also involves tmz)
oh btw, last night on craig ferguson, he said 'poison' on it, but i think it was in text to him interviewing Archbishop Desmond Tutu, but still, im just using that as an example to stress my point...and i have my own personal reasons as to how i stumbled across this site after researching a bit...but it wasnt until i saw on perez hiltons site about britney spears twitter being hacked to say she is the anti-christ and the new world order is real, most people thought it was a joke but i felt there was more to it..and so i found this site...
well anyways, last year, in january, an ex boyfriend called me...and said he was sure he saw me in a porn movie with evan stone. i was like, no, i wasnt. at the time i did not know who he was. well, after the superbowl, i saw on tmz that in texas, the superbowl was interupted after a certain 'interception' sorry i dont know football, but anyways, it was a clip of a porn movie..so i searched through the comments. tmz actually showed some of the clip that interrupted it, so i watched it, and i noticed the girl in it did sort of look like me, so i was like, hmm...then yep! i learned the guy was evan stone. so i searched more through the comments and someones sig or something had a link, to guess what...WIRE-TAPPING! and my ex boyfriend called me on my cell phone. i just think it was like, saying, hey yeah! we are spying, not just on me, but everyone im sure!
oh my gosh, i have several stories like this. i am not trying to lie and get attention but i think i have been giving signs and stuff...
more later....
oh btw, tyra show, she just said.
so you think no one notices your comments on the web. go to tyra show.com and find out how anonymous you are..
(the show was about the mean spirited bloggers and commenters on perez hilton and tmz and etc sites against the wondrous celebs we all know and hate/love...
whoa all of a sudden it just said POISON in capital letters on tv, im not paying attention to the show but it just said that, it was on inside edition POISON ivy...
sorry sometimes i find significance in things...so make fun of me
so inside edition is a stupid gossip show, but still, you know...lindsey lohan wearing a mask supposedly dating a 36 year old photographer woman, she denies it..
squeaky clean (??) charlotte church found passed out drunk on a checkerboard floor...
also talked about the new miss usa muslim etc etc etc...
Seems Megan Fox believes that she has a "Mental sickness".
Two more children sacrificed:
And another thing, probably ure gonna say its BS or gossip, whatever. Just yesterday the fact that TRAVOLTA's dogs were killed and now/today his wife announces she's pregnant again (at 47)? Hmmm...
So Vigilant is a producer? Well, I can't really say that Ben comes off as being all that much more scrupulous, given that a few months back he pretty much refused to remove derogatory and sexually explicit comments that were written about an MKed person who posted here. Also, there sure do seem to be a lot of speculative accusations on this blog, like saying that someone is a handler because she is four years older than her boyfriend. ??? I mean, seriously? Is that what is accepted as evidence of abusive relationships these days? And you also have to wonder, if so many of these stars have been molested and whatever else, at what point does it become invasive to speculate about exactly what their parents did to them when they are growing up? Especially if the evidence of that is so theoretical. Do you think a lot of the stars that Ben is supposedly concerned about would be appreciative of the articles that are written here, especially when they are accompanied by jokes about how submissive and exploited they are? HA HA funny!! At a certain point exploring these issues can easily turn into a form of exploitation in and of itself.
Meh, I'm not a saint and I don't claim to do everything in the right way. There are a few things I could pick up on in your comment but what would be the point, nothing I could say would convince you of my intentions.
BBC on "devil horns" hand sign:
Hey Ben,
Thanks for the sort of nice comments, but I'll feel better if you still have compliments when you've read the whole thing! :)
Good news...I decided to break up my huge new article into 3 parts,
to make it easier for readers to deal with. So, here's the first installment...
A Brief History of Stars - Part 1
This one might keep you busy reading all weekend. lol
Let me know what you think, and thanks for the inspiration and a few cool pics I made good use of from your place.
Take care and good luck on finals!
yo what the heck is wrong with her? tila wrote an open letter to someone, is she trying to make a deal with the devil or something? this is very odd. read it!
(note-"you tried to kill me off)
Newspaceman looks like the BBC timed that article nicely with a Crowley satanic blood sacrifice episode of Luther last night, UK readers can watch it here (should be up on torrent too, s01e03) though the show has some very annoying aspects you'd expect from British crime stuff.
Don't watch it if you are squeamish or potentially triggered though of course, some programming stuff in there too.
Love your posts, Ben. Keep up the great work!!
That Tila whoever she is post is crazy funny...and, well, crazy!
I just had to LOL at this comment from someone there:
"Your plastic surgeon didn't do a very good job enhancing your brain."
Too funny. :)
Lori....When are you going to write your blog!?!!?!!?!?!?
I am WAITING!!!!!!
Tila is an example of what happens to people when they gain fame at a young age but have no real coping mechanisms... they act crazy. The sad part is what would be considered a cry for help is just ridden off and whatever they say is ignored.
That said, Lori you definitely should make a blog. :P
It was just as I suspected:
Remember ROOM 101 from Orwell's 1984? Well done, Rihanna...
Tila is not crazy (not in the specific way)just messed up by the MK programming - this is very clear to me, her mind is in pieces (trigger obviously was death of Casey Johnson)...comments at her blog are very sad, people go there, read her posts and yet feel obliged to call her attention whore, what's wrong with them?...
Some MK signs from her wiki (When she was one year old, she and her family lived in a neighborhood in Houston until they were admitted to a gated community run by a strict Buddhist temple. While in middle school, Nguyen became a tomboy and was eventually sent to a boarding school for six months for her combative behavior before transferring to another school.Nguyen's career began at the age of 18 when she was discovered at the Sharpstown Mall by a Playboy scout and was offered a chance to model nude for the magazine. She did a test shoot.)
So, STOP bashing Tila, it's not her fault she is who she is...
I think more important things can be discussed on this forum besides TILA and smb flashing devil horns. Lets get serious!
KELIS has really really lost it:
Ugh,should of stopped right there at the first comment,it just that I thought you were acting nice just to shake me off.But I do apologize for some of the things I said,I had no right to talk about you as a person simply becuase I don't know you.I guess you were right about me getting frustrated,as I do get easily.
I'm kind of shocked at how calm you are as I expected you to tell me to go to hell or sometihng.That's the way i concluded that either you were extremley two-faced or you have a very high level of self control,which I admire.
I still think you're a good blogger and I hope for more articles from you soon(just no more miley cyrus,pls!).
Hi Guys, I thought I'd post this here...everyone should be aware of this by now...the 2012 Olympics logo sinc with ZION ? Anyway, today they unveiled the 2012 Mascots in London. There are pics and video story linked below. What makes this 'shocking' is that the mascots are 2 Cyclops (they look like a lot of different things in fact, dancing on a rainbow etc.)However, when you know the history and origin of 'Cyclops' you will see the masonic connection IMMEDIATEY...it's almost unbelievabvle...tell all your friends. This incredible 'psy-op' that is going to take place in 2012 I thought was just a coincidence...but these mascots prove something else a lot more sinister.Here are the links
Read what Wikipedia says about the origins of Cyclops!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclops
Yes, I saw those mascots and knew about the "Zion" matter. As soon as I saw the mascots, I instantly thought about penises, lol. There is already hysteria running around on most conspiracy sites regarding these macots which I hate. Everybody got panicked coz of those cyclops/penises or whatever. I should say to chill out, folks, really!
Come on guys you really need to comment on my posts now please don't leave me out.
FAITHLESS album art, video and website = masonic rave?:
the satanic sex magik thing running through hollyweird must be good because from an outsude perspective i'm so very thoroughly bored as shit by all this symbolic bullshit.
thanks for pointing it out an all but i think any half decent human being with a conscience should look down on this nonsense and see it for what it is.
the enetertainment industry of ameriKKKa can fuck off as far as i'm concerned. perverted little twerps.
i do plan on writing a blog where i can feel comfortable writing about things i notice and weird things that have happened to me. just last night in fact i received a series of correlations i thought strange, if you like you can check out my blog but it also has personal stuff on it, i just mentioned how i was watching adult swim, and it synchronized with things i was thinking or talking about, and i was posting on my forum i usually go too, asmb.com...
anyways...those kelis pictures are really disturbing especially her as a dog (anubis? i should study egyptian things more)...i was going to put a pic of "octomom" up...i was on tmz and octomom came out, looking like she thought she was a star while getting photos taken. tmz had a pic of her and her big pregnant belly and a picture of a cats head on her...
i took a few screencaps to showcase how blinded we are as a society to images such as the ones i noticed on perez hiltons site, i know kellan lutz is supposed to be a vampire or something, but these images look plain evil/demonic..
ok, about tila tequila (sorry C that you are very judgemental about certain things) anyways...there is at least 3 blogspots dedicated to taunting her and following her every move. yes she lied alot etc...but i actually feel it is cyber-stalking...
they follow her every move, and report everything about her...but she follows them. they have proof of when she takes heed of what they are saying. tila herself takes note of what is being said of her and tries to relegate it (not sure if that is a word???)
well, jerry_beck just left a comment, (actually i should check the timeline and timestamps first before jumping to conclusions....)
well, she is interviewing boxer Ruslan Provodnikov, and in the interview, she mentions growing up in Houston..
is it a coincedence? I should ask those at 'the rotspot' to further investigate..
Tila, are you following here too???
oh here it is
nevermind im probably jumping to comclusions on that one, and it looks like jerry_beck left his comment sometime in the afternoon. im pretty sure tila must of did that interview yesterday and what not.
Ben have you ever done an article on Goldfrapp?
She clearly uses satantic symbolism in her new video, and the dancers become werewolf's and then they lay the dead bodies on the pentagram. Hmmm...
check it out
Yes, Lori, Im judgemental coz I have a brain and I used it as properly as I can. Looks like this place will become TILA's shrine or smth like that. Its like the whole MK world turns around her. TILA here, TILA there, TILA everywhere, TILA ranting, TILA flashing devil horns, TILA tweeting... Seriously how far will we go with all kinda TILA "news"? If u wanna keep posting on and on about her, do it, fine, but honestly its a waste of time and space. This blogspot was threatened by morons who threw insults, now its "infested" with TILA. Great job, what can I say!
Fake or real?
New handler, new haircut?
That Montauk-Monster thing looks like a cross between two, probably even three animals.
Also, the comment about plum island being used for animal research adds weight to this.
Anony 6:52. True, IMO its a cross between otter, human, wild boar and bear. Terrible.
Victoria, I hadn't seen that vid so cheers for the link, does not surprise me, just taking her previous loosely pagan/occult themes to the extremely overt level. I've done a couple of disjointed posts on her here you might be interested in. Incidentally, I much prefer her older music than the recent, more pop-ish stuff.
BTW, I couldn't be bothered to do much blog work this past week (after exams I couldn't bring myself to get going straight away as I had planned), apologiez for delay but I am working on posts now so new stuff up soon.
Im watching HannaH montana (my neice watches it)....she is being held by mariennette strings, and the guy said to her...
this show is freakin' disturbing. with her creepy pedo-vibe dad and the girl wearing a sex-kitteny wig all the time....and that right there...
i always notice things now in these kids shows....i wonder how it is affecting my neice, she tends to act out alot and act like a teenager..i mean, i understand, but yeah she is pretty bratty...
i dont know....so weird..
oh someone sent tila a voodoo doll...unless she did it herself to garnish attention...
ok so now the dad is in charge of making the guy that took advantage of hannah being a puppet by doing the same himself. does that somehow mean he is a handler?
oh and about lindsey lohan, some pics of her in cannes surfaced where there is clearly cocaine on the table. she said it was a setup...i wonder if it was perhaps a setup. also im curious as her new movie where she stars linda lovelace. someone had said she was doing a good job "promoting" it, i wonder what that means????
doesnt surprise me at all if the rumours about vigilant are true. i really enjoy his articles but have always been kinda suspicious, i mean you would think someone would have shut down the site by now? why is all the information so out there/accessible these days? it seems deliberate to me, i remember someone saying here that part of their plan right now is revealing their secrets. well its definitely working. pretty much everyone i know has heard of the word "illuminati" and most have a brief idea of what it means. as i said before there is even a facebook group and a twitter page for VC!
Yes, all the information about the New World Order and TPTB are being exposed deliberately. But it's for a reason you see. We have a choice, and they are making us aware of this choice by exposing themselves.
If we choose to go to sites The VC and completely disqualify his articles for hogwash, we have missed the bigger picture. Remember you should question everything, all the time. It's healthy, for without critical thinking who knows where most of us would be.
All these sites do is expose these mysterious that have been around for centuries. The reason they are being exposed is because very shortly, it will all make sense. We will be given a choice as to whether we will go blindly into the darkness and follow these evil forces, or say "no" and see the world for what it truly is.
Filth. Lying. Corruption. Greed. Selfishness.
This is all part of an awakening process, it takes more than just visiting one website. It's a step by step process that is painful. By the end, you'll feel the world isn't meant for you, because you'll see everything for what it truly is.
If you want to be awake, it's not fun and you will most certainly be alone. You will start to question everything. Even your own church. Even your parents. I'm saying EVERYTHING. It becomes too much to handle sometimes.
I know in my heart that all this research and self awareness is worthwhile. Keep on searching and you might get the answers you're looking for. Or even better, you might find answers that you never were looking for in the first place.
yep. i'm even questioning this blog now
i mean, how can we take a person with the name 'Benjamin Singleton' seriously? isn't that a massive hint that he's a slave? i mean, why the need to display his full name all the time, whats wrong with just ben. isn't displaying your full name exposing yourself a bit, you'd think he'd want to be kind of anonymous revealing all this stuff OH WAIT it no longer matters whether 'they' see this or not because its all part of the plan! duhh!
It's just my name, not sure if you are being serious. Hehe, would it somehow confirm your suspicions if I used my complete full name 'Benjamin Edward Singleton', definitely would indicate my perpetual enslavement! Going by Ben instead of Benjamin (which I only use on more official stuff/signing up etc) is hardly going to protect my identity (I don't think they care too much about random bloggers like me, the floodgates for this info was opened by the internet anyway). I recently found out my great-grandfather (maternal grandfather's father) was apparently a Mason though :O More massive hints, lol!
I have thought about why it's all getting out there so much now though and I have some theories, but in general I am pretty much in full agreement with Victoria's great comment here.
came across interesting movie Torture Room http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1000017...plot is that some men (we don't know who they are, but we can assume that it is some military) kidnapp young girls and torture them (main programmer is named mr.green)....torture scenes are very brutal (apparently director want them to be even more brutal!!), so it's not for everyone!
here's what said director Eric Forsberg (also interestng to look into hib bio, his 8th year old is a child actress, married on the Halloween...) The most difficult thing about the making of this movie was the saleability of the final product. We showed the first versions of the script to producers and distributors alike. A lot of big people in the industry loved it, some because of it's politics and others because it wasn't afraid to present the prison and the brainwashing in a gritty and never before seen way (the original script had far more brutal torments than the final film)....
Hey Ben,
I, too, agree with what you and Victoria have said - and her comments were excellent.
That's quite funny about your great-Grandfather...I've also read that my pseudo-namesake, Beethoven, may have been a Mason, but there's no proof of that, apparently.
It's probably important to remember, though, that being a Mason wasn't always such a bad thing. At one point in time, say Beethoven's, it actually represented thinking that was ANTI-ruling elite and nobiity, which is why LVB initially supported what Napoleon was up to in his wars to overthrow the ruling class. The big problem came when he won, and then, predictably, seized power unto himself, becoming yet another non-royal form of tyrant, leaving poor Ludwig, and thousands of others disillusioned and, well, very pissed off!
Ironically, the only Masons I know of who did not follow this pattern were the Founders of the USA, who had it well within their grasp in 1776 to do the same, but rather went the opposite direction, for decentralized power and a democratic Republic rule of law, not men. Clearly, this has now been subverted and replaced with a shadowy oligarchy or sorts, but hey, we can't say that George W, Ben F. and the boys didn't try to set things right.
I think in our time it is fairly obvious that the Masons function and exist as a means of supporting the elite ruling class, and essentially ARE the ruling elite class.
Either way, I don't hold that against you, your great-Grandfather or my favorite composer. :)
Thanks again for all that you do here, Mr. Singleton!
Simon Monjack found dead this morning! Any explanation required...? I don't think so!!! ;-)
oh my god i was just going to post that...
brittany murphys husband simon monjack found dead...how creepy!
oh and lindsey is probably going to jail, but not sure...in LA who knows?c
Monjack's death is creepy? Its really creepy what he did to this wife, he had a huge contribution to this. Now, its all even to say so. His programming is over, now he got "destroyed".
'A Brief History of Stars - Part Two' is now published.
Quite ironic, too, there's a big section on Brittany and Simon Con-Jack in there...surreal, to say the least.
oh so you think its funny now ben?
fuck you.
Do I think what is funny? What on earth are you going on about... Calm down mate. I found that comment's paranoid assertions about me a little amusing, lighten up a bit maybe?
LVB those articles look like amazing work, keep it up!
Hi Ben,
Thank you very much for the kind words, I really hope you and others wil appreciate them, and find things in there that even you, as far more advanced students of these things, may not have known.
It's tough to know how to approach it from a ground-floor position, like an "MK for dummies" edition (not that anyone is a dummy for not knowing - after all, none of us know anything until we know it!).
But I do hope it has value to most people who read it, it was grueling to research and write because there's so much there to cover, and I'm sure you know how once you begin digging into things, it spawns other things and more things, etc. That's half the fun, but also the laughable agony of the whole thing, too!
Just as I told you before, when I wrote the Imma Bee/PsyWar piece,
receiving praise on my writing from someone like yourself really means a lot to me. I can't thank you enough for that, and for your graciousness in allowing me to "borrow" pics from your work, not because I'm lazy - but in truth, because they actually are some of the BEST pics I've found anywhere, so why bother with lesser quality ones, yaknow???
Did you read far enough into Part Two to see the section on Brittany Murphy and Simon Con-Jack? I thought that was just bizarre last evening when a few of your loyal readers posted that he had been found dead, as I'd literally just finished final edits and was within minutes of pressing the magical "publish article" button!
Creepy and surreal stuff there. It's almost like someone knew LOL
I hope they don't show up here trying to blame ME somehow! :)
I'm going to make a semi-educated guess that his cause of death will be poly-drug overdose - whether they try to say accidental drug interaction (like Ledger), or suicide due to remorse and depression over losing (possibly indirectly killing) dear Brit.
Either way, that sociopath won't be taking any more sick, twisted photos of Brittany, or anyone else, so that's a plus for our world. :)
I can't wait to see your new articles, but I know you can't rush perfection!
Take care, my friend.
you're vigilant citizen aren't you? look at you kissing ben's ass and vice versa, its soooo obvious you're both fake
LVB, i am reading your new article...
also, what is up with these medusa style headgear? lady gaga also wore a hat like that at cannes, but honestly, i am sick of lady gaga's getups, and her new song, alejandro, sounds just like an 80's madonna song. its all the same formula, yet everyone thinks lady gaga is so brilliant because of the costumes she wears...
also, tila tequila is trying to say she has split personalities, "jane", london accent, "caroline" and a few others...i think it is pretty pathetic if she is just lying about it and using info she sees on sites like this, perhaps, so that she can get on celebrity rehab with dr. drew. she already lied about her pregnancy and now she is going to say she has other personalities?
it takes years before someone comes to terms with their MPD and DID....i do think she needs help, she is seeking attention, and self worth.
"Hollywood" is a very soul-sucking place to be a part of...people will just LIE and LIVE ALL SORTS OF CRAZY, just to stay "relevant" so to speak in "famous world"
Police say metal band Slipknot bassist Paul Gray has been found dead in an Iowa hotel room.
Police say a hotel employee found the 38-year-old Gray dead Monday in a room at the Town Plaza Hotel in Urbandale, a suburb of Des Moines. Foul play isn’t suspected. An autopsy is planned for Tuesday.
@ Anonymous(16:56) If you continue like this,you're probably going to end up killing your mother with a chainsaw in the middle of the night.
I understand your doubts about Vigilant,but I don't understand about Ben.I mean he did give his full name,his age and where he lives,what more do you want?Does he have to put pictures of himself naked for you to believe he's not fake?Though I have too noticed that many bloggers have to suck his dick everytime he says something,that's cause he use to be one of the best at this shit so he's got somekind of respect.
Sorry, but I just have to ask...WTF is wrong with you people who have to equate another person's sincere compliment or respect for Ben's work with "kissing ass", etc.???
Are you so insecure that you are incapable of saying something nice about another person, or even allowing other people to do so?
Obviously, I can ony speak for myself about being sincere and honest in having respect for Ben and his work - and the fact that I am not Ben and I am not Vigilant - I am me, an actual, sovereign and individual person.
While I do encourage people to think for themselves and question things, it becomes a little sad when people can't accept anything at all from anyone as sincere or truthful.
I'm not sure there's much else I can really say about this, or if I should even bother - but I, for one, say what I mean and mean what I say, every word of it.
Whether that has any value, or means anything to anyone else is irrelevant, but it is still the truth. I would say "trust me", but I know that would probably just cause further controversy. :)
Imma Bee...
LAKEVILLE, Minn. -- The Minnesota State Patrol has identified the two victims who died in a fatal chain-reaction crash Monday morning in Lakeville involving a bee truck.
The vehicles collided on northbound Interstate 35 just south of County Road 70 late Monday morning.
50-year-old Pamela Brinkhaus of Elko died at the scene. 24-year-old Kari Rasmussen of St. Anthony was airlifted to the hospital in critical condition, but died Monday evening.
According to the State Patrol, two semi trucks and two cars were in the right lane of I-35 northbound near CR 70. The bee truck was ahead of the two passenger vehicles followed by the second semi truck. Traffic was stopped on I-35 but the second semi truck did not react quickly enough to stop and hit the two passenger vehicles. The vehicles then slammed into the bee truck in front of them, according to the State Patrol.
With traffic stopped on I-35, emergency responders knew this crash would be bad and then there was something they didn't expect.
"It was a black haze. Never seen anything like that," said Lakeville Fire Chief Scott Nelson. "I opened my door and got stung in the face."
With thousands of bees swarming, pouring out of the back of a semi carrying thousands more, emergency crews tried to reach the crash victims. The swarm complicated an already difficult situation.
Victims identified in fatal crash involving bee truck on I-35 in Lakeville
"The driver's transporting the bees had some extra suits that the paramedics were able to put on," Lt. Roeske explained.
The bees stung several first responders. An ambulance was standing by in case anyone had an allergic reaction.
Officers were initially told to not get out of their cars until the bees settled down. Firefighters tried to keep the bees calm with water hoses; beekeepers warned them they are a handful, especially when it's extremely hot.
A nearby Lakeville elementary school took precautions as well, not allowing Anthony Cherrier's son outside because he's allergic to bees.
"That stuff is scary...not too far from home either," Anthony said.
The bees belong to Bauer Honey based in Fertile, Minnesota. Darren Straus, part owner of the company, was hauling the load from Mississippi to North Dakota. "All I felt was a couple of big bangs and I looked in the one mirror and I saw boxes and beehives exploding," he said.
Straus said he was hauling 800 bee colonies, each with about 30,000 honey-producers. He's estimating 150 colonies were destroyed or lost in the accident, costing the company about $45,000. Straus said he was more concerned about the victims in the cars.
Investigators are looking into whether a slowdown because of construction down the road played a role in the crash, but at this point they just don't know for sure.
"How all the vehicles interacted is still to be determined," said Lt. Eric Roeske with the Minnesota State Patrol.
At least one firefighter had to be treated for heat exhaustion. Northbound I-35 was reopened around 7 p.m. Monday.
What ud expect from RIRI?
Next week Sky1 is showing the new tv version of Sir Terry Pratchett's 33rd Discworld novel "GOING POSTAL", about the Masonic Postal Service:
This was an interersting read:
Demi Lovato says [on metal being her love]:
"[Metal isn't] all I listen to, of course, but there was a period of time where it was," Lovato told me. "I guess it started in school. I started listening to stuff with screaming in it, and then I started [exploring] more metal. MySpace helped me a lot, and friends will tell me about certain bands. And some of the bands I like aren't necessarily too metal. It's funny, because the Jonas Brothers dance and play dance music in their dressing room, and I'll be across the hall, and I just blare metal. People walk by and go, 'Really?' "
and then she spoke of her experience at a concert:
"I was the little girl in the red dress and red lipstick, and I totally didn't fit in, but I had so much fun," she explained. "It was awesome. I lost my shoes, I was going crazy ... it was awesome."
red lipstick, red dress, perhaps too RED SHOES?!?!?! MK!! hahaha, :P
"I would love to secretly do some work on a metal band's album,"
yeah, secretly because disney has a good grip.
le link
un mas about previously mentioned chica. i glanced at her twitter and this stood out:
I am so overwhelmed by the amount of fans waiting at the airport for me here in Chile.. I've never felt more special in my life... 9:38 AM May 22nd via Twitter for BlackBerry®
ok now check out this picture. i think it's the view from her hotel window:
dunno about her, but that wouldn't make me feel special, but overwhelmed, yes. in a very, very negative way.
@ LVB......why when ive tried to veiw your blog does it say page unavailiable????
@ Benjamin Singleton......i think that comment about ure name meaning u must be a slave is because 'benjamin singleton was the name an black slave in the usa who became 'free' and in then helped others escape slavery to become 'free'.....you must know that though?.....considering your subject matter its kind of ironic i guess to some if that is your real name, and obviously makes sense if you 'chose' it on purpose for your blog name.....who cares anyway is it really anyones business what your real name is??.......p.s i emailed u pls wen u have time i wud very much appreciate ure opinion.......thanx
Hey Carolyn, got your email, sending response tomorrow. Try copy and pasting the URLs in LVB's comments above for the blog (that link should work anyway). And yes I have been aware of my namesake's history, it is pure coincidence nothing more, I can assure you that it is my real name (I can see how you could put 2 and 2 together and think that though; but they are obviously common first and last names).
BTW, posts are progressing slowly unfortunately, obviously struggling to get back into it with the same vigour that I used to have. They will be done when they're done, I am definitely not stopping or anything like that, just bear with me I guess.
hi carolyn8
I tried to post a comment to you earlier but it didn't break through for some reason. My only guess is that you may have been using a link to another blog where some of my stuff used to be, but is no longer posted there - I'm sorry for the confusion if that was the problem.
But, anyway, it looks like Ben has helped both of us out by giving you the correct link, thanks very much for doing that, Ben.
Here's something VC posted today that you might find interesting.
I always liked Dave Chappelle, and thought what he did to combat the entertainment business pressures was awesome. I really admire him for that, much like I do with Chris DeGarmo, who I mentioned in my article about the Dreamachine.
It takes a wise person, with big brass balls, to walk away from the evil temptations of the fame and fortune of the showbiz world.
More power to them!
um, on the E! channel (not sure why im watching it, chelsea handler who thinks roman polanskis rape victim wanted it, ugh gross) anyways, it just said, "celebrity new world order" it said it so sly and suggestively...but they said it...
im reading LVB's post and it just makes me think...i dont know...whatever. im so sick of these celebrity gossip sites and shows and nonsense...i just want to focus on my life, really.
Hey Lori,
Thanks for reading my article, and I'm sorry if it had a sickening effect on you! LOL I sort of went through stages of that myself in researching and writing it.
The ugly truth of what these people called celebrities truly are definitely makes a decent, normal person want to take a bath...like in bleach or something! lol
Your own life is certainly more important than their disgusting lives, that you can be sure of. :)
Check out rihanna's new porno
Also at about 2:47 she is dancing(don't know what other term to use)in a circle with a I think it's an Iron Cross( have to do something with Germany, WW3?), and horns on her head.
At one point of the video,not sure when cause youtube had frozen,you can see on her shoulder LXXXVI which is suppose to be the birthday of her best friend(1986)which I honestly doubt,I mean who wold tattoo the b'day of his best friend?
thanks LVB
I enjoyed the article, and it is sort of reliving moments of your own life, in a way. we are all familiar with these "celebrities" all of them..musicians, childhood actors, icons etc. i just view things with a different perspective now. i was not aware of all of this "evil notions" going on before, about 3 years ago i started becoming more aware.
i wanted to share that deepak chopra was on the colbert report last night. he was trying to say that the devil is God and that they both live within us. good is evil and evil is good, but isnt that what they all believe? i dont believe that. evil does not feel right. why would anyone want to live with evil? im sorry i dont really study up on philosophy and religion (although i want too)...i have a theory about stephen colbert btw...well, not exactly a theory, but i know that he knows who i am...but anyways...
is slash even in that rihanna video? she is just dressed up as him. i dont even hear his guitar in that video..???
oh yeah i notice travis barker in that video...eh whatever they are all rock stars!!!
"im so sick of these celebrity gossip sites and shows and nonsense...i just want to focus on my life, really."
me too. this is becoming nothing but a huge distraction! maybe thats the idea...get everyone panicking about an 'iluminati' so that they miss whats really going on
also i can guarantee you a lot of this is to do with money...everyone is cashing on the iluminati now, purposely incorporating themes into their music/art whatever! just so everyone goes :O ! and buys it
"i dont believe that. evil does not feel right. why would anyone want to live with evil? im sorry i dont really study up on philosophy and religion (although i want too)."
Because it is necessary.
Think of 'evil' as a tool to show us what is 'good' in the world. Would you understand what light is if you never had never seen the dark?
The fact that you don't believe that 'evil' feels right is good. It isn't supposed to feel right. It is there to give you opportunities to express your free will and ultimately find what is right.
But I really wouldn't pay much mind to what Chopra says. He suffers from a bad case of the quackery.
Ben - good to know you're writing new posts and done with school stuff. I can't believe some of what I'm reading through these comments, but I guess this place is going to have a "crazy" atmosphere. ;p My jokes get me a lot of shit too, it happens.
There seems to be a weird blending of the "positive" view on symbolism and the "negative" view in the media these days. I can't quite tell it apart sometimes, I think they're aware that people are catching on to it so they're really pushing the more "positive" symbols (which can really go either way, but given the context of television and other complete wastes of time, it's pretty obvious in the end what the intent here is). I hate to say it but I really don't have any new evidence to show you from my own life. The only TV I watch is completely brainless but really not blatant with the MK stuff (besides violent content, but if something shows violence or a sick attitude towards women, I tend to watch something else, I just don't have the stomach to be a full-on MK researcher I guess).
p.s.: I think that if someone is not aware of these things, it doesn't automatically mean that they are MK'd. If they're going around being vehicles for the MK agenda in a clear and concise fashion, that's when you know.
we have to remember just how amazing this world is. truly there is a God. He created this wonderful planet, evil, or "the devil" created the bad. "They" believe in Satan, clearly we have been reading and studying and researching and understanding how they think, (some more than others, but i am doing my own research as well)...(((ugh! it just said, "fall under the spell, (((referring to some show on the CW, and i just heard that rihanna song rock star on the tv, and it just got me annoyed))
anyways...feel free to check out my blog. it is really not much about anything, but it might be a little inspirational. its a bunch of youtube videos, hailstorms, thunderstorms, aquatic life, animals, babies, classical music.
i just made it and it made me feel much better...
Hey Lori,
Your blog is cool. It's fun and different, I like that. I have to say that you look pretty good, considering your age. :)
I especially like the classical music thing you have there. Isn't it awesome that the best music in all of human history was written and performed at a time when there was no electricity...no auto-tune, mixer boards or Protools, even?!!
Congrats on your blog. I don't do myspace, but I will look in on you every now and then just to see what you're up to. Thanks!
thank you LVB, i would like to start listening to more classical music and enjoying nature more, just to clear my head. it is nice to forget the distractions of the tv, internet, news, and media...although most of what i blog about is just silly random stuff, but thank you!
on another note, this is disgusting. why does tmz put these 911 calls up? and why was the operator so rude to her? this is the 911 call about simon monjack.
oh i have a question ben. i noticed you said that shows like american idol are all pre-planned or something...that they already know the operators. what do you mean? it was lee dewyze that won. all the blogs and internet said he was going too, except for tmz. they said he had too much saliva in his mouth.
anyways, what do you mean and what can you say about this new american idol winner? frankly, i could care less about american idol, that show is just a bunch of glorification and crap...
The reason TMZ and other media parasites put things like 911 calls out there is fairly simple - because they can. And, because they have no decency or respect for anyone, regardless of whether it is a life-threatening or emotional situation. In fact, they love those situations even more, because it attracts the sickest among us as voyeurs to enjoy another person's tragedy as a form of entertainment. That's how TMZ, and others like them, make $$$.
Second, I've worked with many 911 operators, actually, and they are typically very good at what they do. It can be an extremely stressful job, as you can imagine, not only because of the life and death situations, but also because they can be sued civilly for the decisions they make in doing their jobs, unlike most of us.
Having said that, the guy on this recording was very unprofessional, and needs to be seriously counselled on his lack of patience and empathy.
It's one thing to be firm and forceful in a situation where a person is in a state of shock or panic, in order to get important information out of them and/or get them to take urgent actions to help save a life - but it was clearly not helpful (and was actually counterproductive in this case) for him to be as abrasive and rude as he was to her on this call. If I were his supervisor, we'd be having a very long chat about his job performance, and whether he really has what it takes to continue being in that profession. It's not a job that just anyone can do well, and they need to make a serious effort to weed out those who behave as this guy did.
Sorry I can't help you on the American Idol stuff...that is one aspect of media that I shun altogether, and I'm a much happier man because of it. :)
LVB and Lori--get a room. Ben, please come back--my favorite blogger has disappeared for this year-- "13" so far? Please tell me they didn't start flouridating your water....
that is one creepy robot..
what made me wonder about the 911 call is perhaps he was in on it, i dont know? like, they knew it was simon monjack and the mother, and it was set up for him to just die...and he was messing with her head by being so insensitive...
it just makes me wonder...thats all...thanks
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