In the mean time I have decided to post this article, which has been co-written by a contributor from France, Mathieu Pilars and myself. So special thanks to him for sending me his original which I edited and added some of my own research/images to (enough that we decided to call it a joint article). I do not plan to have contributors as a regular feature of the blog (though I have not ruled out the idea entirely if something substantive comes along) so please do not spend a lot of time writing something and sending it to me as I will probably not publish it.
Anyway, here is the article that covers a fair bit of the French side of things but obviously not all of it, I hope you find it interesting (it is quite long so I might have missed the odd typo/error, just let me know if you come across anything worth fixing):
By Mathieu Pilars and Benjamin Singleton
In this article I will try to expose some quickly-done research about celebrities in France that share mind-control symbolism with their US and UK counterparts.
I will only be covering recent french celebrities, but an extensive search could be done around the first pioneers of the Lolita archetype in France. Everything really starts with Serge Gainsbourg's muses: France Gall (in 1965, in her song written by Gainsbourg, called "wax puppet" she tells us: "My records are like a mirror where everybody can see me, I’m everywhere at the same time, broken in a thousand pieces of voice"), Brigitte Bardot, Jane Birkin (daughter of Royal Navy commander/WWII intelligence operative, distant relative of British King and Mason Edward VIII's mistress), Vanessa Paradis ("Paradise it’s hell" - spoken at the end of the symbolic video for Tandem) or even his own daughter Charlotte (abusing her on a ritual altar in their "Lemon Incest" video)...

France Gall above, on the right after performing and winning at Eurovision with Wax Doll/puppet in 1965, the left image is a promo photo from her Der Computer Nr. 3 single. Serge with Vanessa Paradis below, Serge nicknamed her "Lolycéenne" meaning "Lolita schoolgirl" according to the linked bio.

Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin in a domestic violence/abuse themed shoot, below her 'lolita go home' cover with Birkin in handcuffs (from an infamous bondage themed nude photo shoot for Lui magazine).

Birkin and Gainsbourg's offspring was of course Charlotte (one of whose recent tracks, Master's Hands, featured in my previous post), here are a couple of screen captures from the 'Lemon Incest' video, note the triangular ritual altar-platforms the bed is on, which goes from black to white (duality) and the general cave/underground evokes a Hell-like setting. She was 13 at the time of recording the song.

An extract from a Telegraph interview article for the release of 'Antichrist': "She slumps forward in her chair like a marionette whose strings have been cut, and the tips of her long hair brush across her knees. “If he were still here I think I would only work with him,” she says, firmly. Is that because she felt he understood her better than anyone? “Oh, no. No, I don’t think he understood me. I don’t think that was his goal, to get into other people’s personalities, or souls. My experience was that you were not in control: he told you when to smile, when to breathe, and then little accidents would occur and that was what he was looking for. You were like a puppet for him; he pulled the strings. In that sense, he was like a film director.”

Charlotte's first album, 'Charlotte For Ever' was also released under the name 'Lemon Incest' internationally (cover of the single above; apparently the song was a play on words for 'Lemon Zest' but obviously there is more to it than that, and it is pretty overt), with all the songs written by Serge such as 'Oh Daddy Oh' and 'Don't forget to forget me' and probably other suggestive ones I cannot understand as my (Ben) French is very poor.

Charlotte's first album, 'Charlotte For Ever' was also released under the name 'Lemon Incest' internationally (cover of the single above; apparently the song was a play on words for 'Lemon Zest' but obviously there is more to it than that, and it is pretty overt), with all the songs written by Serge such as 'Oh Daddy Oh' and 'Don't forget to forget me' and probably other suggestive ones I cannot understand as my (Ben) French is very poor.

Serge's film 'Charlotte For Ever', directed by himself, is extremely suggestive and mirrors his own life: "Stan, screenplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte." as he himself ended up dying, arguably a washed up alcoholic. She must have been at the most only 15 years of age when this was filmed, here is a trailer, and directing your own daughter in scenes like this is clearly perverse (unless you buy into the whole naive cliché "oh it's just how the French do things").
I began by doing a standard survey of the most well known female singers in France and then launched a Google Images search on each one, sometimes adding "disque" to have only their records' covers, looking for blatant symbols or references to mind-control or occult symbolism. I was quickly amazed as I am now 40-something and am not following the mainstream pop-culture anymore. I knew their names, but not their current marketing stuff. I was amazed.
We will be covering here: Alizée, Lorie, Ophelie Winter, Jenifer Bartoli, Nolwenn Leroy and Loana. If you're French and have children, you may well have one of these girls' posters stuck on the wall of your daughter's room.
Alizée’s early promo material. Note that in french, a bow-tie is spelled "butterfly knot".
Let's begin with Alizée, who started in a reality show aired on M6 (know your enemy, this media group also has another TV channel named W9, M6 reversed). She was then spotted and coached directly by Mylene Farmer and her probable handler Laurent Boutonnat, who I’ll both introduce first:
Mylene Farmer is a popular 80's - 90's pop singer who popularized a Gothic/romantic genre, mixing aesthetics from the Marquis de Sade, sex abuse, vampires etc without using too explicitly satanic/occult stuff or whatever (looks like, you know, it's art). Mylene also became an icon for all the libertine clubs (partner swapping), bondage, fetish or transsexual "scene". One of her most recent singles, "Sextonic" is also the name of a sex toy she sells online. She is nonetheless a mainstream artist, often seen on TV, and recently invited at Nicolas Sarkozy’s palace for a party given for the coming of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (who likes her very much, like many Russians where she is popular).
Mylene's videos have predominantly been made by Laurent Boutonnat, who started his career at just 17 with a film called "Ballade de la Féconductrice", triple word-play around the words "fée" (fairy), "féconder" (fertilize) and "conductrice" (electrical conductor). The film begins with the fairy electrifying a boy in his bath, then follows emasculation, rape, etc... In Mylene’s videos or shows, he frequently uses occult and Nazi-style symbols and themes (the red/black/white motif is relatively common in his work). The main point here is that this guy basically used Mylene to create something, she is his art "thing", and he has clearly stated this many times.
An image from the first Laurent Boutonnat film - electric shocks, rape, mass extermination, controlling children like puppets; it's all here in 1979.
Anyway, this promising young man had the privilege to have this same movie shown at the Cannes film festival in 1979, the poster from Cannes is above. In 1984 he launched Mylene's career with 'Mum is wrong' featuring a child-abuse/psychiatric ambiance, starting with a Freud portrait.
'Sans Contrefaçon', a song in which she talks about a girl who thinks she is a man, the video’s plot being a "puppet-master" trying to make money with Mylene’s puppet/ventriloquist dummy (like Mylene was to Laurent), which then comes to life (a typical Pinocchio/Golem/etc theme).
But Mylene is not a puppet/kitten archetype anymore, in an occult way, she now looks more like a high priestess.
Image from her 'Mylenium Tour', held in 1999, and included a 9 meter-high animated statue of Isis, designed by HR Giger, about which she stated: "I chose Isis because she’s got many faces. I gave birth to a creature which is, for me, the mother of the living nature. She evokes the four elements, and she is the fifth."
One of her last videos "Degeneration" clearly shows what looks like a mind control Nazi experiment facility. It’s not just a movie set, though: the building where the video was filmed is the psychiatric institute of Prague-Bohnice, where "Beginning from 1937, insulin comas were performed, after the war electric shocks and lobotomy." I suppose we can call this choice a tribute, or is it just an artistic commitment to detail? The first lyrics can be understood easily "Sexy coma, sexy trauma".
You could go through all of her videos, but I (Ben) thought a few were worth adding in (I believe Mylene, and some also some others have been brought up in this blog's comments too). 'Comme j'ai mal' ('How much I suffer') explicitly references her Monarch programming, as it shows someone who is presumably supposed to be her father abusing a young girl (representing her; her dissociated childhood memories) with various symbolic shots of a doll, insects and such, as Mylene eventually is coccooned and turned into a butterfly:
And her video for 'Je te rends ton amour' ('I give back your love') has some very clear Satanic overtones.


In her video for 'California' she played a sex-kitten/prostitute in Hollywood (the kitten programming reinforced by the leopard print coat), standard MPD/MK (Mind Kontrol) symbolism as her celebrity/high society personality looks at herself from her car before attending an event; the hooker Mylene is killed, by her pimp/handler who is the same handler as the celebrity "boyfriend" (she kills him at the end of it after altering her clothes to be more like the prostitute).

Her video for 'My Soul is Slashed', directed by Luc Besson also has a few interesting themes (God as a business man sitting in a black inverted pyramid chair, Mylene as his angel sent down to Earth to find out what happened to 'love', she is soon seduced to the 'dark' side, the duality symbolized by her change from a white outfit to black).

Her video for 'My Soul is Slashed', directed by Luc Besson also has a few interesting themes (God as a business man sitting in a black inverted pyramid chair, Mylene as his angel sent down to Earth to find out what happened to 'love', she is soon seduced to the 'dark' side, the duality symbolized by her change from a white outfit to black).

Alizée's second record cover ('under the heel' of dissociatively huge shoe, like being shrunk in Alice in Wonderland; the name Alizée seems quite similar to Alice also, she originates from Corsica like Laetitia Casta by the way). The title: my electric currents (shocks). Below is a more recent live performance wearing a dress suggestive of her kitten programming.
Other lyrics evoking the traditional MK blurred personality in her first album can be spotted like Abracadabra: Mon humeur et moi / Changeons de peau à / Chaque fois (Me and my mood / change of skin / each time).Alizée's third record (come back after 3 years) "Psychédélices" (Psychedelics / Delicious) cover uses the multiple alters theme: a young collegian, presumably food-addict and a sexy kitten (Alizée is known to love her Louboutin shoes), apparently happy to see her alter-ego surrender to temptation - a butterfly is in the purple lettering. The green/pink/orange traffic lights possibly representing colour coded triggers for the alters (alter 'stops/waits/starts').
Alizée is also known to have a giant Tinkerbell tattoo on her back, here filmed on a national TV show.

Now an international brand (particularly in Japan and Mexico as well as France), she's moving to electronic music, using the hippest Parisian DJs, with a retro pop-art graphical setup. Her last video contains a fair amount of the standard MK symbolism: reflections/multiples of self, lost in an hotel corridor (quickly, at 0:32), and she now appears "grown up" and looks more like a presidential model than the child-woman Lolita she used to be.
To finish with Alizée, there's an earlier video 'Fifty-Sixty' a tribute to Andy Warhol’s muse, Edie Sedgwick, which piles up all the MK'ed models attributes. It's quite full of various symbols, magic flying Louboutin shoes, butterfly-wings (evoking her Tinkerbell tattoo) in the bathroom (1:40). It also begins with a view of the Chrysler tower in NYC.
Adding to Alizée, there are a few other videos that I (Ben) feel are especially MK symbolic that deserve some attention.
'Mademoiselle Juliette' (single cover above, note the gilded/gold bird cage on a chain, pentagram/star shape, dog dehumanization etc), released in 2007 leads you to believe at the start that it is going to be a rehashing of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette, however it soon veers off in a whole other symbolic direction.
The dark masked Alizée leads the other into various scenes such as masked girls staring and standing motionless as if tranced (Alizée dances around them and lifts up one of the girls' arm and it drops down showing their depicted tranced/dissociative state) and a symbolic duality checkerboard floor room where two girls share a bath in suggestive/symbolic white liquid, the duality emphasized by the girls in black pouring the liquid and the black and white candles on the checkerboard floor.

Note she is led by a black chubby Mickey Mouse-like figure with a white skull and bones on it (within an eye shape), this is in a room where girls dressed in black are sitting around like statues smoking; contrasted with the first room that she enters room where girls in pink are indulging with treats, cake, guitars and such.

Note the Monarch butterflies added to the picture in this promo photo.

Alizee with prominent MK slave user Prince Albert of Monaco at the World Music Awards in Monaco.

In "Je vais vite" video, the universe shown is reminiscent of Luc Besson’s (another post to do about him and his films: Nikita ... etc) film 'The Fifth Element'. Note the fractured infinite mirror scene above also. [Ed: I have a bit on Besson and FE in a Milla Jovovich post I have half finished]

Lorie also was engaged for 3 years to Garou, a renowned Quebec French singer (in french loup-garou means werewolf, which is not his first name or surname), who was cited, among others, by the top-model Karen Mulder (Garou's previous "official" relationship) as being involved in top-model sex-slave brainwashing the day she tried to tell her story on French television. What she said had been cut, a fan filming the interview in the audience had his tape erased by security staff, but the story was revealed on the web. She claimed that Garou was fully aware that Ophelie Winter was a victim of MK. Click the Karen Mulder link for my post on the matter where I cover Ophelie also.
Ophélie Winter, another model and singer was invited on the talk show, Karen Mulder in her original testimony said she could confirm all she was telling. But Ophélie entered the TV studio only once, angry Karen had left, and made no comment at all and did her interview as if nothing had happened. Daughter of a dutch singer and a model, Ophélie, is a big sex-symbol in France, who now has her own "name sign" (a W in a O) like her master Prince, whom she worked with for a year. She is also seen very often in movies, talk-shows, etc. Mrs Winter has also been under arrest during a french inquire about a broad cocaine trafficking network. This fits as MK slaves are known to be used in this kind smuggling activity.
To get back to MK female singers in France, we then have Jenifer Bartoli and Nolwenn Leroy, both coming from the new fish pond for MK female candidates: reality shows.
Jenifer Bartoli, doing "just a cool gesture" on the picture above, was "discovered" in Star Academy, but also was in the other "Graines de Star" (Star Seeds) in 1997, with Alizée. Her third album is called 'Lunatic' (crazy/lunacy, has MK connotations) and has a Monarch symbolic butterfly-marked cover (below).

This photo shoot of Bartoli and the serpent is very typical, the same type of snake (yellow Python) Britney Spears and others have danced seductively with in this often repeated in the media psycho-sexual and esoteric scene (serpent: phallus, wisdom/loss of innocence/Garden of Eden/Satan).

Nolwenn Leroy, also came from the Star Academy musical reality show, Jenifer won the first series, Nolwenn the second. In the above covers notice the owl, white/black rabbit (more Alice bits follow), cat and swan. On the above left cover note the peacock feather eye symbolism. Also on the above right, she has the cable of the mic around her foot, like a leash. This reminds me of one the best known French lolitas, which I have mentioned already, Vanessa Paradis (whose singing career started to grow at age 14). She's renowned for the Chanel video commercial where she's a bird in a cage (notice also the red rope around her ankle like a shackle/leash). Nolwenn also used this 'caged bird' theme in her portfolio (a few images down, from her single cover shoot for 'Nolwenn Ohwo!').

Nolwenn had the Monarch theme in her second record 'Histoire Naturelle' and it's single of the same name, with the music video showing her as a dead butterfly pinned in a museum box. The lyrics: "I'm a butterfly lost among the lions", "I like to fly in every direction", "the would-be Darwins want to undress, to dissect me without any emotion", "My story is the one about an appearing species".

In the video, the camera pans across some pinned butterflies in the nature museum setting, making sure to pan across a large Monarch butterfly, then we see her in a cocoon (transforming/metamorphosing into a butterfly, a common mind control motif/imagery used in Monarch programming) you can also see her as a spider (or Shiva's arms, as you like).
The first video from this record ('faut-il, faut-il pas': must I or not?) has a lot less symbols. The butterfly is just evoked on a lamp, at the right, at the very start of the song:
The lyrics are all about being controlled: "It's been a long time I've decided to not decide anything", "Why choose between Cancer or Cholera" , "He's tempting and attracting me without end". Another theme is duality with a balance, and two twins (black/white) going up and down as she can't choose, this theme goes on throughout the video (salt/pepper, apple/cake etc) as she can't make her mind up choosing between various polar opposites (duality/total confusion). The house is tipped from side to side like it is a dollhouse being shaken.
Here she is at a Paris premiere of the new Alice in Wonderland movie, with a fitting duality dress (black/white stripes; the checkerboard/duality was an extremely prominent symbolism/motif in the Disney/Burton film also) and Cheshire Cat necklace. Nolwenn is very popular in France, by the young and old alike.
Last one: an earlier 2003 Nolwenn music video for 'Follow a Star' (Suivre une étoile). At the start she appears to lay a tarot card on the table, it looks like a version of 'The Star' card which obviously fits with the 'Follow a Star' theme. An eight pointed star symbol is near-subliminally flashed at numerous times in the video. This symbol, while on the surface appears to represent the sun, it is more specifically the Sumerian/Babylonian star of Inanna/Ishtar (linked to Venus, the Morning Star which represents Lucifer the light bearer in the occult world), at 0:26 over the sun, at 1:40 as ripples in a pool of water, then engraved on a couple of rocks (one pictured below), on the sun's reflection in the lake 02:51. So you get the picture that this video is reasonably occult in nature as Nolwenn 'follows the star' of Ishtar (Venus/Morning Star/Lucifer) before ending up on water (probably due to the card's use of water).
Another early M6 (in Loft Story, the french version of Big Brother) doll made the news in recent years: Loana Petrucciani, an ex-gogo-dancer who played a provocative "big boobs - no brain" role in reality shows and helped launch the show in France. In 2009 she was found unconscious, beaten in her bathroom. The police found GBL in the house and, after telling them at first that her boyfriend/producer was involved, she later changed the story, telling in the media that she remembered nothing. She has attempted suicide multiple times since then, and has been forcibly taken to psychiatric hospitals on a couple of occasions. The first picture below was used in the news when this "accident" occurred, the second is from the video for a cover song of Brigitte Bardot she made.

During her recent troubles she had very limited public activity but in August of this year she was photographed (in probably one of those staged 'paparazzi' scenes) doing the usual thing with a serpent that they seem to always get them to do.

One more I'd like to add before we finish, who has also used the circus mind-kontrol theme in a video is French R&B singer Shy'm, who is relatively new. I am referring to her most recent video 'Je Suis Moi' (I am me) which contains a lot of pertinent symbolism (duality, checkerboards and black/white stripes are a constant) and the lyrics hinting at her confused identity/personality. Shy'm dances on a pedestal like a puppet on a string, as well as with two 'mimes' (alters), all wearing black and white duality stripes on one leg. She is spun around on a hypnotic black/white spiral as she is used in the circus knife throwing act (the knife throwing symbolic of trauma, the spiral and spinning symbolizing the dissociation). There is also a kitten programming reference (the woman in the cage where the lion used to be) in there which seems pretty out of place, but is very much in context with the rest of the video if you get the deeper meaning. I am sure some of her other videos also contain similar symbolism (there is certainly a lot of black/white duality in some of the clips I have seen).
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»Very interesting stuff... Figures, as soon as I check my blogspot account for the first time in a week or so you've got a new post up. Last thing I expected to see, actually ;P
It's kind of silly that people will still boil the imagery so prevalent in your research down to random coincidence. The dark truth associated with this kind of stuff is very hard for some people to swallow, and I see that as a side effect of everything being so densely saturated with the same symbolism over and over again that it becomes an everyday thing, nothing significant. In that way you can hide alot of things and get away with it. It's just "how things are".
I feel hypocritical, being so involved with my own "trance state", and I wonder why it is so appealing to me to indulge in putting my own mind at ease in this way, but at the same time I am "studying" the dissociative trance personally through my own means. It's a neutral state which can be "directed", and I can understand how this kind of thing works due to my own meditations (and life experience with early childhood neglect and such, everyone has their own understanding of fear and trauma and those kinds of things). I wish I could explain further but I think you have a good grasp on it. These people, the master and slave, are meant entirely to be our role models.
we missed you! woww, interesting post, guess it makes up for the two months you were away!
long but interesting piece. I'm just glad you made another blog honestly
At last ure, back. Stay then :)
About Nolwenn - and Im sure ur friend Matthieu knows - it its said she succeeded thanks to a prominent jury member of Star Academy: ARMANDE ALTAI, very freaky looking and 100% involved in occult. Well, no earlier than this year I mentioned Nolwenn in my links too but to no avail. Whatever...
Now that the basics are covered: Monarch, MK programming, etc. symbolism is analyzed - so very prevelent in every type of media "entertainment" from fashion print magazines to music videos to film -- the question now remains: Why is this stuff being shoved down the public's throats? Their "symbolisms" "themes" "perversions" being constantly shoved in our faces? What's the objective?
Are they trying to condition everyone into their sick, twisted world of: Master/Slave?
Perhaps they'll get a clue when EVERYONE stops feeding their "beast" - stop buying their crap, stop attending their sick films & concerts. Unplug - stop watching their b.s. t.v. "shows".
Stop feeding their self-glorifications (royal families? the self-identified "elites"?) These people are nothing and what they're doing (or attempting to do) is hideous - despicable.
Instead of the world evolving, we seem to be devovling rapidly.
Obviously they are targeting the very young and impressionable. So, UNPLUG - take control of your family - protect THEM. GROW UP!
I have been enjoying your blog. Your work really connects with me and I used your long absence to catch up on old posts. Your articles are dense and thought provoking and I like to spend a long time digesting them.
hi ben, glad to see another post. understand we are not expecting it from you but it is appreciated.
im not done reading this post yet, but i am reading the lyrics in fuck the world, she seems to be explaining the victim/handler/victim roles...
everytime i read a new post, i always feel an overwhelming sense of sadness...
i have to admit, i like the songs and the videos. it kind of reminds me of bjork or actually, the christina aguilera stronger video:
the second mylene video
ok im going to finish reading this...
oh before i continue reading on, during the mtv music video awards this year, there was a dj wearing a mickey mouse head and cat depictions going on in the background while playing trance music...
im watching the britney spears glee episode...
john stamos plays a dentist who is drugging them up while they have fantasies of being britney spears, re-enacting her videos.
i noticed the one student said their "minds are fragmented to think they are britney spears"
also, the dentist made an odd comment,
"glee students always move around so much when they are under"
or something to that extent
and to that the glee girl said, "is this real life"
a new britney fragrance came on where the fortune teller asked britney if she wanted to know her future...
she replied, "no thanks. i choose my own destiny"
or something like that...
geez ten years or so ago when these britney videos came out i NEVER looked so much into them!
now its like, what the heck is going on???
maybe i am looking into things a little too much here, but there seems to be trigger words embedded or something in this show. i never watched it before??
the one girl said something about japenese business men deviant sexual fetish (wth???)
also, they are talking about "a sexpot" of students that go to that high school????
also, she mentioned something about butt-sweat and a rorsharch test...
i dont know!??! it seems very blatant but people get hypnotized by these shows...
the way they all talk (i have noticed this is a formula for sitcoms and shows and such especially on fox, they have that sing-song way of speak to them...all fast paced and witty, i can see how people get entranced by these shows.)
hmm....i was going to say something else too but i forgot!??? OH NO!
like someone mentioned, there are so many things we can take clues from, its as if they put these symbolisms in front of our eyes. this is a big experiment however, right ben???
this is all just SOME SORT OF EXPERIMENT!!!
perhaps, just a book report of sorts...
sorry im just being dumb..
speaking of birds, i notice that perez hilton always refers to miley cyrus as "miley bird"...
oh just for brevity's sake, a few weird things happened around here...i dont feel like sharing right now...
maybe in a little bit i will i cant think with all this TELEVISION GOING ON!!!
they keep saying, "do britney"
we are gonna "do britney"
ok im getting really annoyed at this show!
the girl was like, you look like a castmate of kids incorporated
wasnt fergie on that show???
"i took a sip from that devils cup" is a lyric for britney spears toxic..
ha! this show is pretty stupid tho this one typical cliche jewish character is having an orgasm in the crowd...
hey what about all these old navy commercials where they are part humans and part talking mannequins?
i remember when they subliminally incorporated 'adult swim' in the old navy commercials last year...referring to bathing suit of course...suit, like swim
adult swim like...whatever it is? a psy-op experiement channel??
ok, well, the other day i went to take a walk to return a movie i rented with my boyfriend. we rented prince of persia. during halftime during the eagles game we decided to walk to the redbox to return the movie. this is easy to read, because he is an eagles fan blah blah blah...
this van all of a sudden drove by and stopped right next to us. annoyed, i was like, what the heck?
it was these girls. the one girl looked at us and said, "whats up shady?"
um, he likes eminem, who refers to himself as slim shady...
anyways, so i told him that..
when we got back so he could watch the rest of the game, the sportscaster said, very subtly of course, "pick your poison"
anyways, i was like, what did he say???
i know it could be "coincedence" but i get the feeling it just is not.
also saw a guy who lives around here, that knows my friend. we were all talking about illuminati stuff at her house and now i see him all the time. these are different towns...
just weird things!!!
Same Exact Themes All Around!! Duality, alters,butterflies,etc. It wasn't until I saw the disturbing post about the MPD artist Kim Noble who depicted
the same exact themes-----that pretty much sealed the deal for me! It's all ritual and v
ery disturbing and its a shame that this continues to go on. No wonder so many people in this world are so screwed up-----they have a million categories for mental illness and they continue to lie about what's REALLY behind it.
on the david letterman show, i see that pharrell is on it. he has all these young model looking girls just sitting there, looking dissiative (sorry i dont know how to spell that word), and he is singing, "girl just let me hypnotize you"
oh here comes david letterman with his jolly hyuck hyucks..
yeah i still check out craig ferguson to see whats up on this show but im growing bored of all this! GOOD NIGHT!
oh my gosh ha! i am watching craig ferguson...he has david boreanez (of bones) on the show...they were talking about satan and occult and stuff....and he said, he said...poison venom..
aahhh im going to try to find the link tomorrow>>>>
Great job Ben, welcome back.
The quote "My story is the one about an appearing species" is really freaky if one keeps in mind what Svali has had to say about illuminati, what reasons she saw as a programmer to lie in programming people. Also I think both O'brien and Taylor spoke about Reagan seeing the future of mankind traveling towards peace only through mind control.
Appearing species, think about that. Think about how these individuals of the new 'species' are portrayed as something to imitate, which has been (apparently) one of the main purposes of total mind control slaves for at least the past 20 years. I am not keen on writing about this subject more further here, but I have a hunch that this might have something to do with the destruction of the sacred feminine.
yay! finally a great new post.
is it me or is the symbolism in europe a hell of a lot more blatant than in the us/uk? i mean its literally every single video loaded with butterflies and shit, with most artists here they will do a couple of shocking videos and then do a more tame one, you know have a bit of a break...apart from lady gaga who is just constantly vile
that 'lemon incest' for example, could that be anymore blatant?! as tommy said, i don't know how anyone could fail to spot these things..
Maybe worth a look, since gov't mind control has definitely taken the turn of using "frequencies" to switch the mind into certain emotional/physical responses (the military's crowd control tank device), I found this article quite interesting. Being touted as merely the reflection of the sun's rays off a certain Vegas hotel, they do mention other hotels nearby and even DISNEY. Then they even mention Nikola Tesla's lost technology (not really lost, check out Montauk/philadelphia experiment stuff)... which, why would they even go so far as to even HINT it could be more than poor engineering and amplified sun rays off of hotel windows???? Note one guy's complaint of his head burning, then feeling it on the back of his legs..(what about the rest of his bod?) this is consistent with targeted freqencies. Have a read!
Dood, I had to do a double take/read on those 2 pics of Nolwenn with her head in the cage with bird on hand... MILEY CYRUS???
This stuff ain't just in Kansas, er AMERICA anymore!
cheers! Keep up the good work!
Hey Ben!
It's really great to see you back again, and a very good article for your "comeback" lol. Very good work from both you and your new collaborator, Mathieu.
It really shouldn't surprise me by now, but it never ceases to amaze me how blatant the use of the SAME f-cking themes are used over and over and over.
I believe this is without a doubt a cruel metaphor for the actual MK programming methods, such as those of Ewen Cameron (months of drug-induced comas with constant repetition of the same recordings and images, etc).
And, of course, the dead giveaway of those dead, dissociative eyes all around in these stars that you've shown. I have very little doubt that my theory on that has more than a little basis in fact at this point. There's something in those eyes - intangible, yet very obvious, to me anyway.
So, thanks for writing this and best wishes for a full recovery from the burnout and complete return to MK blogger hell!!
Take care, and let me know if you ever want to collaborate on something. I've been too busy lately to even do justice to my own place, but I guess since my articles probably take people a month or so to read maybe that makes up for it a little bit. :)
craig ferguson just said, "cbs logo and THE ALL SEEING EYE" and he made a gesture around his eye and looked into the camera...
comedian greg giraldo died...due to age 44
What about Lio? Why she's not covered here?
omg lori, chill.
Hi Ben, I have followed your blog since last Spring. I have a really long personal story and you helped me a lot. However that is not what this mail is about.
I started a non-profit youtube channel 2 and a half weeks ago. Katy Perry's Aug. 2010 Rolling Stone Fallen Angel, Sex God and Katy Perry broke 8 yrs. (ages 1-8) of amnesia for me. I can explain later, but I made some videos about it. You know as well as I do that people respond better to information on celebs. I interpreted 'Peacock', I grew up in a luciferian/Shriner home. It has had a decent amount of hits-1,127 in 4 days. I received a weird email from someone named iamegrant. She has video out there-the sell my soul to the devil video-where she says she wanted to be Amy Grant at first. Asking to be friends. I mentioned her music was bubble gum, the video he directed me to was a kid starring into mirrors(I am breaking my programming-yes, it is real)blowing bubble gum. My sent message back to this person has somehow turned into a HYPERLINK. This gets even stranger....
I wanted to copy and paste parts of her article to make a video on how that article is full of alex/alexxus antichrist monarch callback, I honestly spent 2 weeks contemplating SI-and I don't mean injury, until divine intervention stepped in. This is not a joke. Okay, so last night I go to the site and she is not listed as an artist. If you search for her under artist you wont find her in the K's, P's, even B's. You'll find video of the sexy cover shoot and if you really, really, dig pages and pages in you'll find the article excerpt. If you can get a copy please do. I am the person last Spring who started a blog about my mom, that I could not remember-I had a pic of her from 1979 in a butterfly shirt. My father freaked out, I had to take it down he told me to drop it. Even though I am 39, I am still afraid.
That article broke my amnesia. Please take this seriously.
mkbutterfly71 and that is my channel on yt...
Thank you!
Sounds more like human trafficking/sacrifice. BUY LIFE... Yes, they do that...
CHEERS to REVERBY for exposing and bringing attention to human rights violations on 2 occasions, this most recent one where Hillary apologizes for secret STD experiments on Guatamalens...
JEERS to Hillary, Bill and the rest of the gang..then and now, for the appearance of regret when they (and we) know that this (and worse) has and is going on.
Well, at least one more thing to talk about and get closer to the exposure of the bigger picture:
i agree with a commenter about that tyler shields. no range. the blood is not edgy. it probably is symbolic of something tho...maybe blood sacrifice? who knows?
i clicked on the new disney wedding gowns, and saw this...kitten heels. what are "kitten heels?"
I like your blog very much. this stuff is very intresting for me. I need to know why they put all that simbols on the media, how can they influence the mass by this action, because I cant understand this:
if the programming is only did it on the singer/actress, how the mass can be influenced, they are not personally programming by trauma or by training.. can you clear this for me?
my english isn´t very good, sorry about that.
Hi all,
Great post, thanks. I just happened upon a weird website and thought it was probably for programming. Check it out at:
Creepy!!! Tons of names in it too. Including Jessica Alba. She's not DID is she? That would be so sick making her play a monarch victim on tv in Dark Angel. Blah.
Came back strong. Thought this blog was dead.
I don't want to sound mean but Lori, please limit your commenting out of respect of the other people that read... the comment section isn't your personal blog.
Here's probably the weirdest one I've seen for awhile...South African, I think.
p.s. And for the anon above me here, I'd say Jessica Alba is more than likely a victim of this thing we discuss. You can read the section on her I wrote about in this article if you're interested:
A few quick pieces, to stir your thoughts...
"Her father's Air Force career took the family to Biloxi, Mississippi, and Del Rio, Texas before settling back in California when she was nine years old.
...she says she had identified herself as a "feminist" as early as age five.
Alba has said that her family's frequent moving also contributed to her isolation from her peers. She has also acknowledged that she has suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder during her childhood.
Her "religious devotion [began] to wane" at the age of 15 when she guest-starred as a teenager with gonorrhea in the throat in a 1996 episode of the television series 'Chicago Hope'"
im sorry im not trying to make it like my blog, i just have no one to relate with or share these stories with. i have been experiencing things for a while, and im not sure if anyone else has ever been through or experienced similar, under normal circumstance, i'd just ignore it, but this has been happening to me for a while. i just want to share and also make people aware that they are watching us, sometimes keeping tabs on us, sometimes setting us up in certain situations and playing with our minds. im not trying to sound annoying, obnoxious, or trollish....i also try to share things that stand out to me too....i do need to calm down and sometimes i feel foolish after i press submit tho i admit...
britney and her new butterfly tattoos
Lori I like your thoughts. I think your enthusiasm just proves how it's everywhere and a lot of the things you've mentioned, I've had a version of happen to me too. Good to no it's not just me. It can't all be coincidence.
is this symbolic?
13 years to the day OJ Simpson is aquitted of murdering his ex wife he is found guilty of this crime after the jury deliberated for 13 hours
K. Thank you. If you feel comfortable enough, maybe you can share some of your stories as well. I have heard of such cases called "T.I.'s", or targetted indivuals, however, i do not like to think this is the case with me. I think that they enjoy toying with me or getting my attention, etc. actually, i DID notice, last night on american dad, they 'casually' did say, poisoned. it is little things like that which also get my attention, but it is so subtle that other people tell me i am just looking to get attention or that i am making it up. i have had more subliminal things happen to me as well, even straight up signs. this is kind of weird, it can be a coincedence of course, most likely this one is. i was on my facebook, and there was a certain article which i clicked on, talking about 'pink goop'. well, seinfeld was on, and as soon as i read the word 'goop', i heard seinfeld say it. after that elaine and this other woman were in the elevator, talking about coincedences. she was like, it could be a little coincedence, or a big coincedence. also, when i met the people of american dad at comic con, it was like they were smirking or like they already knew who i was. it is just weird stuff like that.
please, share some stories. i am interested in hearing stories from real people that been through things, even if they believe they have been through some sort of MK abuse. it might be hard, but it will help us understand...i just know i have alot of questions about the subject...
your comments are always very interesting to me lori, although i'll admit the habit you have of typing along as you think (rather than thinking first and then summing things up afterwards) is pretty annoying. i think its the reason some people that comment here think you're on drugs, or have been smoking something. your typings are often a confusing mish mash of your thoughts thrown together, which are sometimes difficult to understand. i gather most of what you're saying though. don't take it the wrong way :)
Mylene Farmer is a french hag, with no vocal talent whatsoever. She is not popular in Russia, they just shove it down their throats so much that everybody knows her. One of my friends who is a buddhist told me not to listen to her music. That man Laurent is a monster, I hate what he did to the poor Alizee. I even liked her in my teens. This is in our faces and there is nothing we can do, but pray.
hello. thanks t yes sometimes i realize and admit that i just type as i think, its because i get excited about sharing some insight i suppose. this is kind of weird. i met seth green a few times, and he has even said poison a few times (as i mentioned, i go by the name poison on a few sites such as myspace and on the adult swim forums...) HELLO! anyways, on my myspace page, my headline is, "like the truman show, only not as funny", its a quote from futurama...anyways, seth green and matt seinrech, creators of robot chicken, came up with a new, "truman show style" webisodes...they even use the term truman show, and seth admits he watches big brother...i know he researches his fanbase and of course he knows me, poison!
just thought i would share! this is a new era, the era of an even better way to spy on us, hack into our accounts (not saying they do...but you know what i mean)
Anony 4:24, go and take ur pills. Quickly. Idiot!
Hi Ben,
I am so glad you are back. I started getting really concerned about your absence.
Here is something interesting i found in an article about Madonna. Her own brother says:
"After all, she is a middle-class girl who propagates the story that she landed in Times Square with just a pair of ballet shoes and $35to her name. But that's pure mythology and the further she progresses, the more mythological her life story becomes.
Although our father wasn't really allowed to tell us about his job because it was top-secret, he worked in the defence industry in Detroit, designing firing systems and laser optics, first at Chrysler Defense and then at General Dynamics.
Far from being this lost and friendless little waif who didn't even have a crust of dry bread to eat, when Madonna went to New York she had money in her pocket, plenty of contacts and a support system all in place. I often wonder whether her taste for self-invention explains her attraction to both Sean and Guy.
Many of Guy's forebears were highly decorated army officers. He clearly has a great deal to live up to."
(Read more:
Madonna was 17 ys old when she went to NY. How is it possible, that such a young catholic raised girl from Detroit could have set up a support system in NY on her own?
And what an odd coincidence, that her Dad worked in the defense industry. And her mom, a french canadian, died of breast cancer when she was 3 and was replaced by this nasty stepmother. So many MK coincidences.
For everyone who suspected the catholic church to have something to do with the New World Order, I guess you are right.
This is a total eye opener:
(To read the cartoons, you need to press "Fullscreen" right above the cartoon, than go to the scroll button and press slide, than "zoom in" to a size you can read well.)
Someone ask why they do this symbolism everywhere? Its because they program a new generation of slaves. Yes there is a reason for it. The little girls and boys now growing up in this system are getting specific programming alters conditioning from these videos and symbols. Basically, they are taking monarch worldwide.
Madonna's father was also a Knight of Malta. It says so in that book her brother wrote.
Mylene reminds me of Kate Bush, she's an interesting one. Grew up with the members of Pink Floyd as her "uncles"......
wow, i never knew that madonna story was a lie. i guess if you really think about it, it does seem a bit too fairy tale like to be true. thanks for sharing
mylene farmer is such a dumb name. lol
p.s lori, i think i'm going to indulge in some craig ferguson tonight... :)
Ben, one of your best posts was exposing Terry Richardson. Here is a cover that actor, James Franco did with him for a transgender magazine.
The title of the article, "The Trans-Formation VIVA FRANCO" makes me think of both Cathy O'Brien's book on mind control "Trance-Formation of America" and Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco.
Here are more pica from the Franco/Terry Richardson shoot
Everything about Madonna is fabrication and mythology like how she was so hungry in the day she ate french fries out of a dumpster. Liar, liar. She lived off of others( I personally knew two) and probably had them hand-deliver the fries to her mouth while she stayed rent free at their places. Very interesting the connection her father had with defense contracting and Knights of Malta. A cozy little conspiracy that one must be born into to profit from?
sounds like a sacrifice to me. why do they do it?!
anyone remeber that woman who commented several weeks ago about her partner being a wealthy man who had given her some sort of ring and referred to her as a 'butterfly' and afterwards couldnt remeber it?
she was asking if anyone thought she should be concerned.......if i remeber she still here?
how are things??????
Hey, I saw the Madonna book, too. However, I'm pretty sure her father was a Knight of Columbus, not Malta. I don't know what the distinction would be, exactly, without looking it up... I know I had been suspicious of her rags-to-riches story long before her brother wrote that book. Lots of things about her just didn't "add up". BTW, I think in one bio, it says she spent a summer in NYC for some dance thing a year or so before she "asked a taxi driver to drop her off in the middle of everything". Christopher Flynn, her ballet teacher, had some buddies there.
i think this is the dj wearing the mickey mouse at the mtv awards show too..
in trouble with younger kids...deadmau5
models who have "been discovered on the streets' are made up stories too. they admit they made it up so it could sound better, even actors such as ashton kutcher. they are not just found out like that, hanging out eating ice cream. its all just a lie.
yes thursday i am also curious about the commenter above, who called herself MK butterfly.
lori lori lori lori lori
The science of memory:
This is a masonic phrase, perhaps you heard Russel Crowe recite it when we found out from Sir Ridley Scott that Robin Hood was a freemason. Why the symbols, you ask? Why does every country receive the same symbols from the media? Some possibilities:
1. To control MK'd victims, both those who are presenting the symbols (celebrities) and those who receive them (your feminist, reclusive, MK'd neighbor).
2. To show each other, people in the know, and people like us, how powerful they are becoming.
3. Or is it something deeper?
I don't know. But one thing I do know is that many of these symbols have been in use for thousands of years, and the extent THEY go to providing them is so extreme that we know they must be very important. A clue comes from former truth-blogger Rik Clay, if you have not seen his videos or heard his interviews, please google his name, you will not be disappointed.
Here's a start:
Does this sound like someone who will go onto kill himself 3 weeks after this interview?
About the symbols, and I may not get the specifics correct, but I submit that the symbols are serving a much greater purpose. It may be that symbols are a more universal method of language, they connect directly with the archetypes which make up our universal consciousness (Carl Jung). It may also be that the correlation between mind and matter is more direct than we suppose, that is, if enough people have a symbol implanted in their subconscious, and if this symbol correlates to a certain idea or even an event, that we are in fact the ones that allow the event to occur, or the idea to manifest, just from our believing in them.
I know, I do not know how to describe this idea, one which I do not even know if I believe in.
Rik Clay offers many examples, including the Lodong Beijin Olympi logos which spell out Zion, but one of the most telling is a memorial British Coin produced and sold in the 50's to commemorate the Olympics. However, if you watch the link'd video, you will see that the coin in fact contains symbols which clearly depict the 2012 Olympics in London. Is the coin a coincidence? (Not many people on this board will buy that.) Was it produced by a free mason society which thought, "Hey, let's make a coin and in 50 years it will come true and we can all think about how clever we are!" Or do the symbols go deeper? By providing a coin with symbols that millions of people will see and hold and experience without consciously thinking about it, our shadowy leaders may in fact be planting symbolic seeds for ideas in our minds, and watch as we help to manifest them.
looks like a few more disinfo articles and chuckles, to chuckle about how silly it could all be. if you haven't youtube google 9/11 in hollywood. it shows all kinds of signs pre-liminarily warning about 9/11
this is weird but before i read this article i linked, i had blogged about watching the wizard of oz while listening to dark side of the moon, (which i did about ten years ago), also, i blogged about the sound of music...
also the poison sign...
i know its mere coincedence, or is something more?
lori, you're experiencing just regular synchro. get to know your subconsciousness and you will understand. a big clue: the past affects the present as much as the future affects the present.
seems like your mind is trying to tell you something (naturally!) and you interpret it as something coming from outside of you. big big mistake, get over that and you're one step closer to illumination.
Miley has a new video out where she's wearing a mask, etc, all the usual themes that are super obvious.
NICKI MINAJ's multiple personalities among other things:
@ vatican assasin
what do you mean by that?
expain further pls
Why does every country receive the same symbols from the media? Some possibilities:
1. To control MK'd victims, both those who are presenting the symbols (celebrities) and those who receive them (your feminist, reclusive, MK'd neighbor).
@ lori re the MK butterfly person me too
@ vatican assasin
Does that mean that most of the people targeted are women? Why reclusive? Why would you want to target someone who doesn't go out anyway?
Vatican assassin, I agree with much of what you state; as regards the coin "trick", this also came to my mind recently after the "dodgy" 20p which was recently minted with no date and thus valued at £50. Many people (including myself) would/will be turning over these little trinkets in the hope they are on to a winner.
@ anon
8 October 2010 23:21
thats what i want to know
i am practically a recluse..i never used to be like i used to be like a different person....i dont mean to sound contrived...but thats the only way to describe it...i feel seriously like ive 'played' different 'parts' to fit in with whatever situation i was in at the time...i cant even describe it tbh...but someone once said to me its like i have different 'sides' but recently it just all got too much and i moved away from where i had been for 10 years and again here i feel like ive 'left that person behind'..i cant explain well...i mean like the little girl i remember from when i was small and then a teenager...well they just seem like they were different people...i dont know how to describe..i can read old diaries and i feel like 'that wasnt me..if that makes sense? but i know it was cos i do remember..but it all hurts too much..everything...and when i asked ben he said he doubts im MK'd cos i remember so much..i only have a couple of missing time episodes from around age 5...i didnt tell him everything just some stuff tho...not about me feeling like ive 'changed' it dont make sense without me sounding sorry cos im not...
well back to point i never used to be semi recluse...that start about a year ago now...and it was cos of events in my life..but its like overnight i changed...and with it i felt different too...too much things happend to me in life i just prefer to stay in my house..but I'm not a feminist i wouldnt say lol...when i think of feminists i dunno i think of my friend who is lesbian and even talking about men gets her mad if you come with all the 'i wish i had a man' stuff ..
well i dunno that comment got me curious...pls explain furthervatican assassin..
@ newspaceman
"...after the "dodgy" 20p which was recently minted with no date and thus valued at £50. Many people (including myself) would/will be turning over these little trinkets in the hope they are on to a winner."
I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THAT..they are worth 50 Quid????????
i hope i find some then im broke
re 20p coins
just asked my dad he says that the first one sold for seven n a half thousand!!
and now there are no more...the banks have taken most of them in...
there goes me back to hoping i might get lucky on lottery tonight...yes i would love to be a millionaire but i will also be happy this moment in time with a few thousand to sort out my bdays n xmas thanxs....camelot national lottery hq..yes i play the same numbers every week for YEARS now...i would like them to come up please thanx in anticipation
This was interesting until you brought up Alizee's "Psychedelices" and her single "Les Collines". She was no longer working with Mylene Farmer or Laurent during that time; everything she did was her own idea, she was under nobody's influence. And the album "Les Collines" accompanies is a concept album about the life of Edie Sedgwick, so any symbolism that is used in the album states more about that subject than about Alizee herself.
Anyways, the article is very eye-opening, I just felt those details should be taken into consideration. :)
To anony 11:38
but Edie Sedgewick was an MK from an elite American family...And also how do you know Alizee wasn't under anyone's influence. Were you with her at all times?
Maybe she was acting out programming she had already been given a long time ago when she was acting "by herself"
omg, please do an article on edie sedgwick. sienna miller portrays her excellently in factory girl. if you haven't seen the film i highly recommend it!
lori, this is a great site i think this article answers your question on synchronicity.
Great song with a message.
I will give the secrets you request
and you will be the one to sacrifice
So lay your olive arms upon my breast
And sing the poems, free the butterflies
Pray your gods who ask you for your blood
For they are strong and angry jealous ones
Or lay upon my altar now your love
I fear my time is short
There are armies moving close
Be quick, my love
I feel my body weakened by the years
As people turn to gods of cruel design
Is it that they fear the pain of death?
Or could it be they fear the joy of life?
Pray your gods who rule you by your fear
For they are quick and ruthless punishers
Or lay upon my altar now your love
I fear my time is short
There are armies moving on
Be quick, my love
Pray Your Gods, 1991
Toad the Wet Sprocket
Songwriters: Guss;Dinning;Phillips;Nichols
Anonimous, that website is full of bullshit.
My mother and grand-mother died in catholic faith and none of them was haunted by demons (as this guy Rivera says his mother died).
In fact my grandmother was having visions of two kids (angels) coming to recieve her. I made a course at a university of jesuits and a cousin is getting her psychology degree there (the Javeriana University) and jesuits are not evil. There is no evil symbology on their tiny chappel, and they give teachers and students a lot of freedom to teach, learn, speak up from themselves. In fact you can take any languages you like, as many semesters as you like. You can take arabic, hebrew, french, economy, dancing, whatever, if you can schedule it with your classes.
I also know a father that was expulsed from the Catholic Church, he was expulsed from his community in Argentina, then he went to the Vatican but they did not stand up for him, he wrote an article about Adam and Eve they didn't like. And he is not bitter about it. I know if I tell him about the "Whore of Babylon" and the "Black Pope" he will tell me not to read such crap coming from money grabbing christian sects. I'm still going to ask him, though.
Some good points there, but just keep in mind that Satan has always appeared to humans as an angel of light. That is the nature of deception, and the whole point of the other guy's thing about a counterfeit Christianity - it won't be a horned guy with a pitchfork that deceives so many souls, that would be a little too obvious. :)
It will be a false prophet and false version of Christianity (I tend to think it will be more along the lines of pagan/new age Earth worship blurred with some form of Christianity) that will deceive the masses in the end. If you look around our world, you can actually see that it has already begun taking shape.
Also, keep in mind that no form of organized religion grabs more $$$ worldwide than the Vatican - they are a close to $10 Billion per year corporation - tax free, of course.
Any huge organization, and even small ones, with humans involved is more than likely corrupt at the highest levels, and rotten to the core.
If you're going to have any faith at all, I'd put your faith in God, not men.
Food for thought.
thanks for that article i still need to read it. alot of times i have experienced synchs that just seem crazy. i try to write them down just to keep track of them. i remember reading about other people's experiences with synchs too.
to thursdays child, i wanted to say that i dont feel like the same person i was 5 years ago, 10 years ago etc. we change....
we evolve...we grow and we get wiser. i dont feel like the same person i was before im not that person.
i am reading that now. i do get alot of 'artificial' synchs too, that just do not feel right. when they are right, i experience this sort of chill, where i get goosebumps i would explain more but my internet is well, being very slow!!!! sometimes i feel like someone is hacking into my computer and messing with me too
oh my gosh this freaked me out, BECAUSE, i have had those thoughts before!? i would try and explain but today is one of those days that my internet connection is super slow. sometimes it is normal its weird...
Take into account the nature of the Higher Self and the Universe’s interface with your own subconscious mind, reflecting in experience the nature of your thoughts, feelings, and tendencies — there is much weirdness that can happen via this process. Likewise, consider that negative hyperdimensional forces have advanced technology bordering on time travel, can influence people around you into saying or doing pre-scripted things, have at their disposal cybergenetic humanoids posing as regular people who are completely remote-controllable, and can zap electronic equipment or cause paranormal effects. So basically you have to differentiate between “real magic” and “stage illusions” when it comes to synchronicity.
"1. To control MK'd victims, both those who are presenting the symbols (celebrities) and those who receive them (your feminist, reclusive, MK'd neighbor)."
"Does that mean that most of the people targeted are women? Why reclusive? Why would you want to target someone who doesn't go out anyway?"
The second question is the one I asked myself and could not find an answer for, I believe these symbols are not intended for MK'd targets alone. When asking the big "why" question, I have seen many truth-seekers wonder how affective the TV is as a mind-control device. Of course, it is, but I believe that these symbols are being used on everyone who sees them, whether they happen to have received MK trauma based conditioning before. I use the example of a feminist reclusive because it is a cliche example of what you want to a MK'd person to become; i.e. someone who fears/hates others. I personally do not believe the lords of media use symbols for these ends.
Simply put, these symbols are presented to everyone so that they affect everyone, not the very small population of MK sleepers.
One commentator said that synchronicity goes forward as well as backwards through time. The universe will send you an omen or sign or syn-chronic event (coincidences) in order to foreshadow an important decision you will make in the future. Perhaps, evil powers have discovered this and are attempting to provide us with their own symbols in the hopes of changing the world's path and destiny.
If you are feminist, or reclusive, I do not believe these symbols are intended for you alone or are contrived to control your lifestyle.
There are two interviews of RIK CLAY on RED ICE CREATIONS, I invite you to listen to them.
Did pop star Mika push his sister out of the window on 10.10.10? Is this the right of initiation? Do you have to sacrifice a family member to prove yourself?
vatican you've beat me to it! but anyways i'm thinking exactly the same as you! the date and everything. hoping it was just some drunken accident but sounds way too suspicious to me :( how could he let her just fall out of a window like that when he was there?
'Likewise, consider that negative hyperdimensional forces have advanced technology bordering on time travel, can influence people around you into saying or doing pre-scripted things, have at their disposal cybergenetic humanoids posing as regular people who are completely remote-controllable, and can zap electronic equipment or cause paranormal effects.'
this freaked me out too. makes me think of when i saw 3 people sporting eye of horus tattoos in one day...was that artificial synchronicity?
i have often thought that there was some sort of hyper-dimensional time travel in order to create these synch's, as crazy as it sounds. very odd.
i believe this was my self conscience tho, and this was a good sign.
i was driving to pick up my boyfriend from work, i borrowed his car for the day.
ahead of me, i saw a bumper sticker on the car. the bumper sticker said, MEOW...
it was so weird, like, the cheshire cat coming in and grinning in that maniacal way, saying made me think of kitten programming...
also, on the radio, this song, you know ace of base, "i saw the sign" came on.
chills overcame me, and i glanced at the other cars and such. i noticed one particular car WAS COVERED with stickers and bumper stickers. signs, if you will...
the truck behind it had "time travel' or something to that degree written on the side of it...
it was very strange!?! i know that was some sort of sign, but what???
(i try to pay attention to signs i see on trucks, words, bumper stickers, makes of cars, license plates)
once, after i saw "old dogs" and noticed robin williams and john travolta say "poison" a few too many times during that movie, (seth green, who also says poison alot) is in that movie...
you see, i go by the name poison...anyways...
i was driving, feeling very weird.
i noticed a car pulled in front of me, and the license plate had 666 on it. i was like, what the heck??
then, i noticed another car, it was the make of the car (i forget which i think, where the symbol is symbolic of devil horns, i will try to find that youtube video where symbols that they use are crucial)
anyways, i dont remember all the synchs of that day (i did write it down), but a certain song came on, about "you can have whatever you want" its a rap song..
i also noticed i pulled up right in front of the freemason building, and i looked right at the compass freemason sign...
anyways, yes i also got pushed into this girl at a bar. some girl literally pushed me, and i almost ran into this girl. on the back of her neck was the eye of horus.
also, at that bar, they started playing slayer and throwing up the devil signs, like they wanted me to notice. i know they were messing with me.
alot of things, both physical and metaphysical things happen to me. some i know are set up. some are subliminally projected and directed at/towards me.
its like the real life game of chess.
anyways, i will save that all for my blog, whenever i decide to start that...its very confusing
i know this guy, i know he was set up in my life. i am now on the east coast, but he is persistent on me moving back to LA. he lately gave me an offer, which i can move out there and not worry about the rent he will take care of it. i live with my boyfriend now. he wants me back in la so much, he is willing to pay my rent even if i dont live here? why? why does he want me back there so bad? you know? why do i NEED to be back in LA?? and i know he was set up in my life. with him, i have been in situations that are just like, whoa, and made me uncomfortable. im not even sure i WANT to go back to LA! its weird...
@ vatican assasin is there sum way to mssg u?
oh yeah, i wrote about my hospital trip before. im not going to go all out and write about it here, but maybe i will give a link to it. anyways, i remember i was feeling like i was tripping. i know someone slipped me some sort of drug. i was in new york a few nights ago (with actors and such, part of the 'seth green' bunch if you will, that 70s show and such...)my friend is a photog for patrick mcmullans company...
anyways, some guy came out of nowhere and slipped a bottle of champagne in my mouth. i am glad i did not finish it, but later when i was home in nj, a combination of tv AND the adult swim forums i was on that night, freaked me out so bad i called up my friend to bring me to the ER. i noticed a clown car, a brightly colored VW beetle, and on the side was cardboard, with duck tape holding it up. on it said, "WE COME TO YOU"
i wish i took a picture of it. my friend can vouch. HE SAW IT!
that whole hospital trip was something else...
lots of things happened to me tho. i dont want to make too many comments here tho so soon i am going to just put them all up on a seperate blog.
Thursday's child: I'll visit this comment section regularly, what's on your mind? I visited your blog, and it did not take me long to see butterflies, the labyrinth movie, and another movie with 3 children trapped inside a pink triangle (forget what it is called.) Many of us are attracted to the themes we discuss here, but it may be important for us to focus our attention on new stories created by the heart. One comes to mind, can you stand fantasy? I grew up on such novels, and they have sustained me because I know that there is a world where truth and courage and love are the most important factors worth considering. Stop watching mind control movies for a bit, and open a good adventure book, it can be grounding.
My mind traveled to these two books when I saw your question, perhaps yours will too.
Game of Thrones, by R. R. Martin
The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan
You are what you eat!
Google these titles, and if you catch your spine tingling, do not wait for another sign, cheers.
lori, don't you think that they might be purposely creating synchronicities even more if they come here and read your posts? it's like the more you talk about it, the more they seem to do it...
not saying stop talking about it, coz i find it fascinating and i have experienced some myself but you know, just a thought. seems like someone is really trying to wind you up
oh i forgot to say, that hospital trip thing happened like, three years ago...not a few days ago.
i know that they come here and read it, yet i cant help myself. i make alot of personal info available...
im not sure why i do this? i do need to stop and just write it down where only i can view it..
Great to see you back Ben. Yes, it's the same everywhere, even in Poland dark forces are emerging.
Look at this.Wife Of Heath Ledger will play Marylin Monroe
PS: anyone could tell me what's meaning double dolphin tattoo [ i see those a lot on models, actors, pornactresses]. I believe this is some cult/property marking, anyone notice it too?
hi vatican assasin
i just read ure post n for a minute I didnt even know what u was referring to about the 3 children trapped inside a triangle so i went n looked...oh thats my favorite book from when i was younger...I never noticed that pic like THAT before tbh...i just re-read it thats why i was blogging it...butterflies where i lived are the area's 'symbol' all over the area...i was 'put' in that area...i only started to read this stuff in December...and it got me curious if there was 'more' to stuff I've expirienced...i did ask Ben he said it would be hard to say...."I really couldn't judge your situation on whether or not there is MK in your life or family, and I wouldn't be responsible if I made those kinds of judgments in personal emails...I mean when you add it all together it does look sort of suspicious of some sort of low level MK but it is probably just coincidence...."
hope ben dont't mind me quoteing that but i'm just needing to know more tbh...and its what u wrote the other day why i feel to ask you
i wanna ask u sum stuff too personal to put here about life stuff i have expirienced see what u think about it....
oh btw i do like the look of those books :-)I was wondering what to read next..i havent read for years until recently
LVB, Pope Ratzinger was not well recieved by the iluminati media, in fact they wanted to make people believe he was nazi. That's because he has been attacking them, if you read his speeches between the lines, you'll get what I'm talking about. Also, I don't believe that Rivera's church is any good, that's just another church telling you that you are saved if you believe in Jesus and you don't need good works, sacraments or anything, Lord Almighty, is Jesus allowing people to sin? I think that church is sending people to hell.
Hey Thursday, part of me wants to help, but I think I know even less about MK than Ben. Could you make a new blog post and put your questions there? From what I have read it seems you may be willing to talk about more personal things there, and I would be happy to leave a comment with my own interpretation, for whatever it is worth.
HBO is actually making one of the books, A Game of Thrones, into a mini series next year, here is a trailer that may perhaps peak your interest? Ben and others are doing a wonderful job of waking us up before we slip down the rabbit hole, but we need to keep reading and watching the good stories, too. Ben lets us know what not to pay homage to, we decide what to become from there.
Looks like AGUILERA will find a new handler... She has just divorced her monkey....
ur the best ! thank you
Mr. Anderson welcome back...
... we missed you.
U from Colombia, will u please put an end to ur religious crap? Ratzinger is indeed an illumi and a rat. U have to walk a long way til ur awakening. Ure in deep sleep.
The song "Mes courants électriques" by Alizée says "il me panique d'électrocution" (He menaces me of electrocution).
You should all check this out:
This is video is pretty sick, and i believe they show this in daylight programming[i can see that some children could have some nightm,ares from watching this]. Chorus of this shit goes like: I am your butterfly I need your protection Be my samurai Aai aai aai I am your butterfly I need your protection Need your protection
Very spooky and interesting post.
Benjamin, Hi, your blog is very interesting. I found it through the Fortean Times article from a few months ago.
Something that would be helpful to me, is if you could write something about the early history of mind control in pop music, when it got started and who the earliest examples were. (Or maybe you already have a post like that and I just haven't found it yet?)
who's mr anderson?
oops i think i gave the wrong links here
here is anotehr link
here is the shotglass:
this is my bookshelf and that is a pic of me from three years ago, on stage at the warped tour. my friend (the one who wants me to move back to LA) told me to do that hand symbol. also, when i was in las vegas, someone who takes pics for people so he gets tips, told me to do that hand signal in front of the las vegas sign
i think the internet has us...
the bunny book in the pic above is from a playboy party i was at. i worked for playboy before. white rabbit.
is this some sort of color theme? PINK?
also, where are her arms?
oh where is part one of my comments?
i said about betty, i won her she is part of adult swim, um now i dont feel like explaining. we all do this contest...where we win a chance to host her
she has owls on her. owls, swim checkerboard skull and bones illuminati themes in their shows...
also, after leaving the casino, a car pulls in front of us. it is a junky car with a freemasons compass symbol on it. i have seen it before. in the alley behind where we live.
it pulled in front of us like it wanted us to see it. i said, "oh look. it has a freemasons symbol on it" then i was like, i seen that before.
i said while taking pictures of the betty shotglass in kmart, well, i always blog about how i would like to go to school to be a pharmacy technician. well as we were passing the pharmacy, (which was supposed to be closed) this pharmacist pops up from behinds the counter grinning at me.
very weird.
i also noticed a shirt propped up by the register, with skull and bones on it, or was like it was set up. we went there because my bf wanted to buy a 5.00 dvd of blood diamond.
Hiya Vatican , Re Rik Clay:
I note what you have said re Rik; just to say what my impressions of it all were.
Rik first of all had a blog with one post which was "headlined" on Red Ice. In it he theorised over symbols, NWO and suchlike, hinting towards the "antichrist". Not long after he was on Red Ice and then not long after that he took his own life. As I recall he left pretty precise instructions as to his cremation details, 11 11 and suchlike.
I believe that there is a possibility Rik took his own life in a sacrificial manner, for the good of humanity. He took a gamble that it would be viewed as a "conspiracy" and that his work would be catapulted into the global spotlight. It did'nt work, unfortunately.
After his deatrh, people got carried away, even invading his family's privacy. Yet these same people don't seem to be following on with Rik's work and research. Worse still, someone has taken his output and added bits and pieces. A week or so after his death, someone had "taken over" his blog and was running adverts.
Being honest, it made me sick.
KATY PERRY's catty things are already boring:
If you'd start studying the french scene( their cinematography ! ),you'd never be over with it,as it's so full of lolitas,psychological manipulation,mind control themes.
Hey Newspace, that sucks!
His two audio interviews can not be altered, and I am very glad I heard them! I have someone on this board to thank for sending me there. I think his most imporant idea is the "mind before matter" one, in that events begin in the subconscious and manifest themselves from there. There is a trick to be learned from that. The bad guys can flood the media with symbols, but in the end we get to interpret them. I'm not saying we can turn a girl in a cage into a good symbol, just that all of this, all of it, relies on our allowing it to affect us, we are players in this game! If we want it to stop affecting us, we can, perhaps we can alter how it affects us, by turning a disadvantage into an advantage. We can change the power structures in Hollywood or D.C. or London or Rome, but we can decide how to respond to them.
good theory re: rik clay, i think it's highly likely.
@ person from Colombia: You really need to read the bible. Where in the bible does it say you need a priest to get your sins forgiven? The bible makes it very clear that you can ask God directly for forgiveness. In addition, if you are a true believer, you desire to learn the ways of the Lord and do good works also.
But since we are all not perfect, Jesus steps in when we have sinned. But for this grace you need to believe in him and in his perfect work on the cross and that it is sufficient to clean you from all sin. There is no amount of good works a person can do to stand unblemished before God, since we are heirs of Adam and Eve and have come into this world as sinners. Only true faith will save us.
(King James Bible, Ephesians 2:8-10 ->
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.)
Great films about showbiz involvement in the occult:
"Hollywood unmasked"
"They Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll"
i just read this on the forums, regarding [adult swim]'s tim and eric.
10-17-2010 02:24 AM
I'm just going to say it, I have reason to believe that Tim and Eric have recently joined a Satanic group. I would speculate for personal gain, connections, to become bigtime Hollywood movie stars, I mean if your going to join a Hollywood Satanic group, there's got to be some selfish reason behind it. The devil is of course all about being self serving. Where did I hear this info is unimportant, where the proof is-is unimportant, I just felt like mentioning it on a place where I know most if not all would consider it a laugh. T&E take part in I can't even go beyond what I already said, lets just say, Eyes Wide Shut type stuff. Speaking of that movie, Stanley Kubrick is my favorite director, and I do believe the people he exposed, or was inspired by, weren't exactly happy about it, I would mention one more thing but I'd rather like to see your attempt at sarcasm, this sarcasm, if you may call it such, does not become you, my little droogies.
im watching those hollywood unmasked videos, which are ok to watch, and i would also like to say that i was raised in christian family, however, upon learning about MK ultra, project monarch, etc, those videos fail to mention how this "possesion" may be part of splitting into their alters. perhaps they get selected to go into the occult so that they could get a better understanding AS TO WHY they are feeling like another person, literally. i cant hate these people. alot of them WERE victims of abuse as children, such as oprah. yes i believe they do worship occultism, which IS wrong, but at the same time, they have alters. i tried to put up a post from a while ago about how christina aguilera was trying to bring a girl home with her when she was at gay bar the abbey in hollywood, but the girl did not go home with her. i think that was one of christinas alters.
hi! me again
i wanted to share a scary dream i had. i have sleep paralysis alot, google it
anyways, in my dream, i knew i was sleeping on a bed but it was a strange room. it wasnt mine. i knew i was next to my boyfriend tho. anyways, all of a sudden i heard radio waves. i heard them before while experiencing sleep paralysis. it was like radio, satellite signals, and i could hear distant monotone voices speaking to each other. my boyfriend then looked for where the noises were coming from, and he said, "were being spyed on" it was some sort of recording microphone or something. then i saw my cat on my chest trying to wake me up. it was so weird. oh yeah, another weird thing, we had friends over last month, and someone said, 'do you have a cat?' and there was this kitten in our apartment. i dont know?
but anyways, my boyfriend heard me crying and stuff in my sleep and he actually woke me up. thats the first time i have been awoken from an SP episode...
oh, also, check out these lyrics from katy perry song called ET
You’re so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel?
Your touch magnetizing
Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing
They say be afraid
You’re not like the others, futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don’t understand you
You’re from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I’m ready to go, lead me into the light
Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison
Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction
Boy, you’re an alien
Your touch so foreign
It’s supernatural
oh yeah, i dont know if anyone is paying attention to my comments, but....i was at this little party this weekend, my boyfriends friends. well, i brought that shotglass and no one seemed to of said anything about it and that it is part of this contest affiliated with adult swim, so i didnt stress it enough. however, someone said to me, 'do you know what tomfoolery' means? then i noticed some people had said, i met him. there IS a 'thom foolery' that works for adult swim. i just thought that was weird!???!
A new slave on the scene?
So after she did her job with LiLo, now another slave?
watching the scream awards. now i cant watch ANYTHING without thinking, they sold their souls to the devil! or looking for symbolism. i grew up watching these movies! back to the future, sigourney weaver, scream! it just takes me back. i have an imagination and i want to create!!! i want to write!!! i do have alot of INTERESTING ideas now!!!
ok i just had a bunch of thoughts i would like to share. the scream awards DOES have this sort of robotic eye in it, the all seeing eye. also, it has gargoyles which are shooting out fire. but, its the scream awards, right??? oh, also, i get LOST! it just said, "we are all in hell"...they are stuck on an island, and EYE land...(all seeing eye)...the true story is, they are NOT REAL PEOPLE all the actors on that show are cyborgs. whoa there is a girl who is ON FIRE on stage, during mariyln manson being on stage. now that is pretty messed up. so, the real story of lost is, THEY are all LOST they are not real people!!! (i have met michelle rodriguez a bunch of times and yes she is real)
anyways, it gets me wondering about that tim and eric statement. tim and eric are all about irony. they might of had someone put that statement because they knew it would end up posted here, by me, POISON! anyways......the irony. if you do not understand the irony, then YOU are the vessel. you can do what you want. (now i sound like aleister crowley). i just have alot of time to think and contemplate, and i just felt like writing some thoughts. i do want to write a story and turn it into a movie.
Ben or someone that knows about this should do a post on Russell Brand since we keep seeing so much stuff on Katy. They are getting married in a couple days in India, so lots of news. He seems programmed too, so more complicated than a handler it appears. He'd be a good example of how people that are handlers are also slaves. He is really disturbing but is being really accepted in the states because of the relationship with Katy. Definitely a satanist.
Super creepy "Hell's Cafe"
According to National Geographic: A hot spot called Hell's Café lured 19th-century Parisians to the city's Montmartre neighborhood—like the Marais—on the Right Bank of the Seine. With plaster lost souls writhing on its walls and a bug-eyed devil's head for a front door, le Café de l'Enfer may have been one of the world's first theme restaurants. According to one 1899 visitor, the café's doorman—in a Satan suit—welcomed diners with the greeting, "Enter and be damned!" Hell's waiters also dressed as devils. An order for three black coffees spiked with cognac was shrieked back to the kitchen as: "Three seething bumpers of molten sins, with a dash of brimstone intensifier!"
i cant wait for the next one
professor 'green' ring any bells to MK investigators? ;) oh dear lord are they clever...
@roro well you can't have been visiting that recently because this new post has been up for ages now
@lori maybe thts why people are trying to get you to go back to hollywood! go make a movie about all this, call it synchronicity or something lol
Glee photoshoot w/ perv photographer, Terry Richardson. Lolita-themed, red shoes, the whole bit.
The video of Alizee's "Mademoiselle Juliette" reminds me of "Eyes Wide Shut" for some reason...
^That "Glee" shoot was just sexist and disgusting.
BTW, I'd been wanting to do a post for a while, asking if UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute was some sort of programming center for celebs, as I'm pretty sure both Angelina Jolie and Lindsey Lohan have spent time there. Then I found this link at one of the Icke forums:
@Anonymous: check out the Pseudo Occult's post on the photog if you haven't yet seen it.
UCLA is a research institution, lots of stuff going on there. Unfortunately, people seem to be more concerned about the animals that get tested on there than the programming.
Also, interesting piece on UCLA's Dr. West and his family.
Hey Anon
Take a look at my Brief History of Stars articles, there are some things mentioned there in reference to UCLA having long ties with MK-ULTRA going way back to the "good old days".
Britney Spears was taken to UCLA twice during her head shaving "meltdown" situation, only to reemerge as a perfectly well behaved slave (performer?) once, you can do the math for yourself on that one.
Good comment, though, I'm glad someone brought up this subject of the officially santioned MK programming centers which have operated for many years (under the umbrella, one might say) as legit "healthcare institutions" - Tavistock being primary in the UK, Allan in Monteal (Cameron, et al), and too many to name in the US, but UCLA being a big one, for certain, as well as Langley, VA.
Thank you Stephanie and LVB for responding so quickly to my question about UCLA. I admit, I do love to read my tabloids, but sometimes I think I see certain patterns in the stories and try to figure out what they might mean.
I've already seen the entry on Richardson; Ben's "Change we can believe in!" caption was perfectly placed and priceless, LOL! But I will go check out the other articles.
the other night i was watching e! news, and taylor momsen says in her new interview ,"im totally insane" on craig ferguson he calls snooki from the jersey shore, a catepillar that hasnt quite turned into a butterfly yet
Stephanie, look into J.K. Huysmans novel The Damned. Its about Satanism in 19th century paris and how it crosses with the catholic church.
Slaves and twins sure seem to go together...funny how that works.
Mengele would be so proud.
'The Grammy-winning singer and her husband, Rene Angelil, welcomed the two boys at 11:11 and 11:12 a.m. at a hospital in Florida. The babies were born prematurely but are healthy, according to her rep.'
prematurely on the clock, oh dear lord. you can't really make this shit up.
i just want to share, today i was in new hope, pa walking around with my parents. actually i was invited to a friends fashion show but he cancelled so we walked around. we were at the freemasons lodge, when i noticed a horse and buggy. i told my mom, "look at the horse and buggy!" the person who was driving it had scraggly gray hair and was wearing a top hat, it was a woman i believe. she was looking at me and she was pointing at her eye!!!??!! this was right when we were next to the freemasons lodge, and she wanted me to notice. it made me think of the 'all seeing eye' my mom saw it too....
why does the austrailia OZtrailia song sound like M-I-C-KEY mouse! MICKEY MOUSE!
Did you see the recent episode of South Park "Insheeption"?
EVAN RACHEL WOOD on MARILYN MANSON: "On Marilyn Manson: “He had a hand in raising me"...
i seen a few comments here about "die antwoord", what kind of programming is in their videos? i know she says, "im your butterfly" in it. my friend gave me a link to it and i noticed it says its a sort of hoax, but in their mind, they believe it is real...
to jerry_beck, what did you mean when you said daylight programming?
also, i have a question about dissociation, when someone disacciates, do they believe that they are in a wonderland or oz? do they think they are in some sort of dreamland, i dont understand? i still have to read the springmeier fritz book but i just dont understand???
i was going to ask about the south park episode...
they even went ahead and made the dad a butterfly...
"you just dont get it because your not smart enough" it just said...
randy quaid talking about "hollywood whackers"
i woke up and saw some sort of humanoid/ghost. it was a short japanese humanoid with a spiky mullet sonic the hedgehog style, and it took me a few minutes to realize i was really looking at this humanoid, and it was pointing at me. i actually screamed because i really saw it, i wasnt in sleep paralysis. im sorry if it seems like i am leaving ridiculous comments, i just dont know where to share these accounts. thanks. if anyone can help that would be great. i dont know?
Lori, regarding the horse and buggy person. She probably knew the route, knew the building she was driving by, and knows something about freemasons and the all seeing eye. Most people do nowadays. Nothing weird about it, she only wanted to appear mysterious when she saw you looking at her.
If you want to know more about dissociation read psychology books. Its a psychological condition. This is how I learned more about what it was, and how it FEELS.
I realized that I had dissociated a lot and wasn't aware that's what it was called.
Its not really something you can describe, and no one person feels the same.
thanks i do want to start reading more psychology books and finding out about it. the funny thing is, my sister has a bachelors for psychology yet i am not sure she even knows about all of this.
also, about the horse and buggy thing, that is not the only time strange circumstances has happened to me. i have alot of strange things happen to me.
this girl could not stop hiccuping, so they gave her some sort of earpiece that stopped it. three years later, she is now arrested for murder. something seems very weird about it all...
google hiccup girl
I saw that earlier Lori crazy, I posted the links I keep posting on your site here! HA, I'm gonna come here more and post! Wish Ben would do another.......cant wait for those ones he keeps mentioning they GOTTA BE GOOD if they're taking THIS LONG, eh! ♥cant wait!
If any of you blog here and would like me to follow it just go to my blog and either follow or comment and I will do the same,always up for makin new friends. ;)) thanks♥
Word Verif:Pyrads
Woman Kills Baby by Jumping from Balcony to Avoid the Devil
Woman Kills Baby by Jumping from Balcony to Avoid the DevilA woman in France killed her child when she and 11 other members of her family jumped from their third-floor balcony because they thought they saw the devil. There had to be drugs involved in this, right? Read more here..
Disgusting sexual subliminal messages:
Creepy Kid from Back To The Future:
Teen Wolf Exposure:
Hmm I didnt think anything of this:
until I read a comment under this it said...
Oh poor little Matt "Douchebag" Damon won't be making money off the Bourne franchise. Good! Hope his politics didn't affect his cashflow!!!
Interesting, eh?
& WAIT what do you mean you WOKE UP & saw some humanoid?? Where in your room? And arent you saying the guy who helped you get the place is weird? HMmmm,? Id like to hear more on this!!!
i really dont follow americas got talent, but this seems odd to me:
he says someone pushed her out of the balcony
hey sammi i noticed that all the links are here too. nowadays there is so much things to see that it is a part of psyops operations, some some of mind control, something i noticed on the colbert report, they were talking about giving kids overseas laptops, so that "they can learn more". something about the internet doesnt seem right. i think the internet is actually taking away our freedom. when asked, "who will work in the factories now (as a joke because i do realize that show is also on comedy network, but he does interview valid people), the guy answered, "robots".
yeah hopefully ben posts a new one, but i think that he feels comments like mine make it all seem ridiculous and take away from the MK aspect of it. but we all have questions. we also are here because things happen to us. of course, we are not going to share everything, but seriously, is there a sort of community to go to to discuss this stuff???
sammi i always try to pay attention to comments i see in peculiar stories on tmz or perezhilton because alot of times there are some sort of clues or hints, or even the people involved in the stories or their camps are commenting back, such as mel gibson being dropped from the hangover 2. apparenlty it was bradley cooper and zach galifinakis who did not want mel on the movie, although rapist and ear biter mike tyson was in the first on. i know, silly hollywood politics, right? sorry...
the guy who showed us the aparetment is my bf's friend who is a freemason and his dad is involved with the occult...
they have a huge freemasonic temple in bethlehem pa. looks very creepy...i have already noticed a bunch of weird things that happen around here, i have commented them here and there etc...
halloween 3 was so had nothing to do with michael myers, but it introduced the idea of brainwaves conducting itself through the television to cause people to die.
a few weird things happen at my job but i am not going to write it here, but yes i am keeping note in my mind..
and i saw some sort of ghost/humanoid. this was not the first time i seen some sort of humanoid/ghost/entity in the room when i wake up. i know i saw it too because i was able t o scream.
what is cisco and the human network? i just saw a commercial which really annoyed me. it showed electronics and played the song "imagine" by john lennon. come on! give me a break? we will all be united by cell phones, gadgets and such? life was so much better without all this technology! the interenet just steals peoples freedoms and time!
what do you think?
some of "the human network" ads
Hi Lori,
I think I told you this a long time ago, but if you really want to know about DID, then read a lot of what Valerie Sinason has published about her work in this field.
A good start is this simple definition:
"Dissociation (is) a survival strategy which begins when an individual is faced with repeated early emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma at the hands of attachment figures."
It's not entertaining or fun - it is brainy and painful stuff, but if you really want to know, but I don't think there is anyone else in the world who knows more, or has done more to help people than she has, from a clinical standpoint.
As you will see in this article, the media ruthlessly mocks and attacks her, if that tells you anything about her credibility and strength of character in standing up for the truth.
Put very simply, you know a person is doing something right when they are attacked and ridiculed in the mass media like this:
Having seen some case evidence of ritual abuse and homicides personally (doing computer forensics), I can tell you that she is not wrong about the harsh realities that she speaks
about so bravely and openly.
I can't think of anyone that I respect more than her in this field, and she is the only person I know of on Earth who has basically dedicated her life to working with DID victims -
those involving physically and mentally disabled children, as well as the (Satanic) ritual abuse related cases that always get more media attention. I suppose it's just not exciting enough for the mass media when a mentally retarded girl is ritually, sexually abused by her "non-Satanist" parents?? But I think you get the point.
There is a ton of stuff right here, for anyone who really wants to know:
So, read until you weep...then take a break...then read some more. And you will begin to understand.
I have a lot of respect for anyone with the courage to face the grim reality of this subject for what it truly is - pure evil.
Because, only by facing it will we have any chance of defeating it.
Peace and wisdom to you. :)
SammiDe: those ppl who jumped from the 3rd floor, they didnt have to be on drugs by all means. Brainwashed by religion, how about that? Anyway, welcome to the Middle Age. They saw the devil and they jumped, lol...
thanks LVB, i would like to see and read more of what she has to write. I do want to read more about these abuses and everything so that i can get a better understanding of it all. If i can help in any way, i would do it. i do need to get a better grasp of things.
Too bad you can't tell us more about what you found SammiDe, but I understand. You have to be careful with these things.
Reading the Valerie Sinason material now. There's just one thing that disturbs me. Is she referring to the Tavistock I think she's referring to???
Passage below
"..Then, at the end of a conference in Scotland for psychiatrists, talking about abuse and disability, I mentioned in the last sentence, `And if you think ritual abuse is a strange thing that's been invented in America, I've seen one case in Sweden and I know that's real. And I've met the woman and I've met the police'. The next day I got two referrals at the Tavistock, by health service professionals, saying they were desperate to talk about a case. I saw them the next day. As soon as the first one started walking towards me from reception, limping, I just knew instantly in my counter-transference that she was limping from torture and it was her. So the first non-disabled adult I saw, other than parents of people with a disability or parents of a child in therapy, was a health service professional, a highly intelligent woman who had gone through exactly the same thing."
And then there's this bit of "news", as if there's anything surprising or unexpected about this sort of development with your typical MK entertainment family...
Keith Richards' book cover:
Never too old for that...
hey anon
I wrote you a long response to your comment/question about Valerie Sinason, but it didn't make it through, unfortunately.
Let me try again...
Basically, I know exactly what you are thinking and wondering, and I thought the very same things, at first, regarding Tavistock.
She did work there, years ago, and left it so that she could specialize only in DID and devote her life to helping the victims of it - interestingly, because Tavistock, nor any other major institute, really wanted much to do with treating DID, it being such a "rare and bizarre disorder".
Add to that the fact that there's not much $$ to be made helping the DID victims who don't have much (or any money) to speak of, for the most part, like the many physically/mentally disabled victims of horrific sexual and physical abuse, etc. They're not
celebs with big bank accounts, just very sad, broken people who have lived through hell.
You can make an awful lot more cash as a shrink just listening to rich people's marital problems, drug addiction issues and so on, obviously, not to mention the fact that as one of very few people who even dare to speak openly about such things as DID and ritual abuse, she has taken a huge amount of abuse and ridicule not only from the mass media, but also from those in her own profession, ironically - such kind and understanding people they must be, huh?
She has also talked about how more than a few in her field have literally run away from the real DID cases screaming in tears, because the shrinks themselves experience traumatic dissociative reactions just from hearing about the reality of the events that happened to these victims.
So, while it is understandable that they are only human, when you add to that the professional and media humiliation and mocking, it's not hard to see why people who put many years into their education and training just don't want to deal with it - whether they are strong enough to handle it or not. All of these things work against the victims of ritual abuse (Satanic or not) and DID victims in general, in terms of getting good professional help.
It's very sad, to say the least.
So, for me, having learned a lot about her work and read quite a bit of the things she's written over a long period of time, what I see is a person who dedicated her life to helping the unfortunate victims of DID, and had to leave a good paying job with a large institute and start her own clinic in order to make that happen.
I've said stuff before either here or on VC along the lines of - if you really want insider info on whatever subject (music biz, mass media, military, CIA, etc.) then you're really not going to get it from someone who has never been deeply involved in whatever that environment is. So, therein lies the problem; i.e., how do we trust what they have to tell us?
This is why I always encourage everyone to decide for themselves what they think about all this stuff, and whether or not we can trust or believe what anyone is telling us about anything.
Either way, I think there's an awful lot to be learned from reading what Dr. Sinason has written, and I hope it will help people out there in one way or another.
Keith Richards LOL
My favorite walking corpse!
At least he isn't smokin his father's ashes in a bong load in that pic. ;)
hey anon
I wrote you a long response to your comment/question about Valerie Sinason, but it didn't make it through, unfortunately.
Basically, I know exactly what you are thinking and wondering, and I thought the very same things, regarding Tavistock.
She did work there, years ago, and left it so that she could specialize only in DID and devote her life to helping the victims of it - interestingly, because Tavistock, nor any other major institute, really wanted much to do with treating DID, it being such a "rare and bizarre disorder".
Add to that the fact that there's not much $$ to be made helping the DID victims who don't have much (or any money) to speak of, for the most part, like the many physically/mentally disabled victims of horrific sexual and physical abuse, etc. They're not
celebs with big bank accounts, just very sad, broken people who have lived through hell.
You can make an awful lot more cash as a shrink just listening to rich people's marital problems, drug addiction issues and so on, obviously, not to mention the fact that as one of very few people who even dare to speak openly about such things as DID and ritual abuse, she has taken a huge amount of abuse and ridicule not only from the mass media, but also from those in her own profession, ironically - such kind and understanding people they must be, huh?
She has also talked about how more than a few in her field have literally run away from the real DID cases screaming in tears, because the shrinks themselves experience traumatic dissociative reactions just from hearing about the events that happened to these victims.
So, for me, having learned a lot about her work and read quite a bit of the things she's written over a long period of time, what I see is a person who dedicated her life to helping the unfortunate victims of DID, and had to leave a good paying job with a large institute and start her own clinic in order to make that happen.
I've said stuff before either here or on VC along the lines of - if you really want insider info on whatever subject (music biz, mass media, military, CIA, etc.) then you're really not going to get it from someone who has never been deeply involved in whatever that environment is. So, therein lies the problem; i.e., how do we trust what they have to tell us?
This is why I always encourage everyone to decide for themselves what they think about all this stuff, and whether or not we can trust or believe what anyone is telling us about anything.
Either way, I think there's an awful lot to be learned from reading what Dr. Sinason has written, and I hope it will help people out there in one way or another.
I hope this makes it through this time...thanks.
Hey SammiD
You can email me at:
they said poison on craig ferguson, michael caine guest...
No I didnt say they were on drugs C, LOL and I very well know that didnt you read the article?? That was copy and pasted here so everyone knew what the article said, they werent my words hun! :)) Sorry next time I will add *Copy & pasted* so no more misunderstandings! ☻
Lori says: i think the internet is actually taking away our freedom..
Lori hun it is, I just posted an article on my FB how NOTHING IS PRIVATE ANYMORE and the CIA and FBI DO USE it for test and date collecting and can see ALL YOU INFO NOTHING IS PRIVATE, & no where have I ever read any article denying any of it. :))
O' and I also forgot LORI, I have always been a VERY observant person ever since I was a child! My parents would brag that if they took me with them Id always remember the way and would be their map in the future, lol! & I also posted a comment from Perez up there, & NOW that my eyes are WIDE OPEN and not just open I cant HELP BUT SEE EVERY THING NOW!!!!
And after WHAT I found in my grand fathers office, just wow. NOW EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE ! Even all the deaths of ALL THE MALES of our family on the 29th EACH A YEAR APART FROM EACH OTHER! :( None left except my hubby and my sisters hubby who came MUCH later, O and ONE uncle I barely talk to lately! Matter fact LORI Val, lol my cousin who looks identical too you now that you dyed your hair blonde, lives w/him!! Isn't Ironic don't ya think" *Giggles* (x
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