
Saturday 22 November 2008

KK Named Sexiest Clone in the World


Quick post; the model with no bellybutton Karolina Kurkova I posted on here, has been named Sexiest Woman in the World by E! Entertainment... I doubt she is actually a clone, agreed with commenter giving this explanation originally (still leaning that way), but who knows? I'll leave all the above symbolic animal-print clothing for your own analysis (is that a cat/snake eye I spy on KK's chest? [3rd from left? Edit: That's Heidi Klum apparently, see comments for more detail.]).

Marc Jacobs: “She has an angelic look with a dark side, she’s sweet and fun and looks like she could be an evil bewitching child.

Couple of images from the top GQ [717] photoshoot, pretty self explanatory (big cat-prints everywhere, checkercab, lady liberty etc), they aren't KK but it's part of the same shoot. The above MCM tiger is Isabela Fontana, who was signed for Victoria Secret at age 16, started modelling at 13.

The above image (from same shoot) is Oztralian MCM Miranda Kerr [MK] in yellow checker cab/ironic lady liberty, and below at this years recent Victoria Secret fashion show (image from here) dressed up in predictable attire... need I say more?

Marissa Miller also featured (see top image for her in the shoot, admittedly I have trouble telling which is which, I think she is the tiger consciously positioned with her legs specifically behind the O and N of GONE [=OZ, if you spin the N 90 degrees clockwise, props to JK]; and below for random sex-kitten image, more images [hopefully you'll sense a theme]), I'm waiting for them to give this MM a big push like KK is currently getting.

And a few more MKitten KK images below.

Her Victoria Secret (she is the main Angel of 20, when Heidi Klum isn't pregnant of course) catwalks from previous years to finish, poignantly with Britney Spears over it.


  1. Dont forget more famous twins in the area of erotic/porn: SHANE&SIA BARBI. Nowhere on the net I could find if these are their real names, of course I bet there arent:

    Speaking again of clones, doubles and stuff like these, check out the suspect ressemblance between actresses NATASHA HENSTRIDGE&ALLISON LANGE, or between KATE VERNON, KATE CAPSHAW&AMY IRVING, last 2 SPIELBERG's assets lol...


  2. 3rd from the left and 6th from the right is Heidi Klum!

    KK is 2nd left and 7th right

    KK is the one wearing the (serpent/dragon armor) scales on the G and "getting penetrated by the !" with her toes towards the word "Parsons" (ie: Jack Parsons,NASA-JPL,oTo,L Ron Hubbard,Crowley,Moonchild)

    "Here Comes the New New Man"


  3. And beside the obvious, another little coincidence in the 'New New' (just in case you suspect it really is only coincidence) is that 'New New' phonetically (!) would translate to 'ninth' (kk, 2+7=9)


  4. Just for the sake of furthering the meaning of the pic,
    Klum is beside Kerkova on bothe ends, both their positions = 9. Further accentuating the double K and announcing KK as taking over from Klum - she's now the NEW (shift 1 = !) one to watch, as AdelHEIDIs' breast EYE also reveals.



    A "furry" face:


  6. That KK chick has very bird like features.

    Madonna seems to me to be playing both sides in the game.


  7. hey there, nice blog :)
    i don't know if it is relevant to you, but what do you think of carrie fisher?
    i've found an interesting discription of her life(wrote by her self):


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