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Rihanna's mind control is shown in the tour's introductory video for the her song 'Mad House' where she is (see top video), roboticized with a metallic mask forced over her face (like porcelain mask programming) and implanted with chips for control over the now cybernetic Rihanna (plays into transhumanism too obviously, good article at VC on that here). It continues (below) with her inside one of those 'programming pods' (seen in other things I've posted on; if you think of more advanced isolation/sensory deprivation tanks for entering altered states in programming) where a Dream Sequence is initiated symbolizing Rihanna "becoming" the characters she portrays for the live show's narrative (last girl on Earth apocalyptic stuff, based partly on 'The Omega Man' apparently). A black and white shot of her face traumatically screaming while she is kept under, looking calm and content in the pod (but screaming on the inside is the clear implication). Naturally her kitten programming is symbolized by a tiger face superimposed over Rihanna's face. After all the usual subliminal flashes of skulls and all that fun stuff, she eventually performs among mannequins and masked backing dancers (photo below videos).

From 'Hard' comes the militaristic Mickey Mouse hat, it is all ultimately about influencing the kids after all, as evidenced by her singing the aforementioned ultra-suggestive 'Hard' followed by the explicit rough sex anthem 'Rude Boy' at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2010. Come on kids, sing it with me! (<>"SO HARD SO HARD... Come here rude boy, boy, can you get it up? Come here rude boy, boy, is you big enough. Take it, take it, baby baby, etc" Rihanna's poor grammar here is absolutely shocking, it should be "'are' you big enough"! That was a joke, I don't mean to make light of a serious issue but I feel it is important to maintain some sort of sense of humor. The lyrics for the performance were apparently changed to "is your love enough" and other slight alterations but please, the children there would know the explicit lyrics and sing the ones they know. How brainwashed do you have to be to see that this is not okay and shows exactly the kinds of minds controlling the music/entertainment industry who would allow this to go forward. People act like "what were they thinking?!" (not as much as one would hope though) when they showed this, but these things are meticulously organized and thought out. Rihanna's handlers could easily have had her sing any other song but they went with three completely inappropriate choices (appropriate though, if you know what is going on).
The themes of militarism, Rihanna entering, sitting on a pink tank above it's phallic cannon (obviously conscious suggestiveness here in the tank's pink colour and the phallic cannon also playing into the 'HARD' song she performs to the kids). Then after 'Hard' two twin plumes of white smoke shoot up, ejaculating (is the pretty blatant implication here, it would be illogical to not make that connection following from 'Hard' and the lyrics sung at that exact time) either side of Rihanna and 'Rude Boy' begins when she dances with the big robots dominating over her. 'Don't Stop the Music' wraps it up and the pink tank, sexy militaristic dancers and twin robots all participate, the song itself is about meeting a guy in a club then (logic suggests, based on the lyrics) fucking him, so obviously fitting the family friendly themes of Nick's Kids Choice awards then. I am reluctant to be so explicit in those descriptions (I can imagine the response I may get) but I feel it is so obvious that it needed to be said.

Above Rihanna on the pink cammo phallic tank and the backing militarist dancers with their over sized "pink wrenches" (replacement for the usual military gun phallus). Below, "slimed" ('sliming' is a yearly ritual Nickelodeon do at every awards, Katy Perry got it this year) kids directly following the song 'Hard' (what ever could Nickelodeon be suggesting here by cutting to that I wonder...).

They also cut specifically to these children with (not) "Peace" symbols and butterflies on their t-shirts and whatnot, no doubt to go along with the imagery of the performance.

Above Rihanna on the pink cammo phallic tank and the backing militarist dancers with their over sized "pink wrenches" (replacement for the usual military gun phallus). Below, "slimed" ('sliming' is a yearly ritual Nickelodeon do at every awards, Katy Perry got it this year) kids directly following the song 'Hard' (what ever could Nickelodeon be suggesting here by cutting to that I wonder...).

They also cut specifically to these children with (not) "Peace" symbols and butterflies on their t-shirts and whatnot, no doubt to go along with the imagery of the performance.
But she is a christian and does charity work!! She's just doing her thing playing a character, get a life! Listen to the interview, she explains all of this! Sorry, but "fans" crack me up. I was listening to Christina's explanation for why she went with the Bionic theme and it almost made me laugh out loud... fans lap up all their adored "artist's" nice little stories about why they use certain things though and fair play to them, what reason do they have to question them, none that would benefit themselves that is for sure. It is worth noting who is behind these tours and who may be ultimately responsible for including these themes in many of the Monarch performers' tours, Jamie King who was the creative director of Britney's latest Circus tour and many more.
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"You are the consumer (and that is all you are to them)... She... Your soul option..." Intro video to the Rockstar 101 performance. So this quick, rushed post is really just to get the ball rolling again and get me back in posting mode, more posts up soon on some things away from the music industry. I will probably put up a Caprica post in a couple of days, main focus on the actress playing the Cylon, I also want to get some movies/actor posts going and my Uni commitments finish in mid-late May so will hopefully be able to pick up the pace by then. I was wondering if anyone had any alternatives to 'LinkWithin' where you still have image links but you can manually choose which posts it links to (or just an improved one that is similar but more precise in which are the most related posts) because it obviously struggles to deal with the number of posts and whatnot but it is a good way of linking to other posts so may just leave it if there are no good alternatives.
The problem with a lot of these dumb ass celebrities is that they are greedy. Greedy for fame, greedy for money.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when a person values fame and fortune over every other thing in their life, even more than their own happiness.
She has totally lost her way in life. I feel sorry for her, strutting around as though she is doing something....Wait until they find anothe flavour of the month...
HAppy to have you back, I hope finals are going well. can't wait to see what your new posts are
Great new article keep up the good work ben!
Also everybody check out my blog post comments
Need the feedback to see how I am doing.
We were starting to get worried because you've been so quiet lately. Happy to see you're still with us and keeping up the great work. Looking forward to what you have planned next.
Honestly, I kinda liked Rihanna when she just started out but the more I've delved into what's really going on, seeing imagery of her live performances and actually listening to the lyrics of some of her new stuff (and other artists) has made me come to the conclusion that's she's just as "lost" as the rest of them.
For one, I cannot stand to listen to her song "Russian Roulette". I've listened to the songs lyrics closely only ONCE and that song sickens me to my core. I turn off the TV or radio whenever it starts playing.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to your follow up articles.
It's a trick.
What they do is introduce these artistes and make them appear clean-cut and wholesome, then slowly, they start to show their dark side. Just as you mentioned.
Indeed. These days I take a very careful look at any new artists that pop out of nowhere and really try to do my homework to educate myself.
I cant believe how disgusting some of their gimmicks are and the majority of people don't notice anything.
what's being pushed through artists like rihanna and the black eyed peas and beyonce is the agenda of transhumanism.a phrase coined by julian huxley (brother of aldous who wrote brave new world). it's basically a continuation of the nazi eugenics programme that was started in ww2.
transhumanism is very well financed and supports the use of technology to improve human beings. however it's primary focus is to take humans away from their path of divinity (a path we would naturally be heading towards without any negative intervention) by subverting and replacing every aspect of what we are as human beings. the body, the mind and the soul.
it's absolutely horrifying that it's now being pushed to such an extent and the patron saint of trans-humanism is none other than lucifer. you need to be aware that this is happening.
more information in a great article at vigilant citizen
VC is ranting big time sometimes. VC's site is heaven for the paranoids all over the world. Been there, done that, thanks!
VC is ranting bit time sometimes. His site is paranoids' heaven. Been there, done that, thanks. He's already seen like a god by some. Tired of that.
Sorry for the double post, it happens.
Ummm ...."Baby I'm A Rockstar" ??????
I hate when they take a country singer or r&b person and try to make them "RAWK"
No Rihanna you are not a ROCK star!Its so GD annoying!!!!!!!!
yes ben get back into the swing of things! i was reading donnys blog over there, when i looked up and noticed on the tyra show solange knowles was on it and she had up the devil horns (as a t-t-telephone) so i tried to pay attention to what she was talking about. she was talking about her friend (didnt catch whom) who just passed away. then she talked about how two months later she found out she was pregnant. it made me wonder. i also heard that beyonce is 34 years old or something, and that solange is actually her daughter (which i dont particularly believe)...
how blatant is rihannas imagery and people cheer on as if it so hardcore and rock and roll! \m/
anyways, and her outfit was very high waisted. wow i wonder when taylor swift is going to come out with her "welcome to the darkside" album, featuring the darker side of sweet taylor
i was just reading that link to illuminati and i was reading about the pleasantries of those who work for the agenda, and on tyra, she has the new guy running for lieutenant governor of pennsylvana who has had a plethora of jobs ranging from the white house to cnbc etc....i am taking note of the yellow ribbon going through his head (tyra symbol in the background) giving off a halo like effect...
just thought id share...(is the link, the illuminati how the cult controls people)
his name is Joe Watson
sorry watkins
Nice to have you back, Ben. I thought that break was a very good thing as it had got a bit chaotic here, which was not altogether a bad thing either. You seem to be on form, and more comedy is indeed a good thing. Any chance of you doing a post on something nice sometime? Something which you like about the world or something good which is happening. That too would be a pleasant change and might help to improve the atmosphere here form time to time.
yes i am still watching the same channel as tyra show. apparently laura bush thought that her and george bush were poisoned back in 2007. hmm....i wonder what was the reason for that? (she has a new book out)
Everybody check out my blog and comment on my posts need the feedback to see how I am doing.
donny i am checking out your blog i am reading about the stunners now...there are some good stuff on it...i will leave some comments...
Hey nice post. That Kids Choice Awards sickened me when I heard she sang those songs.
I'm really looking forward to your post on Caprica. I personally love the show, and am interested on what you have to say.
Check out this pic of kitty Aguilera - perhaps somebody can find a better version than this one from Perez' site:
(yeah i have been watching tv all day)but i noticed siobhan magnus from american idol was sent home today. she flashed the devil horns alot and was covered in butterflies at one point, she has a tattoo of a dark silhouette of a man holding an umbrella, and they showed her family and there was a little girl flashing the devil horns. geez! american idol is such a commercialized pointless show IMO
Yeah they pick out their mind control slaves before they get famous and mind control them before they
Get famous so it is not surprising to see an american Idol singer being a mind control.
Don't forget... if you criticize any aspect of their performances or point out the obvious occult connections, you're a "hater".
I think Mr. singleton needs a challenge now you can say what you want hate me disagree with me what ever guys we Have to question him because he said something very Cold on one of his posts called ''Disney's programmedPrincess Selena and Demi'' he said he found it humorous Slave twittering now if you had cared about mind control slaves you would never
Ever say that and what is ben researching to know all
That he knows about the media? I want to know Exactly what ben is studying is he studying fritz
Springmeier? we need to know to confirm what he says.
I do agree with 70% of what he does but he like me and some other people know is that he has to be questioned.
And ben don't tell me you can't edit your posts when I know you can I edit mine all of the time.
NOT MYSELF TONITE video - another proof Aguilera is an MK slave.
That makes me wanna vomit. And what photograph of her they chose...
How come you haven't made a post about the White Stripes? their song called 7 Nation Army is blatant and especially his sister looks deeply traumatized/autistic
some lyrics : And I'm Talkin' to myself at night
because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind
behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eye
says leave it alone
Don't want to hear about it
Every single one's got a story to tell
Everyone Knows about it
From the Queen of England To the Hounds of Hell
And I'm Bleedin, and I'm Bleeding, and I'm Bleedin,
Right before the Lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me
and I will sing no more
I forgot to mention that the only colours they use are white,black and red but I think you know that.
Also,what happened to Amy Lee? Was she too resistant to MK so she was taken out of the industry?
I read AMY LEE is related to GW BUSH. Dont know what shes been on lately...
Donny, I thought we were getting along well in our email exchanges. I responded to your issues about that off-the-cuff remark on the irony of the situation in my respectful response to your somewhat manic emails. I went out of my way to give you some sound advice on how you can improve your blog, the content is interesting but it doesn't look like you have taken much of the advice on board (like saving images to your pc and uploading them to the post through blogger so you don't use other site's bandwidth and in case they remove the images, making sure to use blogspot's post editor to write posts so they don't have weird line jumps [not sure why that's happening tbh], how to make hyperlinks and such). You will get more comments if you continue to post stuff that people find interesting and is easy enough for people to read and understand (you'll notice I got hardly any comments to begin with, but it shouldn't be about how many comments or how many hits you get though should it, just continue to write about something that means a lot to you and people will take an interest if it is accessible enough). Please give me time to respond to your newest emails before coming here and trying to stir something up because you aren't getting the attention you seem to crave, apologiez if that sounds harsh. If you have questions about my meagre background or whatever I would be happy to respond via email.
Anony 18:40 In case you didn't find one yet, UHQ image of Christina kitten programming in 'Not Myself Tonight' video (hmm wonder what that means!) here http://img30.imageshack.us/i/capg12108.jpg Glad to be of service, though from the previews, her new video looks like it is going to make me wish I was gay or something, DAMN THEM!!! I'm only a 21 yr old human with an easily manipulated reptilian brain :(
blaknet, agreed on White Stripes (+ Amy Lee), just never got round to them, definitely lots to write about them + their videos.
Croesoswallt I completely agree with you there about the break, and I was feeling a bit anxious before worrying about getting work done which I am glad to be done with (well revision for finals but easier to pass them). And you are right, it would be nice to post on something positive which would probably improve the atmosphere.
Cheers for the comments everyone, I appreciate your input a lot.
C. Tyler Shields is like Terry Richardson for the younger generation of Hollywood, I'll cover his 'work' a bit in next post along with briefly this photo shoot of the Caprica Cylon Alessandra Torresani... http://www.tylershields.com/2010/01/11/alessandra-torresani-2/ (someone emailed me that link, I'll credit in post) he did another bloody shoot with her too and Matt Dallas (Kyle XY TV show with very standard MK themes) involving Tyler being knocked out (or nearly) by Matt strangling him, give it 20 years or so and he'll probably end up like another David Carradine.
Okay ben but still you have the the ability to change your posts just to let you know.
The reason I don't do some of the things you tell me to is because I want the info to get out as fast as I can
And I find it a wast of time to do things that take me too long so I will try to do those things but it will probably take me some time.
Good to see you back.
Kieran Dayzero
oh, and btw,
I call all this shit;
"Illuminati Death Porn"
Has a kinda ring to it i feel.
Congrats on the 2 year anniversary Ben! That's impressive. This topic sure can wear you out sometimes but you're doing an excellent job. Good to see you back and keep up the good work!
Him and three friends sneaking Disney's abandoned Discovery Island.
Note the "animal" cages.
and Chris, VC isn't for people who are "paranoid" it's actually an extremely informative site, very well written the person actually uses proper quotes and shares good background knowledge on topics. so shush
went off on one a bit there. sorry pps
Music Industry Reps saying they "Love Child Pornography" because they can use it as tool increase censorship on the internet.
Ben dude. Where you been? Me and a friend named LVB started a blog that is getting into some of the occult and transhuman themes that seem to be popping up everywhere. In two articles I referenced your fine work on Miley Cyrus.
Miley Cyrus inspired by Lady Gaga?
The "six million dollar" Bionic {Christina Aguilera} Woman
Anyway, come check us out. The name of the blog is Public Vigil. And keep up the great work.
- baba
darn my comment didnt show up...i said, i checked out the simon monjack and mom link and yes that picture is sad and disgusting that they chose that. i noticed the whodunit section so i started reading that. i guess it will never be revealed unless suggestively in the comments...
someone who is in the music industry told me that jack black cannot sing or play but he has to be taken into another room by his handler and then he comes back and can play...
i enjoy coming hear and reading and also reading the comments, but there are new crops of blogs everywhere now in terms of "occultism, mk, ''transhumanism'' etc...is this part of what is supposed to happen? are they slowly exposing blatant (or not so) imagery so that we become lost in finding the answers. as a child myself, i often felt something was wrong with disney movies..(seeing young kids kiss or the wizard and occult like symbolism in disney and hearing kids using curse words) i knew that was wrong. its not like all kids get programmed and that all parents are morons who plant their kids in front of the tv. there are people that are busy, are involved, preoccupy themselves. i spend alot of time on the internet AND I HATE IT! i also feel that they are reading our comments and reading our blogs and knowledge that we are figuring out...btw, i have the news on, and the one news reporter just said, "i guess not only is big brother watching us, we are watching them" THAT RIGHT!
I check the site daily for new posts. Glad to see you back. Keep posting and I'll keep reading. The Art of Dissociation was life-changing.
hi everyone on a lighter note, well, this is interesting (but i dont think they talk about all the programming they do at disney either)
Anonymous - "http://christianengstrom.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/ifpis-child-porn-strategy/
Music Industry Reps saying they "Love Child Pornography" because they can use it as tool increase censorship on the internet."
See? If anyone remembers my comments about internet culture being seeded with things that will make it easier to censor/change it entirely, you will have already known that this was their strategy. I'm amazing, and I know everything.
Ben - It would be great if you shifted away from the pop music spectrum for a little while. I really don't see what you could possibly post on this site that could be seen as positive (not to say that it's all negative, the connotations are pretty negative though), but it would be cool if you managed to pull that off. Nice to have you back :)
Yes, I posted on Icke about TORRESANI. HAYDEN PANETTIERE was also photographed by this TYLER SHIELDS (mabe related to BROOKE SHIELDS?) dude.
I guess there's a first time for everything. Just made a comment which seems to have disappeared, ah well...I'll try again if I can remember what I wrote - Rihanna seems to be everywhere lately, like Gaga and Beyonce, they seem to have infultrated everything. It doesn't matter what venue, where ever you are, what youre watching or listening to, it seems that our choices have been slowly reducing. There is better art and culture out there but you have to search harder for it. Quality is less and less accesible. It does seem that we are all being pushed towards somekind of agenda (like the Transhumanist) which is a scary thought. You can see this where artists are amalgamated, like Justin Beiber and Usher and rock guitarists all collaborating to give us a product 'for the collective'. What a thought!
(Welcome back Ben)
Intelligent anony 15:07, tell ur mom to shush, not to me, ok? I know much too well what kinda species post on VC so Im not talking about smth im not aware of. Yes, all kinda religious freaks, paranoids and dumbasses post there, but for u and other VC's asskissers they pass as illuminated ppl or ppl who exchange info. Truth stinks, ha? Dont bother to reply.
Hey Ben,
Great article, and welcome back.
I just wanted to say I've got nothing but the deepest respect for your work here. I'm the author of the article currently running on VC, so I wanted to thank you and "fuck lucifer" (nice name lol) for the kind linkage. I hope you will both enjoy it, as it is quite a bit more in-depth than the usual thing there. My primary focus was on the origins of Transhumanism and the elitist scum that they most certainly were, and deeply into the Psychological Warfare tactics that are being used by mass media to sell this dangerous, delusional cult of H+, and then the analysis of the BEP video, itself.
I'd prefer that you read the full version, if you're interested, so you can either follow the link at the bottom of the article over on VC, or you can go direct to it:
Please let me know what you think, I'd really value your opinion, as you are sort of the "OG" in this field, are you not? I think your work on the supermodel side, for example, is beyond devastating.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for everything you've taught me!
'I want to sit in a chair just like this in Washington, DC in front of the full senate and demand answers.
I’d do it in a heartbeat. I ain’t shy.'
Did anyone see that BBC Nick Drake Tribute concert? The Songs of Nick Drake - way to blue. There were some god awful musicians on it including Robin Hitchcock, Green Gartside and Lisa Hannigan. I remember there was some potential occult symbolism there but I was more taken by how shit they all were and it got me thinking about the indie scene which is billed as being alternative and inventive but in fact is even shitter than the mainstream because it is more conceited and self delusional.
However, watching Rihanna's video for Rude Boy I'm awed by her charisma and sexuality, makes me think about how individuals are often selected for their artistic and creative ability. Sad that some very talented people may be hijacked for public dumbing.
LVB, I appreciate that, thanks a lot. Your article was really informative and extremely well written, I'll definitely read through the whole thing at yours and Baba's blog (thanks for the links too). I probably don't stress the transhumanist agenda enough, but obviously the dehumanization overarching theme is all pertinent to it. I'm not the "OG" on anything too btw, what is that, Original Gangster? lol, seriously though I appreciate the kind sentiment and have read many of your comments at VC finding myself agreeing with your position.
C/Chris, I like your feistiness ;p and you are always on top of things but you're being a bit overly hostile don't you think? You're going to kick off an argument! A lot of VC's readers also read this blog so you must know saying that will trigger a reaction. VC has many positive aspects, provides far more background information than I ever do and is generally much easier to read I think, making it more accessible for new people but I view it as just different styles of posting that compliment one another. The more professional style of his site has helped push this stuff more into the mainstream (particularly in the music scene). Whereas mine is very simple which I actually like, I don't want to have to pay for a proper site and domain which would probably force me to have advertisements plastered all over the place, I like the lack of corporate intrusion (even though it's run by Google lol, props to them for 'not being evil' though by not deleting or censoring the blog, I am sure they could find many reasons to).
I do have a very minor criticism though, sometimes I do feel like he is (unintentionally) rehashing other people's work though. I was tempted not to mention this but a good few months ago someone had commented on one of his posts (I forget which) and had accused him of plagiarism and linked to one of my posts in reference, it was removed by the next day I noticed which made me a tiny bit disappointed as I felt the person did have a point, but was unfair on VC and the hard work he put into the post and it is good that the info being presented in a more accessible format. I felt it was an unfair criticism as work gets around pretty quick in youtube videos and whatnot, and could easily have been researched independently so it's hard to see who originally posted the info in that context. I know he reads this blog and enjoys it as he mentioned in a twitter posting a while back so let's not create create unnecessary division between us. Having said that, I do agree with you somewhat about the kinds of comments he gets, it's not his fault though is it. I can just imagine the retorts, "The people who comment here are worse!", let's not go down that road.
Tommy looks like you were spot on mate, remember discussing this with you in emails too. Sad to see as Britain will likely follow Denmark's lead, also the way the DEA was pushed through just before the election was disgusting. Damnit, Tony Blair was in Harrow a few miles away from me today, I was wondering why I was feeling like shit this morning, that explains it! Speaking of the marionette puppet show that is the irrelevant British election I hope Pirate Party UK have someone standing in my constituency or I am going to eeny-meeny-miny-mo it! (joke; I might land on the BNP... or worse the Conservatives!)
Im not hostile, just tired of some "broken records" repeating edlessly. And btw, that moron told me to "sheesh up" so he insulted me 1st in case u didnt notice. He simply could have not said that and Id been ok with his post. But he chose anything else. Also, I used to frequent VC's site but gave up after ppl like those I mentioned in my previous "hostile" post attacked me. Religious nuts&conspiracy theory nuts. Conspiracy theories can brainwash u as well if not worse than mainstream, Im sure u figured that long ago.
Fair dues, I see your point.
Hi Benjamin. I'm glad to see you didn't take offense at LVB and I linking to our site. We have the same attitude you do, which is basically "the more the merrier".
I think each of us can make a positive contribution. And I think our readers benefit from getting different perspectives. I look at it as building a community which exposes these hidden agendas.
I know both LVB and I have benefitted enormously from reading your articles. You point out things which would never have occurred to me, and give me new perspectives from which to approach these subjects.
Since the people behind the corporate entertainment industry are actively engaged in deceiving the public, it is no small task to peer through their deceptions to get to the truth at the bottom.
I echo your positive comments about VC's professionalism. Our site does not carry ads for the same reasons that you mention. But then we don't get the kind of enormous traffic that VC's site gets.
In the case of LVB's Imma Bee article, he published it first at Public Vigil and then VC edited it to fit his format and published it over there. Obviously VC's version had a much larger impact in terms of traffic.
Ben - I'd vote for the pirate party. Haha. Tony Blair is like a black hole so I can understand that shitty feeling.
About VC, just to interject - I've felt that he has always "re-hashed" stuff like Ben says, and I even have a friend who was recently introduced to the MK thing through an article on VC about Lady Gaga, and of course now she thinks it's all BS because of the mish-mash, thrown-together style VC often takes. I'll eventually show her your site, Ben. I'm sure it will start to make sense to her once the wheels have space to start turning (which I feel you do a great job at initiating with the collections of pictures with similar MK themes in them. You at least show that it's far beyond coincidence with these things.). It's just that a lot of people I know would rather be completely comfortable with pop culture and not see anything horribly wrong with it because it becomes out of their control when an agenda is revealed.
i just watched that "imma bee" video and i do like that video and those dancing robots, ha! anyways, this is interesting..
ppl all think its gaga copying christina, christina copying gaga, gaga copying madonna etc, but i think its just a formula, right? i dont think that these "extravagant singers" are in charge of their image, especially after reading these posts. im sure madonna was able to recreate herself etc..
i remember this woman, cathy jones, who claims to been the manager of wu tang clan, said that the reason why they keep renaming themselves (like diddy, p.diddy, puff daddy, sean combs etc) is because they are trying to sway off evil curses put on them...she also said that oprah, queen latifah, eddie murphy and all of them go to some sort of witch doctor in africa, of course i dont quite believe her but she was an interesting character. her and anand jon and michelle rodriguez talked about the illuminati all the time...anand jon is a rapist and is in jail but michelle is really cool and i like her
sorry im rambling now...anyways, dont yell at me!
tonights glee on channel 4 uk...one of the main characters flashes devil horns symbol in the guise of smoothing his eyebrows n the gay guy is wearing a tshirt with a balphomet skull on it....
ben what do you think of uk artists that are quite successful such as n-dubz, tinchy stryder, chipmunk, ironik the last two did that elton john cover of tiny dancer and he featured in the video....
Don't have much to say on them z, they all just come across as a joke to me. I can't take them seriously enough to even consider (I think I've posted a couple of Tinchy Stryder videos and I posted that chipmunk elton john video also), just obvious corporate dressed and payed up pawns appealing to the young and Britain's lowest common denominator (no offence to anyone who likes them, some of their stuff is catchy I guess). Someone sent me some images of that lot flashing the usual signs (probably told to by their band manager/handlers, they probably think they are doing it just to look cool and 'street' but could be wrong about that; they look hilarious either way, esp that idiot from N-Dubz with his retarded hats that make him look like he is wearing a giant condom on his head, no doubt where he stores his cocaine and methadrone to snort when he gets a chance ;p) and whatnot, I remember seeing some typical themes in their videos also, in a few years I doubt most of them will still be around, I'll be surprised if they are anyway.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm quite honored that you liked my article, more than you know, actually.
I think what is most important for all of us, is to build on our individual strengths, and use our numbers as a force multiplier, so that the combined effects and synergy of all our thoughts and written works can reach the maximum amount of people possible.
While I do appreciate and respect your humility, in not seeing yourself as an "OG" (that is meant in the most affectionate way, btw), I do personallly view both you and VC as pioneers in this particular area, and I have great admiration for both of you, and all the work you do. Both VC and Ben have been (lol) wonderful mentors to me, and have inspired me to finally write about these things that I have known for many years.
So, just as the evil forces aligned against us attack in many ways and on many levels, so, too, should we combine and use our strengths, as much as humanly possible.
As far as plagiarism, I would also take a rather dim view if it were done to my work in a very blatant way. However, I've already seen my work on several mirror sites, and I have no problem with this, as it only helps our cause, in the long run. As long as it is presented in original form, with proper notice of who wrote it, it's all good with me.
Further, I would expect (and hope) that I'll be hearing a lot of talk about cognitive dissonance, false metacommunication and the various other PsyWar concepts I covered in my article, and that was my hope from the beginning. Show people these things, so that they can use them to defend themselves against mass media deception, and truly think for themselves.
I encourage the free flow of information, and as long as no one is exploiting my work for money or distorting its original intent, I have no problem with it, whatsoever.
If anyone IS making money off my stuff, please bee a little bit kind and send me some. :)
Peace and Wisdom to you all.
p.s. One small footnote - Ben, I don't know if you noticed, but the comment response at VC has been huge. Specifically, the H+ crowd are hopping mad, because they have no idea how to cope with the reality of who the founders of their movement were, and what they really believed in (Eugenics, etc.) - and most likely still do.
The article really hit a nerve. What greater satisfaction is there than the frenzied, panicked cries of one's enemies?? I've also had the manager of one of the Black Eyed Peas respond, in a feeble attempt to basically say that they are "simpletons", who therefore could not be bright enough to have such deep and complex meanings in their songs/videos. Lovely, huh?
You can see that in my counter article, "Spin Doctor of the Peas", if you like.
Cheers to you, and thanks again for all that you do here!
The E! network is initiating the mass media blitzkreig for what they are calling, "The Next Step in Miley's Evolution". Yes, the full-on sex kitten (alpha) phase has begun for yet another child of Disney MK programming expertise.
Here are the release details of her new video - "Can't be Tamed":
I think it's a fair bet that this "evilution" will be a sad thing to behold.
Here are the lyrics of CAN'T BE TAMED (Miley's song)
For those who don’t know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, 24 hours a day
‘Cause I’m hot like that
Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I’m under inspection, I always get the 10s
‘Cause I’m built like that
I go through guys like money flyin’ out their hands
They try to change me but they realize they can’t
And every tomorrow is a day I never planned
If you’re gonna be my man, understand
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be saved
I can’t be blamed, I can’t, can’t
I can’t be tamed, I can’t be changed
I can’t be saved, I can’t be (can’t be)
I can’t be tamed
If I see my reflectiona bout my intentions
I’ll tell ya I’m not here to sell ya
Or tell ya to get to hell
I’m like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged
If you can understand this, we can make some magic
I’m on like that
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
I’m not a trick you play, I ride a different way
I’m not a mistake, I’m not a fake, It’s set in my DNA
Don’t change me (x4)
(I can’t be tamed)
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go
I wanna be a part of something I don’t know
And if you try to hold me back I might explode
Baby by now you should know
Oh, and thats her single cover. Suggestive, isnt it?
Miley says:
"I’m like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged".
Oh, I just bet they are, sweetie.
Very sad and blatant, the games that these sociopaths play with mere children.
Rape of the body. Rape of the mind.
I bet it wasnt the tits, but the brain... Poor Amy...
Wow...these monsters are so repetitive in their symbolism that it's become quite cliche and dull by now, hasn't it?
Don't you think that in any past era of art, intelligent people would be asking "what's up with you idiots using the same imagery and themes ALL THE TIME?"
There's certainly nothing creative, original or artistic about it. That much we know for certain.
I suppose they use their real creative skills on the MK, itself.
LOL, LVB, Ive always said that since Im aware of this mess. Come with smth new, idiots, prove ur ingeniosity, do smth in a diff way. But... no way indeed. The same paraphernalia: cages, zebra/stripes, the silence trigger, half eye, butterflies, masks, blood, crosses hearts, half face in light, half in dark, androids, rainbows, Alice in Wonderland, pentagrams/stars, horns, umbrellas and so on. They lack creativity, as we both said. Dont they get bored?
Absolutely! LOL
However, I do try to keep in mind that as these things become trite and boring, this is a strong indication of just how effective their PsyWar desensitization efforts truly are.
Some years into the future, if these sick b@st@rds get their way, we may see videos with robots humping puppies, and just simply yawn and turn away. Know what I mean? Oh, look dear, it's another doggy robot romp....snore. :(
As the infamous Dr. Mengele once said, in reference to trauma-based dissociative mind control:
"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe that we are doing it."
Scary stuff.
Sometimes I think Miley's handlers are just intentionally feeding this blog material (covering her official site with monarch butterflies was a tipping point, now her in a bird cage :S), always fitting the formula to a T... I was hoping to avoid another MC post for a while, oh well I'll see what the video is like on May 4th. Agreed Chris and LVB, it gets pretty tiresome just posting on their endless 'rinse and repeat' use of these themes too.
Should have new post up by Tuesday/Wednesday btw (exam on Monday so got to revise over this wknd).
Benjamin - I've been following the comments here which tipped me off to Miley's new song. Take a look at the post I threw together on this subject at Public Vigil. What do you think?
Miley Cyrus - the Great Whore of Babylon
Poor Miley, she has become "the whore of Babylon" thanks to "the (great) pimp of Babylon", her "beloved" that.
And on the other hand, be sure that smb "up there" reads such kind of blogs and sites. It will be strange not to, lets get real. And they act according to the info they see here. Remember what LADY GAGA said when she launched "TELEPHONE", that her video/song contains subliminals? One more proof "they" read us. They read us, probably have fun and go on with their stuff.
its funny, and i agree with you guys about all the same symbolism they use constantly, but most of the population who actually like this garbage are totally blinded to it and are definitely being subliminally programmed..
i'm not surprised about this whole miley thing but it REALLY sickens me, just over the influence she has on such young, innocent kids...she was the perfect bait, she's captured the hearts and minds of many of the littler girls as opposed to britney & christina where more teens were into them i have such a heart for the younger generation...their poor raped minds.
Yeah baba interesting stuff. I personally wouldn't go so far in describing what 'they want to ultimately' do, sounds a bit OTT and probably puts people off IMO but I certainly get the transhumanist agenda.
Some people get the wrong idea when you talk about them reading this stuff but I don't think it is too crazy to suggest that, corporations employ many people to see the latest fads on the internet and whatnot so it isn't unlikely.
Got mixed up as it's a bank holiday weekend so exam is on Tuesday not Monday, still hopefully finish it by Wednesday (probably Thursday/Friday tho). Won't be as active over the next few days, cheers for your input all.
@k - This is the same thing they did with Britney Spears and Christina Aquilera. Now Miley is talking about appearing nude in a movie - and she hasn't even turned 18.
Has anyone noticed if she got a boob job yet like Christina Aquilera - one of the worst ever.
And Miley's sister Noah is pushing a kid's "lingerie line". How cute is that?
Benjamin, thanks for your comments. The bit about "they want to ultimately disassociate sex from procreation so that they can produce humans in a controlled laboratory environment on an industrial scale" is definitely true.
That's been a stated goal of the eugenics-transhumanist movement since at least the 1930s when Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World. The whole push for the "birth control pill" was done through the Margaret Sanger's pro-eugenic Planned Parenthood organization. That was done to deliberately create the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s. And that was just the precursor of today's in vitro birth methods which have now become commonplace.
I thought I was just stating the obvious and not being controversial at all on that one. But still I know your right about people being turned off by this sort of information. It just goes with the territory I suppose.
"The collection is produced by something called Ooh! La, La! Couture, and is described by a company press release as including "versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, funky sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look."
Sales will benefit Reaves' charity, Lollipops and Rainbows. So, should the nation's playgrounds suddenly be overrun with more "prosti-tots" than an episode of Toddlers & Tiaras, at least you can be comforted knowing their parents let them out of the house looking like that for a good cause."
Watch a video of the kids wearing their new hooker Halloween costumes and talking about how they're totally awesome fashion designers below:
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/thewest/Miley+Cyrus+Little+Sister+Face+Kiddie+Lingerie+Line/2517807/story.html#ixzz0mhowJU2s
Quite lovely. :(
about the lady gaga telephone video, and her saying comments about having subliminals in it, and how they probably check this site out perhaps? (i know that sentence didnt make sense...anyways) i go by poison on my myspace and on a forums etc, well, they make reference to poison in the video if you watch it. also i know a guy in california, kenny, who was in that video. they zoomed in on his eye, as if saying, "we are watching you' the all seeing eye.
yep. poison. dont believe me? I DONT CARE! stuff like that happens to me all the time and has been for about 3 years, but thats another story.
and yes when i saw the birdcage miley, i immediately thought, their not gonna stop. with the imagery. theyre not gonna stop
Anybody checked out my blog yet?
Call it sick again:
Fashion blogger just featured on the awful Frock Me on T4, featuring Alexa Chung and Henry Holland (http://www.houseofholland.co.uk/).
A post on the unbearable T4 might be interesting as it's one of the main televisual representations of teen culture, or what is intended to be teen culture. All the male presenters are always in that vile Urkel-esque mannequin style. Where they get the smug, self-contented and talentless presenters from I have no idea. Or maybe they grow them in greenhouses.
Dead Weather/Jack White album cover:
did anyone hear about cheryl cole apparently now dating will.i.am? if the rumours are true then i doubt its real love, as he is her handler!
just watching some of the rihanna vids, knowing what all these symbols actually makes me quite uncomfortable nowadays. i guess its a good thing though, as it means i'm not absorbing everything and letting it corrupt me? it kind of just goes through me, makes me cringe i can now see how evil it all is. like the satanic symbols for example (skulls), just seems so wrong. i can't believe i used to listen to death metal and think nothing of it! like i never took it seriously, just thought it was people being creative. and then theres all those t shirts i used to love with skulls on...urgh. wrong. i really believe in satan and god and all that and i think theres definitely a war going on between good and evil in this world....evil is definitely winning right now. lets pray that one day the good will overcome it!
The final outcome of this war has never been in question, so fear not.
The only question is how much suffering will the evil ones put us through before they are defeated, once and for all. :)
wow LVB i am currently reading your blog about the IMMA BEES and the open letter....basically, they are saying, they are the worker bees. they are working for the "queen" or whatever (no i dont think that lady is the queen...) anyways, it is really interesting to be able to read the words written back...she speaks about notes and such, embedding etc. i wonder if music is able to carry some sort of pied piper spell...i have read that musical notes can hypnotize us, and we all just wanna PARTY AND HAVE A GOOD TIME!! oh yeah! im kidding...is that one tribe song the one where they talk about getting amnesia and forgetting about all the bad things? no its not good to just forget and party when all these horrible things are going on, when kids are getting traumatized and abused and electroshocked into becoming the next "star" come on you know? sure it seems lovely and fun and "magical". anyways, im not sure what im trying to say right now i think im getting too brainwashed or something
ok i listened to that KG singer on your site, and then i clicked on lady gaga infomercial for deepak chopra. she looks like a crow and she looks ridiculous with that metallic bra thing. i actually was at the opening for his spa in new york called dream and met deepak chopra, and i was also at another party and the PEAS were there...(im not going anywhere with that story i just thought id say that) anyways, you know, some people carry around an energy a very strange deceptive nauseating in a way energy. when i used to work for that fashion designer (he was a con artist and was able to keep people around and manipulate everyone), i always felt a weird negative energy. i used to think, 'i can do whatever i want i can control my life' but upon reading the open letter and regards to suzanne toro, i am thinking, we are warned about all the evil in this world. hmm....anyways...sorry if im just leaving all kinds of rambling comments im sort of nervous about leaving comments...
Regarding Miley,this NSFW article of Celtic's is worth a re-visit:
It's a little dated, but VERY interesting.
Also, what may be very important to keep in mind when arguing with H+ people, is that the best way to improve the human condition is to go the "natural health" route and let the body heal itself. It's designed to do so, although the elite make sure we're always so sick and getting the wrong (allopathic) medical advice! That's why people today seem to think it's almost normal for organs to "wear out" and have to be replaced with transplants or synthetic parts.
Hi Lori,
Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them
I'm guessing that Ben might appreciate it if you left comments for me over at our blog, Public Vigil, since this is his place here. Not the end of the world, just something to consider, and to show respect for Ben and his excellent work here.
Thanks again for writing! :)
Did anyone visit my blog yet?
Donny - yes, it is barely readable and I don't think many people are going to appreciate your use of the word faggot.
Anyone catch the new Andrew Loyd Webbed-finger promotional vehicle "Over the Rainbow" in which tits-n-teeth musical types sing as unconvincingly as possible for the little Toad who judges whether they are a suitable choice for the role of Dorothy. Fools were even auditioning their dogs for the part of Toto. They made the girls do some strange and completely unrelated tasks such as spending a night in a forest during a full moon while they were scared by various things (?!).
In a group they all sang The Happening by Diana Ross and the Supremes (Lyrics: http://www.lyricstime.com/diana-ross-the-supremes-the-happening-lyrics.html) which has a quite unsettling key change in it if you ask me, actually makes me feel slightly sick (goes from G to Eb).
Two girls with the lowest votes then sing for Webber, at the same time. But no, it is not a duet, they are basically doing two concurrent solo performances to see who has the biggest ego. When Andrew Lloyd Weevil has made a choice all the Dorothies come on crying and sing some strange ritualistic "You're leaving, it's so Sad!" introduction for Somewhere over the rainbow before the incumbant sings the rest of the song. They make her sit on a large crescent Moon and take here silver shoes off here, which they go and hand to Andrew Lloyd Webber (I was half expecting him to take a large sniff). They then raise her up into the air on the half-moon and she is forced to battle her way through the fact she's just been booted off by singing an intendedly profound final note.
Other women seen singing in the half moon thing in the air:
Fergie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVFgOt2Acd4
Florence and the Machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQZhN65vq9E
The Dorothies (warning: this video will induce nausea): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMwEIi7Toc&feature=channel
Oh yeah, Weebler is on a throne.
Sorry to link to such utter drivel, here's something cool:
Dear Lord, that is quite nauseating, actually. :(
i hate Andrew Lloyd Webber, that guy is creepy as fuck!
he mentored Jade Ewan, who recently joined the Sugababes. i think they deserve a post for all the weird stuff that happened with them lately? like it's funny how Keisha was sacked after they got signed to Jay-Z's 'Roc Nation' label (not roc-a-fella anymore it's now roc 'nation'!...work that one out) and then Jade was quickly ushered in. it might not interest you guys but i was wondering if there's a particular reason why the band has had so many line up changes? i noticed the third line up change occured when they got to their 7th album, titled 'Sweet 7'. (the cover of which looks like they are burning in hell with the big fire in the background) i know that 7 is supposed to be quite a significant number? isn't it the number of god (in their case would be satan) anyway, i thought the whole thing was a bit weird. how they were making keisha out to be a bully and everything (their excuse for kicking her out) and then when i was watching one of their new videos on myspace, someone left a comment threatening Jay-Z for 'what he did to keisha' which was interesting, the person sounded as if they actually knew him and had some inside info. and apparently now they have been dropped by the label! probably coz their popularity took a nose dive. anyway, don't want to ramble on but ben if this inspires a new blog post then that would be great what do you reckon?...
anon 0744
Ben's already done a Sugababes one (just before Keisha left): http://pseudoccultmedia.blogspot.com/2009/08/chained-sugaslaves-get-sexy-in-bird.html
Android Loyd Webber would prove an interesting post topic though, think of his musicals; CATS, Phantom of the opera (the phantom has one half of his face obscured by a half venetian mask), Jesus Christ Superstar in which Jesus is not depicted as being divine. He apparently put on productions in a toy theatre he made as a child, compare that to him picking and choosing which 'Doll' he wants for his musical.
LVB> been enjoying your blog and discussions with/about Suzanne Toro, she seems like a shallow duckspeaker to me and she really didn't address the issues you raised. I couldn't possibly trust someone who's website has such a superlative description of themselves! She will make you feel like hope exists blah blah blah.
Interesting transhumanist post:
The word faggot is just a word if you don't like me telling the truth about things then that is your problem not mine
There are many ways I could take issues with your inconsistencies and conjecture Donny but it wouldn't be worth the time of day, I think we can forgive your short-sightedness and put it down to your age.
Oh really now so you think I can't expose the big boys Just because of my age Ben Singleton is not the only one who can connect the dots you think just because I am 15 you are more smarter or better then I am You are nothing but a person who will not expose the things that should have been exposed a long time ago.
I have been thru hell and back so don't you tell me what I am saying or doing is wrong I have met asshole
Bloggers that attacked me before so don't you think
You can just mess with me and get away with it.
Either you are supporting me or against me chose
ahhh, 15. that says it all.
Donny, Creososwallt was just stating the honest truth mate (that you need to sort out your writing and should obviously not use inappropriate bigoted language like that), try to take it on board instead of defensively lashing out. Please take your frustrations elsewhere, thank you.
Dude I hardly even say the word ''Faggot'' in my posts
The word fits parents that think it is wrong or people who think it is wrong are out of it the word is not
Okay I know that but i it must be used it must be used
Ben i you want to really do something why don't you
Help mind control slaves or speak in the media about these things they will not attack you if you know how to defend yourself against the attacks.
I can only do so much about the words being disorganized in my posts because blogger does not
Work very well for mac computers.
I meant if the word must be used it must be used
Got it?
I'm starting to warm to Donny's writing style, I'm reading his whole blog as if it's an epic poem.
Pretty sure he's taking us for a ride, he's quoting the ficticious parodical Landover Babtist Church:
Hi I know the baptist church is connected with satanism And has a lot of pedophiles but I only take
What is good from these organizations that is called
''Discernment'' we must all have discernment if we wish to know what is good from bad we can not deny that the Rugrats TV show has the pedophile agenda in
It now can we?
Sorry to say this, but it is sometimes hard for me to take much of your writing seriously especially when you write "Rihanna" and rockstar in the same sentence structure..hahahahhah
Rihanna' s "music" fails in so many levels to take her serious is to take the myths of the earth being flat as serious science. She is a wannabe be star who never was, "her" gimmicks have all been played out. Those who do listen to her "music" are seriously ignorant. Just funny as hell when you talk about her like she is part of some big scheme to brain wash people...hahahahah she is a joke at best
Oh one last thing, her "handlers" cant even be creative "Last Girl on Earth tour" ahahahahah talk about stealing ideas.. was that not an album by the Supreme Beings of Leisure...Rhianna = FAIL what a wannabe that never was.......sad puppet
"I have been thru hell and back so don't you tell me what I am saying or doing is wrong"
What did your mother take away your Xbox?
I don't play video games My mother is a mind controller don't spread lies take your BS somewhere else.
Donny, Hi! I read your blog, not the entire thing but a lot of it and I left you a constructive comment which I hope will help you. If you argue with different commentators or reply to their dismissive comments you will only end up winding yourself up and not much else. I think its good that you are getting on board the MK research bandwagon, just don't let it upset you. When people give you comments or advice, read it, then YOU decide if you want to listen to it or not. I think you are not helping yourself by getting into an argument. You're 15 which is cool. Keep doing what you're doing and keeping yr cool by not retaliating...I think you are smarter than that, right?
I am checking out your latest (new) post. Thanks
C. You mentioned the new Madeliene Mccann video image and picture of her in make-up! I have been following the case since it broke in May 2007. Undoubtedly there are 'hidden' reasons why such a suggestive picture was used, along with one of her sucking a lollipop and another of her on her back looking into the camera (where she appears to not be wearing a top) It is obvious to us that these images are suggestivce and inappropriate given the circustances and the theories that she may be in the hands of a peadophile. However, the majority of people viewing it on Youtube do not see the link or the 'suggestiveness' of the images. The family and their advisors chose to use an image (which was yesterday critized by lawyers and journos) that was an inappoproiate way to publicize their 'so-called' missing child's plght as she will not in any way look like this now (or even at the time of her disappearance)Conclusions by those who know the case (me included) can say that it is deliberate 'joke' aimed at certain individuals. Thats something as sick as this is going on can only lead you to believe the crazy stories of a masonic link to the case. A very mysterious case which you can read about - Let me know if you want to know the best sources for FACTS on it.
anon 3 May 2010 20:17
The point is that whether or not you conisder Rihanna to be a valid artist, she is still reaching millions of kids globally, the look of mindless adoration on those kids' faces says it all. It could be a gibbon in a sequin dress on that stage and the kids would still buy it if it was promoted in 'the right way'. It's the effect that counts, not the cause.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdkoFUas23E I've posted the link to this video again,becuase I'm not sure if my first comment was sent.
Yes, Marty, definitely I wanna know more about MADDIE's case. She has threads open on Icke's forum too. If she were alive, u bet she would look different, years go by... Her "parents" - coz its hard for me to call them "parents" - chose to apply this sick strategy. No comment. On the other hand, I read some place on the net that JON BENET RAMSEY is actually alive. Intriguing and confusing! Why would smb stage smth like that? Publicity? Distraction? WTF? Back to poor little MADDIE, there are sources saying she was sold directly to KING&QUEEN of SPAIN (and possibly sacrificed by them) and that also EU President DURAO BARROSO is involved in that...
Everybody comment on my posts I have told you I
Need the feedback the comments really do matter.
anyone in the uk remember the "baby p" murder? well i just remembered the main picture of him used was this one...
probably just a coincidence though, i think? i mean some people do have checkered kitchen floors!
Everybody comment on my posts please
Everybody comment on my posts please
A funny song that was in the new episode of the Boondocks on Adult swim. The whole episode was a belated response to the obamamania that happened during the last election.
The rapper character next to will.i.am, the one whose hair looks like mickey mouse ears, has another scene making fun of a interview given by DMX two years ago. If you look past it being given by a stupid rapper, it has some pretty interesting slips.
Reporter:Is that why you’re not following it?
DMX:No, because it’s just—it doesn’t matter. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do. It doesn’t really make a difference.These are the last years.
Reporter:But it would be pretty big if we had a first Black president. That would be huge.
DMX:I mean, I guess…. What, they gon’ give a dog a bone? There you go. Ooh, we have a Black president now. They should’ve done that shit a long time ago, we wouldn’t be in the fuckin’ position we in now. With world war coming up right now. They done fucked this shit up then give it to the Black people, “Here you take it. Take my mess.”
Reporter:Right, exactly.
DMX:It’s all a fuckin’ setup. It’s all a setup. All fuckin’ bullshit. All bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about none of that.
Reporter:Yeah, but the country is.
DMX:I guess. The president is a puppet anyway. The president don’t make no damn decisions.
Reporter:Are you happy right now?
DMX: I don’t wanna be happy.
Reporter:Why not?
DMX:’Cause when you happy you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware.
Reporter:Right, ’cause when you’re happy you think you’re safe and you don’t…
DMX:Yeah, you get sleepy happy.
Link to the above article that i forgot to include.
What do you think? Are you going to tackle the Miley Bird Cage video. I don't have the stomach for it, but I think it should be done. I'll be happy to provide a big link from Public Vigil for those interested. You've certainly done an amazing job of exposing the whole Cyrus clan in the past.
You can check out my pre-video release post on Miley for some material. Take a look at the comments as well.
Here's some stuff I noticed in the video.
- Many of the woman in the gala have bird adornments. One woman has a big fluffy hairdo that I think is supposed to suggest a bird's nest. I assume that the bird women are all prostitutes, because there are other women that do not have these markings.
- When they show the full moon, there's an image of devil-type figure in silhouette.
- There is obviously supposed to be an orgy going on with Miley having sex with both men and women.
- You can't miss the goats and there is a flat sort of rock that suggests a sacrificial altar. The whole black mass thing.
- There's the whole peacock love goddess thing - Hera. Another one of Zeus' conquests I suppose. He liked to get it on with swans - Leda - and other birds I guess.
- She also appears to have fish scales, which is probably an allusion to a mermaid. Another love goddess thing I suppose.
"Atargatis is identified with: Astarte, Ishtar, Venus Urania, Hera, Rhea, Cybele, Aphrodite. She is sometimes also called Artemis Azzanathcona."
- At the very end of the video one of the flags goes flaccid and Miley's wings are "spread eagle", if you catch my drift. It appears to be the moment of "climax".
Let me know by leaving a comment over at my Miley post if you decide to post on this subject. Thanks.
- baba
ye baba, heh I'm nearly done on a very short post on it, I'll direct them your way for the more deeper symbolism analysis of her mythological/esoteric themes rather than my somewhat irreverent take on it.
C. For accurate and first-hand accounts and information on the Madeleine case, scanned documentation from the legal proceedings and witness statements etc. go to the following sites and blogs. The information and rumours you are quoting I can tell you are far from the truth. There is a masonic connection but nothing to do with Spanish royalty! These links are for serious discussion and research only...
There are more links which you will find on these sites. They are sites which were born of a newspaper forum that the Mccanns tried to get taken down from the Internet, by their lawyers. They succeeded. However, by doing what they did, they caused a hydra to be unleashed. This monster will eventually destroy the lies out there about the case!
(being a bit dramatic I know!)
Thanks for da links, Marty. Good info there, but it takes time to read at least a half of whats there. I dont know how far from the truth are those rumours but since Masonry is involved, remember everything is possible.
dumb broad
she has no talent
when did music become like this?
greed has ruined everything
Do any of you guys know about mac computers? because I need help with making videos with photos and writing in them you know stuff like that.
Donny mate, I don't think this is the best place to ask those kinds of questions. Maybe someone can help you here, but wouldn't it make more sense to do an internet search or find a forum or a help site for Mac users wanting to make videos (isn't that what Mac is for anyway, making that kind of art stuff?) and other issues you are having using Mac?
Anyway, best of luck to you and maybe someone here can give you some advice and I'm sure you are searching online for help too which I feel is your best bet.
Okay I understand I'll try to go to other places it's just has been hard to find help and I'm really confused
Pretty much every single friend of mine that gave me things to download when I downloaded them they never worked on my mac.
Rihana is notonly a female singer butalso she is a great singer.
janelle monae and kelis are also being used to push the satanic robot-hybrid agenda fucked up thing too.
below also interesting MK conversation.
More MCM 'suicides', someone else may have already linked you but thought you might be interested if you hadn't seen it already:
Keep up the great work, I recently came across your blog (I believe I found it referenced through a comment on VC's blog) and I'm a big fan already. :)
Check out the Killing Kittens sex club in London... there's a satanic theme of killing kittens running through a lot of entertainment programmes.
The mainstream media in England was actively encouraging women to join this:
Hey ben, hope you are doing okay and miss the fresh content.
Hey Benjamin, everything ok? I miss your regular posts!
Hey This blog is awesome, very informative, and im addicted, iv spent the last two months reading all of your posts! Post another ASAP!! Also, i dont know if you have heard of the real housewives of new york but one of the ladies Kelly used to be a model, has very confusing breakdowns on the show and im convinced she is a victim and she fits the criteria of mpd
Hi, Love the article, I tried to get in to the music industry for years and never made it and I always wondered why these people wouldnt hire me when I was obviously mega talented (not being a big head just being honest) I am currently the biggest dj and singer in China believe it or not. I can attest to the sleezes who triued to convert me to the dark side, I told them "I"m not that desperate mate" they told me I'd never get any where. Please support me by visiting my website for my up coming book
Many thanks , stick it to the illuminati by supporting artists who do not join them.
(Sry for bad English), at the end of "Last Girl On Earth Tour - Intro video before Russian Roulette" there is a scene with "Is this... the end?" on the screen, and a countdown. At 31% a writing saying "SAXSAXSAXSAXSAX" is displayed very briefly across the entire screen. Had to slow down with VLC to get it. Don´t really know what to make of it though. Anyone still reading this?
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