
Thursday 18 February 2010

Saudi prince quizzed over murder of servant 'who slept at foot of master's bed'

More evidence of the "elite's" inherent sociopathy, abusing and even killing slaves (seems to be how this 'servant' was treated) for sadistic fun has always gone on in the upper echelons of society. Western media has been focusing a fair amount on this kind of sadistic activity being carried out by Middle Eastern royalty (see UAE royal family member's sadism for another recent example) which, while no doubt true, may be also for propaganda purposes (all anti-Arab propaganda is good for conditioning us into war with Iran and blindly supporting Israel [sorry to go off-topic, but the whole Israeli assassination squad story has a darkly comic aspect to it in how much Mossad doesn't seem to give a shit any more about being seen in public to do all the messed up stuff that they do... smile for the cameras, brainwashed Mossad asssassins]), there would be a total media blackout if a member of a Western "elite" family did this which has likely occurred many times before. From this Daily Mail article (bigger and more image/symbolism focused posts up soon btw).

Detectives are continuing to question a Saudi prince over his servant's murder as new details about their relationship become known.

Sources have compared it to a master and servant relationship and it has emerged that the aide may have slept on the floor at the foot of his master's bed.

The prince has been held on suspicion of killing the man at the Landmark Hotel in Central London.

Scotland Yard detectives have also seized CCTV footage of an alleged assault by the 33-year-old multi-millionaire on his aide in a hotel lift last month.

Officers are examining the possibility that the servant was the subject of regular abuse from his master.

Sources at the five-star Landmark Hotel told the Mail that last month's incident was recorded and had been handed to murder squad officers.

The episode is believed to have happened about three weeks ago, soon after the Saudi prince - son of a nephew of King Abdullah - and his entourage checked into the hotel.

Police believe the murder happened during a row at the hotel, but they have found no obvious motive. This prompted speculation last night that the servant was subjected to gratuitous violence.

Police are expected to examine whether the aide suffered regular domestic abuse at the hands of his employer.

Scotland Yard refused to comment yesterday about the previous alleged attack. But a hotel source said: 'Police are looking at CCTV from a previous incident in January.'

The suspect, an international playboy, has been staying at the Landmark for three weeks, spending up to £100,000 on five rooms including a £1,000-a-night suite.

It is not the first time that Saudi royals have been accused of mistreating their servants.

Princess Hind al-Fassi and her husband, Turki ibn Abdel Aziz, brother to Saudi Arabia's late ruler, King Fahd, were accused by Egyptian and Filipino employees of mistreatment in 1998.

Several of their servants tried to escape a hotel, saying they had been treated as virtual prisoners. One broke his back when he fell from a rope made of knotted sheets.

The murder inquiry began after post-mortem results showed the 32-year-old victim died of neck and head injuries.

This contradicted claims by Saudi security sources stating the servant's death was caused by an ear injury sustained during a mugging.

But Saudi Arabian government sources last night insisted the prince had no involvement with the man's death. They claimed the servant died after an ear injury, despite post-mortem results revealing the victim was strangled.

'This young prince has nothing to do with the issue,' a security source said.

'Unfortunately, one of his private entourage was mugged in the street. He was cut on his ear, but doctors discharged him from hospital because they thought it was a superficial head wound.

'In fact the injury was very serious and he died later of an internal head injury.'

They were unable to explain how he also came to have been strangled.

Detectives were called to the eight-storey hotel after his body was found by a maid at 4.45pm on Monday.

The prince was arrested five hours later after questions were raised about his account of the incident, which was not witnessed by anyone.

Detectives have been granted more time to question the suspect. As a minor royal he does not qualify for diplomatic immunity.

The Saudi embassy refused to comment yesterday but a senior diplomat is believed to have visited the arrested man in his cell.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I may do that soon venus (I try to delete the really explicit stuff asap but may have missed a few so I will look through them again), I think it's more effective just to ignore those kinds of comments, be stoic and not let them get to you (it is the nature of the internet, this stuff will happen, people can discern for themselves who are making sincere comments and who are just getting their rocks off messing with people), deleting can give them more ammunition and another reason to keep trolling.

  3. Thanks once again Ben for another eye opener. I'm glad you are presenting this important information because people idolize and envy the rich and famous.

    That is very sick and sad but needs to be said. God bless you, keep up the good work and stay encouraged.

    I really appreciated your timely post on Gigi Jordan. I feel awful for her and I did suspect monarch programming when I read about it in the paper when it first happened.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can now say Im quite disgusted by you Venus, you using the cop out that its driving away 'genuine info' is just opening up more oppertunities for others to question just what your agenda is.

    this must be the second or third post that you have done this on. and why? because someone questions you.

    youre an adult, you know full well that not everyone will agree and naturally there will be responses both for and against your material.

    I can fully see why Ben/the moderators would want to ban the comments that are offensive to them, especially the homophobic stuff as thats just repugnant, but to ask ben to delete the posts that question your accounts? thats just expecting preferential treatment.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Deleting comments sends a clear message that the people who do this are not welcome here. You have a lot of control over what type of environment is created here so hopefully you can take advantage of that."

    there you go again.

    dictating who should/shouldnt be allowed to post.

    this is pathetic and child-like. you claim you want respectful dialogue yet you clearly dont want anyone questioning you, ie; you dont want dialogue at all.

    you want sheep, pure and simple.

    its clear now there is nothing else to say on the matter, its now transparent what respectful dialogue is to you; the same dialogue saddam used against the kurds when he gassed them, his way or no way.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Venusinpieces, I don't necessarily think that we should blame those posters for Brenda's leaving. Sure, they made some pretty shitty remarks, but in the end, Brenda made her own choices. I hope she comes back. I think she will, this site is way to irresistible to stay away!!

    On another topic, has anyone ever read the Jane Roberts/Seth books, and what did you think of them? I want to get some to see what it is all about but I have some concerns: it is kind of mainstream, and expensive. Usually that means it is bullshit!

    This one of the books: Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

    Any thoughts would be helpful.

  12. Check this guy out. Pure MK


  13. Seth = New Age chanelled blame the victim mentality bullshit. AVOID.

  14. C., That Sliimy guy is a hot MK'd mess! Ewwww the creep factor is out of control. And who ever the art director is for these MK photo shoots are the sickest of all. It amazes me how they (sliimey & others in their photo's) act like it's so cute & hip.

    You always post informative links. Thanks.


  15. Oh forgot to ask, do you think that the dolls insinuate that "they" have been using/abusing/handling this kid (the article says his mother died) since he was a little kid? Then when they get a certain age they create pop stars of them. Like a sick long term goal?

    He reminds me of Christina Agulera hot mess.

  16. @anonymous 13:37

    The fact that it was stored at the YALE library, home of skull & bones, I figured it was pretty much propoganda. I think some of the ideas are good though. Maybe it is 60% BS, and 40% true

  17. I like the idea that we create our own reality. Ideas of reincarnation and the like are pretty interesting. Come to think of it, it does seem pretty much MK propoganda! I mean, Seth is really Jane Robert's alter personality. But could it be an instance of those powers that be manipulating a truth for their own gains?

  18. @Emily

    Those channeled and new age type books always have some degree of truth; they have to in order to resonate with people on some level.

    Unfortunately they also contain a lot of bullshit designed to keep people feeling bad about themselves and smug blame the victim type rubbish.

    Sure we create our own reality but to say someone was raped because on some level they wanted to be or that they created their own life-threatening disease only has the effect of making the victim feel even worse about their situation.

    Whether we create our own reality or not (and I believe we do to some extent) Love and compassion are what is needed for healing people, not smug self-serving judgements veiled in spiritual platitudes.

  19. random:

    what are you doing man?
    ice t: i like playing with cats

  20. Re-posted from McQueen combox:
    Anybody spot Tina Fey wearing Mickey Mouse ears in “Vogue” magazine? I don’t know whether she’s mocking other celebrities or us. One thing is for sure, she must be doing the “right” things, because she’s very well-known and respected now.

    Oh, found this - ruby red shoes:

  21. God...this world needs to change.
    I'm so tired of reading these posts, because Mind Control and sexual abuse is so prevalent everywhere. When I frst started reading about this it seemed funny and humorous, but now I realize it's not a joke, and it's not "entertainment" as they want us to think for the stars on stage. I pray that this soon will pass, and human consciousness evolves beyond this.

  22. Child-fuckers are sick assholes18 February 2010 at 16:46

    For the February 22 issue of In Touch magazine, their “stars and their pets” feature is about Playboy Monarch Next Door Bridget Marquardt. It’s about her dog and cat, and is called “Bridget’s little ladies” (p.54). She’s got yellow Lolita sunglasses on her head, but more disturbingly is posed with a pink little girl’s bike. It is so blatant, it even has a wicker basket in the front and cutesy tassels coming out the ends of the handlebars (again, child-styled as opposed to 10-speed handlebars). Also, in the picture, the cat has a thought bubble by its head saying, “I’m better than a bunny!”

    Also, keep an eye out for whether or not this Noah Cyrus “lingerie line” materializes. Celtic Rebel thinks it may be a distraction to discredit us and/or test people’s reactions.

  23. Please, Venus, Lori, and Lula/whomever - don't post lenghty anecdotes and stories here. Just give us a link to the blog entry, and we can read it there. If someone then wants to complain about its validity/truthfulness or whatever, they can do it there. If you don't have a comment feature there, maybe you should do so, so the trolls don't have an excuse to "have" to post here.

    Thank You

  24. @18 February 2010 16:59

    I tried explaining this previously. but no,they have to keep feeding the trolls.

  25. Sick, sick, sick...18 February 2010 at 18:05

    Mercy is becoming a Monarch now, too?

  26. Sick, sick, sick...18 February 2010 at 18:08

    ^^^ I just noticed her little crown, too.

  27. I am new to the website, it is fascinating, thanks a lot for sharing your research. This article contains one mistake that needs to be corrected, when you referred to Iranians as Arabs. Iranians are in fact Persians, not Arabs. It might seem a small mistake to a lot of Westerners, but call an Iranian an Arab once and you will see it is no small mistake for them! Iranians are proud of their Persian ancestry. Thanks I look forward to reading more here.

  28. Re: Tina Fey, thanks for the link. That is so crazy. Disney programmed and Oz programmed. It seems to me these people have no idea what they're signing up for in Hollywood. To me it just looks like one big trap, using glamour, vanity and $$$ as the bait.

  29. i watched the youtube interview with ice-t and coco, and also at 50 seconds he made the devil hand signal and pointed at his face, and then coco noticed and laughed and she did the same thing...

    and tina fey, im not sure what to think, but i think she may also be mocking the mk programming its just a feeling i get. i know that people are aware of all of this, come on people, the internet is so prevalent.

    i appreciate that i can post comments. i will continue to post comments.

    i remember reading a while back about someone who shared their experience about going to disneyland for a business meeting or something, and they shared that when they were in the room, it felt so strange, heavy, almost hypnotic. and that story received plenty of good feedback (stories like that are interesting, i remember someone commenting in regards to that) and yes, it is interesting reading other encounters of strange things that they have experience. altogether this should make us more aware of things going on. why should i stop sharing the very strange things i have experienced? it can help us understand no, i am not going to stop writing comments i feel pertain to this blog and to how we are all being watched.

    if you cant handle it, TROLLS, you are too immature, ignorant or vile and vulgar to even attempt to!

  30. U're welcome, J. As for them acting cute and hip when they shouldnt, be sure that most of them dont have a clue what is happening to themselves. To say its tragic, its little. And if were still in France, there is a singer called NOLWENN LEROY, also heavily MK-ed. I posted links to her on "RIP ALEXANDER" post.




  32. Another timely post, thanks. I have worked for many years in multicultural environments. Most recently I worked with Iranian and Armenia nationals. They appeared on the surface to be very polite and politically correct and moral - to western standards - However, after a while, and when I started to covertly learn some of their language so I could understand what was being said in front of me and in the boardrooms in the afternoons, I soon found that appearances were VERY deceiving. I am talking about the people I came into contact, and not talking about the nationalities in general. These people - that I point out I no longer work for - were sick and depraved. My CEO talked openly infront of me - not knowing that I knew what he was saying in Armenian - about his latest business trip to Germany where he have a great time abusing a 'corporate' prostitute, while the other men in the room roared with laughter. Needless to say, this is just one small incident which caused me to leave the job. I've come across all sorts of sickening behaviour in the 'corporate' world but I think this last December was the straw that broke the camels back so to's also perhaps why I have come to these sites so much recently...


    - off topic but how the fuck is this "helping haiti"? i'm not a homophobe but i think there is something a bit sickening about this.

  34. @18 February 2010 18:56

    yes, common mistake amongst westerners.

    I think its due to the western education system where anything even remotely located near to the M.E. is 'arab'

    turkey for example, a eurasian country; most oddly think its non-european because its a muslim country.


    Last summer, the Washington Post delved into the murder of Robert Wone, an ambitious D.C. lawyer who was allegedly killed by three well-to-do gay friends in a polyamourous sadomasochistic relationship. Something called the "EROSTEK ET302R electrical shockwave generator" was involved.

    Wone, a politically ambitious 32-year-old lawyer for Radio Free Asia, was stabbed to death in the million-dollar townhouse owned by his college friend Joseph Price in 2006. While Wone was straight and married, Price (above, right) lived with his husband Victor Zaborsky (left), an ad executive, and his lover Dylan Ward (center), who played the dominant role in their sadomasochistic relationship. Price, Zaborsky, and Ward say Wone was staying over at their house when an intruder broke in and stabbed him. Prosecutors say they lured Wone there, drugged him, and got into some really strange sex play...

  36. The new Tiger, folks..



    Helena Bonham Carter on Craig [handler] Ferguson promoting the new Alice in Wonderland movie.

    Notice how her demeanor changes when he brings out the skull prop (which he says he doesn't know what its doing there...yeah RIGHT!)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Venus you are such a drama queen, 6 of the first 10 posts are by you, all of your endless whining. Please stop, just stop. Go make your own blog and then you delete every naughty despicable word and go on and on with your own stories and help save all the mind control victims in the world.

    You know for a fact that there are anonymous commentators here? Who says such nonsense? Either you are seriously attempting to derail every comment section and get us all to spend our energy getting you to stfu--like I am doing now--or you are just the most immature person ever; either way click your heels three times and get the fuck out of here.

    Cost you a few friends? This isn't about making friends, or saturating every blog entry with your personal bullshit. Take a good look at the comments above yours, realize that we are all making an attempt to move beyond your endless banter and provide each other with meaningful links to interesting ideas.

    Like, for instance, last night I saw this interview with Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins in which he talks about HAARP, Illuminati, and other cool subjects:

    We connect through this and other blogs in the hopes of connecting to each others experiences that can enhance our universal understanding of the great game of reality going around us, trying to figure out what is real and what is false. Venus, what are you bringing to the table to share with us that is worth consuming?

    If you do not have something involving a link or at least an anecdote please STOP POSTING. Ben is doing the blog the way he likes it, the way we all like it, the way that got so many people to start looking at it and thinking about these things.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. to anonymous 12:07 about helena bonham carter of craig ferguson, that is what i was trying to say. and she also got uncomfortable when he tried to give her the cat. it reminded me of mariah carey when she was called kitten a while back...

    oh by the way, last night, jennifer tilly told him he smelled like...


  42. btw, (i also dont care how crazy or attention whore i sound) but i explained the poison thing, well bob saget was on his other show and they were talking about craigs snake cup, long story but i have been hearing poison and i am called poison, plus i know that they know who i am, trust me. well they said poison and started laughing...this isnt me being crazy but i know it sounds like it...and jennifer tilly is a voice of family guy...and family guy has said poison in it too, seth green is also a voice on family guy and he does know who i am. i go by poison on the adult swim forums..

    im not sure what all this means or what point i am trying to make, but i hope someone finds the interest in this...

    sorry i dont mean to stir up more troll like comments, im just trying to help, somehow..

    i apologize for my rambling hear to learn more too...

  43. oh, and he was trying to feed his "cat" marshmellows in the beginning...and notice how he says 'double entendres'

    once again, forgive me for picking up on all of this, i cant help it..

    anyone else think these interviews are strange? maybe its just me because i have been picking up on code words for two years, since i asked david spade to say strawberries on his show...

    sorry please, i expect to hear more vile comments projected towards me, (or not! please, more links!!! tiger woods huh? crazy!)

  44. 3 posts about ferguson marshmellow kitty strawberries in a row is like throwing a wrench into a bunch of moving gears

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. If I were someone interested in making Ben want to question and even stop writing his blog, I might do the following:

    1a. Cause Ben to question his subject matter by calling it creepy, depressing, and hateful. Insinuate that this is affecting those that read the blog, and even Ben's personal character. Infer that this is causing people of good character to leave the blog indefinitely.

    2a. Cause Ben to question his own personal motives by making him think he doesn't care about those who are being mind-controlled.

    3a. Attempt to convince Ben that he is in over his head and the unwitting leader of large movement of which he has little to no control. Convince him that he lacks the wisdom to fill such a role.

    Now read these quotes from "venusinpieces" and decide what to make of it:

    1b. "a creepy and depressing climate."

    "what sane person wouldn't choose to leave a hateful and belligerent environment if given the opportunity?"

    2b. "I have to say that at this point it pretty much seems like you just don't care about the issue."

    3c. "the popularity of your blog has made you an unofficial leader in the mind control community."

    "I hope you can see that being a good leader means that you are taking on a service for the people you are helping, and that this is an enormous ethical burden to carry."

    "All of the dark humor and ugliness is causing me to question your maturity and wisdom"

    I don't know about the rest of you "bottomfeeders", but I am beginning to become tired of this. Ben's work is, quite frankly, too important to let these negative thoughts cloud his judgement and research. In summary, Ben, you are the shit, keep doing what you're doing.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Chris, youre wasting your time.

    some people just cant see past the end of their nose.

  49. Hello, long time reader here.

    I used to find the comments interesting with all the links graciously provided by readers of this blog.

    After reading Ben's articles, I looked forward to reading the comments.

    How things have changed.

    It is not my intention to point fingers and single people out but Lori and Venus: For the last while, you have contributed absolutely nothing in the comments section. All of your posts are lengthy personal diatribes, and have nothing to do with the actual post that Ben worked on.

    Lori: I sincerely think that you need psychological help. Please stop watching television, it obviously isn't good for you. Go to a meditation retreat, volunteer at a soup kitchen, find a hobby: do something positive. The world does not revolve around you.

    Venus: please refrain from typing defensive lenthy posts about nothing. I noticed that your posts actually encourage trolls because you get touchy and defensive. This is what they want: to get a reaction out of you and it is obviously working. If you are not happy with the blog then start your own. You seem to know a lot about this mind control stuff. Stop wasting space on the comments section.

  50. Completely off topic but creepy none the less...

  51. **Standing Ovation**
    Thank you! The drama and excuses of venus is taking over and tainting this whole blog. stop it, nobody cares about your whining, complaining and making excuses for yourself and your comments. it's boring..stop it.

  52. @Urania,
    So....Lori has contributed nothing to the conversation, despite the fact that she has talked about having family members who were coerced into brainwashing experiments by the Canadian government? How exactly does that work? Everyone on here is very interested in the lives of celebrities, yet when someone with first hand experience shares their stories, it is like these things happen in another universe and could never happen to anyone in the "real world". Get some compassion people!

  53. You really never know what people may be going through in their life outside of this forum.

  54. venusinpiecies is the troll that went by the names 'blue rose' and 'lily blake' on the vigilant message boards....same the subject however....this saudi arabian royal family family...there are a series of books that a high ranking princess co-authored in secret behind the royal family's back using the fake name of 'princess sultana' with a western author jean p sasson......the books expose the truth of life in the saudi royal family...whilst obviously only scratching the surface in one of the books 'sultana' discovers that a high ranking royal prince actually has a secret mansion filled with sex slaves from all different nationalities....and the family of an american woman who is in a saudi hospital have to be paid hush money because it is discovered that the american coma patient has become pregnant as a result of rape by a saudi prince.....all names in the book have been changed as 'princess sultana' did not want to be easily identified if the book was discovered (which it was as she documents in her 2nd book)...but thought ben or someone might be intrested...the books are called 'princess' and 'daughters of arabia' and are based on fact............venusinpieces....i did read your blog and was interestec but put off by the fact i noticed you quoted a large chunk from a david icke book.....and also im suspicious u are blue rose/lily blake.......i think if you want more credability maybe you should quote where appropriate when using sections of other peoples writing....i did notice somone on here saying you had quoted off somone else also.....hence the skeptecism i see youre up against....apologies bad spelling...using a fone..

  55. Uh....I don't even know what the vigilant boards are..seriously who is Blue Rose? Definitely not me.
    Also, can you quote me the passage in my story where I referenced a David Icke quote please? Because that is another area where I don't know what you're talking about. It may be that you are making the mistake of thinking that me summarizing someone else's research is the same as a direct quote. Taking a direct quote from someone's work is plagiarism and I have not done this. So if you are going to make such a strong claim, please provide more evidence.
    And who else on here said that I quoted from someone else? I have been following this conversation closely and, to my knowledge, this claim has never been made.

  56. Also, Lori has had first hand experience dealing with one of the fashion photographers who has been profiled on this blog. Maybe if some of you were a little more respectful towards her, she would actually be able to teach us a few things.

  57. in my defense, if you havent noticed, i do provide links that i find are interesting. i do like to read this blog and learn as much as i can. i do read all the comments and go to all the links myself.

    i have posted links to things that celebs had said about alexander mcqueen, strange things tila tequila has said, and i also share my opinions on what i feel.

    why should this just be a one sided blog, where we just read and not realize that it affects all of us.

    maybe for the most of us, you are sitting safely on the other side of the computer and you have your normal lives and jobs and you come here to read helpful info, but you also dont realize just how powerful a tool the internet really is and can be.

    i have experienced first hand some very strange and peculiar incidents, i have MET lots of celebrities, people in the entertainment industry etc.

    just last year i was at a dinner with one of the guys who is in the new alice in wonderland movie, his name is larry eunice. i also was at parties with a big time music producer who produced linkin park, rob zombie, all kinds of bands, and another actor in an HBO show with dennis leary.

    i want to learn as much as everyone else does, but also, i know that people know who i am.

    i have no one to talk to this really, and the people who do work in hollywood will not tell me the truth.

    i will still leave comments however.


  58. thanks venus i know people dont want to deal with anything other than links to more crazy news stories in the comments section, but the truth is, there are things going on right in front of our very eyes!

    also, i know for a fact that laptops, internet, cell phones etc has spyware installed.

    they can find out ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING they want about us!

    talk about big brother!! its here! reading our comments!

    and yes i have dealt with alot of absurdity. i do want to ask my mother about the boarding school but im afraid too. its not because i was making it up, its because i am nervous about it. i will find a way to ask her however.

    and to anyone reading this blog and comments and want to share stories, do not let these negative comments discourage you!

    and to ben, he is doing a good job and bringing these issues known. if it wasnt for this blog, i would not of known about all these celebs being MK'd...

    and like i said, i have met alot of celebs..

    yes, i talked to gloria allred too...i was getting advice from her about the fashion designer, my friend set me up with her...otherwise i wouldnt of...

  59. i forgot to say that was at comic con where i went to that dinner etc...and party

  60. Seems that Lady Gaga is having trouble now that she's got the fame she wanted

  61. Total # of comments thus far: 61

    # of posts by venusinpieces: 14

    # of posts by lori: 7

    # of posts by people trying to get these 2 to post less: 13

    % of total # of posts about lori/venus and not psuedo occult media: 34/61 = 56%

  62. no longer neutral20 February 2010 at 02:34

    @anonymous 00:10

    Why don't you whingers just use your scroll button when you see the name Lori or Venus?

    You're actually more fucking annoying than they could ever be with your 13 wind up and complaint comments.

    If you can't post with regular names so the rest of us can scroll past your boring complaints you should practise what you preach, post something interesting & relevant or stfu already.

  63. Poor clone:


  64. Radio Interview from The Progressive News Hour on MK-Ultra on 2/18:

    Maryam Ruhullah is a victim of the CIA's secret mind control MK-ULTRA program, using dangerous drugs and other means on human subjects to control behavior. James Randall Noblitt is a practicing psychologist working with survivors of extreme abuse and others afflicted with identity dissociation.

  65. These girls are looking so hard and cruel nowadays, as if they've joined the dark side of their controllers. I still think they had something to do with Heath ledger's death.

  66. Screw the elite!

    @2:49 check out Satan's cock!

  67. ^^Funny, that knight in the video represents how I feel most days. Lol!


    this photo is interesting, earrings and especially ring with goat skull

  69. Thought I'd let you know about a movie I've just seen which is aimed at a younger audience. Directed by Chris Columbus. It's Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Lightening Thief. It's 'loosely' based on the childrens books written by Rick Riordan. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT - Please dont read any further unless you want to spoil the film for yourself that is!! Plenty of MK themes in this one. It's pretty violent and a bit scary for the smaller kids I'd say. There are some quite hilarious 'clues' throughout the film. I don't want to give too much away...The number 33 pops up, lots of triangles and the usual mythological aspects...Even Lady Gaga and Keisha music with a huge drug reference and even more hilarious...guess where the gates to Hades are...Hollywood!! Could be an interesting post on this one, maybe?

  70. Lori is far too unattractive to have been photographed by some big name photographer.

    her teeth alone are offputting. Im going by her older photos too. as in her 'hollywood' days.

    even then she was barely a standard above average, now shes too junking in the trunk to be anything but a myspace mode.

  71. ^^^^These are the types of comments that need to get deleted. But for some reason a lot of this garbage is staying up on the site, even ones that imply that people who post here will be physically harmed if they do so.
    I think Lori is very pretty, BTW.

  72. Not that peoples physical characteristics really have anything to do with the truthfulness of their story anyways, but this is the second time that trolls have started going on about the superficial appearance of someone who has shared their experiences, instead of talking about what is important, which is the actual content of they said. Does anyone else want to know about the MKULTRA experiments that Loris mom was a part of? I sure would like to hear more about that and less juvenile name calling. Grow up people!

  73. The above comments were in reference to anon 11:35

  74. Just wanted to state the obvious, since no one else here has. But sometimes when someone is getting too close to the truth, higher ups will employ low level type trolls to harass them into silence with personal attacks. This is a tactic that is commonly used during gangstalking, i.e. "citizen watch" groups. Not saying this is what's going on in this particular instance, but it's always a good thing to keep in mind if someone is directing personal attacks in your directions. Hope to see these comments deleted asap.

  75. thanks venus...i think it is silly trying to prove anything...really. if people want to listen, than great! im just trying to contribute my stories and take it as you will. i think i hold alot of credibility and i know things, i always take into account what others take what you can from comments, and if people cant accept that, than they can just scroll by when they see one of my comments.

    also, i am on the patrickmcmillan not going to post a link here, but i have done modeling and was on a few tv shows and worked for different production companies and movies...

    i dont want to be annoying however and i do want to post useful comments. i still need to ask my mom about the school and i am going to find out the name of it etc...i will share what she tells me here. thanks!

  76. Damm tragic. Was it really an accident or what?


  77. sorry venus but i reckon you planted that comment yourself. funny how it suddenly cropped up, just after you were talking about trolls...

    i dunno what to believe anymore.

  78. venus I understand your concerns and you do have a point (not sure why you feel such a strong need to police my blog's comments but I completely get what you are saying), I have been personally very torn on how proactive I should be in deleting comments; not sure what the right balance is so have gone for a more laid back approach, maybe this has been the wrong approach.

    That comment is obviously a personal attack against Lori so would be one I would consider deleting I guess, but even if I did not delete it (it's not exactly explicit or hugely offensive) I hope that Lori would not be offended by some anonymous person on the internet's opinion. Like someone else said, can't people just scroll right past the comments that annoy them and forget about them, but I know that can be difficult.

    If it means that much to you please feel free to email me the time stamps of the comments you feel I should be dealing with and I may well delete them (admittedly I have been putting off going through them and delete the impostor comments and such which I definitely should, apologiez for that).

    As I said before I understand your concern, nobody wants to leave comments if they are going to be attacked (people have a right to question someone's story if they want to though) but I hope they realize it is just words on a screen that can be ignored, I doubt too many people will stop visiting and commenting just because of a few asinine trolls (tbh I thought most of the trolls had moved on anyway, please refrain from making it into a bigger issue than it is by continuing to bring it up in the comments) and it won't stop me from posting, I hope regular commenters who have been put off take a similar attitude and return to post comments if they feel the atmosphere has improved in a few weeks/months.

  79. IMO, thats a balanced view, Ben.

    it cant be seen as censorship to delete personal attacks/attempts at defaming, where as deleting questions/doubting others can be.

    The comment toward Lori above was a bit rude, agreed, but seemed like a personal opinion, and Im sure Lori isnt stupid enough to take offence from a random online.

  80. Good blog Ben. I always read your posts (love the pics mostly) and don't bother too much with the ongoing comment box soap opera you seem to have going on here.

    Noticed this 30 second ad on tv this morning...
    ...max factor all seeing eye



    'Sreypov stares off into the distance, awaiting the next question. She is uneasy telling her story; it doesn't tumble forth freely, but rather comes in short, staccato, emotionless bursts. It's as if she becomes someone else to cope with recounting her own past.'

  82. this ad was on literally straight after the max factor ad mentioned above - albeit the english spoken version.

    This was an ad break during Smallville (always packed with weird stuff)


  83. To Emily re: Seth Speaks- Seeing your question about that book is quite a flashback for roommate in college gave me that book to read 15 years ago when I had become interested in New Age. I finished the Seth Material first and was fascinated, and wanted more, though on some level I was also uncomfortable. I told myself the discomfort was due to being exposed to new ideas that clashed with my Catholic upbringing...and tried to keep an open mind. I forged forward with Seth Speaks. But half-way through the book...I began having nightmares. Intuition kicked in, it felt wrong and dark. I forced myself to continue on, determined to read the book like literature, with no emotion, just absorb the sentences and meaning and don't place a judgment. But it became impossible. It is one of the rare books I started and did not finish. I can't tell you what to do, but as far as channeling books go, I say stay away. This book is dark. There is enough dark in the world, don't let it draw you in, just acknowledge it and stay away. If she is in fact channeling "Seth", how do you know who Seth is, whether he is light or dark, and what is his agenda? There is a chance every word from "Seth" is a lie. I am so glad I didn't finish the book, nothing good would come of it. Please be aware of darkness but don't give it your attention. A wise friend once said, "The number of books you read in your life is FINITE. Choose wisely." I know this is long and preachy but I feel it is important. Best wishes.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.



  86. I think beyonce is a presidential model maybe because of what C. posted

  87. @Elikei

    Thank you so much for the advice, it wasn't preachy at all and I really appreciate it! It's funny that you mentioned that it gave you an uneasy feeling because it too gave me that same feeling as well. I wanted to brush it off as me being overly judgmental and close-minded but now I see that it is my intuition throwing hits at me!
    Thanks again. I still feel that some of the things are true, but I feel there is something dark about Seth. I mean, why is it housed in the Yale library? That to me is extremely suspicious and causes me to wonder.

    I think that maybe the info Seth gives might be a darker twist on the truth, like the info he spreads is a reality the elites twisted for their own gain or something.


    I honestly do enjoy your stories, please keep posting them! Don't let negative TROLLS and negative posters drive you away!

  88. Ben, I don't really think it's fair to shift the weight of the trolling problem onto my shoulders.
    You are the one who has decided to allow your blog to be a place where threats and personal attacks are tolerated. Your decision, not mine.

  89. "venus I understand your concerns"

    "I completely get what you are saying"

    "please feel free to email me the time stamps of the comments you feel I should be dealing with and I may well delete them"

    Ya, he is really shifting the trolling weight onto your shoulders, what an asshole. Venus, you have successfully trolled me for the last time, I will never respond to your comments again, I hope everyone else does the same.

  90. ^^

    well said. why don't we all just ignore venusinpieces?!

  91. @venus, Why do you feel the need to talk for others? Don't you think that if lori felt that comments were offencive, that he/she can comment for themselves about the issue? Who designated you the internet police?

    After reading the comments section for the first time, and seeing you complain time after time about trolls, it seems to me that you do not releaise you are the one doing the most disrupting here, not anyone else. If you don't like how the comment system is run here, then i would strongly suggest not using it. You can still enjoy the site without reading the comments if they are so offencive to you.

    Personally, i don't think that the trolls here are that bad anyway. You seem to be pretty sheltered and easily offended if you are so affected by the easily desernable troll posts here.

  92. @venus

    I do enjoy your posts, and I don't mean to tell you how to feel, but I do think it would be beneficial if we just stick to the issues and ignore the disruptive comments. I mean, it happens all the time over at different sites, trolling that is. The best we can do is just move on, keep a sense of humor about things, and just post something when we feel it is appropriate.

    There maybe some who feel your posts aren't worthwhile, but at the end of the day, it is only their opinion.

    I think for ben to keep going back and policing the comment section would be strenuous for him and a little unfair. Who's to say what is too inappropriate for a comment? Some people have been overly vociferous in my opinion, but others have been determined to stay positive. I think if we just focus on being positive and bringing what we feel is important to the discussion forward, everything will work out.

    Take care

  93. highly reccommend that helena bonham carter interview with craig ferguson, that lori mentioned. theres definitely something odd about that guy! i know you're sick of hearing about him but that interview is definitely worth watching, specially because he brings out a toy kitten and a skull. she did get rather uncomfortable at some points you could tell but generally i think she handled the interview great, she was very quick to change subjects and also got a couple of digs at him in there. something slightly intimidating and creepy about him?!

  94. im not sure how this helps but doesnt seth mean yahweh?

  95. jay z is a freemason...thats the reason behind his blueprint signifies him reaching his 33 degree freemason...there are tons of youtube videos out there that explain it, i will find one..

  96. Wolf in Sheeps clothing, oh how that personifies Venus everytime shes questioned or doesnt get the response she desires.


    growing pains actor missing...

    the comments are pretty sad too, people are hoping hes dead..

    whats wrong with people nowadays?

  98. this is strange...i kind of got chills towards the end..

    jermaine jackson saying he knows who killed michael jackson

  99. Theyre all speculating its the nation of islam, because they screwed him over on rent for the mansion he was living in, and the doctor was to do with them too.

    whether or not its true we'll never know. wouldnt be a surprise if it was, after all he left them a huge sum of money.

  100. Over six months an Afghani journalist, Najibullah Quraishi, has risked his life to document the practice of Bacha Bazi (boy play), where young men are forced into prostitution serving the needs of rich and powerful men.:

  101. let's get back to one of the issues at hand here. in regards to the israeli hit squad... a friend wrote this on his site. what do you think?

    You know another thing, this "assassination" is being heralded as the perfect hit. Since when is the "perfect hit" caught entirely on video tape? I mean this is ridiculous. All of the assassins movements are caught on cctv? It's ridiculous. There's something else going on here. Israel is just openly assassinating opposition leaders now? Didn't this stuff used to be done in secret? Wasn't that the whole point? They couldn't have knocked this dude off on the street? What if "Hamas" set this dude up by their own hit team to openly blame the "assassination" on Israel? Like I said, there's more going on here that meets the eye. Thanks again for the comments. -timandvic

    Interesting. So now instead of bringing someone "guilty" of a "crime" to justice legally through the court system, it's now ok to simply assassinate that person. It's like the television show 24 is coming to life. Unbelievable. Interesting take. Thanks for the comment. -timandvic



  103. Ben, I used to think you were a good person but now you just seem like a creep, a young kid who gets off on "analyzing" images of trauma and abuse, yet who cares little for how your blog affects those who have had first hand experience. Why haven't you removed that comment about Lori? If they are just words on a screen then why were the comments about you removed immediately? Do you want your blog to be known as the place where MKids go to be reprogrammed?

  104. Where is the love on this site? It seems like it is all just people revelling in sex and violence, with no compassion and no solutions. It's getting to be a very ugly place.

  105. Anony 4:55

    Hello, when did u wake up? What love BS are u talking about? When u deal with idiots it cant be about love.


  106. @Lori,
    Jay-z on to the next one:

    I think you are right that the 3 represents Jay-z's rise up the masonic totem pole. I also think the 3 lines on Jay-z's blueprint album symbolize something else, but I am not sure what. It could be a dual purpose symbolism. The reason why I suspect this is because, and maybe I am reaching, rihanna had a 3-line marking on her cheek in the "hard" video.

    At any rate, I think Jay-z is more than just a mason, and I think his latest video "on to the next one" shows that. I remember how he used to brag about being a drug dealer and such, and after reading the David McGowan book, I realized that drug dealers often are involved with the occult.

    If any one watches the video, symbolism of ritualistic sacrifice abound! The number 3 is very prevalent in the video. 6 is also shown. Maybe it somehow represents 666. There are 7 spades (up-side down hearts, see the celtic rebel for what hearts mean) and 7 teeth. All of these numbers have occult significance.

    There looks to be a marilyn manson type with a kind of bird tatooed on his chest. Seems very occult.

    There is also an implication of ritualistic sacrifice when there is a diamond encrusted skull with what could be said to be blood. What is interesting is that there is a model with some kind of tribal painting or stones glued to her face, like the skull.

    Another interesting thing are the birds wings that are flapping with no visible head.

    Blood pouring out of someone's mouth starting out as one line, then moving to three.

    another thing to note is that in the video at around 3:22, he flashes a "jesus piece" as Kanye calls it. We know, by his own admission, that he is not christian, so why?

    More christian, more notable catholic symbols appear at 3:39 with a crucifix with an image of jesus on it is in the middle of 2 bullets, making another 3 line pattern.

    Jay-z flashes the devil horns at 4:02

    At 3:33 in the video we see a black guy flashing the 3 symbol with his hands.

    Maybe Jay-z is telling us how he got to be a thirty-third degree mason: through ritualistic sacrifice, and maybe even desensitizing the viewer to it.


    jay-z "confronted"

  108. @22 February 2010 02:38

    it is the perfect hit really. well for Israel.

    yes, they have gone quiet(which is hugely out of character for them) but they have also proved a point;

    just like when they bragged they had demanded the U.S. president not say something, and he didnt, this has proven not only are they capable of controlling the U.S. but also international law.

    any other country who did this, and had names put on interpol would have been all over the news with different countries demanding they hand over the criminals.

    russia for example with the poisoning the other year. just about everyone demanded they send the alleged criminal over to U.K.

    I highly doubt Hamas had him set up, after all none of the people were Arabs or muslims who were captured on c.c.t.v., but also Hamas would have just done it in the street/infront of their own to make a point to any future they have in the past.

  109. To the last posters re: Israel and Hamas...
    Don't forget (I'm assuming) all the information you know about this story is garnered from the main-stream media news outlets - its information you read or heard about through an online source maybe? Can you be sure that they have told us the full story...that the facts are the 'facts'...
    I'm just saying this because really none of us know the truth about this at all. We can speculate all we want about the motives of Israel or Hamas...but its just guessing. What is the most interesting things about this whole case is the recent news released through the main-stram media that the 'accidental terrorists' passports were copied at the airport...this sends a clear message that 'anyone's passport could be forged and used for terrorist activity'...what a fantastic cover story to use for so many interesting events in the future...think about that one...I never realised how easy it was to copy a passport and fool authorities for so many days..did you?

  110. 04:36, I'm sorry you feel that way but as I have already explained I have been torn about how to handle these kinds of comments and have accepted that I may have gone about it in the wrong way. The comments I have been deleting are predominantly no way near the same league as the low-level schoolyard "you're ugly" opinionated insult you have taken exception to. If similar things were said to other people like Lori or whomever, as was said in the comments that I have been deleting, then of course I would delete them straight away (I'm sure people who have seen them can understand this). If you look back through the comments there are some that are critical of me, I have done my best to allow freedom of speech and only censor those that cross the line (in terms of their explicit nature, there may be the odd couple that were not overly explicit [i.e. ones impersonating me though even they were usually very explicit too, which are obviously easier for me to recognize and delete unlike people pretending to be other commenters as they are all effectively anonymous though it is usually fairly obvious which are impostors, I do plan on going back and deleting impostor comments where people have pointed it out btw] which I deleted but I cannot remember many).

    I've never claimed that this blog offers 'solutions', I am of course not qualified and would probably do more harm than good if I started offering up deprogramming advice and whatnot. And I doubt anyone wants this blog to become some sort of cloud-cuckoo-land, maybe I should start just posting love poetry and post pictures of pretty nature scenes or something ;), that is what they would want, the media is an ugly beast that needs to be continually shown for what it is. In all fairness, I do feel it can help the situation and is part of the wider solution in terms of making people aware of darker things going on in the world they may have otherwise been blissfully ignorant of, hopefully the odd psychologist and those actively involved in helping victims may read some of the more pertinent posts and perhaps expand their thinking a bit too. I certainly can't speak for them but victims who read this blog I think can take comfort from the fact that they are not alone and can relate to the psych imagery more than most so can probably take more from it, and also I feel it helps show that they are not crazy as people have probably led them to believe in their own lives.

  111. This is a fantastic blog, with some really insightful posts, as well as comments. I look forward to more soon. It's also nice that people can click on the person's name and link to their blogs, and read what others are doing/saying. I thank Ben for that! I have found other great MK sites through Ben's blog, which is also something I'm thankful for!

  112. 4:36 and 4:55 are obv Venusinpieces who apparently will never give up on this holy quest to change your blog into something it is not.

    Another reason the Israeli hit squad is getting so much media may be because the NWO wants the world to hate the Mossad as much as they do the CIA with their black tortures sites. The NWO will likely be built upon the ashes of certain countries. It seems that if these intelligence agencies want a media blackout on their operations they should be able to manage it, when they fail this badly to be covert it may be for a reason to: in this case the blow-back is hatred for Israel and USA. If a war begins between Iran and Israel, which side will appear to be morally superior? If a war between USA and China begins, who will the world feel is the right side and support?

  113. Vatican you not think that Mossad has already reached that goal?
    I doubt there will ever be a 'war' between Iran and Israel or US and China in the 'traditional' sense.

  114. Right now the UN is considering charging Israeli generals and politicians with war crimes, who are unable to travel to many countries because of it. Now we have Mossad agents killing Hamas leadership in Arabian countries with no jurisdiction or legal authority. I'd say every story we get adds a little more weight to this agenda.

  115. So, now Ben thinks 'the odd psychologist' could benifit from his all mighty wisdom?

    You're gonna give trained professionals a few tips, huh?

    You arrogant piece of shit. Shame on you and everything you ever do in life.

  116. You really are a nasty little pervert, aren't you, Ben?

    And then you have the gall to say that trolls are getting their 'rocks off' by posting shit.

    Someone is certainly using this site to get their rocks off, but its not the trolls.

  117. Brenda emailed me last night. She said she wants you all to know she is doing well; eating toast and dreaming abount an eagle every night.

  118. I don't think that's the real Gail.

  119. Hey Vernon and Ricky,

    How weird is it that people read blogs and hundreds of comments just to let everyone know they don't like it.

  120. Gail has always been an important member of this board, I was pointing out that i don't think thats the real gail ... no need to be a jerk off.

  121. Anonymous said...

    Hey Vernon and Ricky,

    How weird is it that people read blogs and hundreds of comments just to let everyone know they don't like it.

    To the person that wrote this:

    It's not odd at all. Some would say its rather important to keep a watch on dangerous disinfo agents who post abusive triggers.

  122. My sister, who isn't into this stuff, so Lady Gaga shirt alters backstage in Manchester last week.
    She won a competion to go backstage and meet her, she said gaga seemed really nice, but then someone offered her a snickers bar and she started talking in german suddenly ... the weird thing is, one of the bodyguards warned my sister and her mate not to offer lady gaga any sweets before they went in .. for some reason

  123. This is the real Gail.

    Brenda ate a butterfly, and now it lives in her tummy.

  124. Joe Stack mk'd?

  125. The physical servants of the Error on Earth, the "front men" if you will, are the Jews. The Error has deliberately guided them into their current positions of power and usury.

    I feel sorry for the Jews. They don't even understand how hurtful they are to God and to humanity.

    Still, if you are looking for a physical boogey-man to blame then it would be the Jews.

  126. to "c" above, who are the idiots when dealing with? me? that comment directed at me just made me laugh, but hey whatever...

    hi emily...

    also vigilant citizen analyzes the video too here

    what i thought was weird was that woman who is dancing sort of resembles beyonce, and it makes me think of how he views beyonce, as some sort of sex slave for him...

    there are lots of youtubes that analyze his and beyonces and other videos too.

    i believe he probably did go through rituals to get to where he is now. i believe alot of musicians have also sold their souls to get to where they are now.

    there are good articles on rihanna there too.

  127. oh yeah another thing about that jayz video, the drummer resmbles a travis barker with tape over his mouth, like he cant speak or maybe he knows secrets or something...but cant speak about it...

  128. Lori, can I ask you a questin, please?

    Why do you think it is that Ben still lives with his parents when he happens to be a grown man?

  129. Well, the last post by Vatican Assassin wasn't me. I just showed how they want us to blame the Jews, duh! Anyways, back to anonymous!

  130. Stacey, how come you go to make such unoriginal comments out of spite? Try to live your life in a way that does not trample over others.

  131. im listening to jay z "explaining" himself and he cant even attempt to amuse us and comprehend how or why people think that he is doing work for the illuminati..

    um, jay, "ja hova", you have lots of symbolism in your videos, look at your "rocafella" hand symbol you use...

    "no, why would i do that? thats retarded"

    he sounds cocky

    oh yeah i remember someone said a friend or someone asked lady gaga if she was mind controlled, i dont believe that story. ha! i do however, believe that snickers story!! how weird!!!

  132. The 'writer' of this blog tramples all over other people's lives every time he posts a new entry.

  133. its so apparent to see who all the real trolls are, they have nothing to contribute and all except useless chatter....

  134. I've asked this before ...

    But why are some people allowed to post the most horrific trigger phrases in the comments?

    I mean, either Ben doesn't care, or he doesn't even notice them. And if he doesn't know what's happening, how can he dare operate a site like this?

    My stomach is turning. But, that was obviously the intention, wasn't it?

  135. Yes Shaun, Ben dictates what other people post here and intentionally leaves the "most horrific trigger phrases" in order to turn your stomach. You have cracked the case my friend, and I hope he leaves this comment too and that it just triggered you into an altered mind state and you now think you are a chicken and are thus unable to type ever again, bigok! (that's a chicken noise/trigger)

  136. @Anon 12:54

    You fucking cunt, mate.

    You nasty piece of fucking shit.

  137. Let rick and others comments wash off you like water. The best and most effective course of action is to take no action and remain emotionally neutral, do not feed the trolls in your own ego or in the world.

  138. @22 February 2010 08:46

    I pretty much stated what most who have served in the past 10-15 years know; hamas when attacking its own never do as was done recently.

    what I know and consider facts comes from the wasted years spent in lebannon and a couple other locations observing this very stupiditiy(from 80-99)

    faking passports on the other hand, that isnt hard. its becoming harder, but not 'hard'.

    the new UK passport which has a small chip in would have disabled this operation from the outset, which Im guessing is why they chose the people they did to 'take' the identity of;

    they all had old style passports, no biometrics what so ever either on computer or physical(youll notice the media didnt mention this, as it would imply at least 3 agencies in Israel knew...the lowest being the Israeli Ministry of Foreign affairs. and possible confirmation by the British as to what passports they had.)

    as for the other post regarding the U.N. considering sanctions, thats about as possible as the U.S. or U.K. going a decade without a war or conflict.

    If anything theyll get Israel to agree to some treaty, which naturally theyll 'forget' next time they wish to do what they want. thats if one or more of the UNP5 doesnt decide to just veto.

  139. "From 1. Jan. 2011, every transaction above 1,500 euros between natural persons and businesses, or between businesses, will not be considered legal if it is done in cash. Transactions will have to be done through debit or credit cards"

    "The EU is 'extremely concerned' at the use of European passports in the killing of a Hamas commander in Dubai."

    Tie these two developing stories together and you get a reason for an electronic monetary system and more enforcement of electronic passports.

  140. Skep, Sierra/Venus has emailed me asking to delete your comment at 22:45 threatening to report the blog if I do not which I am reluctant to oblige but will do so to try and keep the peace, just letting you know if you are wondering why that comment has been removed.

    Apologiez in advance to anyone who is offended by whatever is said in this wave of trolling, I'll clear up the nastier comments over the coming days. Shaun I would gladly take on board any advice you can offer me in that regard if you want to send me an email detailing your information or send me a link or whatever so I can improve my understanding.

  141. Someone said something about me on the internet, I can either ignore it or type 30 comments about it and email the blog author and threaten to report his blog to the authorities, hmm what to choose.

  142. Reporting this blog would not in any way be a bad thing.

  143. lori, poison, and all her alters said...
    "also, i am on the patrickmcmillan not going to post a link here"

  144. its patrick mcmullan, i meant...i just dont feel like writing my full name here at this moment..

    anyways, heres another weird friend who works for patrick mcmullan invited me to this party for fashion designer Marithé et François Girbaud. that party was VERY strange...

    i dont think im anything special, im just me. anyways, while i was there, i was approached by several people, and it was so strange. this one girl just started talking to me, but she seemed kind of intrusive...and then these people were all talking to me and they wanted a picture with me.

    who am i? im not famous! im no one special. why did they want a picture of me? i also notice resemblances and familiarities in people too, and i shared the story that while we were in new york by the wharfs, i guess its called, i noticed these people looking at us while we were eating lunch.

    they were smiling very strange and the one girl looked just like my sister.

    also, at that party, my friend was snapping some pictures of me, and in the background is the designer, casually onlooking while he was taking pictures of me, even bringing up his champagne to take a sip.

    i just knew something was off when i was at that party, and yes, i did feel like i was being watched. that song, private eyes, there watching you, even came on.

    anyways, just a story i wanted to share! if you dont like it, OH WELL!

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Lori all your stories are so interesting but I have a hard time finding them while going through SOMEONE ELSE's blog, perhaps you could gather all your stories and make a blog of your own? That would save me a lot of time.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Venus used to be irritating, now she's kinda funny. She just can't give it up, look at her go!

  149. @14:39 - I used to be a little annoyed by the posts also but now it is kinda're right! LOL! (;-) good tactic!

  150. Confessions from people you do not want to be:

    Venus' 4th grade teacher: Remember that one time Timmy told her she isn't any good at 4 square? I got to hear about it 10 times a day every day for a year, I still get calls...

    Lori's best friend: Remember that one time someone was staring at Lori for an hour and whispered that she is being watched? That person was a fire hydrant.

  151. venus, did you see any of the comments I deleted? How can you say that they are comparable? The only thing remotely sexually explicit (there was not one rude word in that comment it should be said) was a piss-take of your screenname saying "Penis in Vices" instead of venusinpieces, that was it (sure if they had only explicitly described a sexual act then it would have gone like the rest but the commenter was obviously making a point), but I have a feeling what upset you more was what they said after the "Penis in Vices" three words (which was the only thing you could say was objectionable about it). Get a grip, and a sense of humor, perhaps take a moment to step back from the situation and breathe, please. The comments I deleted contained overt descriptions of anal sex and the like, a play on the words Venus and penis is hardly the same, sure it's immature and was not needed to make their point but it is not the same thing as someone leaving a comment with the sole motivation of explicitly describing homosexual acts. I have never had any problem with you or your comments, I've invited you to help me clear up the clutter because I said that I actually agreed with you on the most part about the comments and I had been unsure of how to deal with them, but you have reacted in this ridiculous way, you are a troller's dream. I would very much like to get back to posting, you are more than welcome to comment, if you don't like the atmosphere you can always leave or just not leave comments, but like I said I have no problem with you.

  152. @22 February 2010 13:13

    wrong. dubai isnt a E.U. state therefore any new regulation on money exchange doesnt apply...infact the odds is it means the opposite.

    Dubai is often called 'the new Spain' for obvious reasons; british criminals built it up, made a fortune, then wrecked it within weeks.

  153. Ben, I dont know why youre justifying yourself.

    It looks to me that Venus is just in damage control mode, interestingly all because people questioned the writings of hers.

    ironic, really, with how she feels censorship should be applied to her critics..similar to how the MSM operate.

  154. @ benjamin singleton.........ben u are very droll !!!!!!!!!!

    Hahaha......seriously though ben, on another you get emails and stuff...what is the correct email address for you??? I sent an email about a wordwide tv channel aimed at babies that has dubious programmes on it specifically one called 'hopla' i explained its content coherantly...i know its not your usual subject matter...but i worry in case ive emailed a randomer........please could you clarify your correct email address in case i ever need it...i feel wary ti email in case it is not you ive mailed........i put in a previous comment there are a set of books written secretly by a high rankung saudi princess describeing the saudu royal family's dark slaves....ect has anyone seen them? Jean p sasson....daughters if arabia and princess......

  155. sorry i mean the books are called 'daughters of arabia' and 'princess' by jean p sasson.....i need a laptop texting on a phones a pain in the arse......

  156. New here and lmfao on this venushasapenis chick! I even forgot what the actual post was about! This certainly goes down as the most entertaining comments section on the net! Great site Ben!! Venushasapenis - if you can't change something, then change the way you look at it. In other words-don't look at the comments !!!

  157. venus has an over inflated sense of her own importance i feel. classic symptoms of mental illness. but then you already knew that.

  158. those two comments above are unnecessary and innapropriate. why is it someone posts something of interest, they are called trolls, yet these messages seem to be fine? its not sharing any useful info its just rude and immature. if someone cant refrain from using vile language or curse words, than dont post.

  159. yes something is very off-putting with craig ferguson, especially with the female guests. what if they caught wind of this blog, and got the impression that craig is some sort of hypnotic handler....also, his snake cup, he has often said...its POISONous...

    i just watched a strange interview with him and parker poser. she was fascinated with the snake cup and picked it up and he said she hypnotized her, i dont know? im sure it will be on youtube in a few days, tomorrow...

    he also has his skull sidekick...

    i truly do wonder if he reads this or if anyone does...does anyone else wonder this?

  160. oh my gosh, this actor, um, tom everitt scott, they are talking about satan. they are calling him satan and craig asked him, are you a satanist? then he said, nah cuz people are gonna be speculating ((all this and he did the keyboard hand signals, like people will be blogging this...))


  161. It's funny how people complain about Lori, Brenda and Venus being these mentally unwell wrecks who post absolute gibberish ... What other type of person is likely to read this piece of shit site and take in seriously?

    chris is another one; that nasty piece of work actually stated in the last blog that he 'enjoys' reading this site. Imagine the mind set of someone that enjoys reading about imagined child molestation and abuse.

  162. Odd that the 22 February 2010 19:29 post is almost identical to venus's spew.

    only difference is, no plugging her stuff nor demanding people be denied posting rights.

  163. I enjoy this blog as well, its interesting...horrifying and sometimes far-fetched BUT there may be a germ of truth somewhere. Ben, just concentrate on producing your posts..not everyone will agree with you but you seem a reasonable person and have done your best but stop communicating with these weirdos who are trying to take over your site.I am not interested in these idiots and their comments, just get a life please and stop hogging the comments section!! You are so boring...leave Ben alone to do his cool posts which we all like reading and commenting on. This used to be a good site.

  164. This is a fantastic site with a lot of great information, ideas and speculations. It's entertaining and informative. The whole comments and trolls situation proves it! Why go to so much effort and bother making comments, and starting an abusive argument, on a useless and boring site...this says it all!
    Keep up the good work!

  165. Dn't worry, Marty ... I'm sure you'll wake up at some point and notice the way the world really works.

  166. To all the people that come here and register their disgust, only to be called trolls:

    Don't bother, use the energy to report the blog instead.

    It won't last long, anyone of the numerous people Ben has slander probably has five lawyers that would all have a field day if Blogger didn't take this place down.

  167. @23 February 2010 09:17

    do you honestly think theyd sue a blog owner? come off it.

    do you even realise how many sites identical to this there are? some even more descriptive/slanderous than this could ever be deemed? they would be bankrupt within the first 2 pages of google searches..and most likely end up winning maybe 1 or 2% of the cases.

  168. I love a good debate but I can see there is no point trying at the moment. Here is an interesting link to a news story which some people might like to's about baby DNA being sent to a military facility in the US for 'future' ID purposes!

  169. And here's another interesting entertainment story about a new Sci-fi movie trilogy that some people might already have read the books on...The Fourth Realm...

  170. Seriously people? It is a blog, so STFU, specifically Cheeb.

    If you don't like it, then stop coming here, its as simple as that!

  171. I would rather be one of the people that enjoys knowing what is really going on than one of the people who come here, do not enjoy it, do not believe it, but still waste their time here for some reason. Do I know everything about the world? No, I just try to get as many preservatives as possible, and the one on MTV and Fox News isn't showing me the whole picture.

    Hey Anon 7:00, anyone saying he knows how the "world really works" must be full of arrogance, ignorance, and pride to believe he knows so much and everyone who disagrees is wrong. If you don't like what you see, its a free world, fuck off, no need to assert yourself anonymously to prove to your own ego that you don't need to go beneath the surface.

    Cheeb, why would you use your energy to go around reporting people's blogs? The internet is a big place with a lot of ideas, are you going to spend your time going through it and ratting out people you don't like? Who you gonna report it to? The police? Seriously though, who exactly are you going to contact, I'm really interested to find out what your plan is here. And what are you going to say? Cheeb: "Hello is this (insert the here the name of whoever you think you are going to call to report a blogger), I have something important to report. Someone is claiming that Christina Agulera is a satanist!" Other guy: "Alright let me take a look, well, I do see a inverted pentegram on the floor next to her, what do you make of that?" Cheeb: "Oh, um, uh, that's a, um" hangs up phone.

    You think this blog won't last long? It's been around for years, spend your energy doing something of your own instead of trying to tear down something someone else has made.

    James, you think I enjoy reading this site to get off on child abuse? Or could it be because I want to be able to recognize symbols when I watch a movie or music video and there are pyramids and skulls and mind-control/Luciferian references that you must think...are just fashionable, maybe?

  172. I'm seriously wondering if Venus is deliberately trying to stir things up here so she has cause to complain and shut the site down - don't feed the trolls people or this fantastic blog may be history...

    I've learnt so much from the site both from the posts and the comments - it's a shame it's being polluted by some very tiresome and childish people who really ought to get their own blog.

  173. Aargh! Ben, I just came across the most disturbing site for Christian louboutin the shoe maker - the opening page has a glass dome filled with butterflies - some Monarch I think, also inside the dome are a pair of insanely high high heels. A top hat rests against it.

    When you click enter, the glass breaks and the shoes walk away - the butterfly comes straight to the camera and then a new page loads A man, I'm guessing Mr. Louboutin stares with green eyes straight out of the screen - he is levitating a red stilleto heel - disturbing!! There is a sound like electricity surging. There's probably loads more weirdness here but I don't want to continue looking as it's freaking me out!

  174. We are all dust.

  175. Hey Anon. 11:30 Thank you for that fantastic link to the shoes! It's heaven!! ;-) I can even move the pictures of the shoe 360 and get a full view! (You see see what you did!)....

  176. Chris,

    Is that what you think I got into? Some shit about pentagrams and Christina?

    Errr, no, I just cut straight to the parts where Ben inferred that Jon Voight is a child molester, and Billy Ray Cyrus was fucking his daughter too.

    And as far as you asking who I'd report it too, instead of reeling off a bunch of pointless sarcasm, maybe you should check out Google's terms of service.

    You make me laugh, you say me, or anyone else, reporting this site is a worthless persuit ... So why then did Ben shit himself this morning and erase a comment when Venus threatened to report it?

    Just try engaging your brain before you type, it makes everything so much easier.

  177. chris isn't known for his ordered though. He's a hot head and it's people like him who are destroying Ben's great work.

    In twenty years time, they'll be using this place as a teaching plan in schools.

    GO BEN!!

  178. Cheeb...just to point something out...YOU'RE the one that just said those words mate...there are a million sites on the web that 'infer' to all sorts of 'shite'...If you are so upset about it them go do what you gotta do and stop making moaning about it...what is wrong with people today...why can't we all just get along? LOL!!! Sorry...I believe it's the humour that is missing from this latest comments thread...ah well...Back to the shoes - they're great by the way - thank anon!!!

  179. Marty the sheep ...

    I said what words?

    Do you even realise how little sense you make?

  180. Emily, no one is destroying anything, Ben keeps coming out with good stuff. We just got to skip through a few comments, but it's good practice for disregarding negative stimulus. It is tough to see someone attack a blogger you like and not get emotionally involved. I like Marty's stance, if you can keep up a good humor on a site like this, you can do it anywhere!

  181. everybody likes to complain about trolls and saying its Lori or venus who are the problems here, but when has venus ever wrote anything other than defending someone or trying to get ben to clean up the comments that are derogatory. if you like my comments, fine! read them! if not IGNORE THEM! also, look at how many comments are just pure BS! i dont want to read comments about complaining about trolls or venus or comments that have nothing to do with MK or this site or contributions. there are so many comments that ARE the real waste here! i guess people just want to read bens post, and not share opinions on it, maybe just click on links to other (yes helpful links because i always click on the links and pay attention to the comments as well) i am very observant, and it seems like LATELY this place has become a boiling pot of immature, unrelated babble!

    i am going to make my own blog where i write about all the strange incidents in my life, so i will do that and include in a link so you babies can shut up about reading my interesting incidents.

    geez! what a bunch of BABIES!!

    stop blaming venus too, from what i seen, she was just trying to help from the comments and she doesnt push her blog on us, its there in her name to click on.

  182. Lori, you call others immature and yet yesterday you said you believed that stupid story about a snickers bar making lady gaga start talking in german.

    Does that seem mature to you?

  183. Lori, please don't respond to Big Ron on this one, let's all try to move on from the arguing and if someone calls you out, ignore it.

  184. Big Ron,


  185. the only thing im trying to address is, when people try to accuse me of being a troll because i sometimes comment about a strange incident or story or something i take note of on the craig fergsuon show (i guess it is becoming sort of ritual now), but trying to call me names because of those comments, when in fact THEY are the ones who are TROLLING because they are taking the time out to write such a comment, well, that bothers me!

    at this point i wish i had a link or something to contribute, however i dont and i apologize, but yes the serious people about reading this blog, im sure, know how to filter past unneccessary and innapropriate comments.

    im waiting for the next post, and its not because i have a perverse thrill in reading them (like some insinuate) its because i want a fresh page irregardless of all these comments!

  186. The trick is to not let it bother you Lori, trust me, the urge to lash out is in me too, but when I do, I know it is my own weakness and pride that I am addressing.

    Lori, please, and anyone else for that matter, please watch this 3 minute clip from an interview of Bruce Lee where he describes his philosophy: "Be Like Water."

    We have to let Satanic music videos, hostile posters, and everything else the world throws us wash off of us like water so we can express our true selves, otherwise we are simply reacting to triggers. And big ron, don't forget to put a ":P" after the sarcastic comments!


  187. I am a Muslim female and have seen some awful things happen behind closed doors that would seem like ritual abuse but is however simply generational abuse based on man made misinterpretations of the Quraan. As an example little girls betrothed at the age of 6 and the marriage consumated at 9 because historically a girl was old enough once she menstruates. Even some of our women believe that this is the right way. Servants that are not Muslim are looked down upon as kaffirs or nasaras-non believers. And treated as such. I doubt the prince is innocent however I do believe from experience that in the confines of his perceptions of class, he didn't think it was wrong...

  188. Venus, if you wouldnt mind commenting on your censorship requests/threats that are similar to those made by the NWO and the MSM I have a few questions :)

    1, what makes you think you are unquestionable?

    2, why on earth do you publish hearsay and even state its hearsay yet complain when someone points this out?*

    3, why did you publically state you were not for censorship, yet went on to email ben and threaten him**

    *you stated it was hearsay when you said your 'friend' had told you of photos she had 'seen' of her alleged abused child, yet didnt show you these to prove her 'story'

    **pointless question, but Im all for freedom, both to question and to answer many.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.

  190. i must say all these comments have kept me very entertained tonight! thanks guys :)

  191. Lori is posting triggering words, also:

    Big Ron said...
    Lori, you call others immature and yet yesterday you said you believed that stupid story about a snickers bar making lady gaga start talking in german.

    To which she replied:

    Lori said...
    Big Ron,


    Lori = DISINFO AGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avoid her like the bubonic plague.

    Also, you're all very funny.
    AND: the word verifications are hysterical

  192. Sick, sick, sick... said...
    Mercy is becoming a Monarch now, too?

    Newsflash: Little girls like butterflies because they are pretty.

  193. In case you're not aware, "sleeping at the foot of the bed" is code for having sex. Its in the Bible where Lot's daughters "sleep at the foot of his bed" and out of their union came the Moabites and Ammonites.

  194. oh my god CHILLS! im watching craig ferguson again but its a new "experiment" he is talking with stephen fry...they are talking about bipolar disease on other interesting things im sure, even tiger woods and addictions...well, he just brought up the word TROLLS and in terms of website pages and forums.

    i got chills....he also said vile language is used...

    i will post a link when its on youtube to this particular show, maybe someone else can watch it and pick up on things too...

  195. craig also mentioned carrie fisher and its either her "hand signal" up persona or her down persona...

    when he said TROLLS, i thought of this forum with all the trolling..

    i dont know? doesnt anyone else think this is strange?

    this is without a studio audience or a "laugh track" much like i just heard about the whole "the big bang theory" show without the laugh track...

  196. "Its like a marketing mans dream, you get to see what everyone is thinking" craig ferguson said about the internet, twitter...

    YES! of course!

  197. this might sound weird, but while i was listening to this, (i still am) i thought of the taste of cocaine in my nose..i dont do it anymore but i used too...i tasted the aspirny like taste in my nostrils something triggered me to think that, and later even craig himself brought up cocaine..he is sober now but i just found that weird...sorry! i think there are messages out there for us who are listening tho...

    and im not a disinfo agent

  198. Lori, I totally admit that the snake and skeleton and a lot of other things are weird about this guy, but when you post 4 times in a row, like in any forum, it can tend to clutter things up a bit. Try to get it all into one if you can, please.

  199. wait he just said, "we used to be the top dogs and now we are seen as the scum"

    i want to delete a comment. oh well!

  200. im sorry usually when i blog on my personal blog i leave lots of comments but i dont want to do that here...i dont know how to delete my comments...

    well i suggest watch this "experiment" show with craig ferguson and scott fry as a guest...


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