
Thursday 11 February 2010

R.I.P. Lee Alexander McQueen

I was deeply saddened and affected by the news today that British fashion designer Lee Alexander McQueen had passed away in an apparent suicide triggered by the death of his mother about a week ago. The suicide of his friend Isabella Blow (who helped discover Lee, also in the above David LaChapelle photo for Vanity Fair making it quite ominous, note the skull looking thing bottom right, both are now dead, holding McQueen's train who is in drag, brandishing a flame in front of a burning Hedingham Castle and a fallen knight) three years ago was apparently also a contributing factor; these suicides in the world of high fashion are quite indicative of the fashion industry as a whole. I'm not particularly in the mood for speculation but Isabella's relationship with her military office father is somewhat suspicious (Sir Evelyn Delves Broughton) and her mother's behavior following her brother John's death age 2 who drowned in a pool then her mother calmly went upstairs to put lipstick on (see this Mail article for details on her messed up "elite" family and also has info on her former husband's). Isabella's husband (aristocrat art dealer Detmar Blow) left her "so Detmar could father a son with a fertile woman and ensure his particular branch of the Blow family would remain in charge of Hilles" (typical "elite" obsession with keeping power within the bloodline). During this period she underwent electroshock "therapy" for "bipolar disorder" (usually just used as an umbrella [mis]diagnosis for various psychological disorders like DID; these electroshock sessions may have had something to do with her repeated suicide attempts, potentially where her self-destruction programming got started) before eventually successfully committing suicide after numerous attempts. Now McQueen has joined her in committing suicide, it has been reported that he hung himself.

Isabella below with photographer David Bailey (above with McQueen).

With milliner Philip Treacy, whose career she helped get off the ground also (symbolic hats and the boy's faceless black mask is the most sinister). Below with Kuwaiti royal family member Sheik Majed al-Sabah (serpent-like pink/purple headpiece).

As far as I am concerned they are just more victims of the fashion industry and the "elites" that control it, I won't post an article from the media as they just seem to be endless tributes and clichés when someone connected dies. So here is my quick 'tribute post' of a few images pertaining to him I haven't yet posted, I was genuinely upset by this news when I heard it on the radio driving home today (especially because I was a bit worried my posts may have contributed, though I considered it very unlikely, a commenter stated that it had and claimed to know someone who knew McQueen personally, but I suspect they are not being truthful [Edit: My initial reaction of sadness and shock had nothing to do with the commenter, looks like I was correct in that they were full of it, just someone using this man's death to mess with the blog for their own amusement.]). Bearing in mind his death now, his skull and bones themes in his final fashion show are all the more significant, arguably foreshadowing his own demise.

Alexander McQueen wearing the White Rabbit head (I think it is him anyway, they are interviewing him in the piece called 'Alexander McQueen' so it's supposed to represent him either way). McQueen at the end of one of his fashion shows as the White Rabbit below.

From "McQueen's Kingdom" (W Magazine, photographer Steven Klein) with the masked models, all in black, one riding Satan/Baphomet, the other two hanging in the air, one upside down.

Here is one of his campaigns from last year, with it's primary themes being multiple [personality] mirror and fractured [mind] mirror effects, black/white checker patterns and red.

Check out this post for some more videos of his various fashion shows featuring symbolic themes (particularly of note are the below occult one, checkerboard one).

Here is another intriguing show to finish which I had not posted from one of his Autumn/Winter 2001 show (carousel horses, venetian mask makeup) and after it in the same video, a short clip of a show the following year (model as the Spanish bull fighting impaled sacrificial bull).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Venus, I was just thinking about finding a public computer and setting up a new email address to get in touch.

    Having said that, I'm still trying to get my head around everything and piece all the pieces together, it's all very convoluted (as you'd understand) so the idea of writing about it is a little overwhelming right now but it's on my things to do list.

  4. to me, Alexander McQueen has a kind of regular guy look...i mean, he kind of looks like someone i would know in my life, he has that familiarity..

    this from the link is really strange:

    Although she spoke fondly of her eccentric grandmother, an intrepid woman explorer who had eaten human flesh in Papua New Guinea and whom Isabella called 'the cannibal', she never got on with her father, Evelyn.

    her grandmother had eaten human flesh. i also left a comment in the previous post, about how we dont really know who is reading these blogs. it is possible after all...

    my cat reacted like she liked the music or something of the youtube clip, of the bull getting impaled..well, not liked it, but she was like, listening to it..

  5. I was the "friend of a friend" who knew Mcqueen poster, and the Kate Moss poster in the other post. I was completely lying to get a reaction out of Ben and other posters. Do you see how easy you can lead people to believe something all from a few comments?

    I'm a total stranger to you all and BEN, yet I even got Ben to think he might of been part of the reason McQueen killed himself. How terrible am I?

    Mind Control is everywhere, and we do it all the time to each other. It's not an elaborate process, all it takes is a person who is in a state of weakness, and isn't standing their own ground of beliefs. Those who are "open minded" work the best because they have no foundation they grasp on to when they are being told things.

    It's not just something the elite powers of the world do. We play with each other's minds all the time. Most of the time no lying is needed or involved. My apologies to Ben. You aren't the reason McQueen killing himself. Sorry if I made you think you were.

    What I really want to say is none of us know all the answers or all that is going on. Yet we constantly seek for answers and truth, when none of us are a "complete mirror". We're all fragmented on some level. Every one of us as far as I can tell.

    I constantly lie and make up stuff all the time on I know I have a problem but I don't know how to deprogram.

  6. Wow...I guess the guy/girl who predicted the big pre-valentines day death knew what he/she was talking about after all...

  7. public computer idea is kinda pointless, if you are a target..and think they are following/monitoring you;

    it wont get around them. all it will do is give them an idea on what youll potentially reveal when they afterwards go in and read the emails you've sent.

    that being said, most people wouldnt be targets.

    contrary to the paranoia, youll notice the huge sums it costs associated with a simple house raid.. and thats just man power.

    when it comes to technology/the hardware and techies wages on top of flagging people it goes into a 6-7 figure sum.

    they wouldnt/couldnt waste this money following and tracing nobodies with minimal knowlegde.

  8. Doughnut said...
    Wow...I guess the guy/girl who predicted the big pre-valentines day death knew what he/she was talking about after all...

    11 February 2010 17:33

    That was me also, and I was just making that up as well. Sometimes thou what you say does come to be, and it startles you, but it most likely would of happened anyway. And I was off by two days BTW.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @17:39

    I have no idea if I'm a target and or if they are monitoring me. (for what it's worth, the people who claim to be TI's sound like raving schizo's to me) but I have had some pretty weird shit happen, shit which may or may not be coincidence so I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    And while I'm not a celebrity I'm not exactly a nobody with minimal knowledge either. Some of the work I do ends up in the public eye and I'm surrounded by people that are apparently connected (if speculations made in this blog are correct) so I feel a little paranoia is a healthy thing in my situation.

    I thought maybe an anonymous proxy on a public computer might be safe but maybe not... Looks like the fuckers win again.

  11. @anon 17:25

    As you can see from re-reading the comments on the Christina post that more than a few of us said that neither a blog nor Ben were responsible for making Alex commit suicide. So, we did not fall for your allegations.

    You think you have so much power but you don't.

    And since you admit that you love to lie and mislead people on this blog and others, you might want to look into why that is. It will get you nowhere in this life.

  12. Just wanted to reiterate something that has been expressed here before...Just because someone is schizophrenic, that doesn't necessarily mean they haven't been targeted. Actually, crazy people make the perfect target precisely because nobody will believe them!

  13. @Venus

    "Anyways, don't let the previous commenter get you too paranoid...Let's talk soon. :)"

    I'm trying not to!

    P.S. I wish I WAS delusional or a fantasist; this stuff is way too out there for my brain to handle some days...

  14. @Brenda (aka Ben's split personality)

    Seems like I hit a nerve. Maybe you need to figure out why that is.

  15. Disinfo agents are everywhere. That's why you have to weigh every single thing you read on every single blog. Use common sense and listen to your gut and you'll usually figure out what's true and what's bullshit.

    I never bought into the idea that anyone on here knew a friend of a friend of McQueen's and that he was upset about it. It didn't feel right.

  16. Oh, Christ. What is it with the people on here who hate Brenda? Seriously. Get a fuckin' life.

  17. maybe the real kate moss11 February 2010 at 19:07

    Hmm.. that wasn't me above. Anyway Ben posted in the new blog post about Mcqueen, and how he was upset and felt he might of triggered his death.

    I personally think we all affect each other if we want to beliece it or not. None of us know if Mcqueen are other people talked about on this blog have ever read the articles about them. It's likely they get around to it if they get high on the search rankings or if a friend or someone tells them about it. So who's to say McQueen or anyone else isn't affected by these posts Ben makes.

    I feel Ben has been rude in some posts, especially when he claims so and so was sexually abused, or molested by their dad without any real proof on his part or statements by the person involved to back it up. He just throws it out there as if all elite families molest and rape each other. That's how I read it.

    I just think in this day and age people need to be accountable for what they say. I am being honest now and truthful. That's more than most can say.

  18. Brenda, You are one of the most insightful commenters on here, so that is bound to draw some trolls.
    They can't stand sincerity. So don't let it get to you too much.;)

  19. @anon 18:47,
    Yes it does start to get a little mind-boggling doesn't it? o_O
    But don't be scared to divulge the truth...there are so many people out there doing this these days and they don't have time to come after all of us.

  20. Fuck, man! How can you do a show like that and not know the darkness you're into. That last video was darker than dark. It even had the theme song from Rosemary's Baby!

    A woman walking around GORED??!

    No, this guy knew what he was into. Maybe it was impossible to get out unless through death, but for a while he towed the party line you can be sure of that.

    Ugh!!!! he must've been born into it to have stayed for so long. Some of those fashions masks and makeup are straight from elite rituals! So awful. Yes, I can se why these people kill themselves now especially when you know they will kill you if you disobey what other choice do you have?

    Is there one?

  21. What do you do when your family and "friends" are your enemies?

  22. i think some people just need something to fulfill their day, so they make up little lies to see the gullible people feed it up. well, ben said he believed it was not truthful if you read that. this is a blog so the comments should be related to the blog. why do people come on sites like this or "godlike productions" just to troll about? i am starting to wonder about just who the core commenters are on this blog...

    and this is a pretty big blog. it is on the radar, so googling britney spears will bring this blog up. that is how i found it! i found it after reading about how britney spears twitter was hacked and it was talking about the new world order and her being the devil etc.

    yes there are many ways to hack into ANYONES business, but we all know that! keystrokes, etc...

    anyways, the person who said someone was going to die also said it was going to be of significance to anna nicole smith calibur (whatever that meant) they were just spurting nonsense basically.

    sometimes people are too simple-minded to try and understand that things like MK practices, occult and the like actually do happen, so they just try and play with people who want to know more about it. i have had people too ignorant to listen so than they think its funny to make things up.

  23. Lori is cracking me up with the cat thing way back there at 17:05....

  24. @venusinpieces
    That blog post you have on your blog isn't your story. I remember reading that back in 2008, authored by Sierra Peterson(a Pen Name) and it has been proven to be a false made up story.

    The poster was on claiming to have written the story before it was closed.

    You can read it here:

    As for deprogramming. You can deprogram. Once your a broken mirror you're always a broken mirror. Go break one and try to put it fully together. It will always have cracks and shatter again with the next blow.

  25. The closer we get to the truth, the more intense the disinfo will be. "They" have had their freedom to play with the populace for soooo many years and now we're slowly waking up. Of course, the trolls and whatnot will rise up just to make everyone look like fools.

    Tell that to MPD and DID victims. Tell that to people who have witnessed satanic ritual abuse and can't find anyone to believe them. Tell that to a little girl who is being raped by her "upstanding" father in the community and is scared to reveal what is happening to her.

    It's all about shutting down the pipeline of info because when you've been having your way for so long, you don't want to lose that momentum. So, I expect a lot more disses on this site toward me. I don't care. I'll stick around until it gets so ugly that I'm forced to leave. No skin off my nose, eh?

  26. ^^^^likewise. thanks Brenda.
    @anon 20:43, Yes I am Sierra Peterson. Or that is my pen name. Check the myspace that I link to on my profile. It has my name on it. I would use my real name except all these stories about the Illuminati and satanic ritual abuse don't do much for employment opportunities, do they? ;) In what ways has my story been proven to be false? I'm not sure that I'm going to be too into having this conversation if people start hurling insults at me, but I want to make it clear that I am the same person you are referring to. And no one has said a single thing that could prove my story false.

  27. Well Sierra, a couple of blog posts ago on the Brittany Murphy post I posted as if I were you in the comment section, and told people to read the story you claim you wrote and they all thought it was fake, and seemed as if many of the details were made up! I even tried to post positive comments as another commenter saying I believed you because some of the street names were real, but nobody was buying it.

    I even drove out around the San Fransisco Zoo (as I live in the bay area) trying to find the abandoned building that looked like a castle behind the zoo, that you mentioned in the story, and didn't find anything of that sort. It could of been torn down, but you also said Twilight (the guy's name) was still living in the castle in the year 2007 which is only 3 years ago, but it made me lose faith in your story. So...

  28. Courtney Love said on twitter:

    poor lee mCQUEEN. i really tried to hellp him long ago i feel really bad i found a paitr of tights today and they were lees, i felt morbid
    about 9 hours ago from web

    How did Courtney try to help him? Odd right?

  29. Why did you write a comment pretending to be me, anon? Don't you realize that the things you are doing have the capacity to hurt people and discredit an entire community, many members of which are risking their lives to discuss this subject? I understand that doing little pranks is amusing, because I used to loooove making crank phone calls. However, I don't think you know how serious the subjects you are making jokes about really are.

    As for the abandoned building behind the zoo, there is a possibility it could have been demolished since the city is constantly refurbishing public property. I don't know. From what I've been told, the place was falling apart. I've actually never been there, although it is commonly known amongst the street kids in Golden Gate park that it exists. Several of my really close friends told me anout it independantly. If you really, truly want to know, and are not just idly curious, then go and talk to them about the things I wrote in that paper. Seriously. But the thing is that this is probably an idle pastime for you so you will never take it that far. Am I wrong? The reason I found out so much information about this subject is because I was completely obsessed by it. If you had experienced having one of your loved ones having their life ruined by satanic ritual abuse, then maybe you would be as motivated as I have been. So this is my challenge to you--go talk to people, talk to street people first because they will know about the muders that have been ritually occurring in the city for years. Those murders are tolerated by the police because they happen to people who have no respect in this society. There are people out there who will talk to you about this if you respect them and take them seriously. Are you capable of doing that? And can you really say that you have as much dedication to discovering the truth as I do?

  30. I love this blog. Thanks Ben and Brenda. Also cheers to Anon Feb 11th 12:10. I checked out those Garbage song lyrics. They were very revealing. I would also be interested in hearing what Ben thinks about Caprica or other BattleStar Galactica crap. The whole BG series is about torture, multiplicity and paranoia. This 111Truth111 stuff can be captivating overall:
    however, a bit dodgy with the oranges representing the sun. Just take some good info from here and there is my motto. Take Fritz S. for example...needs an editor badly. I like the info and pictures on this blog, but ignore the squabbling nonsense. Those of you who understand DID should know you will have liars and people who will make no sense on here. That is a given, but don't waste your time arguing. Thanks everyone for your pics and links.

  31. Why did you write a comment pretending to be me, anon? Don't you realize that the things you are doing have the capacity to hurt people and discredit an entire community, many members of which are risking their lives to discuss this subject? I understand that doing little pranks is amusing, because I used to loooove making crank phone calls. However, I don't think you know how serious the subjects you are making jokes about really are.

    As for the abandoned building behind the zoo, there is a possibility it could have been demolished since the city is constantly refurbishing public property. I don't know. From what I've been told, the place was falling apart. I've actually never been there, although it is commonly known amongst the street kids in Golden Gate park that it exists. Several of my really close friends told me anout it independantly. If you really, truly want to know, and are not just idly curious, then go and talk to them about the things I wrote in that paper. Seriously. But the thing is that this is probably an idle pastime for you so you will never take it that far. Am I wrong? The reason I found out so much information about this subject is because I was completely obsessed by it. If you had experienced having one of your loved ones having their life ruined by satanic ritual abuse, then maybe you would be as motivated as I have been. So this is my challenge to you--go talk to people, talk to street people first because they will know about the muders that have been ritually occurring in the city for years. Those murders are tolerated by the police because they happen to people who have no respect in this society. There are people out there who will talk to you about this if you respect them and take them seriously. Are you capable of doing that? And can you really say that you have as much dedication to discovering the truth as I do?

  32. By the way, the only reason I bothered to respond to you is because I could see how entertaining it would be to stir up a forum like this, thinking from the perspoective of a person who had no idea that the things they are joking about are actually real. But seriously, open your mind. There is a whole world around you that you are not aware of.

  33. I really want to know who these "occult organizations who have very real paranormal abilities" are ? Who are these people, please if you have this knowledge make it known so we can be aware. I have had my say on some of these post and I understand how mind control can work on so many levels on the public. I really want to know who the organizations are, are they cloning facilities, military,government?

    What kind of powers have they harnessed ? And if they have developed these powers can the people who are not involved develop the same powers to combat this force of manipulation & evil? You would think so..I mean there must be people with "powers" that can be used to combat this insanity

  34. Unfortunately I am not able to divulge everything that I have been told at this time, because many of the victims are afraid of being targeted again. But I can say that there is an overlap between the military/government and occult organizations when you get to the inner core of each.
    I don't know a thing about cloning faciities, although maybe someone else here does. Look up "black technologies" to see the overlap between technology and occultism. The information is out there.

    As for developing powers to combat the black magic of Illuminists, this is a wonderful idea and I would agree that it can be done. This is one of the main reasons why I have been trying to connect a community of mind controlled people for some time now, since so may of us have psychic abilities which have been hijacked by programmers to cause havoc in society. Think what these abilities could do if harnessed for the greater good! I think that the current age of coercively enforced rationalism is being perpetuated for this very reason. An awake, aware society of people in tune with their true potential will always be the biggest threat to a totalitarian regime. And we DO have the ability to bring an end to this way of doing things....

  35. Venus/Sierra: why don't you take all your duplicate insane comments to your own blog and we'll see you there? (if we care to). This is Ben's blog. Stop advertising your stuff.

    I seriously hate what the comments section has become. We used to have good discussions and interesting links being swapped by regular commenters. Now it's like the crazies are taking over overwhelming the comments section with their insanity, whether it's people like you with their Forrest-Gump-Everything-Happens-To-Me-I'm-At-The-The-Center-Of-Everything stories or that poor chick that thinks the TV talks to her and follows her on myspace. You people are addicted to attention, I wonder what kind of crazy stories you tell to the people who know you in real life. You need help and I mean that.
    Please abandon your quest on this blog. Nobody is interested. You might think you will find audience for your attention whore self here, but you won't.


  36. Actually, this comment section has become much more than just Ben's blog, although I do appreciate him very much for opening it up for us.

    V, you are showing your true colors by the hateful way that you speak about people here. So please excuse me if I don't engage you in any further dialogue.

  37. The reason TI's "sound crazy" is that the tactics used against them are specifically designed to mimic the signs of mental illness. Just read up on COINTELPRO some time. It's the same thing, only it goes deeper now - COINTELPRO and the East German Stasi were like a public beta of the "real deal" going down right now.

    Also, let's be honest here, there is a social engineering aspect to targeting, and "undesirables" are frequent targets. So many TI's will be highly individualistic and differently-thinking people - further deepening the comprehension gulf.

    I'm in touch with a targeted Monarch who is one of the less glamorous slaves - one of her alters does the psyops you guys notice and comment on. She doesn't know everything she's been involved in, but she gets heavily "accessed" in the days before major events. She's made tens of millions of dollars for some Top 40 bands as a lyricist - as a slave, of course.

    And many of those Top 40 bands know.

    She sneaks messages about her slavery into songs, and that's what many of you are picking up on.

  38. OK, obviously the person who posted the obscene comment that actually linked to my blog is not me. I would never speak about anyone here in that way. I am a little curious how it is that someone is able to get into my blog like that and post as if they were me...??????

  39. OK, I see what happened..the name actually says venusinpisces, so whoever left that comment actually created a blogger account and then linked it to my profile. Don't you guys have anything better to do with your time?

  40. hey V

    it is interesting and helpful reading about other peoples experiences. instead of being so critical, try to listen to what everyone has to say. this is the perfect place and opportunity to share stories and experiences. you would think people would be more openminded here. maybe your life is dull and boring so therefore you cant comprehend that yes, people have been through this things. i dont think the tv is talking to me, i explained rationally how they can send subliminal messages...but you seem too ignorant to take that into account! i appreciate reading what everyone has to say, and i am reading venusinpeices blogs right now, and it is very interesting.

    please dont call me crazy you dont know me at all! i also leave helpful comments too. if ben has a problem, let him address it than! otherwise, go live your life where you cant ponder anything aside what you read hohem...heresey and what not...

    i dont care tho, because there are people that do appreciate hearing about others experiences...

  41. what im wondering is, is there a certain kind of person that is only allowed to leave comments on this blog? is there a criteria to the comments? yes alot of comments are garbage (the ones posing as others and leaving homophobic remarks) but when people have problems with others that share unique instances that happen with them, they arent allowed to comment? ridiculous! and veuisinpeices wasnt leaving any links to her blog, as far as im concerned. someone else stated that they inpersonated her and left a link to her blog. shes not forcing anyone to read it!

    even on a blog like this, there are still close minded people! unbelievable!

    and in defense for myself, its not like people just willingly put themselves in situations, im only speaking for myself now...and also, im not around that scene. im in nj and trying to finish school and do good for myself. yes i did have alot of strange things happen to me, but i shared some of one really wants to believe me (some do) but alot think im trying to get attention. hey i think its interesting and i figured others would want to know...

    and yes, myspace twitter facebook! its a new tool for big brother, dont you see? they can find information about every single one of us! which is why i say, they do know who i am (not the illuminati or the elites, but im talking about like...actors and like, stuff like that) i mean, maybe the "illuminati" but i dont care!

    im just saying, i have had things happen to me, and can share so many stories!!! ha! anyways...think what you will about me i could care less!

    i just hate those that dismiss what others have to say...

  42. to venusinpeices, i am reading your blog. i still have alot left to read but it is interesting and seems to have alot of information there. people are to quick to dismiss things because they cant imagine. well, sometimes people attract that kind of thing, unwillingly...

    thats why i would think on a blog like this, we take into consideration what everyone has to comment about, even those trolls up there...what are their true intentions?

    the best thing is to be aware, personally...and yes there are alot of bs going on to distract us, but we need to know what is best for us and to use common sense and just be keen on our own instincts..

  43. @Lori, Yeah can anyone tell me waht are the entry requirements for the comments section because apparently I was misinformed. LOL
    It's like an exclusive nightclub in here...but for some reason it seems to be all the anonymous commenters that come up with the hateful stuff.

    Yeah, social networking tools are obviously a way to transition us towards a surveillance society. Just do a google search for CIA + facebook and see what pops up. Even my mom is creeped out by the facebook artifical intelligence that knows everything about her, and she is not into conspiracies at all. It's weird how they accuse us of being the crazy ones, yet realistically, everyone on this blog, including Ben, would be considered crazy by the rest of society!....??????

  44. RIHANNA all over the place. Notice the butterfly on her birthday cake..


  45. The sick Hollywood:

    Actors CHYLER LEIGH and CHRISTOPHER KAYMAN LEE are brothers in the real life, but in this movie they are making out with each other. Fuck!


  46. @ anon 11 February 2010 23:11

    You wrote:

    "What kind of powers have they harnessed ? And if they have developed these powers can the people who are not involved develop the same powers to combat this force of manipulation & evil? You would think so..I mean there must be people with "powers" that can be used to combat this insanity..."

    You have hit the nail on the head here. Instead of fearing what they do, this is the question that we should be posing and investigating.

    There are people out there who are using psychic/esoteric "powers" to combat this evil. I've heard, for example, of a group of monks in the Himilayan mountains whose job it has been for over a century to create "shields" of energy to combat the destruction that is being brought down on us.

    There are handfuls of people who have dedicated their lives and their soul's work to creating these energetic shields around the planet. I don't mean this to sound "New Agey" because that's the last group I want to be connected to. The people who choose to work with these energies do so without a need for ego gratification or monetary reward. They don't do it for power or prestige either. In fact, they have no need for being revealed as they do it solely because they have been chosen and trained in the HIGH ARTS of esoteric energy work to neutralize the dark energy.

    Notice I said "neutralize" and not kill or destroy. This is important. Just like the "war" on drugs has not succeeded or the "fight" against cancer has not worked, the people who are working against the darkness look on every one of us as souls on a soul journey and a soul's purpose is to find enlightenment and grow. Thus, they are more interested in allowing the souls of those involved in this evil pursuit to wake up and recognize what they are doing and what their bloodline has been responsible for and literally make the decision to alter their course. In turn, that soul might choose to then sacrifice himself/herself for the betterment of mankind or to raise the awareness of others who understand what is happening.

    That book I referenced "Call Adonoi" has many of the power hand signs and meditative tones that are used by adepts to raise their consciousness and create a portal to the other side. BUT, I can see how that book could also be used by those who dabble or drown in the dark side to exert control over others. While many of the explanations in that book leave a lot out (IMO), it is a good example of what "they" are doing and utilizing to create their power over others. Likewise, the same info can be learned by "us" and used to protect us and those we love.

  47. I'm sorry if I offended you Lori but it's the truth. You are coming off as a very strange person in most of your posts. You need to step away from sites like these if they are making you think you are being followed and if you are starting to be worried about your own safety.
    And please don't backtrack from your original comments about how celebrities follow your myspace and send you special messages on tv because you did say that a number of times and not in a "subliminal message" kind if way but in a direct way to you. Girl, that is not healthy.

    Maybe my life is boring but at least I don't try to convince internet people about my "experiences" and idiotic stories that kept happening to me over and over again with unrelated people in places that don't exist. That's the definition of attention whore.

    Keep feeding each other's insanity, you and Venus/Sierra. Maybe you'll share a padded room one day.

    What you're both doing is unhealthy and worrysome. Either you're trolling or you're both pathological liars, or maybe you really are that disturbed. I advice you to stop visiting sites like these because they will make you feel worse Lori.

    Regarding *~ Sierra~* I just think she's a IRL troll who loves attention and playing with people like you. Funny how she clings to this blog so much. It's the only place where people give her attention, since nobody talks to her on her blog, because no one is interested.

    You're both getting annoying. Lori, please seek professional help. Any doctor who reads what you've posted here would have you committed asap and I'm not being ironic.

    I know we all like these topics, but you my dear are taking it a bit too far.


  48. "and since you admit that you love to lie and mislead people on this blog and others, you might want to look into why that is. It will get you nowhere in this life".

    this is wrong brenda. almost everyone in the upper echelons who haven't been born into it have lied and cheated to get where they are.

  49. maybe the real Kate Moss12 February 2010 at 07:55


    You've never been there to TWILIGHT's castle by the SF Zoo, yet you talk in your novel as if you have. You recount experiences as if their yours.

    Now you change your story to I've
    only heard about it about the castle that never existed through the grapevine of friends with incredibly ridiculous stories.

    Your story is of fiction, you just used a few factual details to make it seem true. Seems like you're the ultimate liar who has a problem with fessing up to your own BS if you are the original writer of the story which I doubt you are.

    I think you're just claiming you are to lure weak-minded people to your blog so they'll contact you, and most likely email you on how to deprogram so you can in turn fuck with their minds even more.

  50. ^^^^I agree. But it will also eventually destroy them. One by one, even now, they are falling due to their own cutthroat nature. You attract to you what you put out. I can't imagine the karma these bastards must be in for.

  51. Clarification. My response was to VADER at 7:50.

  52. Maybe the real Kate Moss12 February 2010 at 07:58

    Everyone read VenusInPieces story that she/he claims they wrote...and post what you think of it in the comment section.


    BS or true? What do you say? Use your intuition and decide for yourself.

  53. ^^^^^Wow. You really think Lori should be committed? V, do you realize that you are recommending the same techniques that programmers use on their targets? Have you ever been inside a psych ward before? Have you seen the way that people are forcibly confined and strapped down to beds withought food or water, drugged, for days at a time? Believe it or not, this is standard practice. Psychiatry was the wellspring of MKULTRA. Why are you even here?

    You are doing far more to discredit yourself than I ever could.
    And as for Lori's claims, maybe celebrities were writing on her myspace because she was a model who actually attended Hollywood parties. Ever think about that?

  54. And as for supposedly changing my story about the zoo, go back and read it. Nowhere in my story did I say that I had actually been there.
    Am I imitating Sierra Peterson? LOL
    Kate Moss, please go back up to the part where I said that the profile section of my blog links to my myspace, where you can see that the name is Sierra P. I have had this myspace since the spring, so that would be an awfully elaborate ruse to pull, don't you think?
    If you are not even going to educate yourself about the basic facts of the story, then why bother posting at all? I never changed my story yet you say that I did. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

    People keep saying I'm on an ego trip, but the thing is, I really don't want to be wasting comment space defending myself in the first place. I wrote that first comment to talk about helping victims of mind control, and so far only Brenda and a few other posters have addressed that. Can we return to that topic, please?

  55. On

    Wes Penre received this email about Sierra's story...(scroll to the bottom to see it)

    Dear Mr. Penre:
    I am writing regarding a story by Sierra Peterson, titled "Satanism and Pedophilia: Elite Human Trafficking", published on your website at In this story, Ms. Peterson makes allegations based on anonymous sources who have been provided aliases for the purpose of the story. However, she uses my full name.

    The statements about me appearing in this story are false and defamatory. I have worked for many years as an advocate for foster youth, speaking out against abuse in group homes, non public schools, and other institutions. I have been a foster parent and guardian for several years. The statements made in the story by Ms. Miller now come up in search engines, and are damaging to my reputation.

    I am requesting that you remove my name from the material on your website. I would also appreciate contact information for the author, Sierra Peterson, in order to further pursue this matter with her directly.

    Thank You for your consideration of this matter,

    [name removed]

    A person of honesty and integrity would write a story that can be verified, as they aren't living in fear and aren't afraid to die to stand up for such matters to bring truth to light.

    Sierra gives everyone a different name in her novel expect some she claim are the perpetrators such as the guy who had to send the letter above to have his name removed from the story.

    Don't believe everything you read or any of the commenter's on this blog.

  56. I verified it with a google search, and you have been using the name Sierra Peterson and venusinpieces from at least late 2008. So you possibly are the author.

    Here's some info about Sierra, and a picture that you can't find anywhere else:

    I'll have to read your story to see what I think.

  57. ^^^^The person who gave me that information about Scott Stitham using foster kids in kiddie porn is an extremely close friend and I have every reason to believe she is telling me the truth. We talk on the phone all the time and both her and her son have visited my home on multiple occassions. I would never make that claim lightly. However, the activities that man is engaging in are far beyond reprehensible and I have no sympathy for his embarassment.

  58. @venusinpieces

    Bravo! Don't let the anonymous losers on here get you down! There are always people out there who want to discredit others because they cannot bear the truth that people like you, Brenda and ben have to bring to the table.

    I haven't read your blog, but I definitely will.


    Okay, how can I learn more about spiritual things that you speak of.
    I know before I came off as pretty skeptical, but I am open to learning. Like, what books?


  59. Regarding Sierra...

    I have read her writing outside this blog so it was a nice surprise for me to find her comments here too.

    I appreciates her insights. Of course, I don't take everything she writes as gospel but I doubt that she would want anyone to.

  60. The user posting under Anonymous pointing out the way some alleged targets live too long is 'interesting'. I wont elaborate as to why its 'interesting'.

    Venus's writings could be true,and she genuinely has spoken to these victims, however she could also be a creative writer who has made a few mistakes that are being called upon. Will we ever know? Of course not.

    Lori/Lula could indeed be correct, that when she sent messages asking for so and so to mention her on T.V, that they did actually mention something related directly to her. Or it could be a coincidence. Once again, will we ever know? Of course not.

    Having just read through the numerous other posts the blog owner has made, I see that there are too many agendas being pushed here in the comment section,and they are ultimately distracting people from the content that is being posted.

    If you have stories of your own, why not just post from your blog account? and write something indicating if the viewers wish, they can then click your handle and read your content?

  61. Very quick to get a blog up on McQueen - thanks to Ben. Can I just say that, as a courtesy to other posters, please can people at least TRY and cut their postings up into small bits and not huge comments because it's VERY difficult to keep track! Also, I'm sort of a blog-veteran - when people start impersonating others and writing OTT comments - either for or against the subject - you know you got a problem with people should not try and answer/get into heated 4 letter work's pointless and destructive to the blog...perhaps that is what is happening right now Ben...I KNOW I'M contradicting my word-count request - but it looks like you are under attack mate!
    I look forward to your next post

  62. Sierra Peterson pt2:

    This timeline at this site doesn't coincide at all with your Elite Human Trafficking story. You claim in the story at 17 you arrived in New York. Yet the timeline on the website above indicates you were in Baltimore, MD at age 17, and Sedona, Az at 18. So your story isn't adding up my dear.

    I think you have an incredible imagination, and you should seek a fiction publishing company. ;)

  63. Sierra is a creative writer, read these articles about her encounters and accusations:

    The girl has an incredible imagination, but that's where it ends. It's safe to say that she lives in a world of make believe.

    She's has had every kind of experience anyone has ever known. She's the Chuck Norris of paranormal experiences!

  64. "If you don't live what you sing about, your mirror is going to find out" - Ani Difranco

    Keep that in mind Sierra Peterson.

  65. How does my timeline not add up? I very clearly stated in my blog that, during that time of my life, I was hitchhiking all over the country. But I really did not intend for my comment to snowball into all this drama. We are really getting sidtracked from the issues at hand, so maybe I should just stop responding to these comments because obviously it is going nowhere. The detractors are using their own subjective opinion to argue that what I am saying is false, and this just keeps happening. Let's return to what is really important and what this blog is all about. My story is only a tiny piece of the picture.
    But thanks for your words of support, Emily. :)

  66. Maybe it's Kate Moss12 February 2010 at 09:09

    Fucking wow! LOL.. D. thank you so much for revealing the lies of Sierra Peterson.

    It actually looks like she was being pitched at one time by a few paranormal/conspiracy sites to get readers interested. Possibly for an elaborate made up fiction story.

    She does have an imagination like no other, I give her that! The Chuck Norris of bullshit!

  67. "How does my timeline not add up? I very clearly stated in my blog that, during that time of my life, I was hitchhiking all over the country." - Venusinpieces

    Read the 2nd paragraph here:

    Now read this:

    It's not even just that one flaw in your story, all of your claims are on the verge of being outrageous.

    Like I said before the Chuck Norris of Paranormal Experiences! and also the Chuck Norris of human trafficking! You're just super woman aren't you know? Everywhere at once, but really only in her head thinking of another creative writing piece.

  68. Maybe it's Kate Moss12 February 2010 at 09:20

    Will you just admit you exaggerate things? To make things seem more interesting than what they are.

    "Age 22. Location: San Francisco. Sierra is picked up by a male stranger. She discovers he has kiddie porn in his glove department. Male stranger introduces Sierra to stories about tunnels underneath San Francisco that are used for smuggling children and a connection to a Satanic cult that uses children for ritual human sacrifice."

    In your Elite Human Trafficking story you never mention that the male stranger you were picked up by who had kiddie porn in his glove box told you about tunnels underneath San Francisco.

    Another untruth...

  69. The last few comments above prove my point - this is all destructive stuff. People may not realise what they are doing even, But anyway...Ben whatever people say on this blog...I hope you understand that there is no way in hell your posts will cause 'something to happen to someone else'...this is purely propaganda and false 'stories' to destroy your blog...I'm saying this from experience...slowly but surely they will try to make you stop blogging...corny but very ironic...
    Keep up the good work!

  70. OK, I probably shouldn't even be responding to this, but...number one, I didn't write the article you're quoting, so I can't be held responsible for what he writes. But what that guy was referring to was two separate people, and two separate conversations. Nowhere is it stated that the stranger and the kiddie porn guy are the same person. Again, the use of subjective opinions....
    Two, I don't need to go back and read my own writing because I know that the stories I wrote are consistent with my own experiences.
    But again, this conversation is going nowhere. Let's move on...
    Why are people here unless they are concerned about helping mind control victims and exposing the perpetrators. Let's talk about that instead of soap opera stuff...

  71. Destructive to know how many people in the conspiracy/paranormal world are full of crap?

    A lot of people exaggerate things beyond belief. I know many have been traumatized and under mind control programming, but is it on such an elaborate level as some people claim? I doubt it.

    I had no intention of calling Sierra out on her story, but before you talk her you should know that her stories are outrageous, and seem to be the work of a creative writer. Thanks to the google search engine it's easier to find out about people.

    I'm not trying to destroy Ben's blog. I do apologize for not staying on topic, but I felt it needed to be known how downright outrageous many of Sierra's claims are.

    I believe there are many ritual abuse victims and other mind control victims who are seeking help, and it saddens me to know Sierra is acting like she's some kind of deprogrammer now. With a mind like her's you'll be left in a fantasy world.

    Once again I'm just calling people out when they need to be called out.

  72. Maybe it's Kate Moss12 February 2010 at 09:42

    Let's talk about that instead of soap opera stuff...

    but your stories are one huge soap opera by a creative writer of fiction.

    People read the elite human trafficking story, and the two website articles about her paranormal experiences above.
    Feel free to believe what you want.
    I just wish there was an ignore button to completely ignore you on here. I can't stand liars that don't admit to their own faults.
    I at least can admit mine.

  73. Just to clarify, one last time, I would neve try to say that I am a deprogrammer by any means. i know that I don't have the skill to do that. That is the reason why I was asking for other people's advice about ways that we, as a community, can help people who are recovering from trauma.
    Any thoughts on this?

  74. Emily,

    It's difficult for me to tell you what to read since I don't know how far on the path of understanding you are.

    A safe bet is "Autobiography of a Yogi." It tells the story of how a simple man dedicated his life and learned the meditations, etc. to become a profound teacher and true spiritual master. His calling for this life came at a very young age.

    Other than that, I'd say to just ask God/The Source whatever you want to call it, to direct you and lead you to works on esoteric wisdom that will enlighten and teach you whatever it is you desire.

    I'm not sure where you live. If you are in Los Angeles, the Bodhi Tree bookstore is a great place to start. You could talk to anyone there who works there and ask them to direct you accordingly.

    Subjects to consider:

    Energy Medicine
    The Mind/Body Connection (Louise Hay's books)
    Linda Goodman's "Star Signs" (mainly the chapter on Chaldean Numerology)
    Egyptian Mythology (find books with an esoteric twist.)
    Greek Mythology (find books that cover this that have an esoteric twist or understanding of the subject matter.)

    Many books you may be drawn to are out of print. Used bookstores are always a good bet. I've found some gems out there that were never well publicized.

    Finally, a lot of novelists are now incorporating these ideas into their stories. Some of it is hidden and only recognized by those who "get it." I've mentioned Laurel Dewey's name before but it bears repeating. Her second novel in the Jane Perry series, REDEMPTION, includes many esoteric references within a very tight, fast read. So much of what we "need" to understand is tied up in modern novels and, to an extent, TV and film, in a way to primarily get us used to the ideas and kind of condition us mentally. However, I do not believe that Dewey's work is done with any dark intent. First off, she's not a national name (yet) and she's not pimping herself like all the others are. Thus, the credibility is more likely.

    Again, I know this post is long. But what can I do? The girl asked me for info and I'm giving it.

  75. A lot of people exaggerate things beyond belief. I know many have been traumatized and under mind control programming, but is it on such an elaborate level as some people claim? I doubt it.

    ^^I've met the ones who are really programmed. They don't believe/understand this stuff (ironically) and hence wouldn't be here. The real ones don't think there's anything wrong with them or strange about their lives. Its like they have blinders on. In total denial.

    One of the people I know is extremely wealthy from Colombia- banking and art dealer parents who parties with people like Henry Kissinger and european nobility. she has no clue about any of this. If you tried to tell her she'd probably stare blankly and then tell you about the designer dress she just bought.

  76. Sites about deprogramming and mind control basics:

    May be helpful.

  77. ^^Actually I would edit the above comment to say that "real" monarchs do exist and may be curious about this stuff, but the ones who are extremely programmed, like by the government and generational with chips etc. would probably not be here.

  78. @ 12 February 2010 09:57


  79. ^^I've met the ones who are really programmed. They don't believe/understand this stuff (ironically) and hence wouldn't be here. The real ones don't think there's anything wrong with them or strange about their lives. Its like they have blinders on. In total denial.

    One of the people I know is extremely wealthy from Colombia- banking and art dealer parents who parties with people like Henry Kissinger and european nobility. she has no clue about any of this. If you tried to tell her she'd probably stare blankly and then tell you about the designer dress she just bought.

    12 February 2010 09:55

    Like with Lady GaGa, my friend even asked her after a concert if she was a mind control slave, and she just blankly stared and said "Your a cute monster!" and hugged her and went to the next person to sign an autograph. My friend said it was odd, but still loves her music.

  80. Wow! I found this helpful:

    Signs of a traumatized person. This appears to also refer to someone who is suffering from PTSD

    1. Addictive behaviors – excessively turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling as a way to push difficult emotions and upsetting trauma content further away.

    2. An inability to tolerate conflicts with others – having a fear of conflict, running from conflict, avoiding conflict, maintaining skewed perceptions of conflict

    3. An inability to tolerate intense feelings, preferring to avoid feeling by any number of ways

    4. An innate belief that they are bad, worthless, without value or importance

    5. Black and white thinking, all or nothing thinking, even if this approach ends up harming themselves

    6. Chronic and repeated suicidal thoughts and feelings

    7. Disorganized attachment patterns – having a variety of short but intense relationships, refusing to have any relationships, dysfunctional relationships, frequent love/hate relationships

    8. Dissociation, spacing out, losing time, missing time, feeling like you are two completely different people (or more than two)

    9. Eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia, obesity, etc

    10. Excessive sense of self-blame – taking on inappropriate responsibility as if everything is their fault, making excessive apologies

    11. Inappropriate attachments to mother figures or father figures, even with dysfunctional or unhealthy people

    12. Intense anxiety and repeated panic attacks

    13. Intrusive thoughts, upsetting visual images, flashbacks, body memories / unexplained body pain, or distressing nightmares

    14. Ongoing, chronic depression

    15. Repeatedly acting from a victim role in current day relationships

    16. Repeatedly taking on the rescuer role, even when inappropriate to do so

    17. Self-harm, self-mutilation, self-injury, self-destruction

    18. Suicidal actions and behaviors, failed attempts to suicide

    19. Taking the perpetrator role / angry aggressor in relationships

    20. Unexplained but intense fears of people, places, things

  81. I wonder why Ben never posts trigger warnings before he launchs into his depravity?

    Either even he doesn't believe what he's saying ( and just likes spinning a yarn) or he gets a sick thrill out of causing people emotional pain when they see certain images he posts.

    I wonder which it is?

  82. @anon 9:55

    So true. That's the brilliant evil in what "they" do. They create these victims who have no memory and no desire to find their soul.

    There are therapists who specialize in things such as "soul retrieval" by the way. But I'd be VERY careful who I went to for this. It's got to come from a referral of someone who is trustworthy.....and that can be difficult at best.

  83. Triggers are everywhere these days. If you don't want to be triggered don't go on the internet or watch tv.

  84. @ Shawn

    When you think about it, isn't this whole world one big fucking trigger, what with the adverts, TV, music, et al? How many warnings can you give before none of it is readable by the Monarch victims and thereby none of it is accessible to maybe that ONE victim who could be helped??

  85. "Why are people here unless they are concerned about helping mind control victims and exposing the perpetrators. Let's talk about that instead of soap opera stuff..."

    why are you questioning why others are here?

    just because a couple individuals are questioning your texts, which you seem intent on spamming around every so often, doesnt make them any less welcome...and it certainly doesnt mean they are against helping people over-come potential abuse they have/do suffer.

    its obvious that there are inaccuracies in your writings, its also possible it was due to the fact you fell for the tales of some alleged victim. or that you span the words to make your writing more intriguing to read.

    to quote you;

    "^^^^The person who gave me that information about Scott Stitham using foster kids in kiddie porn is an extremely close friend and I have every reason to believe she is telling me the truth. We talk on the phone all the time and both her and her son have visited my home on multiple occassions. I would never make that claim lightly. However, the activities that man is engaging in are far beyond reprehensible and I have no sympathy for his embarassment."

    that is you, taking the word of someone as entire 'truth'. like a christian does the Bible.

    are you 100% sure she had no grudge against this man? have you looked into the personal records and private relationship of this individual and checked? we both know the answers no, so you cant say for sure it wasnt that womans intention to destory his character.

    if, as the women alleges, he makes kiddie porn she should be able to prove it. Im talking physical evidence, video/audio.

    until she provides you with such material, you can only state for certain hes 'alleged' to par-take in such activity.

    close friend or no close friend, it doesnt mean jack if she has no physical proof...and lets face it, in that type of behaviour there would be physical proof.

  86. To the person that said her friend asked Gaga if she was a slave and Gaga looked at her blankly ... What the fuck else way would you expect her to look at her like?

    Do you think the whole world obsesses over this shit like you losers?

    If I asked Lady Gaga if her real name was Joe Crap the Ragman she'd look blanky too, but it would be proof of nothing at all.

    Get. A. Fucking. Grip.

  87. Why are comments being deleted here?

    The writer has the free speech to defame anyone (and more or less everyone) he wants, but people aren't allowed to say what they want on the comment board?

  88. I know one thing, he needs to invest in some dentures.

  89. I will delete your spam when it is warranted.

    As far as no trigger warnings, I've done that on a few posts but I kind of figured it goes without saying considering the material.

  90. Bilaal, you're an obvious troll, probably a sock puppet. Go away.

  91. That's an outright lie ben, and you know it.

    Shame on you.

  92. Here's a post I made on lady gaga and mirror symbolism, connecting it to mind control programming...

  93. If I were King of the Forest, Not queen, not duke, not prince.
    My regal robes of the forest, would be satin, not cotton, not chintz.
    I'd command each thing, be it fish or fowl.
    With a woof and a woof and a royal growl - woof.
    As I'd click my heel, all the trees would kneel.
    And the mountains bow and the bulls kowtow.
    And the sparrow would take wing - If I - If I - were King!
    Each rabbit would show respect to me. The chipmunks genuflect to me.
    Though my tail would lash, I would show compash
    For every underling!
    If I - If I - were King!
    Just King!
    Monarch of all I survey -- Mo--na-a-a--a-arch Of all I survey


    The anonymity theme seems to be common in fashion

  95. Must be something in the stars. The crowd is gettin' restless.

  96. You're out of the woods, You're out of the dark, You're out of the night.
    Step into the sun, Step into the light.
    Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place
    On the Face of the Earth or the sky.
    Hold onto your breath, Hold onto your heart, Hold onto your hope.
    March up to the gate and bid it open

  97. Ben, you should put a chat room on the blog perhaps? That would be nice. Instead of just conversating in comments. You could put it below the header or somewhere else where it fits.

    You can add a chat box for free:

  98. Why ae Brenda and her multple personalities posting Oz lyrics??

  99. Who here likes Saltines?

    That's my girl.

  100. I did not post that above at 10:44, Ben.

    I've five minutes from out of here if I continue to be spammed.

  101. She's an attention whore.

  102. You're not getting spammed, Brenda.

    You just use that as an excuse when you want to start posting gibberish.

  103. Creepy (the real one)12 February 2010 at 11:01

    ^^^The last comment I made was at 10:15 directed at Shawn. The rest are not mine.

    Whoever is doing this is British as they spelled "realize" the "wrong" way.

    Sad that trolls and spammers are going to run good people off of here.

  104. I know another MK person who was from a ritual abuse background, didn't find it at all strange that she lived in a masonic town, her sister was married to a marine, as was her father. She had recurring nightmares that someone was chasing her and was diagnosed bipolar. She also had chronic pain epsisodes for which there was no cause called fibromyalgia.

    When I first met her she was a rabid feminist and hated men. A year later she started dating a former marine and laughingly told me the lesbian thing had been a mistake, she just hadn't found the "right" guy??

    After about two weeks of dating him she was talking of selling her house and moving in with him. It was so bizarre.

    She also had a strange desire to be a female body builder at one point as she wanted to be "stronger".

  105. Hmmm...i think something was in his latest collection of samples that were sent out..they called them all back...sounds cryptic...

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    I hope you will understand that in regards to the recent demise of Mr. Lee Alexander McQueen, our immediate priority is to secure all items and garments from current and past collections. We are therefore stopping all trafficking of samples.

    I therefore ask you to please send back to us all items that are currently in your offices.
    Should some items or garments be out on shootings on outside locations, I ask you to pay the most strict attention in terms of securing these items, and to please send them back asap.

    It is our responsibility to keep Lee’s legacy safe and protected.

    Thank you for your understanding and support.

  106. Hahahahahhaa

    Something was in the samples?

    Jesus, who fucking paranoid could you be?

    They're trying to get them back because they'll be worth a shit load now and they don't want people profitting from the death

    Christ, some of you are so fucking dumb ... Do you know what a bad combination stupid and paranoid is?

  107. Jake and all your other personalities, I know who you are. Fuck off.

  108. Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

  109. Try to ignore this wave of trolling, let me know which comments are impostors and I'll delete them and clean up the spam over the weekend.

    Shawn, what is an outright lie? I have warned of potential triggering in posts like in the Kim Noble post "some images are very graphic I should warn, may be triggering" and have mentioned it in other posts sparingly (that all the symbols/etc I post on could potentially be triggers). But you are probably right in that there should be more trigger warnings throughout the blog, like I said the material I cover (which is all about triggers/psycho/programming/occult) will naturally be full of triggers, a site which links to this blog has a trigger warning in brackets next to it which I thought was a good idea and considered putting some kind of warning/disclaimer for the blog. It appears that you have already made your mind up about me and my motives though so I doubt there is anything I could say to convince you of my sincerity.

  110. ^^^It's comments like that that make the trolls love us.

  111. @Brenda

    Thanks a lot! I live on the east coast by the way, so anything in L.A. is a bit, out of the way :)! As a side note, I never know how to use punctuation after an emoticon. Is the smiley face a part of the sentence, should it be after the punctuation? Sorry for that if anyone is gravely offended by random commentary.

    Back to your comment, I don't believe in God, but I do believe in souls and spirits and stuff.

  112. I was referring to the post above yours, Ben, that accused Gaga of murder.

  113. I haven't posted under any other names, but if Anon thinks he/she knows who I am, please tell us.

  114. @12 February 2010 11:02 ,

    you'd need some hard time to find a town that technically isnt 'masonic' these days.

  115. This is the level of thinking the readers here are working with12 February 2010 at 11:17

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

    Lady GaGa flew to the Uk a day before he was found dead. She's about to start her leg of the tour over there...

    It wouldn't surprise me if she killed him.

  116. It's true. Lady GAGA was in the Uk a day before he was dead. In London to be exact, where McQueen's home is. Who's to know they didn't go out or see each other? We don't know, I'm just speculating that she has something to do with his death.
    It wouldn't surprise me! She's all about fame, whatever it will take for the attention to be all on her.

  117. If you have an interesting CONNECTION TO THE ARTICLE BEING DISCUSSED, that would be a great thing to leave a comment on. All of this other crap is--whether true or not--pointless to my own personal quest here: to read about interesting theories.

    Like, for instance, this link to a little girl's beauty pageant in which she is quite clearly being humped by a wolf on stage. I posted this a few weeks ago in the comment section but you were all busy talking about your own blogs, or about how special your own personal stories and connections with TV personalities are, that no one responded with how awesome I was for finding it.

  118. Hmm, out of curiosity..have those thinking the 'samples/clothing recall' taken into consideration the costly legality issues of selling/reproducing his stuff?

    his estate could sue them for a fortune for even showing a cuff now hes dead.

  119. Don't talk pissed, because the attention isn't on here, is it?

    It's on McQueen, you daft bint.

    So, unless she plays to admit to killing him, her plan is a bit flawed, isn't it?

    Go back to sleep now.

  120. once again, proof is required when stating lady gaga is a murderer.

    go on, someone..some know-it-all who is convinced.

    Im offering you out here; prove it. show me some video evidence. or even a photo that they were together.

    two big celeb types like gaga and him together and you think there wouldnt be a picture? wtf. she can barely shit without a photo appearing.

  121. What's the problem with living in a masonic town?

  122. @Jake,

    nothing. that was my point; it is hard not to live in a town somewhat connected to them.

  123. Creepy (the real one)12 February 2010 at 11:26

    Yeah, but she is certainly a suspect.

    It's so obvious with her. I'm sure she's killed before. I'm sure she conducts rituals all the time.

    God, just think of it. Her and Barbara Walters, wearing leather teddys and wiggling around like maniacs; bruises all over their tits.

  124. you should try not to let your x rated gaga/walters fantasy cloud your judgement, young Creepy.

  125. Creepy (the real one)12 February 2010 at 11:32

    It's not a fantasy, it's a reality.

    It's happened before, count on it.

  126. It occured just, in my head.

    It was strangely...erectifying.

  127. On Feb. 10th she was on Good Morning America:

    It's said on her forum that she flew to London after that interview to start press and interviews for her tour.

    I don't know if she met up with Alexander but he did design some of her stage outfits for her tour, so...

    On Feb. 16th she will be at the Brit Awards.

    She also plans to change her Monster Ball tour when it reaches the UK soon - she's going for a 'Wizard of Oz' influence.

    Did you see's logo. Alexander Queen's brand. Straight up wizard of oz programming. MC inside of OZ....

    I dont know if she even met up with him or not, it's possible. I'm just saying what I've read..

  128. Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man

  129. Evil sinister MK-Ultra handler: "Hey this McQueen guy has got to go, who do you suggest we use?"

    Evil Mk-Ultra Freedom Train Conductor: "How about Lady Gaga? He'll never see it coming, until it's too late."

    This blog has a lot of useful material, it is clear that something is going on, but if all the evidence you have is that 2 people are in the same country at a certain time, please, please, try to get a grip here. You are covering whatever truth we are getting here with a shovel full of undirected and speculative nonsense.

    This blogs succeeds in pointing out what is already in clear sight. There is no need to begin a game of "Celebrity Clue." Lady Gaga is a "certainly a suspect?"

    We can't control people who intentionally attempt to derail blog with antagonistic and absurd comments, but we can at least hold ourselves to some form of prudent accountability and thoughtfulness.

  130. I doubt he'd waste his time with a Catholic slut...or if he did, it would be for a photo op.

    hes male,a homosexual, so naturally she would have little use. unless she really does have a 9inch wang like some claim.

  131. Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man Ra-In-Man

  132. Creepy (the real one)12 February 2010 at 11:42

    Hey Chris, I didn't say Lady Gaga DID kill him, I'm just saying that someone certainly did kill him and she's a suspect because of the fact she's in the same city and she is confirmed DELTA programmed, you know?

    She could have hung him easily. We all know this.

  133. It's quite sad how a blog that is so interesting can be subverted so easily. I would really rather have Ben working on his next post rather than going through the comment sections cleaning up this rainman mess. Hey Ben. If you ever seen someone to come in and help let me know, I've gotten hours of good fun out of your work and wouldn't mind lending a hand.

  134. You've gout hours of fun out of this site, Chris?

    You sick bastard, you fucking rotter.

  135. Brenda,
    I know I am not the only person here who really appreciates your comments and insight. So don't give the annoying trolls so much power and disappear, ok? Anyone who would devote so much time to this is probably rather pitiful in the real let's put it in context.
    @anon 11:02,
    That is extremely interesting what you wrote about the lesbian who married the marine...I have been really interested in how some of the more paranoid strains of feminism are used as a programming tool for awhile now, so what you are saying is confirmation of that.

    Is there any way you could elaborate on what you just wrote?
    I'm sure there are others who would find it to be relevant...

  136. Chris, if youre the chris that usually posts, under 'c' too, read this post again;

    12 February 2010 11:37

    talk about pots and kettles man.

    the majority of the shit you post is speculative, and you dismiss anyone that yeah, apply it to any future posts YOU make.

  137. let's also put this into context, Venus is almost certainly a paid disinfo agent, trying to discredit Ben and his site.

  138. Well Creep, I won't stop you from entertaining that idea, but I do have to say that such speculation is very lean on evidence, motive, ties to reality, and in no way shape or form helps stimulate my imagination or help me to understand the true nature of the occult media. If you want someone killed, its not always the best idea to call in the most popular pop-star musician in the world to clean up the crime scene.

  139. @12 February 2010 11:48

    no Chris, venus is just someone who was rattled; she was someone who took the word of a alleged victim without seeing proof.

    disinfo agents wouldnt make such obvious mistakes. they would have had proof, whether it be paper or footage.

    shes a fool, and now since she cant take it, shes going on the offensive. damage mode. its typical of the sheep in wolves clothing.

  140. No, I'm a different chris, i have a lower case "c"! It would be sort of weird to tell Ben how much I love his site after telling him how all his shit is speculative huh ;p Unless I have multiple personalities....!

  141. Creepy (the real one)12 February 2010 at 11:53

    Alright guys listen, i know you're not following my theory about Gaga being the killer ... But I just watched the Bad Romance video again and the clues are all over that thing.
    Check it out on youtube. During the second verse...

  142. to be honest creep, I couldnt care less.

    shes just a little catholic girl who needs to reveal whether or not she does have a wang.

  143. "I want your ugly, I want your disease" perhaps she was referring to anal penetration from him previously?

  144. When an article gets shifted from McQueen to Lady Gaga you know you have a problem. Does anyone have a link worth sharing that can contribute to his story? Those sorts of things really are the best comments on this blog.

  145. God, I sure wish I had access to the kind of money that disnifo agents get. Then I would never have had to spend so much time at the food stamp office. LOL

    Sorry if my comment is off topic, I couldn't help but be amused...

  146. To V:

    I have a right just as everyone else to inform myself and go on this site! Who are you to tell me to "please stop coming to sites like this" or seek professional help?

    You do not know me at all! You cannot comprehend anything. I advise you, V, please..for your own sake, leave this blog. Comments here obviously shake you up and its not healthy!

    I also am not trying to convince anyone, i was sharing some odd things that have happened to me. Geez! You sure seem like you have alot of ISSUES yourself! HA!!!

    oh, and please, PLEASE! dont read the comments, they really seem to be making you sound like a dull, ignorant bully!

  147. also, just like everyone else already has, i am reading the venusinpeices blog, so i can read it and make my own judgement as well. i do have my own mind.

    and yes, i know people that do work in the entertainment industry. i have told them the things that happened to me, and they have helped me out.

    anyways, im not trying to share a story right now, however, if i want to, i damn well will!

    and if people like V dont want to read it, than dont! JUST DONT READ IT!!! trust me, it will help with your negativity and your blood pressure!


  149. Hi Ben,

    Wow, Alex Andra MQueen, goodness knows who's next! Not me cause I have nowt to do with High Fashion or such Elite Tools.
    Your blog as always gets to the parts others dare not tread.

    Blessed are the pure at Heart.

    Love and Luz

    Floss. x

  150. About Lady gaga responding, "you a cute little monster"

    its like she has been programmed to see others as "monsters"

    what kind of personaility does lady gaga actually have? Sure she may seem so innovative and creative, but everytime i hear her speak, it seems so scripted and generic. she wants her fans to see themselves as monsters.

    oh, i met the guy who created monster (the ones for vehicles and what not) he has a segway he drives around everywhere, this was at the john legend concert, there was a party afterwards. you can feel the weird energy in the air, at the concert....there was even a checkerboard in the background...i took some clips i can put on youtube when i get around to it...

  151. Lori, Don't worry about her so much. You have been contributing a lot of interesting posts here and that is the most important thing. :)

  152. such a pity about all these trolls, my time is constantly being wasted from having to sift through all the crap on here these days.

    and to the people speculating about whether lady gaga was involved with mcqueen's death....i think thats just laughable! like brenda and others have said, there's being awake and aware and then theres just being plain stupid/paranoid.

  153. Ben,

    You've got a fantastic blog and I've really enjoyed reading it over the last two years but I'm going to sign off now and leave here.

    It's tough enough to grasp this material and digest the implications without having to wade through all this spam, crap and being pretending to be me. Life is too important to me to deal with this.

    I've been upfront with everyone here and tried to share what I've learned and learn more from others. But I don't feel welcome here anymore.

    Good luck,


  154. brenda, don't leave! this is what they want!

  155. thank you! i always think it is best to keep your eyes open and just be aware of EVERYTHING that is going on...

    this blog is actually quite entertaining. if anyone who may actually know a thing about what is going on probably thinks this comment war is hilarious!

    and i read every comment myself and i do go to the links, such as the little red riding hood one, however, the video didnt work so i could not see what the commenter who gave the link to E! the soup was talking about...

  156. Brenda, don't leave ... That's a rash descision.

  157. That's probably the fake Brena! Anyways, I come here for the actual information from Ben, not for the comments section. They can be helpful, too, but leaving a blog because of what other people are saying about it? That's weak. If it bothers you that much, just comment under "anonymous" and you won't have to worry about your image being hijacked and we can concentrate on the information itself.

  158. what kind of personaility does lady gaga actually have? Sure she may seem so innovative and creative, but everytime i hear her speak, it seems so scripted and generic.

    ^^^Not to mention that godawful British accent she cultivates. She sounds like Madonna sometimes speaking in that stilted, pseudo intellectual way.

    After all she's not the ONLY person who went to college and studied philosphy and art history.


  159. Brenda, please take your meds. The comments back and forth to yourself are getting scary.

  160. Brenda, Why don't you just try posting anonymously for awhile?
    You are really doing the readers of this blog a huge service with your writing. I can understand why you would want to leave though.

    You know, it is really interesting that all of the compassionate, insightful and respectful commenters are the ones who are getting is like the trolls are allergic to the sincerity.

    There are a lot of good anonymous posts too though. Hope the good posters stick around...

  161. chris, Ben doesn't actually have any info of his own though. He just narrow mindedly throws up pictures that he thinks will support his warped view of things.

    Info? That makes me laugh, he can barely type a sentence, hence the four hundred pictures in each post.

  162. Lori, maybe Gaga sounds scripted and generic because she's shy having to talk in front of cameras when she's not performing.

    Just because someone is creative and artistic, it doesn't mean they're interesting and outgoing.

    Or maybe it's easier for you to believe the woo-woo, mk, evil occult version?

    That says a lot about you.

  163. We could also talk about how Brenda is crying about taking her ball and going home, and everyone is pandering too her, when not that long ago I watched as all the established posters on here ganged up against someone who was just trying to put across some valid info.
    And why? because she dared to suggest Springmeir was bullshit? This place makes me sick some time, you think you've got it all worked out and you haven't got clue number one.

  164. Wow...the drama. the comments section on this blog has officially gone to the shitter.
    Keep it up with the excellent posts...but from now on I will certainly not waste my brain reading the chaos of comments. I would suggest disabling them and just creating a chat or little forum.
    i'm feed bad for Ben...his content is excellent but it's attracted know who you are.

  165. A chat room would be a bad idea.

    A forum is an option, but Ben is clearly a cheapskate so he'd end up with one of those free boards and the people we're dealing with here would hack it pretty easy.

    I mean, Ben doesn't even have a .com for God's sake.

    But yeah, the people doing this have trashed several MK sites; these are not the standard interent trolls.

  166. Lori, maybe Gaga sounds scripted and generic because she's shy having to talk in front of cameras when she's not performing.

    ^^Yes, just like she's shy about walking around on the street in a black leotard, hooves, and clown makeup holding a tea cup.

    Delicate Lady Gaga, I'm sure.

  167. I cn't wait till the joker that runs this place gets hit with a lawsuit.

    What's he gonna do then? You think it's all fun and games, saying shit like this about people?

    Dude probably lives in his parent's basement; I'd love to see him in court trying to fight his corner.

  168. Did it ever occur to anyone that the people who are cluttering the blog with infighting and silliness WANT a forum to be created so they can better harvest info on the members in a way that can't be done through blogger??

    I would be very skeptical of someone offering to create forum for this site.

  169. I really wonder why Jarvis and Maricella and so many others spend their time regularly visiting a blog, reading hundreds of comments, and making comments of their own when they think the content is so poor, uninformed, or misguided. Personally, I don't go to mainstream media websites and tell readers of the New York Times or the forums that they are all misinformed and have warped and narrow mindsets. I might think it's true, but it would be boring and a poor use of my time to do so.

    Instead, I prefer to visit the blogs of people who discuss topics which interest me, and I even hope that other like-minded people write in the comments section so we can all share ideas that we are all at the same time concerned and captivated by. Ben is a cheap skate? How much money would you like him to devote to his blog? Either read it or don't, but please spare our eyes with your pointless remarks.

  170. chris, don't tell me I shouldn't be here; I've been reading this site for a long time.

    And in that time, I've seen Ben and his sheepdogs suppress any info that moves away from this big hollywood production version of MK/Monarch.

    And I wonder why.

    I never said anything about money, I have no idea what you're referring to there.

  171. "Or maybe it's easier for you to believe the woo-woo, mk, evil occult version?"

    "This place makes me sick some time, you think you've got it all worked out and you haven't got clue number one."

    Marcella, when I read these 2 comments by you it appears as though you are in complete disagreement with the general premise provided by the "Pseudo Occult Media" idea. Believe it or not, I am beginning to question how prevalent the MK-Ultra is in Hollywood and elite societies myself. I was as against it as you appear to be--by mocking everyone and saying no one here has a clue, and by apparently believing that Lady Gaga is just a normal artist trying to get by in this crazy world--well, I would probably have lost interest in this particular website.

    And that was what I was getting at, though I didn't tell you to leave, it certainly looks like I am pointing to the door, mb. As for your not saying anything about money, that was in reference to someone else.

  172. Considering that I've seen truma-based conditioning first hand, and I know exactly what it looks like, I have NO intention of leaving.

    Not as long as these lies are being spread so freely.

    And yeah, Gaga doesn't fit the profile of all. Sorry, but you can't learn some things, you have to live them. Can't read about them online either.

  173. Well, I'll never meet Lady Gaga so I'll never know about her mk-ultradness, but those videos of her clearly depict trauma-based conditioning, so I guess we'll just have to keep to discuss those things that we CAN read about online. I tried to say that I wasn't attempting to make you leave.

    So what is your personal hypothesis of the significance of this little miss sunshine pageant contestant dressing up as red riding hood while being humped on stage by the big bad wolf?

  174. stop arguing, ffs.

  175. Marcella, the person youre referring to who was 'ganged up on' by the 'regulars' Im inclined to believe is you.

    dont get me wrong, Im not saying that to 'mock you' in any way.

    however, I did at the time ask if you were willing to share the info you were hinting you knew of, and you didnt.

    Im glad you have now said you were abused/programmed though, as it was what came to my mind then...based upon how defensive you were.

    had you spoke about that, and actually corrected the 'regulars' who were implying you were only here to be disruptive, it wouldve been a lot easier eh?

    Its like I said then, its your choice to contribute. forget the 'regulars' and their opinions.

  176. @chris

    theyre trying to get us to bang cats and dogs, as an alternative to humans, to stop population growth IMO.

  177. i dont think lady gaga came up with her getups herself, i dont think she even came up with her own music, im not one of her "little monsters" so i dont believe what her site and such say about her. sites like this do go into questioning, key word QUESTIONING! no one is claiming these are correct and no one here is sheep just eating in all of this info, i for one and making observations myself...

    anyways, i also read from this site, about britney spears and her brittish accent. it seems that there may be something about having that british accent? lady gaga does seem to have it, as does madonna, and i am sure i have heard actresses too using an accent like this (brittany murphy anyone!?! on...craig ferguson show)..

    i wonder if that has to do with one of their altars or something? and yes lady gaga is a fantastic performer, and so are all of them, but they all say they feel like a different person on stage. look at michael jackson, he was very shy in person, but on stage he was a legend...

    this blog is about that, so when people here leave comments calling us crazy and stuff, than why are THEY here to begin with?

  178. oh its like they TRANSFORM into the performer we see on stage, like the metamorphosis of that of a BUTTERFLY...

    and of course they have their own personalities, but lady gaga seemed to have been used to show a robotic babylonian robot, i still cant shake the image of her brushing her hair with a hello kitty brush and saying, I want the fame...i want the fame...sounding totally robotic...

  179. @Brenda-----Boo-hoo GOOODBYE!----you are such a drama queen.
    And to the morons that like to kiss her tail......Keep wasting space begging her like the little hanger-on idiots that you are. What do you think the message to Ben in this freaking comment section was for----she wants you to beg her to stay and keep feeding her ego. Otherwise she would have sent Ben a PERSONAL message instead. But then again, maybe announcing it here is a good thing----she can take her lapdogs on this site to follow her on twitter or some shit.

  180. @15:43 you absolute moron, shut the fuck up. brenda is a legend on this blog!

  181. drama-rama children.
    people that don't like it here on this blog should go find something else to do...seriously, it's really getting old.

  182. Interesting comments made by Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld in reference to Alexander McQueen “I found his work very interesting and never banal.
    “There was always some attraction to death, his designs were sometimes dehumanised. Who knows, perhaps after flirting with death too often, death attracts you.”

  183. Those who stare into the abyss too long become the abyss.

    I've been reading about mind control, occult symbolism, and other conspiracies for a year now. The more you spend your time focused on it, reading about it, discussing it the more you will become it. The more you will see symbols and other things and automatically think "OMG, it's mind control!"

    Yes, I'm saying all of you are mind controlled merely by digging into mind control stuff. Look at all of the comment and posts on this blog.
    Everyone's like a little robot, anticipating Ben's next blog, bitching, moaning, complaining, lying, playing games, trying to put together little clues and puzzle pieces as if it's going to really matter in the long run.

    Think about it for a second. It's all a waste of time discussing this trife shit that doesn't concern any of us. Where's the LOVE? compassion? in any of these ramblings, and blog posts.

    Find your heart center, and learn to live out of it. Go volunteer and help people. That's all that is true and real when it's all said and done.

    I decided to help a few neighbors today shoveling snow out of their driveways. That made me feel for more connected and in tune with nature and the people who live around me than any kind of discussion on the internet.

    Seriously people turn off your TVs, Internet connection, and go live your life, as I will be doing tonight. Good times with friends! Cheers!

  184. Brenda left here for obvious reasons. I don't get the feeling like she was an egomaniac or whatever. I always found her comments good reading and her links relevant. I sure don't get that her goodbye was a drama reaction either. From what I could tell by her comments, she was probably older than most of us here.

    Oh, and I'm not kissing her ass, either.

    You know, Ben, people might be coming here to learn more and some MK victims *may* want to comment. But how in the hell are they going to feel safe to talk about their experiences if they have to deal with all this shit? I agree with the person above who said that people on other non-MK blogs don't attack each other like they do on this one. Makes you think, doesn't it?

  185. Ben is the legend----a young man who designed a simple blog that captured the attention of hundreds of thousands. And I guess some of these regular assholes on here are just peeved because they can't tell Ben what to do with HIS blog. THIS IS NOT BRENDA'S BLOG nor is it any of you morons' and it's swell that ALL OPINIONS are welcome. I love this blog and many others will agree. Ben, you are doing a FANTASTIC job! Don't let anyone try and boss you around!

  186. I just re-read brenda's last post and I thought it was intelligent and dignified; unlike 90% of you lot.

    I found her post's thought-provoking and smart. Of course, it's Ben's blog but if you get lucky, you attract good people who can add worthwhile comments that make it even better. I come here for the blog as much as the comments.

    But I see why she left. Why "cast pearls before swine?"

  187. I absolutely agree with anon at 17:14. SO true. Brenda, is that you?

  188. Errrrrrrrrr........WTF?

    V, wow, I'm speechless, and right there with ya.

    Perhaps this is by design?

    Very much missing the brilliant regulars whose succinct yet mind-blowing connections and comments rarely, if ever, include the word...."I."

    PUHLEEZ. Post the novels on your own blogs.


  189. They should take it to their blogs, but there's only crickets there, hence their clingyness to this place.

    Ben, I'm sorry what this place has become. I'll lurke around but will be avoiding the comments section completely until the trolls leave (maybe screening comments from now own would be the best? Just a suggestion). Sad there can't be an interesting discussion anymore.

    Keep up the good work, and hopefully the people who need help, get it.


  190. V why do you get mad when others leave comments? we are all entitled too. maybe you dont want to hear it if it is not part of a news article or a blog, but no one is asking you too. good! stay away from the comments! like i said, its for your own well being!

    sad how Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed on the opening day of the olympics...what a way to start the olympics...

    one would wonder, was that...a sacrifice to the olympics?!? its still sad.

    and canada is a beautiful country. this country is beautiful! the northern lights all the wonders of the world! we have to remember we are all a part of this world! and yes, we have to live our lives too. we must be healthy in our minds and lifestyles!

    its good to just share things with people who arent so mean-spirited, but i guess thats just not the laws of the internet!!!


  191. I still find it very odd that this the third death with connections to Lady Gaga. It's unnerving. I know that coincidences happen yet I can't help but wonder if there is something to it.

    Regardless of the connections, I do feel sad for the friends, family and co-workers of Mr. McQueen.

    Thanks for a great blog, Ben. No matter the trolls, it's still informative.

  192. i dont know if anyone is interested, but these are quotes in remembering alexander mcqueen, from anna wintour of vogue, to kate moss, to tyra banks, to lady gaga herself..

    word verification : dismist

  193. gee i guess lady gaga really is shy....that was wrong of me to say she has no personality! (sorry im in a sarcastic mood right now...but this site had some interesting posts on it, like rihanna acting like a cat, of course, in japan...also had an excerpt of lindsay lohan on that controversial jesus photoshoot...

  194. Regarding Anon. Feb 11th 23:07 comment about occult having very great paranormal abilities with potential to do good. I agree! I always thought Wow! These MK people have such talent to do good in ways that are lacking in the healing profession (spiritually). All wisdom aboriginal cultures had/have people with the extraordinary ability to see and act beyond the 'norm'. I like the Carlos Castaneda books, but there are many stories of healing magic and love from aboriginal peoples the world over. This is a main reason why I hope these MK people can deprogram and help our dumbed down species live with every other non human being. Let's get talking to the plants or clams or something useful. Also, I now totally get the created autistic Ra In Man thing thanks to that post. Useful. Keep it coming. Once is fine tho.

  195. This comment has been removed by the author.

  196. Im sure you saw this but incase not:

    Interesting link between Alexander Macqueen, Rhianna, J.D. Salinger, A. Crowley and the Klaxons

    Excellent blog by the way!
    Peace from the Kool Skool


    Either the double wasnt well programmed either the real, if still alive, is breaking his programming more and more...


  198. @13 February 2010 03:19

    or...HE ISNT PROGRAMMED..nah cant be that can it? ;)


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