Yôsuke Kobayashi is a detective and is on the case of a serial killer who dismembers his victims. The killer later sends Yôsuke's girlfriend dismembered but kept alive.[1] Yôsuke hunts down the killer and due to the events, loses his sanity and develops Dissociative identity disorder with the two main personalities being Kazuhiko Amamiya, a cool headed detective and Shinji Nishizono, a reckless psychopath.[1] After being placed in prison for murderering the killer, Yôsuke Kobayashi is released and works for an independent detective agency ran by Machi Isono.[1] Later serial killers are appearing with barcodes in their left eyes, which Yôsuke Kobayashi also has. Yôsuke Kobayashi investigations lead him to believe he is not who he thinks he is and that his Kazuhiko and Shinji personality existed since childhood. During the Lucy Seven case, Shinji gains control of Yôsuke Kobayashi and disappears.[2][3]
Later, it is found out that the Gakuso organization is behind the barcodes. Machi investigates and learns that Kazuhiko Amamiya and Shinji Nishizono are personalities genetically created so that they could merge into a personality that is alike to Lucy Monostone. It is revealed that there are multiple Shinji Nishizono personalities and that one exists in Machi's sister, Miwa.[4] Miwa meanwhile runs into Yôsuke Kobayashi on a plane and manages to absorb the Kazuhiko Amamiya personality.[5] At the same time, Tetora Nishizono escapes from the Gakuso organization and runs into Miwa.[6] She later gives the Kazuhiko personality to Tetoro who she asks to keep Kazuhiko alive.[6]
A few years later, Tetora continues his run from the Gakuso organization.

"the 'barcode eye-tattooed killers' [barcode = manufactured product/ownership] is a metaphor for the global army of MK'd/programmed individuals used in an infinite number of ways."
I think one of their biggest uses at this point is fitting in with the rest of society to make everything look as if nothing were different, for example all those people you see shuffling around shopping malls, driving their cars, going to Jonas Brothers concerts, worker drones spending money, etc... Then there is that which they are programmed to deny, the fact that there is a very real threat perpetuated through the people they call their "heroes" (the politicians, corporations, TV stars, basically everything you've shown us here at your blog) and they deny any existence of a shadowy hand controlling things from behind the scenes.
Great post, I am familiar with MiiKe's work, and it is all dissociative/beyond fucked up. I think you made a post for the movie Audition, it pretty much drags you into a loving state of mind and then slaughters it mercilessly... Not to mention the girl character is basically a sex-slave-assassin portrayed on the big screen.
I think David Carradine may have been taken out by one of these alters, they always say it was suicide when that happens.
wv: trons
Speaking of David Carradine....http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gtLjW61Ww5Z32FjMC3hNzRZo5F1wD98K5K0G0
This caught my eye...."At the premiere of "Break" a month ago, Carradine was introduced to an actor and magician who remarked that he had never been to Hollywood's Magic Castle, a famed private club for magic enthusiasts, Krueger said. Carradine took the man there the next day, Krueger said."
Magic? Private Club? Hmmmmm, out of that whole article, that part popped right out at me...His death, the circumstances, just doesn't sound right....
The new MGMT video for the song Kids
Comment it!
Oy- MGMT are doing way too much acid- that video is disgusting.
This Japanese horror shit is disgusting as well. There was a cult researcher who studied the AUm Shunrikyo cult and really pinned the blame on the dehumanizing effects of the Japanese school system that treats children like little data ports for download.
It's a shame- there's so much I love in Japanese culture, but there is that whole Unit 731 undertow there as well. It's the god-damned chimpanzee DNA that needs to be flushed forever from our genome. The sick, psychotic, ignorant part of our makeup. Maybe those damned Annunaki need to come back and finish the project already...
Hey ben. I found another story in the "news" that recently popped up. Its about David Carradine who played in 'kill bill' that was supposedly found dead (hanging in his closet) from "suicide". of course,Entertainment Tonight (everybody who makes the news on that stankin show is Mk'd) reported it. Now, they are saying that he died from a 'sex act'. I think that's messed up how the elite use the slaves then humilate them even after their death. I'm sure if you look into his history you will find that he is Mk's somewhere. Happy posting......
No need to remind it, still I do: DAVID CARRADINE's death is a copycat of MICHAEL HUTCHENCE's...
EVA LONGORIA keeps the faith, lol. At least she didnt have it tattooed on her butt...
I have some Manga from Japan that my brother in law brought back from that island. It is called the death of God. WTF are those masses of Japanese reading these days? A 72 year old man jacking off with a neck tie around his you know what? I do believe his hands were tied? Sounds like redrum to me. Just where the hell is sanity? wv yogiess. Dennis from Oregon
"Additionally, Marina Anderson alleged in a sworn declaration that Carradine engaged in an "incestuous relationship with a very close family member.""
Link to story
Sounds familiar! Pun not intended...
Not a fan of Take That? Become one now:
Those court documents are required reading! Interesting to see Scientology popping up there too. Marina changed her name to Coco D'Este (back to marina now). Shouldn't really expect anything less though from a prominent family of Hollywood actors (I'm sure we're going to hear more about this, the incestuous relationship etc) ;S Wouldn't know where to start on a post on them :| tonnes of stuff there (their roles, relationships etc) one became a vice-president of Walt Disney Imagineering, one from the younger generations Martha Plimpton "dated" River Phoenix, etc. More evidence of just how incestuous and fucked up the whole industry is; typical manipulated (over generations) Hollywood family (starting with John) I think (the sexual deviant behavior/incest/alcoholism/sexually humiliating his 'cocobot' [who it says was suffering from PTSD/dissociation]/physical abuse/etc is a result of his own "programming" I feel).
speaking of River Phoenix and his family, anyone remember when Joaquin Phoenix went on David Letterman, acting totally bizarre, and at the end David Letterman says cryptically "its too bad Joaquim couldn't be here today."
its almost like Letterman knows that Joaquim is MPD.
The way it is said reminds me of other stars who Letterman has possibly had to cancel at the last minute because they cannot be 'switched back' in time for the show.
Maybe this was one of the rare occasions where one of them slipped through in a dysfunctional alter. see the video here:
I would agree on David Carradine being programmed and a victim of this stuff for sure. Ever seen the original Death Race 2000? His character is named "Frankenstein" and after a traumatizing car accident he is "rebuilt" (programmed) and continues his career as a sport-murderer.
Ben, I sent another email (this time minus the scary/risky shit), it's formatted all weird for some reason but it's been sitting in your inbox for a few days now, not sure if you've read it... Sorry if it's a hassle to respond to emails or something, if so I'll just stick to comments here.
I remember that interview with Joaquin Phoenix, he is definitely MK'd...
i often wondered what was this bizarre Phoenix appearance...media said that was just a comedy stunt (yeah, right), but i'm not so sure...knowing his brother that's not hard to believe he is MKD and there will be more bizarre actions from him...and Letterman sounds like a programmer, he very often says very strange things (like those all celebrity interviewers, see Jonathan Ross and his programming/switching with Miley Cyrus)...
About those Japan/Asian movies they are VERY extreme...i mean most extreme movies comes from Asia (try Old Boy from Korea, so much MK themes there)...people are thinking it's just a gore/sexploitation/mondo/cannibal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploitation_film#Subgenres), just a extreme movie genre (i for one like very much slasher movies, but only when GOOD guy wins at the end, now there are tons of that kind of shit with all good/innocent dying at the end of movie - sign of the times i suppose, in 80s always good guys were winning), but with this it's some much more, like you point with Miike cult figure among gore fans...it's interesting to see what's themes are in major movies, but this underground movies are far more telling IMO...
dude off topic but check out GARDENS OF THE NIGHT. a movie made in 2008. just saw it last night on showtime. the mk references are so blatent its laughable. also its about the child sex trade. very very sad movie. very high profile actors in it too.
Recent KATE MOSS on TAP cover by fucked up Damien Hirst:
Twins again, from actor JEFFREY TAMBOR and his much younger wife, KASIA OSTLUN....
Check this out:
Cheers for Gardens of the Night movie tip 13:03, I hadn't heard of it, looks ridiculously blatant.
Great stuff as always Chris, I had posted the Liz Hurley leopard-print child sexualization in the 'Leopard Never Changes It's Spots' post btw, added in that improved/more blatant/explicit image which I had been looking for at the time, much appreciated.
Ugh, Maddison should tell people a lot about the fashion industry and confirm a lot of what's being said about it. It's amazing how someone (the mother) can be so naive to how the pedophilic fashion/entertainment industry works (now it's moving from suggestive pedophilia to overt pedophilia using actual children [with things like the Hurley kid sex-kitten leopard clothing to clearly confirm this is the direction it's headed]).
Masked slaves, dunno if you saw this on the Metro site, just noticed it through your link:
Also, Pixie Lott is getting her expected push from the media.
Daily mail added in the info from Carradine's ex-wife about incest/etc into their article, interesting that the comments are in denial about their 'hero', "How many pieces of silver did you get for this story Marina.", "..speaking ill of David Carradine now.. never believe the word of an 'ex'".... it was part of a private court document accidentally made public YEARS before the death, nothing to do with 'cashing in' from the death... but we've all been succesfully conditioned to think that all attractive women/wives are gold-diggers who would say and do anything for money and fame, shame.
Carradine's death photo was leaked + he'll be a guest star in a show I've been watching recently, 'Mental' on Tuesday's episode, he gets struck by lightning putting him in a catatonic state (electroshock/dissociation symbolic). May use that as a starting point for a Carradine post depending on where they go with it.
Estella Warren is in it as his daughter I think (I heard speculation that the incestuous relationship he had was with one of his daughter Calista Miranda [his other daughter is called KANSAS + another one called SIENNA]). More info on his mind control cult Scientology connections.
MM is losing the plot, hopefully he crashes and burns.
out of context
but i see vanessa paradis
mentioned often
i remembered reading about her
in serge gainsbourgs biography
'fistful of gitanes'
seeing her picture
and being amazed at her beauty
i am just now seeing
that she is with johnny depp
and that they have two kids
i dont follow mainstream celebs
but my thought is that
her wikipedia entry sure is skimpy
for such a high-profiled person
im in india
and my connection stinks
so i cant load some pages so well
but a quick google of:
"vanessa paradis gainsbourg"
yields this as the top hit:
Vanessa Paradis and Serge Gainsbourg hit it off immediately, Gainsbourg nicknaming the young singer "Lolycéenne" ("Lolita schoolgirl")...
one must note the
father/daughter collaboration
betwixt serge and charlotte
"lemon incest"
as much as it pains me
being a big fan of serges work
he was a terrible mess
Hi Ben Singleton (Yikes - Ben 10!)
Being completely impressed with your blog I decided to flick through the cartoon channels on cable and see what was up. I didn't need to look far to see the themes playing out.
Powerpuff girls was running a show where one of the girls had this helmet on that made her think she was someone else (Mojo-Jojo) and so she beat up her sisters. When the helmet came off she was completely dissociated (of course)...
After that (literally) on came Ben 10 and it started off with a girl walking through a door...
You really gotta check this one out, cause it features girls being handled by a dude called Mike Morningstar - it's completely on the money with everything you talk about here...
See ya
have a look at this synopsis for an episode of a kids show called "Growing Up Creepie" (if you haven't already).
Hey Ben Singleton just stumbled across your blog in a google search and I love it. I just wanted to say I heve seen Bad Guy seceral times and even though I enjoy it it definitely had MK themes throughout. The directors name is Kim Ki-Duk and even though I love his movies there are MK/duality themes in most of his new stuff. Check out "Dream" for /duality, "Samaritan Girl" twinning/child prostitution, Now that I think about it just about all of his movies should be looked into. Also he's from South Korea fyi and another south korean director you should look into is Chan Wook-Park and his movies "Olboy" and "I'm A Cyborg But That's Ok"
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