Tiberius did not have to worry about prying cameras. But tales soon emerged out about what the emperor was doing on his island. When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his “minnows”, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, “Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.” More likely, perhaps, than the implausible rumours of Mr Berlusconi's activities? [quote from the previously linked Times article on Berlusconi]

It is common sense that all these people with unchecked power will use it to fulfill their own sick fantasies, and have always been doing it throughout history. The dick below (in more sense than one) is the Czech ex-Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, enjoying some of the perks of being on the side of the ruling class in his retirement (the use of sex-slave models and such).
Silvio's ex-wife Veronica Lario also said of her former husband: "many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon", this is certainly the case of Noemi Letizia and many others; original source for these images and more/background info on them from El Pais. Edit: Thanks a lot to Ginevra in the comments, not at all a surprise (not to readers of this blog anyway) he calls the young girls in his harem 'butterflies', Noemi being the latest 'Berlusconi butterfly' [remember Noemi's surname 'Letizia' is the name of a genus of butterfly, I linked to this story a while back in the ridiculously pertinent post 'Collecting Butterflies' (I've described the mentality behind these fuckers to a degree in that post I think)]; some more info on this (there's obviously a lot more too that I am not aware of, always keep an eye on the extremely insightful comments) in a Times article:
Elisa Alloro, 33, a former showgirl turned television presenter, has offered the first glimpse behind the closed gates of Villa Certosa, describing the 72-year-old billionaire as an exuberant host who likes to give the young women on his guest list tips on how to wear their hair and lectures them on botany.
Her account coincides with reports by Italian media which name a former nude model, Sabine Began, as the “Queen Bee” among the succession of pretty girls at Mr Berlusconi’s parties. [Please checkout 'Sabine' wiki, tells you exactly what this is about ("The Rape of the Sabines", Romans would kidnap Sabine women etc), slavery! The butterfly tattoo, as noted on numerous occasions suggests she is a Monarch programmed slave, and the name certainly supports this too.]
Il Riformista claimed that Ms Began, who has a tattoo of a butterfly — a symbol linked to Mr Berlusconi — was the “crucial link to the parties at Villa Certosa”. The newspaper also hinted that the photographs seized by Italian police last weekend showed a woman fitting Ms Began’s description arriving at the villa. [probably one of the slaves I noted in the pictures]
Ms Alloro described fondly the fantastic grounds of Villa Certosa, claiming that as soon as guests enter the botantical gardens, they are dazzled by butterfly houses, lakes full of terrapins, and a natural grotto that has been carved into the shape of a whale [phallus + has largest phallus of all mammals so this is pretty obvious], with statues of Pinocchio and Geppetto squatting in its belly.
There is even the artificial volcano, which guests can watch erupting a spectacular light show, as they dine by the lakeside. “Lights cascade down the side, as if they were lava,” Ms Alloro recalls.
Ms Alloro, from Reggio Emilia, first met Mr Berlusconi in 2005, when interviewing him about a bridge-building project, and was flown to Sardinia for a “working lunch” shortly afterwards. She was among the glamorous young women with little or no political experience, whom Mr Berlusconi put forward as candidates for the European elections this year. They were dropped after prompting the fury of his wife.
Mr Berlusconi’s relationship with Sabine Began raised eyebrows last year, when she was reported to have sat on his knee at a party celebrating his election victory, while he sang a famous Napoletan song, Mala Femmena (Bad Woman).
He allegedly said, “If there were a photographer here, this shot would be worth 100,000 Euro.” She has a butterfly tattooed on her ankle, with the words, “The meeting that changed my life” and “SB” — the initials they both share [she was probably born to be a programmed slave for Silvio, considering her name etc I don't see this as unlikely].
Sabine Began was unavailable for comment. [Monarch sex-slaves have no voice; the Times (and those 'in the know') knows that, that final line is their humor.]
"Mr Berlusconi will offer guests a personal tour of the gardens. As they walk through eucalyptus and cacti, he informs them that, unbeknown to many, Sardinia is an active volcanic zone. “When the group approaches the lake he pretends to become worried. At that point, one hears a crazy explosion,” Mr Briatore told Corriere della Sera. An artificial volcano works its magic on cue, erupting in a spectacular light show. “It’s a game.” [will be used as part of programming or just as part of their sadistic fun in scaring the shit out of traumatized slaves and such] When asked why so many of the guests happen to be beautiful young women, Mr Briatore replied: “[Berlusconi] loves to surround himself by young people: they are less boring, they give you inspiration, they are the future.” Lele Mora, Italy’s top talent scout and a longtime friend of Mr Berlusconi, told The Times that he would often bring along friends and clients when invited to parties by the Prime Minister. He denied being a fixer who facilitated meetings between the girls and Mr Berlusconi. Two years ago Mr Mora was at the centre of the “Vallettopoli” scandal — or “Showgirl-Gate” — in which he was accused of criminal conspiracy and extortion during an investigation into the alleged supply of callgirls and drugs to parties. Fabrizio Corona, a photographer, was jailed for blackmailing celebrities, offering to sell back any compromising pictures he had taken of them. Mr Mora was cleared." (probably by corrupt officials/court system who are deeply involved)]probably much more relevant info elsewhere (post has got a bit messy, hopefully it's still coherent).

A few more images of Ms Letizia to finish this short post (one with dark hair in red doesn't look like her but here's the source). [I have a bigger post in the works, things have been put a bit on the back burner as of late, should pick up in the coming days/week.] The below photo features the gold/diamond necklace given to her by 'Papi' Berlusconi for her birthday: "'It was a lovely surprise to see the man I call Papi (daddy) at my party. ‘I call him Papi but of course he is second to my father. He gave me a lovely necklace as a present.'"

I had been waiting for a post on this douchebag. The fact that even people on the "same side" as him call him "modern-day Tiberius" implies that Berlusconi is also a pederast, though to them it's probably a compliment... (the stuff about Tiberius is disgusting btw)
I had heard about the Italian porn star politicians, I'm not sure it's any worse than a weightlifter/actor politician, like California's Schwarzenegger :[ or even dead president Ronald Reagan...
It's interesting how they get us to worship these people through obvious mind control. A lot of people are deep down in a bad place in reality, having completely forgotten who they are or why they're really here.
When it comes to the US media and foreign policy, left wing and right wing are meaningless distinctions. They all support whatever action is in the best interest of Israel.
Good u finally covered this subject and more detailed. As for Suetonius and his version of Tiberius' life story I wouldnt bet is true 100%. Like many others he is/was known to distort the truth from various reasons, including political ones. Of course it doesnt mean Tiberius was a cherub :)...
Marina Anderson, a kitty:
Miley Cyrus and Jon Benet Ramsay
Topolanek was (IMO he still is, this go waya in few days) media darling (european media) he is proUN, progay marriages, pro abortion, pro global warming all that kind of "important" matters...on another hand president Klaus who is eurosceptic is labelled as maniac - pedophile (yeah that right) Cohn-Bendit insults him in Prague...just like brother's Kaczynscy in Poland Klaus is ridiculed and people like Topolanek (in Poland we have prime minister just like this piece of shit) have all the praises etc...there is few good people among politicians but they are in minority and they never win...this photos of Topolanek doesn't suprise me at all, very sleazy guy, he'll do anything for money...
PS I watched yesterday Australia from Baz(Oz) Luhrmann and there is one scene there when Nicole Kidman (she looks in that movie really bad, she was such a beautiful woman) sings a song to kid and guess what it is? Somewhere Over The Rainbow (melodie from this song is chanted through whole movie, you can see fragments of old Oz movie), Baz seems to know what he's doing, since he directed Moulin Rouge.
sorry for triple post :)
Hi Ben,
fyg, the 'young ladies' of Berlusconi are called butterflies
I can not find anything in english, but it seems Berlusconi's habit to give the young ladies jewelry in the shape of butterflies as gift. Maybe you can find something in the English version of the ESPRESSO.
But what attracts my attention is actually why something like this came in the press (knowing thta main italian newspapers are nothing but vehicles for cripted messages that group of powers use to communicate in plane sight). I think there is something else playing here and there will be some other stuff like this in the future. And by the way, Mrs Lario, have you seen her playing horror movies from Dario Argento in her early years? For sure a person to pay some attention to....
curiously Dario Argento directed first movie from Jennifer Connelly (Phenomena from 85) and is father to acctress Asia Argento (from XXX movie)...
From Wiki: Her father used to read her his scripts as bedtime stories (most Dario Argento movies are sick gore fest, so perfectly good for child nothing to worry)
At the age of fourteen, she ran away from home.She was also an introvert and read to make up for having no friends.
you might call this scary....
or you might call this other one scary...
I hope my comment doesn't address the subject of the previously deleted commentary. The gift necklace from Berlusconi to his 'little graphic artist' appears to be of female genitalia with a splash of white pouring forth. What a freak.
Read this story about Lohan as seen by a Mirror journalist:
" I’m used to celebrities getting wasted, making fools of themselves and larking around.
But what I witnessed at London’s Cuckoo nightclub this week was beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.
Step forward fallen movie star Lindsay Lohan who was on the table next to me at the Swallow Street venue.
I watched open-mouthed as Linds sat with her straggly hair all over her face looking strangely detached from the world and mumbled: “I feel so, like, caged. Totally caged.”
Unfortunately, the creepy behaviour continued as Lindsay and her posse visited the bathrooms.
My spy tells me: “She just wouldn’t stop saying she felt caged. She was just not all there and it really was like watching a broken girl in the middle of a complete breakdown.
“She spent much of the night furiously texting Sam Ronson – and wasn’t best pleased about the texts she was getting.
“Everyone with her was actually very concerned about her. She seemed like a girl on the brink of self- destruction.”
And there was even more cause for concern when Linds returned from the loo.
My jaw once again dropped as Lindsay – who had a vodka in hand throughout the night – squirmed around as if trying to hide in a ball on the floor."
Hey wanted to ask peep's opinion on this -even though this has nothing to do with this post. Anyone know what (and why) sign this woman is making? This is the only info i could find on the identity of this woman: Martha Villasenor, a recipient of a microloan (for her business in Mexico) from an microfinance organization – Finca - which Natalie serves as an “ambassador”
Any comments apreciated. Thankx
where is Leo Zagami when he need him?
imagine what Zagami would have to say on this Berlusconi . I miss Kentroversy.
Kentroversy would have been all over this , doing interviews, research.
Rest in Peace Kentroversy, you will not be forgotten.
Not so sound trite, but is that his penis? I had to really squint to see it--I thought it was a finger at first. Just further proves one of my peronal theories--some of the most messed up men in the world truly do suffer from "little man" syndrome. By the way, I love reading your blogs. Thanks so much for sharing.
Old ex-Presidents still feelin' it.
And this was on TMZ.
Uh, what do you make of that?? Does she look like a "dancer" from "Chorus Line" to you?? Not to be cruel, but dancers have tight abs and she does not.
Gross. And you have to wonder WHY THIS PHOTO WAS LEAKED.
Jessica Alba Mk'd by an "organization" (or a shark) into becoming a vandal!! oh noes!!!!!!!
WARNING! rated FFFF=full fledge fashion fuckery.
The real fashion industry:
Btw, Britney's got a new lover/handler: her agent...
"I personally like a butterfly design and lately this seems to be a new fad. Check out this pretty clock for instance with butterflies on it that seem to be flying right off it while leaving beautiful cut outs behind. It includes four distinct pieces, so you can design your own flight pattern however you'd like, no constraints. This makes each time piece very unique. The Butterfly Clock is available in green, white, black and pink for $359 here and you will never even know how time flies with it!"
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Queen Latifah Reveals Past As Sexual Abuse Victim
10 June 2009 9:10 AM, PDT
Rapper-turned-actress Queen Latifah has opened up for the first time about her harrowing childhood as a victim of sexual abuse in a candid new magazine interview.
The Chicago star, real name Dana Owens, grew up in New Jersey with her mother Rita. Her dad, policeman Lancelot Owens, left the family home after her parents divorced when she was 10 years old.
Latifah reveals she would often be placed under a babysitter's care, but her life was turned upside down when one teenage male sitter decided to take advantage of the youngster.
She struggled to come to terms with the traumatic experience for years, and refuses to let pals and potential lovers get "too close" to her as a result.
She tells Essence magazine, "He violated me. I never told anybody. I just buried it as deeply as I could and kept people at an arm's length."
Single Latifah, who has long been rumoured to be a lesbian, even admits the abuse has caused irreparable damage to her love life - suggesting she previously turned down a marriage proposal because of her childhood tragedy.
The 39 year old adds, "I never really let a person get too close to me. I could have been married years ago, but I had a commitment issue."
re: Queen Latifa, i have a few friends who went through similar situations as her, sadly. They have many many problems with relationships and frankly some of them are a royal pain in the ass, but i still love them. Unfortunately, they aren't famous, so no one writes about them. /sarcasm
Nice analysis of Glamberace's photo:
About the jewel shaped like a butterfly Berluconi gives to these girls:
"Very young girls, 17 and 18 to 28 and 29 years old, no more: butterflies freshly out of the family cocoon who have become part of the sheik's harem. When he welcomes them into his fold, according to Concita de Gregorio, editor of daily L'Unitá, "he gives them a jewel shaped like a butterfly, like a sort of contract or seal. It is the sultan's seal"."
Thanks for this post, I have been around a few weeks and find your blog very useful. I have been thinking about the Berlusconi issue last days so I am glad you covered it with some new information I didnt have.
That reminds me of AGA KHAN and his habit of giving bracelets to all the women he slept with. GRACE KELLY was one of them...
Adam Lambert on Rolling Stone magazine cover has a snake and a buttterfly on his crotch
LOL! the disassociation lambo:
Just read a new book, Redemption, by Laurel Dewey. She slyly takes on fundamentalist Christianity in this book (along with nice stabs at New Agers) in a deft manner while quietly throwing in a few esoteric bits. Heard her interviewed this morning and she sounds like she gets it and uses the crime thriller backdrop to expose info.
She mentioned that she's working on a new book in the series to hit July, 2010 titled Revelations....and it's all about family secrets and how they repeat and repeat and repeat from generation to generation. Fascinating stuff as I've investigated that myself.
Found her site: www.laureldewey.com
gaga + hello kitty in japan
Depressing video (don't know whether to laugh or cry most of the time [sadly I often go with the former]), poor girl, there's no life in there at all; check this one out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dnWtJdR4bY "Do you think it's safe to say you've lost your mind?" [post some of this recently seen stuff in shorter posts when I've finished this damn post I'm working on probably tomorrow/day after]
Jesus with Mickey Mouse ears...
Jesus in chains...
letizia is an italian-jews name. i have not looked into silvio, but i suspect he is an italian j-w, his 'taste' is zionist..lol. this nwo seems to be zionist jews and english/masonic elites. mi6 contols the cia and mossad.quit obfuscating what is going on.
Shawty is a TEEN and you should tip her (treat her like a prostitute.) LOL ...man, these guys are crafty.
LOL Fergie's hand/glove/claws is the basement bargain, halloweenie, arts & crafts, 99cent store version of the robot glove the other ho's have been wearing.
Trying to keep-up-with-the-Joneses Fergie.
I know you're up to your ears in the next post, but I would LOVE it if you could do a short post explaining when a butterfly is just a butterfly and a leopard skin rug is just a leopard skin rug.
In other words, I've tried to get others aware of the MK manipulation. But they always get confused when it comes to the relationship between the MK'd ones wearing the stuff and how it affects US. I had one friend ask me, "So what if Miley wears butterflies on her skirt. If she's MK'd, then SHE loses, not me!" And my friend has a point.
I realize that we're all supposed to be mass programmed by this crap and that it seems to be working for many of the youth. But myself, who is 50, can't stand these people, I don't go to their movies, I don't read the entertainment blogs, etc. So, how am I being programmed unconsciously?
If there is a post that references this, please advise as I'd love to read it and get a better grasp on the whole issue.
I used to work in the entertainment industry 20 years ago and I saw creepy stuff with the child stars back then, but it had more to do with buying them off with drugs and sex and keeping them skinny. I also personally witnessed the downfall of one of the leading "pretty boys" of the late 80's as he was drawn into the homosexual lifestyle by his manager who threw "slumber parties" for his "stable of boys." (That's the term that was used back then. No joke.) This pretty boy I referred to was marketed as a teen heartthrob but experimenting with homosexuality behind the scenes. He eventually dropped out of the business and came out quietly. Was he gay out of the gate and did show business and the creeps who circulate in it simply validate the way he already felt or did they "turn" him gay? I have no idea. But the boys that his manager was in charge of was later busted on cocaine charges. So, connect the dots, if you will.
The site has some interesting pics with these 2 stooges :)
While you worry about the 99.9% willing and able money making showbiz assholes, here's a tidbit about real slaves.
I've done a lot of stuff on "real slaves" (i.e. the millions of very real sex-slaves; shame some people can't make the connection to abuse/slavery in "modernized" countries and to Hollywood/"showbiz assholes"), I'm fully aware of the situation in Haiti and have posted on how traumatized and enslaved that island is in the past (like here). Thanks for the link though (use it in future posts), interesting that they're coming out with it now (seeing as it's always been like that). The ruling class has caused Haiti to be like this and it has been a hotbed for CIA programming and whatnot.
That Onion video is pretty funny, in a dark way... I doubt it's 100% satire.
Ben, did you get my email on Coraline? plutosbitch@yahoo.com?
I'll send it again
Thank you for the link to the Haiti post, had not seen that. Santeria also is big in my country.
Mind controlled, hypnotized or monumentally stupid?
She reminds me of a lot of the people in showbiz: "I want to be a superstar (or icon[here's looking at you Beyonce]) like KatVonD" (replace this name with Marilyn Monroe, or Tina Turner or any of the older folks)
I'm reading your Haiti post.
"In Haiti, Cuba, Brazil, Trinidad and other areas of the New World, where JuJuism has transformed itself into black occult religions, the old gods of Africa: Damballa, Erzilie, Legba, Obatala, Ogun, Oshun and others have been equated with Catholic saints and given the names of these saints."
Oh yeah, this is called Santeria.
I witnessed Santeria ceremonies from a distance, taking place in people's garages around my neighborhood. I'd park my bike on the street in front of the house and watch from the seat of my bike, eating an ice pop, sometimes with friends. Sometimes we'd get shooed away, sometimes we'd hide behind the trees and watch.
Like the kids in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial but instead of a little alien we had Santeros phoning home :p
hi! give a glance to this Espresso article:
it explains the presence of masonic and esoteric symbols in villa certosa garden. many of them are related to venus symbols. or to the 'eterno feminino', or, in a word, to the woman.
butterflies were venus symbols, the female sex, the vagina.
Italian PM also like to give jewels with the rose symbols, the esoteric symbol of Maria Maddalena (do you read the da vince code? :D)
in villa certosa there is a botanical garden, full of butterflies. and in many corner there is the rose symbol...
Referring back to the earlier part of this article on your claim that "Italians are completely brainwashed, it's incredible how ignorant they are (I'm sure there are many who are socially/historically aware, but the vast majority just seem to be incredibly stupid; I guess thousands of years of Roman and Catholic rule would do that to a country)".
You are dead wrong in your claim/belief that Catholic rule brainwashes a country. The truth is more the rebellion against it that does it in, either by moral corruption or refusal to live by it's teachings. That applies just as much to the clergy as it does to the laity.
I've read your articles in the past and you've said that you are "anti-religion" in general. If memory serves, you said this in your recent article on Natalie Portman. If this is true, I can only express sorrow for your belief. For neither atheism nor agnosticism can't calm the cravings in the human heart and mind for something higher and purer than oneself.
To quote the great English author and journalist G. K. Chesterton, "Those who don't believe in God don't believe in nothing. They'll believe in anything."
Finally on a side note, I write a column for a magazine dedicated to the life and work of this journalist, who was friends with non-believers like H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw. Permit me to give you the Web address of the American Chesterton Society, that you may satisfy any curiosity about this man and his writings.
Thank you very much for your time and attention. Peace be with you and yours.
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