
Thursday 28 May 2009

Rihanna gets Paranoid and Dissociates

Fitting sexual dissociation video made for Rihanna here (considering her recent troubles with Chris Brown and such), Kanye West's Paranoid. Her floating upwards and away out of her bed (into various alternate realities) is a clear allegory for dissociation I think. This is all connected to the recent "leaked" nude photos of her (couple below, more explicit ones + more mirrors in the link) and such, for me there is probably no more obvious video showing what's going on than Rihanna's Disturbia. They are telling everyone exactly what's going on, testing the waters to see if there's any outrage (there's none); once things have got going (in Pakistan/North Korea/WW3 organized CHAOS!!!!!) I'm fairly sure most of this will be very public (in terms of how overt the misogyny/exploitation/slavery is). If you can't beat em... OMG SHES SO HOT IN THAT VIDEO, WHAT I WOULDN'T DO TO HIT THAT!!!! [lots of one eye covered by hair and other such symbolism in the video (+Kanye's multiple heads etc); and of course it's no coincidence they've released two "Paranoid" songs at the same time (having just posted Jonas Brothers' one)]

Edit: A few more symbolic images (+ two above from the "leaked" ones, symbolic of her having 'no voice') of Rihanna I've been looking for an excuse to post (some images are from her photoshoots for various videos, covered at this post).

Posted on her 'shhh' tattoo a while back here here.

She's a "well-oiled"/sleek machine (kitten machine/robot).

These are very typical from Ellen Von Unwerth (eye covered constantly, animal-prints + other themes).

Rihanna in a pink tutu (+ flowers). Click for symbolic details on the below print advert for Gucci bags.

Note the fleur-de-lis belt 'bling' (checker pattern floor also).

Chris Brown with his chained animals below.

Rihanna, like the rest of the corporate kittens she has been dressed in Hello Kitty jewelry (ring and necklace; possibly the watch also), note she's holding a whip emphasizing the sex/bondage aspect (a huge theme in her concerts).

What's behind the mask?

Master Manipulators like the Walt Disney Corporation (and obviously their many fully aware 'agents' [Jay-Z for example] working in the entertainment industry actively involved in using slaves like Rihanna, Heath Ledger and other victims to perpetrate MK onto the masses through their music/movies) are responsible for every blow, bruise and break (black/white duality stripes also).


  1. Yep..."telling everyone exactly what's going on, testing the waters to see if there's any outrage." The acquiesence by silence continues. Maybe we should pass around a petition or something: "NO, you NO LONGER HAVE OUR PERMISSION!!"

    That ought to do it.

  2. I can't even listen to that video 'Paranoid.' Its like its describing my life for the past year. Is it possible to mass mind control a whole segment of the population with "tin man programming?!?

    As you know the album this song came off of is all about having no heart. The Oz Tin man has no heart. This is a specific trauma based mk program. Look into springmeier and the song Tin Man by the group America.

    Kanye sings about

    Love Lockdown
    Heartless etc.

    he's sings like a robot.... a tin man.

  3. Kanye=tin man programming

  4. Anon 11:36 said: Is it possible to mass mind control a whole segment of the population with "tin man programming?!?

    DUH...and get paid handsomely for it. YES! it's possible! So what if she got the shit beaten out of her by her "boyfriend"? or he got called a Gayfish (this stuff comes with the territory) It's all about making that $, honey. Money = power, so it's all worth it to them. They just put their "Pokerface" on and keep going to the "next project"

    LOL...illiterate dumbasses Rhianna and Kanye are paranoid and so are the moronic Jonas Brothers. They should all get together for a mega hit, written by someone with a gazillion mediocre records out who nobody really gives a shit about. Party!

  5. The song could be called "We Are All MK'd." like the Weezer song 'we are all on drugs'. Same title, since they keep recycling the same shit over and over and people eat it up. Get it? "WE" are all MK'd, you know, 'WE' hehe, nudgenudge, winkwink.

    Heath Ledger the poor thing was MKd' poor poor thing! He wasn't doing aaaanything wrong though, nooooo. Just playing a part in a movie which will mean nothing to the masses who watch it, NOTHING AT ALL. Just a little acting, nothing to worry about. No, but he was MK'd, so it's ok to be sorry for him. Be careful when you stare at the abyss, it will stare right back atcha! What you put out there will come back to you.

    Same reason why Madonna says she doesn't let her kids watch any tv, or read magazines and closely monitors all the movies they watch, and music they listen to, because it's ok for her to pollute every one elses' minds (and their teens' minds,) She's protecting her kids from people like her and the Entertainment industry, we should all be as smart as her.

  6. there was also a leaked chris brown with rihanna panties over his head - all i could think of when i seen the two together was Holy 'muff'ed.

    btw, Love the other post on Rihanna !!

  7. K(anye) W(est), 11 and 23. Important recurring numbers there...

    Does it take much effort to find pics with these themes in them? I'm thinking "no". That scares me and I'm glad you can stand up and connect what stuff like the "fashion world" and the media does to people (turns their brain to mush), and the accompanying symbols and themes which are unavoidable (through heavy application throughout history). Yet they aren't showing you or I that everything's OK... In fact, quite the opposite.

    I've been thinking a lot about the whole "Synchromysticism" thing (well, not a whole lot, but I did have a really interesting conversation recently that pointed me towards this direction), and I'm sure you've been thinking that it is simply another form of this sort of MK or the same exact thing entirely. Sort of an "initiation" into a completely outer-controlled trance state, perpetuated by the unwitting (like these slaves here), which is why we're seeing so many links to secret societies and such. It's good to see someone who isn't completely locked in their own bubble, it's scary how little awareness this really takes. It's a paradox of sorts I'm still trying to get my head around. We either ignore the fact this is happening, effectively joining the mass state of mind (yet there is also a religiosity to the "masses" that some people in the "synchromystic" field have already adapted), or we put a lot of effort into trying to reveal it for what it is (obvious manipulation), though it may already be too late, we can always hope it's not, but it brings up "hope" and "faith" again... It's basically asking "which side of the double-headed eagle would you like to be?" (the one that points these symbols out as being good, or the one which points them out as being bad...), and there is always the option of "I don't want to be a head on a freaky mutated eagle"

  8. I love your blog. You have inspired me to start my own. I was hoping you could email me, I listed your blog on my blog and politely asked ppl to check my fav'rt blogs out. Your the top one. I was hoping when you have time you could read my first entry, I need your help on how to learn more about what has happened to me and my deceased mom. My email will be on here privately, I think. Thanks so much. I really need some advice. Your doing an awesome thing Benjamin! I know I have been Mk'd (all jokes aside)and my mom as well.
    Thank you!


  10. Thats really hot:


  11. watch the new lady ga ga video - paparazzi

    disassociation, violence, falling down the rabbit hole...couldn't manage to see the whole thing because it kept stopping on me...


  13. This crap is soooooo sad. I didn't know that Jay z is invovled...well he might be 'aware' but I still think that he is also mind controlled as I read somewhere on mind control that most programmers/handlers are mind controlled themselves. I don't know what we could do about this problem. A lot of stars have leaked photos such as, "cassie ventura (she recently shaved her head and I think Diddy is her handler") Adrienne Bailon (Cheetah Girl), and way too many to name. I remember how Rihanna use to talk about as a child she would have major headaches.......os course this is a symtom of mind control She claims her when her father divorced her mother and left the house, the headaches stopped! Obviously her father was a handler and a part of her abuse.

    Also, I wonder what other heavy weights in the music industry are used as handlers and programmers. Here are my guesses (I could be wrong)

    Jay Z
    Missy Elliot
    Clifton Davis

    I also heard they have mk'd slaves meet in churches, fraternal meetings and such. Crazy shit. Whoa


    Devil horns too..........

  15. Funny thing.. was it Nostradamus who said the "anti-christ" would come wearing a "blue turban"? (someone did).... so, it just occurred to me...
    Blue is the colored chakra associated with the throat - i.e. communication/expression.
    What bigger idol (and deception) do we have these days than the media machine itself? The epitomy being the music industry ... but this also includes TV, motion pictures and print among others....

    ... who's feelin me there?

  16. So does this mean chris brown did not beat up rihanna, but he instead being used as a scapegoat? because i don't believe he did beat up rihanna.

  17. wow so many pictures, wasnt expecting the two but i wont complain lol. i am pretty sure chris beat her, not sure how anyone could deny that.


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