
Friday 29 May 2009

Lady GaGa's Dissociation from Papa's Rocket

The videos they keep releasing on a daily basis now are really getting over the top, this one for Lady Gaga's Paparazzi (as always thanks to the quick tipsters in comments); on a transatlantic flight over last Christmas I had the chance to listen to Lady GaGa's album on the plane's entertainment screens and Paparazzi was the song (along with other suggestive ones obviously) that stuck out most for me. Emphasizing the word 'Papa' from it "Papa-Paparazzi" shows the word's meaning and significance (the origin of the word 'Paparazzo' itself comes from Marionette Manipulator of puppet actors Federico Fellini's [image from this post, click for more on Fellini] 1960 film 'La Dolce Vita'; the surname of the journalist in it is Paparazzo). While there is speculation over what the actual origins of the name in the film are (see the wiki link, seems very unlikely [rightly "strongly contested"]) but for me it is fairly obvious, 'papa' meaning 'daddy' in Italian (also Pope which has it's own MK implications) and 'razzo' meaning 'rocket' in Italian, which is of course a phallic shaped explosive machine that shoots off into space (dissociation), so Papa (daddy) + razzo (rocket) Paparazzo. Considering how much incest abuse factors into MK (particularly traumatic), this would make a child extremely dissociative; hence why this name has been adopted as a standard word for celebrity photographers (the link to dissociation). Their role of constantly flash-photographing the multitude of "airhead" (for a reason, most are abused from a young age and are only allowed to have that dumb public persona, it is all a mask) is part of keeping these 'celebs' dissociative, easier to control as flashing/strobe lights are well known to have this slight effect (depending on the idividual obviously). Of course humiliation and being under 'constant watch' is a huge part of the role the insane (to the outside observer), feral paparazzi plays in the global MK infrastructure. The imagery and symbolism in the video and the rest of the lyrics pretty much speak for themselves (as always, how much you take from the imagery is wholly dependent on your level of symbolic and MK/psychological awareness [I'd do a usual somewhat detailed analysis but I want to focus on some other posts these videos have been delaying]).

[may edit to better quality images]

We are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastico

Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you'll know
I'm staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
Purple teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snap
(To that shit on the radio)

Don't stop boy, let it rewind
We'll blast it but we'll still have fun

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

As she tumbles down the cliff (symbolic rabbit hole [and obviously all the other allegories/mechanisms for dissociation]), dissociation is shown here clearly as the hypnotic black/white spiral is shown spinning as the falls.

Everyone knows this spiral pattern is used in hypnosis [it should always go without saying that these videos are designed to manipulate/MK the minds of the viewing masses also as well as showing GaGa's MK, particularly stepped up in recent videos ((you have to appreciate just how multifaceted all of this is))], this further shows the dissociative effects of the Paparazzi's constant flashing lights and the role they play in MK in general (the song is called 'Paparazzi' and features the hypnotic black/white spinning spiral [put two and two together and please don't make five] along with the load of other MK imagery in it [masks, bunny ears, bird cage veil, dog dehumanization, leopard print, general misogyny/exploitation of GaGa, pink hair highlight, robot themes, heart, Mickey Mouse ears, horns, one eye shots etc etc]). Here's a quote for people not quite up to scratch on what dissociation/altered states/hypnosis is:

Ernest R. Hilgard of Stanford University described hypnosis as a dissociative state [I covered the various dissociatve states in this CSI post]. The concept of dissociation—having one part of the mind "split off" and work independently from the rest—originated with Pierre Janet (Jan-AY) (1859-1947). Janet worked with multiple personality patients (see the later section on dissociative identity disorder. (Dissociative Identity Disorder is the modern name for multiple personality disorder). Multiple personality is perhaps the most spectacular example of dissociation.

How did Hilgard describe hypnosis? Why is hypnosis considered a dissociative state?

Hypnosis is much less dramatic than multiple personality, but it contains the essential ingredients of all dissociative states: a person does intelligent actions without normal conscious awareness and later has a hard time remembering it. For example, a hypnotized person can be told to feel a poke in the back when he or she hears a particular word. Later the person does not remember this suggestion, but when the special word is pronounced, the person jumps as if he or she just felt a poke in the back. Some portion of the mind or cognitive system, separated or dissociated from ordinary awareness, remembered and executed the instructions. (source)

These guys are apparently a band from Sweden, Snake of Eden (see this post for description on the Garden of Eden/original sin/serpent symbolism [snake = phallus, fruit = sex etc]). They are triplets (their appearance certainly looks MK'd) and have been in Daisy Delahoya's Daisy of Love (these types of MTV shows/music videos are always used to give their slaves some exposure).

May find out who some of these models are post on them.

Broken robot :'(

The 22-year-old US singer revealed that the first time her father saw her perform, she was wearing "a leopard-thong-fringed bikini with a sequined high-waisted belt and granny panties, and it was so wrong it was amazing". [source]

[above image is not Lady Gaga (she does look a little like her though in my opinion), just thought the imagery/symbolism was very pertinent here; from this, can't find much info on it]

"Neuro Sonic", more on this (thanks to advertising/spambot commenter; showing how much it's being pushed [apologiez if Justin is an actual person]) extremely suspect new "drink" see their official site + blog and all the other promotional crap (all they have to do is promote it in their controlled media through their controlled celebrity slaves [i.e. Paris Hilton, Hayden Pan 2, LiLo, (use search function at top for more on them) etc], and the insanely suggestible masses must have it!) I'm sure someone knows more about these than I do, I didn't even think it could be a real drink at first :|.

The fact that products like these are even allowed onto the market (an energy drink for 'Sleep' how does that make sense, and 'gasm'/sex and 'Bliss'.... what???) is highly suspect to me. "Be Smart. Drink Neuro." [standard psychological manipulation used in corporate advertising] Obviously the smart thing to do is to avoid it like the plague! (the video pretty much tells you it's poison anyway!)

"The scene also features a shot of the lilac tea cup that Lady GaGa drank from while on the Jonathan Ross show. She later reportedly flew into a tantrum when it went missing." [from Daily Mail; the teacup is part of her programming, thanks to a commenter in this post for pointing out this in 'The Three Faces of Eve' (remember 'Snake of Eden' in the video also suggests Eve) where her alter throws a tantrum demanding her china teacup! (gives the traumatized alter the illusion of comfort, sort of like a strange version of child's teddy bear/blanket; not shown in the below trailer but you can read it in the script here)]

The director of this video, 'Jonas Akerland' has also created many other MK videos such as Pink's Sober (that feminist masterpiece 'Smack My Bitch Up' is probably his most famous) and has worked a lot with Madonna (Ray of Light video and 'I'm going to tell you a secret' documentary). His first feature film is very telling as it's called 'Spun' (spinning/spun/disorientation/spin programming) and is about essentially a bunch of MK'd actors on methamphetamine, 'spun' is the slang used for a long stint on the drug (drugs like that [speed/meth/etc], while not being particularly dissociative; are useful in MK because of their extremely addictive properties [all about controlling/manipulating their mental states; a few days on a stimulant like speed, then suddenly switch them to wildly dissociative/hallucinatory drugs, i.e LSD]. In general, people on drugs are more suggestible and easier to ; Lady GaGa has told of her history of drug use [cocaine, but I'm sure like many addicts she also did meth and others; I don't believe that fairytale she tells about her father helping her stop drugs in the link for a second]).

His latest film looks interesting 'The Horsemen' [ready for some self-fulfilling prophesies to play out over the next few years? (the nuts in charge have had all this shit set up leading to 2012 for many years ((Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Israel etc are all part of this future organized chaos)); I personally don't feel we're too far from the kind of dystopian future we've been shown in various works of fiction ((Bladerunner, Metropia below etc)))].

Regarding the actor playing Lady GaGa's handler ["papa"/"daddy" in the lyrics] who throws her off the edge (who most of the lyrics are directed at) is Alexander Skarsgard (product of an acting family; I've seen him in Generation Kill as Brad "Iceman" Colbert, he's probably more well known for his role in True Blood as a vampire who owns a nightclub called 'Fangtasia', he was also in Zoolander as a male model 'Meekus'). He is the guy inside the head (so symbolic manipulator/programmer) in the above MK symbolic poster for 'Metropia'. "Metropia is taking place in a not-so-distant, terrifying Europe. The world is running out of oil and the net of undergrounds has been connected, creating a gigantic subway web underneath Europe. Roger from Farsta (a suburb of Stockholm) tries to stay away from the underground. He thinks its unpleasant and he sometimes hear strange voices in is head. One day Roger finds out that his life is controlled in every detail. He tries to break free. To succeed he needs super-model Nina to help him [Juliette Lewis]. Or is it maybe Nina who needs Roger?" At least some things always remain a constant even in our dystopian future, Hello Kitty! (seems to be lots of cats at the start of the trailer in the guy's bedroom too).


  1. There are more photos are stories about the Neuro Sonic she uses to poison her boyfriend at

  2. Man, the shot of GaGa wearing the Mickey Mouse ears and goggles is far too obvious... I recently saw the South Park where Mickey goes apeshit, in fact it was the only part of the episode I actually saw, and it was very much a "hidden in plain sight" type deal, especially where he shoots tranquilizer darts into them after speaking out (I saw it more as a warning to anyone planning on revealing Disney for what it is).

    "Gaga" reminds of Gog and Magog. She sure is a (programmed) sign of the (planned) apocalypse, if anything.

  3. Sorry about the double post Ben, but doesn't the "Neuro" bottle look like a dick and balls ("Phallic" doesn't do it justice, it's even got a droplet of something coming out of it)? I had never heard of it either. Consider me "behind the times", and proud of it...

    Also, their logo is an electro-shock running through someone's brain creating a split/fracture, and the volt itself reads "NV" or Envy, that's probably just subliminal marketing though. (Or it could be the "Circle M" theme seen on other blogs, not sure what that one means though, besides the spinny thing where it turns into 3/W/E)


  4. I'm seeing an increase of commercials and movies where they manipulate people with computer graphics to look like they're really little with big heads or just distorted faces in some way. Metropia looks like that.

    I wonder what its all about?


    Check out that interview with her, it's quite disturbing. The interviewer asks, "what do you look for in a guy" and she bluntly responds "BIG DICK". And little girls look up to her!

  6. This video had me laughing, like an episode of Dynasty. She must read these blogs.

    Someone was saying on tv the other day that they (writers, artists) read the internets and build the themes of their weekly shows/episodes based on whatever people are talking about. So, you figure it out.

    All we hear is Radio GaGa, radio goo goo, Radio DaDa...

  7. The first words that came out of her mouth in that interview: "every minute of my life is performing"

  8. I am definately not a spam bot.......

  9. Then like I said apologiez, the impression I got was that you were a spambot for the neuro company which scanned blogspot/wordpress/etc for any blogs featuring the words 'neuro sonic' and instantly posted a message (you were pretty quick) linking to the official blog as viral advertising. Just paranoia I guess ;p It was a very helpful link though so thanks all the same.

    "As machines get to be more and more like men, men will come to be more like machines."

    Thanks for the comments all, I agree with what you've said in those comments Tommy (also btw your comment in the last post about synchromysticism was very insightful and humorous, I have thought as you've suggested [I've said just about as much about Kotze re: shattered glass/Wonderland/etc, though there is A LOT of really great synchro stuff out there which I do enjoy reading]).

  10. A lot of these artists have realized that the masses cannot be controlled without them and their song and dance. The smarter ones are knowingly allowing themselves to be "manipulated" to a certain extent, but are also playing out their own desires of power and adulation (and awesome designer clothes/costumes.) It's the old adage, who has the power the pimp or the whore, i guess it depends how you look at it.

    Record labels have not the kind of control over an artist they used to have 20 years ago, things have changed a lot. If you get the chance to talk to some of these artists you will quickly realize they are not mindless puppets. They know how to play the game.

    I couldn't help but think Lady Gaga might have been poking fun at Britney. Think about it, Disney references, hit rock bottom, ect. Was Gaga a disney kid? No, she's performing.

  11. NeuroSonic = neurotic

    neurotic |n(y)oŏˈrätik|
    adjective Medicine
    suffering from, caused by, or relating to neurosis.
    • abnormally sensitive, obsessive, or tense and anxious : everyone was neurotic about burglars | a neurotic obsession with neat handwriting.
    a neurotic person.
    neurotically adverb
    neuroticism |-ˈrätəˌsizəm| noun

    1 Medicine : neurotic patients mentally ill, mentally disturbed, unstable, unbalanced, maladjusted; psychopathic, phobic, obsessive–compulsive. antonym stable, well balanced.

    2 a neurotic, self-obsessed woman overanxious, oversensitive, nervous, tense, high-strung, strung-out, paranoid; obsessive, fixated, hysterical, overwrought, worked-up, irrational, twitchy. antonym laid-back, calm.

    ^bold that last one.

    Does this NeroSonic really exist? Has anyone actually seen it being sold anywhere?

  12. The blond person she's fake kissing in that screen cap looks like Andy Warhol. She wants to be seen like Andy Warhol, she has said many times.

  13. How can we know which are mindless puppets, which are playing along, which are allowing themselves to be manipulated, which are 100% aware and knowingly perpetrating this stuff to manipulate the masses? We can't, I realize not all of them are mindless puppets and I'm sure there are some that enjoy their gilded cage; the limelight/clothes/money/mansions. I don't think you should assume that all of them are onside/in on it, that none of them are victims; I think a lot of them are massively exploited victims and many are programmed slaves (due to the early starts in the industry [and many other hints we can pick up on], they've never really had a choice imo).

    But for me it isn't about "proving" these individuals are MK'd (I accept I am probably a little hasty when calling some of these performers outright slaves) as we can NEVER really know for sure, it's more about showing the mentality of the men behind the curtain (I don't know why people would think she would have ANY say whatsoever in the content of this video, I assumed the director Jonas [and other behind the scenes producers/corporate handlers] was behind all of it [so her taking the piss out of Britney seems unlikely to me; though Britney references should never be a surprise] and viewed it more as a window into her future, of her inevitable 'breakdown'/downfall), the sociopaths in charge of the media are utterly obsessed with control and manipulation.

    If I show someone wearing Mickey Mouse/Disney stuff I'm not implying they are products of Disney (again this is about showing the mentality of the men behind the curtain; dressing up their stars in their hugely successful mass-manipulation/programming tool Disney/MM [same with the butterflies/monarch; it doesn't necessarily mean the person pictured with it is definitely a Monarch slave ((though often I suspect that's exactly what it means)), but by showing the constant repetition of these themes I hopefully am making some people realize they are used with conscious intent and are beginning to recognize the mentality of the people behind it [and also showing the dark stuff going on this world which they are heavily involved in i.e. sexual slavery/organized child abuse/programming/etc]).

  14. " I don't think you should assume that all of them are onside/in on it,"

    i don't.

    "by showing the constant repetition of these themes I hopefully am making some people realize they are used with conscious intent and are beginning to recognize the mentality of the people behind it [and also showing the dark stuff going on this world which they are heavily involved in i.e. sexual slavery/organized child abuse/programming/etc])"

    i totally agree.

    "But for me it isn't about "proving" these individuals are MK'd (I accept I am probably a little hasty when calling some of these performers outright slaves) as we can NEVER really know for sure,"

    unless you know some/have spoken to some of these people personally.

    You said once your house has checkerboard floors, so if someone doesn't know you or has spoken to you they can assume you are mk'd, (going by what the logic of this whole blog) they'd think your parents put the floor there to disassociate you and abuse you. Then you said the person who lived there must have been mk'd because they put the floor down in the house.

    I don't disagree with any of the stuff you post here all i'm saying is, some of these people have the smarts to know exactly what they are doing and have the power to say "wouldn't it be cool to wear this mickey mouse outfit to fuck with people"

    Why would she be acting out her own demise? This reminds me of a message board i used to read of a band where there was a poster saying the singer was singing about his relationship to one of the members of the band, as it was happening in real life, and that they were gay (she thought this because she was herself gay and projecting on to them her own desires.) Someone from the band had to come to the message board and yell at her that their songs had nothing to do with themselves and they weren't a couple, they weren't even gay. All i'm saying is there's different layers of interpretation to "art" and not to take things at face value.

    To me Lady Gaga is theatre. It's like magick, put it out there, she's saying 'i'm aware and this won't happen to me because i am too smart and i know what i'm doing' Like she said, performance.

    i'm not proofing this sorry if i sound ranty or cunty. I'm with you for the most part...eye of the tiger

  15. I posted the Faces of Eve thing and the teacup. If i remember correctly the teacup under the house and her freakout was about her mother forcing her to kiss her dead grandmother, which i read is something people used to do to send the dead away with love and good wishes ( i think people still do it). But she was a child, and she didn't want to do it, huge difference between forcing someone to do something and someone wanting to do it. I don't think her mom was meaning to traumatize her on purpose to abuse her but whatever the case, that was the cause of her dissasociation/splitting.

    Myabe i need to watch the movie again.

  16. Entertainment biz = is like The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasus (or whatever that movie is called) they're preying on people's illusions, reflecting and distracting.

  17. "How can we know which are mindless puppets, which are playing along, which are allowing themselves to be manipulated"

    We don't know really but Britney seems too stupid, Gaga doesn't. Just a feeling i get.



  19. hmm...she does love the pee cock

  20. Lady Gaga wrote the songs "wunderland" and "spin U around" for an upcoming artist named Lina Morgana who died tragically October 4th 2008. Nobody can find info about how she died online, almost like there's a cover up or something!

    Anyway check out Lina's myspace:

    and she also has a few videos on youtube:

    Song/Music Video: Far Away

    Song: Wunderland

    I some how think Lady GaGa is a victim and also a handler who writes songs about what other artists are going through with their mind control programming, which explains the name of the song titles.

    I wonder how Lina died!

  21. Some people are even saying on youtube comments for the song "wunderland" that Lina Morgana is Lady GaGa.. they do have similar poses...and look..sort of..

  22. To me Lady Gaga is theatre. It's like magick, put it out there, she's saying 'i'm aware and this won't happen to me because i am too smart and i know what i'm doing' Like she said, performance.She doesn't seem too smart at all to me. More of a dumb "slag" (hope I've used that term correctly), and I don't think it's an act at all. If this is what you consider to be theater, go see a real play and get back to me. There is nothing intellectual gained from this woman's charades, it is an illusion, it is trickery, sorcery, whatever you want to call it.

    You said once your house has checkerboard floors, so if someone doesn't know you or has spoken to you they can assume you are mk'd, (going by what the logic of this whole blog) they'd think your parents put the floor there to disassociate you and abuse you.You should be connecting the "checkerboard floors in nearly every house" thing (connected with Masonry, free or otherwise) with control, not the people who buy the houses and live in them. That's what irritates me, when people take this stuff out of context. The context here is that this shit is being pumped into th minds of the young as entertainment, whereas Ben's blog is not. When someone is attempting to show you the use of these symbols in mediums which are already known to reduce us to status-quo-slaves, why are you focusing on the messenger, not the message? (Granted, we really have to focus on both aspects now, but seriously, it's Ben's business if he's been fucked with, not yours. He's not displaying his face on every city street, you know.)

  23. To one of the commenters, thanks for the info about Lina Morgana, very interesting.

    Ben, you may have a point about the "Papa" thing. There's a lot of "Pop"/"Papa" references in Lady Gaga's screen projections. Watch this one :

    As far as Gaga's level of control, I don't know. I would assume she has more of a say than someone like Britney, but you never know. She could just be marketed as a more savvy and in control artist. A lot of the times they market artist as "independent" or "controversial" for people who are more attracted to that. They are not stupid, they know everyone has different taste, and they have candy to satisfy everyone's sweet tooth.

    However, I believe Gaga is involved with the construction of her image in the same way Madonna was. If you research their careers they were both doing shows before they got signed. The theatrical elements were already there, they were just expanded once the fame and money came into the picture.

    When I watched "Paparazzi" I did think of Britney. I think a lot of what Gaga does is satirical. She seems to be aware, to a certain extent, of the disposable pop machine and the ridiculousness of fame. But then again, that could all be marketing. She could be just as much controlled as Britney.

  24. Ummm....

  25. Hehe, she must be in full creative control then, Perez Hilton has 100% confirmed it! ;p David LaChapelle (who took and STAGED the photos ["now sit over here Ms GaGa and look deep in thought... that's it, now hold the pen over the storyboards like you are creating them... perfect!", why would she be wearing sunglasses, that makes no sense... must just be because GaGa is so original and 'off-the-wall' ^^]) I've posted a few of LaChapelle's symbolic fashion photos in the past (click name to see the images to give you an idea of where this guy is coming from).

  26. "She doesn't seem too smart at all to me. More of a dumb "slag" (hope I've used that term correctly), and I don't think it's an act at all. If this is what you consider to be theater, go see a real play and get back to me. There is nothing intellectual gained from this woman's charades, it is an illusion, it is trickery, sorcery, whatever you want to call it."

    Yes, have been to the theatre. Like i (well, SHE said) it's PERFORMANCE, maybe bad theatre, bad performance but it's still her acting someone's (or a lot of people's lives out in more extreme ways Dadaism also comes to mind. Totally agree with the trickery and sorcery, all of entertainment is pretty much that. Actors act out regular people's lives in movies, not their own lives, they're playing out you and me and our neighbors lives. So are musicians, ect. at some point, a writer will get tired of talking about their failed relationship and their erectile disfunction's and focus on other people. Take someone like Radiohead, who have really dark themes in their music, are they Mk'd? Have you seen their videos? pretty fucked up stuff, but i highly doubt those people are told what to do. Same with Bjork. Anyway i'm sooo rambling, so sorry.

    I'm not picking on Ben. I was using an example of something he said here to echo his belief that we really don't know, really, if these people are mk'd, and then i offered further that, unless you speak to the person and see what their thinking patterns are and behaviour that, you shouldn't assume. For example Brit has made really bad choices in life, so that tells me she'd be very easy to manipulate and i do not see her as a creative person at all. She's been in the spotlight for most years of her life and there isn't seem to be a creative bone in her body, besides learning someone else's choreography and singing someone else's lyrics. Now, Lady Gags (hate to defender but, i'm trying to make a point) seems like a pretty creative person and to tell you the truth seems also like a total bitch lol, and not as easy to manipulate as the other "kids"

    I agree with you about the other stuff, don't get irritated, i am just offering another layer of looking at all of this not canceling but adding that artists now have a lot more power in their own careers unlike people like Marilyn and Elvis. Things have changed a lot. There's a lot more creative freedom.

    as an aside: The Nickelodeon kids are being kept away from the Disney kids because the Disney kids are "tainted" (no shit!)

    ^^^^^^^^^^yikes, don't blame you if you don't want to read all of that.

    edit: re: lady gaga/La Chapelle @ Perez, yes i can totally see what you're saying Ben but like you said we don't really know.

  27. Creative people are usually really weird and i can see how they might be easy to take advantage of and manipulate, but there's also very creative people who are so fucking neurotic and dark that they don't need Satan to come knocking on their door telling them what symbolism to put out there, they are pretty well read. I write "they" because artists usually have a pretty big network of collaborators to trade ideas with, exchange/pitch music/lyrics to each other etc.

    If people knew how to communicate with each other they wouldn't be putting all this crap out there, but also it would be a pretty boring world if there was no "art" i suppose. And this is coming form someone who doesn't really listen to music anymore, at least not any american music and/or anything recorded after 2000.

  28. Yeshua said... "I think a lot of what Gaga does is satirical. "

    Thank you, that's what i really meant, satirical, not so much theatrical (this too though), just couldn't think of the word at the time.

  29. Yes a lot of this is about intuition and common sense (won't repeat what I've said many times about not everyone being MK'd, you have to use your intuition to interpret the symbolism correctly [I've never said checkerboard floor automatically = MK/dissociation for instance ((though it does have those properties it's mainly to do with Freemasonry + duality symbolism they obsess over)); that comment you made about it = my MK "going by what the logic of this whole blog" is COMPLETELY inaccurate and makes me question your motives ((as I'd literally just said in reply to you that even the monarch butterfly + MM imagery does not automatically = MK; and the checkerboard floor is far less associated with MK than the butterfly))] etc). Interesting discussion anyway despite the fact I feel you generally misinterpret where I'm coming from hugely and I'm not sure why (I feel I've put my points across clearly and you pretty much agree with them on the most part).

    I'm a big Radiohead "fan" and am completely aware of the colossal amount of MK in their lyrics (how to disappear completely [dissociation], jigsaw falling into place, like spinning plates, scatterbrain, paranoid android [funny you should mention them as I'd just been screencapping 'Paranoid Android' and 'Street Spirit' videos for future posts; getting a Radiohead post up isn't up in my list of priorities though atm], climbing up walls, bodysnatchers, where i end and you begin etc... ffs even the short interludes on the bonus disc of 'In RAINBOWS' are titled 'MK 1' and 'MK 2' ;p, I've never once thought of them as being MK'd (though who knows; like I said we can't and it isn't really about proving it either way [it's much bigger than any one individual/group]). I've pretty much accepted listening to so much RadioHEAD over the years has influenced/programmed me a lot (done lot's of 'switching off' on long journeys listening to OK Computer and such). They are obviously very aware of what's going on in the world (not sure if they're onside or just wise to what's going on; doesn't really bother me either way you can still appreciate good art/music) with songs like 'up on the ladder'/'pyramid song' and many other extremely politically/socially aware ones, I've done a little post with some fanmade symbolic Radiohead videos (mainly for the lyrics though) here (sadly the best 2 of the 4 are broken; I intend on doing something with Radiohead's official videos in the future), which is a good example of how just having 'MK themes' does not mean that they are MK'd (which again I've repeated many times in my responses).

  30. I had mentioned those weird Neuro drinks back on the May 7th Lohan post of this year. I just had a feeling that if she was getting paid to promote them, someone or some entity with alot of money wants to foist this new kind of "pimp juice" on the masses. Gaga seems to promote other stuff, too, as I've clearly noticed a bottle of Campiari (sp?) in the "LoveGame" video. (Blatant promotion isn't new; I seem to recall some Alicia Keys video which was like a commercial for at least 3 different products...)
    Also, in the new Rolling Stone cover story, Marilyn Manson is flirting with Gaga in his typical gross manner. I wonder if he's a handler of sorts and encouraged the Mickey Mouse imagery that he's been known to sport as well?

  31. Did it ever occur to anyone that you can be under control and still appear independant,depending on how they market you?

  32. Ah sorry I had a very vague recollection of it it being mentioned somewhere but forgot (annoyed at myself for not searching as I've just found your comment now easily). Product placement is always a given, just watch some of Pussycat Dolls' videos I've posted! Campari, specific make of mobile phones, laptops etc (in the last one anyway).

    MM is a very likely at least a handler, he turned up to GaGa's photoshoot with some absinthe it says :| (I'm about to post a little on that used in an MK movie/thing on one of the Playboy chicks [more double headed eagle/masks and shit in that "film" too]) I've mentioned him a lot in relation to Disney/Mickey Mouse/etc; that reminds me a little of his magazine article/photo-spread with Lily Cole (she plays Alice in MM's Phantasmagoria: Visions of Lewis Carroll coming out in 2010), here's a few images from it, 1 2 3 4. Should give you an idea about his role. It's not nice to think about but it seems obvious that he fucked/used/abused Lily like he outright says he wants to do the same to GaGa in the article. [+ I linked to his new video Arma Fucking God Damn Geddon; obviously his name invokes Mickey Mouse MM + Marilyn Monroe/Charles Manson (all characters heavily associated with MK)]

    And yeah 08:37 absolutely.

  33. No need to apologize, Ben. You can't possibly comment on everything ever posted in the comments section. But thank you for responding to the Marilyn Manson part. (It sounds like you've read the interview - ain't he quite the charmer with his abortion jokes? Not.)

    Anon (same as 01 June 2009 13:05)

  34. Like i said SATIRE.

    Broken robot, wheelchair = Rhianna.

    Disney allusions, Hate her/Love her headlines = Britney

    etc. etc etc ....

  35. That article seems to support most of what I've been saying about high fashion/entertainment industry, in terms of the abuse/manipulation/exploitation; I don't know why you 100% think she is "satirizing" those individuals specifically, surely it is more about the abuse/manipulation/exploitation (there are FAR MORE 'broken robots' than Rihanna [particularly models; I've posted a lot of this kind of robot imagery, obviously they're not all 'satirizing' Rihanna!], GaGa is a broken robot herself it seems clear to me) in the industry as a whole... but if you think these articles (remember all these kind of quotes are very controlled, should not be taken as gospel "Lady GaGa said to include this in the video so we did") proves you 100% right in your mind then that's cool.


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