
Friday 17 April 2009

Marionettes In Sync

Showing some obvious MK in Justin Timberlake's early career as the main singer of *NSYNC (seems to have been set up with the purpose of getting this Mouseketeer's [2 years after joining the MMC it was created] off the ground [to get him worshiped by little tween girls and whatnot; Christina and Britney being the other two main programmed Mouseketeers], JT is the product of a baptist minister family [grandfather minister, father a choir director]) they are portrayed as 'living dolls'/marionette puppets in the videos 'Bye Bye Bye' (linked to it in the first major Britney post) and 'It's Gonna Be Me' (the latter very much showing JT was to be the future star-puppet). I didn't pull any screencaps from the top one because it's just the standard Marionette puppet MK (+ a room confusing up and down [the walls become the floor/ceiling/etc], freedom train, trained attack dogs [unleashed on JT], I'd like to see the symbolism on the puppet theatre [looks sort of royal coat of arms-ish but it's too blurry to make out really]).

Its Gonna Be me... - Nsync

The puppets come alive then break out of their doll-box, below them is checkerboard symbolism + 'GIRLS' dolls (what they want all girls to be) they walk past, they see Barbie dolls in the distance and go to them. Sorry about the quality, couldn't find a decent quality version to download.

The above living doll (calling the Nsync dolls over) wears 'Little Black Kitty Cat' pink vest (note spinning hula-hoop, rainbow umbrella).

Confirming the obvious kitten programming in this music video, another barbie [aka sex-slave dolls (see posts on Barbie label where a few posts go into the prostitute origins of the doll and such)] is wearing a leopard-print bikini which you can't really make out below but I assure you it is a leopard having seen it on TV.

I've posted these (Girls Aloud Barbie dolls) before but I think it pertinent, Girls Aloud are "Gift wrapped kitty-cats" [from their song 'Love Machine' (AKA sex-robot/doll)] after all...

Here's what they look like nekked (saw randomly on google, might as well add [for the sex suggestion]), Hasbro (they make Bratz) shelved their plans to make Pussycat Dolls, I'm not sure why they would need to make another 5 though (note Nicole's leopard-print [image source]), maybe in a few more years time they can get away with it (turning the ultimate real life sex-kitten puppets into essentially sex-doll barbies).

#21 = 7+7+7 (so 777) The number of people in a band is usually symbolic, five being an important Freemasonic number (points of a pentagram etc; hence the *NSync; N = 77 [Z on it's side], and 14=7+7)
As far as JT's own "doll-usage" has gone, aside from the obvious (Britney Spears); these two are his other two main kittens (currently still with Biel I think ), Jessica Biel a kitten (posted link to below image in Dark Knight post in reference to 'The Illusionist'; and pictured it in this one) and Cameron Diaz [it was rumored he had an affair with Scarlett Johansson which wouldn't surprise me as I personally feel she is one of the most used Hollywood sex-slaves (Edit: Responding to commenter, this is purely an educated guess; she seems to me to be the main "Hollywood Marilyn" ((Monarch programmed sex-slave used in public; they love the fact that they can 'parade them' infront of the masses)) of the moment, if you see my previous posts on her and my description further down, you might also see why I think this)] a while back.

Puppet JT doing some Marionette Manipulation of Jessica for the puppet Obama (too many puppets! head exploding! [nice animation of Obama's sun symbolism btw]). Adorable!

And Vice Versa, more hilarity!

Remember Natalie Portman as a pink wigged (= sex-kitten) stripper in Closer, Jessica Biel is set to be the same in 'Powder Blue' (see below trailer).

Some more kitten suggestions for Biel (Edit: added in a few of Cameron's). In Rules of Attraction (note symbolic poster) she was also portrayed as a masked sex-kitten, as the main girl's "sexually promiscuous roommate".

Jessica as everyone's favorite Disney cartoon/human hybrid, bestiality-promoting [she fucks a rabbit] fantasy alter: Jessica Rabbit.

Above scene from Disney's Who Framed Rober Rabbit (note one eye covered for most of it, betty bop etc).
In 'The Illusionist' I recall she is essentially a 'Princess', belonging to Crown Prince Leopold (Leopard) who is described as abusing and murdering women and says in reference to the illusionist's (played by Ed Norton) show (pictured below with usual mirror/mpd MK [the theatre even has a double headed eagle/twin pillars/statues facade, can just about make it out in the below screen cap]) "Did you hypnotize her?" Ed: "In a fashion." Leopold: "I'd like to learn that trick!" The elite "learned that trick" thousands of years ago! There are real reasons why society has historically been so misogynistic, it comes from the top.

As Scarlett Johansson was mentioned as one of JT's more recent "relationships" (the above photo of Biel actually shocked me [note Britney/JT/leopard print bed/red shoes/lolita themes/etc]; the symbolism on all the other ones is fairly standard MK with crawling like a cat over shattered mirror/mind, red shoes, half face covered, etc), this photo of the two kittens together in their earlier days is interesting (note both their flower patterns), they were not in a movie together at the time or anything.

Like Biel, Portman and co Scarlett has also been put into a pink wig doing karaoke in Sofia Coppola's 'Lost in Translation', you'll notice I've captured her (completely accidentally, did not notice the tigers at first [again this shows the pink wig, sex-kitten programming connection ((wigs are all about altering your identity, pink obviously a colour associated with sex so this is logical))]) singing karaoke (microphones are always phallic symbolism [some Monarch slaves are known to be used in karaoke bars also]) and symbolically sat with Bill Murray in front of zebra-print wallpaper.

This Marilyn-esque kitten, was constantly wearing leopard-print being led around by some fashion overlords at Milan fashion week.

And I remember other slightly strange similarities I mentioned in the Dark Knight post as they both appeared in similar magician movies in the same year; Scarlett's was 'The Prestige' (I covered it in reference to Christian Bale [where all the symbolic posters are, including Scarlett's split mind one and such], see post; the film is extremely symbolic [all the top-hats at the start, showing all the copies ((mpd symbolism, also seen in her 'The Island' film and others)) that had been created, lots of bird cage symbolism]) and Biel's was 'The Illusionist' (see up).

Before Scarlett enters the film, Piper Perabo (Pied Piper) is the butterfly who meets a symbolic end. Covered in butterfly hairpins she is bound and trapped underwater inside a box, the trick "fails" and they symbolically try and shatter the glass (her shattered mind) but are too late.

Ballerinas and such are also shown (below usual top-hat, interlocking rings, she has a tail [dehumanization]).

See recent posts for lots on bird cage MK symbolism. I've added in Cameron Diaz's old bondage photoshoot (sex-slaves are always used in bdsm porn) video below + the usual MK/mind control symbolic images (it's all very formulaic [actually I am consistently amazed at how easy these with obviously common themes are to find ((i.e. the fractured mirror Biel one above and the Diaz ones below, all these common themes are not meaningless and suggest Cameron and co are mind controlled, please search through the blog for info on various imagery if you aren't yet familiar with them))].

You could probably guess from the style that these four (1 above 4 below) are by Annie Leibovitz.

[note owl clockface as well as the checkerboard floor/red dress]

Cameron's head looking through a broken wall into a checkerboard floor dollhouse? Wonder what it could all mean?! [/sarcasm; it really isn't brain surgery.] But seriously Cameron Diaz (usual route to stardom; child model for Elite, S&M shoots etc) has been in a lot of MK movies ('The Mask' being her debut), here is her latest (similar symbolism, one eye/half face covered/highlighted/shadowed in red [leading down to the box + faceless man] 'YOU ARE THE EXPERIMENT') film 'The Box', which is the next film by Donnie Darko director Richard Kelly (who has made use of Justin Timberlake's acting skills in the imo excellent Southland Tales) whose father worked for NASA (NASA are heavily involved in mind control programming).

In both the the videos the girl (the manipulator in 'Bye Bye Bye' and buys the dolls in the below 'It's gonna be me') is Kim Smith [Kimberley Katherine Smith] (a few images below the video; usual kitten suggestions, Catwoman etc).

With one of the NSYNC (my elder sisters were totally into all these people, Britney and co also so my exposure has been pretty total over the years; ffs I even remember O-Town :|) puppets Joey Fatone with Kim (note horns + tiger t-shirt).

Her only role (which tells you a lot) in a major movie was Catwoman (for obvious reasons; note the 'cherries' on her ass).

I'll finish this post off with the infamous 90's brain-fucking song (once this enters your consciousness, it's stuck there for good), obviously a perfect song for programming robotic sex-doll (Barbie) slaves/alters [I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World etc] (the lyrics being overtly suggestive, "party" doesn't mean birthday cakes and party hats that's for sure; it is full of suggestive double meanings like that). This is by Aqua (the most successful Danish band ever having sold 33 million records) called 'Barbie Girl', this made me laugh: "Mattel sued the band, saying they violated the Barbie trademark and turned Barbie into a sex object, referring to her as a "Blonde Bimbo."... Barbie is and has never been anything but a sex object (having been based on a prostitute character, her sex-pot shape and such). As far as MK goes, aside from the sex-slave suggestions her body parts are removed near the end. [note the eye in the Q = 17]
Hi, Barbie!
Hi, Ken!
You wanna go for a ride?
Sure, Ken!
Jump in!

I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


I'm a blond bimbo (female) girl in a fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dollie
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamouring and pain
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky

You can touch, you can play
If you say: "I'm always yours", ooh wow


Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow

Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees
Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party

You can touch, you can play
If you say: "I'm always yours"
You can touch, you can play
If you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow

Chorus 2x

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ah ah ah yeah
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Ooh wow, ooh wow

Oh, I'm having so much fun!
Well Barbie, we're just gettin' started
Oh, I love you Ken!

Aqua - Barbie Girl - Aqua

And finally, this was covered by a KK (1111) Kelly Key [Key = MK], an obvious Brazilian kitten (note 'The Cat' on her top showing this clearly, reminding me of the kitty cat vest in the NSYNC video further up [again to reaffirm the sex-doll/kitten programming connection]).

Some relevant info, which you could probably guess anyway (all these kinds of corporate kittens targeted at young girls are programmed high-class sex-slaves) but it's worth pasting:
"Born Kelly de Almeida Afonso in Rio de Janeiro, Key released her first, self-titled album in 2001 at the age of 17. Her first single was the song "Escondido" ("Hidden" [occult]) in which she sang 'We went out to make out and to make love'. The song received lots of airplay thanks to her then boyfriend Latino.... Furthermore, Key's first two singles comprised highly explicit sexual content; although, the albums appealed predominantly to minors....

She spawned a doll, a shoes line and lots of other products targeted at young girls.

In the same year, Kelly received substantial exposure after appearing on the covers of various gossip magazines due to her not-friendly divorce with Latino and participation in a recent Playboy exposé." [Check out what Playboy is really about here (Monarch)]

KK + White Rabbit (+sex kitten looking seductive face on t-shirt)

She's a Kitty Kat no doubt.

2x KK mirrored (herself and the KK collar), not speaking Spanish (yeah sorry, I had a feeling it should have been Portuguese soon after writing [not speaking either though I can't immediately tell the difference]) I struggled to navigate through her official site and others so I haven't been able to find some pictures I'd like to have in better quality (some are just print screened off youtube vids).

Someone has censored the above image (I have uncensored, no point in posting it though really) symbolically with butterflies, which are used a lot on her official site and blog and such (the below collages are loaded with lots of symbolism [in the final picture; 'ladybird', spirals, flamingo, hot air balloon, etc]). And also in her videos as is the case in 'Adoleta' where she is dressed up (aside from all the Lolita sleepover themes obviously) in a butterfly. She has some interesting tattoos (standard pentagrams + some writing and another one I haven't been able to make out).


  1. I think NSync (NS=National Socialism, ync=nyc) and Aqua (11 72[77 or 9 for 11/9] 11, a picture on their wiki entry shows one of them wearing a top hat and other masonic shit) were my first forays into studying mind control, as I too had a sister who listened to the songs you posted by them endlessly, in robotic fashion. Good lord I hated that stuff. It's like sonic crack. I also think there are engineered "generation boundaries" to completely separate people in different age groups.

    Pirate Bay isn't guilty of anything, really. I use it daily so here's to hoping that they get out of this whole ordeal...

  2. Heh, agreed on most of that man; and yeah I know what you mean I have two elder sisters who were robotically into literally everything they put out, Britney/Christina/NSync/etc so I found myself being exposed to it a lot; these songs almost become like memory triggers for me (remember odd things from the time they were being played constantly).

    By the way I deleted my little rant about today's Pirate Bay news, too off-topic; I totally agree with you on that. There is no profit involved in torrents, it's practically a charitable service ;), corporations deserve it anyway (and most people who use it still buy a lot/go to the cinema/etc, do they really want to criminalize millions of people?); sending these guys actually to jail is just going to piss off a huge proportion of particularly the younger generations I think (I was anyway).

  3. I saw an episode of "American Greed: Scams, Scoundrels and Scandals" about Lou Pearlman, the manager of Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. Toward the end of the hour long show, it's mentioned that he expected sexual favors from unnamed members of his bands. Totally sick.


    Guess u found out from the news that she already started to follow brainwashing courses at a Scientologist school... Poor baby...


  5. Very interesting post. We speak of MK, but this allowed me to see the more temporal aspect of it, with all the orchestration, the production, etc. involved in creating someone like JT et al. Looking back at chosen MK's (the so-called "It's Gonna Be Me[s]"), it's easy to spot their evolution from boy bands:

    JT (N'Sync)
    Michael Jackson (Jackson 5)
    Lennon/McCartney (Beattles)
    Bobby Brown (New Edition)
    Omarion (B2K)
    Robbie Williams (Take That)
    Ricky Martin (Menudo)

    [FYI - Funny how in some synchromystic fashion I recently read on "The Aquarian Conspiracy" regarding Tavistock's creation and hyping up of The Beattles to usher in an era of drug use]

    And, when people don't "get with the program" (wow!), they're dismissed (like your menitoned Kim Smith).

    Very good post. BTW, sent it to a friend who is pretty open-minded.... their pre-programming will not allow them to believe or understand these concepts even when picture after picture, story after story, etc. clearly depicts mind control.

    Thanks for the good work,

  6. what makes you think scarlett is the most used sex slave in hollywood? funnily enough, i was on this site, and somebody wrote that she prostitutes herself to wealthy arabs. i don't know how true that is.

  7. In line with your theories on the elite's use of sex slaves taken from the "entertainment" industry, do you think that they (the slaves) represent some form of conducter of psychic/sexual energies from the audience who's fantasies are made manifest through their idol in the flash photography blaze? These energies are transferred through the vessel of the the star/starlet to the owner in such a way?
    Through sex with said icon their owners imbibe, literally and/or figuratively, the conducted energies of the masses? It may be a whole vampiric feeding off of the energies of the slave in question and the sexual energies projected through them? Besides the entirely basely physical pleasures the elite take from them?



  9. Sub Specie, good question, you're definitely onto something with that but I don't know. I'm sure it has a lot to do with what you've said there. I tend to think it's all about power and control though; to use the classic example their manufactured Marilyn Monroe was dangled from her Marionette strings in movies/etc, the masses objectifying/lusting after her; while everyone from the president (JFK) to... well practically everyone in a certain class group was getting a piece of Marilyn (yeah I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is to do with what you've said). I don't see that as different from today's use of Hollywood stars, just a bit less blatant but you can still pick up on it.

  10. Ben,

    Yes, this is something I feel may be happening here, mostly from reading your blog this has been suggested to me.
    It could be just a material power trip these guys have using and abusing such slaves in your scenario, but if I go with it and throw the idea around in my mind I see huge possibilities for the kind of process I mentioned.

    They could be kind of living fetish dolls, charged with corrupted energies which these slave owners partake of. It's interesting how the doll merchandise is ubiquitous with these starlets.

    The more I see these sort of things now the more I see purpose beyond the physical control mechanisms and the control freak's sexual power trip.

    This is almost certainly a multi-dimensional phenomenon.

  11. Very interesting idea, Sub Specie - I think that is all part of it...After all, the mass adulation, etc., never completely "fills" these stars up; they often still feel like empty vessels. I guess to their handlers they're more than just "cash cows"?

  12. It is all about controlling the masses, and not letting any loose cannons take a leadership position, ie: influential opionion makers. imo, a lot of the managers and controllers of these girls (producers, directors, choreographers, coaches, etc.)are gay anyway. Hollywood is notorious for its gay culture in the circles of power. I doubt that these people get much of a charge out of sex with starlets. When you are that rich and that old and that sleazy, it gets boring pretty fast. The media today, is what religion once was: the entire guide book and belief system. 'the program' if you will. Synagogue has become Cinema, and we're all converts.

  13. «not speaking Spanish I struggled to navigate through her official site and others so I haven't been able to find some pictures I'd like to have in better quality (some are just print screened off youtube vids).»She's brazillian and thus her site should be in Portuguese (brazillian variant).

    BTW, you're gonna love this.

    A hot broad in brazillian Portuguese is called gata = cat (female).

    Now don't go reading too much into this


  14. I was just going to post that (re:Portuguese being the language at question here.)

    Sorry, just a HUGE problem with me, just because I grew up in Brazil and after moving 'up north' - where my parents are from - it annoyed me to no end that nobody in America - and Europe to some extent - knew that Brazilians is the only country in South America with Portuguese as its mother language.

  15. If you think about Madame Toussaud's wax museum, you will soon realise that being made into a barbie or a wax figure is essentially a voodoo doll.


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