
Friday 12 December 2008

The Mirror Conspiracy

I caught a very interesting short called ELI, starring David Anders who plays Adam Monroe in Heroes (now deceased) as ELI [Hebrew god El + i=eye; Eli Stone, another MKTV show] in predictable MK fashion, waking up with amnesia whilst being experimented on, this 16 minute film is loaded with numerology (various symbolic numbered doors [i.e. 173, the memory fragment (top image) of the woman tells him "Unlock 173" ELI backwards/mirrored, which is more MK symbolism]) and MK symbolism/themes, obviously the black/white duality mirrored M (+ triangles/square/diamond) logo of The Mirror Corporation (who are creating clones [metaphorical for programmed multiples]), electroshocks are constantly used, sadly I can't find the whole thing to embed so I've just included a short bit from the beginning, where you can see the mirrored M and general themes... by the end the predictable 'warehouse full of my clones' dramatic finale revealing he is a clone [the memory fragment (the woman/beach) having been programmed in through a giant screen infront of all of the clones].
A patient awakens on an operating table with no idea where or even who he is. He leaps up and runs from the room, struggling to get his bearings. Eluding doctors and orderlies who try to re-sedate him, he stumbles downward through the eerie building of the Mirror Corporation. What is this place? Who is he? He notices a strange tattoo on his hand that reads ELI. A single memory [fragment] flashes before his eyes - a vision of a mysterious woman on a serene beach. She opens her mouth as if it speak...

"The Mirror Corporation... We Make People Well" [Final ironic line from the film, after the unhappy ending of ELI[173] being put back in with the other clones]

Suddenly, doctors and security guards close in around ELI. He runs deeper into the Mirrorcorp labyrinth, trying to get to the ground floor and a chance at freedom. But, when he rounds a corner and catches a glimpse of the woman from his memory, he sees a chance to find answers. Forsaking all else, he sneaks after her, desperate to uncover the truth of his identity.
Quickly on the MC Mirror Corporation/Conspiracy, Thievery Corporation had an album called 'The Mirror Conspiracy' with split mind symbolic cover (and mirrored MCCM [goes without saying here that the conspiracy it refers to is MC Mind Control]). Some symbolism in the below video for Shadows of Ourselves (bird cage/mirror/one eye etc), saw one on TV but can't remember which it was, you can tell from the track-list however that it's obviously full of these themes (Illumination, the mirror conspiracy etc).

MK is everywhere at the minute, the last few Spooks (don't watch it usually; I recommend watching this season though as it's full of MK and generally much better than previous seasons I think [one scene just after Ben is told who the double agent is, shows very well the sex/violence + sex-kitten/strippers/agents connection with checkerboards ((you should also be aware of symbolic posters of MCMs [also sex-kittens] and such throughout)) shot in the frame and other such things]) episodes have been interesting to say the least; Connie James was turned double agent by the FSB (turned in project Renaissance) and when she gets caught she does a cat type noise/action, showing her teeth (like an aggressive cat; 'weird hissing noise' mystifies Spooks fans [could be a snake-noise I guess, but I think it's more likely a cat]) and other suggestions of MK'd secret agents. Seriously though, did they have to make her kill Ben like that?! + the torture/MK techniques used on Harry and the Russian sleeper with the suitcase nuke was really amazingly well done, down to the guy's look as he calmly sits, eating a sandwich with a nuke underneath his chair, originally triggered by hearing his code + code-phrase for location + trigger-phrase 'Rain from Heaven' on the radio... this is something that is very real and I personally think next year will be when many of these 'end times' programmed multiples will start being triggered causing untold chaos, naturally helping the process towards a new world order... ah good times, at least we can watch it all unfold on HD.

Note fur on Connie as a young kitten, then as an angry/scared kitty below having been found out.

"My name is Katuria, and I love champagne, it makes me do very naughty things." - Double Agent working for British working at FSB controlled strip joint.

This attractive sex-kitten, as just mentioned is called Katuria (I think) so the below image cannot be coincidence (this is her response [after he tells her not to go anywhere]; but it's pretty obvious what the implication is with all the cat suggestions).

This is espionage. "Training" up as many sex-kittens as humanly possible, sending them off to disgusting people in positions of power to fuck, then blackmail; keeping them all firmly under control [note black/gold checkerboard necktie], so the agenda (all intelligence agencies are so inbred; they are all pretty much working together [and for the 'elite']) can continue to move forward unchecked. Obviously they are extremely effective assassins (seduce then kill) if they are delta-beta (assassin-sex/kitten slave), gone into here and elsewhere.

Spooks: Code 9 post some may be interested in. Oh yeah and have to post this viral advert ;p Kittens are everywhere (particularly note the zebra sex-kitten one at 0:35 and other things in it)!

Sienna Miller as a mental patient in The Hours' latest video 'See the Light' (most symbolic shots are flashed quickly on screen near end, but obviously more before to), Damien Hurst (diamond skull etc) was the artistic director for it, Daily Mail link.


  1. Great Posting, as usual... Have you heard anything about the "39" steps they "recovered" from the trade center and are going to use as an entrance way to the memorial ? There is also a movie by Hitchcock entitled The 39 Steps"... Can you find any significance between the two and Jacob's Ladder...



    Converted to Islam but wearing the kabbalah red bracelet. Same scam, diff faces, as u know:


  3. Speaking of mirors, here it is the poster for SHARON's 1991 movie, called SCISSORS:

    Interesting mask&guy. He could join SLIPKNOT if ever needed:,_Jr.


  4. Just noticed another thing in WOMANIZER video: when Brit shows an agenda and pushes a button, the date is 20 April. Nothing unusual, but this is Hitler's birthday. Smth will happen on this date, next year or the following years?


  5. Come join our circus where we all wear masks
    Lie to our fans and expect it to last
    Could it be that the trick is on us?
    Masqueradin' like we are the ones
    Can you blame us? It started as fun
    Didn't know that the game must be won - sorry

    Never did I lie, never did I mean to trick y'all
    But they told me this is how to get rich, y'all
    Makin' hit songs, same lame lyrics, same bass, same kickdrum
    Buy the record, you became a vic-vic-victim
    Bitch can't front, get what I want
    Neck, hands & my wrists numb, sickenin’
    Diamonds on my wristband, who I'm talkin' to?
    You, you & my biggest fan, thinkin' that ya girl got it all
    And I got the best man, best hair, best legs, need a break, you in my face
    Askin' K what I'm puttin' out next year
    Is it gonna be real freaky, critics wanna come critique me
    Are you gonna be more grunge rock-n-roll like back when you dropped before?
    But get back 'fore I get ill
    Black glove, black mask, listen to some real black love
    It's all I have, it's all I have

    Come join our circus where we all wear masks
    Lie to our fans and expect it to last
    Could it be that the trick is on us?
    Masqueradin' like we are the ones
    Can you blame us? It started as fun
    Didn't know that the game must be won - sorry

    Musicians, magicians, tight rope, strobe lights
    Lion tamers, entertainers, sold out nights
    Dressin' rooms, costumes, who's doin' who, gossip, rumors
    Groupies just too much, everybody's like, "let's do lunch"
    That's why it doesn't matter, that's why I'm not a rapper
    Still spit a few bars, might never hear this song
    Label might say, "Hell naw! Get a new female star
    She don't have to sing - she don't have to bring anything!"
    Get her some new earrings, fly her off to Beijing
    Book her shows in Wyoming, David Letterman & Conan
    Your advance just alone and doesn't it all sound grand?
    #1 on SoundScan, just keep the clubs bouncin', join us

    Come join our circus where we all wear masks
    Lie to our fans and expect it to last
    Could it be that the trick is on us?
    Masqueradin' like we are the ones
    Can you blame us? It started as fun
    Didn't know that the game must be won - sorry

    How can I shake this circus clown?
    What does the ringmaster need from his crowd?
    Should I dive through the circle of fire?
    No - I'm just gonna be me!

    Come join our circus where we all wear masks
    Lie to our fans and expect it to last
    Could it be that the trick is on us?
    Masqueradin' like we are the ones
    Can you blame us? It started as fun
    Didn't know that the game must be won - sorry

    Can you blame us? It started as fun
    Didn't know that the game must be won - sorry

  6. Wow, those Kelis lyrics for Circus (obviously connect it to Britney's latest circus theme too) are unbelievable.

    On the 39 steps, sounds interesting... more 9/11 ritual usage tying into the movies/book. Admittedly I don't know anything about 39 Steps but it looks very interesting (Mr MEMORY[MM] played by Wylie Watson [WW] as a little WM sync to this post), any British readers; there is a BBC adaptation of it airing 28th December which I'll keep my eye on now. Tentative connection could be steps/staircase to an altered state (staircases being one of many symbolizing access to other compartments of the mind/states of consciousness), also 39: three-9's 999/666? ;p You know more than me here I suspect. Random Link to my Hitchcock post on Frenzy, standard split mind poster etc.

    Chris great links + info as per usual. that BBC opera is mental! How blatant can it all get?!

    And thanks all for previous comments I haven't replied to.

  7. "Wow, those Kelis lyrics for Circus (obviously connect it to Britney's latest circus theme too) are unbelievable."

    Wholeheartedly agree.


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