
Saturday 13 December 2008

Avril Lavigne: Living Porcelain Doll

Avril Lavigne is another product of ultra-religious upbringing (baptist) who has gone onto become a corporate rock-pop Princess; the standard themes of Skull and Bones, checkerboards, pentagrams and all the rest (beyond coincidence) are plastered all over her videos/photoshoots/etc. I will not go through all her images (though I did do some tbh) and find each individual one, but here are a few and a couple of videos (at start and end) featuring this type of thing. I don't know if she's MK'd but it certainly seems that something is up, been meaning to do a picture-heavy post on her for a while. As always, please leave any additional info you have on Avril, i.e interpreting her name or other highly symbolic videos etc. in comments. Obviously in this shoot note all the dolls, one with a burning head different types of doll (I think there's a Marionette puppet in the 3rd image below); the last image (in red) is quite haunting I thought.

The below image comes from this post, of a random MCM triggered to 'freeze' (like a statue; see linked post, note glazed over/blank expression like a doll) like Avril's one above... [red shoes, doll missing an eye etc] this photo-shoot seemed so blatant I had to finally post on Avril.

Props to Elluminati for the below image of her + Monarch hair-piece ([so on the head; doubly symbolic] she is also wearing red shoes which you can in the image below it just about [chose that one as it also has double horns]).

skull butterfly below

And that same Monarch butterfly thing on her head at the Black Cat cafe in Italy earlier this year [image from here; don't know who the old guy is, but note her stars].

Black/white stripes, HAIL SATANUS MUTHAFUCKUS! [her pentagram tattoo worth noting] Edit: I see some Avril fans have been checking out this post, the 'hail satanus' line is just humor... she is not a Satanist or anything like that (which most people seem to be assuming is what I'm saying over at Avril fans forum [please research mind control + the global conspiracy (Skull and Bones secret society, Freemason's use of the checkerboard etc) for necessary background on the 'elite's occult belief system and such]), she has no control over any of the occult crap she is made to wear/use in her videos etc. No where do I say she literally worships Beelzebob/Satan, mind control is the key issue... not "Satanism" or some other BS (the occult beliefs of 'the powers that be' cannot be ignored though, hence why they make her wear so much of their symbolism), if you really cared about Avril (I'm looking at you "fans" leaving sarcastic comments and nit-picking over other people's comments in the forum as if I somehow have some control over them; please see further down for response) you would investigate this seriously. If you think ALL of these symbols and themes that follow her around in virtually everything that she does are just coincidence, then you aren't thinking objectively. Do you honestly think there is no subversive deeper/symbolic meaning to the top Porcelain Doll photos? Surely can tell using your intuition/common sense that something is up, without even the slightest bit of background knowledge on mind control and how it relates to dolls and other themes in this post (which if you had, it would all be so unbelievably obvious).

Devil Horns [from same shoot below the skull and bones pendant]

Click below one for detail.

Avril the Wicked Witch + Wand.

Striped, checkered... even Skull and Boned! (glove) Below one has symbolic Route 69 and such on it

Edit: Meant to add this one on the day, Avril + mask.. please bear in mind that I'm not saying anything too outlandish (i.e that she's a 'witch', the skull and bones makes her 'evil' or anything like that... quite the contrary, it doesn't get more 'real' than this imo), she is dressed up and portrayed with things like skull and bones/rose/checkerboards/etc because she is a victim of those that use this symbolism (those involved in MK/controlling these famous puppets) as their own in the media that they control ['corporate elites'; skull and bones, checkerboards... I'm not sure how you can explain all the symbolism away as just 'meaning POTCB' though, nor do I see the connection between the Prestige photoshoot and POTCB ((other than fellow living porcelain doll MKK Keira Knightley of course ;))]... who knows maybe she is just a massive POTCB fan and is for some reason well schooled in MK symbolism also! [/sarcasm, though I think I may have misunderstood the last comment (17th December) and I'm not sure which picture said commenter is referring to (leave another comment if you'd like to clear it up) that apparently 'must mean Pirates of the Caribbean' (the 14th december 15:56 comment is being sarcastic btw, completely missing the point)]

Wizard of Oz black/white striped stockings + big skull and bones ring (you'd be hard pressed to find a photoshoot without her wearing a skull and bones... to the delight of Bush and the rest of the Bonesmen).

Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne


  1. I think Avril looks amazing in that photoshoot for Prestige, she looks brilliant and edgy, and Wow, she is Hot.

  2. Doll to doll:


  3. ^^^^^^^^^ pedos in the house?

  4. "SATAN" KATY&her strawberry mic:

    Nice rose&skull on the blouse:


  5. if Avril isn´t MK´d then neither is Britney! hehe

    btw I only think she is scary, not hot, since I am a female, and I´ve also seen her being interviewed on tv and there is obviously a lot missing in her personality, and I mean A LOT. But who cares about that as long as she is HOT. Jeez...

  6. Avril is French for "April", while la vigne means "the vineyard"

    I found it on her wiki-page:

    The Matrix helped her out on her first album.... but ofcourse it was all her incredible "talent" that made the songs....

    and her husband seems into skull&bones as well:

    My thoughts:

    That symbol has become the most popular symbol for kids in the last few years, mostly thanks to the pirate movie fever, and you can´t look over a group of kids (4-12) without at least one of them wearing clothing with it on. And it, the totenkopf, represents death, parents and people in general are so braindead, it´s sickening.

  7. Very intersting video from the new MK Kerli:

    Best, Kate

  8. Lavigne, Levine, Levin, Levi


    The entire tribe of Levi was set aside to perform certain duties in connection with the Temple. As with the Kohanim, their importance was drastically diminished with the destruction of the Temple, but we continue to keep track of their lineage. Levites are given the second aliyah on Shabbat (i.e., the second opportunity to recite a blessing over the Torah reading), which is considered an honor. The common Jewish surnames "Levin" and "Levine" are derived from the tribal name "Levi," but not all Levins or Levines are Levites and not all Levites have surnames that suggest the tribal affiliation.

  9. Uh well if you've seen the video to The Best Damn Thing, you'll see that she spelt her name 'AVRIL' using cheerleaders each holding up a large individual letter, A-V-R-I-L. This is a major interpretation of her name I would say. Itt probably depicts that her name is Avril. hmmm dunno what to make of this. It could mean that she is a witch or that she wants everyone to praise satan. I noted the lack of skulls in this portion of the video. Could she be trying to associate her name with good and purity and life?

  10. Just got an idea from here:



    And if her last name means "the vineyard" then it´s also very biblical since the rival of god wants nothing more than to spoil god´s vineyard.

    She was also in the movie The Flock. A strange role for a bubblegumb-punk girl like her I would think...

  11. look at the prestige photo adding on to the skull and bones the picture must mean pirates of the carribean

  12. Oh about that pirates of the caribbean post I was refering to the prestige magazine photo because she was wearing something black as well as pearls and it seemed symbolic of the movie pirates of the caribbean and the curse of the black pearl since shes always wearing the skull and bones symbol so it sems to be adding on to the pirate theme

  13. Why I had the idea of pirates in mind was because I was thinking of a thread on the david icke forum on december 2007 about skull symbols or a pirate theme like gwen stefanis "rich girl" indicating there from pirate bloodlines here


    check out his link for further inormation about this, i think
    yeah, check this out for you to be aware of some of this


    check this out for further info about this thing

  16. I was going to explain this all to you, but, sigh, who has the time. Just understand this: You're stupid. Educate yourself a little about punk rock and skater fashion from the past 30 years. For decades underground culture has chosen the symbols that scare idiots like you precisely because they scare away idiots like you. Guess who the joke is on.

  17. How about you educate yourself? These symbols aren't just part of some underground punk movement of the last twenty years, they've been a part of our collective conciousness for thousands of years. They are purposefully put in place because of their esoteric significance. And for me 'someone who has been into true punk since the 80's' it seems you are obviously not the person to talk about who needs an edjucation on 'punk fashion'. Original punk fashion was do-it-yourself, stick-it-to-the-man. These posers wear thousand dollar shoes for Christ sake, and play more mainstream music than Kenny G. That's not punk, kiddo!

  18. Avril Lavigne reminds me of a Hot Topic spokesmodel...according to other sites such as perezhilton and others, people think avril should grow up and stop looking like a teenager. i for one, have always liked black and white stripes, leopard and animal print, skull and crossbones, and peacock feathers. i just think its cool. i dont think that everything is symbolic however. i have alot of symbolic type photoshoots (from doing some modeling)...and such....

    while this site is interesting...they still have their come no one comes forward?

  19. You people are fucking MORONS!!!!!!

    Being a teenager, I wear all the same sort of things she wears--you gonna call me "MK" or some other initialed shit?
    People don't wear these things because they're symbols for something else, or because dipshits like you want to read into every little fucking detail of where an image comes from, we just wear clothes that look nice--you seem superficial, you should be able to understand that the world is about images & appearance, and my generation opts to lack substance and meaning behind subjects.

    Get over it...seriously; get a life, stop prying into a celebrity's. When I found this, I thought it would be a decent article just explaining the magazine's photoshoot, but you people are retarded.

  20. I think Avril looks amazing,
    she looks beautiful..

    while this site is interesting...

  21. Everyone is talking about her names meaning, which is silly. The first or last name meaning are of zero importance since she was given it at birth. The real Avril has been replaced by a girl named Melissa.


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