
Monday 22 December 2008

Jailed: The paedophile royal butler who took victim to meet the Queen Mother

A paedophile royal butler who worked for the Queen and took one of his victims for tea with the Queen Mother was jailed today. [Daily Mail link; In my opinion it is very naive to think that this is the only case of this happening at the highest level of society, this guy only got caught because he's a lowly butler with no real 'elite' connections (his former employers basically do this shit with impunity and have always done so, time to revolt against an establishment that not only keeps hidden, but runs international pedophile networks; with trauma-based mind control another important dimension to/reason for it [i.e sexual slavery, trafficking, etc], written about said reasons throughout the blog) More info on this case at Sky (+ interview with victim, I watched the documentary Chosen [about abuse in male public schools] a while ago and it was very moving, related to this subject); standard techniques like using witchcraft/occultism (not in the article, but spoken of on TV; you can make a victim believe anything [as they are extremely suggestible in their dissociative state] as part of the 'grooming'/programming)]

Paul Kidd [kid = baby goat and human child] was given an indeterminate sentence and told he will serve at least six years in prison after earlier pleading guilty to a string of historic sex offences.

The 55-year-old, from Stalybridge, Greater Manchester, was royal butler to the queen from 1977 and worked as a senior footman to the Queen Mother from 1979 to 1984.

He introduced a youngster to the Queen Mother as a 'friend' during a Christmas party at Clarence House - but in reality he had been assaulting the boy since the age of 14.

The two sides of Paul Kidd: With memories of Diana and in his police mugshot

Judge Mushtaq Khokhar told him today: 'You were someone who had influenced your victims to such an extent they were under your spell. They would do anything you asked them to do.

'I regard you as someone who is dangerous and presents a risk to all the young people you may come across.'

Kidd also introduced one of his victims to a friend, David Hobday, 56, of Dukinfield, Greater Manchester, who also pleaded guilty to a number of sexual offences.

He was caught after one of his three abuse victims read a newspaper article he gave on the 10th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Meeting: Kidd took one of his victims to have tea with the Queen Mother

His boasts about his royal connections, coming from a man who had his own website,, led the complainant to contact police.

The victim, now aged in his 40s, reported he had been indecently assaulted by Kidd at the butler's home in the early 1980s when he was as young as 13.

An investigation was launched and evidence of further abuse was uncovered during a search of his home in Castlehall View.

Among items found on his computer were 18,019 images of unknown children and a video recording of him abusing another youngster as recently as 2006.

Many of the images recovered were encrypted in computer files with the password 'Pickles' - thought to be a reference to a royal corgi.

His third victim, who was treated to the royal tea party, came forward after reading publicity on the case when Kidd was charged by police.

Kidd pleaded guilty to nine counts of indecent assault, six counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He also admitted 11 counts of making indecent images of a child and two counts of possessing indecent images of children.

The offences were committed between 1974 and 1977, 1981 and 1983 - when he was in the employ of the Queen Mother - and 2005 to 2008.

Hobday, of Dukinfield, Greater Manchester, pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of possessing an indecent image of a child.

Outside court, Detective Constable James Teggart said: 'The levels of abuse Kidd and Hobday subjected their victims to is nothing short of monstrous.

'The pair are sexual predators who have manipulated their victims and subjected them to the most horrific abuse time and again.

'The victims have had their childhoods taken away from them and will have to deal with what they've been put through for the rest of their lives.

'I would like to praise the courage of those who came forward and helped bring this evil pair to justice.'

I find it completely unbelievable that the guys website is still up (below image/uneven checkerboard + Royal mirrored lions)... surely someone would have taken it down considering?! These type of public prosecutions are never really genuine (usually just theatre), they never uncover the full truth (for obvious reasons); Kidd was probably fucked up (or maybe outright programmed) from hazing and such in the Royal Navy. It's good that he's off the street though of course.

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