
Monday 22 December 2008

'Face of Asia' model jumps 150ft to her death from luxury apartment after discovering lover was married

Sahar Daftary fell around 150ft from the 12th storey of the NV Buildings on Salford Quays in Manchester [Another MCM falling to her death from a tower :S Edit: Invaluable information in the first comment, rare to get such a glimpse of the circumstances surrounding it, beyond the media's scripted BS; thanks so much and my heart goes out to you in this difficult time.]

A model plunged 150ft to her death from a luxury apartment block after splitting up with her married boyfriend.

Sahar Daftary, 24, fell from the 12th floor of a building in Salford Quays, Manchester, over the weekend.

The former Face of Asia winner is understood to have been to the flat to collect her belongings after her relationship broke down with her boyfriend - a property developer who has not been named - over the summer.

Ms Daftary was also in Manchester to appear on the catwalk at a fashion show at an Indian restaurant on Saturday evening - but cancelled at the last minute saying she was sick.

The boyfriend was arrested and interviewed by police before being bailed.

Her friend, Afrah Sami, said: 'We are all shocked and devastated. Sahar was very beautiful - she loved life and she was always the centre of the party.

'She met him (the boyfriend) in Manchester and they were very happy. Then she won the Face of Asia competition and got several big contracts. She seemed to have the world at her feet.

'But she discovered that he was married and became very unhappy.

'The stress changed her and she had stopped eating properly.

'When she came up on Saturday she was very distracted and preoccupied with collecting her things from the apartment, but he didn't want to see her.'

The luxury apartment block from which Sahar plunged to her death

Police confirmed that the boyfriend rang 999 saying he needed help. He gave a home address and the address in Salford but there was confusion as to where the man was.

Officers rang his mobile but there was no reply. He later rang police to say she was dead.

Sahar had travelled up to Manchester for a fashion show at the Nawab restaurant, but left during the preparations.

It was also claimed a pornographic film featuring Sahar had been posted on the Internet which was linked to the break-up.

Friends say the couple had held a ceremony last year where Sahar had declared her love for him, but she later discovered he was already married and had a child.

One police source said: 'Witnesses have said there was no shouting or ranting - just a single scream. It is being looked at as either suicide or a horrible accident.'

The model collecting her Face of Asia award last year (left). She declared her love for her ex-boyfriend at a special ceremony

Residents at the waterfront block, where penthouse apartments sell for up to £800,000, spoke of their shock.

One said: 'I don't know the full details of what has happened but it sounds like a terrible tragedy.

'I've only seen her here once or twice and she seems friendly enough. I didn't see or hear anything until I looked out and saw the police. My heart goes out to her family.'

Another resident said: 'I looked out and saw people standing around something on the floor and I instantly assumed someone had fallen or jumped from the flats.'

Edit: And a followup story with more images and such from The Daily Mail (suspiciously changed from its originally title 'It wasn't suicide, says Family of Miss Asia...'); I completely agree with the first two comments of course (don't read this without reading them). Like Ruslana [+ how that one was probably done], she had also been leaving somewhat cryptic messages (shattered pieces of your heart etc) on her blog/facebook (see Sky and below) before her murder (psychological pressure/using drugs to get her to go over the edge [which I count as MK] or whatever is still murder). Any mentioning of something related to Islam instantly triggers negative-emotion in the brains of the brainwashed The Sun reading masses. Even the title of this post/the original article is jumping to conclusions saying that as if she had some say in it; 'model jumps'... she certainly didn't 'jump' off willingly that's for sure.

These are the pictures of the model who plunged 150ft to her death on what was the happiest day of her life.

Radiating pure joy, Sahar Daftary 'married' property developer Rashid Jamil in a Muslim ceremony in Brentford, west London, last December.

But what the 23-year-old didn't know was her new 'husband' was in fact already married and that his wife had given birth only months before. [probable handler]

Sahar Daftary smiles as Rashid Jamil kisses her on their wedding day last year. She died after falling from his 12th floor luxury apartment

Ms Daftary fell from a balcony high up on Mr Jamil's luxury apartment block in Salford Quays, Manchester, on Saturday.

Prior to the death, she had walked out on Mr Jamil after discovering the truth behind his double life.

He has been arrested and bailed until February in connection with her death.

Ms Daftary's family today urged police not to write off her death as suicide. [I always assumed that was the police's primary function!]

The happy couple 'wed' in Brentford, west London in December 2007

Ms Daftary shows off her wedding ring

Her brother-in-law Joe Karim said: 'She would never commit suicide. It was against everything she believed in. She had everything to live for.

'She was a beautiful, intelligent, religious woman, why would she kill herself ?'

A statement on behalf of Ms Daftary's family reads: 'The family are devastated at the tragic loss of Sahar.

'She had booked a flight to Dubai to celebrate her 24th birthday on Christmas Day with five friends.

'We firmly believe there is no way she would have committed suicide.'

The couple surrounded by family members during their wedding ceremony

Her family's discontent over the suicide claim arises from her unhappy relationship with property developer Mr Jamil.

Ms Daftary had quit her job as a personal shopper in Harrods to move to Manchester with Mr Jamil.

They lived for several months in the Salford Quays flat, from which she fell to her death, before she moved back to London.

It also emerged that a pornographic video clip apparently featuring Miss Daftary and an unnamed man had recently been posted on a publicly-accessible website.

A picture of Ms Daftary taken from the Facebook page set up in the wake of her death

The Facebook page is entitled 'Remembering Princess Sahari'

She was said to have feared the footage would damage her career, and police are expected to examine whether somebody had made it public out of spite.

Friends said they believed it was linked to her break-up and that she had feared it would undermine her prospects of becoming a successful model.

Friends said the aspiring model, who last year won the title Miss Face of Asia in one of Britain's biggest modelling contests, had discovered that he was married and also had a young child about six months ago. They then split up.

'Remembering Princess Sahari''

What is thought to be an emotion-filled account of the break-up was written under her name on a blog last month.

One entry read: 'Just look at the tiny shattered pieces of your heart that you don't even know where to start... Which do you pick up first?

'What about those beautiful dreams that you allowed to be built right before your eyes, within your heart, those dreams which were what kept you going what about them?

'Those are gone too, everything is gone...'

Miss Daftary had travelled from her London home to Manchester at the weekend to take part in a fashion show at an Indian restaurant, but went instead to clear her possessions out of Mr Jamil's £200,000 flat.

The luxury apartment block from which Ms Daftary plunged to her death

Her friend, Afrah Sami, said: 'We are all shocked and devastated. Sahar was very beautiful - she loved life and she was always the centre of the party.

'She met him in Manchester and they were very happy. Then she won the Face of Asia competition and got several big contracts. She seemed to have the world at her feet.

'But she discovered he was married and she became very unhappy. The stress changed her and she had stopped eating properly.

'When she came up on Saturday she was very distracted and preoccupied with collecting her things from the apartment, but he didn't want to see her.'

That evening she went to his flat at the 17-storey NV Buildings in Salford Quays, close to Manchester United's Old Trafford ground.

Model looks: Ms Daftary's family have urged police not to write off her death as suicide. Here she poses with a friend

Moments before she fell, Mr Jamil had made a desperate 999 call [as if], apparently from his marital home in nearby Salford, to say he needed help, but by the time police reached the waterfront building, it was too late.

There is believed to have been confusion over exactly where he was, and by the time they reached the flat Miss Daftary had fallen to her death.

A police source said: 'Witnesses have said there was no shouting or ranting - just a single scream. It is being looked at as either suicide or a horrible accident.'

Stunning: The dead woman was named Miss Asia 2007. She was in Manchester for a modelling job

At her family's terraced home in Brentford, West London, her relatives said they could not understand what had happened. [the fashion industry, and all the fucked up coke (I had previously stated how pretty much all of the 'elite's children are on cocaine [easier to control], apparently they're all switching over to horse tranquilizers now ['Why the wealthy young elite are switching from cocaine to the deadlier drug ketamine...', a drug far more effective than cocaine ((it induces a state referred to as "dissociative anesthesia"[3] 'The hallucinogenic effect makes patients consider their mind separate from the body'... "Meanwhile, Sienna tells a story of when she was at a party at a villa in Greece this summer and the prince of a European royal family arrived with two bottles of liquid ketamine.")) in keeping them dissociated and sedated]) dealers/handlers that inhabit it coming into contact with her is what happened]

Her brother-in-law, Timor, said: 'She was a very nice girl. She used to be a model but she was studying. Her mother is heartbroken and it's all fresh at the moment.'

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said inquiries were under way and a 33-year-old man was arrested in connection with the death and has been bailed.

CC 33, lollipop.


  1. She was a very good friend of mine. That article the newspaper wrote is totally false.

    She actually got married to him last year. The newspapers are not mentioning that she was married to him. As far as I know, the guy took drugs(cocaine). Then they broke up because he was bastard. My sister was her best friend. Not sure if this was a ritual killing..but the guy is 33 years old.

    She had alot of people who loved her..and I KNOW FOR A FACT...that she would not kill herself..and leave her loved ones. She was just geting over that guy..She was very happy...she was on her way to dubai this her birthday is on the 25th december..but I know that he didnt recover properly after she dumped him. He is also married to another women who has two kids with him. This is such a sad time for me.. :(

    Take care Ben

  2. The truth is finally coming in the media that this young lady did not jump because a. her husband was married or b. because of a sex tape. If she really wanted to commit suicide she would have already done it. Also from her postings and her friends its clear she was definetly getting over this pathetic lying human being. Futhermore its clear that this woman loved life and had a lot of friends and family that loved the dearly. The British media need to stop speculating and bring out the real truth. The way she is being portrayed in the media as a unstable jealous lover just does not add up. Please can we show some respect to friends and family. and to all those people making comments like "so what, this happens all the time" grow up and have a heart.


  3. Sounds like she married a sociopath.


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