
Saturday 13 March 2010

Fugees video director 'had six children with own daughters to preserve his own bloodline and survive Doomsday'

[This is the kind of person MTV employs to make videos and gives awards to. Sounds like typical end times cult MK programming used here by this depraved sociopath (and used by many "cult leaders" before him), who may be programmed himself ('monsters' like that are not born as 'monsters'). By the way, just to reiterate once this weight has been lifted (finishing education) in about a month I should be able to return to normal posting (want to do one on the recent death of Corey Haim/Lost Boys and such) and catch up on emails, so apologiez for the inactivity. EDIT: Thought I should let people know, if they see this anyway, that the blog is on hiatus until late April so I can focus on work so don't expect new stuff till then. Daily Mail article.]

An award-winning video director repeatedly raped his daughters to create a 'pure' bloodline that would survive Doomsday, a court has heard.

Aswad Ayinde, who won an MTV award for directing The Fugees' 'Killing Me Softly' [good song, always found the video to be very boring personally], fathered six children with his daughters from the mid-1980s until 2002, New Jersey prosecutors said.

Many of the rapes took place in an abandoned funeral home. He even delivered the babies himself in a bid to keep his depraved plot secret.

'Depraved': Aswad Ayinde is accused of raping his daughters in a funeral home

Ayinde, 51, also had nine children with his former wife, Beverly, and amother three with two other women in Brooklyn, according to court documents.

Testifying at a pre-trial hearing in New Jersey, Beverly Ayinde said: 'He said the world was going to end, and it was just going to be him and his offspring and that he was chosen.'

Ayinde, also known as Charles McGill, faces the first of five trials next month - one for each daughter he allegedly abused, said prosecutor Lisa Squitieri.

The video director faces 27 charges including aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault, lewdness, child endangerment, aggravated criminal sexual contact and criminal sexual contact.

A young woman who said Ayinde was her father answered the door at the home but refused to talk about the case.

The Fugees: The group's video for Killing Me Softly was directed by Ayinde [there is definitely more to the Fugees also that might be worth looking in to.]

She told the New York Daily News: 'It's a painful thing. It's not something we're going to talk about outside of our family. The truth is coming out now, after a long time. That's it.'

Joseph Del Russo, a prosecutor, said: ‘The witnesses’ statements describe a depraved parent with a Messianic complex.’

Some of the children produced through the incestuous unions suffer health problems.

Mr Ayinde, who also describes himself as a soft-drink entrepreneur, eluded child welfare investigators by moving from town to town in New Jersey and Florida from 1985 to 2002.

The case echoes that of Austrian rapist Josef Fritzl who secretly kept his daughter captive in his cellar for 24 years, fathering seven children.

Ayinde allegedly beat his children with boards and kicked them with steel-capped boots to stop them speaking about the rapes.

Many of the alleged rapes took place when the family was living in an abandoned funeral home in Paterson, New Jersey.

Mr Ayinde reportedly renovated a room for himself but forced the rest of his family to live in the dilapidated portion of the building.

Two babies, while those that survived never obtained birth certificates and were home-schooled.

Mrs Ayinde, who had nine children with her husband, said: ‘He was having regular relationships with all the girls. I wasn’t fighting back. I was afraid to fight back.

‘I was afraid to ever accuse him of being demented or being a paedophile. I knew the word, but I wouldn’t dare use it because it would result in a beating.’

At his ex-wife’s home in New Jersey, a young woman who said Ayinde was her father told the New York Daily News.

‘It's a painful thing. It's not something we're going to talk about outside of our family. The truth is coming out now, after a long time. That's it.’

Mr Ayinde was arrested in 2006 and has been held on a $1million (£660,000) bond after arriving for a hearing with a woman and child despite a ban on contact with children.


  1. Kill him, simply as it comes.


  2. I was watching Craig Ferguson and he farted which I thought was really weird cuz I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon. I will never stop posting here.

  3. On topic: No wonder Lauryn Hill dropped off the business.

  4. Yeah Lauryn is an interesting one to look into. I heard shortly after she became big, a "guru" got hold of her and drove her crazy.

    I always liked how she was beautiful but didn't subscribe to the blond bullshit they made mariah beyonce and jlo do. She wore her hair naturally even. They didn't like someone like her getting big at ALL.

    The guru was probably assigned to her to bring her down. Also I hate to say it, but she was married to one of Bob Marley's sons and the rasta culture is not exactly the healthiest lifestyle, mentally or otherwise.

  5. Oh, and I've never liked Wyclef. He's like the black Bono lol!

  6. [off-topic]

    only a matter of time before complete debunking of the institution, sorry to say. What matters is what your heart believes, some people cannot be trusted anymore; some of them don't even believe in the devil (!), which is not consistent to what they're supposed to devote themselves against :

    the article doesn't say that he was the OFFICIAL exorcist of the Vatican

  7. The Catholic institution was debunked centuries ago; the fact they implemented a 'convert or die' policy proved they were acting against gods will...and had zero interest in 'religious values'

    then theres the kidnapping of Jewish kids for over 5 centuries, sanctioned by numerous popes,most recent in 1860s because the kids parents wouldnt state they were baptised.

    try telling a devout this, though, theyll swear blind you are satan...even though their donations pay for pedos to get away with crimes against kids.

  8. Very very sad.

    "The video director faces 27 charges including aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault, lewdness, child endangerment, aggravated criminal sexual contact and criminal sexual contact."

    The 27 is an interesting detail. 27 being 2 7's (77/OZ). This guy is clearly a victim of some serious ritual MK.

  9. I'm really looking forward to a post on Corey Haim but particularly the movie Lost Boys. Cult favorite among many people growing up and that damn song "Cry Little Sister" which I've been trying to decipher the meaning to. So far I've narrowed it down to lonely vampires/fallen angels or incest. Lol?

  10. seriously-not mk'd13 March 2010 at 18:33

    Sad. Turning my stomach. ugh.

    Yeah do one on Lauren Hill or whatever. Luv her last album or so I think in 2001-2002 actually bought it. lol. Yeah think what they done to her is SAD.

    oh do one also on Lady Gaga and Beyonce stupid video everyone calls AWSOME. HATED IT. HATED IT. HATED IT.

    okay Beyonce can sing. maybe Gaga too but never bought a cd in my life! Don’t like their stupid songs or fashion. Stupid MK'D programming made them sluts and their dads should get the WORST DAD cup award. masonic bastards or whatever. and Jayz that punk. ugh. taking advantage of insecurities and brain locking codes. uh. JUST SAD. oh and DAMON DASH KILLING AALIYAH IN THAT PLANE CRASH AS HIS SCARCFICE. SO SAD. OH. BASTARDS!!!

  11. Tommy, being MK-ed is not an excuse for all that moron did and it applies in general also. And btw, I dont think he was MK-ed... Brainwashed by religion plus native idiocy and here's our guy.


  12. C - I just have a hard time thinking someone who hasn't been severely traumatized could do something like this. I'm not "excusing" him in the least and I honestly hope no one feels that way.

  13. Can I just say that people can have 'personality disorders' without actually being 'MK'd'!


    I'd be intersted to see what Ben has on The Lost Boys and Corey Haim - I read on one of the news reports of his death that he said he first tried drugs on the set of the Lost Boys... I wonder who supplied him?


    always the ones you least expect.

    why is everyone trying to be tiger woods?

  15. OMG.... it just gets worse and worse! The more we learn the uglier it gets. That story is so upsetting. I wish more of them would get caught. Well since he wants to be a such a big freak, he's getting all the freak action ever while in jail. To those who doubt this loon isn't mk'd please remind yourself of his occupation. Music Video Director! That is a huge clue. Aren't commenters always talking about what the people behind the scenes must be like? The ones who come up with the "ideas" for the videos and construct them with the settings,the symbolism and direct the actions of the artists. Well here he is! Obviously his other line of business was to create monarchs also! Siring his own grandchildren, physically & emotionally abusing them. All of the signs are there. Respectfully I have to agree with Tommy.

  16. @C, what is "native idiocy"?

  17. MK'd evidence in statement by Kanye West posted recently on his blog.

    Kanye West admits he has been deeply affected by the tragedy, insisting he struggles with the same "demons" as McQueen. West writes on his blog …"There were times that the only thing that kept me on this earth was the need and responsibility to create... I know how it feels when the night demons come. We can't let them control our hands and feet. Sometimes when it hurts so bad we have to just lay in the bed. Just lay in bed and don't move please, I know how it feels. I wish McQueen could have just been still. Don't let the psychiatrists give you their drugs because it slows down your wings."

    Insomnia symptom, comments about demons, (no wonder they can't sleep),demons controlling him (his hands and feet), reference to 'wings'-butterfly? Luciferian fallen angel? I'll never get used this sick mk culture. It's always so sad witnessing the trap these people have walked into.

  18. I must say bravo to Ben...

    left for 2 weeks with the mind numbing Terry Richardson, who frankly I do not want to read about, then we're treated to LSD cakes and the Fugees!

    Must point out however, Ben seems to have switched the tone of his posts somehow to more m/k-evidence based subjects. Things which aren't directly MK but are indications of the debauchery in high society. Good move Ben, makes for far more interesting reading - how about we get a new Lady Gaga post then forget about pop music for a while :)

  19. Anony 11:37

    lol, "native idiocy", whats not clear? Natural born moron...

  20. Cory Haim just died, and you couldn't even make a post in his memory. ;(

  21. I've been reading this blog since last fall and it's fascinating. Heretofore, my only significant exposure to any conspiracy theory was reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail about 20 years ago.

    Would any of the adepts here be so kind to direct me to evidence that convinced them that Cathy o'Brien is credible (besides her words/direct claims). I have yet to find anything I feel substantiates anything she has said or reveals her to be anything but an unstable attention fiend. But, I *want* an opportunity to believe, to connect these dots. Many thanks in advance!

  22. btw, what about Gwen Stefani? Is she MK?I mean, most of her songs are vacuous fluff about fashion and she can't really sing for shit. She's all surface (same with Madonna). Other than her looks, her appeal has always totally mystified me. Any thoughts?

  23. GWEN STEFANI, another MK puppet. No talent, no beauty, nada, but overrated as hell.


  24. @ 13:17--lol, "native idiocy", whats not clear? Natural born moron...>>

    Never heard the term. The word "native" can been misconstrued as a racial slur when describing an African-American. Some things don't always translate in written form. Which is why the question was asked, wise-guy.

  25. anybody please offer a link or document, book about O'Brien that lends credence to her claims?

  26. What a freaky day today is turning out to be...I'm finding synchronicity at every turn. I was earlier today talking about Gwen Stefani (weird) I remember arguing with an old friend about how she 'sold out'... all her songs and her whole 'look' are false and totally fashion manufactured - a complete turn-around from the No Doubt days. She's a puppet!

    P.S. To the poster who mentioned The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail book...I hope you've done your research and know that the whole 'story' was based on a hoax and the source materials drawn from in the book are proved to be fabricated?

  27. i'm sure i read somewhere that gwen stefani is related to madonna. may have dreamt it up though

    i love posts about music artists! coz i love music ha there's sooo many more artists you could write about...keep em comin i say

  28. dear anon 14 March 2010 16:12,

    yes, I know it is utter BS and I didn't buy into it even before I learned that. Thanks for the heads up though.

    I know what you mean by the synchronicity...not long after I posted that, I wandered into the living room where my husband was watching a documentary about the grail and the book was mentioned.

  29. @14 March 2010 15:53

    Dont take "C" too seriously.

    'it' has some deep issues and never really does "its" own research, thus even a report that Mccain just farted would to C be a sign he was MK'd.

  30. To: "anybody please offer a link or document, book about O'Brien that lends credence to her claims?"

    ^^^Read outside the conspiracy genre too. Read books about people who were severely abused. When Rabbit Howls is a good one. He ended up in the airforce as an adult. Ironic? Not hardly.

    Read books on dissociative identity disorder psychology books. They will show you that mind splitting through trauma is real, and they often hold interesting case studies.

    Read books on the elite. History books about the Astors the Vanderbilts, the billionaire scions and the numerous family suicides.

    The evidence is there OUTSIDE of the conspiracy genre as well. Too many people rely on Cathy O'Brien.

    Read between the lines. Ben is even showing us how to do that by looking critically at these kinds of news stories. Learn about the serial killers Ottis Toole, John Wayne Gacy, Mark David Chapman, Manson.

    Learn about the Dutroux murders Gilles de Rais and Countess Bathory. Its all there when you look with open eyes.

  31. read biographies too. Read the bios of William Randolph Hearst, Glenn Gould and Marvin Gaye

    Check this out for example:

  32. Free blowjobs from monarch slave Aubrey O'Day at Millions of milkshakes

  33. oops forgot the link

  34. 14 March 2010 16:46, thank you for the advice. I have had a longtime interest in serial killers and know the stories of those you mentioned, including Bathory. Gilles De Rais I am only familiar with via Joris-Karl Huysman's book La-Bas, but I will look deeper into that history now.

    I am glad you mentioned that one shouldn't rely too heavily on one person's story, as I've seen a bit of that with O'Brien, and being a natural skeptic, I need to come to my own conclusions aided by unbiased evidence of some kind.
    Everything I have found either seeks to totally discredit her, or unquestionably prop her up as a bastion of Truth.

    There is obviously way too much synchronicity/"coincidence" here to be dismissed, and I absolutely believe there is something afoot, that there are shadowy and overt conspiracies at work. The problem is acquiring information that is as objective as possible. Much of what I have seen on the web, not this site, but others, is fueled by outright misogyny (bashing feminism is ridiculous- there are countless people who identify as feminists who aren't shills for some malevolent agenda and I am one of them-we care about eradicating misogyny, not pursuing some bizarro goal of homogenizing the human race) and unfettered anti-semitism that it turns me straight off. I can understand being critical of Israel but some of these people go way too far in their vitriol imho.

    I'm seeking the truth, not rabid myopia, and I don't want to fall into the trap of taking the word of unstable people who want to be special snowflakes as the gospel truth.

    I appreciate your sincere response and effort to point me in the right direction.

  35. Lauryn Hill-
    They really screwed her up bad :-(


    TO THIS-


    IMO it looks like she's had some kind of circus programming. She always looks like a clown. Big red hair, clown like make up, layers of coats and baggy clothes. She is totally out of her head. How does such an intelligent and gifted wordsmith get to that place. I once heard that her nervous breakdown was cause by a philandering husband. A man cheating on you doesn't make you do all of this! Other main clue is that she was on the label that seems to be the headquarters of mk; Columbia/Sony. Shall I list some other ladies of that company? Mariah Carey and their latest and greatest creation Beyonce, just to name a couple. That place is bad-business! It's Pandora's box. Now here's this guy who directed videos for her and her label. Anyone thinking of joining that crappy industry needs to re-think.

  36. @anon 14 March 2010 18:13

    Have you checked out the MKULTRA Victim testimonies on youtube?

  37. @anon 14 March 2010 18:13

    The Greenbaum Speech is also interesting...

  38. Lauryn Hill I Get Out (Lauryn Hill exposes the Industry)

  39. Michale Jackson said Sony was pure evil.

  40. Sorry, I was thinking of another book than When Rabbit Howls... A book by David Pelzer: "A Child Called It" He was the one who went to the military when he grew up after severe abuse by his mother. They actually recruited him.

  41. I agree with the circus programming asessment of Lauryn Hill. I think Kelis is getting the same programming. She's another one who went off the rails, except she totally sold out.

  42. circus programming wtf

  43. they tried to destroy MJ all throughout his career. remember the pepsi ad 'accident' with his hair catching fire? that was quite early on! then i think they did something to make his skin turn weird...basically just made him into a complete freak and as for all the pedo accusations, well. they weren't happy about him singing songs about saving the earth and shit were they? they'd rather artists sang about sex and violence! kinda stating the obvious here but yeah...poor chap. even kanye west hints in one of his songs..."they thought i was burnt up like pepsi did michael". theres also a rumour that paul mccartney was behind his death, to do with him owning the beatles shizz? anyways i'm rambling...ben please do a post on him!





  46. @12:07--I agree with the circus programming assessment of Lauryn Hill. I think Kelis is getting the same programming... except she totally sold out....

    Yes Kelis!!!!! She is a gorgeous talented girl with loads of promise & then, as you put it so well, she went of the rails. One does get the impression that she's a willing participant. Her husband Nas is nothing nice. I couldn't tell who was the handler in that relationship.
    I just want to cry when I see the pics of Lauryn. Too see such a young beautiful gifted woman destroyed and for what???????

  47. @12:38

    I hear you loud and clear. What they did to MJ is beyond heartbreaking. McCartney wasn't behind it though. A lot of what went on with MJ came from feuding with the powerful Tommy Mottola ( former head of Columbia until '03). Starting with MJ's ownership of several major catalogues, including the Beatles. Things escalated when Michael challenged him on the lack of promotion of his Invincible cd (fab btw). MJ knew they were giving him total BS, he was no punk about it and he declared war on Mottola. Remember when MJ chartered that tourist bus and rode around Manhattan with poster of Mottola drawn with devil horns? LOL He said "Tommy Mottola is very devilish" A couple of years later a full on character assassination was unleashed on MJ. The child abuse charges etc..

    Here's an article.

  48. More on Mottola:

    That fool lost his job at Sony for causing Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey to leave the label.

    Mottola and Mariah: marraige made in MK hell, seriously.
    In June 1993, Mottola married Carey in a lavish ceremony, but the marriage was short-lived with the couple separating shortly before Christmas 1996 and divorcing in early 1998. On Carey's 2008 cd, E=MC2, she included the song "Side Effects" that outlines the challenges she found within her marriage to Mottola, including references of living in a 'private hell' and of 'violent times'. Other Mariah's songs also report her traumatic experience during her marriage to Mottola, for example Long Ago, Did I Do That, Butterfly and Breakdown.

    The embarrassing story of Tommy Mottola allegedly stealing music from Mariah Carey's Glitter (soundtrack) and passing it to Jennifer Lopez. Mariah Carey was able to use that information as leverage to leave her Sony contract one album early.

    I remember reading back then that she ran took off running out of the mansion and down the street in her bridal gown trying to get away from him. Now I see why. Poor lady!

  49. where can we find out about circus programming and all these different types of programming. how old can they program someone? is this covered in the fritz springmeier how to make an illuminati slave? i used to listen to lauryn hill, and now we have the new superstars to make us forget about her.

    i would like to read a post on aaliyah too...there are so many i would like to hear a post on...

    before i read this site, i really had no grasp on how powerful this monster really is.

    even now, i easily find myself thinking, hey, its too bizarre. i mean, leopard print is just fashionable, right?

  50. 15 March 2010 04:12, I've seen some of the MK vids on's so confusing! There are people who believe them all, others say some are shills or plants, how do you know who to believe? And what do you think of Svali? I found her accounts very credible, mainly due to the way she is able to tie so much of it together, and in so much detail. Her story was very cohesive and made sense. I just haven't done enough acid to buy into the "we are being manipulated by reptilian overlords" stuff. I find the concept of just pure unadulterated human evil much more likely.

    I'm curious how the various serial killers are connected to the Illuminati/Mk/Monarch. Are there no plainly sociopathic, abusive, evil criminals who harm and kill others of their own volition without any other entity/organization being involved? It sure seems like a convenient excuse....

    There is so much out there, navigating all this information and determining what is credible and what isn't is no small feat.

    I don't want to see bogeymen in every corner, but it's being to make me a bit paranoic.

    Discernment is important, yet it's just so hard to know who to trust, what is real, when you consider everything you see is an illusory construction.

    I've reviled pop culture since my early teens (I'm 35 now), and always thought Something Is Wrong With This Picture. The vacuity, superficial, simply stupid themes, message, narratives, I have always wondered what the fuck the mass appeal was.

    Which is how I found this blog!

  51. going to read the greenbaum link now...


    Some more firsthand info about bastard terry richardson.

  53. Ben...

    Straight off AP wire service....Exec Producer for sitcom Growing Pains sentenced to 7.5 (seems a bit light, eh?) years in prison for distributing child porn. See below.....RIP Andrew Koenig...perhaps bigger fish were swimming in those waters and he was a threat. Sad. Skep

    LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) — An executive producer for the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains has been sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison for distribution of child pornography.
    Steven Marshall was arrested last April 15 on charges of distribution and possession of child pornography. Marshall pleaded guilty to distribution and the possession charge was dropped.

    Authorities say he engaged in sending and receiving child pornography and participated in online chats detailing child abduction, bondage, rapes and murders.

    U.S. District Judge J. Leon Holmes said Tuesday that Marshall's sentence exceeded the five-year minimum for distribution because of the nature of the pictures and language used in chat rooms.

    Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

  54. what is *almost* as disgusting as this shitbag are the moronic commentors on the site who are saying he's "fun" and blaming the victim. God, I just love this backward-ass, let's-glorify-scumbags, victim-blaming, woman-and-child-hating society of ours.

  55. has anyone ever seen this show called solitary? they go through all kinds of torture to win...

    there is another show on MTV called silent library where it is kind of like initiation and whoever gets the "skull and bones" card must endure some pretty gross and disgusting tasks...

    i just read the vigilant citizen post on new lady gaga video


    Royal Bank. Pedophile. Couple month sentence. Nuff said.

  57. what is with all these fucken child rapists/molesters? ( I refuse to call them pedos, too sanitized, soft language)

  58. I'm curious how the various serial killers are connected to the Illuminati/Mk/Monarch.

    for explanation of this read David Mcgowan Programmed To Kill

    hint is that US have more serial killers than whole rest of the world

  59. With all due respect, jerry, you'd be foolish to think volume makes it automatically Illuminati/MK linked.

    India for example have a major problem with murderers..and due to local corruption/unwillingness of the local police the majority of victims never even make it past the 'missing persons' list even if a body has been found.

    The illuminati/MK etc etc is far from just 'US based' as you seem to be implying. consider this; it was taken from the nazis,and first implemented by Nazi doctors on U.S./North Americans, the Nazis took it from the Catholics(Hitler even quoted them as his inspiration), so it goes back centuries and spans the entire Euro-zone.

  60. With reference to Lori's post above. While browsing the SKY News website (always plenty of lurid news on there!) I found a report about a French Reality TV Show that was actually set up as a stunt by some posychologists to test human behaviour and our willingness to 'follow orders' even if they go against personal conscience. The show's contestants get to electroshock a guy in a booth (who is really an actor but they don't know it) and it's drawn some criticism!
    Here's the link...


    P.S. I've read the new VC post on Lady Gaga's video for Telephone - but it needs more explanation in my opinion - I tried to start some discussion on it in the comments but...they usual thing happened!

  61. @16 March 2010 19:11

    Of course they say hes 'fun' they know it will get to people like you.

    I dont mean that as a bad thing, either, I mean it in the sense some morons world-wide just love winding others up, even if it is with disturbing things such as that.

    Secretly you just know they are equally as repulsed by it.

  62. you know, i read some of the comments and articles on terry richardson, but it doesnt appear as if he physically raped or held someones head on his crotch. still, what he did was wrong, and about manipulation, i have been manipulated alot of times...but i worked for another fashion designer, anand jon, and he really did force himself on these girls, i had to testify to because he physically held my head down, (not to write it all here...anyways), but he was able to manipulate these girls to stick around after he sexually assaulted them. he had his ways, his tactics...he sort of brainwashed us too...(i AM going to write about it so i wont go too much into it here) not sure where i am going with this comment either?

    i did check out that article, about the guy with child porn on his computer. this makes me so sad! how can anyone hurt a kid like that, how can they do it? im just expressing myself...its just awful...

    marty, i was wondering why you call yourself "MK" too??


    also another thing, i was in the army and they do program you to listen and take orders. that is why i think i stuck around with that fashion designer too, i wanted to show that i am a good worker, loyal..i dont know!?! there were other tactics used...but i also read about what a sociopath is etc...

    well, this world is crazy, really is

  63. you were in the army aswell now? lol

  64. if one participates in sexual relations because one is coerced, either through fear of violent, forcible assault, or fear of losing one's livelihood, being blacklisted, etc...that is rape, because without that threat, overt or implied, there is NO CONSENT. Do you get it? Minimizing these acts has got to stop

  65. I didnt know cokeheads could be in the army. damn. so much for U.S. piss test standards.

  66. Yeah coke heads are in the army. Clearly you are just mocking Lori. But I can tell you, there are drug addicts, as well as sociopaths of every stripe in the armed forces.

  67. Lori, the MK after my name is actually my true initials - I used them here because I noticed someone else with the name Marty.
    Marty is my pseudoname on various blogs.


    P.S. The aparent sociopath Bundy was in the Army I believe!

  68. i was in the army...i was a 98G, and no i dont do drugs...we got drug tested probably once a month. i have tried coke at one point (mainly because of being around people that were doing it) so yes i admit that, but its terrible. i dont like that stuff and i do not put myself in situations where drug use is used. i hardly even go out anymore. its ok tho, i know who i am so i dont care about any stupid comments from anonymous users/LOSERS!!!

    98G is a linguist, military intelligence in case you were wondering..

  69. anyways, i have been wondering...i had watched that video about split personalities that emily has suggested and, it seems they are being triggered by something such as a childrens cereal. we have read about lady gaga, beyonce, etc having split personalities, (being split, fractured) but when are they in their split personalities? when are they in their alters, because they dont seem the same as the ones in the videos...they just seem like they are performing. are actors and actresses in a split personality when acting? i dont think so...i just dont understand...lady gaga has multiple personalities? i dont really see it, i see her as a performer.

    heres a comment that miley cyrus recently said

    "What I am sure about is I'm going to rejoice and be happy to finally not have to be … well, to not be somebody I'm not exactly. As I've grown into it, I've grown out of it. When I was 12, I thought, 'I want to be famous all the time! I want everybody to recognize me!' I can't breathe looking like that anymore.

    A friend came by the set one day and said, 'You don't look very happy.' I said, 'I'm feeling claustrophobic in all these frills. I hate being thought of as a product. I am not a doll, and people want to treat me that way… I'm older now. I have an opinion. I have my own taste."

    it seems like miley is mad and just wants to be normal, due to statements she has made, such as not realizing who jay-z was with her song, or saying she wants to be a veternarian. i feel bad for her.

  70. also, perez hilton...does he have any clue as to what is going on? MK ultra, he just hurts them even more and calls them names and draws sexual things on their pictures, he is part of their programming, i think...



  72. does anybody actually looked into David Mcgowan book (ebook cost 6$ so it's not big money)???

    anyway he points in his book that EVERY SERIAL KILLER comes from military background...

    FBI states that 20-50 serial killers are ACTIVE as we speak

    According to an FBI Behavioral Unit study 85% of the world's serial killers are in America. At any given time 20 - 50 unidentified active serial killers are at work continually changing their targets and methods.

    most of them are MK, i don't know why this is shock for anybody...

  73. thanks jerry.

    i was trying to tell someone this and they were like "ooohhh, so now even serial killers are linked with the illuminati?!" and kinda just laughed

  74. yeah i am sure this was accidental...

    (i was going to share a story about that superbowl debaucle that happened, but i dont think i am going too, but it does involve wiretapping...)

  75. 18 March 2010 02:36 said
    if one participates in sexual relations because one is coerced, either through fear of violent, forcible assault, or fear of losing one's livelihood, being blacklisted, etc...that is rape, because without that threat, overt or implied, there is NO CONSENT. Do you get it? Minimizing these acts has got to stop

    I SO agree with you. Thank you for stating what ignorant people seem to forget time and time again.

  76. Found another excellent comment from the Dlisted article on Terry Richardson:

    Ugh, the victim blaming here is fucking disgusting. Those of you who are flaming these girls are one one step away from saying "She was asking for it". Point is, this asshole is profoundly unprofessional and manipulates very young - and often very poor - women into doing shit for him because they're afraid of his status in the fashion industry. We all know that motherfucker would NEVER get laid if it wasn't for it.

    And also, this girl isn't saying she was raped in the first place, just manipulated. Good for her for speaking out against this worthless croc of shit.

    Agreed. It's easy to say "I would have walked out, she has no self-respect, etc", but you have to see it in terms of what the context is. We're talking young, inexperienced, easy to influence girls, some of them freshly arriving from eastern Europe, barely speaking English.
    You also have to understand what fashion industry is, how twisted + competitive it is. I've had some experience working during runway shows and a lot of these girls are desperate as it's very hard to stand out and make it in the end. When some size 2 18 year old girl is told she's a bit "big", just because the others are 16 year old and a size 0, and that they go as far as fasting to be able to fit the standard, you realize how screwed up the whole thing is.
    So it's no surprise to me that when they have the "opportunity" to work with someone as respected and influential as Terry Richardson, they play the game.
    Of course in "real life" if a random guy ever talked to you like that, you would give him a big FUCK YOU. But fashion isn't real life. It's a world where money, power and despair are involved.

  77. ben should do a post on this...note the checkerboard

  78. @ 16 March 2010 18:24

    I don't have a clue as to how they accomplish the circus programming or any programming. Something to do with traumatizing the victim and brainwashing them with some crazy scientific methods. I don't know and don't want to. I am just able to recognize it when I see it. You go by the themes. There is the Wizard of Oz theme, Disney themed programming & probably lots more than that. The mk victim heavily identifies with disney characters, such as the little mermaid, or peter pan. Sadly one of the most victimized ever was Michael Jackson (God rest his soul). He was obsessed with Peter Pan and the Tin Man from Oz. Just look at what they wear. The average person just doesn't behave like that. They're minds have been screwed with. If you go through this informative blog you will learn about it. When you see the tags at the end of his articles like "disney programming", "mind control" or "monarch". Just click on it and follow the links. Lots of info in these articles.

  79. @18 March 2010 11:04

    I was actually mocking the entire world wide piss test regime..from personal experience an infant could manipulate it..

  80. Off topic, but does anyone else have
    a problem with this unpleasant 'art'
    ...i complained to myspace but they say it doesn't violate their terms.

    i found it really disturbing.

  81. Popular Serbian singer and her boyfriend found dead in a possible murder/suicide last night.

    Wonder what this was for?

  82. why does lauryn hill have a kid called zion? :/


  84. more models are coming forth to call terry richardson a pervert GOOD!

  85. about the myspace art, i am artistic myself and i appreciate art, and while those images are disturbing, i think it wants to stir up emotion within us, possibly exposing some sort of theme, im not sure, art, etc, all tell a story. sometimes sadness needs to be exposed, sometimes the mood needs to be captured, sometimes it the only outlet someone has to express themselves. those paintings are actually kind of interesting, disturbing yes, but that is the point of artwork...

    i dont know?

  86. To Kim:

    Most likely Ksenija&Filip were shot by drug mafia boys.


  87. Folks, read this and I hope it wont make u puke. More of fucked up dude Richardson:


  88. hey jesse james and donald trump throwing out those devil horns

    (jesse james is in the gossip news scandal for cheating on sandra bullock)

    when i saw them at awards like the oscars, he seemed like he was proud to be her husband and she really was in love with him, guess hollywood really is an illusion, since she moved out.

    she kept pining on about eating cheeseburgers at his burger joint too...

  89. @13:19
    Jesse James -husband/handler.
    Sandra Bullock- "wins" oscar - moves up in the echelons - needs new handler -Jesse James has to go...

  90. Lauryn Hill was/is? a follower of Rastafarianism. I think one of the beliefs they hold is that Zion is the promised land. It's prominent place in Rasta culture.

  91. to above, yes she is moving up now

    everyone wanted precious star to win but it was sandras place to step up

    check out this quote by lady gaga

    "I live my life completely serving only my work and my fans. And that way, I have to think about not what is best for my vagina but what is best for my fans and for me artistically. In the book of GaGa, fame is in your heart, fame is there to comfort you, to bring you self-confidence and worth whenever you need it. I want my fans to love themselves. It’s almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly."

    - Lady GaGa tells the New York Times's T Magazine

    Read More: Quote Of The Day |
    Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

    i noticed a comment where madonna would talk about her vagina in her sex book. its like gaga gotten hypnotized to talk about her vagina or someting

  92. Thanks, C.

    On another note, apparently the concept of having an "alter" is on the move to become more mainstream thanks in part to the United States of Tara show. Here's a little game on youtube where you can play Three Card Tara and pick the alter.

  93. another miley comment..

    she HATES country music. it seems like she is trying to rebel any way she can..

    "It scares me… It feels contrived on so many levels. Unless you're wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and singing and whining about your girlfriend or boyfriend leaving you it's not going to sell.

    I think that's why my dad finally got out of it. You have to wear those cowboy boots and be sweet as pie. It makes me nervous, the politics of it all."

    Read More: Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
    Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

  94. @14:17

    and isn't that what the illuminati believes too?

  95. There's photos of Britney Spears out and about with manager/boyfriend/ handler Jason Trawick, wearing a leopard print tiara on her head.

  96. Anony 18:49:

    Not only that tiara, but also a MICKEY MOUSE pair of ears, I saw the pics... Tragic indeed. No matter the situation, a slave is a slave and he/she has to show that...


  97. Yes, like almost everybody, I never understood how SANDRA BULLLOCK could marry a dude like JESSE JAMES...


  98. Just my 5 cents worth...I think there is a definate corrolation between Sandra Bullock's marriage to James and her career path...perhaps it's now time for a new handler?

  99. BOY GEORGE is back and he is worth taking a look at. MK at its finest:


  100. @16:17 and isn't that what the illuminati believes too?>>

    Not in same way at all. For one thing Rastas are not into world domination, witchcraft and satanism. Do a little research on Rastafarianism, you'll see.

  101. @05:32
    Just my 5 cents worth...I think there is a definate corrolation between Sandra Bullock's marriage to James and her career path...perhaps it's now time for a new handler?

    See above@19 March 2010 14:15
    Jesse James -husband/handler.
    Sandra Bullock- "wins" oscar - moves up in the echelons - needs new handler -Jesse James has to go...

  102. ok so this is weird....

    on the lady gaga telephone video, around 7:34 in, the scene where everyone gets poisoned, i know that tattoed asian guy. i hung out with him a few times in california, he approached me at this movie party premiere. i thought that he was told to talk to me (i know i sound like a nutcase but when i was living in california i had felt like people were being placed in my life, like pawns...i always use the term, the real life game of chess...

    well, he was on the telephone video, he got killed by the poison..(yeah i also call myself poison on myspace)

    at around 7:40 depending on what video you see, edited or not, it zooms in on his eye before it goes up and he dies...his EYE! like, the all seeing eye...

    i msged him and asked if that was him, and he says yes that was him.

    anyways, maybe i should ask him more questions about the shoot, you know???

  103. that boy george video, like hypnotized me...lady gaga says she wants to hypnotize people through her music....but we all get hypnotized, even by driving. oh another person who approached me in california had a tendency to make his voice sound like someone else i knew out there, who i met at the playboy mansion. that guy told me that the guy who made his voice change was a hypnotist...and he often went to the magic castle in hollywood. one has to be invited to be able to go there, and there is a window with an owl on it. i think its for magicians..

    anyways, im rambling and yes i expect some smart alec remark now...

  104. Ben if your reading, or anyone for that matter, watch Return to has the first uses of electroshock etc...also the witch who has many different heads...for different personalities and sure there might be more themes going on too...starring Fairuza Balk...wonder whats up with her

  105. lady gaga apparently asked boy george to sign her vagina :/

    don't you think 'karma chameleon' was an interesting song?

  106. GABRIELLA CILMI's new single:


  107. oh, i've seen that.

    full of triangle-y goodness.


    debut vid from diana vickers, of x factor fame. spotted a couple of things in this...

  109. At 1:31 in the Diana Vickers video, the book on her left is the Aldridge/Plomer children's book The BUTTERFLY BALL & the Grasshopper's Feast, open at plate 13, showing Punchinello: a fox dressed for the MASKED BALL as Punch(of Punch & Judy fame) sitting with a lizard in a train carriage.

  110. seriously, what is up with tila? shes so crazy, clearly someone got to her, and what was up with the comment about the illuminati being after her a while ago?

    check out this video

  111. maybe shes mocking MPD? or trying to act like she gots it...she pretends being crazy...she is not stable...ehh whatever!

  112. Peter Pan lived in Neverland
    Michael jackson lived in Neverland

    Peter Pan had his "Lost Boys"
    Michael Jackson had Corey Feldman who starred in the Lost Boys!!!!!!!

    Its so organized, but who writes the script!?!?

  113. don't you think 'karma chameleon' was an interesting song?

    21 March 2010 09:49

    Please elaborate. That song was a hallmark of my childhood....

  114. well the title, for a start is a bit fucking weird. think about it

  115. At 1:31 in the Diana Vickers video, the book on her left is the Aldridge/Plomer children's book The BUTTERFLY BALL & the Grasshopper's Feast, open at plate 13, showing Punchinello: a fox dressed for the MASKED BALL as Punch(of Punch & Judy fame) sitting with a lizard in a train carriage.


    i actually didn't spot this! unbelievable.

  116. well the title, for a start is a bit fucking weird. think about it

    22 March 2010 07:11 is strange. Would it imply (do you think) that certain folks are camaflouging themselves karmically through the ages...escaping detection, in spite of their evil doings??

    Or am I going the wrong direction?

    Boy George has a knowledge of the occult. He talks about the third eye being a place for "heroes who never compromise" in a Culture Club song.

    Another good artist for Ben to look into would be Antony Hegarty. Brilliant singer, but clearly from a generational illuminati background. He collaborated with Boy George on "You are my Sister" appears to be about "twinning" among other things...

  117. Oops! Make that certain "lizards" are camouflaging themselves through the ages!

  118. yep. something like that

  119. Why is Antony Hegarty "clearly from a generational illuminati background"?

  120. ^^First of all I love him, his voice and music so let's not get it twisted.

    Hmm lets see...gender confusion, won a mercury award, speaks about loving being hit ("Fistful of Love", speaks about trauma based mind control in his lyrics "Spiralling", also a triggering symbol for monarchs-the spiral. The interlude "I'm free at last" with its SOS military morse code in the background and the song "I am a bird girl" in which he tells us "bird girls go to heaven" about dissociating from the body sending your spirit out of your body like butterfly girls etc.

    Also his fascination with the Andy Warhol monarch slave Candy Darling on the cover of his album. The way he sings his music and the pathos he imparts to it makes me think he knows what he's talking about, like an insider.

    Bird's are also a common way female monarchs see themselves

    There's nothing wrong with it actually, I find it refreshing that someone is singing about this stuff. It gives the rest of us hope and peace.

  121. Here's a pic of the Japanese poet who recites the "I'm free at last" poem

    Here's a pic of Antony portrayed with a butterfly by NY Mag.

    He's also got a creepy pic of someone in a leather gimp mask in the inner sleeve of one of his albums. Looked like a memory of very dark and ritualistic sex game, and was at odds with the sad picture of Candy Darling on her deathbed, on the cover, unless of course you know the life of an MK slave.

    I get the impression he was raised as a Druid or something -as some Illuminati families do follow Druid customs [WINSTON CHURCHILL was one] like leaving their children out in the forest overnight to promote dissociation-the song Spiralling makes me think of that trauma for some reason. He's also friends with Bjork who seems to have Druidic philiosphies as well.

  122. Xtina is back, as the devil (yawn):

  123. Thanks for the Antony info and insights. I'm new to his music and it gives me chills. I like thinking that although he may have suffered, he's got this wisdom grace & beauty.

  124. Yes, I completely agree. He is a voice of comfort for the confused and hurting and one of the best, TRUE artists to come along in a while, IMO.

  125. I want to reccomend a book to everyone called "13-Cubed" by Stewart Swerdlow.

    Now I know Swerdlow has been accused of being a charlatan and all of his information is not perfect, but he has deprogrammed a lot of of real MK people and he has some interesting info in this book about what to look for to identify MK people.

    Its really eye opening. So...yeah, check it out. :)

  126. I've stolen the below link from a comment thread over at another site. Everyone should watch this video (all of it) because it shows a perfect example of how people can be manipulated and in fact 'brainwashed' is intriguing. I can't say if the entire thing is genuine or there are a few actors pretending to be 'real people' for the show but YOU NEED to see this if you haven't already!!


  127. wow this jesse james character is beginning to look like tiger woods all over again, different women coming out of nowhere saying they slept with him, that one tattooed model posing as a nazi, and now a sexual harassment suit? what is going on?


    they knew they were getting into a defective plane (DJ AM and TRAVIS BARKER CRASH)




    Princess Grace, the royal slave:


  131. stating the obvious;

  132. and;

  133. Another TERRY RICHARDSON?


  134. i just saw this commercial, with ellen page...i have read about ellen page on this site here. its strange how she says, "wow, when i was a kid, the only trip we got to go to was, the farm" and then it goes to her as a kid, but there is a foreboding feel to the next scene with the pig. remember the whole craig ferguston thing with brittany murphy and the farm? and what is the classroom about? read the comments too.

    i would like to hear more about the jesse james and sandra bullock incident too. i just find the whole thing very odd, and somene here mentioned he was her handler or something...

    looking forward to the next blog post...hope someone sees this comment too

  135. oops this is the commercial

  136. here the link is..


    oops here is the link


    heres the link

  139. heres the link




  142. ok my computer is acting up something is wrong with it....i cant see my comments...something about having an unsecure connection?

  143. ok ever since i started reading this, i cant help but see ritualistic like hazing things, signs and such, more so than my own awareness and knowledge allowed me too. anyways, i was watching a bit of the nickelodeon kids choice awards, and katy perry got slimed. i know the whole sliming thing has been nicks trademark, but something now seems very perverted about the whole sliming thing. also, miley cyrus won and award and katy perry did the devil hand sign. im sure they are aware of these kind of articles, what does anyone else think? also, during rihanna performing, some little girls in the audience were dressed all frilly with butterflies on their shirts.

  144. THe slime used to come from above and land on the person's head. Katy Perry got projectile slimed right on her face from a box. Remember Timberlake/ Samberg song "dick in a box"?

    Why is Rianna invited to a kid's show to sing a song about her begging a rude boy (jamaican juvenile delinquent) to give her the high hard dick?

    Come here rude boy boy can you get it up?
    Come here rude boy boy is you big enough?

    Seriously? at a children's show?

  145. "i would like to hear more about the jesse james and sandra bullock incident too. i just find the whole thing very odd, and somene here mentioned he was her handler or something"

    Thats some piss poor handler then, if he couldnt even fuck about and keep her on side.

  146. Hi Lori - thanks for the links.
    With reference to my older comment above at...24 March 2010 10:42
    I've been thinking about it and realised what I believe is actually going on with all the imagery in the posters, videos, photos, adverts, etc. Just like this Darren guy and his 'suggestable subjects' the whole entertainment industry (I forgot to include computer games on the list) the whole entertainment industry is being used as part of one huge hypnosis mind trick...all the signs etc. have been planted out there...and at some point in the near future, when all the different factors are brought together (just like the last trick in the video mentioned at my above link) the population will suddenly find itself 'acting out' something which was designed to be implemented by the 'powers that be' previously. What that 'event' will be anbd what will 'trigger' the response I'm not sure of, I've not figured that part out...I don't even think we can figure out what will happen until it actually takes place is a bit confusing...I know what I mean...I just need to communicate it better LOL!!

  147. What do u think of this?


  148. @29 March 2010 06:02

    you know, I genuinely thought that too, back in the early 70s..and Im still waiting now.

    Im not saying it ISNT like that, but my god are they slow at implementation.

    As mad as it may seem, I wish they would hurry up and 'try' to fully complete whatever their main goal is..its making them look very incompetent and incapable as time passes.

  149. I think psuedo occult should maybe do an interview with someone who works in advertising. i was going to school for graphic and web design, and i am sure there are subliminal messages being implemented in the commercials. of course there are. now thanks to the internet, its easier for everyone to detect these signs and to share and discuss them. that hypnosis video was the power of suggestion, and alot of other applicants had to be weeded out. we have our own minds, we have free will, so we dont have to be controlled. a few years ago, talking about mind control was sort of a joke, to the average person. however, if we allow ourselves to be controlled, it will slowly seep in, without, (or maybe with) our awareness. i have to admit i spend way too much time on the internet. and why? im not getting anything from it except for missing out on living my own life outside of the internet and tv world...also, im not too sure about this, but i have my theories...

    i know some people that work in sales, and they have to take a workshop on nuero linguistic programming, which is emulating the person you are trying to make sales too....i think alot of nuerolinguistic programming was used on me when i was living in california (meaning trying to seem like someone i knew...maybe a celebrity? im not sure) also does anyone know anything about secret handshakes, because i had gotten this weird handshake like, three times when i was out in california. i had never had a handshake like that in my entire life except when i was going to certain places...

  150. I hear Jesse James Sandra Bullock's husband had a nazi fetish. I looked into it and it appears that Sandra is german, in actuality, her grandfather was a rocket scientist from Nuremburg Germany during the war which would make Hitler her grandfather's boss!! See her wiki page.

    Looks like Bullock might have been a project paperclip progeny as so many in Hollywood appear to be...

  151. ok, you know, i wonder...with shows like celebrity rehab, do you think these 'd-list' celebs are behaving this way so that they can get on this show? for example, tila tequila. look at her blog she is bragging about 'making an ass our of herself' on tmz. why is she behaving in this crazy irrational way? are we in such an age where we glamourize acting like a fool?

    also, that guy puck from earlier real worlds was in a car accident after taking two shots of jack daniels while his 8 year old son was in the car.

    also, on dancing with the stars, pamela anderson seemed really out of it while emulating marilyn monroe. the one judge even called her a kitty cat.

  152. ok, you know, i wonder...with shows like celebrity rehab, do you think these 'd-list' celebs are behaving this way so that they can get on this show? for example, tila tequila. look at her blog she is bragging about 'making an ass our of herself' on tmz. why is she behaving in this crazy irrational way? are we in such an age where we glamourize acting like a fool?

  153. what if the launch of her OMGTILA on april fools is her killing herself. i hate to say that, but she has wrote she was going to kill herself via webcam before. im actually concerned....sorry...

  154. they say she is acting crazy because of this anti-tila blogspot, which is only fueling her to harm herself. she is doing it for the attention. i noticed on the clip she did for 'the cleveland show' they had her cartoon throw out the devil hand signs after she says she makes out with girls. are they just all messing with us? what is going on?

    heres the site the clip is there

  155. Anony 13:26. U believe all the crap that tabloids say? That Jesse James had a fetish for Nazi stuff? Michelle McGee (in her Nazi attire) is nothing but another attention whore. LOL, come on. It seems to me that we label smth or smb as "Nazi" much too easy and its damm wrong. Every famous person with German roots must have Nazi connections? Already sick of this paranoia.


  156. @ <<<14 March 2010 14:34
    Anonymous said...

    @ 13:17--lol, "native idiocy", whats not clear? Natural born moron...>>

    Never heard the term. The word "native" can been misconstrued as a racial slur when describing an African-American. Some things don't always translate in written form. Which is why the question was asked, wise-guy.>>>

    Hate to comment on this, but "native" is actually another reference to "Native Americans" (American Indians). Anyone who uses this term to refer to "African Americans" (and I quote the word because most "blacks" in America are not even full-blooded Africans) is just plain dumb and uneducated. Please look up the term "native" and try again.

  157. Anony 4:11

    Be sure I know the meaning of the word "native". As i expected, smb jumped up when I said this. Quite late yet. In the context I used it bears no reference to the Native Americans (for whom I have a deep respect and love). It means "born with it", "natural born with smth..." I dont have to justify myself for every crap.


  158. Anony 13:26. U believe all the crap that tabloids say? That Jesse James had a fetish for Nazi stuff? Michelle McGee (in her Nazi attire) is nothing but another attention whore. LOL, come on. It seems to me that we label smth or smb as "Nazi" much too easy and its damm wrong. Every famous person with German roots must have Nazi connections? Already sick of this paranoia.

    ^^Ummm.... Bullock's grandfather worked as a rocket scientist in NUREMBERG GERMANY during WWII. It doesn't get much more Nazi than that!! LOL!

  159. "...A source tells us that James also owns a surfboard with a “full-length picture of Adolf Hitler doing a ‘Sieg Heil’ salute, along with a swastika, which he keeps in his office”

  160. @30 March 2010 07:44 ,

    seriously, thats a wasted comment on C.

    Even if she, bullock, had a photo of him/her and hitler stood together infront of a V2 rocket if she was old enough to have been around then, C would swear blind its photoshopped - after all, 'main stream conspiracy' sites havent reported it, so it cant be true.

    That being said, he might not have been 100% true to the Nazi cause, he could have just worked for them so in that sense C could be right...however thats unlikely as most high ranking Nazis were evil cunts.


    Nuremberg held great significance during the Nazi Germany era. Because of the city's relevance to the Holy Roman Empire and its position in the centre of Germany, the Nazi Party chose the city to be the site of huge Nazi Party conventions–the Nuremberg rallies. The rallies were held annually from 1927 to 1938 in Nuremberg.

    After Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933 the Nuremberg rallies became huge state propaganda events, a center of Nazi ideals. At the 1935 rally, Hitler specifically ordered the Reichstag to convene at Nuremberg to pass the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws which revoked German citizenship for all Jews. A number of premises were constructed solely for these assemblies, some of which were not finished. Today many examples of Nazi architecture can still be seen in the city....

    During World War II, Nuremberg was the headquarters of Wehrkreis (military district) XIII, and an important site for military production, including airplanes, submarines, and tank engines. A subcamp of Flossenbürg concentration camp was located here. Extensive use was made of slave labour

  162. @lori i'm confused about tila tequila aswell! is she actually screwed up or does she just put that act on? hmm

  163. Thats another one to keep ur eyes on:

    And these are the posts on the "young fashion sensation" (baby monarch) TAVI GEVINSON:


  164. Hi
    another thing about tila tequila, she tweeted that she wants to shave her head. i am looking at the new christina album, well the link to it shows half of her face as some sort of robot?

    i have a question. people are saying she is now copying lady gaga, but this has been going on for years. i just wonder, what exactly is so pertinant about the blonde? is it because it symbolizes purity, or aryan? i dont get it. lady gaga, christina, britney, etc...taylor swift, they all seem to be blondes. power blondes....the american idol girls turn blonde, like that kat mcphee?? pamela anderson, marilyn monroe, madonna...

    i know that there are darker haired singers of course, (dyed black katy perry), but what is the significance of the blonde?

  165. oh wow C, those pictures of that little girl are really disturbing. who is she? i noticed those eye pictures on that rankin site too...



    justin bieber. he kinda sprang from nowhere didn't he? usher is his boss (; check this out

    also, on the subject of blonde hair/aryan have any of you heard the singer mr hudson? with that ridiculous bleached blonde hair, not that well known yet, but he has done a few songs with kanye west and jay-z. that kinda happened out of nowhere too, and he never seems to be able to explain properly how it came about. 'paranoid' in reverse. pretty scary check it out 'supernova' the big hit with kanye

  167. Hudson just did what most British artists did from the mid to late 90s..bleached their hair blonde and got big...most got over the stupid phase, until the early 00s when eminem got big and literally thousands of teens bleached theirs too because eminem did so.

    hes well known all over europe, mostly because he toured with kanye west a couple years ago..which is what lead to that song no doubt.

    think it was the 2008 tour, or 2007.

  168. I can say KELIS is deep shit:



    Back to reprogramming? I didnt know that after divorce u should go straight to rehab...


  170. i keep hearing stuff about kelis? anyone got any info, i believe shes bringing a new album out

  171. Much tx for your tireless devotion in your efforts to reveal base MK prog'mng in pop focus is the political aspect of this abominable are linked on my blog -- would like to share this w/you...

    Cindy McCain BUSTED giving Jesse Jackson “controller device” for Kissinger’s latest MK-bot Sarah Palin @ Clinton Global Initiative

    Be Well

  172. not sure what to think of this

  173. erykah badu controversial video

  174. according to this article:

    There's also a subtle psychological component to photo selection with stories such as Sandra's.

    "The requests for covers we get are, 'Let's get her sad, but pretty.' Or, 'We need her looking strong and confident, but a little damaged,'" Mr. Stone told The New York Times blog. "You have these incredibly subjective things you have to look for -- you're trying to convey these moods you're planting on top of these celebrities."

    those pictures were taken during the summer. makes me wonder, seems sort f planned...(they used those sad but happy portraits to sell their gossip mags)

  175. oh also, i read that thing about sarah palin, was kind of shocking to see craig ferguso making jokes about her being passed

  176. Even more interesting ERYKAH BADU's vid (I posted a link to it too), for at the end of it she is shot rite in the same spot that Kennedy allegedly was in 1963.




  178. great preview of an interesting book:

  179. ITK7- I'm not denying that MK exists, but the "controller device" is a shiny button on Cindy McCain's jacket...use some discernment.

    She is supposedly the woman that is Jesse James (JJ) cheating on Sandra Bullock...take a look at her tattoos, crown with writing TROPHY, some writing on the head (something with Sinner? WTF?)and lots of MK symbols...Jesse James is most probably victim/programmer, guess what is he up to now?...he is at rehab center :)

  181. all these people are so pathetic! i'm almost sick of hearing about them, which then makes me ask myself why i am here...

  182. why is he so paranoid?

    i know the scientologists mess with your head and can make someone kiil themself. there is something very strange going on in hollywood thats for sure...

  183. ok anonymous, then dont come here?? anyways...

    my friend was telling me about this book. it seems quite interesting, its about aliens that host into the spinal cords of humans. im not a twilight fan, but this book seems good, i had an idea about people in hollywood when i was there. i remember i thought, perez hilton, tila tequila, etc...all of them have an invisible parasite manifesting on their backs, feeding from their souls..

    and let me tell you, there is a very obscure energy there, in LA area...maybe its the poles, who knows? but its very...strange, sucking...its always sunny sure, but who cares? im glad i live in nj where i appreciate the beautiful good energy weather!

  184. I just love those 2 mirrorheads dressed in black robes...


  185. @ 31 March 2010 01:48...

    That Kelis video is a doozy!
    We've got some:
    -color and onyx jewel programming
    -possible myan/incan/tribal/pagan salutes
    -painted gold, surrounded by wolves, and wearing horns/spikes? Some sort of wolf mother/goddess/dehumanization
    -butterfly programming
    -fetish/ritual bondage association
    -sensory deprivation(covered eyes)
    -tribal/robot insinuation patterns over arms/dehumanization
    -possible nod to middle eastern, desert culture/folklore/goddess character(the gold version of her is in a very middle eastern tent setting)

    Man, extremely obvious and creepy as heck.

  186. ...Other interesting things about Kelis, is her mother is a fashion designer, plays three instruments/attended a high school for music and performing arts,(raised to do her job for the elite later, obviously)left home at 16 years old, and as soon as she left school, was signed to a label. All wrapped up way to neatly.
    I also find that there is a pattern to the way various mk potential people are introduced to the public. For example, with her, she is the overly sexual/prostitute-style urbanite, but in videos now like 'Acapella', is presented as a high fashion, goddess-like force. Not singing about how she can please every 'boy'(not man, to help oversexualize the listening teens and girls at home into doing the same for free in their own backyard). Gaga also had a club-going, oversexual image, which turned into attempts to make anthem ballads like,Speechless. There was no way Oprah would have had her on her show if she was still singing about 'disco sticks'.
    This whole strategy, of luring people in with sex and a base, common attraction, then repackaging them as a 'true artist', or 'diva', the a huge farce, and most people act as if no trickery has happened at all.


    The flowchart is funny, in a really sad way.


    i guess this fuckface makes peace sign on the photo...

  189. devil horns!

  190. Lori 15:54

    Not a big deal with those fingers in ANISTON's butt. Get real, it was just a joke. Lets not make a mountain out of a molehill. We will get to see "devil horns" everywhere and its not good.


  191. The nose has prominence on the face.

    The sense of smell is our most significant sense.

    We are all fools.

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  193. don't you feel like they are making all this stuff obvious now on purpose? i mean, for example 90%of people know all about jay-z now, and it hasn't changed anything. we've just accepted it pretty much. the guy is a f**king disgrace! have you seen 'onto the next one', which is about killing others to survive/gain power?! its all just so obvious now. and then you have this site, which strangely hasn't been shut down yet along with all the others like the ever growing in popularity 'vigilant citizen', i mean, everyone knows about that site! for christ sake. there's even a fan page on facebook for it.

  194. when i posted that link, i was just kidding around too...i know that was meant as a joke! one must learn to laugh in well

  195. Two items I found interesting.

    1. Madonna's former manager has died. Found dead on March 31

    2. Gaga says that insanity may be her destiny.

  196. why does she always talk about "fame"....what exactly does she think fame is? was she brainwashed to see fame differently than the rest of us or something? its just very what!?! fame isnt the best thing to obtain!!! these pop stars, reality shows, websites and such are only trying to encourage already lost souls that FAME is what wont matter unless you are famous...

    thats my rant! i wonder when a new post will be up???!!?

  197. so, this weekend some girl pushed me into this other girl that had a tattoo of the eye of horus, i thought that was kind of weird.

    anyways, another wrestler commits suicide.

    also, i dont really know the scientifics and details about scientology, or care too really, but i do know that they do harass and play mind games with people, driving them crazy and even leading them to kill themselves.

  198. tom cruise is a scientologist isn't he


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