
Saturday 9 January 2010

Nicolas Cage's Hit Girls

Nicolas Cage, of the Coppola Hollywood "elite" clan has appeared in countless films as extremely symbolic roles (National Treasure movies, Knowing, Wicker Man etc) but this is not an extended post on those (I may yet get to them) roles. Nicolas Cage's latest comic book adaptation is 'Kick-Ass' and I feel is pushing it a bit in terms of what they can get away with when using young children in films (not that they haven't done much worse), watch these two trailers to see what I am talking about.

The child playing Mindy Macready with her "super hero" alter-ego Hit Girl, is Chloe Moretz and was only 11 years old at the time of filming. The alter name 'Hit Girl' works on two levels, obviously it references a Hit Man (reminds me of Leon a little); but I feel it is also referencing child abuse, as in literally a hit girl, a girl who has been hit (and I think the films themes of childhood violence, sexually violent language from children ["c*nt"], extra-long 'silencer' [+ other suggestive themes/imagery], a child retreating/dissociating into a fantasy world where they are a super hero, purple/mask etc).

She often attends film premieres, these are the kinds of sexualized poses Hollywood has their kid stars constantly doing, baited on by the paparazzi ("blow us a kiss doll" etc).


Predatory photographers in action.

At the '500 Days of Summer' premiere in the occult Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

The protagonist is Kick-Ass played by Aaron Johnson, pictured below with the wife of depressed (his attempt at smiling always looks painful) idiot PM Gordon Brown, whose purpose is to appear ridiculous and allow the elite's man David Cameron to become Prime Minister in the forthcoming election, Sarah Brown at a premiere of the film where he played John Lennon in 'Nowhere Boy' directed by his now fiance, the much older (23 years, he is 19 at present) Sam Taylor-Wood.

Cage plays in 'Kick-Ass', Damon Macready (Mindy's father) with his superhero alter-ego... "Big Daddy".

The opening image of this post comes from 'A Night of the Butterfly' Chrysalis charity event in 2003, note the masked Monarchs (why choose monarch butterflies specifically? Note the duality symbolism in the black outfits/bowler hats and white wigs/belts [they have a lot of banks as supporters, it's sponsors are the kinds of people; banks, movie studios, etc, who use Monarch slaves, hence this little annual celebratory celebrity bash]). Chrysalis is a generic charity that helps the disadvantaged, chrysalis meaning the butterfly pupa in a cocoon (transformation/metamorphosis). Evil hides in the light, the most evil people on the planet have probably given the most to charity. Charities like this allow their corporate sponsors like Disney etc to appear less evil while taking advantage of the easily manipulated, disadvantaged people the charity helps, which I'm sure it has as most people working in it will be genuinely helping the homeless. But this cataloging of people like the homeless is useful for potential Monarch programming (as they would know who to target; i.e. who would be missed, does this heroin addict have children we can exploit after they OD etc). Cage is also pictured with the Monarchs and Brett Ratner (from a well-off Zionist family, he recently directed Natalie Portman's New York, I Love You movie).

Nicolas Cage greeting intentionally humorous puppet George W Bush at the U.S. Capitol in 2001, note Scientology enslaved Lisa Marie Presley's head in the bottom right, they were married for a short period. He's also been married to Patricia Arquette and is currently in a long term marriage with Alice Kim Cage (Nicolas' middle name is also Kim by the way), they named their son Kal-El after Superman (taking the whole comic book freak thing a little too far... but more probably to do with the Hebrew meaning of the name "Voice of God" as he is into the occult).

Monarch Miley (with her usual programmed/fixed smile) between Cage and Hollywood bigwig Jerry Bruckheimer (who was a member of "America's first Jewish Fraternity" Zeta Beta Tau, other notables include Jack Warner and a Disney President, US Senators and the like) at some Disney event (remember those Masonic propaganda pieces, the National Treasure movies were Disney products, like Miley Cyrus).

Jerry and Nicolas' latest Disney project is the occult symbolic 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' where Nicolas plays Balthazar Blake (Balthazar being a Babylonian King, and one of the three magi/wise men to visit Jesus, meaning 'Baal protect the King', Baal appropriately means 'Master' or 'Lord', the Phoenician name for God, and don't forget the demon Baal; Blake is probably a William Blake reference) the sorcerer, an occult/magickal practitioner. Note the Masonic phallic structure that is the Chrysler's Building ritualistic usage in yet another occult themed Disney film.

While not Disney (Warner etc are all in on it of course), in the allegorical kids film 'The Ant Bully' he voiced the Wizard/Sorcerer Zoc (Oz), note on his character's promo poster "The Mix Master".

The film contains a few pertinent references including an eye in the pyramid subliminal (like the one in the above poster below the title, with the eye at the top and the lines symbolizing light coming from it), and below (props to the Freemasonry in movies site) is Lucas' (remember Lucas means light) grandmother who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, for no apparent reason (other than her interest in CT) the filmmakers decided to reveal a Masonic compass and square on her chair when she moved (note the torchlight).

Here is the scene from Disney's ritualistic Fantasia, 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' which the live-action Disney film is apparently based on. Note the sorcerer (who is probably supposed to represent Moses, based on the parting of the water at 9:26 which someone joked about in the video's comments, note the light emanating from the doorway also) conjuring a butterfly from a skull, the apprentice (Mickey Mouse) takes the master/sorcerer's hat but is overwhelmed by the magick's power. Highly symbolic/ritualistic scenes feature like the 'dream' sequence where he controls the stars/cosmos/clouds above and the waves below, as above so below (+ his dream affects his reality). Infusing an inanimate object with energy/a soul/life is very occult (and has some dehumanization programming usages here also, as the mindless broom is essentially a slave for Mickey Mouse), especially so with the object being a phallic broomstick. At the end note the step pyramid the conductor Leopold Stokowski is standing on, and obviously the sun symbolism that silhouettes him, Mickey Mouse and the step pyramid.

The work it was based on is Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's (famous for occult themed Faust) poem 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', Goethe was a Freemason (achieved First Degree on June 23 1780), his most famous Masonic poems are 'Masonic Shield' and 'The Hidden Meaning'. I've included an old illustration for the poem above (with standard occult symbolism). Goethe is pictured below, giving the Masonic hidden hand (or maybe he was just reaching for something in his pocket the entire time it took to create the portrait ;p). "In his dying moments, his last words were "More Light!"". He was also a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. A man truly after Walt's heart then ;)

Returning to Nicolas Cage's current crop of movies, his most recent overtly occult offing has him playing some kind of Templar Knight in 'Season of the Witch' (lots of self explanatory occult symbolism like the pentagrams and some arches/pillars, usual darkness/light suggestions, masks, dissociative "witches" etc). His roles are typically ritualistic and follow a pattern, which has a lot to do with his well-connected Coppola family.

Meet Cage's son, Weston Coppola Cage who is obviously just as into the occult as his father and is part of a death metal band 'Eyes of Nocturn'. They also have a mutual love for comic books as they wrote an occult themed graphic novel together called 'Voodoo Child' (this is relatively humorous).

Note upside down crosses, Baphomet pentagram patch (I think above on his jacket) and a Baphomet pentagram and inverted cross pendant.

He is the product of Nicolas Cage and Christina Fulton's (above) short-lived relationship, Christina appears to be a Monarch. Evidenced by her probably most prominent starring role in 'Lucinda's Spell' (note the 69 sex magick/numerology), Lucinda being a not-so-subtle reference Lucifer (Lucinda means light), she is the "New Orleans Sex Witch", with 'sex magick' as the prevailing theme. "Sex is Magic(k)" is the film's tagline. A quote from an amazon review about Christina's role as the sex witch Lucinda: "With more costume changes than Cher and more characters in her closet than Tracey Ullman, Lucinda plays everybody's fantasy with a breathless vitality, sliding from one persona to the next" illustrating the multiple personality themes associated with this film and Christina (more Monarch themes as the film is primarily about a descendant of Merlin who "must find a woman pure and magical enough to conceive a child to carry on the ancient and powerful bloodline". You can watch the entire thing on imdb here (I'm sure you can pick up on some of the references/symbolism, occult and MK [i.e. the caged parrot/bird with Christina]), note he has to do find the woman by the Eve of Beltane (this is the kind of ritualistic choice of conception date used in occult cult Monarch families).

In the above trailer, the actual url's video (see here) messes up for me, the sound does not work and for some reason it shows you the below blood ritual magick scene below which I cannot see in the same video when embedded above. I think I heard Jimmy Hendrix's 'Voodoo Child' in the trailer, interesting that she played the sex witch of New Orleans and the Cages set their comic 'Voodoo Child' in New Orleans (though probably a coincidence) after Hurricane Katrina.

Monarch motifs are all over her website, her clothing line 'Fulcage' has as it's symbol a Monarch butterfly motif and features heavily all over her website (check out the rest of her collection, the little dog clothing is priceless! it's all exactly what you'd expect, skulls, skull and bones Monarchs/butterflies, crowns etc).

Weston wearing one of their (he is also co-designer) occult designs. Here, in reference to his and his mother's fashion line he describes how he [paraphrased, some of it is inaudible] "studies mythology and symbolism so I like to incorporate that into some of our..[stuff/designs]".

Note the butterfly cage in this fashion launch event (again this is another motif used with her fashion line, it says above the cage IT ZA FULCAGE). All the usual big cat print and Marilyn Monroe imagery associated with Monarch Presidential model sex-slaves.

Note the "elite" (e inside a triangle), "king" and other suggestive (of their control) corporate names/logos. Nothing remotely Oedipal going on here by the way.

Nicolas Cage's has had a lot of financial problems as of late, a lot of suing and counter-suing has taken place. In one by Christina, she claimed that Cage put her through "mental, physical and emotional abuse" which would not be very surprising if true.

Returning to Nicolas Cage, I can remember a few years back on a plane I saw 'Ghost Rider' (also starring Eva Mendes), another comic book adaptation that wasn't particularly engaging but did contain a lot of occult symbolism and demonology, even explicit references to the Qabalah (Israel Regardie's 'Tree of Life' I remember noting as I had recently acquired it at the time, though still not read). And the theme of being enslaved for the rest of his life by Lucifer/Satan (or whoever, I can't remember specifically) after making a deal with it may resonate with his own life (he also has those flaming chains, in most of his films he will in some way or another be a 'light bearer' with a torch or whatever), he has the Luciferian flaming Ghost Rider skull tattooed to him (among other tattoos like apparently a lizard wearing a top hat but I can't find pictures worth including here).

He may (or not) be programmed anyway, choosing the name 'Cage' may suggest his 'caged' existence (I think the above pinned butterflies image was posted on an Icke thread or somewhere but I can't find it now, hard to keep track of things so apologiez if I repost anything).

The film 'Face/Off' was on TV the other night and I turned on just as the face transplant scene was occurring, there are lots of expectant mirror scenes (one in particular where they face off looking at themselves in the mirror and they each shoot and shatter the mirror), losing your identity/self/personality (and assuming another) is also a theme and of course electroshock and other programming themes feature also. John Travolta (remember he's a Scientology cultist like Nic's ex Lisa Marie Presley) and Nicolas Cage swap faces, they each play both personalities in the film (I posted the MK symbolic [half face/split mind/personality, as their personalities switch in terms of the actor portraying them] posters with some additional thoughts on Cage in that linked Travolta post after the tragic death of his son).

I thought this was quote from him was interesting and true about acting: “to be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new… There’s a fine line between the Method actor and the schizophrenic.” Schizophrenia literally translates (from the Greek) as 'split mind' but is quite different from multiple personality (dissociative identities; method actors will "dissociate into character" [with self-induced programming methods of practicing mannerisms/ticks/personality traits in the mirror, shaping the "alter"]) and they are often confused (I'm not saying he confused it there as obviously losing touch with reality is a big part of it too). I did not realize I had accidentally checked 'do not allow, show existing' in the comments settings for this post so thanks to the commenter who mentioned that, it was not intentional and now feel free to comment.


  1. Great post. That Kick Ass movie reminds me of the Japanese movie Battle Royale. I don't believe the movie has ever been released in the US, not because of the violence it shows between adolescent youths, but because the message of the movie is that the government is the deliberate instigator of that violence. If you can find it online, it's worth viewing.

  2. i'm sorry but this 'kick-ass' film looks fucking hilarious. i can't wait to see it

    never knew nicholas cage's soon was a big fat hairy mosher! funny stuff

  3. I saw Coppola's Peggy Sue Got Married not too long ago in which Cage co-stars and of course there's an in-your-face Masonic/Sun ritual...

    Your posts are always so informative and are much appreciated. Lots of context and examples and it's when I come to your site that I can't understand how some just can't see the reality of this MK.

    Keep on it!

  4. It seems anytime I bring up anything related to MK Ultra programming, the Illuminati, etc. in conversation, my words fall on deaf ears. It's great to see there are still people out there who continue to keep their mind and eyes open to all of this. The only problem I'm having right now is discerning whether or not Fritz Springmeier, John Todd, and many other Christian men who claim to be in-the-know are bringing legitimacy to the table. I just finished watching a lecture Springmeier did, which included a small presentation on "reptilian eyes," and I just couldn't swallow it. There is also a long list of dirty laundry on some of these guys who many claim to be martyrs for the righteous cause. Perhaps they are just being discredited for the sacrifices they made? The evidence of Montauk, MK, or trauma-based mind control in general appears scant, so I'm having difficulty following any real leads. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right direction. However, I keep myself informed via your site, written documents, and so forth because I believe it's important to put the pieces together. I do not take what is said with a grain of salt. I'm just having trouble finding credible resources and material that can help me build a stronger base.

  5. "hit girl"

  6. To Eric:

    From the very start, when ppl put their religious affiliation before their profession, I dont give them too much credit. "Xtian scientist", "Xtian researcher", just like "Xtian rock" or other BS like that. Who cares if ure Xtian or not? Just do ur job/research and say what u have to say. But labelling is more fun to say so and they are sure they become more credible this way. Sorry not to me. Looks like Springmeier has become kind of a god in the area. But just a few ppl know he was a woman abuser and a plagiarist. I agree, he said true things about whats goin on behind the curtain, but still... And lets not forget, this guy is a Jew, if u know what I mean. Just like old hag Makow, ex-Jew, now a die-hard Xtian, who has some serious issues, I wont elaborate, for its no use at all. Martyrs for the rite cause? Ill tell u one name only: Rik Clay. U see, its very simple. Those who are left alive (famous names in the field) are one of them, who, from various reasons, are allowed to "share" their info with us, the commoners. This is my stance. Dont get disappointed :) Im sure ull learn how to make the difference.


  7. in the context of mind control programming , the manipulation of the masses and children, etc,
    the darkness of this abyss of information is often overwhelming.
    Something about those 'kick-ass' , or 'hit girl' scenes just turns my stomach. To see an 11 yr. old girl looking/sounding like a vulgar burnt out crack whore, and to understand that this is the direction , the future, is nauseating.

  8. I actually think some of Fritz Springmeier's ideas are dangerous and he seems to have a very violent imagination.

    I'm sure I will be accused of being a sheep, but to me it's just another man indulging in fantasies of violence against women.

    I am not saying this to attack any of you here. But I feel strongly and wanted to maybe bring it up, since I see his name mentioned here again.

    Ben, at any rate, your blog is tops and you certainly do your research. I very much question some of your core sources, but we are allowed to disagree. I always wait for your new posts with great anticipation.

  9. To the commenter above, it's easy to try to discredit Fritz but how do you explain his ideas still coming to light in the media years after his death? He was clearly onto something and I think that's why Ben uses him as a source so much because pretty much after reading his work all you have to do is open your eyes and the symbolism is present which pretty much confirms it.


  11. ....pictured below with the wife of depressed (his attempt at smiling always looks painful) idiot PM Gordon Brown "whose purpose is to appear ridiculous and allow the elite's man David Cameron to become Prime Minister in the forthcoming election". oh really? you could not be more absolutely wrong. plus all you're doing with this blog is essentially reporting on this stuff and thereby promoting it to a wider audience, there's little critique if any. it's almost advocation.

  12. rabbi stankowicz10 January 2010 at 10:36

    and i thought the jews ran the entertainment industry

  13. Hes certainly not depressed, far from it. after all, just like Blair, he knows he has a sweet future with millions a year in tax free income for doing as he was instructed.

    what many dont realise, also, is that what cameron will do is already being put in place by Labour, ie; tax increases etc etc.

    after all, Britain is a monarchist country..the P.M. can be dismissed, so if brown and cameron had different agendas, parliament would be sacked at the queens request(same in every other commonwealth country)

  14. Notice the trigger words Cage uses to refer to his daughter in Kick Ass? Hunny Bunny....Baby Doll?? Hunny Bunny was also used in Pulp Fiction which along with Kill Bill aims to breed an entire generation of violent teenage and twenty something women

  15. Nick Cage was also married to Lisa Marie Presley who seems to be passed around hollywood (sex slave).

    I always thought he was an odd character, he has a dark glint in his eye. Not like he's the best actor either!

    bad hair plugs too

  16. That family is a mess. Most people would be humiliated to have a son who turned out like that, and they'd beat themselves up wondering where they went wrong. Not in Hollywood apparently. :/ I've personally never had a problem with Nicholas Cage, and never paid much attention or looked closer at him and his situation, so it was interesting to see what you put together. And consider how his son turned out it makes perfect sense. The pic of his son and the sex kitten mother giving each other a smooch was creepy, but I guess that makes sense too when you stand back and look at the big picture. :/

  17. *considering, I meant.

  18. Chris,

    I've never liked Makow either. Before I knew much about him, I read his stuff on and pictured him as being this REALLY uptight old guy who hated sex and needed to keep women in line. He wrote some article last year I think where he talked about how sex is not important when you have "so many good books to read" or some crap like that. I don't trust a man who doesn't have some kind of sex drive. Those types always seem to be suppressing someone deeper and when it boils to the surface, it's never good.

    I just googled Rik Clay. Never heard of him until you mentioned him. What's the truth about his death, you think? Was he tripping on LSD, as some write? Too young? Too stupid to see he was in trouble? Were any of his predictions proven out? If he was snuffed, for what reason? The only reason you are snuffed today is if you REALLY reveal something that is too intense. Think of Bill Cooper. He was the real deal, IMO. No bullshit; just straight talk. He looked like John Wayne and he knew more than any of the wanna bes out there. When he was taken out, I knew he was onto something. Heard an audio where he absolutely predicted 9/11 almost to the date. Wish we had more like him now.

  19. Problem with bill cooper was his UFO/Alien thing.

    now, Im not saying its not true, but ultimately he could never prove it...which is why I was always surprised he focused on that point.

    IMO his 9/11 prediction proved he did have the sources, unlike those now claiming things will occur that dont.

    over all though, he was the only one who seemed genuine to me.

    he didnt really care much for the money either at first which is certainly different to the Ickes and Jones' that now have massive income and fanbases of people convinced they are 'truth seekers'

  20. Interesting character this RUBY ROSE (Jewish)girl. Catherine was also mentioned here by me too...


  21. Brenda, for more info on Rik, go here and search for his name. Poor guy wasnt tripping on anything, nor was he ill or too stupid, no way. He was a real deal as well. First they shut down his site, then him...


  22. But I bet u didnt know this. So its all connected, if u wanna say...


  23. And Nicholas as a cat, lol:


  24. An older logo of FULCAGE contained a cage (indeed) with its door open, with butterflies in it.


  25. Thats the sort of people you know are genuine targets/know too much.

    they attack them indirectly(websites/other mediums) then they suddenly..die.

  26. Chris,

    I went through some of Rik's posts on that site. Thanks for the link.

    Do you think he was taken out because of what he was saying about the 2012 Olympics?

  27. I have no respect for people who think black magic or any ritualistic magic is the way to live your life. His son looks like a complete fool. Every REAL "magician" I've known doesn't need to wear all black and throw up devil signs all the time. Rather, they've always been normal looking people who you would never suspect of "magick" and just happen to have natural negative or positive CHARISMA.

    I looked into ritual magic at one point in my journey, but quickly realized the reason humans are a part of this 3 dimensional play is not to run around casting spells and calling down demons to interfere with the FREE WILL of others.

    Just live your life and be positive, and good "magic" finds you. No sacrifices, spells, runes, pentagram necklaces or black hood is required!!

  28. just reading about this rik clay person, pretty freaked out. weird i'd never heard of him at all

    ben be careful!


    rik clay's father called him a "brilliant shining star"


  30. the star bucks comment is most likely the reason, if it was that which ended him soon.

    people forget just who is behind this company/what they have to lose.

  31. as per the conversation above with eric and anonymous, I don't understand why the fact that he is a christian has anything to do with anything. i never would of heard of any of this mk stuff if it hadn't been for fritz, so its clearly not a bad thing he helped expose this dark,underground nutjobly evil world. all of this masonic,satantic craziness is hardcore spiritual just in the opposite way = pure evil, so if you believe in that, there is obviously the other side of the coin which fritz has every right to say his personal beliefs...its not like he was pushing it on anybody, his choice and freedom which is what we want to keep, dont' we?
    i do, like eric find it all hard to swallow and am still unaware of the best sources on the subject but its VERY obvious there are connections up the ying yang and it is completely mind boggling how far and deep this goes. are there any films or anything of the sort that pulls from different sources, something like maybe Wake Up Call, that is on the subject of mk ultra,symbolism,families,hollywood,etc?? if so do tell...i'm a documentary-a-holic and I can't get enough and I literally just learned of apologize for my noob-ness.
    i adore this blog and i am so happy i stumbled upon it. the research and work you put into this is exceptional.

  32. @anon 17:07

    Who is behind the company? What do they have to lose?

    And why would Starbucks be behind Rik's death?

  33. Ya know, I used to like butterflies a lot when I was young cause they're pretty. Now, after reading all these posts pointing out all the many butterflies, I guess they have a dark side, lol. Funny to note that Nicole Kidman said she is terrified of butterflies! But after butterflies always bad? Does it always indicate monarch programming?


    watch the video at the bottom with the red haired woman.

    word verification: lxjkmeds <~~lol

  35. Rik was "offed" not coz of 2012 Olympics matter solely, but for simply spilling the beans...


  36. why just him though? what about all these other bloggers that do the same

  37. @23:30 Jan 10th - Perhaps you were being rhetorical, but no, butterflies aren't always bad, nor are red shoes, etc. I'm not going to restrict my clothing choices just because some assholes over the years put pervasive triggers in clothes and jewelry. Now, I'm not about to go buy Rocawear crap or anything with freaking skulls on it, but I think you know what I mean. And it is possible there are some non-MK'd celebs that wear "suspicious" articles, but once you learn about Monarch, Bluebird, etc., there's no better explanation for the excessive use of certain images/symbols in Hollywood and everyday life.

  38. @anon 15:51 about "real black magick" players,

    I agree. Whenever I see the wanna be satanists with their skull and crossbones, black t-shirts, satanic jewelry, etc., I realize they are just posers. Even Anton LaVey seemed like a "poser" in some ways to me with his silly outfits and mannerisms.

    I've met two people in my life who were the real deal....true "dark magicians"...and let me tell you, they didn't wear this ridiculous garb. They didn't need the garb because their evil literally followed them wherever they walked, like a dark cloak dragging in the shadows behind them. These were not friends of mine....far from it. Rather, one lived in our neighborhood when I was a kid and the other was a friend of somebody I worked with. They were both VERY intense people (one a woman and, the other a guy.) Both were highly sexual and enjoyed mind-fucking people as a form of entertainment. The worst thing you could do was get into an argument with them or debate them because they would feed off of you and pull on your energy so that you felt like shit when you left their presence. I made the mistake with the guy (the one who my friend at work knew) of getting into a conversation with him about good versus evil. Bad idea on my part. It was as though he came to life and found an interesting morsel in myself to focus his crazy energy onto. If you've never been around "real," honest to God satanists, you won't understand it. But don't go looking for it, either. The real ones are deceptively dangerous to the soul.

  39. @10 January 2010 20:08

    look up Mr Howard Schultz..certainly a character!(self-proclaims hes a zionist, not jewish.)

  40. just wondering where i can go to see more in-depth info on the monarch and bluebird programming. i want to learn more about how the triggers effect the victims etc. i am just learning all this and want to know where a good solid base is so I can better understand how the symbols work etc..any reccommended websites would awesome..
    thanks in advance..

  41. Watch reality TV.

    Here's something to consider:

  42. In relation to the above, I just realized the reality show 'Daisy of Love' has a very interesting title considering the history of programming.

    Remember how Mengele was supposed to play a programming 'game' with his victims where he tore the petals off a daisy saying 'I love you I love you not'? If he ended on 'I love you not' he killed the child.

    Just thought that was interesting in light of the video above.

  43. You can't make this stuff up. A reality show called 'BREAKING Bonaduce' !

    Basically watch former MK actor Danny Bonaduce implode!

    wiki description:

    "The series focuses on the issues and events that have led Bonaduce to consider his life a "car crash". Over the course of filming, Bonaduce falls off the wagon, begins taking steroids, and then tries to kill himself. He also attempts to save his faltering marriage by attending couple's counseling with his wife, Gretchen, who is ready to file for divorce due to Bonaduce's dangerous antics"

    Here's another wiki description of the show 'For the Love of Ray J' (a former MK hip hop singer)

    Ray J says:

    "I've been in this GAME a long time... I've been with a lot of women but I'm ready to get out. I want to do this show to find a RIDE or DIE chick, a chick that makes me want to get out of the GAME..."

    And of course, my personal favorite. Anyone seen this one?

    Little Miss Perfect

    Your eyes will literally explode as you watch average lower class and lower middle class Americans attempt princess programming on their daughters with varying degrees of success, then pimp them to the Beauty Pagent shows.

    My personal favorite was the daughter of an AIR FORCE officer who's mom was a former beauty pagent. You watched as the mom psychologicall browbeat her daughter to be the most perfect robot doll for the judges while also (sickenengly) appearing to compete with her own daughter! The little girl won.

  44. re rik clay. this is the honest truth. having got too close to some information that i should not have shared i divulged only small parts in an attempt to get atleast something out there and in an attempt to protect myself. this didn't work. i got visited by what can only bee described as a very dark energy and was in a place where absolutely nothing existed ie. a void. i though i was having some kind of psychotic break but i was very aware of the situation and acutely remembered it for days. i was under no illusion that this was some kind of warning so i stopped doing what i was doing but it would seem the damage had been done. after leading a relatively healthy life i have subsequently been diagnosed with a series of chronic illnesses and look forward to the future with some trepadation.

    i still have no idea what happened but like i said i was under no illusion that it was some kind of warning ie. i was getting too close and should back off. there are forces out there that we in our third dimension have no idea of comprehending anymore than a fish in a river can comprehed us.

    it's your own choice and free will what you do with your life but my advice is to not get too far into the darker side of reality because it is a very serious business indeed. this is coming from a good place. peace and love.

  45. This should be of interest to Ben and all the readers. I just noticed this weeks Dreamland podcast is on Intelligence Community Child Abuse.

    You can download it free until the next show on Saturday.

  46. The track list for Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland has been announced:

    'Alice (Underground)' (Avril Lavigne)
    'The Poison' (The All-American Rejects)
    'The Technicolor Phase' (Owl City)
    'Her Name Is Alice' (Shinedown)
    'Painting Flowers' (All Time Low)
    'Where's My Angel' (Metro Station)
    'Strange' (Tokio Hotel and Kerli)
    'Follow Me Down' (3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch)
    'Very Good Advice' (Robert Smith)
    'In Transit' (Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz)
    'Welcome to Mystery' (Plain White T's)
    'Tea Party' (Kerli)
    'The Lobster Quadrille' (Franz Ferdinand)
    'Running Out of Time' (Motion City Soundtrack)
    'Fell Down a Hole' (Wolfmother)
    'White Rabbit' (Grace Potter And The Nocturnals)

    Check out Charlie and The Chocolate factory for more hidden stuff, particularly the scene where meet Veruca Salt at her house.


  47. I would really like to see a write up about some older films, some forgotten gems. Lilith, with Jean Seberg. I would love to see your thoughts on her, I know she was murdered! Please write some stuff on some old cases...

  48. I'm sure you've heard this many times, but I'm sorry - I have to say it.

    You are insane.

    Further, how DARE you make violent and sexual insinuations about people you don't even know - especially when they are children? That's sick. You're truly a disgusting individual.

  49. ^^Can't take the heat....

  50. @brenda

    i think i know what you mean by those people with dark "energy". i think i may have come across a few people with it, but i'm not sure

  51. What's disgusting is the fact an unabashed audience sees absolutely nothing wrong with a young girl using vulgar words such as "cunt" on a film that is supposed to be solely based on entertainment. Hollywood is reaching a new low, and its supporters are descending with it.

  52. Start at...

  53. This is a good site with a lot of good information but why so many anti-semitic comments? It's a shame to cheapen the value of all this worthwhile insight with such vulgar prejudice.

  54. Anonymous said...

    This is a good site with a lot of good information but why so many anti-semitic comments? It's a shame to cheapen the value of all this worthwhile insight with such vulgar prejudice.


    Im sure you can see that this isnt anywhere near as vulgar as it could be, in regard the Jewish people.

    In fact, out of all these types of sites Id be willing to wager this is the least offensive towards Jewish people, or people friendly to us.

    I just hope you voice your opinion towards them as openly, as clearly it would most likely offend you if you viewed half their content.

    p.s. Im Jewish, so thats why I addressed you. I take little offense from this site, in comparison to many other sites.

  55. The "I'm offended", "antisemite"
    bullshit has worn off finally.
    The world has awakened to the lies.
    Ask jew Prof. Norman Finklestein.

  56. i talked to an ex member of the illuminati who broke his programming and became a christian. confirmed nicholas cage is a jew. and of course now it is common knowledge elvis presley, the very profane, so called king of rock and roll was also a jew. most of these illuminati seem to be either jews or english. the first jewish king of england was henry the 8 th and all other kings have had jew bloodlines. england is the satanic capitol of the world, you're queen is a real zionist witch. diana btw was also ashkenazi jew.

    christina aguilera is sephardic jew, married to a jew.

    its hard to find people who are not english or jews in the illuminati.

  57. I find that there may be a new trend in Hollywood with pre-teen girls. Is Chloe Moretz, the new Abigail Breslin? Breslin's role as Little Rock in "Zombieland" had a lot of "La Femme Nikita" overtones to it. I think Breslin was 12 or 13 at the time of filming "Zombieland," yet the language and violence of the role seemed like it was better suited to an adult actor.

    Now Chole Moretz seems to be filling Abigail's shoes as the pre-teen ultra violent femme with highly charged and symbolic overtones

  58. You are right on dude. I just saw "Kick Ass". The writers of this film are seriously messed up. An 11 year old girl swearing like a pirate and slaghtering people is cute and funny? WTF is going on? One of the most disturbing films I think I have ever seen.


  60. In the movie written by Steven King "Dolan's Cadillac",At 58 mins in, there is a white slave who has Monarch Tattoos on her back.

  61. Nick Cage chose his last name because of a comic book character named Luke Cage. He is an avid comic book fan, as you did say.

  62. Yoooo Cage's son is HOT. Probably a *Freemason* ;P

  63. Great work Ben . One thing that is undeniable is that the elite etc are super spiritual. They believe in Satan wether we all like it or not . The only way to defeat them is to not only understand the workings of their systems intelectualy but also spiritualy .

    They hate Christianity more than anything , so please ask yourself why . I implore you to pick up the Bible and read it with the same vigour you do other material so as to see if there is a connection to all of this . Take it as research . Be academic about it . Its time we all look for deep and longlasting solutions to this whole madness .

  64. I really love the way you discuss this kind of topic

  65. I gotta laugh... Cage's son is a fat ass, cheeto eatin pig, acting like he's somethin, when the world can plainly see he's a loser riding on daddy's ass suckin shirt tails! LOL

  66. Great text but I have to correct one thing: it's Dimmu Borgir's front man in couple of those pictures, not the son! So nothing "oedipal" going on in those.

  67. "Nothing remotely Oedipal going on here by the way"
    Like another anonymous wrote, Christina is kissing his partner
    Stian "Shagrath" Thoresen from Norwegian black metal band Dimmu Borgir (Black Castle). I thought this was well known already.


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