
Monday 7 December 2009

Human traffickers sell sex slave on Britain's busiest street

[Daily Mail article, working on a few proper posts but going slowly due to being busy with offline stuff for the past couple of weeks continuing into this week, should pick up again over the Christmas break after 1 week holiday. See Human Trafficking label and such for background to this which I found interesting how brazen the traffickers/slave traders are, though those ones obviously aren't particularly bright to say the least, it says a lot that they felt totally comfortable selling a slave in broad daylight in the middle of Oxford Street.]

Pimps sold a young woman as a sex slave in broad daylight on Britain’s busiest shopping street.

A brothel owner paid just £3,000 for the Lithuanian victim, a woman in her 20s, in the transaction on London’s Oxford Street.

Police surveillance footage shows an Albanian man handing over the cash to two of his countrymen outside Selfridges department store as shoppers pass by, unaware of what is happening.

Caught in the act: Gazmet Turku hands over £3,000 to Izzet Fejzullahu (second from right) and Agran Demarku (right) in Oxford Street. He is 'buying' the Lithuanian woman pictured on the left to work in his brothel. All three Albanian men have been jailed and the girl returned to Lithuania

The helpless woman - guarded by a thug - is forced to watch as the men discuss the deal.

She would have been expected to earn her new ‘owner’ £100,000 a year by having sex up to 25 times a day in a brothel.

On this occasion, the woman was lucky. Police swooped to free her and her traffickers were jailed for a total of 63 years.

The Home Office estimated that in 2003, the most recent figures available, 4,000 women were trafficked into the UK for prostitution.

Police warn that the numbers of Eastern Europeans being trafficked into the UK will grow significantly in the run up to the London 2012 Olympic Games.

A rise in so-called ‘vice activity’ has already been detected in the five Olympic boroughs of Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Greenwich, to cater for demand from 25,000 construction workers.

A special police squad has been set up to tackle the trafficking. Officers cite the example of a 16-year-old Albanian girl who thought she was coming to London for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend. When they arrived, he handed her over to pimps.

Police released the photo of the woman being trafficked on Oxford Street in a bid to raise awareness of the problem.

[I've included 'programmed doll' Eliza Dushku's Albanian double headed eagle flag marking (where her dad is from, click programmed doll link for info) posted ages ago. Albania/Eastern Europe in general is a hotbed for traffickers, but obviously all places with political/economic/social chaos/corruption are (more drugged/drunk parents to sell their own children, no authorities to look seriously for kidnapped children and suchlike), which is the vast majority of the world making for a vast pallet.]

Seller number one, Izzet Fejzullahu - an Albanian vice gang member - is pictured selling the girl for £3,000. He was jailed for 14 years at London's Southwark Crown Court for controlling prostitution.

Seller number two, Albanian Agran Demarku, is seen discussing the deal with the brothel owner. He was sentenced to 18 years, as was his brother, Flamur, who stood guard over the girl.

The buyer, brothel owner Gazmet Turku, was also jailed.

Detective Chief Superintendent Richard Martin, of the Metropolitan Police Clubs and Vice Unit, said: 'The man to the left in the picture has £3,000 in cash in his hand, with which he is buying a human being.

'She is just a commodity to them. She is an item for selling sex.

'The man is buying the girl for his own brothel from the men to his right, who ran a network of nine brothels. He is simply replenishing his stock, as a shopkeeper would.

'These women are put into slavery and exploited in the vilest way.'

Detective Superintendent Martin said 25 trafficked women had been rescued by his unit this year.

'We have had people kidnapped and smuggled into the UK,' he said. 'Others came in thinking they were working in bars but were put to work in brothels.

'Their passports were taken, they were threatened - and some were systematically raped and beaten up.' [This is all part of basic "mind control"/psychological manipulation, which is obviously a necessary practice for pimps/slave handlers. (see Global Trade in Sex Slaves post and others where this kind of thing is outlined)]


  1. P DIDDY also sells his daughters:


  2. Former child star Brian Bonsall (Family Ties) arrested AGAIN.

    Check out his tattoos. Large butterfly OVER HIS THROAT.

    What COULD this signify on a subconscious level, Ben?

  3. anyone seen new promo for final season of LOST? checkerboards, pawns, are they telling us something?/

  4. Lady Gaga sang for Queen Elizabeth. Check out the theme:


  5. Watch the movie "Very Young Girls" on netflix. It's all about this, and it's happening all over the streets of the USA. They don't go into the mind control aspect of it, but you can tell the Pimps use triggers on their girls, as they often always come back to them, even after abuse. You can instantly play it if you have an account.

    David Schisgall's startling documentary captures the heartbreaking stories of underage girls -- many as young as 13 -- who've been forced into prostitution in New York, exposing how pimps use isolation, violence and drugs to keep girls dependent. Many of the girls interviewed take part in GEMS, a shelter and mentoring program founded by activist Rachel Lloyd -- once a prostitute herself -- that helps them transition out of "the life."

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. off topic:

    a fellow finn who I've been seeing in billboards around my new homecity, thus remembering her and doing a little wikipedia expedition on her. she is from the same city as I originate from. couldn't believe my eyes when I read this:

    Koponen has “5” tattooed on the middle of her back, both the number of people in her family and her lucky number. [11] She also has the text "imported" tattooed under her chest, three lines on her left wrist and "Cat" on her right hand, which stands for her model friend, Catherine McNeil.[12]





  10. just wanted to add maybe for a future post or for your own info (im sure you have heard about it already) but the whole deal with tiger woods and his mother being sent to the hospital over a "heart attack" and his "wife" (more like handler) snitching on him to the police about him being on drugs the day he crashed. It seems the media is "cooking" up incidents to feed to the public such as the whole ordeal with Chris brown and rihanna.


  11. Anyone else noticing the repetition of the grey/black/red/white color scheme? VMA's, AMA's, Lady Gaga and the Queen, even the pic used in the MSM (above)....notice the colors? What is going on here? A few years ago the color scheme everywhere was the orange/blue of the UN. Now it's the Satanic pride colors.....????? So strange. Skep

  12. Yeah, black and red. Its always bothered me those colors together. And I can't wear red for some reason, it gives me panic attacks because I feel like a target...So weird.

  13. Did anyone see the comment on the Disney trip that one person wrote about in the post below this one?


    They probably had some sort of scalar tehcnology waves or something in the hotel room to produce a light hypnotic state.

  14. Readers of this blog may find this article about Tiger Woods and the lifestyle of the rich and famous interesting but not surprising.

  15. It seems like all these former child stars always want to rebel far from the "cute kid" they were known for. So many get tons of tattoos to show they are "hard". They paint themselves into a corner for the rest of their lives trying to be the polar opposite of their previous persona.

    Something tells me this kid was the victim of the casting couch, made to do unspeakable things for a middle-aged greasy Hollywood producer, just to get the gig in a commercial. All the balled up rage is coming out now.

    Bonsall shows clear signs of abuse in childhood, just notice above comments JUST TO GET THE GIG, majority of people thinks that this is their fault, price of their pursue for fame, which we all know is quite the opposite and these are the victims...he is on the same way as Feldman, Culkin, Joshua Jackson, maybe even on the same path as late Brandis...i hope he will find help to beat his demons

  16. I don't believe for one second that Tiger Wood's soon-to-be-ex wife, Elin (if reports are true that she has purchased a multi-million dollar home in Sweden where she will take the children), is Tiger's "handler." Far from it.

    Tiger allegedly told one of his whores that marriage was "a sham" and "done for publicity." Really? Well, so why have two kids to drag into your PR gig? I know, I know. You have to "complete the perfect picture" but I highly doubt that Elin was anything but a lovestruck blonde who might have been rather cold in the sack. Still, Tiger's sexual antics seem to point a severe sex addiction. His father was probably a player. Reports are commenting more now on his "troubled childhood" with his dad. I think he's another one of these guys who feels tremendous entitlement and basically says, "Fuck you" to anyone who doesn't give him what he wants. It's almost a sociopathic personality disorder, in my opinion.

    We haven't seen or heard from his mother yet. I'm sure she's pissed.

    I, for one, am glad to see Tiger fall. I found him to be arrogant lately. This may or may not take him down a peg. Maybe not. Apparently, he was STILL texting one of his "girls" after the car accident incident to "hook up" with her. So, he's either insanely stupid or just insane.

  17. Here is the reposting of the comment from someone who visited one of the Disney resorts that is referenced above. (I agree. It's freaky as hell. Scalar Tech sounds probable?)

    He lives in ORLANDO? Geez, I had to visit that awful city 12 years ago for a conference. I found the place to be veeerrrry weird. This was before I was into MK Ultra/Monarch stuff, BTW. But I have a story to share.

    The conference was booked at the DisneyWorld resort or an off shoot of one of the Disney resorts. All I recall is that after we got off the plane, we were put into little buses and we drove forever until we got to the resort and had to then drive another eternity into the place. It was far from any town and so we literally had to rely on the "little village" in the resort for food, sundries, etc. or take a taxi for lots of $$ into town.

    What I can tell you about the room I stayed in was that it felt like every time I walked into the room, I disconnected from my body. I'm not making this up. I felt extremely tired in that room but it was like I was being put into a hypnotic state of consciousness. Since there was no place to retreat to between sessions at the conference, I had no choice but to return every few hours to that awful room, read over my notes and prepare for the next session. But I always felt so lazy when I got back there (after feeling fairly decent in the conference center) that all I could do was lie on the bed and watch TV where they had TONS of Disney programming beyond the normal Disney cable channels.

    When we finally left the conference three days later, I felt somehow "dirty" and I couldn't figure out why. I also felt like I was being released from prison as we had been completely isolated in that resort for three solid days and nights. I told my boss that I would never go back to that place and to send someone else if the conference was there again.

    Looking back and remembering that weirdness, I can now see that there was a seeming trance-like state of all the employees I ran into there. Mind you, some of the conference participants thought it was "cool" to be at a Disney resort and drank in the whole place like little robots. I found that disturbing. As strong willed as I am, I can absolutely tell you that it was very difficult for me to stay focused and aware while there. Freaky. Just plain freaky.

    06 December 2009 17:49

  18. IF Tiger really told one of his girls that his marriage was a "sham," it was probably to make the girl feel "better" about hooking up with him, not because the marriage really was a sham.

    That's just my opinion.

    Also, he didn't wear ANY protection during his fuck sessions. Now that the tally is up to 10 and one of them is Holly Sampson (porn actress), it's only a matter of time before Tiger's dick starts itchin'.

  19. i'd love to go to that disney resort, out of sheer curiosity!

  20. All this TIGER WOODS matter is stinking big time. I also said his wife mite be his handler or one of them anyway. Just mite... Im not siding with him, but I really dont believe he cheated her with so many women as tabloids tell us. I dont think he is that bad as the "press" wants us to believe. The real victim is him (also) just like in RIHANNA/CHRIS BROWN's case. I could be wrong of course, but I dont care. Its the old trick: as soon as smb married or in a serious relationship is caught in the act or he/she is under suspicion and media finds out about it, all kinds of former gfs/bfs pop out of nowhere with spicy stories, desperately seeking their 15 min of fame. Its so convenient to hide a real serious problem under the "cheating" mask and turn it into a mediatic circus. Im not buying it.

  21. The only thing this whole Tiger thing is doing on the conspiracy front is create YET ANOTHER DISTRACTION for us to discuss whilst untold amounts of serious, life-changing shit is happening elsewhere.

    Whenever these types of stories appear, I'm always wondering what the Elite are doing in the background while we're getting worked up over somebody's sex life.

    One thing that IS going on is the Climate Change summit in Copenhagan which WILL change our life as we know it if Obama and the rest of the criminals sign the Treaty.

  22. that last comment above mine hit the hammer on the nail. SOmething else is going on in the background while we are focused on tiger woods...well I;m not cause i know the real deal...

    and uuuuuuum, Brenda.....Tiger woods is a mk ultra victim. his handler use to be his are talking as if you are commenting on a gossip blog, this blog is about mk ultra.......

    P.S. any person in the media glare...especially if they are black or a minority is mk'd....come on now...

  23. ^^ its all about distractions. "smoke screens" god help us if we knew what was really going on, this blog probably tells us just a fraction of it

  24. Sara,

    Brenda has made some intelligent comments over the months. Your dis of her writing as if she was on a "gossip" blog is unjustified. She fully understands MK Ultra, from what her previous indicate.

    Whether Tiger is MK Ultra or not is debatable. Yes, he was severely fucked over by his dad but whether he was being tortured with butterflies and nursing rhymes while lying on a checkerboard floor is unknown. I think it's enough that his dad fucked with his head and demanded he become the BEST golfer in the world....or else....Personally, I think Tiger's descent into sex addiction is a reaction to the pressure he had on him growing up.

    And I also agree with the poster who said this is all a distraction. Damn right. Climate summit is a good possibility.

  25. I think the Tiger Woods' story is relevant because it shows how young women are programmed without using direct coercion (though we all know there is plenty of that going on). Here's another article about how it works:

    "The host provides what the VIP needs. “Dependable” girls are always ready. Some of these gals are aspiring actresses or looking for a husband or just like the fun, the thrill. It’s the reason they left Kansas in the first place."

  26. the Disney account above is why I live for the comments section. Keep those personal stories coming!!

  27. ^^Me Too^^ the stuff i've linked too and read from here?!?!?!

  28. MAL, thank you for the link. I love the info that comes out of this site. It makes so much more sense now.

  29. I'm the one who posted the info about the Disney resort. I'm the one who went there and experienced that weirdness and I can guarantee you that you would NOT want to experience it "just for fun." It was highly disturbing. Now, maybe others go there and not even feel or sense the dissociative feeling of that hotel room but maybe they are already numb to begin with.

    BTW, the resort was situated such that all the rooms were on the ground level and looked out at various gardens. Also, now that I recall, you could not walk from your room to the place where you could eat so you had to wait for one of these little golf carts to come around and pick you up. Honestly, there was no sense of freedom of movement and or an ease of getting anywhere. Everything felt complicated. At least to me it did.

  30. No one puts baby in the corner (= tells SLayer what to do),36048/

    AVC: How are things between you and Rick Rubin? There was a lot of tension around the time of Christ Illusion because he decided to produce Metallica instead.
    KK: I haven’t seen the dude in years. People’s perception is that because he’s the executive producer on our records, that we see him—I haven’t seen that dude in fuckin’ years. Essentially, at the end of the day, that title means “I own the record label.” He’s got final say over the mix, and that’s that.

    p.s. If you don't know who Rick Rubin is, you have a lot of catching up to do grasshoppers.

  31. mal said...
    "The host provides what the VIP needs. “Dependable” girls are always ready. Some of these gals are aspiring actresses or looking for a husband or just like the fun, the thrill. It’s the reason they left Kansas in the first place."

    Welcome To The Jungle, we got fun and games

  32. You know, I just realized that we talk about the same celebrities in a very paranoid way, and we see images and symbols in everything they wear. We are so obsessed with that and sometimes we are absorbed by these ideas that probably take us nowhere while ignoring some really disturbing stuff in other countries' entertainment industries.

    I say this because we talk about gaga, beyonce, rihanna. It's like we have become programmed ourselves to freak out over butterflies and sometimes we ignore real stuff that is happening around other celebs and its fans.

    I'm talking about Korean Pop music and the whole fandom behind it. The whole thing reeks of mind control and destruction: both self-destruction and mass destruction and nobody has turned their attention to it. I think it's worth looking into it Ben. I feel we all see or try to see things in the obvious places (Tiger Woods, really? That guy is just a sex addict).

    In 2009 at least 10 Korean singers, actors and/or models have commited suicide. It's just too much, too many artists of the sane scene. Their fans are the most disturbed people you will ever see. They are very well known for being extreme. They threaten their favorite stars saying they will commit suicide if they don't pay attention to them. One singer received several letters from fans threatning to commit suicide if he left a KPop band.
    The fans are also well known for sending the creepiest gifts ever: letters written un menstrual blood or blood from their wrists, again, all with suicidal messages.

    Visit for news on the matter, one of the latest headlines talks about this incident involving a fan cutting herself and writing letters with the blood. Pictures included. A fan says "see? This us how you do it. No period blood. Grow up". They encourage each other to be crazy like this.

    I think you should do some research on this Ben. This goes beyond symbolism and theories that we can't exactly prove with some celebs. What creeps me out is the ammount of kpop artist commiting suicide. There's something there and these fans are being triggered to follow these examples. And it's not the ocassional fan: it's MOST of the fans. It's alarming and we are ignoring it while obsessing with celebs that (so far) haven't really done anything (yet).

    Please look into it. It's like all the nightmares we talk about are actually happening somewhere else. Korea has an alarmingly high suicide rate.



  33. Correction, this is the K-Pop site:

    it's like that Japanese movie about suicide amongst teens that was triggered through pop music, has anyone seen that movie? Tweens listened to pop music and they became mind controlled through it. Then they were triggered to commit group suicide. In one scene several kids take each others hands and jump towards a train road.

    This isn't just a theory. It's happening somewhere else and there is proof: artists killed themselves, fans are rabid and suicidak, WTF is this?? And how long before it starts happening in the west?


  34. Good point. I'd like to know more about this.

  35. To the people wondering about the colors used at all the awards shows lately: red, black and white are nazi colors. Seems the performers use silver as a white 'substitute' at times.

  36. I'm so sick of the eye in the pyramid gesture. It's cheesy and why have mainstream people not wondered about it yet?

  37. More on Rick Rubin! I just started doing some searches on him. Great stuff.

  38. Seriously guys, I want you to tell me what you think about this writer and his work, he's pretty well know as an Indie/underground writer ... I feel his symbolism is overtly Monarch related ... Likely, he knows the score, but is he on our side, or is he a handler?

  39. Interesting guys from Sweden:


  40. @anon 00:12 regarding korea-

    absolutely mind blowing, i had no idea about this. makes the western music scene seem harmless. ben should definitely look into it

  41. @anon 10:55

    I read one of Dr. Soze's postings (about the party.) I found it highly dissociative and only made it through about the halfway point as it seemed to be mindless and clearly written by someone who was on drugs or dissociative. I can't see how he was giving a "wink wink" to the Monarch mind control (as if he understood it) because the piece I read was so weird.

    Maybe I chose the wrong entry to read. But that's my opinion.

    He says he's a writer, BTW, and sounds as if he's been published and has connections in the business.

  42. the worst part of the soze writing, to me, is that it was uninteresting.

  43. I thought Dr. Soze's writing was boring and went nowhere. I felt like I was in the body of a man living a life that is dull and consumed by self hatred. If he's MK'd, who cares? He's pointless.

  44. dr soze is clearly just a failed creative writing student, insider? no way...either that or hes the worst case ever.

    he fails to stay on track and jumps from one thing to another during the same; no guidance.

    he reminds me of the numerous 'victims' who appear every other year who claim to know the inside out of everything yet have to correct their stories when questioned by people who genuinely do know whats going on.

  45. I don't see why this Dr Soze thing was even linked here. Don't get me wrong, as a piece of abstract writing, I enjoyed it; but I don't think it has anything to do with MK. And I doubt he is trying to portray himself as a 'victim', as the person above me seems to think.

  46. Ben has touched on the subject of the korean pop scene here

  47. ui was just about to post something really good but i'm scared incase the person its about sees it one day. :/


    even coronation street stars are tapped in the head!


    Alter ego photo sessions... Strange... Thats smth new...


  50. @ anon 3:32

    Hey, YOU ARE ANONYMOUS. Post it!!

    Fear and covering this shit up for centuries is what has made it continue with abandon!

  51. This might be the same child sex ring Ben wrote about.


    Nine months??? God help us.

  52. @brenda, it possible is. they are pretty much all connected in Europe, the eastern victims are mostly sold to Israeli citizens who then sell them on to European criminals and they end up in the 'big five'

    Amsterdam/France/Germany/Iceland(little known, but for the big bankers to 'use'/UK

  53. after reading some of Brenda comments, I take back what I said about her comments.

    Chris, your comments about Monique....I followed the link about her 'alter ego'. I kind of figured Monique was Mk'd because she claimed she was molested at the age of 7 by a "family friend". Not to say that all people who are molested as children are mk'd, but it does follow a pattern with celebrities.

    Monique also was in the horrible and disgraceful movie, "Precious" which was so stereotypical and uncalled for. I hated that movie, being bi-racial myself, I just didn't like it. I also understood why the director chose monique as the one to play the abuser or mother of reality, this is probably what Monique went through as a child as well...probably don't remember half of the abuse she experienced.

    Also, Oprah and Tyler Perry (mk'd?) had their fingers on "Precious" as they made sure it got distrubuted and promoted by funding the film. Anything Oprah puts her hands on reeks of mk'd just like her horrible movie, "Beloved".

  54. Hollywood MK Deception 17 Ritual Abuse

    some interesting bits in here. and travolta is going to play anton lavey?

  55. Russian Vogue
    Anastasija Kondratejeva by Matt Irwin.

  56. Did you catch Miley Cirus on Alan Carr's show last night? I don't know why I was watching it because I can't stand the girl but I heard her say she was wrote a song called "robots" which is all about not wanting to be controlled anymore blah blah blah, and trying to find yourself...

  57. Here's more info on the korean pop scene's multiple suicides:

    It's so sick. And sad. And like one of you said, it makes our celebs seem harmless.

    I had read Ben's previous post on that one girl's suicide. It was interesting indeed and I feel he could go deeper on this subject. It's like all the things we talk about are already happening in Asia. It scares me :/.


  58. A couple more links on the korean suicides:

    This one has a headline that reads "Not again!":

    it's just disturbing and sad. And scary. The fans are so mind controlled, they really are. Why are there so many suicides in Asia, why?


  59. To Sara: True, MO'NIQUE equals heavily MK-ed. I even posted a link a little time ago in which she revealed her ordeal (bring raped and abused by her brother and not only Im sure). Despite the fact she made this public, wiki doesnt even mentions this. No wonder... And PRECIOUS is an abomination IMO. From all points of view. U see, its a triangle of abused persons when the name of this movie comes up: MO'NIQUE, OPRAH&TYLER...




  61. @brenda

    i really can't. if they saw it it'd be so obvious it was me who was talking about them

    i was going to post part of an msn conversation!

  62. Actually Sara it's worse! Monique was raped by her older BROTHER! And child sexual abuse hovers over Oprah like a bad smell---in her movies and in "reality". There is a report yet of ANOTHER case of child abuse at her famous programming school in Africa. I wonder how many more cases have been buried.
    Off topic, there's no doubt in my mind that Tiger Woods is a monarch slave. The son of Lt. Colonel Earl Woods, a top army official and Vietnam war veteran. Tiger was programmed at a very early age and he was one of Bob Hope's!
    Tiger Woods was always very strange to me. Then there's that incredibly blank expression and robotic personality. All this latest hoopla could possibly be some sort of breakdown of his programming. He could very well be on his way to being "sacrificed". Sorry, but hasn't drugs always been their method of "disposal"?

  63. I'm really beginning to connect some dots on this whole thing. Beyonce's Dad went to college in Nashville Tennessee.He graduated there and is part of a fraternity. Perhaps that's where he got the inside info on how to train a Destiny's child.

  64. To Chris,

    Whoa! I didn't know she was raped by her brother! Your right, when I look for clues on whether a celebrity is mk'd, i go straight to their wiki page and try to read between the lines! I had NO CLUE that monique was raped by her borther. You would think that they would put this into her wiki page! Probably her whole family is mk'd and/or comes from a multi-generational family which are a favorite of the illuminati. Many multi-generational families come from minority homes (the jacksons is a good example of this), especially blacks. This has a LOT to do with the psychological damage of slavery. It STILL exists in the minds of blacks and you can tell how they raise their children (beating the crap out of them with belts and stitching cords and calling it "discipline".)

    I'm guessing Monique's role to the illuminati is promoting racism and the same old "angie momma" stereotypes that surrounds blacks. This is quite evident in her role in her sitcom "The Parkers". Her role in "Precious" was downright disgusting. I mean really, what does the film tell us or the black community?

    And yeah, theres no doubt that Tiger woods is mk'd....that is quite evident in his name "Tiger"="Cat". Remember what that mind controlled slave (I think her name is Taylor" said about Michael Jackson and his brothers when they were little? About Joe Jackson bringing his little sons into a dark room with a shiny bright light (probably to cause the boys to dissociate) and they were accompanied by Bob Hope! Taylor then admitted that she saw each of the Jacksons lined up in a row while a large man came out and raped them one by one! This is when Michael Jackson was about 8 or 9! Probably the fact that Tiger was in the presence of Bob Hope (huge handler/programmer) gives the whole story away!

  65. About the red black and white colors, i'm surprised no one has mentioned:

    The guy was married to the inbred looking chick drummer and took her last name but denied being married to her and said that was his sister, not his wife. Now remarried, said it was his first marriage but kept his first wife's last name and gave it to his children from his new wife.

  66. Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a String. MK Eurovision?

  67. To Chris,
    You wrote: "Interesting guys from Sweden:"

    Do you have any interesting information about those guys? Do they use programming in forms of frequencies?

  68. About The Knife:

    They are an electropop band, which consists of a brother and a sister (Karin Dreijer Andersson and Olof Dreijer). Their records are distributed through their own label, Rabid Records. They hardly ever give interviews, and if they win awards they won´t attend the ceremony. They formed in 1999, but gave their first live performance in 2006. Previously they had a policy to not give any live performances. The Knife rarely show their faces, and when they are photographed or perform, they wear masks.


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