
Friday 27 November 2009

Paramore's Monarch Internal World

Quick post on Paramore per an emailer's request (sorry for generally crappy slow responsiveness to emails by the way, been a hectic week for me due to non-blog stuff) as the video linked to is especially blatant I feel. The band have started picking up their use of Monarch and Illuminist symbolism in recent photo shoots/videos, now with this Monarch slave suggestive video for 'Brick by Boring Brick' which strikes me as a very Masonic sounding title (though I feel it is referencing 'building'/programming a 'stable' internal system if you read the lyrics, which is a long, laborious, boring process; so the structures don't fall apart and the whole system collapse [the lyrics reference a wolf blowing down the house; 3 Little Pigs is an extremely Masonic tale anyway, see my 'Disney/33 little masonic pigs' post]). I was fully expecting something like this though having seen their album cover (below) for 'Brand New Eyes' a few months ago (seeing something with "brand new eyes" has pretty obvious interpretations in terms of mind control). The butterfly is a tiger butterfly combining the two most commonly used animals [butterflies and cats] used in dehumanized sexual alter programming, it is pinned with it's wings divided/separated/split apart from it's body.

Here are it's 100% mind control symbolic lyrics which are probably worth a deeper analysis but you can pick up on it, if you understand dissociation and mind control it makes a lot more sense:
She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of the world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angels were all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies

With her feet on the ground
And her head in the clouds
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Ba da ba da ba

So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck twelve
Well make sure, to build your house brick by boring brick
Or the wolves gonna blow it down

With her feet on the ground
And her head in the clouds
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
We'll bury the castle, bury the castle

Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hands
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Oh, even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah

Go get your shovel
We'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Ba da ba da ba...

The video (directed by Meiert Avis, the band came up with the idea though; perhaps they've been reading too much MK material) portrays Hayley William's child alter personality working her way through her fairy tale programmed internal world. Hayley herself is portrayed on a swing (swinging back and forward/up and down, hypnotic/dissociative symbolic) as her little girl alter (coincidentally called Harley, that 'making of' video explains almost nothing by the way) runs past her (and the 'grave digger' who presumably symbolizes the programmer taking her "deeper and deeper" into a trance/programming [you'll notice there is a white rabbit in it confirming this symbolism], played by Josh Farro who Hayley had been in a "relationship" with until 2007). This post is very rushed, but here is my interpretation anyway.

She is holding a doll and wearing Monarch butterfly wings and goes through a gateway (accessing another part of the mind, upon entry the previous area is symbolically locked by the invisible programmer, that part of the mind now inaccessible to the alter only opened by the "key"/lock/trigger/code symbolized by the key disappearing into light dust).

The area/compartment she is now locked in is like a wilderness wonderland with fireflies or fairies trapped in glass jars (the symbolism comes up here too; she releases one and drops her doll), flowers and Monarch butterflies (she picks one up).

She moves out of the wilderness, progressing deeper into her internal world to a place with giant mushrooms (Amanita muscaria looking) symbolizing dissociative hallucination (+ drugs like that are often used).

Note the red chess piece by the Knight (blurred, to the left).

Alice in Wonderland is further invoked with a mad tea party type scene shown above (with a wolf-like man and an older lady), a Queen of Hearts (not strictly, but this is clearly implied by the heart shaped box of chocolates she uses to lure Hayley), more red/white spotted mushrooms (+gnome), even a Knight. These characters are guardian alters placed into her system to stop her from accessing parts (they are trying to stop her getting to the castle) that the programmer knows might be dangerous to her system (or could help to break out of the programming)

It's hard to make out some of the stuff in the video due to the blurred visual effects but the character to the left of the dwarf/gnome looks like the caterpillar (emphasized by it's relaxed demeanor, like the hookah smoking caterpillar on the mushroom in Wonderland).

You can see that they are guardians as they try to lure her in by offering drinks and such but she runs off scared of them (knowing they are there to stop her, they are essentially booby traps placed into her internal world to keep her in line) to the apparent safety of the castle. Where her goal seems to be, the castle represents a similar area to that of the Emerald City in Oz programming; castles are known to be commonly used as an internal structure contained in Monarch internal systems/worlds. This one acts almost like the 'hub' of the MPD system with all the mirrors giving access [when allowed/triggered] to the many alters contained in the system, the little girl appears to be trying to access and perhaps reintegrate with her core personality, the grown up Hayley as she is shown reflected in the mirror before the more severe guards chase her off.

Inside the castle is another predictable mind control scene with multiple magic mirrors as little girl Hayley is multiplied and then looks in the mirror (the reflection combing her hair, looking content and happy; how the programmer wants her to look but she herself isn't at all).

Multiple Marionette puppets exit the mirrors (above), then the scary gnome (from the mushrooms earlier) is shown.

Day turns to night (with lightning flashes) and the images become scarier, with a screaming lady (the Queen of Hearts from earlier who looks to be wearing some sort of mask/heavy silver makeup) who moves like a mechanical robot and appears to disintegrate or something in the mirror as the little girl becomes increasingly more disturbed and anxious, eventually her image disintegrates/turns to chrome (not sure how best to describe that) in the mirror.

The kinds of scenes portrayed in this video should be very familiar to those who have read up on Monarch mind control.

She removes the Monarch butterfly wings as a robber (black/white duality + mask) then a man wielding an axe, who reminds me of the Tin Woodsman due to his axe (this axe wielding guy is another Guardian alter; essentially 'comply with the programming or you will have your head cut off', if the alter comes too close to a part which would allow her more access to her system than the programmer wants the Guardian would scare/chase them back as is shown in this video).

She runs in fear (the axe wielding man forcing her to give up on her goal to reach her primary alter in the castle), exiting the castle through an archway into the night through a dead forest scene and into the wilderness area which you'll remember was locked from the outside (preventing her from accessing that compartment, which is now open as the guardians probably want her to reach the safety of the rabbit hole/grave), the wilderness encroaches on her as it comes alive/grows and tries to trap her.
She is able to get away, taking her doll with her and exit through the now unlocked door back to where her primary/core personality of Hayley is waiting, where it is constantly under the light of the sun; but the little girl has brought the darkness into this 'safe' compartment.
She manages to fall back into the hole (symbolic grave/rabbit hole, shown obviously by the white rabbit), still trapped 'deep' in the programming having failed in her attempt, it's quite a dark video. Adult Hayley, looking very sad picks up her porcelain doll and throw it into the hole with her.

The horns hand sign of course means "rock and roll" and nothing else, and is entirely innocent; ignore the fact that she's framing her eye with them... which adds no deeper significance at all. I did not do a hugely indepth search for their images by the way so probably missed some symbolic ones.

The band were given their major break (it's when I first heard of them anyway) with the main track for the first of those shitty Mormon vampire romance movies based on the books by Stephenie Meyer (I get that a lot of people like it but I found it painful to sit through, I had to stop before the end because I was drifting off which I rarely do in films. Having said that there is a fair bit of symbolism in the films and obviously on the book covers).

I have no time to go through all their videos but I had noted their lyrics to "Ignorance" (first single off 'Brand New Eyes' butterfly cover album), essentially telling their fans the truth (note the word TRUTH on the bass drum too [Edit: yes I am aware it is a drum kit manufacturer, I assumed it was originally but I have been told a few times now, it may have still been specifically chosen to portray a message, either way I still view it as pertinent], truth/light/illumination/Luciferianism), that "Ignorance is your new best friend" as Hayley waves an entirely non-symbolic light bulb in front of their faces as she is trapped in the tiny box room, it's just a light bulb right? Stop being so paranoid! ;) Note later on the strobe/flashing lighting, then she enters a symbolic infinite mirror type thing (various size/shaped mirrors all around her) as she acts insane and dissociative, going "out of her mind" (with crazy hair [or horns/animal ears] and some kind of white jumpsuit with random black zippers ["unzipping" alters also 'splitting' symbolic which is similar]). The video ends very symbolically with the light covering her face as the rest of the band coil the light's cord around her leaving her in bondage to the light (also serpent symbolic). The clichéd explanation for the song/video doesn't wash with me ('it's about tension in the band and nearly breaking up', which sounds like a stock explanation bands often come up with; at least they tried instead of completely avoiding it like in the 'Brick by Boring Brick' making of video I linked to further up), and hopefully Taylor is just joking around (either that or he is in a dissociative, altered state).

One of their photo shoots with the Texaco logo used symbolically (Pentagram in a circle with Tau Cross, though on the surface obviously it's just represents the Lone Star and the T of Texas, it's a shame people never look beyond the surface), note her checker pattern top.

Paramore with those duality twins from Oz The Veronicas (in usual black, black/white stripes [which Hayley is often seen in], leopard print).
Lisa's (from the Veronicas) Halloween photos are relatively disturbing (beyond your standard Halloween horror themes), appropriately as (M)Alice in Wonderland to end this short post.


  1. Benjamin have you ever thought that mind control is just a road for demonic possession to take place, perhaps?

    As the metropolis movie states "the mediator between head and hands must be the heart".

    It seems that many mind control victims are programmed to only use one side of their brain at one time, so they are constantly trapped in duality instead of being centered in equilibrium.

  2. ^^ Good point, most humans are left-brain centered through years and years of conditioning and feel the right brain (Intuition) is meant only for creative types or adrenaline-fueled moments. I've long considered the concept of "demonic possession" to be one of the earliest forms of Alter programming, since it comes from religion.

    Paramore's use of this kind of symbolism isn't very surprising to me, since I've seen them featured heavily on Myspace (every band advertised on there has lightning bolts in the logo and other MK stuff like that), but I didn't know it was this bad. Great little analysis. There was recently a 2-part miniseries on the SyFy channel called "Alice", which you can guess what it was based on (I didn't watch it). Lots of this "alice in wonderland" programming being inflicted on the public lately.

    I see you checked out Twilight... I told you not to watch it, haha :) It's one of those movies that really sucks the life right out of you, I too felt extremely weary by the time it was finished (it's so lame and cheesy!). I had to sit through it twice, btw. Definitely not going anywhere near the new one. The first one went WAY beyond "so-bad-it's-funny" and into "extremely hard to watch" territory. I just think the fact that it's insanely popular even though it's terrible is a good indicator that it's MK (as is the case with most "popular" things).

  3. Nice post! Paramore bores me. But I find it so disturbing that children are used in these kind of scenarios so easily and frequently. To me that's the indicator of serious MKing going on: when there's no limit in their use of children for obscure materials, either violently or sexually.
    I don't think Twilight is one of these materials. Despite the obvious vampire theme that can be defined in itself as dark, Twilight vampires are pretty tame and there's no blood in the films, almost (like with True Blood! In an orgy scene you see a girl wearing a Baphomet mask! You'll never see that shit in Twilight).

    To me there are clear indicators of MK related stuff (and I'm sure Ben will agree): sexualization of children and women, disturbing violent imagery around children and women, obvious deviant sexual themes ( sex having nothing to do with love or relationships, always under a degrading light: domination, humiliation, objectification, blackmail, loss of self) and basically overall cynism in the use of dark shit. To me if those characteristics are not met, it's not MK.

    And this is why all female singers dress like strippers these days. And have you seen the Bratz dolls? People ranted about Barbie for 50 years, but hey, at least Barbie had different professions: doctor, astronaut, teacher ( sure people hated the body image, but people see what they want to see and you can't stop it. I played with barbies and never cared about the body). The Bratz dolls line of professions are: strippers, pole/table dancers, cocktail waitresses. Ho make up, stripper transparent shoes, boas, ... What's next? A hand gun? a box of flavored condoms? THAT is MK.

    Anyway, that is what I learned in sites likes these lol. Deviant sex and abuse of children are major part of this bullshit.

    I wish I hadn't known about it though :/ it's scary to see the world we live in :(. And now I see this shit evetywhere. I'm watching "Kate and Leopold" and out of nowhere there's an advert in a bus stop with a single eye, purple background, I'm like, shit son, can I not see this everywhere?

  4. The secret to mind control:

    “If the females get behind [the song] and they really get into the lyrics of what she’s saying and the metaphor, I think it could be a really, really big hit for her,” producer Tricky Stewart tells Vibe.

    Read more:

  5. The only mk-related scene in Twilight I noticed was when she went through the trauma of having her arm broken in her old ballerina classroom named "the house of mirrors"...


    “Something that I have or fear is never being able to enjoy myself. That's my fear - that the phone's ringing and my head's ringing. Whether it's a telephone or it's just the thoughts in your head, that's another fear."

    Programming breaking down, Mr. Hasselhoff? Its about time Id say, he's 57...


  7. In Cathy O'Briens Transformation American she claimed that Tennesee/Nashville is the epicentre of MK Ultra/CIA mind control in entertainment.

    Also Al Gore's state...

  8. LADY GAGA “Something that I have or fear is never being able to enjoy myself. That's my fear - that the phone's ringing and my head's ringing. Whether it's a telephone or it's just the thoughts in your head, that's another fear."


  9. nice one ben, i noticed those themes in the new paramore album when it came out! also the fact they're from tennessee...need anyone say more

  10. What IS going on with Hasseloff? It seems that nearly every week he's either being taken to the ER or is being filmed drunk or presenting at an awards show stoned out of his mind.....What the fuck is going on??? Can't his handlers shove him into rehab. Maybe Promises so his programming can be tweaked? But yeah, he's 57. Time to unplug the switch, I guess. They DO tend to die at 28, 29, 30 and 57 don't "they?"

    Oh, and Tiger Woods' wife going "postal" on him with a nine iron outside their house in Florida at 2:38am....Rumor has it she found out he was having a fling with another white girl and went nuts on his ass. If that's the true story, as a woman, I can relate. No MK shit there. Just wife rage.

  11. I watched Hayley Williams on cribs she has a mirror with several empty frames surrounding it in her home
    From the checkered tile floor in the kitchen ("It's what sold the house to me") to the living room packed with Barbie dolls and Johnny Cash portraits — not to mention a red couch that Williams bought to mimic the cover of Paramore's first album, 2005's All We Know Is Falling — the place positively seeps with her style. There's also a candy-striped sitting room (the walls were painted to match Mark Rydan's painting "Rosie's Tea Party") that she's filled with Paramore's platinum plaques, a blue-painted guest room with empty frames hung on the wall (as seen on the back cover of Eyes) and a certifiably spooky basement, which will someday serve a higher purpose.
    There's a room where she and boyfriend, New Found Glory guitarist Chad Gilbert, silk-screen band patches, and the patio out back is where she pinned a butterfly to the fence (an image that became Eyes' cover). The place is ground zero for all things Paramore, the epicenter of Williams' universe, both musical and personal. And that's probably why, at the end of the tour, she paused for a second, cracked a smile, then laughed.

    A mark ryden painting that’s in her home

    Red shoes and checkered floor

    Butterfly wings

    Lightening bolt tattoo behind her ear

    I think this was at Halloween

    Weird doll face paintings

  12. THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS deserve a post too...


  13. They Might Be Giants - The Secret of Six

    The secret life of six
    Means having fun
    When everyone's inside
    He's in the sun

    Six knows how to stand on his head
    Six knows how to stand on his head
    Six knows how to stand on his head
    Six knows how to stand on his head

    And when six pretends he's nine
    He acts older and older
    And when six pretends he's nine
    He wears wiser disguises

    The secret life of nine
    Means having fun
    When everyone's inside
    He's in the sun

    Nine knows how to stand on his head
    Nine knows how to stand on his head
    Nine knows how to stand on his head
    Nine knows how to stand on his head

    And when nine pretends he's six
    He acts sunny and funny
    And when nine pretends he's six
    He announces he bounces

    They Might Be Giants - Nonagon

    Everybody at the party is a many-sided polygon
    When a guest arrives, they will count how many sides it has on
    Standing by the window over there
    There is a shape with four sides so it's a square
    And the one who has nine is looking fine
    And its name is Nonagon

    Everybody turns just in time to see the pentagon arrive
    Counting up the sides, it is clear the pentagon has five
    Chatting in the kitchen we see
    There is a triangle whose sides number three
    And is talking to the shape that has nine
    Who is known as Nonagon


    Nonagon lets in a guest who has shown up late
    Its name is Octagon and its sides add up to eight
    Turning the music on
    Is a six-sided hexagon
    And they all get in a line and do
    A dance called "The Nonagon"

    They Might Be Giants - Subliminal

    "As I got hit by a car, there was a message for me
    As I went through the windshield, I noticed something

    In an unnoticeable way
    And hard to see

    Subliminal (x2)

    While lying there in my bed, there was a message for me
    As I went through the pillow, I noticed something

    In an unnoticeable way
    And hard to see

    Subliminal (repeated to end)

    Stare into the subliminal for as long as you can (repeated to end)"

  14. A couple of movies that we need to pay close attention are The princess and the frog and the upcoming Rapunzel. Today I saw a giant billboard with a poster of The princess. It was just the villain on the poster, but he was holding a deck of cards, green and purple, with the eye of Horus on all of them. The billboard was HUGE! And I literally gasped; they are getting so blatant, it's amazing.

    I bet Rapunzel will be loaded too. One of the stills of the movie copies on purpose a famous painting of a girl in the forest, in a swing, and a shoe flying in the air, which the paintor said represented the loss of her virginity.

    Anyway, I was the 3rd comenter and to the person who mentioned the mirror scene in Twilight, wow! I hadn't noticed it. I read the book (don't judge me too harshly! lol) and the name of the ballet studio was Miss Patty or some stuff, not House of Mirrors. Interesting.

  15. Alrite, here's smth Ive just discovered today, an actress called MARIA VALVERDE, whose career exploded when she starred in a sick movie called MELISSA P, back in 2005. This is my post on her on Icke's forum.

    Interview with MELISSA P

    Thats smth else...


  16. 'Pop-Music' (for want of a better phrase) just doesn't mean the same thing ot me anymore, now that I've discovered this site and other similar sites. I just can't stop analysing what I'm seeing/hearing's almost as if you guys have brainwashed US!! LOL! But on a serious note, Paramore, like Beyonce, Rihanna, J-Z, Black Eyed Peas, Kanye, Lady Gaga, the Ting tings, Taylor Swift, and so on and so on, these are all I hear on the radio daily (I listen to a lot of radio) We are being bombarded with the same repetitive stuff constantly which is making me wonder more about the WHY in all the symbolism.

  17. Also, I'm analysing the news's a link to the latest Tiger Woods story...count the numbers, there are a lot of them in there!
    With ref. to the whole Vampires, witches and 'stereo-typical' occult stuff in movies and such lately, there is a whole 'theory' about how the public turn to these type of stories as escapism in times of distress (I need to find a link to the article) So Hollywood is cashing-in on the 'need' of the population for this kind of distraction...The whole 'fairy tales' thing also, escapism ... so you remember the 'good ole days' and not focus on the 'now'...

  18. P.S. There are also some blatant MK themes running all the way through the 'Shrek' animated movies series...As an adult watching this stuff you can sort of get the joke. But its kind of tough on kids being given these sort of negative images of their favourite fairy tale characters, in a sort of subtle 'Prince Charming' being the villain...that's so nice for kids to grow up with now right? !!

  19. Grimm's fairy tales, like Rapunzel, ARE about mind control. Enchantments, spells, trances of the old stories are about mk'd people, they just didn't refer to it in psychological terms.

    Re-read the classic fairy tales with this in mind. You'll find stories of royal incest child abuse, cannibalism, witchcraft, switching personalities; its all there.

  20. I understand that the fairy stories are about mind control, and yet again I am back where I started on the issue (on this blog and others) So WHY are little children being fed these fairy stories...I'm probably older than a lot of people posting on these threads and I have a lot of older-than-me friends and we all remember these fairy stories...the history of these stories goes back a long WHY are we scaring little kids with stories about Mind Control? or better still...HAS this long history of controlling little children with Fairy Story motifs made any kind of difference to the evolution of our society/humanity? In WHAT way are these stories controlling children? WHY are they even needed? This goes for the music/movie industry/pop culture in general....WHY is it being done? HOW is it making any difference to us?
    MK/aka Marty

  21. I appreciate that you can't answer my questions...I am just posing them to all...the WHY and HOW of it's something to think about....I know I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I stumbled over the issue about a month ago!

    MK/aka Marty



  23. Its really really sad to read about the death of this model and others. Has anyone ever watched the programes 'America's Next Top Model' or 'America's Smartest Model' and other franchised programmes around the world. The so-called expert judges that give assignments and critique the models are just appauling...the things they say to them on camera (never mid off) and the things they ask them to do for them, for TV last weeks show I watched...'Crawl on the floor'....'Run terrified, as if someone if chasing you to kill you', 'tease me', and so is totally sexualised and degrading and most of it has nothing whatsoever to do with showing your 'model' ability...nothing to do with the clothes...I laughed out loud when one sleesy judge (about 50 years old) told one of the girls off for acting like 'everyone else and not showing your own personality'...What girl in her right mind would want to be a model after watching that show is beyond me!!

  24. I was going to email you about Paramore but didn't get round to it. I recently saw an interview (may have been on their DVD) where Hayley was talking and seemed completely normal, but the guys in the band apperaed to be in a deep trance. It was so blatant, like they didn't even know where they were.

    Interesting that Hayley Williams' Twitter name is Hayley backwards, would that be significant to mind control?

  25. this kind of thing has been going on in the music industry since before robert johnson, who met the devil at the crossroads etc. what interests me is why they spend thousands on these big videos with blatant imagery and themes. are they doing it for their own benefit ie. talking to each other through their productions or is it designed to go into the sub-conscious of the generally unaware public who view through glazed eyes as 'just another video'. surely they're not triggering sleepers all over the globe with this stuff? also the music arm of universal are heavily into luciferiansim/sun worship but don't tell anyone i told you.

  26. yeah...i wonder too about the music and it somehow seeping into our souls? we all know about reverse satanic messages in songs (i used to just dismiss all that as some sort of urban legend..((??? not really but stupid things to ponder about) now not so sure....we know stairway to heaven talks about satans toolshed, but we arent going out and finding him a hammer! all these musicians, actors, politicians etc...mind contolled...well...we arent, are we? i dont see me throwing up devil horns randomly or taking pictures of one eye...i kind of feel like they are saying, look at us we are part of the wrong side, but we are famous, beautiful, and rich! succesful, smart and wonderful! you can be too, if you take the chip! (or something!???!)

    well, no thanks! i used to want to be rich and famous, now i dont even care. and yes i do feel for those born into it, but there are programs out there designed to de-program. they do not have to be a slave forever...((britney...miley)) i know miley has said that she might want to be a veternarian, and that she DOESNT like twilight. she also said she didnt know who jay-z is, even tho she sang about it. seems she knows and wants to be her own person. i will pray for her..
    i have my own strange "coincedences" that have occurred to me...

    anyways...i wish benjamin can do one about adult swim or something! what about the venture brothers? ha!

  27. Hi Benjamin- I sent you an email asking about your status as a Trauma Based Mind Control (TBMC) victim, then I studied your site more carefully and found you were just a researcher. I wanted to help you and your readers connect the dots.

    If you want to learn how multiple personality disorder is deliberately created, read Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists. It is out of print, and astonishingly expensive on Amazon's marketplace for a paperback that's been out of print less than 9 years, which is not surprising considering it is basically a How To manual for creating a mind controlled sex slave. Of course you can do the research yourself by poring through the Project MKULTRA documents released under the FOIA and other sources.

    In addition to Project MKULTRA (which is known of) and Project Monarch (which is rumored, but highly credible to me) there are other covert programs related to mind control running right here in the US. Like MKULTRA and Monarch and the mass media programming your readers are familiar with, these programs happen right in the open, but are disguised.

    I thought you'd like to check out a real, live TBMC survivor's blog, first of all. She has several sites including On Mind Control and On Gang Stalking.

    They have been going after her for years. You see, in addition to the mind control programming, there is also a covert system of control which is used on people who break free of the various forms of mind control. It is called Gang Stalking or Organized Stalking.

    Now unfortunately, it is not nearly so well documented as Project MKULTRA. If you were to Google Gang Stalking you'd find a few 'nutters' raving about things that seem very trivial to you, plus at the top of the results, one slick (maybe too slick?) web site that has a bad presentation almost seemingly designed to trivialize gang stalking.

    My personal favorite is The Hidden Evil. He has put together a very thoroughly researched online book showing the connections between what's happening now in NATO nations and previous dictatorships. This is very, very real - I cannot emphasize that enough. He also recounts his experiences, which are highly credible to me because they have been using the same tactics on me.

    In essence, 95 - 98% of the population is brainwashed. 1% of the population fully understands the manipulation, and benefits from it; they are psychopaths with leadership abilities. The psychopaths use the brainwashed masses to persecute people who might be able to break the masses free.

    You cannot possibly understand what is going on in world politics today unless you understand Gang Stalking. It is the hidden edge, or as Mark Rich calls it, the Hidden Evil. Targets of gang stalking who become aware of the larger picture very quickly gravitate to conspiratorial theories of history, because they have personally experienced the secret networks that are used covertly to influence events in favor of the rich & powerful.

    Again... this is very, very real.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ha, interesting!


  30. RE - Heather Graham

    According to Adam Gorightly, Hollywood is heavily occult and druidic - he did a series of interviews indicating that Tuesday Weld is an occult priestess. Hard to prove, but interesting.

    Also THIS was an eye opener. Apparently the barbed wire on the Rhianna CD is REAL!!! Talk about sadistic??? -->

    he tells British radio station Key 103, "I don't know why people are so surprised that I'm scantily clad, I've always been scantily clad, I've always been that way.

    "I definitely thought the barbed wire was cool, it was a symbol of strength but fearlessness all at once, that's why we used it.

    "We took our time and wrapped that barbed wire around me. It took forever because we had to wrap it round the front of me - a certain area - a few times more than the rest of me so that it would cover the necessary."

  31. TUESDAY WELD? Lol, shes a notorious satanic priestess, close to LAVEY once.


  32. In response to this post:

    "I understand that the fairy stories are about mind control, and yet again I am back where I started on the issue (on this blog and others) So WHY are little children being fed these fairy stories...I'm probably older than a lot of people posting on these threads and I have a lot of older-than-me friends and we all remember these fairy stories...the history of these stories goes back a long WHY are we scaring little kids with stories about Mind Control? or better still...HAS this long history of controlling little children with Fairy Story motifs made any kind of difference to the evolution of our society/humanity? In WHAT way are these stories controlling children? WHY are they even needed? This goes for the music/movie industry/pop culture in general....WHY is it being done? HOW is it making any difference to us?
    MK/aka Marty

    29 November 2009 11:18"

    ^^^Its because the fairy tales came from the people who worked for the royals and lived with them or just sat at the bottom of the castle and heard the trickle down scandals. Look into Erszabet Bathory.

    These were the whispered rumours of the elite that were fictionalized. Of course child abuse also occured with common people and so you'll see those themes as well in the fairy tales [i.e Hansel and Gretel]

    If you read about the Brothers Grimm, you'll find that those fairy tales were NOT originally meant for children! Instead,they were tales told by women as they sat spinning wool around the fire (a necessary and boring job in those olden days that required entertainment to pass the time) Sort of like a soap opera. :)

    Also, children have always been a part of the underground occult world, which as you know plays a large if unseen part in how things work around here, and have worked for centuries. Children are told these stories because (sadly), so many of them can relate to it.

    Child abuse is the last thing society wants to admit but its always been there.

  33. Anon..thanks for the pointer to Erszabet Bathory, fascinating story, I am quite intrigued. Yes, I see what you are saying. Child abuse is a fact of life. What's terrifying at the moment is remembering those mid 90s stories of child ritual sexual abused within families in the Uk. Where a whole groups were arrested, without much evidence to go on, just the recalled memories from hypnosis sessions the children had been subject to. I remember the issue of 'false memory syndrome' and how there were accusations of the so-called therapists planting 'false memories' in children ( and adults) to recall things that never really took place...NOW it's so terrifying because we are thinking that perhaps some of that is true after all...?
    Marty/aka MK

  34. I don't want to dwell on the issue of child abuse, it is so disturbing to me, and to imagine someone capable and willing to abuse a child in whatever manner is just plain horrific and immoral. I can't remember what thread it was, or even if it was this particular blog, but someone hit the nail on the head when they said that all these warped things that are presented to us in a 'normal-usual way' is to condition us to accept them as 'normal' when they really are not. SO, I'm concluding that, as what we are talking about mostly are aimed at youth/teens/kiddies, then there is a secret agenda to condition/mould the future population to think/act in a particular way...A very basic example of this can be seen in an intentionally weird and funny story in The Huffington Post, about 15 Christmas Toys Not To Buy your's the link...
    The majority of the toys are just plain ridiculous but the 'sexualisation' of children can be clearly seen in the 'Pole Dancer' doll!! I Kid yu not!!
    SOme of the other toys are pretty sick too.(Not all of them to be honest)
    I've come accross the weirdest of things on the 'blogospere' today. Including a pretty transparent advert for Evil Kanevil ices dated 1974...
    I can only wonder about whether anyone noticed the sexual conotations or the V or the no. 11 in this back then....?
    Marty/aka MK

  35. Very interesting post. But for some reason I get the feeling that some of these artists read these blogs and DELIBERATELY feed into the MK phenomenon simply for the hype. I'm not trying to be a wise ass but there is something cliche about this particular band. Now I could be wrong, but I'm just saying.....
    On another note, I have a question. Are there levels of being Mk'd, like say mild to severe? Case in point, I come from an abusive background. As far as I remember I've never been raped, tortured or electro-shocked, but both of my parents abused me emotionally and a lot of times made me feel worthless. I "day-dreamed" a lot and created characters in my head, but all the while my core personality remained in tact. I'm sure a lot of people can relate.
    So I want to know, is MK Ultra strictly about hardcore abuse with torture, drugs, hypnosis, etc?
    And I had a series of shit head boyfriends who took advantage of me sexually among other things. Would they be considered my "handlers"?
    I rely on your opinions, Ben and fellow readers! You guys have already saved me thousands of dollars in therapy, I might add! Keep up the good work!

  36. ^^If you can readily recall alot of your youth, that sounds like a good sign. I would definitely say that there are different levels of "MK"; that one doesn't have to have multiple personalities to have had abusive parents.

    I agree some bands may read these sites, but I'm pretty sure that they couldn't really reveal something specific if their record companies, promoters, etc., don't want them to.

  37. "Tennesee/Nashville is the epicentre of MK Ultra/CIA mind control in entertainment."

    Chris Crocker was born & raised there. If you ever watched his youtube videos, you'd know he has many multiple personalities. Clearly a mind control victim, but I've been helping him connect the dots on his livejournal and by contacting him repeatedly. He never writers back, but he's showing progress slowly, but surely.

  38. More on the Tuesday Weld Psychedelic Illuminati Conspiracy

    Secret History of the summer of love 1 & 2

    Jeff Turner is nutty, but there's more than enough here to make one wonder what was really goin on back then. Definitely check out Adam Gorightly's Manson Family articles as well


    Plenty of checkers and animal/zebra print in her video:


  40. Whatta u think of that?


  41. Dawn Schiller has written her first book “The Road Through Wonderland” which will be released by Medallion Press in August 2010.

    The book is about her life’s journey and her six year relationship with John Holmes starting when she was 15 and he was 32.

    This riveting account moves the reader from Dawn’s impoverished beginnings in a rough neighborhood to a much worse life under the spell of John Holmes. Drug addiction, sexual abuse, hooking and being sold for drug favors, suicide attempts, physical abuse that almost left her dead, psychological trauma, and being way too close to multiple murders,.

  42. Ok, could be as they say, but KANYE WEST's mom died the same way, JAMES BROWN's wife too and TAMEKA FOSTER (USHER's wife) was close to death while she had a similar surgery in Brazil (curiously, why Brazil?). SOLANGE MAGNANO - symbolic name anyway.


  43. "both of my parents abused me emotionally and a lot of times made me feel worthless."

    my father was like this, still is sometimes.

    to be honest, i think all of us are shaped (mk'd!) by our parents to a certain extent. i mean, don't we all feel somewhat influenced by our parents in the way that we think and act?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Very interesting post. But for some reason I get the feeling that some of these artists read these blogs and DELIBERATELY feed into the MK phenomenon simply for the hype.

    i.e. Lady Caca

  45. To Jerry Beck: was that character played by Kate Bosworth in the Val Kilmer movie? I remember that film ending with Gordon Lightfoot's song, "If You Could Read My Mind", which struck me as a somewhat odd choice...perhaps not?

  46. anon 19:47 yeah, Kate Bosworth played Dawn (very convincedly i might add), WONDERLAND is full of MK (even Paris Hilton is in cameo there, maybe a hint cause her name there is BARBIE)

  47. "to be honest, i think all of us are shaped (mk'd!) by our parents to a certain extent..."

    Well, most of us don't experience pedophiliac rape at the hands of our parents, so I imagine that's an important difference between routine emotional abuse and MKULTRA.

  48. "The majority of the toys are just plain ridiculous but the 'sexualisation' of children can be clearly seen in the 'Pole Dancer' doll!! I Kid yu not!!"

    Watch this and be shocked.

    Whoever designed that toy knew exactly what he was doing.

  49. it's so funny to me that people actually believe this. there are some other similar blogs/websites to yours who are covering musicians/bands and see an argyle sweater and immediately jump to "MASONIC REFERENCE!" that's so ridiculous. while i do not care at all about this band, if you did any real research on them without trying to find their "evil roots", you will see that they're open about their christianity and always talk about how that's the most important thing to them. oh wait, is that just a cover up for being in the illumanati or something? and the whole thing with "TRUTH" on the drummer's kick drum, that's because that's the brand of his drumset. good one there, buddy. if you also researched what the band members had to say about this song, you'd get the actual meaning. i'll let you look that up for yourself.

  50. If you read what I wrote I addressed the band's description of the meaning of the song 'Ignorance', and I assumed 'TRUTH' was the brand of the drum I did not think I would have to state the obvious (I drum [+ other instruments] myself so am acutely aware), people can use words and motifs that already there in a symbolic way funnily enough (you can't see the truth/light connection there? perhaps it is coincidental, though I'm sure it factored into their thinking). I have also seen Paramore's description of the meaning behind this song, which is just more cliched vagueness that hardly matches up to the very detailed themes of the video. When did I say they come from "evil roots", it isn't about that at all and so what if they are Christians? That doesn't prevent them from being seduced by the wealth that being a pawn for the corporate entertainment establishment brings, or can't you see this clear shift in their use of symbolism in their videos ever since their massive promotion from the Twilight film? The Monarch references are so flagrant here, but I can understand how someone with apparently zero knowledge of such things would view this interpretation in the way that you do. Ignorance is your new best friend ;)

  51. pretty sure you over-think things WAAY too much. i also seen this post on vigilantcitizen, but i am going to leave the comment here as well.
    i read this whole article, and took it all into consideration. BUT. Paramore is my favorite band, and i have been following them from the beginning, since before they were this famous. i know them very well, and they do all their own work. they did in fact, write this song. ask yourself this. why would Hayley Williams write a song about mind-control? answer: she wouldn’t. why would they make a video that has to do with mind-control? [they are hands-on with all of their work, they actually came up with the idea for this video.] answer: they wouldn’t. here is what the song is ACTUALLY about.
    Frontwoman Hayley Williams talked to about the meaning of the song. “This song is about people who cover up their reality with frills and make out like they’re living a fantasy life. It’s one thing to have goals and dreams but it’s another thing when you never know where you’re standing in the real world. People can be hurt by that.” “Brick by Boring Brick” comes from Paramore’s third studio installment “Brand New Eyes”. Hayley said, “[It] is about not accepting reality and understanding that you don’t have to make everything frilly or pretty-sounding for it to be interesting. Life doesn’t have to be some grand production, and some of the boring parts of being alive are actually the greatest. The song is about breaking down those walls and finding out that the centre of it is what really matters.”
    In the deluxe version of Brand New Eyes, Hayley Williams wrote in the booklet,
    “I believe it’s important to stay young at heart. To have faith in what might seem impossible and to have goals beyond your current ambitions or temporary means. However, there is a huge difference, to me anyways, between acknowledging your dreams and never living in reality. Some people are so scared of being boring— so insecure with who they might be— that they build up this huge lie, it’s all one big distraction. For not only the on-lookers but for their self. To me, it is a selfish way to live. A great means of defense. But selfish nonetheless. I’ve been hurt by this lifestyle. Hurt by people I barely know. I’ve even been guilty of living this way. It’s so common. I’m glad that I’ve found some words to finally speak up about it. A brick is such a traditional, tired and plain boring representation of solidity. I wanted the whole song to have this sort of fairy tale vibe… only to twist the point I’m trying to make in the song which is, ‘Stop living in a fake fairytale… like, WAKE UP!’ When thinking how I could really get that across in the song I decided I’d use a house. Someone’s safe place, even in a fairy tale… you can’t forge a refuge out of magic & fairy dust. You gotta build it just as real and as solid as a stupid old brick.”
    The video features a young, blonde girl who has many similarities to lead singer Hayley Williams. The little girl walks through a fairy tale land but as she gets deeper into the fairy tale the atmosphere changes and it suddenly becomes dark and evil. The ending shows the little girl falling into a hole that lead guitarist Josh Farro had been digging throughout the video. The fairy tale land is supposed to represent a lie and as the girl gets deeper into the lie things change and become worse. Singer Hayley Williams seems to be the narrator of the story while Jeremy Davis (bass) is a knight, Zac Farro (drums) is a robber and Taylor York (guitar) is a gnome.
    The video is clearly not about mind-control, it is about a girl [probably Hayley] that creates a fairy tale world around her. then, the “castle gets buried” meaning she gets rid of the fake world she has created. If you listen to Brand New Eyes, it is mostly about the hardships the band has gone through beteween Riot! and Brand New Eyes. this song represents one of those hardships. and so does the video...

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. oh and, FYI:
    - a lot of those pictures of the “eye symbolism” are old. [they pretty much aren't even eye-symbolism, they're rock on symbols" even if paramore was part of this whole “mind-control” thing, i’m pretty darn sure they wouldn’t be from the beginning. because you guys yourself said that mind-control only targets mainstream music, right? well, paramore was not that mainstream until Brand New Eyes. Hayley always does various crazy poses like that simply because it looks cool, not because it’s symbolizing something. as for the first picture, which is obviously recent, they simply did that because it goes with the title of their album. their album is called Brand New Eyes because after all the fights & whatnot they’ve had, they see things in a different light. so they see things with “brand new eyes”.
    - their album cover does not symbolize mind control either. on being asked why they chose that as the cover, Hayley explained: “i found the butterfly in my moms driveway a while ago… dead and completely in tact. after writing the lyrics for “brick by boring brick” with the one line that says “the angles were all wrong, now she’s ripping wings off of butterflies”… the image we chose for this song was the butterfly i’d found. only we cut its wings off and pinned the butterfly with all its separate pieces in order on the fence in my backyard. in hindsight, to me, it represents the fact that broken pieces… individual pieces can still make one big picture. doesn’t matter if they all have their own purpose as long as they stand together.” …once again this goes with the hardships that the band has gone through. they all have their own purpose in the band AND they stand together. THAT’S what Brand New Eyes is about.
    - i will bet you ANY money that Hayley Williams & Josh Farro [wrote the song] have no idea about this mind-control stuff, or that there are people that believe their song/video might be related to it in any way whatsoever. they are very hands-on with their work. and neither their song or video has anything to do with this. they are CREATIVE. that is one of the many reasons why they are my favorite band. they always make me think. but THIS is a far stretch.
    - Hayley's style has nothing to do with mind control. she wears whatever she wants and doesn't care what other thinks. she would never wear clothes to symbolize "mind-control"
    - they are indeed Christian and they have been for a long time. they indeed pray before every show, and in their “thank-yous” section in their cd booklets, they always thank God. Hayley even quoted a bible verse in the Brand New Eyes booklet. [yes i am nerdy enough to read the thank-yous lol] they are also VERY down-to-earth, highly appreciative of everything [especially their fans], and honest.
    - as for the Ignorance video, it shows Hayley being singled out and ignored by the other members of the band. A single light bulb shines throughout the video and it is constantly on her, no matter how hard she tries to stretch the wire and shine it on the other members. The video cuts between the band preforming in a cramped little room, a larger performance area and Williams being laid bare in white clothes, hair pulled back etc. The video ends with the other members of the band being able to wrap the light bulb wire around Williams, showing how the spotlight is only on her and never on the other band members. this is CREATIVE. and yeah it does symbolize something. but i know for a fact that paramore would NEVER symbolize mind-control.

  54. what more proof do you need than everything i have just stated, which i swear on my grandpa’s grave is all TRUE facts?
    and guys, please don’t even try to say that they’re “putting on a show” or “lying to people what the song/video is about”. because that is FAR from the case.
    sorry if i sound rude, but i am very offended by this because they are my favorite band, not to mention music is VERY important to me.
    it also seems you hardly know anything about this band. If you did, you would know exactly what that title is based on. As i previously stated, this band has had many personal problems in the past, leading almost to a break-up. They have found their way to overcome their problems with each other and now look at each other with ‘brand new eyes.’ The entire album reflects how they felt in the past (Careful, Ignorance, Playing God) to how they feel about each other now (Looking Up, Where The Lines Overlap). This band has released one EP and two albums before, this is their third and just because of one out of eleven songs on this album, they are trying to mind-control people? I think the person who is trying to control the minds of other people is you guys, by shoving this crap into our heads.
    Deepen yourself in the band and their history before you make a judgement on what they are about. I suggest you look the song up at and see what people (who actually know things about the band) have to say about the song and the meaning behind it.
    But, what the hell do we know, right? we're just mind-controlled by a band who sings about their personal problems.

  55. Well, you made me laugh a lot :). No offense but all of this is just crap, and Paramore is a great band. And it seems you guys dont have nothing good to do, cause you just are publishing this crap. I´m not saying you cant, its a free world and everyone has their own opinions, and here is mine: this site is just crap... I just got here because a friend told me about this shit that you are publishing about Paramore. Come on get a better thing to do than just writting about celebrities and they are in this crap.

  56. Annie, if you can't handle the truth then stay blind. Ignorance is bliss (or your new best friend.)
    It's been posted above by others but I can't emphasize enough for fans of these bands and actors that they themselves are not evil. They've either been abused since childhood and don't know they're MK'd, that's the only reason it can work, by creating multiple personalities (MPD/DID) or they're directed into a certain image with no idea what they're portraying.

    If you were an entertainer and you don't believe in this stuff, you'd have no problem with the symbolism you're asked to use in your music videos/clothing/album covers right?

  57. crap , crap crap .
    Btw , most of ppl who does the " evil sign " with the hand don't even know the meaning .. cause i did that so many times . so STFU !

    And i hated this article . Sorry but your lying , stop saying your telling the truth , cause your not .. you're the one who brainwah people ! if i'd listen to all of you with your illuminati stuff , i couldn't listen to any band anymore cause they all would wanna brainwash me .

    that is stupid .

  58. Goodness. Who let the Parawhores in? lol

    Gotta admit: it's very, very easy to read this sort of information online and simply connect it to any image, item or person. That said, the music industry is hardcore manipulated and controlled, and this is real. There is value to symbols and their use - something we just aren't familiar with in society.

    That's all I care to say really. It really is strange that this is the truth - that music stars and celebs are a cult of manipulators instilling vice in the popular consensus. But at the end of the day its your 15 bucks.

  59. It is easy to see how anyone who likes the music will defend what they believe. But the people who invoke this is music, video, television, media and the government hope that people will be deceived and easily controlled. This is how monarch mind control works. It starts basically on an adolescent and preys on them sexually, physically and emotionally. This is where satanism and the craft evolve into a much bigger philosophy and is above and beyond what most people are even aware of. There is a saying that states: "To the fool, denial is easy." This is not a nice world underneath the cover you and I see, but when you open your eyes to it, and look much farther, the truth will indeed be revealed to you. Remember mind control started with an idea, a plan and a belief and blossomed into something much wider on a scale that extends beyond the reaches of your mind and what you are taught in school and even in Sunday School growing up. Wake up.


    why do yo people post this shit?! (shit used as a generality not a description of the subject matter) i don't entirely understand where you're coming from or what you mean is going on with these people but it's all a bit weird to me. i love Paramore and LOVE Hayley Williams but now this shit is warping how i think of her/them and it's shitting me and now it's playing around my brain. Paramore are about the most mainstream music i listen to. everything else is somewhere more in the vein of August Burns Red or Underøath or Oh, Sleeper or Parkway Drive. can the blogger (if he sees this maybe email me about this?

  61. this definitely has satanic connotations/sarcasm

  62. It's been interesting reading this article. I love Paramore and know that they are Christian and have very strong beliefs. I have friends that know them and pray with them on a regular basis. I know that there are many in this world using religions to cover up their true beliefs and agendas, saying all the right things to keep their agenda hidden, but I honestly don't think Paramore are like that. I do however think that they don't realise the symbolism behind a lot of the things they do, they probably just get wrapped up in what's rock'n'roll and cool. I'll bet the people shooting their videos and photos may know about the symbolism though, as the music industry appears to be under the control of the illuminati, and unfortunately they seem to be making Paramore out to be one of their own. Just hope they realise and take control of their image and the way things are being done.
    Also you mentioned the word TRUTH being on the bass drum in the Ignorance video. TRUTH are a brand of custom drums that Paramore used to be sponsored by.

  63. Now honestly... what are you all smoking?

    Only about half of you can write a proper sentence or a proper, complete thought and all your conspiracy theories and paranoia is getting you nowhere.

    If they are really doing this all on purpose, it's just to mess with your heads and have a good laugh about it later. You're naive and you all think you're brilliant, too, eh?

    Don't waste your time trying to respond to me, I won't check back to this site again, I'd rather not need to shell out money for a psychiatrist at this time.

    Hope you all get better,
    SS <3

  64. I get the symbolism and all. Here's the part I don't get... why are people who understand the symbolism making the irrational jump to assume that the band is ENCOURAGING the mind control?? Did it not occur to you that Hayley was a VICTIM of it??? Watch the video again from that perspective, assuming that perhaps the video/song is about HER getting PAST this horrible thing of her childhood! And the simple use of the word "we" will help you bury your castle indicates to me that the band is trying to HELP this little girl!

    And why do you assume that the girl entering the grave means she has failed to leave that world behind? Couldn't it actually mean that she SUCCEEDED!??!! She buried that castle!!! She moved on!! She escaped the torture and mind control and now sings in a successful band and is attempting to make people aware of this horrible thing that happens to good kids!!!

    If you purchase their album, you will find inside a flyer about helping children who are invisible. Why would they spend their packaging money on something like that if they were trying to CONTROL people as opposed to helping them ESCAPE the control!!!

    I appreciate your insight to the Monarch mind control. I just don't appreciate the jump to the conclusion and serious accusation that the band is behind it rather than trying to survive it.

    Thank you for your time.

  65. I agree with Elaine 100%
    I'm a fan of paramore, and I know a lot of stuff about them, too. I also know enough to explain the whole song.
    "She Lives in a fairy tale
    Somewhere to far for us to find
    Forgotten the taste and smell
    Of a world that she left behind
    Well, It's all about the exposure,
    The lens, I told her
    The angles are all wrong now
    She's ripping wings off of butterflies"
    When Hayley says "she" she's refering to herself. So, obviously, this song is about her. And she's basically explaining to people that she created her own little world, and got sucked into it.
    "Keep your feet on the ground
    While your head's in the clouds"
    What Hayley's trying to say here is that it's okay to have your own little world, your own little fantasy, just don't get dragged into it like she did. In other words, go ahead, play in the clouds, just don't take your feet off the ground.
    "Well go get your shovel
    And we'll dig a deep hole
    To bury the castle, bury the castle"
    Now she's saying that's it. She's giving up her fantasy and finally going to live her life in reality
    "So one day he found her crying
    Coiled up on the dirty ground
    Her prince finally came to save her
    And the rest you can figure out
    But it was a trick
    And the clock struck twelve
    Well, make sure
    To build your home brick by boring brick
    Or the wolf's gonna blow it down"
    Now I would say Hayley's about middle school age. She meets a boy, and she see's him as her prince charming, coming to take her away from it all. But when they broke up, it was like her whole world came crashing down, so she's saying be careful and don't go out with anyone you can't see in your future.
    (she repeats the chorus)
    "Well, you built up a world of magic
    Because your real life was tragic
    Yeah you built up a world of magic

    If it's not real
    You can't hold it in your hand
    You can't feel it in your heart
    Then I won't believe it
    But if it's true
    You can see it with your eyes
    Oh, even in the dark,
    Then that's where I wan to be, yeah"
    Hayley now is telling people that she built up a world of her own to get out of her real one, and she refuses to return or be reminded of that time when she was stuck in it.
    now that you see the song from not only my point of view, but Hayley's, do you see what I mean? I mean the whole band is Christian, and they make their beliefs clear, and as a Christian also, I don't think she would sing about stuff like this.
    So go ahead, call me an idiot for not seeing "clearly". For not believing in your whole "Oh, that girl from Paramore is a victim of Monarch Programming" claim. Sorry if I offended you, but I had to tell somebody.

    - alex (i'm a girl!!)

  66. Im gonna have to post this in parts because its too long. anyway- i read this whole article, and took it all into consideration. BUT. Paramore is one of my favorite bands, i know them very well, and they do all their own work. they did in fact, write this song. ask yourself this. why would Hayley Williams write a song about mind-control? answer: she wouldn’t. why would they make a video that has to do with mind-control? [they are hands-on with all of their work, they actually came up with the idea for this video.] answer: they wouldn’t. here is what the song is ACTUALLY about.Frontwoman Hayley Williams talked to about the meaning of the song. “This song is about people who cover up their reality with frills and make out like they’re living a fantasy life. It’s one thing to have goals and dreams but it’s another thing when you never know where you’re standing in the real world. People can be hurt by that.” “Brick by Boring Brick” comes from Paramore’s third studio installment “Brand New Eyes”. Hayley said, “[It] is about not accepting reality and understanding that you don’t have to make everything frilly or pretty-sounding for it to be interesting. Life doesn’t have to be some grand production, and some of the boring parts of being alive are actually the greatest. The song is about breaking down those walls and finding out that the centre of it is what really matters.”In the deluxe version of Brand New Eyes, Hayley Williams wrote in the booklet,“I believe it’s important to stay young at heart. To have faith in what might seem impossible and to have goals beyond your current ambitions or temporary means. However, there is a huge difference, to me anyways, between acknowledging your dreams and never living in reality. Some people are so scared of being boring— so insecure with who they might be— that they build up this huge lie, it’s all one big distraction. For not only the on-lookers but for their self. To me, it is a selfish way to live. A great means of defense. But selfish nonetheless. I’ve been hurt by this lifestyle. Hurt by people I barely know. I’ve even been guilty of living this way. It’s so common. I’m glad that I’ve found some words to finally speak up about it. A brick is such a traditional, tired and plain boring representation of solidity. I wanted the whole song to have this sort of fairy tale vibe… only to twist the point I’m trying to make in the song which is, ‘Stop living in a fake fairytale… like, WAKE UP!’ When thinking how I could really get that across in the song I decided I’d use a house. Someone’s safe place, even in a fairy tale… you can’t forge a refuge out of magic & fairy dust. You gotta build it just as real and as solid as a stupid old brick.”The video features a young, blonde girl who has many similarities to lead singer Hayley Williams. The little girl walks through a fairy tale land but as she gets deeper into the fairy tale the atmosphere changes and it suddenly becomes dark and evil. The ending shows the little girl falling into a hole that lead guitarist Josh Farro had been digging throughout the video. The fairy tale land is supposed to represent a lie and as the girl gets deeper into the lie things change and become worse. Singer Hayley Williams seems to be the narrator of the story while Jeremy Davis (bass) is a knight, Zac Farro (drums) is a robber and Taylor York (guitar) is a gnome.The video is clearly not about mind-control, it is about a girl [probably Hayley] that creates a fairy tale world around her. then, the “castle gets buried” meaning she gets rid of the fake world she has created. If you listen to Brand New Eyes, it is mostly about the hardships the band has gone through beteween Riot! and Brand New Eyes. this song represents one of those hardships. and so does the video.

  67. i agree 10000000% eith anonymous^ and alex.....the theory of brick by boring brick as mind control is stupid!!!! so therefore i am supporting the song and the idea of "not building your world on a fairy tale" i have a shirt and i will leave a comment for Hayley telling her of your ridiculous theory.

    best wishes(not)
    -Tetra Sharrlote (a girl)
    paramore rocks socks.....
    like them?check out panic!@the disco :P

  68. The author of this article, as well as their buddy from vigilant citizen, and all the commentors who believe this "mind-control" talk are all completely bat-shit insane.

    The human race is doomed if people like this dominate.

  69. it's alex again.
    I just read something on the paramore site.
    u know how you retards said "The butterfly is a tiger butterfly combining the two most commonly used animals [butterflies and cats] used in dehumanized sexual alter programming, it is pinned with it's wings divided/separated/split apart from it's body." just proves how clueless you idiots are. hayley found this butterfly dead in her mom's driveway. she picked it up pinned it up on her mother's backyard fence. once she told the band about it, they all agreed that it would be a cool album cover, thus making the cover. so next time, do a little research before you jump to conclusions.
    have a nice day
    - alex

  70. You mentioned that the "rock and roll" signs meant nothing.... Actually that is the sign of the Goat head (Baphomet) which is a satanic occult symbol used to worship Satan. The one eye is symbolic of the Eye of Horus as well.

  71. i think this is stupid. paramore is open about their Christianity. you're looking into it way more than you should, you could just as easily do this to any other band in the world and its their word against yours. i say, start writing without bias and leave it open to debate. dont force feed your opinions to the world

  72. The beggining says do you want to meet paramore yourself because if you said it correctly your only in it on yourself not just another Jiggle bellz a-holica reunion tour. bye JTmoney

  73. I think it's sad that grown people are actually bored enough to look for hidden meanings in songs. Does 'Happy Birthday' actually mean Go kill your parents?

  74. yeah, they were open about the christianity...THREE FREAKIN' YEARS AGO!! Ever since Twilight, Hayley (the lead singer-chick) has been obsessed with selling her soul! The (MONACH)butterfly theme, her ADMITTING Joshua was the "only one holy",the blue & yellow (freemason) wall on their DVD, and now she is leaking naked pics of herself on Twitter. Nevermind, the word Paramore/Paramour means secret affair.

    what a desperate young woman!
    God bless her.

  75. i think that the only ones who are making mind control are the dudes that write that and try to make people believe what they want

    something more...
    you can find any meaning you want in something, like a song or picture, everyone has their own point of view, for example that song can mean for me something and for you other thing completely different that my meaning

  76. Well then.

    I know all about the Brick by Boring Brick symbolisim, i did a speech on it for my Yr 9 speech assesment earlier this year.

    but IGNORANCE???

    Pffft, please, your losing your mind!!!!!!

  77. I don't know if you've noticed yet, I actually never looked at it before, but after reading this post, I couldn't help to notice the wallpaper used for Hayley's Twitter profile...

    Hopefully she wont take it down soon (I did point it out on Twitter publicly), though I uploaded the image here, so you don't miss it:

  78. I guess the recent departure of two of their members reveals a lot about what goes on with this band [ ]. Besides the excesive spotlight on Williams, there's something they didn't feel right with in relation to the lyrics, specifically HER lyrics. She's the band, anyway, so the other members are playing the game of another puppet. That's just a pity, and their connection's undeniable.

    Thanks for the post, Benjamin! I read it some months ago, but now they're just about to visit my country I just wanted to make sure they're not welcome into my ears. Love you!

  79. Yeah the word Truth on the bass drum has nothing to do with saying the truth about anything or anyone you incompetent talantless jackass its a brand of drums that their drummer has used and endorsed for years and years.

  80. Are you joking!! The word truth has got absolutely nothing to do with it! Truth is the drum company AKA. Truth Custom Drums which I personally use.

    God you know nothing, people like you enrage me.

  81. This all makes me want to cry... Paramore?..Hayley?.. Like why!? Of all bands i trusted, why them? I'm sick of satan and his co-horts, tainting who they please...maaan....


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