
Tuesday 17 November 2009

Barnardo's warns of Britain's secret trade in child sex

A secret network of organised child sex traffickers is operating within Britain according to the charity Barnardo’s.

Approximately one in six of the sexually exploited children currently being helped by the organisation say they have been moved between cities and passed around between paedophiles.

Martin Narey, chief executive of Barnardo’s, warned of a “hidden” problem in which vulnerable youngsters, many of whom have run away from home, are shunted around the country to increase their isolation.

“Through our work with children abused through prostitution, it became apparent that some young people were being moved around the UK, or from town to town, by abusing adults who would use the children for the purpose of sexual exploitation,” he said.

“An apparently kind man will buy them food, will buy them drink and give then a mobile phone, and then a few months later they will be isolated and alone, sometimes in a different town and sleeping with that man and his friends.”

No national records are kept on the number of children exploited in this way. Barnardo’s is calling for police and authorities across the UK to develop a greater awareness of the problem.

The charity said it was currently working with 609 [err? odd coincidence or sick joke?] sexually exploited children and young people, 90 of whom appeared to have been trafficked within the UK.

One of the victims of this trade, Imogen, ran away from her care home at the age of 12 with an older man she thought was her boyfriend.

She was groomed by a man who treated her well – giving her a mobile phone and the keys to a flat to use – before he began to abuse her.

“He was much older, he was protective – I felt looked after, wanted, loved even. He gave me everything I wanted,” she said, but soon she was being driven to “parties” around Britain where she was told to have sex with his friends.

“I didn’t have any choice – I felt so guilty. Eventually, he’d take me all over the country: Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, London. He’d take me to hotels, some nights two or three.

“I never saw any money change hands. Some men asked ‘How old is she?’ Some asked ‘Have you got any younger?’ They were really sick.”

The man was arrested and eventually Imogen went back to school and then on to university.

“It’s really hard to talk about girls being trafficked in this country; no one wants to believe it,” she said.

Times Article above; what they're describing here has been going on throughout history and I don't see how you could ever quantify the true scale of it especially considering the fact that the more severely treated victims like Monarch slaves never get the opportunity for escape and are left too damaged to talk about their experiences which no one would believe anyway. Charities like Bernardo's will never know just how organized it really is, in the higher echelons of society in particular (they have historically controlled the lucrative slave trade). A recent example would be Roger Took, the elite society he was a part of backed him almost implicitly and I can't believe I did not hear of this at the time which shows how little coverage it got because people of his ilk control the media. Here's an interesting Spectator article, 'The Establishment Paedophile' if you can make it past the first horrific paragraph. You'll notice Took used young Russian prostitutes who were probably lured into a sexually enslaved life in a similar way to what Bernardo's is describing, though they do not count the fact that there have always been parents willing to sell their children for money, especially in Eastern Europe and third world countries which are the kinds of victims who won't be included in any charity's statistics/reports (trauma-based/Monarch mind control programming is an horrific reality for many of these slaves). Here is a BBC radio show interviewing Took's wife. Bernardo's press release, their report is here.


  1. That article on Took is shocking indeed, largley due to the heavy handed sensationalist tone.

    What is it that prompts people to seek such a hellish way of life? Is the violent desecration of innocence some sort perceived victory over the bounds of morality and existence?

    Just saw Katie Price being devilishly handled on I'm a Celebrity, she was in a claustrophobic catharsis.

  2. god, i can't stand that woman!

    whats the deal with her, ben? post?

  3. Noteworthy;

    There is still a great discussion going on on the last Rihanna post:

  4. There was an article in this months Marie Claire about child sex trafficking in Cambodia. I posted it on Stepford.

    On the Jessica Simpson thread on Godlike Productions (shite site, but interesting thread) someone spoke of how Russian models are the most possessed/incest abused in the industry.

    That's why they are so popular in the industry, could never figure that out before...

  5. Katie Price is not what she seems. She is a satanic high priestess of Jewish background, and much like Winehouse, she is involved in the blackest rituals.

    Winehouse was pregnant at one point btw.. They never spoke of it but you could see her belly. They killed her baby in a ritual.

    Did you really think there was any other reason for Katie Price to be such big news all the time without her being involved at the highest levels? She has sacrificed to get where she is...

  6. I think the person called 'still learning' on the Rihanna thread was a real industry person who was scared to look deeper because it affected him so closely.

    That's what happened to me when I started learning this stuff. At first I didn't want to believe it, but then I would see things in the news, in psychology books on child abuse, and in the biographies of famous people, that fit exactly with what they said was going on..

    After a while it becomes more than coincidence. At that point you either keep the blinders on, stick your fingers in your ears and 'la, la, la' your way back home ...or you keep learning.

    I'm glad I kept learning. I don't want to live in the dark.

  7. I can "see" the darkness in Price but I don't know how you'd have knowledge that they killed Winehouse's baby in a ritual.

    I'm sorry but it's comments like that that make us all look insane to the transient visitor.

  8. The story about Roger Took is horrifying. 4 and a half years in prison is all he gets?? Hopefully he will have a taste of his own medicine while in prison.

  9. there is a child trafficking case in north carolina. antoinette davis sold her 5-year-old daughter shaniya davis. mario mcneil (not the father) was the middleman. shaniya's body has been recovered. mcneil and the mother (who's pregnant again) are in jail.

    shaniya lived with her father, bradley lockhart. she went to her mom's on 10-09-09.

    this case has gotten a lot of coverage on nancy grace, etc. two people on websleuths did forensic astrology charts. the charts aside, the numbers they used (from the case) are full of 3s, 6s, 322 etc. i'm sorry, I can't link...

  10. In 2007 Katie Price's partially blind son was badly burned in an "accident" and soon afterwards injured when a "mirror fell on him" -

    - both of which at the very least indicate he was seriously neglected.

    Unfortunately, as has been suggested on this site, child protection agencies may not be what they seem, but could be part of an overall operation to uncover endangered and abused, and therefore already dissociative children. Cathy O'Brien has stated that it was because of the pornographic photographs of her taken by her father that she was 'spotted' by Gerald Ford (later to become President) and taken into the MK-Ultra programme.



  12. @anon 17:11

    and how do you know that?!

  13. I think Still Learning doesn't get that its the people at the top who direct what gets made and designed for the massses.

    Just because you sit around a table discussing ideas for a music video doesn't mean it gets made the way you discussed. Everyone who works in corporate America knows that. Its the people who answer to the board of directors who decide what the final design will look like, and the board of directors are usually, ivy leaguer, secret society brothers, unbeknownst to yourself, though even they are not who directs the protocol of the company as a whole....

    Its not like they're gonna wear shirts that say "I'm a Mason,Skull and Bones whatever and wouldn't you like to be one too!"

    They know each other form the lodge or from school and they quietly get together for drinks to discuss things. Then they plant one of their little brothers in the round table discussions to steer the meeting. Don't you know anything about political intrigue??

    Not EVERYONE has to be all knowing /all seeing for a specific agenda to be pushed in an organization LOL!

  14. Again, the comments section on the previous post is still generating fantastic info. Check out "Worked In The Industry's" posts and Ben's post!

  15. Oh God. Ben, you've been infiltrated. They've sent in agents to try and railroad the comments section into discussions about foucault's pendulum and schroedinger's cat.

    I've seen them on another great blog that discussed the pedophocracy-Rigorous Intuition. Within a month all relevant discussion about what is ACTUALLY going on devolved into highfalutin debates with these people. They will discuss the progress and history of conspiracy MOVEMENT rather than the day to day realities and consequences of what the conspiracy movement BRINGS TO LIGHT.

    I tried to steer the conversation on that other blog back to the topic at hand and was shouted down by so many intellectuals riding their big words like dildos, and saying nothing of course about the victims and perpetrators of these crimes.

    I pray to god it doesn't happen here.

  16. If this is the best infiltrator they can send us, they need to reassess their agents.

    This idiot poses as an intellectual but his thought process is so erratic and passive aggressive that it's laughable. I would hope that none of you will let it steer you away from spreading the message.

    Laugh at him. In truth, it's pathetic.

  17. @ anon 17:15

    >>intellectuals riding their big words like dildos>>

    Brilliant! Love that description! Fits to a tee, doesn't it now?

  18. ever checked out jim carrey's website?

    ...yeaaaah lol

  19. What a vile website.

    It makes me spit and choke.

  20. Katie price' jewish grandmother was her fathers mother so technically shes not jewish.

    it requires a jewish mother for the children to be jewish...unlike in other systems where its primarily the father.

    hence why 90% of the zionists 'controlling' america arent actually jewish since they are the sons of non-jewish women, however they have jewish fathers. it doesnt count though, it means they are gentiles by law.(also includes the youngest rothschilds, none of them have jewish technically they are frauds by playing up to the jewish history.)

  21. Eye opening article on Jim Carrey:

    "Carrey is maybe two years from becoming a punch line. But he's cool with that. "Everyone gets to be the big joke for a year. That's this business," he says. "Last year it was Tom Cruise. I could be the next Kathie Lee Gifford. But you have to say to yourself, 'Wait a minute, dude, that's not you.'"
    You see, Carrey has found spiritual enlightenment, and it's so awesomely awesome that he just has to tell you about it. For hours. Even if you didn't ask. In fact, he has to write a book about it. "It will be more representative of who I am than anything I've ever done," he says. "I feel like I know something. These thoughts make me feel like I'm wearing gold shoes." He's thinking of calling it Be Ready to Be O.K. If that weren't begging to be mocked on VH1's Best Week Ever on its own, he's also got a children's book in him. "It's called Cynthia's New Friend. It's about how we hate change. We hate people to change because we're afraid they'll fly away."

    Read more:,8599,1590112,00.html#ixzz0XJf59NN3

  22. Finished reading Neil's book a while ago, it is very interesting and recommendable even for the mind control oriented folks. In the following link there is a very prominent section of the book available for preview:

    "What do you think it is?"

    "Seven," she said.

    "Now turn over the paper," I told her.

    She slowly turned it over, as if she were afraid to look, then moved it up to eye level and saw a big number seven staring right back at her.

    She screamed, leaped off the couch, and ran to the hotel mirror. Her mouth hung agape as she looked her reflection in the eye.

    "Oh my God," she said to her reflection. "I did that."

    She was like a little girl seeing Britney Spears for the first time. She was her own fan.

  23. New moon trailer. There is a lot of symbolism just in this trailer so the movie must be sick with it. I can't wait to see it! haha

  24. @ Akaider:

    Thanks for the Jim Carrey website. I had to turn it off simply because there was a "vibe" coming from it that was not great. Too bad. Not sure what in the hell has happened to Carrey.

    Wonder how much input he had with the site's design? Off the top of my head here is what I saw:

    Clearly fragmented mind

    Dissociation galore

    Music on the main page that is hypnotizing

    The first counter clockwise circle that "winds" you into the site is from that "Go Gratitude!" group who always give me the heebie-jeebies. It's clearly a way to get the mind hypnotically flowing but in a negative counter clockwise manner.

    As you double click on the various fragmented scene, you are again put through a visual portal that drives you deeper. I double clicked on the hands that appear on the right of Carrey's face (BTW, CARREY'S EYES ARE ALSO MEANT TO BE HYPNOTIC) and I was pushed through a portal into what appears to be the bowels of hell. Music changes into screams and dangerous melodies. Eventually, you get to what looks like a devastated city with people as large as the buildings (Alice in Wonderland reference where Alice grows bigger than the house?) In that scene there is a cast of characters that don't belong together, one with a bag over his head as if he's a prisoner or being tortured. Lovely.

    At that point, I closed the window as I did not like what it was doing to my body.

    I'd imagine that if a person were tripping on acid or good pot, this website would totally be a vehicle for them to experience some crazy hallucinations. And if they were sober and clean when watching it but the least bit traumatized, it could easily push them into a very strange space.

    It's too bad, because I actually respect Carrey's longtime girlfriend, Jenny McCarthy, for speaking out on autism and how her son was cured of autism through detox, diet and chemical withdrawal. She speaks out bravely on how vaccines induce autism and how the rates of autism are higher since we've been shooting kids with more toxic cocktails over the last 20 years or so. So, good for her. But I wonder what in the hell is going on in Carrey's head to co-create this freakish site??? It's far more than just a promo piece for his upcoming film, "A Christmas Carol."

    Ben, you really should check it out. There's enough there for a post.

  25. Did you notice that for the poster of A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey, he's riding a giant PAWN chess piece and flying through the air?

    I think his handlers may have created that website.

  26. A PAWN? Are you serious? I don't know anything about chess. Holy Shit. Does it get more blatant?

    I could also not stay on that site very long. I found the music made me want to go to sleep.

  27. I mean this is getting ridiculous, Mariah:


  28. Oh God. Ben, you've been infiltrated. They've sent in agents to try and railroad the comments section into discussions about foucault's pendulum and schroedinger's cat.
    I've seen them on another great blog that discussed the pedophocracy-Rigorous Intuition. Within a month all relevant discussion about what is ACTUALLY going on devolved into highfalutin debates with these people. They will discuss the progress and history of conspiracy MOVEMENT rather than the day to day realities and consequences of what the conspiracy movement BRINGS TO LIGHT.
    I tried to steer the conversation on that other blog back to the topic at hand and was shouted down by so many intellectuals riding their big words like dildos, and saying nothing of course about the victims and perpetrators of these crimes.
    I pray to god it doesn't happen here.

    exactly my thoughts, i also remember when RI was fantastic place to be, maybe it's time to moderate comments

  29. >>intellectuals riding their big words like dildos>>

    LEGEND! haha

  30. Holy hell that jim carrey site is disturbing.

  31. Re: Mariah Carey....From the link Chris posted....

    >>Miss Carey [also] wants confetti shaped like butterflies to shower over her [and has] requested an entourage of 15 along with about 80 security guards.>>

    'Cuz, ya know, you just can't get enough dissociation from one big butterfly. They need to shower over her and fall into her flowing mane of hair.

    (God, I actually thought when she came out on Larry King and talked about the evil of Tommy Motolla that she was waking up. Guess not.)

    Is it me or this stuff easier to suddenly see now?

    Hide in plain sight.

  32. Daul Kim, 20 yr old model, commited suicide yesterday morning in Paris. Her blog:

    iliketoforkmyself.blogspot .com

  33. Moderating comments only serves one purpose; adds to the numerous claims all 'conspiracy theorists' are paranoid.

    that being said, I think the current method of just rebuking them/questioning why they are so sure its 'not happening' is way more effective as they soon fall out of ideas/dig their own grave by being incapable to disprove it 100%(leaving some room for it being true = their own words end up making it 'partial truth')

  34. although suicides common in asia(which is what disbelievers will claim) shes certainly a character.

  35. This has absolutely nothing to do with suicide being common in Asia or elsewhere. Lately its been an epidemic of suicides in SOUTH KOREA, its victims being mostly ppl working in the showbiz: (top)models, singers, actors etc. Ben covered this subject a little time ago.


  36. Just looking at that Jim Carrey site, I see a lot of brotherhood symbols. A lighthouse, a tree [Cabalistic]. Also disscocitive symbols a balloon, disembodied heads a light at the end of a tunnel, Carrey with a bird's body.

    Makes me wonder just how much stars go online to google themselves and could be influenced by deliberate things put there for them..

    Take google image search for example. If you type in any star's name, you're likely to get some very strange random pictures of them mixed into their normal ones with their faces photoshopped into animals/aliens or with mouths where their eyes should be by 'freaking news' or some such. If stars do google themselves(and they probably do, considering their egotism) imagine what seeing those things does to their programming?

    Apart from producing the odd chuckle in a fan randomly searching for their picture, why else would such distortions be there?

  37. daul kim's blog is strange.

    say hi to protons
    The proton is a subatomic particle with an electric charge of +1 elementary charge. It is found in the nucleus of each atom, along with neutrons, but is also stable by itself and has a second identity as the hydrogen ion, H+. It is composed of three fundamental particles: two up quarks and one down quark.[3]


  38. A few "artists" i know not only google themselves, they have google alerts on their own names and everything they do. Some of them are narcissists, some are paranoid and one is a combination of both LOL.

    Daul Kim was only 20yrs old, practicaly still a teenager, and not amercan, it's understandable why some might think her writing are strange. In early blog entries (2007) she mentions she's been traveling for work since 13yrs old. That's insane.

  39. Caaaaaaaaaable Guyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

  40. Sad to hear about Daul Kim ;S it's even more depressing when these tragic deaths stop being shocking and become virtually a regular occurrence. Probably get a quick post up on her over the weekend (post a news article + some interesting video/images) and my longer post got delayed for a couple of days, v nearly finished working on it.

  41. @Chris,

    thats what I was saying. they will obviously spin it as 'another asian suicide' due to the levels.

    even though the majority of people will probably at some point question why so and so happy teenager decided their time had come, without showing signs, people will still doubt due to the spin on news and how they sell it as 'tragic'

  42. 'they' aren't spinning it as another 'asian suicide' that i know of, but it's here, as another mk model suicide which would be kind of the same thing as if they were chalking it up to that.

    If you take the time to read her blog you'd see she wasn't another 'happy teenager', the girl was kind of deep for a 20yr old and she had confessed to be depressed and felt like a ghost due to her chosen career where the accumulation of material things and traveling, keeping her away from her family and friends kept her feeling like 'a ghost' she was very aware.

  43. sorry i repeated myself there at the end but you get what i'm saying.

  44. what makes you think these tragic deaths aren't "still shocking"? there's plenty of shocked people about Daul's death. Sometimes it seems you are putting things ot there that aren't really 'there.'

  45. Need to share what is maybe OFF TOPIC but this is one real life issue...
    Yesterday I went to the shop to choose a new floor covering for my child's room. He was with me and being eight he wanted to participate in the choice. Guess which was the chosen one? Checkerboard, obviously. I asked him why, and, in his innocence, he said he could play human checkers..
    I was blowed. It was the shortest and most effective explanation of MK symbolism + meaning + goal that I ever heard!


  46. LADY GAGA's words again:

    "On calling her fans “Monsters”:

    “I see myself in my fans, and they see themselves in me. I felt like a freak for so long, in school, growing up, you know I wore a uniform, but when I went home I used to put makeup on in the house and I used to sleep with my makeup on. My mother used to say, ‘Where the hell are you going kid?’ And I’d say ‘Well, what do you think of Marilyn today? Or I did Judy Garland today, mom.’ It was my way of expressing myself, so I think that the kids in the audience, they feel like freaks too.”

    Miley the hooker:

    I think TIM MC GRAW's quotes are equally interesting:

    He lives with the same kind of woman: "In our family, my wife, Faith Hill, is very much in control of our life. She works out everybody's schedule. I wouldn't be able to function without her. So I can totally relate to a wife like that, and I feel that it is a blessing for me because I would be a mess without her giving me that kind of structure."

    His cowboy days: "My stepdad, Horace, taught me how to ride when I was little kid. I worked on a real farm and was a real cowboy, roping and riding and branding and all that stuff. I remember I had a horse called Satan because he was really fast and I loved saddling him up and galloping away. I grew up riding my whole life. I can't remember not being able to ride, that's how long I've been riding horses."


  47. "what makes you think these tragic deaths aren't "still shocking"? there's plenty of shocked people about Daul's death. Sometimes it seems you are putting things ot there that aren't really 'there.'"

    it isn't shocking to us people who understand mk is it.

  48. Tim McGraw's biological father is Tug McGraw, the late baseball player. They were estranged for most of Tim's young life.

    I've always thought Faith Hill looked like an MK Slave. She was one of the women in the remake of "Stepford Wives." She just had that too perfect, Barbie doll look that those creeps in Country Music LOVE to promote.

    Read in "People" that Tim McGraw finally admitted he was a drunk and gave it up almost two years ago. I never thought he was a very nice guy, no matter what "spin" the PR gurus spun on him. I always thought he looked like a drunk and wife beater.

    Ain't nothin' what it seems in Hollywood. It's ALL a pretty illusion meant to make you either feel a longing for a lifestyle that looks great on the surface but is sicker than sick under the covers.

  49. I think the projection of the Hollywood lifestyle is also about making you feel "less than" with your own existence so that you never feel satisfied and are always longing for something that is unattainable. Of course, the irony is that the life so many people wish to emulate is sadistic and MK'd.

    I guess the secret is to turn off the TV, rid yourself of celebrity culture and take a walk in the woods where I doubt there is much MK symbolism.....or is there??

  50. Too many butterflies in FAITH's video :) BTW I didnt find it on youtube:


  51. Anonymous said...
    "what makes you think these tragic deaths aren't "still shocking"? there's plenty of shocked people about Daul's death. Sometimes it seems you are putting things ot there that aren't really 'there.'"

    it isn't shocking to us people who understand mk is it.

    i think it's a good idea to always only speak for yourself ; )

  52. Anonymous said...
    I think the projection of the Hollywood lifestyle is also about making you feel "less than" with your own existence so that you never feel satisfied and are always longing for something that is unattainable. Of course, the irony is that the life so many people wish to emulate is sadistic and MK'd.

    I guess the secret is to turn off the TV, rid yourself of celebrity culture and take a walk in the woods where I doubt there is much MK symbolism.....or is there??


    This kind of thing always makes me laugh in mockery or shake my head because of the arrogance,"tv is the great evil" attitude, but people spend more time on the computer than anything else. From what i have observed, most music videos are being watched on youtube, most celeb gossip is being read on the computer, games, etc etc etc. Goodbye. :click:


  54. To Anonymous 21 November 2009 08:42

    Yes, it's shocking. Too bad you've been mind controlled to think that.

  55. more on the brainwashing guru

  56. anyone loving the new beyonce song yet, featuring lady gaga?!

    MK treat and a half

  57. Any death is shocking, of course; I was just making the point that as it happens more regularly it becomes less shocking (not any less of a tragedy) which is just common sense that cannot really be argued. You are arguing about the definition of shocking... obviously how shocked a person is is wholly subjective to their background knowledge, like someone who thinks the modelling industry is the best thing ever this would be especially shocking, but for people like us who can see beyond the facade it is not shocking when these deaths occur, it doesn't make it any less sad though. I don't see how that is controversial or "putting something out there that isn't really 'there'", it's just simple common sense. I have a feeling you are just stirring as surely you realize that...

  58. To anon @15:26

    I actually was going to mention the computer/Internet as indulging the celeb culture.....Obviously....So no need to toss your head back in mocking laughter at "my arrogance" about "tv being the great evil." I actually in fact, don't believe tv is the great evil. TV can also be enlightening as well. So, don't lump me into your pre-digested perception of what I believe.

  59. Her father... Read abuse&all the stuff between the lines:



    And thats his work:


  61. Interesting. I have started looking into charities' involvement in trafficking so this was right on time. I suspect United Way (over the rainbow logo) has to do with this and to keep the cycle going (after seeing an advertisment with a message in a young boys hairline that read LUST), celebrities join in on the activities, promoting and fund raising for these "charitable organizations". Halle Berry has a hand in GEMS (reference to jewel programming) which is yet another sex slavery charity org. who are "fighting" the sex slave trade. Ashton Kutcher (kaballist magi) also has honed in on the slave trade business. I just love how this works. It just goes in circles!

  62. Courtney Love says Britney was molested:

    I know Courtney's a bit of a fruit loop, but I believe crazy people come out with the most truth

  63. Poverty and the lack of law enforcement both contribute the prevalence of sex tourism in Cambodia. I would like to applaud international aid organizations like World Vision for helping to combat sex slavery in the country.

  64. Genetic embro twinning anyone have any thoughts on that ?

  65. Tammy Rief is Jewish As well as a direct descendant of Hatsburg and Lorraine , could that be the reason her son Jonah Rief was taken and trafficked by the man Brian Sullivan lying about being his father?


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