
Monday 26 October 2009

Miley Officially a Monarch and The Noah and Emily Show Part II

Quick Cyrus followup post to the 'Monarch Cyrus Gene Pool and the Noah and Emily Show' and previous ones on Miley Cyrus where you can clearly see the butterfly symbolic motif consistently pushed on her (whether it's on a black/white dress, or just randomly putting them on her face; not to mention her mother!). So I was obviously very interested to hear from a commenter that Miley's official website was now covered in Monarch butterflies, the most blatant and basic symbol used for signifying a Monarch (trauma-based multigenerational mind control) slave. "Step into a Miley state of mind" (note this is written inside a circle [almost ouroboros looking] of the entry page + some other imagery on the website design [black chandalier, candle light worship, the grid pattern and such]), I won't repeat exactly what kind of 'state of mind' the Master Manipulators over at Disney are attempting to condition kids into as it's all pretty obvious (sexualizing children). Sorry it's another Miley Cyrus post; I realize some people think it's pointless as I've done enough on her, but I disagree as her corporate handlers make it so blatant making it hard to ignore (like this Monarch butterfly usage, that is far far beyond coincidence considering I'd been going on and on about her and Monarch MK for months).

Speaking of butterflies, check out the official poster for the VHA1 DIVAS (note "as above so below" 'VA' font, Miley's hand positioning [one up on her leopard covered head the other down] may also symbolize this) thing she performed with Sheryl Crow at, singing 'If it makes you happy' with some typical dehumanization themes on Sheryl in the video and goats etc (on the below poster note the mirrored butterflies, pentagrams, leopard print hat, checkered shirt, Nero/broken Cross [the whole Cyrus clan constantly use "peace" symbols ((Noah & Emily's "charity" uses it too)) like that and they robotically flash the 'V' sign every few seconds it seems, one thing's for sure they don't mean what most people assume]).

Miley's latest video is quite telling, I interpret it as a celebration of the long-term "party" in the USA, their "party" consisting of being able to abuse/program, generally the "elite" have been able to do whatever they want with total impunity. Note her singing about butterflies, occultist music heavyweight Jay-Z, Monarch mind controlled Britney (the giant American flag drops down when she is mentioned; she's the ultimate example of an all-American-girl ;), boots with some horn-like motif, and some kind of subliminal winged creature too possibly a phoenix on it; the cage climbing frame looks to symbolize a bird cage, with the swing in the center like you find in many bird cages which Miley swings on.

I'm obviously very late with this one but remember her latest Teen Choice Awards performance with Miley and the stripper pole (I had discussed Miley's knowledge of stripper moves in the aforementioned post so this was not at all surprising). It was interesting that it seemed to symbolize her trailer trash/inbred hick upbringing as she exits a trailer (through a door with a purple arch [covered her use of purple a lot in the 'Purple Star Cyrus']) wearing fur (animal/dehumanization) as she dances on the "Miley's Ice Cream" ("I Scream"... symbolizing the trauma in her MK perhaps; or probably more to do with the phallic cone/ice cream head) with the all-American-girl dancers dressed as your average American street hooker... perfectly suited for the young teen and pre-teen audience that watches the Teen Choice Awards.

Also note the flamingos (Alice in Wonderland).

If you click the below image to see it in HQ, you can see that she is wearing skull and bones on the bracelet on her left wrist.

Miley will be appearing in the obviously evil Sex and the City 2, wearing the same outfit (note the pyramid studs on their matching belts) as Kim Cattrall. Miley could literally kill someone with that ultra-long spiked collar and bondagesque black leather gloves (again this is about over sexualizing this tween idol thereby sexualizing them in the process).

Backstage of Miley's latest tour called the 'Wonder World' tour, backstage (note Noah's skull and bones on her socks) with the father Billy Ray Cyrus. I don't want to get in to the tour much here, I may cover it later, but here are a couple of images from it anyway. She starts the performances of frozen in ice which she shatters to break out of it.

Here's one of Miley flashing the horns as she often does though this surprised me as she has not been doing it much lately; nice shot with the Luciferian light in the frame too.

With Emily Reaves in one of her newest, completely inappropriate "couture" designs, featuring the sex-kitten alter suggestive leopard print.

Another one from "her" collection has an inverted pentagram with Monarch suggestive crowns on it (+ hearts and crucifixes).

Halloween always provides a good opportunity for handlers to dress up their slaves in something that could otherwise not get away with (and allows them to 'become' various characters used in programming like Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy and the like). They are really pushing it with Noah at a Dream Halloween party though (interesting to see Daryll Hannah show up in kitten ears, need to do a proper post on her at some point to explain why though [briefly covered her role as a sex robot in Blade Runner here]), they dressed Noah up in a disturbing purple/black Gothic hooker outfit, complete with makeup and bondage-type knee-high platform boots.

This reminded me (thanks to the commenters who linked to the above image by the way) of a similar excursion that Noah and Emily went on dressed up in similarly inappropriate stuff (see this post [for details on who this Emily girl is too]).

Random disturbing recent photo (that obviously isn't real blood but seriously... what she is wearing and her expression says so much) I came across of Emily Grace Reaves above.

Emily dressed up as angel with black wings (which symbolizes it is associated with Lucifer/Satan, the fallen angel, this is confirmed by Emily's horns).

These outfits from the day after at the Camp Ronald McDonald Halloween Party (some typical outifts there on some interesting individuals I was considering posting on) weren't much better either... Emily as a ladybird (+daisies) and Noah apparently in a slutty Minnie Mouse outfit, again you have to ask why they are allowed to be paraded in front of the media dressed like this for the world to see.

This outfit reminded me of another Disney slave, Ashley Tisdale's new music video 'Crank It Up' (crank up the electroshock voltage?) where she is also given black angel wings and sings about hypnosis/dissociation/mind control, standard hypnotic induction tools are shown like a metronome and a dissociative spinning record. Thanks to Chris for this tip in comments. I covered her role in High School Musical 3 here by the way.

The lyrics are, as mentioned are blatant to say the least... see for yourself.
Th-th-this beat is hypnotic
I wanna ride it like a chauffeur
The sound of the sonic's
Controlling me just like a robot
I go bionic so D-D-DJ, put it on
I'm losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

[Sean Garrett:]
It's so cinematic

[Sean Garrett & Ashley Tisdale:]
G-Got me froze up

[Sean Garrett:]
This psychopathic
Beat is something

[Sean Garrett & Ashley Tisdale:]
I need a dose of
I'm systematic
Mo-Moving every single bone
There's no mechanic
That can't understand what I'm on

[Ashley Tisdale:]
Let's crank it up {crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Put the record on spin
Cause I am ready to party
Gonna get my girls and get naughty
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Just crank it up

Oh, oh, oh, whoa
Oh, oh, oh, whoa {Crank it up}
Oh, oh, oh, whoa
Oh, oh, oh, whoa

Th-Th-This beat is melodic
Harmonic, got me striking poses
I get up on it, electronically feeling so fresh
It's so erotic my body's like a cyclone
I'm like a puppet, can't stop it
Drop it like a stone

[Sean Garrett:]
[ Ashley Tisdale Lyrics are found on ]
It's so cinematic

[Sean Garrett & Ashley Tisdale:]
G-Got me froze up

[Sean Garrett:]
This psychopathic
Beat is something

[Sean Garrett & Ashley Tisdale:]
I need a dose of
I'm systematic
Mo-Moving every single bone
There's no mechanic
That can't understand what I'm on

[Ashley Tisdale:]
Let's crank it up {crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Put the record on spin
Cause I am ready to party
Gonna get my girls and get naughty
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Just crank it up

[Sean Garrett & Ashley Tisdale:]
Up, up, up, DJ, up, up, up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up louder!

[Ashley Tisdale:]
Let's crank it up {crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Put the record on spin
Cause I am ready to party
Gonna get my girls and get naughty
Crank it up {Crank it up}
Until the walls cave in
Just crank it up

I systematically mo-move every bone
So crank it up I wanna get in the zone
I systematically mo-move every bone
So crank it up I wanna get in the zone

Ashley at that LG Heidi Klum phone Monarch thing a while back.

I've had this image for ages, Miley with Ashley in an incredibly Monarch symbolic dress (click below image for HQ) in terms of genealogy and internal structuring (each alter on a separate vine/root accessed by a trigger; some deeper in the system [ones more severely dissociated] are harder to access than ones further up it) with a big butterfly with vines tied together attached to it with smaller butterflies on the vines/roots.


  1. You make very interesting points. There's a good analysis of Party in the USA

  2. Great post. That picture with all of the little girls around the stripper pole is insanely disturbing.


    Spirituality for the kids? Go to hell, bitch!


  4. Btw, did u know about that?


  5. Agree with Tommy. Makes my fucking blood boil.

  6. Mind Control has been going on for years. Woodstock and the hippy movement was a psy op. Drugs were freely available to people so they would shut up and party and not stand up for their rights. It seems you only focus on the pop acts of today for the most part, but this has been going for so long.

    The Doors, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, 50's do wop bands, and pretty much every famous band and star is mind controlled or has a military background. Why do you focus so much on the kiddie acts?

    I'd love to see a post about Pink Floyd and their mind control music. Since so many naysayers think the band is God, hardly!

  7. Nice work, I agree with it being sickening to say the least.
    At work we unfortunately do Disney Licensing (among other things), so I get to see first hand whenever a new 'style guide' comes out sporting the new HM porn poses...
    Can't wait to see what the Big Rodent has in store with all things Marvel...

  8. Woodstock/the hippy movement were (like many others movements/currents) were genuine but soon, "they" realized it could be so useful, so they hijacked it. Drugs took over and all failed... Yes, I know that more than half of them have military background, Im familiar with Laurel Canyon stuff. As for Pink Floyd, certainly they had much more to say than mind control. Not all thats black is evil.


  9. i vote ben to do a tears for fears post!

  10. About Ashley Tisdale; she is about 22-23 years old playing a TEENAGER and "hanging out" with Miley Cyrus (who is really 16)


    I'm sorry but Noah Cyrus looks like a young WITCH ugh not a cute little girl at all


  11. i'm not being sceptical here, but why would ashley tisdale purposely put that dress on? does she actually know shes a mind controlled butterfly?! or did someone tell her to wear it? the latter might seem like a stupid question, i know that these people have handlers who tell them what to wear but...all the time? even for a "normal" trip out?

  12. To Anony 17:03, yes they are told what to wear and the butterfly theme is so prevalent that much of today's fashion works hand in hand for mind control slaves.

    Its all around us; in the culture; because they MADE it that way....Which brings me to a point I wanted to make:

    Sexualizing these children through a global medium like Disney has the effect of justifying the feelings of pedophiles, so that increasingly more and more little girls end up molested.

    This in turn, has the effect of creating a whole new generation of disssociative kids who then get to look at the pop culture and be programmed by the butterfly, bratz dolls hello kitty and pussycat dolls imagery even more!!

    So TPTB don't even have to mind control everyone individually. Entire generations of regular people are now becoming dissociative triggered slaves. They have a domino effect going on !!

  13. Lol, yes this started long ago. Even before Doo Wop and Pink Floyd.

    Check out Mozart and Beethoven they were abused by elite as kids to create musical geniuses. Beethoven's father used to punch him in the head if he played a note wrong. That's why he went deaf.

    These mind control tactics are passed down from the ancient world and the mystery schools. It goes way back.

    As for Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon is a programming album. The prism and the rainbow, as well as The Wall shows the mind control of a famous rock star.

    The members of Pink Floyd were educated at Cambridge, an elite institution. Some of them probably come from elite families.

  14. Do Radiohead. Someone needs to inform Thom Yorke he's been electrocuted.

  15. Please. Ashley Tisdale's a saint compared to Miley Cyrus. I just want Hannah Montana's absurdly aggravating horeshit strapped to a space shuttle and sent into the sun. I don't need people like her parading her life around, mocking us who struggle to get by (whenever she's not acting like a Disney robot). Corny, yes, but isn't that a popular opinion around here?

    Hell, I guess we need something to goof on, that's why we have all these fake-ass Disney products.

  16. The members of Pink Floyd were educated at Cambridge, an elite institution. Some of them probably come from elite families.

    They also took on Kate Bush when she was like 12-13, and made her into the star she is today. Most likely raped/abused her to be so different and unique compared to most of the other crap at that time.

    Check out this video of hers, about a military program designed to kill someone. Has mind control written all over it..

  17. Kate Bush - Expierment IV

    We were working secretly
    For the military.
    Our experiment in sound,
    Was nearly ready to begin.
    We only know in theory
    What we are doing:
    Music made for pleasure,
    Music made to thrill.
    It was music we were making here until

    They told us
    All they wanted
    Was a sound that could kill someone
    From a distance.
    So we go ahead,
    And the meters are over in the red.
    It's a mistake in the making.

    From the painful cry of mothers,
    To the terrifying scream,
    We recorded it and put it into our machine.

    Then they told us
    All they wanted
    Was a sound that could kill someone
    From a distance.
    So we go ahead,
    And the meters are over in the red.
    It's a mistake in the making.

    It could feel like falling in love.
    It could feel so bad.
    But it could feel so good.
    It could sing you to sleep

    But that dream is your enemy.

    We won't be there to be blamed.
    We won't be there to snitch.
    I just pray that someone there
    Can hit the switch.

    But they told us
    All they wanted
    Was a sound that could kill someone
    From a distance.
    So we go ahead,
    And the meters are over in the red.
    It's a mistake we've made.

    Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm.
    And the public are warned to stay off.

    Makes you wonder..what military projects many artists are apart of.
    Making songs to kill someone? Binaural beats, beats to send you into trance states. I've noticed I'm highly annoyed by the beats and rhythm of most music today.

  18. Returning to Kate Bush, I read that her music is highly used in mind control. And I have no doubt its so.




  20. @anon 18:04

    speaking of dominos, have you heard this song?

    "these girls fall like dominos!"

  21. Very interesting info in the comments here...

    I agree on most modern music being really "annoying" (really, it's intentionally damaging to the mind), but just think that there are tons of people who can't get enough of it. It kind of works to divide us ("divide and conquer"), working on a sonic waveform base, and people who are already tranced into the whole MK system will naturally gravitate towards such "music" and stay in their trance state because of it. Someone brought up binaural beats, and yes those can trigger different brainwaves (like Theta waves), and can be placed in popular music to control the way our brains work. Some people would say "oh it's just about making money", which I think is false, it's about controlling what people are aware of through the music that they deem appropriate for their slaves to absorb. I've never listened to a Miley Cyrus or a Lady Gaga song, but I think Ben has written enough on them for them to be condemned entirely.

  22. The Cyrus family is sick, the father should be hung..

    Check out Lohan's new tattoo

  23. It's not only 'popular music' it's ALL MUSIC, or MOST music being made now.

  24. @anon 13:01

    totally agree with you. there are plenty of non-mainstream genres such as metal which is just as corruptive as popular music

  25. @tommy

    bollocks. i bet you have!

  26. I love you guys. In totally non-oculist, spiritual way

  27. Yup! I'm the OP who mentioned the members of Pink Floyd at Cambridge.... I know about Kate Bush. She's one of my favorite singers actually :)

    But yeah, totally programmed. Check out Hounds of Love the album was inspired by epic storytelling albums like The Wall. The story in that album is of a drowning woman who's life flashes before her eyes. She talks about being out of her body, remote viewing her lover at a distance, witchcraft, and memories of her 'daddy' being taken away by the government in the song Cloudbusting!!! Incredible song BTW...

    Her father was a doctor (probably helped to program her as a child) she learned to play the piano at an early age-like a virtuoso. Probably was tampered with to create a child musical genius....which she absolutely is :D

    Oh and she used to be good friends with Peter Gabriel, another one who sings about this stuff and is probably from a 'connected' family

  28. Anonymous - I just remembered that I did try to listen to a Miley Cyrus song once, but I didn't finish it and subconsciously repressed the memory. Still haven't heard anything by Lady Gaga, I go out of my way to avoid it.

    "Anon 13:01" - So I guess everyone should just stop listening to music altogether, stop trying to write it and stop performing it? It's pretty delusional to think that all modern music is MK. Metal should be the least of your worries, sure it's violent and ridden with occult themes but that kind of music tends to drop the whole mass deception thing that pop has going for it and be brutally honest about the world. Metalheads are generally very kind people from what I've experienced (unless they take it too seriously, which happens with anyone who has a small mind) and mostly harmless, if I were you I'd be more concerned with the likes of people who listen to Insane Clown Posse.

  29. Kate Bush album The Red Shoes -

    It references Oz, but is really a story by Victorian storyteller to the Danish ROYAL family Hans Christian Anderson. About a girl who is [enchanted/programmed] to dance herself to death when she puts on a pair of red shoes.

  30. Dude, i am not saying anything of the sort. I couldn't care less what you or anyone listens to. I am just telling you the truth as i see it, someone in "the biz". It's up to you what you want to listen to, i'm not a "mind controller" (nice for a song title)

    ALL music being produced and performed these days has been "occupied" and tampered with by dishonest people. People who honestly do not give a fuck about you or their 'fans' and are making music strictly for themselves, and hate their 'fans' with a passion.

    Believe and listen to whatever the fuck you want, it's not my business.

  31. and actually, metal heads are the most fanatical, followers and sheep akin to lik girls who listen to miley, etc. I say that as a former metal head who still listens to it occasionally.

    A perfect example of the sheep, non analyzing, take it at face value mentality of metal heads is Slayer fans. Tom Araya is a practicing catholic, all that satan stuff is controversial and "just sounds good" in his own words. So, you know...dishonest much? MIND CONTROLLED?? According to this site, yes Slayer members are totally mind controlled and make mind controlling music, and are probably handlers too. See the conundrum? What is "art" what is "mind control" where's the line?

  32. lik = little girls

  33. @ Tommy yeah right muthafucka and coke is better than pepsi!
    *Still haven't heard anything from Lady Gaga and go out of my way to avoid it*----I'll bet--LOL!

    Miley's Dad is just to creepy for words---that dude is a SOCIOPATH!
    And that pic of Noah putting on lipstick in the mirror is THE MOTHER OF ALL DISTURBING PICS!

  34. and before you jump on me, yes metal fans are the nicest people, except for [insert band] and [insert genre] the same can be said for any genre of music or artist or band. Shitty people are everywhere, nice people are everywhere so that argument is neither here nor there.

  35. The Floyd music is not of a MK nature, there is too much agnst for the Powers that be in their music. The shining of light on the psychosis/ militaristic mind set. The Floyd my be somewhat escapeist in nature, not programed. The rainbow(light from watervapor at 42 degrees) and pryamid are archatypical motifs. If anything the Floyd opens up channels of perception. No f****** little girls in their music. Only mind food. You MK guys go a little far sometimes. The Floyd are real and real good. Dennis from Oregon. ( Any archtype can be perverted. Hail Isis.

    1. That was epic. Well said.

  36. Ben,

    Have you researched who is now in charge of what is no longer called MK Ultra? Check it out. Skep

  37. what is this???

    The Dead Weather - I Cut Like A Buffalo

  38. anon 19:27 - Believe me, I know exactly where you're coming from. It's been ages since I've been to metal shows regularly, and I feel like I've "grown out of it" to an extent. I know what you mean by the fans being extremely sheep-like (elitist sheep, for that matter), which sucks but there is a much deeper aspect to the music which many people simply overlook, which I have to admit I did for a pretty long time by looking at the fans rather than the music itself. Slayer has been horrible for a long time now, and yeah, they are probably involved with this crap. I avoid bands with overt occult themes as I find it pretty corny anyway.

    Blah blah blah... I really don't know enough about the subject to elaborate further, sorry.

  39. Oh, yeah, the urge to have baby Monarchs:

    I loved that: "and sometimes I feel like I'm his keychain, a small thing."


  40. @anon 19:20/27

    well said. it's foolish to think that 'other' genres like metal aren't controlled, in my opinion the ones with these "subcultures" are more controlled than any! just think about the way in that they all want to look exactly the same as each other, whether its metalheads emos or punks, nobody said they were bad people but the point which is trying to be made here is that they are probably more mind controlled than anyone. i know because i've been there myself, i've been in every fucking subculture under the sun coz i thought they were "cool" but thankfully i grew out of it. people who truly enjoy metal and whatnot are those who don't care about the stupid fashions and just like the music because its good music! not because its "brutal"...

  41. "the ones with these 'subcultures' are more controlled than any!"

    "the point which is trying to be made here is that they are probably more mind controlled than anyone."

    Sorry, your statements are false, even including the "probably". Pop music has enslaved the minds of far more people than any "underground subculture" ever will. Pop music only speaks to those who are already fully in line with our "master"'s wishes. No one who is even somewhat "aware" would even think of listening to that garbage.

  42. @anon 19:58

    You wrote:

    Have you researched who is now in charge of what is no longer called MK Ultra? Check it out. Skep

    Please elaborate. Don't keep us in the dark. Give us links or at least something to google....

  43. @tommy

    whatever dude!


  45. Sorry, above link didn't appear to post properly...

  46. That picture of Emily Reaves w/ fake blood on her is very disturbing. Her expression is the same as Anna Nicole's when she has that clown make up on when she was 8 months pregnant w/ Howard K Stern filming her. This all makes me sick. I'm so glad I am "awake".

  47. ^^Did you notice in that picture her shirt is held together by only one button at the top? Disgusting...



  49. ben, have you seen the new dizzee rascal video? he samples the old song "money talks" its mental, he's like this worshipful master dude wearing a big top hat and there's all these people dancing round a bonfire in really weird get ups, like clowns burning random stuff like a book titled "jerusalem" right at the end, its freaky. seems to me like some kind of ritual...


    here it is!

    if you haven't already, you should also check out jay sean and lil wayne's video (jay recently signed to the 'cash money' label in america) plenty of stuff in there like roses, checkerboard floor and i think the two of them do a masonic handshake at the end

  51. Ben,

    Check out the media "spyCIAatrists" if you haven't already.

    This woman will knock your socks off (not in a good way)

  52. Jack,

    See above. Skep

  53. I too am sick to death of Miley! However, your intriguing articles are worth reading, I can't seem to get enough of them! Recently saw a clip from Saturday Night Live (I believe) where Lady Gaga and Madonna were fighting out for some reason - it was a comedy sketch and they both wore similar clothes, right down to those knee-high black platform boots with the laceups just like little Miss Noah's Halloween outfit...she even looks like a mini-me Madonna in that picture you've used for your wonder parents are starting to complain about it....just plain scary!!

  54. those pics of Emily Reaves tell a lot, in that she already has that programmed perma-smile in almost every one of the pics. There is almost no variation in her facial expression. Just the same programmed permasmile.

  55. BTW, Ive read recently in a national magazine 6 facts about MEGAN FOX. The other 5 were completely irrelevant, but the 1st one made my brain jump. And of course I googled it but didnt find anything... When she was a child, MEGAN dressed up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and she insisted to be called DOROTHY, not her real name. Mind u, this thing lasted an year...


  56. OK. I went to the good doctor's website. She's a fame whore. A shrink with TV credits. I've actually seen her on some show (can't remember which one). But she certainly didn't seem too smart or clever.

    Can't see how this is the MK Ultra of the future. I understand how the psychiatric profession could be used in the MK arena as it certainly was a major player in the beginning of the project. But this broad seems more interested in preening for the camera rather than involved in anything nefarious.

    I will say though that when you select "enter" and go to her homepage, the pink and computerized office is creepy as hell.

    Can you expand more on what you were saying? It interests me. Thanks.

  57. Walt Disney made early live action animation films called Alice one of them show a 4 year old girl stroking her thigh while flirting with The Freemasonic Lord of the Pedos old Walt himself. It was made in the 1920's and is still shocking.

    Check out the Lenon Honor website.

    On another note. I actually dated a very famous American acrtress/child star back in the 1990's and she told me her mother used to put a loaded 38 in her mouth and tell her that she was to "not fuck all the boys" as she needed to be pure for someone special.

    This girl was a fairly normal person to be in a realationship with. However, one night (this is getting rather personal) she asked me to "Fuck Her in the Ass Really Rough" as we were doing this she started saying really weird things and was in a kind of trance. I stopped as soon as this happened as I was very disturbed by it. She fell asleep sobbing and all during the night she was saying words in her sleep in a language I never heard of.

    She also told me that she had been pregnant twice in her early 20's but the babies were taken off her by her mother and given to childless families.

  58. Leona has butterflied parents:

    BAI LING, a real "cat":


  59. Still on Bai Ling:

    "Subsequently, Bai spent some time in a mental hospital. Though she insisted then and now, "I'm not crazy," she maintains to this day that she is from the moon, where her grandmother lives, "I'm not really in reality. I'm in my own universe and my mind is a million miles somewhere else," she claims, further explaining, "Why I feel like I come from the moon is because my mother told me I was found somewhere." She believes that when she looks up at the moon, she can often spot her grandmother there, still living in her childhood home"


  60. Transociopathica, you were with a monarch.

    I was sharing a hotel with a colleague on NYE one night. We had to travel to DC for a work related function.

    My colleague was asked to attend a party for a politician at a mansion. She came back to our room well after midnight; I was sleeping. I woke up when I heard her speaking, quite clearly, a language I had never heard before. It was only me and her in the room.

    I was terrified and laid there for a few minutes pretending to be asleep. Thank god my back was to her. This girl was American and according to my knowledge had only taken a bit of high school spanish. She wasn't speaking spanish that night though. I have never been able to figure out what she did say, but it was very strange. Especially since I knew she had been at a party with a lot of high ups in DC, very late at night on NYE.

    I couldn't shake the feeling that more had gone on that night than drinking champagne and eating canapes!

  61. Jack,

    Project PINECOMB

    Apparently, FOIA docs released link her to this

    Mention elsewhere of Dr. Keith Ablow and Dr. Lieberman (would anyone in their right mind EVER listen to this woman? I think Ben should analyze her website, I think it is very telling) as the new heads of MK. Mari Edelman is mentioned as well, putting coded messages into her books.

    Could be an out there internet theory, but worthy of exploration.

    Anyone know anything about Project PINECOMB?

    Oh, and the fact that these spyCIAtrists from UCLA NeurospIACH provide running commentary on former patients....hmmmmmmm....Skep

  62. oh and get this. The woman in question had boxes and boxes of butterfly earings.

    It all makes so much sense now. It is also very tragic as she was otherwise a wonderful person and very beautiful. I think I was even introduced to one of her handlers as well. A huge old fat guy who was high up in a major US opera company. Whom she told me would fuck her every so often - "but he has good contacts".

    I got an email from her a few years back asking if was like me to come and visit her. She mentioned that she had no relationship except this guy who came over now and again from out of town. But that it was "just sex".

    She lived in a neighborhood called "Druid Hills" and she was involved with the local Wiccans (Freemasons). I moved in with her for a while but it was just too spooky for reasons I now realize but could not explain to my friends at the time who were amazed I left this rich, famous and beautiful woman.

    The sex also had a sadistic undertone and she was not comfortable with things like french kissing and loving tenderness.

  63. the miley stuff is really insane, she just got voted "worst influence" by some poll. this a a great blog, if anyone is interested i have similiar realms of info at


    My daughter worked in the entertainment industry back in the late 1980's and early 1990's with child stars. She was involved in PR campaigns (movie promo, etc.) and told us stories about these young girls (age 12-16) going to clubs and movie premieres and how they'd act. None of us knew anything about MK culture then but the words "precocious" and "over sexualized" came up a lot. She also told us about another PR "guru" who looked like a fat greasy pig (I saw a photo of him) and he was in charge of "only boys," many of which were on TV shows. He'd take them on PR tours around the country to talk shows, meet and greets, and autograph signings and there were NO adults present even though some of these boys were around 15. My daughter always told us that she was sure this guy was screwing with the boys because the kids would tell my daughter that this PR guy gave them all the pot and alcohol they wanted (and who knows what else). So maybe when they were unconscious or semi-conscious, he'd rape them. Who knows? Conjecture on my part. But two of the those male child stars have grown up to be gay and very disturbed young men.

    Your relationship with that former child star sounds like MK to me. Strangely enough, I think I've actually heard this foreign language you speak about (and that another poster mentioned re: the NYE event.) Does it sound like garbled gibberish with the occasional english word thrown in? I was in the company of a friend of my wife's who was in the hospital and under the influence of heavy drugs who began to speak to us in this language and it was both creepy and captivating at the same time. However, the "vibe" coming off her (for lack of a better word) was dark. I got out my phone and dialed a friend and put the phone on "speaker" phone and let the woman speak this language into the phone so he could hear it. I wanted someone else to be a witness to this to see if they could identify the language. But he could not. The only thing he said was that it sound "ancient." Hmmm. Ancient. Damn! My skin is crawling. OK. I had not put two and two together until just writing this right now. But yes, it did sound "ancient." When she spoke in the language, it was as though she was having a full on conversation with someone else in the room (who we could not see) and then she'd turn to us and speak in this language and act as if we could understand her. I often wondered that if you could get a recording of the person doing this and slow it down if you'd hear the english words? Or play it backward and hear the proper message? Maybe I'm just crazy, eh?

    Will check out project PINECONE. Thank you for that info.

    All these TV psychiatric fame whores are creepy as hell. Can't pin them down as to whether their egos are just too big or what? The only one I've seen who seems to have any integrity is Dr. Drew, although his celebrity rehab show is disturbing. I can't read any of their books because their advice is just so bizarre. And have you noticed how much SEX plays a role in all of their "fixes?" I'm all for a healthy toss in the hay with someone you love but the way these sickos approach it is perverse.

  65. Jack, the language did not sound like anything I have ever heard. Bits of it sounded kinda Arabic and other times like Gaelic (my mother is Irish) but not like either. I only heard her mutter this a few times. Another odd thing was during sex she would often call me her "beautiful catholic boy" which is just an odd thing to say. She said that my kindness was the thing she enjoyed most about having sex with me. She was not insane, nor outwardly demonstrated obvious signs of mental illness. But during sex nothing seem right. Almost like she had a very distorted idea of what the sex act is meant to be. Which goes to show the damage done to these young women.

  66. Showbiz and child abuse seem to go hand in hand. I remember that Connie Francis and Skeeter Davies, child stars from the past, also have a history of being abused as children. Skeeter Davies even mentions it in her autobiography, which was published in 1993. In it she tells how she endured a family history of alcoholism, incest and murder.

    Connie Francis had been sent to psychiatry by her father because she claimed that the communists were secretely in charge of the TV/media and the white house (!!). She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with Lithium.

    This is a series about child beauty pageants: "Little Beauties"( It is quite sickening to see these little girls being dressed and behaving in a sexual way. What sort of parents would allow their little girls to take part in this?

  67. The "Experiment 4" lyrics + video is MK in your face. How could someone think this up on his own??

    If you watch Lady Gagas "Papparazzi" video on Youtube, you will also see many many disturbing MK scenes. A lot of dead and doll-like women lying around ...

  68. @Lady Dee - actually, the motherS of all disturbing pics can be found in Ben's tie in post to this post:

    If people haven't read it, check it out. It's the Part I to this post and is disturbing and depressing all at the same time.

    Good work Ben, as always....

  69. In light of all the darkness that these posts expose about Miley et al., let's wish nothing but good blessings on these girls. They deserve this in their suffering.

    Miley sings in her movie "Hannah Montana" about Butterflies who fly away...

    Let's hope that one day she (and others like her) will get the chance to experience the freedom and happiness they deserve. Like REAL Butterflies do :) Not the Monarch ones ;)

    Be positive.

    As Gandhi once said:

    "Remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.”


  70. I have a suggestion to make:

    Can you do at least one article on a band from the '60's or '70's........why must all your work only be stuff from 8 seconds ago. Just a thought.

  71. I think there is much not yet said about Pink Floyd...

    I hope you do an article about this
    band and its players.

  72. "non-mainstream genres such as metal which is just as corruptive as popular music."

    Most metal is released by subdivisions of major record labels, so yes, the same creeps turning Miley Cyrus into the next Whore of Babylon are turning many metal fans into mental midgets. But that is where the similarities diverge.

    Unlike pop music, which requires mere expertise at dragging and dropping sound samples onto a MIDI grid, metal requires a level of instrumental proficiency and physical endurance not common in an industry of lip-synchers and posers. True, many of its icons have been co-opted, and quite frankly I think grunge was a psyop to water down the hardcore/thrash crossover movement of the late 80s and early 90s before it awakened too many people.

    But metal fans are more likely to use their minds for critical thinking than the typical Disney consumer robot. Megadeth, Fear Factory, Iced Earth and many more metal bands regularly challenge the powers that be - specifically the New World Order crowd. You NEVER see pop stars doing that...

  73. True, many of its icons have been co-opted, and quite frankly I think grunge was a psyop to water down the hardcore/thrash crossover

    my take is that grunge was brought to take down hairmetal/AOR (hardcore/tharsh were never mainstream so it was no real threat)...yes, hairmetal was definately infiltrated (motley crue, many bands focus on sex, devil horns from late Dio etc), but majority of hairmetal was about positive things, apotheosis of suicidal/depressing grunge, AOR is another story, but this genre is all about things that NWO doesn't want (love, freindship, goodness, feelgood, God), since that it was never really promoted highly...generally 80s was about good music...

    interesting is thing when you read how grunge appeared, how this transition went was really matter of one day, one decision, many of the producers/labelmanagers said that they heard about young band Nirvana (they didn't hear any music from Nirvana then), and that's would be the new franchise, how they knew that? from somewhere up the ladder...Kurt Cobain was MK, so this puzzle nicely fits, doesn't it?

    BTW Megadeth is like a metal version of Alex Jones

  74. Wow dude I mean it was sad with Beyone Gaga Katy Britney etc. But Noah cyrus? Emily reaves that's really messed up oh and um I saw a thing on youtube with emily reaves where I guess Miley said one of her triggers. On accident and she started growling and pattin her leg... around 30 I guess

  75. I only got into the band ‘Genesis’ after Peter Gabriel left, he was altogether too weird for me, although his act would be tame by today’s standards.

    A few years ago I read a harrowing plea on Indymedia UK from someone who claimed he was being subjected to horrendous physical and sexual abuse by Peter Gabriel, who was a ‘handler’ for David Geffen.

    The poster said he would be killed if he got caught, but begged people to expose the Satanic abuse at Geffen Records. The Indy-mods deleted it as the ravings of a crank. It struck me as genuine, someone crying out?

    Interestingly, Gabriel became the fake ‘ambassador’ for Africa before he bowed out letting Bono and Geldof step into this celebrity UN role.


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