I wanted to cover a few random artists with some interesting themes in their promotional videos/art/covers (most readers probably won't have heard of them as they're all British/European), they all bear some similarity to each other starting with Little Boots (covering Beyonce's latest video + some bigger American ones later). Victoria Christina Hesketh took her stage name from the Tinto Brass movie Caligula (about the Roman Emperor, the debauched Roman "Elite" had a similar mentality to today's ruling class; Berlusconi being the most recent one to be "exposed" in the news), Caligula meaning "little boot" in Latin apparently. At age 16 she was on Pop Idol (all of it's spawns like American Idol tend to use slaves + obviously many non-slaves, they only need to insert a few into the mix and keep the results fixed for them to give their puppet a platform to 'make it big' in the industry [and also some "hilarious"/"crazy" ones for the masses to laugh at/humiliate the slave to milions of people, in the earlier stages], Leona Lewis I feel is definitely one) before joining a short lived band 'Dead Disco' (see video with her in checkerboard skirt, more checkerboard [+ some other themes] in another video; her hair has been given the duality transformation from dark then to light now) on the Warner Music label 'sixsevenine' which she is still on (+ Warner's other owned labels, Atlantic/Elektra) as 'Little Boots'. Triangles and whatnot are the maing symbols used by this performer's handlers (detailed further down), the top image of this post comes from the background image of her official site I found it interesting that they've positioned Victoria's head over the capstone of the pyramid.

Her newest single 'Remedy' shows some of the symbolism that pervades her promotional produce, with the imagery (mpd mirrors; mirror symbolism with Little Boots' head mirrored above) seeming to be based off the MK symbolic line "Spin me faster like a kaleidoscope" (click Remedy link for more lyrics to interpret; her other songs also have similar style like 'Stuck on Repeat': "You’ve got me stuck on repeat. And I just can’t seem to break free. You’ve got me stuck on repeat. I can only move to the beat. And I don’t remember how it started. And I don’t know how to stop. But every time I reach the bottom. Something pulls me right back to the top").

An earlier promotional cover for the single features some good duality/as above so below symbolism with the black triangle pointing up and light one with Little Boots in pointing down.
Little Boots - Remedy
But onto the video (p.s. thanks to a couple of anony comments on Little Boots)

Interesting cut from the above image to the kaleidoscope below image (very MPD symbolic with the six mirrored heads made to look like they've sprouted out of her original [mind fragmenting into multiple parts]).

Of course Little Boots' trademark triangles feature, along with hexagons.

'Caligula'/Little Boots inside her hexagon/cube illusion spinning round and round.

Lots of mirrors giving the infinite hexagonal honeycomb effect (more illuminated triangles).

Spot 'the horned one' subliminal (that's how my brain interprets the pattern anyway; maybe I need some electroshock therapy to fix that ;p) on her above kaleidoscope type crystal dress.

Triangles are the prominent symbol in Little Boots, the triangle is of course a major Illuminist symbolism (they'll probably stick an eye in that pyramid soon ;p) and feature on most of her stuff. The one eye encircled below is her twitter profile image, couldn't find the full size version however.

Illuminated triangles are a big feature of her live performances.

An earlier promotional cover for the single features some good duality/as above so below symbolism with the black triangle pointing up and light one with Little Boots in pointing down.
Little Boots - Remedy
But onto the video (p.s. thanks to a couple of anony comments on Little Boots)

Interesting cut from the above image to the kaleidoscope below image (very MPD symbolic with the six mirrored heads made to look like they've sprouted out of her original [mind fragmenting into multiple parts]).

Of course Little Boots' trademark triangles feature, along with hexagons.

'Caligula'/Little Boots inside her hexagon/cube illusion spinning round and round.

Lots of mirrors giving the infinite hexagonal honeycomb effect (more illuminated triangles).

Little Boots' primary gimmick is her use of an electronic instrument thing called a 'Tenori-on' which seems like it would have excellent hypnotic properties in terms of it's flashing lights working in time with the repetitive and hypnotic beats/melodies (you can imagine how this would be effective for hypnotic induction/triggering a trance state).

Spot 'the horned one' subliminal (that's how my brain interprets the pattern anyway; maybe I need some electroshock therapy to fix that ;p) on her above kaleidoscope type crystal dress.

Triangles are the prominent symbol in Little Boots, the triangle is of course a major Illuminist symbolism (they'll probably stick an eye in that pyramid soon ;p) and feature on most of her stuff. The one eye encircled below is her twitter profile image, couldn't find the full size version however.

The Vesica Pisces is another prominent one used by her handlers in promotional stuff for her; this interlocking rings (also symbolic of chains/mental prison, see Cocobots post), symbolizing the vulva/female genitals/sexuality, in Washington DC's occult architecture/design this symbolism is clearly evidenced with the Washington Monument phallus positioned directly inside the vesica pisces. The symbolism was apparently used originally 'as a joke' but it apparently fit her themes of fantasy, space and escapism (dissociation) so she kept it, that's how she tells it anyway (as vague and unaware as most of these artists when interviewed about the themes in their music + promo vids/images): "A lot of the lyrics are about planets or magic or things like this so it kind of works with the imaginative themes going on ... it's supposed to kind of look like different dimensions in different shapes so it's like taking you to different worlds and things." As with most of these artists I feel they have little to no knowledge of the symbolism they are using (apart from "it's just random fantasy images, like beautiful shapes and stuff, like and kind of things sort of like ye know").

The wolves (howling at the moon) symbolizing the animalistic/primal mind (mirrored; the interlocking rings can also be considered mirror symbolism), positioning the vesica pisces within the triangle is also very symbolic. All this geometry/geometric symbolism, i.e. the triangle within a circle (below on her album 'Hands' cover with Boots infront of it) strikes me as very Masonic as that is what their rituals and such are largely about. The 'vesica pisces' is also a commonly used Masonic symbol (as with most 'sacred geometry').

She has an EP called Arecibo which invokes more of her 'universe' motif (which ties into the "sacred geometry" type symbolism noted; 'The Great Architect of the Universe' worshipped by Freemasons/Rosicrucians) due to the Arecibo Observatory (based in Arecibo, note gold/blue checkerboard), involved in the search for alien life (SETI) and more than likely a tonne of clandestine stuff going on there we'll never hear of. The symbolism was apparently used originally 'as a joke' but it happened to fit her music's themes of fantasy, space and escapism (dissociation) so she kept it, that's how she tells it anyway: "A lot of the lyrics are about planets or magic or things like this so it kind of works with the imaginative themes going on ... it's supposed to kind of look like different dimensions in different shapes so it's like taking you to different worlds and things." As with most of these artists I feel they have little or no knowledge of the symbolism they are using.

Her Illuminist symbolism is also shown with her 'Illuminations' EP, with Little Boots' multiple images holding a square of light (as the image is multiplied I think the original image is probably her hodling a light pyramid, maybe not though). The positioning of Little Boots' images arms are probably symbolic, this cover is very interesting even in the word 'ILLUMINATIONS' as there is a point within a circle (a Freemasonic symbol; for the Masonic compass and such), the point in a circle is also a fertility symbol (circle female/point male). There is also a point below the A, drawn without the line through middle making it a broken triangle/pyramid (also perhaps a compass/square Masonic subliminal) symbolism.

Illuminations released on Elektra Records which invokes the mythological Electra (with a K for the 11 mirror numerology/symbolism; mythology, the 'Electra Complex' and other associations discussed in previous posts), here is an old logo used by the record company with a butterfly (elektra logo [black/white naturally] is an upright rectangle with a pyramid shape to the side with a circle inside it [eye in the pyramid] + triangles on each side of the triangle/pyramid on it's side [making the other rectangle shape]).

Illuminations released on Elektra Records which invokes the mythological Electra (with a K for the 11 mirror numerology/symbolism; mythology, the 'Electra Complex' and other associations discussed in previous posts), here is an old logo used by the record company with a butterfly (elektra logo [black/white naturally] is an upright rectangle with a pyramid shape to the side with a circle inside it [eye in the pyramid] + triangles on each side of the triangle/pyramid on it's side [making the other rectangle shape]).

Illuminated triangles are a big feature of her live performances.

Little Boots in her black/white duality top and below wearing somewhat of an owl looking shirt (above image is older showing the hair colour transformation [to Barbie looking], more black/white duality with the orange left coloured).

The White Horse is another symbol used in Little Boots' promo, this mythological/occult symbol used often throughout history ("behold a pale horse" in Revelations and such), above with the white horse mirrored and Little Boots symbolically positioned (arms outstretched/legs) and connected points of light at her two hands + a smaller point at her chest showing it is a pyamid, bottom of the triangle pointing to sacred feminine area. She has visited the white horse when riding a helicopter at the occult ritual Glastonbury (main pyramid stage with illuminated capstone; the Glastonbury area is an important ancient occult site) in black/white clothing, seemed very ritualistic.

"Riding a white horse/pony" is also a euphemism for being on cocaine (or any white powder drug); drugs are a big part of MK slavery (especially those due to their addictive properties so easy to keep someone trapped and controlled on it), so this may or may not suggest Little Boots is kept on cocaine. This reminds me of the Alison Goldfrapp, who has a song called "Ride on a White Horse" with some obvious drug suggestions in the lyrics, and in the video she is filmed dancing infront of various disgusting scenes (i.e. the false sense of happiness/trance that comes with those drugs). The EP cover with some of the standard half face in darkness motif (split mind), with her wearing heart shaped sunglasses with the white horse reflected off the visible lens. Apparently the song invokes when Bianca Jagger entered Studio 54 (notorious for it's past of rampant drug and sex club for "elite" circles) on a white horse (click Alison Goldfrapp's name for some more of her very symbolic videos/images).

The above magazine article even states, apparently as some sort of Illuminist joke, gives the official promotional shot of Little Boots the caption of: "The Illuminatus' new sexed-up recruitment poster" (referencing Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus fictional/some facts trilogy). And below in virginal/goddess symbolic white with the 'The new Kylie?' phrase.

Little Boots at the occult designed O2 Arena at some Smirnoff (double headed eagle/duality + note her zebra belt/red dress) event, putting a suggestion into the "suggestion box"; I wonder how many of her "artistic choices" are the result of her handlers using suggestion on her (to get her to include all the esoteric/MK symbolism/lyrics) by putting little suggestions into her 'suggestion box', her compartmentalized mind [into "boxes", the contents accessed by keys/triggers; which ties into the chained/padlocked box meaning below].

Moving on to another one that's got big over the past year in the UK, La Roux (thanks emailer by the way who brought her up, p.s. I do read all emails and comments though I'm obviously rubbish in general at responding, apologiez for the slight antisocial) AKA Elly Jackson (daughter of long-term 'The Bill' [uses standard Masonic checkerboard symbolism as the real police do, checkerboard is seen in her Bulletproof video below] actress Trudie Goodwin) who went to an religious right wing school where she was apparently bullied for looking quite androgynous. La Roux meaning 'the red-haired one' (perhaps referencing the Merovingian bloodline) consists of her and Ben Landmaid, producer (potential handler who stays in the background). I can't find official sources for the above butterfly/eye image but it looks professionally made/official and features on a few sites such as here. Below in an interesting duality symbolic top with "producer" Ben Landmaid.
Her first video 'Quicksand' is quite telling of her potential programming which seems to portray the standard kitten dehumanization (+ giant sized fruits and such).

She is dressed up in various guises of leopard/tiger/zebra print + with a bird and lots of sun worship (also note the rainbow). There is a extremely flexible dancer wearing a leopard print catsuit also.

Even the sunglasses she puts on are leopard coloured.

But obviously the most kitten programming bit is at the end where her face is shown transforming into a leopard's (the leopard face makeup fades in). The video was directed by Kinga Burza who directed Katy Perry's kitten programming/mass kitten conditioning video 'I Kissed a Girl'.

She is dressed up in various guises of leopard/tiger/zebra print + with a bird and lots of sun worship (also note the rainbow). There is a extremely flexible dancer wearing a leopard print catsuit also.

Even the sunglasses she puts on are leopard coloured.

But obviously the most kitten programming bit is at the end where her face is shown transforming into a leopard's (the leopard face makeup fades in). The video was directed by Kinga Burza who directed Katy Perry's kitten programming/mass kitten conditioning video 'I Kissed a Girl'.

The video after that 'In for the Kill' had some themes worth writing on but to save time I'll avoid it and move on to her recent song that went to #1 'Bulletproof' which features 'the red-haired one' walking around in an alternate reality in zebra print + checkerboard shoes (lots of duality in the alter-reality) with some good alter-personality with shattered mind symbolism near the end.

Tonnes of duality in the video with her checkerboard shoes and zebra-print jacket.

The Escher style disorientating (confusing up and down is also a theme in the video) staircases feature prominently with La Roux wearing her trademark cameo (not sure who it depicts, probably more to do with alter programming) + pyramids, checkerboard floors and such.

More disorientation in music symbolic (similar to the hexagonal/mirrors thing Little Boots was in with the pianos surrounding her) with a spiral square staircase. Music has always been used (probably since before we could talk/write) by humans to induce altered/trance states; this hasn't changed in modern times as songs are built with programming in mind (to be used in countless ways; i.e. song used as a post-hypnotic trigger). Music has the unique ability of stimulating inaccessible (via other means) parts of the brain (again this goes back to the primordial role music plays in the mind).

It gets really MK symbolic near the end as La Roux walking in her alternate reality shatters into pieces, with parts of Elly split up by the shattered pieces; the different clothes/makeup symbolizing the different alters in her shattered mind (the mind shattered into dissociated pieces; the fragments/compartments/pieces housing different alters [+ programs/dissociated memories and the like]). More duality/polar opposites (used in programming) themes in this bit with the black and white colour scheme.

Moving on, a quick Robyn update who has a song out with Royksopp called 'The Girl and the Robot', click Robyn's name for some more MK themes in her videos and such. Note the red/blue covering two halves of her bed, the video cuts from scenes of her in a bedroom mixed symbolically (the robot cuts the leaf off a tree and Robyn removes an earring; perhaps symbolizing the robot/garden is part of her internal structure also shown by the blood tubes and spinning testtube blood thing [it's inside her; also shown by the 'seeding' and pregnancy test] and other small suggestions) with a robot houseworker/slave-bot model called 'ARTEMIS.02', named after the important Greek Goddess which I feel is ritualizing Robyn as a goddess/robot (robot [depersonalization] is a very standard mind control theme). Multiple Robyns in her room at around 02:10ish a couple of mirror scenes (2:54; mixed with the robot looking at a phone).

Royksopp's album covers are worth posting quickly with all seeing eyes inside flowers, both are pictured in a pyramid type shape below on the cover of the album 'The Girl and the Robot' comes from 'Junior'.

In their second album 'The Understanding' the cover has some good MK symbolism with the girl on the cover given four fading heads and the Royksopp duo dressed all in black and wearing masks (that long nosed one is specifically used in various MK movies).

Royksopp's album covers are worth posting quickly with all seeing eyes inside flowers, both are pictured in a pyramid type shape below on the cover of the album 'The Girl and the Robot' comes from 'Junior'.

In their second album 'The Understanding' the cover has some good MK symbolism with the girl on the cover given four fading heads and the Royksopp duo dressed all in black and wearing masks (that long nosed one is specifically used in various MK movies).

Speaking of "girls and their robots", the band 'Florence and the Machine' AKA Florence Welch has been of some interest; starting with her first video (cover above it, facial expression is important to note; shocked/traumatization) 'Kiss With a Fist', an apparently funny song about the "humorous" topic of domestic violence with Florence in a purple skirt and duality black/white(skin) stockings with symbolic fire (symbolizing the primordial mental state usually behind this violence + sex in general [sex and violence are intrinsically connected; the abuse + love mixture also factors into the double bind in programming]). From wiki: "According to Welsh "The name Florence And The Machine started off as a private joke that got out of hand. I made music with my friend, who we called Isabella Machine to which I was Florence Robot. When I was about an hour away from my first gig, I still didn't have a name, so I thought "Okay, I'll be Florence Robot Is A Machine," before realising that name was so long it'd drive me mad"." "Her father, Nick, works in advertising, her mother, Evelyn, a New Yorker and once a regular at Studio 54, is an art historian and author."

Note her flower top (and the as mentioned duality stockings/royal purple skirt) + the flower made of hearts; this is more flower MK/mind control symbolism and connects with Florence's name, which literally means "flowering, in bloom" (trauma based mind control programming analogy [victim = flower coming into bloom, more detailed description in previous posts] + flowers used a lot in actual programming).

Note her flower top (and the as mentioned duality stockings/royal purple skirt) + the flower made of hearts; this is more flower MK/mind control symbolism and connects with Florence's name, which literally means "flowering, in bloom" (trauma based mind control programming analogy [victim = flower coming into bloom, more detailed description in previous posts] + flowers used a lot in actual programming).

Got to have some phallic symbolism in there of course (+ floating/fire-filled chinese lanterns), Florence shatters a plate over the head of the "boyfriend" (obviously they can't get away with showing male on female abuse so they have to reverse it; confirming this though is the lyric "you [the handler] smashed a plate over my head", shattered mind). This abuse/traumatization/submission song will be on the soundtrack of Megan Fox's latest film Jennifer's Body (post on in future; I covered it briefly in some of those posts I did on her Megan is 'possessed by a demon', click name [there are some pinned butterflies at 1:05 and such in the latest trailer]).

The domestic abuse ("A kiss with a fist is better than none", so obvious trauma based MK/dissociation implications) video came 'Dog Days Are Over' (cd cover above the video) and things started picking up in terms of her occult initiation ritual as she is first seen lying (passed out drunk) in a black and white man's suit + bow tie (duality/androgyny) before a girl dressed in white wearing raven feathers, raven = a symbol of change in consciousness/initiation/transformation, which fits absolutely perfectly into what is portrayed in this video as the girl blindfolds Florence in gold fabric then leads her to a place where the already initiated are waiting.

The raven feathered (ritual raven used here for it's symbolic meaning described above) girl leads Florence dressed in a man's suit to her traumatic initiation ritual where the cult members chase her down and tie her up (and things not shown in the video but you can fill in the gaps) leading to her transformation.

Bird cages are a common theme in her stuff; in particular this video, Florence's position in this video of being trapped and tied up (then transformed to the cult's way of thinking) adds more meaning to the standard MK/psychological motif of the 'caged bird'.

The process of blindfolding/hoodwinking her is extremely ritualistic; used commonly by occult secret societies, in the first degree (Entered Apprentice) of Freemasonry, the ritual starts with the initiate being blindfolded/hoodwinked, and they are then led to the place of initiation (a specific room inside the lodge).

The raven feathered (ritual raven used here for it's symbolic meaning described above) girl leads Florence dressed in a man's suit to her traumatic initiation ritual where the cult members chase her down and tie her up (and things not shown in the video but you can fill in the gaps) leading to her transformation.

Bird cages are a common theme in her stuff; in particular this video, Florence's position in this video of being trapped and tied up (then transformed to the cult's way of thinking) adds more meaning to the standard MK/psychological motif of the 'caged bird'.

The cult members hit sticks together and such in time with the beat of the music (standard beating drums/rythmn used for it's psychological effects in things like this [music is a very powerful psychological manipulation/MK tool]), there's even a kid in there in the typical "Joker"/clown makeup.

The cult chases the disorientated Florence through the woods (obviously forests are a very standard occult setting) before she trips over and is caught.

A transformed Florence (to the cult's hive mind) below after her being tied up + other things happening to her not shown in the video.

Some of the 'jokers'/frenzied cult members are dressed in duality stripes, one hides behind a tree just as Florence removes her blindfold; the process of leading her to a different place blindfolded then hiding from her (and probably making noises to freak her out) is part of disorientating Florence as they eventually show themselves and the 'chase' begins (I'm sure this kind of situation has occurred many times in real life).

The cult chases the disorientated Florence through the woods (obviously forests are a very standard occult setting) before she trips over and is caught.

The 'transformation' scene is purposefully blurry with close-ups making it impossible to see what is going on though we are shown her being tied up by numerous ropes, and once the transformation is complete she is shown in the matching make up and clothing (she's now part of the cult/initiated into the occult society; the change from a suit to the cult's hippyish clothing probably also symbolizes the transformation was about rejecting the uniformity of society).

A transformed Florence (to the cult's hive mind) below after her being tied up + other things happening to her not shown in the video.

After her occult initiation ritual song came a video for her occult ritual blood sacrifice song 'Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)' (cd cover), plenty of mind control themes with it's opening lyrics invoking Alice in Wonderland: "The looking glass, so shiny and new. How quickly the glamor fades. I start spinning slipping out of time. Was that the wrong pill to take." I've copied the lyrics below as it is all about an occult ritual sacrifice and "making a deal with Lucifer" so to speak, dissociation is also a theme (I start spinning slipping out of time etc). The white rabbit Wonderland reference also connotes the sacrificing of (small) animals such as rabbits ("rabbit heart" suggests the removal of the heart in occult ritual sacrifices, tying back to Egyptian funerary rites/rituals which a lot of this occult stuff does); in the video Florence plays the willing ritual sacrifice victim. Note on the cd cover the mirror/looking glass, the white rabbit infront of Florence's face, the apple and the flowers around the mirror + pink general colour scheme.

The video starts with the 'looking glass' line with Floorence's face behind a veil.

Flo's earrings are symbolic of the eye in the pyramid (this kind of circle in a triangle is always this standard Illuminist subliminal).

The virginal (all dressed up in white as virgin sacrifices) nymphs dance with Florence as ritual prepration for sacrifice.

Florence and co throw all the food offerings off the table and the main human sacrifice offering is put on it (Florence).

"Turns me to gold in the sunlight"; as the cult members at the 'mad tea party' type bacchic ritual hold their plates up to reflect the light of Lucifer on to Florence. The fruits are also probably a 'forbidden fruit' motif.

More death/human sacrifice ritual as the new human offering (as opposed to the food being eaten as supplication to Lucifer [or whoever]), the white sheets of the table are in turn lifted as she is placed in a coffin and carried away to her resting place; floating away on a river/lake.

The virgins/nymphs (bit of an oxymoron I know) also put floating candles on the water (more offerings to Lucifer/the light; Florence the main offering also floats on the water in her coffin).

Florence's upbringing (programming) probably has a lot to do with her lyrics: "Florence is a jubilant giggler and prone to telling you stories about "the time I pretended to be a lampshade for two hours". Or the fancy dress party she went to in a hospital "where I carried a crumpled-up photocopy of my face in a jar and was dressed as Eleanor Rigby". Simultaneously, she's a lifelong bad sleeper who suffers "night terrors" and hallucinations where demons sit on her chest. When the demons come, sometimes she'll get up in the night and raid local skips "for old paintings" which she'll hang in her bedroom...[guardian]"
"Her father, Nick, works in advertising, her mother, Evelyn, a New Yorker and once a regular at Studio 54, is an art historian and author. The oldest of three children, Flo is the granddaughter of Colin Welch, a former deputy editor of The Daily Telegraph, and the niece of the parodist Craig Brown. Her love of performing began as a small girl when she used to sing to her grandmother, and in the school choir. By the age of seven she was performing at family weddings and funerals ('mainly funerals'), [Telegraph]" Studio 54 mentioned earlier in the post (lots of slaves and people 'riding the white horse' have been taken there).
"As a child, Florence would be taken on artistically educational trips to Italy, shown around "endless gothic churches" and shown the odd martyrdom masterpiece, like the one of St Agatha, "this saint who had her breasts cut off and she's holding her breasts on a plate". Her mum was, she notes, "part of the whole Studio 54 thing", the mythologically hedonistic New York nightclub beloved of the art-set glitterati of the 1970s and 80s. Her American uncle was one of them, an actor. "Andy Warhol was in love with my uncle," she avers, "but in his weird, platonic, 'I just wanna draw you' way. The lifestyle was too much of a whirlwind for my mum and she left America. [guardian]" "Florence read Victorian murder mysteries and Egyptian mythology, “stories where people get their eyes and liver pecked out by vultures, only to have them grow back”. She remembers her mother taking her to Renaissance churches and staring “long and hard at St Agnes, who had her breasts cut off and was holding them on a plate. [Times]"

Florence with a lamb, St Agnes below (who she mistook for St Agatha) whose main attribute is holding a lamb (purity; sacrificial lambs/martyrs); this relates to the blood sacrifice (sacrificial lamb) themes of her 'Rabbit Heart' song "who is the lamb and who is the knife?".

In her quote she confused St Agnes (Roman "elite" wanted her to marry someone at age 12, she refused so naturally they dragged her naked through the streets to a brothel as they couldn't execute virgins apparently, before eventually tying her to a stake and cutting her head off), she actually stared "long and hard" at St Agatha (which the guardian article corrects) who had a similar story to Agnes in that she was a virgin and a Roman prefect wanted her, she resisted so he gave her to a brothel madam 'Aphrodisia' before eventually being tortured and having her breasts cut off by men. Some old paintings of these martyrs to illustrate the narrative here (the kinds of images Florence would have stared at for ages as a child probably as part of programming).

Her next video are for her song 'Drumming' and is set in an actual church with Florence and dancers dressed in black probably performing a black mass... they certainly aren't praying to Jesus ;p.

Florence in a mask in a photo from the video shoot, it's silver/black duality coloured + has some sort of horns.

Another mask in a duality symbolic (striped top) photoshoot (I'm sure there's some meaning behind her tattoos also).

The looking glass, so shiny and new
How quickly the glamor fades
I start spinning slipping out of time [dissociation]
Was that the wrong pill to take (Raise it up) [Alice in Wonderland pill]
You made a deal, and now it seems you have to offer up [occult belief that continued success demands sacrifice to the powers they worship (Lucifer)]
But will it ever be enough
(Raise it up, raise it up)
It’s not enough
(Raise it up, raise it up)
Here I am, a rabbit hearted girl
Frozen in the headlights [rabbit caught in headlights = petrified/tranced/dissociation]
It seems I’ve made the final sacrifice
We raise it up, this offering
We raise it up
This is a gift, it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight [King Midas was given the ability to turn anything he touched into gold by Dionysus, realizing it is a curse (this is all analogous to celebrities/"stars") he becomes a follower of Pan; turning Florence into a gold statue ("in the sunlight"/Luciferian light worship) is very MK symbolic of the standard petrification (person turned to mannequin statue)]
I look around, but I can’t find you
(raise it up)
If only I could see your face
(raise it up)
Instead of rushing towards the skyline
(raise it up)
I wish that I could just be brave
I must become a lion hearted girl [as opposed to the 'rabbit hearted girl' earlier on, must become like a lion; the right mental state for her sacrifice]
Ready for a fight
Before I make the final sacrifice
We raise it up, this offering
We raise it up
This is a gift, it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight
Raise it up, raise it up
And in the spring I shed my skin [serpent symbolism]
And it blows away with the changing wind
The waters turn from blue to red [blood sacrifice]
As towards the sky I offer it
This is a gift, it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife [blood sacrifice]
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight
This is a gift

The video starts with the 'looking glass' line with Floorence's face behind a veil.

Flo's earrings are symbolic of the eye in the pyramid (this kind of circle in a triangle is always this standard Illuminist subliminal).

The virginal (all dressed up in white as virgin sacrifices) nymphs dance with Florence as ritual prepration for sacrifice.

Also as preparition for sacrifice they have a debauched/gluttonous meal, note the guy in the top hat (phallic/"elite"/Freemasonry symbolism; the Worshipful Master wears a top hat), definitely also a reference to the mad hatter because of the top hat, and it has a ver 'mad hatter's tea party' feel about it too (going along with the white rabbit cover/looking glass lyrics etc). There is also a guy wearing the usual duality black/white stripes who lurks suspiciously in the background throughout the video (you can see him in one of the later pictures down). Eating the meal is more ritualistic offerings (a standard practice throughout history offering supplication to the gods with a ritual meal and/or burning some meat for them).

Florence and co throw all the food offerings off the table and the main human sacrifice offering is put on it (Florence).

"Turns me to gold in the sunlight"; as the cult members at the 'mad tea party' type bacchic ritual hold their plates up to reflect the light of Lucifer on to Florence. The fruits are also probably a 'forbidden fruit' motif.

More death/human sacrifice ritual as the new human offering (as opposed to the food being eaten as supplication to Lucifer [or whoever]), the white sheets of the table are in turn lifted as she is placed in a coffin and carried away to her resting place; floating away on a river/lake.

The virgins/nymphs (bit of an oxymoron I know) also put floating candles on the water (more offerings to Lucifer/the light; Florence the main offering also floats on the water in her coffin).

Florence's upbringing (programming) probably has a lot to do with her lyrics: "Florence is a jubilant giggler and prone to telling you stories about "the time I pretended to be a lampshade for two hours". Or the fancy dress party she went to in a hospital "where I carried a crumpled-up photocopy of my face in a jar and was dressed as Eleanor Rigby". Simultaneously, she's a lifelong bad sleeper who suffers "night terrors" and hallucinations where demons sit on her chest. When the demons come, sometimes she'll get up in the night and raid local skips "for old paintings" which she'll hang in her bedroom...[guardian]"
"Her father, Nick, works in advertising, her mother, Evelyn, a New Yorker and once a regular at Studio 54, is an art historian and author. The oldest of three children, Flo is the granddaughter of Colin Welch, a former deputy editor of The Daily Telegraph, and the niece of the parodist Craig Brown. Her love of performing began as a small girl when she used to sing to her grandmother, and in the school choir. By the age of seven she was performing at family weddings and funerals ('mainly funerals'), [Telegraph]" Studio 54 mentioned earlier in the post (lots of slaves and people 'riding the white horse' have been taken there).
"As a child, Florence would be taken on artistically educational trips to Italy, shown around "endless gothic churches" and shown the odd martyrdom masterpiece, like the one of St Agatha, "this saint who had her breasts cut off and she's holding her breasts on a plate". Her mum was, she notes, "part of the whole Studio 54 thing", the mythologically hedonistic New York nightclub beloved of the art-set glitterati of the 1970s and 80s. Her American uncle was one of them, an actor. "Andy Warhol was in love with my uncle," she avers, "but in his weird, platonic, 'I just wanna draw you' way. The lifestyle was too much of a whirlwind for my mum and she left America. [guardian]" "Florence read Victorian murder mysteries and Egyptian mythology, “stories where people get their eyes and liver pecked out by vultures, only to have them grow back”. She remembers her mother taking her to Renaissance churches and staring “long and hard at St Agnes, who had her breasts cut off and was holding them on a plate. [Times]"

Florence with a lamb, St Agnes below (who she mistook for St Agatha) whose main attribute is holding a lamb (purity; sacrificial lambs/martyrs); this relates to the blood sacrifice (sacrificial lamb) themes of her 'Rabbit Heart' song "who is the lamb and who is the knife?".

Her next video are for her song 'Drumming' and is set in an actual church with Florence and dancers dressed in black probably performing a black mass... they certainly aren't praying to Jesus ;p.

Florence in a mask in a photo from the video shoot, it's silver/black duality coloured + has some sort of horns.

Another mask in a duality symbolic (striped top) photoshoot (I'm sure there's some meaning behind her tattoos also).

She won a Brit award (Critic's Choice) somehow since she barely had one song out at the time (they obviously got all excited over the abuse song). Note the sunflowers at the event and the sponsor MasterCard's (Master Mason 3rd degree; remember the vesica pisces is prominently used in Freemasonry) symbol is also a version of the interlocking rings/circles (the vesica pisces inner shape marked by the interlocking horizontal lines) discussed earlier.

Florence and the Machine's live performances also feature all the bird cages (bird cages she had collected during childhood), Florence pretty much tells it like it is when it comes to musical MK and the themes used in all music concerts: "'It's all part of a ritual. You're trying to help the audience lose themselves, and you're trying to lose yourself.'

More ritual wearing the raven feathers.

More ritual wearing the raven feathers.

I was originally intending to go into some other acts (covering another person most readers will have never heard of/probably have little interest in; 'Bat for Lashes' also but I'll leave it for her own post), but that's all I'll cover here and save the stuff for future posts.
Thank you for such a great blog! Just a couple of questions; have you read much about the "reptilian theory"? I'm only asking because a lot of what you write really reminds me of a lot of things I've read along those lines. The other question I have is, do you have any plans to discuss Michael Jackson? I know it may be more fun to talk about women, especially naked ones, but as the facts are rolling in about his life and death, he really does seem to be one of the most perfect examples of mind control and a shattered mind. Everything that comes out really gives me the "aha's".
Cheers in advance for your time, and thanks again for the blog!
This was a great read. I have actually heard of all of these artists. This is usually my style of music. I was into Goldfrapp, Ladytron, Fischerspooner and others but when this bunch rolled around I didn't hop on board for some reason. I don't think any of their music is that impressive, especially La Roux, just awful.
I love how blunt Florence's quote was about trying to make the audience lose themselves. Once again, great read as usual.
By the way, can't wait to read about Bat For Lashes. I know there's a lot in her work especially with this blonde alter ego she's using now. It reminds me of Tori Amos' last albun where she used four or five different characters.
all that stuff that relates back to old rituals are sick, i was particularly disturbed by the woman holding her breasts on a plate picture that is some fucked up shit
They have a lot of nerve taking so blatantly from the 80's New Wave sound. I mean ok, use it as a starting point but say something new!
Also, the question I keep asking is: If these girls are being MK'd by the secret societies, like the Masons and such, are they really illuminated??
I mean, are they like really psychic and stuff? Cause otherwise making them pose with all those symbols of enlightenment would be pretty stupid if they were just normal teenage girls, below average in talent and looks.
I recently watched Caligula and it was a pretty disturbing film. Those Romans were a pretty sadistic bunch. The whole time I was watching it, I could not help but notice how the spirit of Rome is making a return on the planet... (Guess it was always here, but this time it is more blatant) A return to sex worship and ultra violence... Rulers having absolute power over Expendable slaves
I always wanted to watch the film because I can remember in the back of my mind(being in junior high) and Prince did a performance/ritual on the mtv music awards at the time , it was supposed to evoke Caligula's orgies:
Thought I'd break down some of the different types of programming symbols ...
MK Victim feels like they are sinking, helpless to do anything about it. Sinking both emotionally and physically. Could also trigger cutting/self-harm behavior. Britney Spears sings Quicksand which was written by Lady Gaga
MK victim wants to commit suicide
MK subject feels like they are awakening to greater spiritual enlightenement and universal consciousness.
MK victim feels as if they can't think, can't piece things together everything is breaking down, falling apart at once.
Internal dizziness, alters rotated rapidly.
Calling up an identical alter who could be the total opposite of the victim's usual personality, but doesn't have to be.
Dark programming for highly psychic and manipulative people, in that they are connected to the Eye of Horus [i.e. Lucifer] and can see farther than the average human being. This programming has a sinister bent and dire implications for those whom the MK victim targets.
General psychic programming for gifted children. Acclimates the psychic child to this color for recognition at a late date.
Environmental programming for Greenpeace, vegetarian, PETA types. They are Nazi-like in their devotion to the Environment. Capital E.
Makes a victim feel unusually close, bonded to another MK person, or normal person beyond all reason.
Generational, familial programming, promotes family loyalty, return to the MK victim's real family upon escape, or return to the cult family.
Luciferian programming which makes the victim identify with serpent imagery and feel closer to Luciferian ideals. They begin to unconsciously seek out and identify with noted Luciferian concepts.
Promotes feelings of closeness or kinship with ancient Egypt. An undue interest in all things Egyptian.
Tin Man
A program for people to act heartless. This could be due to cruel behavior in love or physical cruelty. Good for programming assassins too. This ties into today's modern robot programming.
Victim takes commands verbatim. No malfunction. No hesitation.
Similar to Tin Man except more focused on sex and beauty. This is a good program for all kinds of models, porn shoots etc. The victim freezes and their face expression won't change. No. matter. what. Britney sings the song Mannequin.
Skilled sexual alter, animalistic, seductive and wild.
Victim doesn't want to leave the house, and fears the outdoors. Good for isolating, victims who aren't conforming to other kinds of pogramming, or delicate victims who hold many secrets and cannot be allowed to interact with other people. There is a spiritual component to this program.
Victim thinks their face is not their own, or that they look different. People who suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder are often under this program.
More programs
Subject romaticizes blood and sadism/masochism. Useful for cult alters who perform sacrifice and blood ritual. Also causes subject to be perversely manipulative and heartless, as long as they get what they want.
Victim thinks they are an elf, or of the elf species.
Victim thinks they are an alien or a hybrid/human alien mix.
Victim thinks they are the opposite gender. Angelina Jolie's daughter Shiloh may be undergoing this program, as she demands the famly address her as "John". She's only 3 years old.
Peter Pan/Tinkerbell
Victim never wants to grow up. Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey had this program. Could also double as a program for pedophile alters, even when the front personality would never do such a thing.
MK subject thinks they are royalty, special, cultured and poised. Acts as such, thinks as such and carries herself as such. This is a common base program for girl children. See: Miss Congeniality, My Fair Lady, The Princess Diaries, and the Princess Protection program.
Entering the blonde alter again?
This stuff makes me sick.
It's their attitude, really. How arrogant, misanthropic and selfish do you have to be to pull it all off? To control the minds of others to make money as a "musician"... It goes entirely against the message of art, and I am really disappointed that people just think it's "satire". Satire of what? The star industry? It's coming to you straight from the industry... It's just plain evil how "giddy" they are to lull you into a mind-control trance.
People always relate Sleep Paralysis with the "demon sitting on your chest" thing. I've induced "sleep paralysis" (really just a low level trance) many, many times and I've never encountered this "demon". I think that only happens with people who are possessed to some extent. Along with all the other shit Florence mentioned and the imagery she's surrounded by, you are definitely right about her being MK'd.
It seems everyone is a little more conditioned to accept the "illuminist" (MK) imagery in Europe. It's far more esoteric in the U.S, everyone here is conditioned as well but you don't see as many blatant references to occult ritual from ancient times (actually you do, it's just a little harder to interpret as being such because our whole lives revolve around this ritual slavery).
I've never listened to any of the bands you mentioned in this post (I think I've heard one Royksopp song, but that's all), so I'm unfamiliar with the themes in their music... Thanks for pointing them out though, I'll be sure to avoid them consciously now.
i don't think these people are arrogant, most of them don't even know the real meanings of all these symbols.
and even those that do, i'm sure their attitude is simply "a few masonic symbols in a video aren't going to hurt anyone", which is true.
i have a friend who suffers from sleep paralysis, and he has seen "the devil" a few times but as far as i know he is a completely normal individual, just suffers from depression a lot
p.s when is your post on MJ going to be Benjamin?
if you get chance could you look into some TFF (tears for fears)? they're my favourite band but i've always thought that roland orzabal was a bit mk'd, i think they'd be something a bit different for you to look into rather than disney characters and paris hilton all the time
they are still gigging now (they reformed in 2004) so they're still relevant ish
i've spotted plenty of symbolism in their vids/artwork and if you know of it their first album was pretty much about having a fucked up mind (writing about it, orzabal said was like primal scream therapy)
Brilliant. This post is like an expose of the occult Radio 1 playlist I'm subjected to every day of the week at work lol
I actually like Little Boots' music, and the artwork/graphics, but the Masonic imagery is pretty disturbing. Seems like the font used on all her artwork is based on Masonic lettering:
Strangely though, Boots is not featured heavily on the bbc playlist, unlike Florence.
Anony Tears for Fears would be a good one. Their album The Hurting appeared in the 1980's and seems to address child abuse and traumatic experiences.
One of its songs was used in the MK film Donnie Darko
Anonymous - Yeah, having a picture with your face in place of the eye in the pyramid isn't arrogant, I'm being sarcastic of course, and I have no reason to believe some of these people aren't knowledgeable of their manipulation techniques, because they themselves use them on their audience, not just their controllers. Just go out sometime and talk to "normal" people, no one knows what the fuck any of the symbolism ever means. That means it's working.
It's arrogance on the part of the money-crazed "entertainers" and their equally greedy handlers, and of course the evil which perpetuates this stuff. I use pretty bold language sometimes to verbalize my true feelings on this subject, since just screaming for it to all stop would only make me look like the crazy one.
I've seen "shadow people" even while conscious, but I've never had a demon sit on me, as far as I know.
I'm just tired of people taking such a light disposition towards all of this. Doesn't make any sense to me for someone to see all of this occult imagery and think "oh, hmm, I guess that's not too manipulative".
Little Boots' new single 'Remedy' has been A-listed on Radio 1, meaning four plays a day. Excellent article, but somewhat worrying - La Roux and Little Boots albums.. I really like them!
As for Blackpool's "Little Boots", check out North Wales' "The OKOK Society" aka: "OKOK Research Bureau" (www.okok.org.uk). They seem to be the 'leaders' in this North West programming school.
programming school? what the hell?
can you explain
and in reply to tommy:
i'm a singer/songwriter myself and i really want to make it big, i'm not a greedy person though i just want to do what i love doing and make a living out of it, as do many others is there anything wrong with that?
i don't see why i should let any of this stop me, quite frankly
^^Don't let it stop you, but be aware that you will come across great obstacles if your message is not one those in charge want disseminated to the masses.
Far from being discouraging for aspiring singer songwriters, I think this blog would inspire a blossoming musician to challenge the status quo in the industry, and try to create something above and beyond this secret society shit.
Look at it as a challenge to get a good message out there, not a warning to stay away from the industry.
yes, indeed it would be very tempting to try and challenge these people but to be honest i'd be too scared to mess with them. i'm pretty certain that many high profile celebrities have tried to stick their oar in and have said things in public that they shouldn't have, and as a result of it have been either been giving warnings, bumped off or simply just brought down and pulled to pieces in the media by whoever is in charge. so i'll probably just keep my mouth shut, maybe until i'm an old retiring legend, then i won't give a shit! ha
and as a result of it have either been given warnings*
sorry i fucked that line up lol
I'm a musician myself, so I can tell when someone actually has talent and when they're just a product used to discourage real musicians from making a living off of their talent (which I wish I could do as well), and it's all rigged anyway with the big "pop stars" always being represented by excessively wealthy mind-control cults. I don't think "making it big" is something you should ever strive for, true fame and respect comes naturally to those who are not searching for it at all and it always shows in their music (I think part of the MK program is to get peoples' hopes up, make them want to be "famous" only to never have this happen and their dreams are broken).
Sorry for being so harsh, I feel like I've learned a lot about "celebrity CULTure" by reading this blog and you will learn too if you stick around.
i don't quite get what you mean. so i shouldn't TRY to get my name out there? how is that going to benefit me
also i wouldn't say that every popstars career has been organised for them, i think a lot of them have been but not all i think thats a bit far fetched. its as if you're saying its all some big fixed lottery draw that 90% of people won't win and i dont think that is true, there are obviously lots of mind control cults about though that prey on talented youngsters that they can get hold of, i guess its usually those kids whose parents work for or have links to people in high places, usually the parents as you know participate in the mind controlling aswell. you'll find that if you read most high profile musicians wikipedias, they'll tell you about their parents and they nearly always seem to have had authorititave professions i've noticed
I'm not saying don't put your name out, by all means do it, just don't go out there expecting to become famous...
sorry for this slightly off-topic discussion, Ben.
Hey- Little Boots say a song called Earthquake-> Maybe this was the Illuminati advertising their plans for 2010...Hidden in plain sight...??!!
Victim thinks their face is not their own, or that they look different. People who suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder are often under this program. "
Lots of dis-info on this website. I wonder if this blog is kept by a Christian? :) BDD is in fact caused by a brain problem.(The visual processing is abnormal; the person concentrates on details and not the whole.)
Oh, and I wonder if any of the fools reading this website (I found myself here because I was searching for information on bdd) have ever thought that the person interpreting these videos is only interpreting them from THEIR point of view?
Ravens have to do with protection, Masks with contacting inner parts of our psyche, triangles have to do with trinity of Christianity; Father, son and the holy ghost.
Just some other interpretations for you imbecils who don't realise you are being swindled and badly.
Not in any way a christian nor did I write that comment mentioning BDD.
Your alternative interpretations are valid but I feel unlikely in the context in which they are in here (obviously triangles don't always have to do with the holy trinity; in this case Little Boots is clearly not perpetrating Christian symbolism, masks I feel more usually symbolize loss of identity and/or assuming another than 'contacting inner parts of our psyche'; though like I said yours are not invalid). Of course my interpretations are coming from my perspective (based on reading sources about mind control and general occult research, not sure how clued up you are to those types of things though and I am certainly no expert on them), and I would hate it if everyone agreed with everything so appreciate the comment for balance :)
No one is swindling anyone (certainly am gaining no monetary benefit from this), you should be able to take someone else's interpretations and thoughts on board, even if you completely disagree with them without insulting others who just find them interesting don't you think?
Sorry to burst your bubble kids but Little boots is most certainly not an MK-Ultra victim. She is a very good friend of mine and I regularly perform with her (in fact look you can see me on the still from Jools Holland black dress brown hair!). As a fellow 'believer' shall we say i can see why you may think Vic could be involved with the illuminati what with all of the triangles, owls etc but actually all of her artwork and in fact her musical persona was designed by her friend Chrissie Abbot - a lovely, talented 'hippy' artist who's in to nature and magic- not by 'handlers'!!. Vics image is really all about magic (white horse is actually meant to be a unicorn not a reference to cocaine!!) and although vic chose all of the artwork and worked closely with chrissie when developing it she certainly was not aware that triangles, owls etc represent the illuminati she just liked them and thought that symmetrical patterns and animals reflect the content of her music. She dyed her hair blonde as she thought it would be more appealing to her largely gay audience - if you've know her for a long time you would know that she's been changing her hair style and colour for many years its been red, pink , brown , black etc and will probably be going back to brown again soon! I think that symbols can mean many things and if you really look hard enough you will see what you want to see. Don't get me wrong I know the illuminati exist and it is obvious to me with other artists like Gaga and MJ that they are/were controlled but then as they are both two of the highest grossing artists of all time this is of course bound to be the case. Vic in comparison has not sold that many records yet so I doubt the illuminati would really be ineterested in her yet at any rate. Sorry just thought I'd inform you as it's important that we are able to distinguish between illuminati controlled music and a girl from blackpool with a penchant for magic! so there you have it some very rare first hand information. Not sure about La Roux or Florence although I know a lot of the people that work with florence (her management, record company representatives etc) and I'm pretty certain she's not and MK ultra victim either! The thing is that it seems to be pretty trendy in music right now to use pagan/druid symbolism so everyone seems to be using it because its the in thing to do not because they are inferring any real meaning. Anyway I think we should be careful not to assume that everyone with a triangle/flower/pentagon in their music video is automatically an illuminati sex slave!
I think the subject is very interesting, but as some writer whose name i don't recall said "90 percent of what is said about the Illuminati is false, but the 10% percert true is scary enought" or something like that.
Be careful when reading things between the lines, sometimes you just try to hard like when you're analysing Florence´s name.
Did you watch "The number 23"?
Sometimes conspiracy theorist experience similar paranoia, so watch out.
But the thing is, that the only of the factual evidence of the possibilty of a organization, Illuminati, masonic, whatever controlling things is the recurrent symbolising in the movie and music industries.There is certainly something behind it, and tha´s the only concrete evidence, most of the stuff you read on the internet about Reptilians and shit are jus t especulation without evidence support.
"MK Victim feels like they are sinking, helpless to do anything about it. Sinking both emotionally and physically. Could also trigger cutting/self-harm behavior. Britney Spears sings Quicksand which was written by Lady Gaga"
I disagree, I don't believe in such a thing as MK victims, there isn't enough proof to reveal this as such, so that theory will forever remain a theory until you have proof otherwise, and symbols and lyrics don't count. Now, the quicksand will relate to the lyrics itself, sinking yes, from whatever 'demon' you have within yourself, or depression, it can represent a multitude of things and feelings at least everyone here has experience.
MK subject feels like they are awakening to greater spiritual enlightenement and universal consciousness.
A spiral has so many meanings you can't possibly put it into one category and call it truth. Since this is an esoteric study, I'll say that you're right about the spiritual awakening, often times you'll see spirals in Goddess worshipping religions and spiritualities, all of which have a more positive representation of the spiral than what you believe it to be.
MK victim feels as if they can't think, can't piece things together everything is breaking down, falling apart at once.
Shattering objects can be just that... Shattering objects. However, more often than not, it's a sign of a few things.
1. Depression, sadness, angst, anger
2. Partying, fun, rebellion, carefree
3. Freedom, soaring, overcoming, indepedence
It doesn't always represents the negative, nor does it conclude she is an MK ultra victim, which you have no proof of.
Calling up an identical alter who could be the total opposite of the victim's usual personality, but doesn't have to be.
In a way I can see how this could be true, whenever I see a mirror in videos, I have to take into account the settings of the video itself. Is it dark and angsty? Upbeat and fun? Once I have that down, it's easier for me to conclude why this element is present. Generally, a mirror will represent duality, there are two sides to every human being, esoteric or not, it's a given, we all have a 'dark' side and a 'good' side. Sometimes, when we see ourselves in the mirror, it grows mundane and routine, for those who are having difficulty through life, be it something they did, or was done to them, a gaze in a the mirror shows the reflection of that person. The person who want or do not want to be, our reflections haunt us, a constant reminder of who we are and what will become as the years change.
Dark programming for highly psychic and manipulative people, in that they are connected to the Eye of Horus [i.e. Lucifer] and can see farther than the average human being. This programming has a sinister bent and dire implications for those whom the MK victim targets.
This is getting a little too out of hand, exactly how is the Eye of Horus Lucifer? There is NO Lucifer in Egyptian mythology, not only that, Horus was a God of the Sky, Sun and the Pharoahs, the Egyptians worshipped Horus as a supreme diety, he was positive mostly in aspect. I suggest you dig a little further on the 'darker' Gods in this pantheon, for there are far more rebellious Gods than Horus, (ie, Sobek, Seth, etc) who was far, FAR from anything 'sinister'
Also, 'morningstar' represents Isis, NOT Horus. Good and evil is different within Kemetic religion. Also, the Eye of Horus symbol represents PROTECTION.
General psychic programming for gifted children. Acclimates the psychic child to this color for recognition at a late date.
Psychic programming? That's quite silly, I wish I had this kind of programming, it would have come in handy for those us who have gifts. Anyway, purple is a mystical color, it's origins are as ancient as Sumer. It's uses probably even older than that, it's a color that represents spiritual growth, enlightenment, protection and the third eye. Not an evil programming method to control young children with spiritual gifts.
Environmental programming for Greenpeace, vegetarian, PETA types. They are Nazi-like in their devotion to the Environment. Capital E.
False. Green, is an old color as well, in fact all colors are (see the rainbow)
Green has always been associated with peace, healing, element of Earth, beauty and prosperity. I myself am a vegetarian and I am far from being Nazi-like, and Greenpeace is actually a helpful organization, unlike PETA, where many vegetarian like myself steer clear from. How, rude of you to generalize in such a way.
Makes a victim feel unusually close, bonded to another MK person, or normal person beyond all reason.
Nice try, but everyone has felt this way for one person to another. It's not a rare thing to be addicted to the one you love for whatever reason. I'm very close to my mother, but never once was it because of a probe zapped into my eye that forced me to bond close to my mother. It mainly due to the fact, I had no father figure in my life until I was 12.
Generational, familial programming, promotes family loyalty, return to the MK victim's real family upon escape, or return to the cult family.
Tree or a vine can represent a NATURE or perhaps a tree and a vine. It does include the earth element, has this element represents grounding. How don't see how you concluded this without a stable base of real, factual evidence other than symbols and rumors.
Luciferian programming which makes the victim identify with serpent imagery and feel closer to Luciferian ideals. They begin to unconsciously seek out and identify with noted Luciferian concepts.
No, snakes are a power totem animal. They also represent growth, stability and protection. It differs from each belief, but snakes especially in Native American shamanism are a sacred animal, meant to be respected as a powerful and driving force of nature. You can tie it together with Christianity, but you must understand not everyone uses Christian symbolism, nor is everything you see apart of Christianity. Not everyone IS a Christian, look up Hinduism and the importance of snakes, especially Kundalini. Try to have an open mind and look outside of one belief system, it's a lot more eye opening and a lot less fearful.
Promotes feelings of closeness or kinship with ancient Egypt. An undue interest in all things Egyptian.
Or, it could be they just happen to like Egypt. It was a fascinating culture, why NOT be interested in it? Many people these days are branching out and researching these old empires, including Sumer, Persia, Greece, Rome Nubia, etc. There's nothing wrong with feeling close to something as fascinating as these cultures.
Tin Man
A program for people to act heartless. This could be due to cruel behavior in love or physical cruelty. Good for programming assassins too. This ties into today's modern robot programming.
Proof please, that's all I ask for is PROOF.
Victim takes commands verbatim. No malfunction. No hesitation.
Haven't seen anything like that on a person before, except for barbies and mindless idiots, I mean have any of you stopped to wonder what these people do BEHIND closed doors? When everyone is out of there business? No, you don't have a single clue, you draw conculsions based on biased assumptions that have no truth to them other than 'symbols' and lyrics. Give me a break!
Similar to Tin Man except more focused on sex and beauty. This is a good program for all kinds of models, porn shoots etc. The victim freezes and their face expression won't change. No. matter. what. Britney sings the song Mannequin.
Once again, a lack of proof. A mannequin could mean a multitude of things, but it's ultimately a representation of feeling withdrawn from EVERYTHING, feeling like a doll with no soul, it's not uncommon ANYONE to feel that way. Many tradegies can happen in a person's life to make them feel that way, it's not limited to these alledged MK victims you speak about.
Skilled sexual alter, animalistic, seductive and wild.
Actually a cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind. Cats in esoteric myth are said to challenge you with new ideas and a clearer perception. The message to us that we have the power over illusion. Cat animal symbolism reminds us to not fall prey to false beliefs, to not be a fool out of ignorance and derive understanding from our own internal wisdom. The cat beckons us to realize that when we turn within to our own hearts, minds and souls, and trust in ourselves we will always be shown the truth of matters.
Victim doesn't want to leave the house, and fears the outdoors. Good for isolating, victims who aren't conforming to other kinds of pogramming, or delicate victims who hold many secrets and cannot be allowed to interact with other people. There is a spiritual component to this program.
A birdcage is symbolic of losing liberty. You are feeling hampered and cramped. Once again, this is a universal feeling, at some point in our lives we've all experience feeling trapped, over crowded and isolated. It's not unusual to feel this way.
Victim thinks their face is not their own, or that they look different. People who suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder are often under this program.
No, there are no programs for this, it's a chemical imbalance within the brain, that is not due to false programming. My sister had this disorder, it wasn't because of supposed programming that no one can prove.
Subject romaticizes blood and sadism/masochism. Useful for cult alters who perform sacrifice and blood ritual. Also causes subject to be perversely manipulative and heartless, as long as they get what they want.
This is actually a real psychic gift. And it's a common misconception to believe they all worship and revel in blood and BDSM. They don't, in fact there are different kinds of vampires.
All of which harness the same life force to keep them from basically collasping into a coma or endless despair and that is energy.
1. PSI-Psychic, take energy through psyhic auras of people, animals or music.
2. Sanguine- They do get energy from the drinking of blood. It's often consual, from their 'Black Swans' as they are called.
3. Elementa- they gain energy from the elemental life force
4. Emotional- Now these are more pesky as they feed on emotions of others and are usually negative.
There's a lot more I can't think of right now.
Victim thinks they are an elf, or of the elf species.
Elves are spiritual beings.
Victim thinks they are an alien or a hybrid/human alien mix.
Not sure where you get this from, but there are deeper meanings to featuring an alien in MV's. For one, I know it can represent the possibility of not being alone in this galaxy, or the esoteric meaning of cosmic life force energy.
Victim thinks they are the opposite gender. Angelina Jolie's daughter Shiloh may be undergoing this program, as she demands the famly address her as "John". She's only 3 years old.
That's silly, how can you 'feature' a gender? And there is a thing called transgender, where once thinks they are in the wrong body. What's wrong with that? Why do they have to be under some evil, mind control programming? That makes no sense and it's incredibly offensive. They are normal human beings with the same emotions as everyone else, at the end of the day we all bleed the same color. If Shiloh feels she is in the wrong body,then so be it, as she gets older hopefully she'll understand more and maybe undergo a gender swap.
Peter Pan/Tinkerbell
Victim never wants to grow up. Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey had this program. Could also double as a program for pedophile alters, even when the front personality would never do such a thing.
Or it could mean fantasy, living in your imagination. There's nothing wrong with living in a world of fantasy from time to time, keeping the child in you alive is a good thing. And how on EARTH did you get pedophile alters out of this one? That's obsurd and holds no valid basis of truth.
MK subject thinks they are royalty, special, cultured and poised. Acts as such, thinks as such and carries herself as such. This is a common base program for girl children. See: Miss Congeniality, My Fair Lady, The Princess Diaries, and the Princess Protection program.
Now, I've seen some girls with this attitude, but it's all an ATTITUDE. Being a snot nosed brat isn't uncommon for children or even adults. It's a cultural influence of a microwave society always wanting it now, now, now and not having the patience nor the desire to wait. But it's not from a secret, programming.
Please, PLEASE, present factual evidence for these outrageous claims. I've seen so much of this bile and not once have any of you been able to show me real proof of your fiction. I hope you'll all open your eyes one day and see how silly this all is.
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