
Tuesday 12 May 2009

Today I'm Alice: A Memoir of MPD

An academic who was sexually abused as a child and developed multiple personality disorder sees her autobiography published this week.

[Thanks to a commenter for providing this fascinating and unexpected link to this interesting MK/abuse book which came out this month. If you want to know how this dissociative disorder ((and other facets of dissociation)) can be manipulated in the most extreme way (for the purpose of creating programmed multiple slaves; it's very possible, it is incredibly naive to assume that it hasn't been going on) please see Illuminati Formula (which obviously has it's fair share of problems) and more personal accounts from people like Cathy O'Brien. Remember 'Alice' (in Wonderland, created by pedophile Lewis Carroll) is the archetype for this kind of MK/abuse/mind-fuckery (the story's themes work perfectly in programming, see the linked Disney/Wonderland post), so releasing this book under that name is even more significant. Note the fractured words MK symbolism I've discussed many times before on the above book covers.]

Alice Jamieson, as she is now known, was raped repeatedly by her father throughout her childhood. The experience left her with complex psychiatric problems yet she went on to a successful academic career.

When her injuries forced her to abandon that career, she began writing about her experiences as a cathartic exercise. But last year her book was the subject of a bidding war by publishers. The rights were won by Macmillans and it is published on 1st May entitled: Today I’m Alice.

Alice is now 40. She began suffering sexual and other abuse by her father when she was two years old. She was systematically raped from the age of five.

An early memory is being put in a cardboard box with the family dog, with a choke chain around her neck and her father telling her to keep quiet whilst he occasionally tugged on the chain to scare her.

Another memory is of a night when she was five years old. Before he raped her, her father ‘abused’ all of her teddies and threw them out of bed.

On occasions he would bring her mother’s cigarette lighter into Alice’s bedroom and flick it by her feet. There was a mirror on the wall facing Alice’s bed so it looked to Alice as though her feet were on fire.

On other occasions he would bring a jam jar with spiders in it and threaten to let them loose over her stomach. [these are many standard traumas we've discussed before here at this blog]

From the age of four Alice had regular bouts of cystitis. This was so frequent that at about ten years she had to visit a children’s hospital once a month for over a year.

Her parents broke up when she was 17, but the abuse by her father continued relentlessly. To cope with her situation, Alice threw herself into her academic studies. She went to university and gained a first class honours degree, but each time she returned home her father raped her.

Eventually when she confronted him about the abuse he raped her again and beat her up so badly she required hospital attention.

She had been undergoing psychiatric care since she was in her early teens, but now developed schizophrenia and began periods of self-harm and drug and alcohol abuse. She spent some time as an in-patient at a psychiatric hospital.

Each time she was abused Alice dissociated [I explained this a lot in the Alice in Wonderland/Disney post], detaching herself from the emotional and physical assaults, by creating other ‘personalities’, so that she – Alice – did not remember any of the abuse until adulthood.

This was a coping mechanism that was subsequently diagnosed as ‘dissociative identity disorder’, or ‘multiple personality disorder’ as it is more generally known. It is a rare condition, and involves ‘splitting’ the personality into different people, who often have no knowledge of the others.

In spite of her horrific home life she was successful at school, gaining 11 GCE ‘O’ levels and 2 ‘A’ Grade A levels. She went on to university where she gained a first class honours degree and later went on to study for her PhD. But she had to abandon this due to psychiatric problems and has worked only intermittently since.

In 1997 Alice reported her abuse to the police, who interviewed her father but decided that there was insufficient evidence to press charges.

However, she also took her case to lawyers, Pictons of Luton, who specialise in child abuse claims. They made a claim on her behalf to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), who make payments to those who have suffered injury as a result of criminal acts.

They were instrumental in achieving a CICA award to Alice of £434,500, which may be the second highest such settlement.

The case was managed at Pictons first by partner Tracey Emmott, who heads Pictons’ child abuse team and also represents survivors of the abuse at Haut de la Garenne in Jersey, and then by Emma Anthony.

Both are warmly acknowledged by Alice for their help not only in winning the award but for their support during the period when she felt nobody else believed her.

‘The CICA decision and the amount awarded is a clear acknowledgement of the seriousness of our client’s abuse, and properly reflects the devastating and long term effect it has had on her life,’ says Tracey Emmott.

‘We’re pleased to have won such appropriate and deserved compensation for our client, which we believe may be one of the highest ever awards in an abuse case.’

The circumstances of Alice’s ordeal are truly horrific and even among the grisly and humiliating stories I encounter as a child abuse lawyer I’d have to say that I still find it almost unbelieveable, especially of a parent towards his daughter.’

‘We’re naturally delighted by the size of the award,’ says Emma Anthony. ‘From Alice’s perspective, the result means she has achieved formal recognition of what happened to her and a resultant sense of closure. But it’s also important in terms of the wider fight to raise the profile of child abuse. The recognition of the dreadful taboo surrounding this whole area is now becoming much more widespread, and so encouraging greater insight, understanding and recognition for the survivors.

The hope must be that, as this awareness grows, the myths surrounding abuse are broken down and the perpetrators are brought into the open, the instances of abuse will diminish.

Alice Jamison’s claim against the CICA was managed by Pictons on a ‘no win, no fee’ arrangement, but they chose to accept only half the fees to which the agreement entitled them.

Here is another pertinent review (showing some other common MK themes [masks/mirrors/etc]) from this link:

When Alice was a teenager strange things started happening to her. Hours of her life disappeared. She heard voices shouting at her, telling her she was useless, a failure. In her dreams she watched a girl being sexually abused and awoke pleased that she wasn't that girl, curious who she was, and why these dreams haunted her. As she grew older the dreams grew more shocking, more detailed, more real.

Staring at herself in the mirror she'd catch her face changing like a rubber mask and would see someone else staring out from her eyes. Today I'm Alice describes the extraordinary journey of a teenager drowning the voices with alcohol, battling anorexia and OCD, to a young woman slowly losing control to 'the children' growing from voices in her head to full-blown personalities.

Alice suffered the despotic regimes of the psychiatric wards as she slipped further into mental illness until she was finally diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. When her 'alters' were revealed in therapy she discovered how each one had their own memories of abuse and a full picture of her childhood finally emerged. Moving, ultimately inspiring, this memoir written with Clifford Thurlow is a gripping account of a rare condition, and the remarkable story of a courageous woman's battle for sanity.


  1. Benjamin, I want to thank you for your research, it's eye-opening and life changing. Keep up the great work.

  2. your posts are so thorough, very informative. still not sure fo some of it and how deep it may run in society but it is connecting some dots.

    Crowley drew the same exact symbol that Target uses as its logo.....not to mention other cultures.

    the rabbit hole will never end i guess. peace to you!

  3. im a 12 year old girl who has read this book and has been deeply touched,by the great strenth of alice jamieson and her fight never to give up x

  4. Great report, though I'd like to comment that she did not develop schizophrenia, indeed she was mistakenly diagnosed with it.


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