
Thursday 21 May 2009

Lucy Gordon: Masked Butterfly

Another actor/model associated with Ledger (see more hanged man [it's being said she hung herself whilst her boyfriend slept; doesn't seem unlikely ((sounds like the kind of thing victims who feel completely trapped (((caged bird))) would 'escape' from an abusive relationship or whatever, it could always be a triggered self-destruct though))] symbolism surrounding him at the main DK post) kills herself, like Ledger she was also age 28 at the time of her death (2 days before her 29th birthday); more than likely MK'd imo. Cheers to Chris for posting the Daily Mail article in comments (worth reading, this isn't a proper post just wanted to post her 'MK suggestive' butterfly mask image + some others). [images source Fashion Spot (doesn't she look happy in them all!)] Her name 'Lucy' is one I've focused on lately because of the Lucy/Lucifer similar names, see this 'Breaking Butterflies' post for more.

Pictured with Ledger behind her head. [usual symbolism below, black/white duality stripes, leopard-print, ruby slippers, one eye/half face covered etc]

She was in the film 'Russian Dolls' [compartmentalization symbolism with the varying sized squares] with Cocobot Audrey Tautou (some symbolic images of her here), the fact that Lucy died in her Paris apartment is more ritualistic/symbolic (the Paris location; Eiffel tower etc). Obviously her most famous role is Spider-Man 3, added in a couple of MK symbolic + duality (mirror, good/evil, polarizing personalities and whatnot) posters below.

I dug up a screen capture of her in it too; she's reporting for channel 8 (8 = chain symbolism/interlocking/connected rings; also infinite symbol on it's side factors in here [kept forever in chains/cuffs; only escape is self-destruction]), holding her microphone (phallic symbolism). She plays reporter Jennifer Dugan who is reporting on the fight between Spiderman and the Sandman (incredibly MK symbolic villain, see this post for lots more on the sandman and how it factors into programming [but obviously you can get the jist from it's wiki [puts little children to sleep and makes them dream by sprinkling sand into their eyes]). Her line (she probably had more, I'm not a spiderman fan at all; they're all clichéd pieces of crap) went: "It's hard to believe what's happening. The brutality of it. I-- I don't know how he can take anymore."... She could take no more in reality (of the metaphorical sandman messing with her head).

Spider-Man erupts white sticky stuff (spider web; itself very MK symbolic) when making the upside down 'horned-one' hand signal, below one of the people from the film 'Frost' is doing it just about the right way over her head (it is a commonly used hand signal trigger [usually with the two extended fingers pointed directly at the victim's eyes]).

Her last symbolic role before her death was playing Jane Birkin (pictured above with chained dog), an actress/model/singer who was the daughter of a WW2 British Intelligence officer.

[May edit this if I come across more on Lucy (tips welcomed)]


  1. She died 2 days away shy of her birthday, that being 22 May. LEDGER also died on a day of 22... Just my 1,5 cents :)


  2. Check this out, Ben:

    ""She was called Lucy and she has lived up to that. She has been the light of our lives, me and my wife Sue, and daughter Katie.

    "She was a lovely, generous, unselfish person who gave her all for others and thought of others before herself.

    "She has been doing what she loved and what she wanted to do for the last many years.

    "She has been a natural actress all her life, since she was about two.

    "She's always loved being on stage and in front of the camera and she has kept all her naturalness and charm all the way through.

    "She has been the most beautiful daughter. We are obviously devastated."

    Remember, since age 2....

    R.I.P. Lucy, uve had enuff...


  3. Didn't I read somewhere that ppl who have are mkd are sometimes killed or die mysteriously right before their 30th birthday? If so then this would be kind make me wonder a bit...

  4. About all the 2s in her life mentioned by other commentors: I read somewhere that to freemasons, 22 means the 'eve of change,' while 23 means 'change.' If that's true I have no idea, or if it even relates to her I don't know. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

    May God rest her soul and grant her eternal peace.

  5. She was called Lucy and she has lived up to that. She has been the light of our livesLooks like her parents knew exactly what they were doing naming her after Lucifer.

    Didn't I read somewhere that ppl who have are mkd are sometimes killed or die mysteriously right before their 30th birthdayThat is sometimes the case, nice connection.

  6. Excellent linkages and insights here. Good read.

    There are also connections to the "Fayette Factor," and other synchro-Fortean-mystic twilight language interactions.

    I've listed a few not mentioned above in my Lucy Gordon posting of this morning.

    Take care,

  7. Tori Amos lyrics from her new song "curtain call":

    By the time you're 25
    they will say, "you've gona and blown it."
    By the time you're 35, I must confide,
    you will have blown them all
    Right on cue just act surprised
    when they invite you to take
    your curtain call
    you climbed China's wall
    your curtain call

  8. The boyfriend of Spiderman actress Lucy Gordon is being quizzed by police, despite her suspected suicide initially ruling out foul play.

    The 28-year-old's death is now under judicial investigation after she was found hanging from the ceiling of her flat in Paris.

    One neighbour has allegedly told detectives they heard the couple arguing on the night of the incident, but her unnamed boyfriend is adamant he was 'sleeping' while Lucy killed herself, The Daily Mail reported.


    I noticed dailymail talking about her boyfriend being "quizzed" by police. Is that common term to use? Quizzed and quiz? Weird..maybe her boyfriend was programmed to stage it..he says he was sleeping. He could of been in a trance or something.

  9. I also was an actor. Around 22 I became convinced that I will never be older than 30 and lived along these lines. me now happy 39, but guess there was a trigger somewhere, after 30 I had many strange car accidents but survived...thakns for all the nice input!!
    far more



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