
Monday 25 May 2009

First Clips of Ledger and Lily in Imaginarium

For background on Ledger + this role in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus see my Dark Knight post (for explanations of the MK themes in Imaginarium, Heath's MK+death and such; the above [ones showing the stage's occult iconography are pretty old] images [included to show the all seeing eye in a triangle motif ((of illuminism/"Illuminati")) + all the other symbolism ((Janus, sun, various symbolic serpents etc))] are in that DK post [+ lots more obviously]; this will get posted elsewhere, apologiez if it's already been posted in this context). The first clip is pretty mind-blowing (+Lily as Eve/original sin), what with (after focusing on the British monarch's head, zooming out to reveal..) the checkerboard illusion... "Oh late late, for a very important date. Gosh I can't tell you how many times I've heard that in my life!" The Wonderland/White Rabbit reference cracked me up admittedly, showing his total MK (hence having heard it so many times in his life, led down the rabbit hole). Also see Heath Ledger/Lily Cole labels (post more on Lily shortly, remember she's also referenced Wonderland/the White Rabbit [white rabbit = programmer; Alice/victim follows it down the rabbit hole into Wonderland/dissociation, see Disney/Alice post for more detail, particularly the magic mirror dissociation theme which is more relevant]).

Ledger filming the scene where he's dressed as a clown above (see linked DK post for the significance [joker/clown]).

Notice the Illuminati All Seeing Eye on Lily's carriage (Lily's lines are worth noting; first of all saying she's underage [remember she is the Eve/original sin allegorical figure at top, 'forbidden fruit'], then "Sweet 16, the age of consent" ;).

Dr. Parnassus' ("Dr."/symbolic programmer [illusion is a huge part of MK]) travelling "Imaginarium" wagon.

"Enter the Wondrous World of Illusion" This film is one of the most symbolic of MK'd puppet performers/Hollywood mind control slaves (as the "Dr." in his traveling "Imaginarium" wagon transports them [and transforms them] to an alternate reality through a magic mirror [again see the linked Disney/Wonderland post for more on that MK], [changing their persona/identity, see MK'd Depp with his mask at the end]; their MK'd existence is used for entertaining the masses on the street.) Each of the 3 'alters' are likely MK'd actors themselves: "One of the central devices is a magic mirror which people fall through into the imaginarium where characters see what they want to see [dissociation symbolic] – whether it is giant shoes, jellyfish in space or just somewhere to get a beer. Ledger’s character falls into this fantastical world three times, which got Gilliam thinking about having three actors." [guardian review source; some of Gilliam's comments are interesting, the "mystical force" at work keeping this film together, his "love of snake oil seller" mass-murdering puppet Tony Blair (he says he based Ledger's character partly on him).]

All Seeing Eye in a triangle symbolism on the elephants shaped castle/tower/base near the end.
Note "Lily's playing card" (slaves are often symbolized as things that are 'used in a game' like playing cards/chess pieces and other things) is symbolically covering the eye in the triangle.

Depp with his Imaginarium Ledger mask.



    Excessive sun worship that's really annoying, mirrors and water goddess/Venus Beyonce...


  2. Stupid asses...

    Check out her eyes... Phased..


  3. Hmmm, Ledger surrounded by "alien baby dolls"... LILY COLE playing in the movie with him and GEMMA WARD being his gf...


  4. Tom Waits is listed as playing the Devil. It looks like the movie owes quite a bit to Christopher Marlowe's play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. Thanks for the heads up about this one.

  5. these photos are mindblowing...they are really goin' all the way with's like 100% testimony what was done with Heath...really creepy photos...looking at this photos Gilliam might end just like Kubrick after Eyes Wide Shut...

  6. I agree; this is just so blatant how all these movies are coming out now about the you-know-who. These a-holes are really rubbing it in our faces. Sick.

  7. Very interesting that both of Heath's last movies have so much Occult stuff in them. So do you think that the Illuminati or whoever killed him off? He seems to be portrayed as "The Hanged Man" from Tarot a lot in both these movies. And "The Fool" as well. I'm a fan of his and I've been thinking about this a lot lately with this new film out soon.

  8. Ha, check it out:

    She looks like shit:


  9. From the Gilliam interview:

    Ledger's character is first seen hanging by a rope from Blackfriars bridge in London. "In some ways the initial idea of Tony was based on Tony Blair, a person I love dearly. I couldn't imagine a more fitting beginning to this character than hanging from a bridge."On Roberto Calvi, 'God's Banker', and member of the Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge:

    On 10 June 1982, Calvi went missing from his Rome apartment, having fled the country on a false passport in the name of Gian Roberto Calvini. He had shaved off his moustache and fled initially to Venice, and from there he apparently hired a private plane to London. At 7:30 AM on Friday 18 June 1982 a passing postman found his body hanging from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge in the financial district of London. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with building bricks, and he was carrying around $15,000 of cash in three different currencies.

    Calvi had been a member of Licio Gelli's illegal masonic lodge, P2, and members of P2 referred to themselves as frati neri or "black friars". This has led to a suggestion in some quarters that Calvi was murdered as a masonic warning because of symbolism associated with the word "Blackfriars".

    On the day before his body was found, Calvi had been stripped of his post at Banco Ambrosiano by the Bank of Italy, and his 55 year old private secretary Graziella Corrocher had jumped to her death from a fifth floor window at Banco Ambrosiano. Corrocher left behind an angry note condemning the damage that Calvi had done to the bank and its employees. Corrocher's death was ruled a suicide, although as with Calvi's death there have been suggestions of foul play.
    Is Gilliam's reference to Ledger as Blair a not so subtle message to his 'friend' Tony?

  10. Ben, whatta u think about the violent death of little EXODUS TYSON? Honestly, it stinks to me...


  11. Very interesting scene you posted. Note how the scene opens on a close up shot of the paper currency and then zooms out. This is called a reverse zoom, most famously used by Stanley Kubrick (e.g. this scene from A Clockwork Orange.) It's difficult to make an entertaining movie on the subject of fiat money, but it is the grand illusion that sustains all lesser ones.

  12. Whatever happened to that DeGeldedr guy and his "creche", was that all a hoax? Curious how it was all over these blogs when it happened and now it's like it never happened at all. Hm?

  13. It's a bit suspicious that the media have been ignoring the case since it happened (obviously I can't post anything new about it if there's no new info released); I would be really interested in some updates on the case (ledger anagram, quoted Dark Knight which he watched obsessively over and over, trance-state etc). If there are any updates on it I'll be sure to post them. Here is the only one I can find (there are probably some I haven't seen), his lawyer describing his "inner compulsion" (voices in his head; standard symptom of an MK'd tranced killer) to kill. The court are deciding whether or not he is responsible for his actions.

  14. Not just the android doll girlfriend and actresses around him in the final film, but of course the Olsen twin(s) who presided over his transition from this life of illusion to the next...

    Parnassus and Eyes Wide Shut (film versin of course) stand as siblings, I am sure it would be easy to find the rest of the Major Arcana, since each of these films is really a card in a cosmic tarot cast for the destiny of the human race....


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