
Tuesday 9 December 2008

A 'perfect' mother massacred her five children by calling them one by one into her bedroom and slitting their throats, a Belgian court has been told.

More Medea type ritual sacrifice going on here; the doctor 'Michel Saachs' obviously being the real guilty one here (as programmer). Daily Mail link. See Ritual Sacrifice label for similar posts.

A 'perfect' mother massacred her five children by calling them one by one into her bedroom and slitting their throats, a Belgian court has been told.

Genevieve Lhermitte, 42, said she felt desperate and trapped alone at home with the children - four girls and a boy aged between 14 and three - while her husband Bouchaib Moqadem was away visiting his parents in Morocco.

On the day of the killings last year, which left Belgium in shock, she stole two knives from a supermarket and cooked a farewell lunch for the family before locking the front door and starting the massacre, the court in Nivelles, near Brussels, was told.

'Perfect mother': Genevieve Lhermitte arrives for the first day of her in Belgium today. She is accused of murdering her five children

The oldest victim, 14-year-old Yasmine was too big for her to handle so she used a trick, she said. She told the girl that she was going to blindfold her because she wanted to prepare a surprise for her.

Then when the teenager was unable to see she hit her over the head with a heavy marble tabletop, knocking her out before also killing her with a knife.

She phoned the police before trying to commit suicide by plunging the knife into her breast.

Police found her body spread-eagled in the hall. She later told police she felt "desperate and trapped" at having to be at home with the children while her husband was away, the court heard.

Husband: Bouchaib Moqadem, shown here as he arrived at court today, has since been divorced by Genevieve Lhermitte

The judge was told that Lhermitte's role as wife and mother was disturbed by the presence in the family home of a middle-aged Belgium doctor, Michel Schaar who paid most of the family's bills.

'He lived with us he even went on our honeymoon and slept in our room. We had to wait until he fell asleep before we could make love,' she said in court.

'I found that weird but Bouchaib said he regarded him as his stepfather. I think the doctor loved my husband in a platonic way.

'He watched TV with us in the evenings and went on holiday with us in the summer. We depended on him financially."

Lhermitte was asked in court why she laid the dead body of her 13-year-old daughter Nora in the bathroom used by Dr Schaar. She said: "I wanted to hurt him. Nora was his favourite."

On the day before the murders Lhermitte said she phoned her psychiatrist who had been treating her for several years. But he was unable to give her an appointment.

Her lawyer Xavier Magnee told the jury of eight women and four men: "Your task is to discover why a woman who had hitherto been a perfect mother suddenly exploded."

Lhermitt has since divorced her husband whom she accused of never having any understanding of her problems.

She said: "I gave him a son and killed him. I've lost all children through my own fault. They never deserved it.

"I shall suffer to the end of my days - that is my punishment."

The trial continues.

On an unrelated note, another show with MK themes (to go along with all the rest ;p) aired a few days ago called Leverage, I wrote up the first episode when it was leaked a few months ago (so it may have been altered) in case you're interested. I mainly just wanted to post the new poster for it though as it features the fractured word (fractured/split/fragmented/etc mind; also if you click it is made up of a grid) LEVERAGE which I've pointed out on numerous other posters/things as being conscious MK (like in My Own Worst Enemy; with added split face/mind symbolism). A movie I caught recently was Mr Brooks and was basically describing a modern day Jack The Ripper (i.e MK'd serial killer controlled by Masons/'elites'; most mass murderers/serial killers are) as he has developed an alter-personality [he is in a dissociative trance when he is 'speaking' to his alter, more a 'voice in his head' telling him to do things (one method of MK often used in certain situations) than a complete alter-personality], he is a major corporate player (won a Person of the Year award type thing, but he is a puppet in reality) and his office is number 303, and lots of twin pillars throughout meant to post on it earlier due to blatant MK symbolic posters but never got round to it so probably forgot something important. First poster has that facial compartmentalization I was talking about; with the one eye split apart from the rest of the face, in a box (you'll also notice that the title is fractured). Second one is the standard half face in darkness/missing = split mind you should all by now be familiar with. Demi Moore, goes without saying; obviously MK'd (Kabbalah cover, Striptease etc), Kevin Costner I'm not sure about (his acting never really resonated with me tbh; his personal life+ country music however is certainly suggestive of MK) but William Hurt (who plays Kevin's alter-'ego' called 'Marshall' [like the military rank, hint at his character's programming?]) has been in a tonne of MK stuff (Altered States, Dark City, Alice etc), his father worked for the US State Department, which is always suspect, and his mother worked for Time Warner...

And obviously note all the MK in this trailer for it (mirror symbolism, 'Everybody has two sides', etc). The teenage daughter of the MK'd serial killer is treated interestingly also.

And just today I caught a, what I considered a really well put together British horror movie with similar themes to the top main story; the children come down with a sickness and start killing off the parents (ridiculous amount of 'one eyed' shots on the kids + something horrible happens to their kitten Mr Jinxie ;p [there is an Action Man doll and butterflies consciously zoomed in on together inside a yellow tent where poor Mr Jinxie and an adult have horrible things done to their corpses by the children] + skull and bones/purple haired teenage girl [the one sitting next to the Director in below interview/trailer; the delightful Hannah Tointon, best known for playing Katy Fox in Hollyoaks (don't watch it, but her name is very MK symbolic in it + the shows symbolic name/place)] + the blond, pink 'princess' girl has butterflies on her top), and it's amazing how much you can relate to their type of family also (these type of films are always designed to fuck with your head, I'll keep my eye out in the news for morbid Christmas killings); being dragged along to family get-togethers at Christmas for mindless chit-chat, stress dealing with crying babies and such. It's called 'The Children', definitely worth a watch, note above MK poster [more doll/one eye/split mind].

Actual trailer here, probably more worth watching than the above one (showing some of the other themes; like shattered glass).


  1. I'm sure you noticed this but Demi Moore? Demi=half

  2. The L'Hermitte name makes me think of the Belgian Tarot!

    AND What's with all the "14's" in that article?

    4 girls 1 boy, 14 years old,
    "four girls and a boy aged between 14 and three".
    She's 42 yrs old (14x3=42)

    And the city of Nivelles, Belgium has the Collegiate Church of Saint Gertrude (Saint Gertrude was a hermitess/nun in a Cistercian Abbey)

    The oldest victim, 14-year-old Yasmine was too big for her to handle so she used a trick, she said. She told the girl that she was going to blindfold her because she wanted to prepare a surprise for her.

    Good thing that little girl couldn't see what was really going on.

    She said: "I gave him a son and killed him... I shall suffer to the end of my days - that is my punishment."

    Strange case indeed!

  3. Some ppl shouldnt marry, some shouldnt have kids, etc. etc. When such occurences take place, it dont mean that smb messed with their minds, "simply" they are demented. This case yet sparks a lite. Married to a Muslim man, probably converted to Islam, this woman speaks like in some damm holy book: "I gave him a son and killed him... I shall suffer to the end of my days - that is my punishment." As if the other 3 girls werent important as well, the old stuff with male heir doing all job/males above all still poisoning the minds. Great if smb would know and let us know smth about her/her hubbie's background/kids life... To me, as I said in the beginning, this is a clear case of MK (more or less).

    Pearl looks like KATIE HOLMES:

    Another half/Demi, MADE IN DISNEY:


  4. Find the princess inside yourself, new disney film

  5. I love how the husbands in these situations always play dumb like they're so surprised by what happened.

  6. Disney actress Demi Lovato's name is Demitria a variant of Demeter the goddess of cereal/grain/fertility. This also links to to the Eleusinian Mysteries. So I guess Demi Moore and Demi Lovato like to trip :D

  7. Man builds 'perfect woman' robot


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