
Monday 15 December 2008

Little Suri Cruise enjoys a night at the ballet with mother Katie Holmes

She may be just two years old, but Suri Cruise is already developing an appreciation for fashion and culture [uh oh, link; check out Suri's ruby slippers/dress ;S poor girl (and Katie, even Tom Cruise, who copied Elvis recently). Logically this ballet is used in programming (most of the best fairy tales/programming scripts are turned into ballets as it's the kind of profession MK victims would be forced into [lots of spinning/mirrors/reptition/choreography/etc], see these posts [start at beginning if new]), features in this post briefly; Felicity Huffman takes one of the Fanning sisters (who performed in a Nutcracker movie) to the 'Swan Lake' ballet, see previously linked post].

The toddler was spotted admiring the array of tutus backstage after watching The Nutcracker at the New York City Ballet [included OZ/NY Leibovitz image from this post] with mother Katie Holmes.

She was given the VIP treatment as she made her way around, with ballerinas lining up to show her their intricate costumes.

Budding fashionista: Suri Cruise cast her discerning eye over the costumes after watching The Nutcracker in New York with mother Katie Holmes

VIP guest: Suri enjoyed a backstage tour with her mother

Suri's outfit was rather impressive too - she was dressed in a bright red frock, matching Mary-Jane shoes and a £250 coat from American childrenswear firm Best & Co.

Tom Cruise recently revealed the budding fashionista has complete control over her wardrobe and has already developed an aversion to sports wear.

He says: 'She's going to wear what she wants to wear. Kate even tried to get her to wear sneakers, but Suri's like, no no, those are boy shoes. I love it!'

Prima ballerina: Suri and Katie meet principal dancer Ashley Bouder

My turn! Suri takes a twirl around backstage

Meanwhile, it seems the family will remain in New York for Christmas after Katie, 29, persuaded her husband to spend the festive season in the Big Apple instead of at their sprawling home in Beverly Hills.

Katie has been appearing on Broadway in All My Sons and a source says: ‘She has been doing loads of travelling back and forth with Suri from New York to LA between shows and she’s tired.

‘She asked Tom over to New York for Christmas and he agreed. Both their families are also coming over.

‘Katie would prefer to live in New York. She and Tom have been leading increasingly separate lives.’

Despite the distance between them Katie and Tom have made a huge effort to keep their marriage alive, with Tom frequently flying to New York to see his family.

Mother daughter duo: Earlier the pair greeted fans after Katie's performance of All My Sons on Broadway


  1. Suri is often dressed in a red dress. Its so ritualistic-she's the scarlet woman, the lady in red, the sacrificial vessel


    Babalon is a complex figure, although within Thelemic literature, she has three essential aspects: she is the Gateway to the City of the Pyramids, the Scarlet Woman, and the Great Mother.

  3. speaking of ballerinas, gymnastics, etc. this is a bit awkward for a breyer's ice cream ad. notice the red, double v, etc. i don't know much when it comes to pointing stuff like this out but this is unsettling. what do you think?

  4. She looks like the little Madeleine McCann. Very sad and lost


  5. The whole thing with Suri is weird. I've been wondering lately how much of this "Suri decides her own wardrobe" thing is true. As noted on several of those celeb gossip blogs out there in Internet Land, Suri rarely seems to be dressed appropriately for the weather. Her parents will be bundled up for a proper NYC fall and winter day, and there she is in her short sleeved doll dresses and NO coat, hat, or anything going on. Sometimes there's been no leggings or tights either. Just exposed legs against cold air. Call me strange but I find it really hard to believe that a 2 year old prefers that to being warm. :/ Tom Cruise likes to brag(damage control?)to the media that Suri dictates her own wardrobe, and she refuses to wear pants, and she won't wear a coat, but seriously....I wonder about that. She's 2. **How can a 2 year old be a fashionista?!?!*** When I was 2 I remember trying to eat one of my hair barrettes, and I shoved a peanut in my nose. :D I'm not even kidding. And I wasn't a stupid kid either. haha

    When I look at Suri I see somebody being programmed, BIG time. She used to look happy too in her older pics, smiling, laughing, just the cutest little face. Now she looks grumpy and frowny in any of the recent pics I've seen. They spin that new look on her face by projecting traits onto her such as "Suri casts her discerning eye......" SHE'S TWO YEARS OLD AND STILL DRINKS FROM A SIPPY CUP AND CARRIES A SECURITY BLANKET. o_0 Two year olds who drink from sippy cups and carry around a security blanket (as the public has seen in her many, MANY photos...) aren't "fashionistas with "discerning eyes."

    Tom Cruise has also bragged about loving all the paparazzi photos of his daughter as they've inadvertantly helped create some great family pics. Well what I see is somebody pimping out their daughter. Other celebs try to keep their kids relatively low profile so they can have normal lives and not get scared by the paps (and also to not give fuel to the crazy stalker types...) and there he is parading Suri around in her fancy doll dresses constantly exposing her to the public and the pap cameras. Programming.

  6. Absolutely. I read an article that said she has no friends but HUNDREDS of dolls, helpful in creating many personalities as each doll has a story and name


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