
Wednesday 26 November 2008

Playing With Pink's Delirium

I think I've discovered my new favourite band :O, she loves her cats ;p. Thought this was a good music video, basically about Ladyhawke's dissociation [she was born with a asperger syndrome btw (so reasonably dissociated from what's going on around her already); name based on this movie]. First off, multiple images of her are shown as if there were more than one of her (dual/MPD symbolism), then the block goes from 0:32 to 0:33, note the leopard-print bag she gets out, packs and dissociatively hallucinates that she is existing in the pictures, note that she is looking into the mirror where she sees the hallucination like a TV screen of sorts (a TV is referred to as Magic Mirror in Enchanted), she drives past a goat skull (Baphomet) specifically you see her drive behind an eye of it (in the hallucination after the leopard-print bag is packed) then note mount rushmore style cat-heads [pictured] just after this and a side-mirror is shown

Late night, Waiting by the phone
Tonight waiting for an answer
Heartbeat drumming double time
I need one more chance to be near you

Still hanging on (for what)
Can’t operate (fired up)
I won’t eat eat and I sleep for you yeah
No rest till I (get through)
‘coz I’m holding out (for you)
Am I the only one who’s insane
Hey you’re playing with my delirium
And the longer I wait the harder I’m gonna fall

Stop playing with my delerium
I’m outta my head and outta my self control

Still here in this quiet room
Deep in delusion sending me over

Outside watch the world go by
Inside time stands still as I wonder

Still hanging on (for what)
Can’t operate (fired up)
I won’t eat eat and I sleep for you yeah
No rest till I (get through)
coz I’m holding out (for you)
Am I the only one who’s insane
Hey You’re playing with my delerium
And the longer I wait the harder I’m gonna fall

Stop playing with my delerium

Coz I’m outta my head and outta my self control

(I won’t eat eat and I sleep for you yeah)

Hey You’re playing with my delerium
And the longer I wait the harder I’m gonna fall

Stop playing with my delerium
I’m outta my head and outta my self control

Hey You’re playing with my delerium
And the longer I wait the harder I’m gonna fall

Stop playing with my delerium
I’m outta my head and outta my self control

Her other videos are also symbolic, the above one 'Dusk Till Dawn' (as in the movie, with all the masked horror characters from movies fucking with her head), and naturally she gives us a cute video diary from her time in Disneyland... [leopard-print turtle and such]

Pink's new one is just too much (I assume this will be removed by the corporate asshats, will add Imeem one when it's up which never go usually); double symbolism (described above), she has sex with herself, the white room with headless Pinks (they connect via the head at one point), spiral staircase, "spinning round spinning round spinning round", think there's even a bird cage in there etc. It's actually getting pretty frustrating how fucking blatant the whole thing is, maybe I should just forget everything I know and jump on the "the universe will magically save us all, forget all the bad things, it's all an illusion, our consciousness is about to explode in an orgasm of spiritual enlightenment!", just watch it and learn. MK is everywhere for a reason, and it ain't positive... this is the way the world is; the people in charge of it have always been fucking with our consciousness [through religion, world wars etc].

Edit: Speaking of cats; check out Daily Mail's piece: "Miaow! Beyonce's skin-tight Catwoman has made fans purring with delight!"
And these six-month old baby high heels in leopard-print, pink pvc (with zebra inside)... things are going according to plan...
We're alot closer to empathic robots than this link suggests in my opinion... won't be too many more years before fully-fledged sentient sex-androids go on the market, as long as their is the appropriate chaos going on (WW3; you can get away with all kinds of crazy shit, as long as you have the appropriate chaoz occurring at the same time so no one will give a shit). A.I. is slowly (much quicker than we think) becoming a total reality, pictured the robot kid + the teddy bear, the kind of toy this sort of thing is ultimately leading to.

"It might sound like an unlikely encounter, but a team of scientists in the UK are creating robots that are capable of growing emotionally, responding to humans and of expressing their own emotional states as they interact with people.

Dr Lola Canamero, of the University of Hertfordshire’s School of Computer Science, who is co-ordinating the European project, said the aim was to develop robots that could grow up and adapt to humans in everyday environments."


  1. Ben,
    check out Goro's latest public post from 11/18
    it might shed new light on a few subjects.

  2. Those shoes are copies of MINNIE MOUSE's shoes...


  3. the leopard:



    Asherah Altar


    Qaniyatu Elima

  4. Heh, that site is usually dead on with all of it's info and specifically Palin's analysis as I had posted on her a short while back and she's definitely being propped up for 2012. I was considering doing a quick "Sarah Palin to save us all from the robot invasion in 2012" post about a week ago, with the image from this book Terminatrix: The Sarah Palin Chronicles to go along with it but didn't really have anywhere to put it. Perhaps I'm being blind but I didn't see that image/book anywhere in Etemanaki's post when it fits so perfectly (send it Goro's way if you like, might be interested if he hasn't seen it already). That light/shadow on the Terminator poster I've pointed out in loads of other movies as MK, but Goro's explanation also fits (in hindsight). Arnie, Palin etc are all obviously MK'd; I don't like to get bogged down in the speculative esoterics of it all. I leave that type of work to the experts, stick to what I know.

    Very interesting stuff and other readers, if you want to go deeper into things like; for what eventual purpose and why these MK'd slaves are being used, absolutely check out Goro's stuff. Need to read through it thoroughly still myself.

    And Minnie Mouse's shoes huh, makes perfect sense. Lots of 6 month old Whores of Babylon crawling around ;p (read Etemanaki for my context) which is exactly what they want of course. And interesting list of things associated with the leopard there + hybrid/goddess etc (I guess is what you mean from googling them; sentences are always recommended however so my puny brain can understand what's going on :).


  5. I figured that your puny brain has a few more cells left in it than my (alienated and ale-inundated) puny brain and you'd do a much better job quantifying, categorizing and maybe eventually explaining than I ever could :(

    cheers back!

  6. She is, afterall,
    A Sarah (asherah) from Alaska (Al Aqsa)


  7. Caylee anthony indicted for murder of her 3 year old daughter Caysee. The family members are wearing butterfly t-shirts in a show of solidarity...?

  8. Think Terminator 2012 the Austrian giant will run the man down.





  11. Brits ma finds her fame hard to fathom - bizarre considering she orchestrated it all



  13. Hi
    Did you see Katy Perry's video Hot & Cold? In it Perry appears to a guy in a vision, standing next to a zebra under a rainbow. Then a pink light comes from the zebra's mouth and the man is dazzled and blinded(just like Philip K. Dick?). Then he wakes up.

  14. Angelo, absolutely! Though I didn't analyze it in that detail (from the Valis angle which I have yet to read fully, though I did screen cap the zebra + rainbow at end of the vid ;), I've since noticed checkerboards on the drummer + a guitar strap in the bit where she is performing in the dark room with the big pink stylized templar cross type thing in the background. The lyrics are big on duality theme. Lots of Katy Perry stuff throughout the blog.

    Yeah and cheers for links etc. as usual all. On the Casey Caylee I've kept half an eye on that case, lots of K in there (K-C K-Lee); interesting info her family wearing butterflies, makes sense. Agreed on the Brit link + Chris as always on the ball with your links, thanks bro.

    Cheers all.


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