
Sunday 30 November 2008

Mind Control is Universal

More on the music industry; this one just cracked me up... more androids/robots/cyborg, one eye [standard big round red one you see in many things], codes etc. Universal Mind Control - Common feat. Pharrell. Pharrell plays the robot ;P [he is 100% involved, complicit in all this MK, see linked posts (in particular his one with Gwen Stefani + sex-kitten leopards in Can I Have it Like That video)] I wanted to post this one a while back but couldn't find a video for it. And here's a link with an interesting interview with Common [wouldn't surprise me if most MC's have always been Mind Controlled], synchronicity strikes, posted at virtually same time as I posted the video ;p.
Next up VV Brown [religious upbringing; btw these videos are all from island records (well on youtube it says they are anyway; corporate record companies = controlled, Ladyhawke is also on Island btw)] - Crying Blood [note checkerboards (her dress = checkerboard thread pattern, and standard checkerboard later on), multiple copies of her and such]
Keane - Spiralling - KEANE
Finally Keane with Spiralling [not going to repeat myself]; all the robots [very first shot of the robot is one eye] with cube bodies + sexy robot missing a few limbs + lots more.

Paris becomes a Pussycat Doll [cat programming/doll, see comment in previous posts, with more great info on such things + search back through my blog for relevant posts on dolls/puppets/etc]; I thought this was an "interesting" (sorry, I'm feeling a little indifferent to it all today) shot of her with DOLL and her BUTTERFLY tattoo on show.

One of the Pussycat Dolls.

Note shield with crowned all seeing eye (click; half black, half red with some jester-type symbol in it), that striped shirt duded looks dodgey/handler-esque [admiring his work].

Trauma for the MCMs at the latest ridiculous Pirelli calendar shoot, The Torture of the 2009 Pirelli Calendar Shoot: ...Isabeli Fontana undergoes possibly worse bug-to-face torture with some sort of freaky giant grasshopper, and even sheds a tear mid-shoot because of the trauma.... The calendar isn't sold commercially but given as a corporate gift to important people, like celebrities." All the animal-print [leopard/zebra/etc] goes without saying; portraying them as animals/sex-kittens/wild, skulls, horns, tusks, scorpions, one eye, etc.

Doesn't get more deeply fucked up than these two really does it...?

MCM/Leopard reflection/mirror!!!.... Clever Cats. [/sarcasm... it all gets a bit tedious after a while] Dressing these celebs up in leopard-print clothing usually can tell you one of their main alters is beta/sex-kitten (they see themselves as a cat [this is where all the random cat analogies/proverbs/etc come from (i.e pussy for vagina; obviously you can argue other reasons)], gone into it numerous times).

Same thing with Lion (any cat) below.

The above one fits oh-so-perfectly into my Cat People post [below image from it; I think there are better ones with Panthers on the tree branches, as the girls are shown to be above].


  1. Benjamin, i just posted about 'Universal Mind Control' down there as a reply to a post, check out the interview with Common at Pitchfork.

    funny the word verification is: hashild since Common's middle name is Rashid

  2. Here, i copy and pasted from the other post:
    Comment at the bottom is in reply to someone in the Monarch in Fringe post.

    Pitchfork: What exactly is "universal mind control"? I've heard the song, but what about the record as a whole?

    Common: I really believe that that title is saying, "What I'm thinking in my mind and wanting you to feel, YOU WILL FEEL, because I'm gonna create music that will make you feel it." And it's also symbolic of the global sound that I wanted to create, something universal, something that would touch all parts of the world, 'cause that's what it was inspired by. And I also wanna say, I just like the way that sounds: "universal mind control." It sounds so futuristic, like a movement.

    ^^^yeah it just sounds cool, you know! it's that hot new shit!

  3. Haha, nicely synched; I hadn't seen it before posting this. Cheerz, adding in the link.

  4. If you know background info about Common, you'd see that this man is not MK'd, the "group" he associates with are smart and really in touch with what's going on and have been for years. They're Black Panter types. There was also a group called Soulquarians he was part of. They are definitely down with the msytic, new age thing. He was also Erykah Badu's boyfriend for awhile. These people know what's up. They are using "reality" and making it "entertainment" or is it the other way around. These are all black activists, fist up types.

    Eryka Badu
    Dead Prez
    The Roots
    The guy Bush just Pardoned (haha forgot his name)
    Jeru the Damaja
    The Fugees

    And many more. Based on that Common interview all of this is a trend he is following. He changed the name of his record to go along with all this.

  5. Ummm... New Age was started by the govt. and so were the Panthers.

  6. It doesn't bother me if Common is or isn't MK'd, or if any of the people I write about actually are (though I'm convinced on some of them, you can never be 100% certain of course; I just post on how they are portrayed by the corporate fuckheads with MK themes, which no one pays attention to anyway so I don't see any reason for them faking it/make them act like they are [when it's only a handful of conspiricists who are the only ones that would register it]). It's hard enough convincing people that MK even exists...


  8. They portray themselves with MK themes.

  9. Have you seen the movie
    The Island? with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson

    from IMDB synopsis
    In 2019, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta are best friends in a repressive and intriguing society, where everybody expects to win the lottery. The prize is to move to a paradisaical island outside the domes that protect the dwellers against the contaminated environment. Jordan wins the lottery, and Lincoln accidentally finds the scary truth behind the Utopian award: they are clones, generated to provide replacement organs and parts to the owners of insurance policy.

  10. Can it be called an "American" horse? (Could also be French, lol) Anyway it fits with the fucked up authorities back there to reduce the number of the mustangs. So the message is: America is down. Thank u, Brown (I mean Sienna). Or thank ur puppeteers.

    Hello, Im EVA THE ZEBRA and its obvious Im their property:

    Children's BAFTA. Goshhhhhh!


  11. GROSS!

    I wish they´d leave the animals out of their perversions, animals are innocent and pure.

    (ideally they´d not treat people like this either)

  12. "They portray themselves with MK themes." You are assuming they have any creative freedom over anything, which I'm fairly sure they don't (certainly not all the MK in their videos [none of them strike me as ardent conspiracy researchers ;p, why would they portray themselves with something so macabre?], the photoshoots they do with MK themes etc). They are puppets... you don't credit the empty shell for the Puppetmasters' work, that's just rude!

    Is the anony who posted the Pink Floyd youtube vid suggesting I am part of the same machine I am attempting to 'expose', i.e in my posting what the MK media machine is producing? How would you go about posting on such things without becoming a part of it, we can't just ignore it surely? I'm probably just being paranoid and misinterpreted it.

    Aubrey O'Day (I remember her being mentioned in earlier comment, so blatantly MK'd [Oz, Nutcracker, Welcome to the Dollhouse etc], don't remember if this got posted already) just did Playboy, with LION cubs... will post images when on net. And damn is this Britney documentary depressing, she's still just a little girl really, Britney's dad: "Nice hooker shoes baby!" (he reminds me a lot of Billy Ray Cyrus) In the Circus video make-up place, she is doing a mock visualization/psychic thing with her friend ('you are climbing a ladder, you see numbers, think of one' kinda like what I described in previous post sorta, she guesses [maybe not?] '3' and is correct! Go Brit!) + a LION wooden head in the shot + mirror obviously [they find it HILARIOUS when she does her 'funny voices']. The show (in the UK anyway) is sponsored by DREAMS ^^.

    I randomly saw The Island in a cinema in Belgium a few years back btw, haven't seen it since so can't remember much of it though I'm sure it's packed full of MK.

    Chris, hehe thanks for links, I like your attitude. (+ obviously agreed on your assessments of them)

  13. I think they have all these MK themes to keep the programming fresh for the thousands of people who actually ARE MK'd around the world. For example, at the end of Keith Olbermann's nightly show, Countdown, he always throws a balled up piece of paper at the screen and it "shatters" the glass. The jillions of other examples in music, movies, plays, ballets, (Cirque du Soleil) and especially the "catwalk", are specifically to trigger the nameless people who are MK'd and to have them always "remember to forget", remember never to tell, etc.

    As for the majority of us who are not MK'd, I think the purpose of the MK themes is to desensitize us to these themes for whatever "the powers that be" have planned in the future. Not necessarily some doomsday thing, but more like how we're now so much more accepting of things like overt sexuality, explicit violence, etc., thanks to the government created "sexual revolution", "feminist movement" among many others, the movie industry working with the gov't.

    And as for Common. Take a look at the cover of his CD Electric Circus. He may just be "pretending" and so may the other people on the cover of it, but who knows.

  14. Lydia Hearst:

    the site where I found this is a pretty good source of mk themes and models. Also I read the other day that Daisy Lowe was in a naked photoshoot for Paradis, just like Lily Cole. Her pictures are almost as "dead" and creepy as Lily´s were. Obviously they have all these different magazines for different stages of the "experience".

  15. We are ALL part of the machine. We are born MK'd, it's a matter of realizing and undoing it (as much as that can be done anyway.)

    "As for the majority of us who are not MK'd..."

    IMO, "the majority" IS MK'd, they don't realize it though. They aren't in here reading this blog, or any of the others on the internet.

    What makes you so sure you aren't? or were at some point?

  16. Anonymous said...
    I think they have all these MK themes to keep the programming fresh for the thousands of people who actually ARE MK'd around the world. For example, at the end of Keith Olbermann's nightly show, Countdown, he always throws a balled up piece of paper at the screen and it "shatters" the glass. The jillions of other examples in music, movies, plays, ballets, (Cirque du Soleil) and especially the "catwalk", are specifically to trigger the nameless people who are MK'd and to have them always "remember to forget", remember never to tell, etc.

    ok so if you are attacking people with this stuff to trigger one person or the masses (which i totally believe is true, by the way) doesn't that make these people (musicians, movies, plays, ballets, (Cirque du Soleil) NOT mk'd?? Because they are part of the game and are aware of what they are doing?

    I mean, is a rock group who is always talking about spirituality, ouija boards, and puts hidden messages in their music MK'd or NOT mk'd??

    Is this confusing?

  17. Britney did the champagne glass bit, like Paris for her Onyx Hotel Tour. Pamela Anderson has done it, too.

  18. ok so if you are attacking people with this stuff to trigger one person or the masses (which i totally believe is true, by the way) doesn't that make these people (musicians, movies, plays, ballets, (Cirque du Soleil) NOT mk'd?? Because they are part of the game and are aware of what they are doing?

    I mean, is a rock group who is always talking about spirituality, ouija boards, and puts hidden messages in their music MK'd or NOT mk'd??

    You forget that this has been going on for hundreds of years. Back in the day, it was the cults and occult groups that were discovering methods to control and hypnotize humans for ritual purpose and to connect with other realms. In our times, govt. has co-opted these same methods on a massive assembly line scale using technology and the psychiatric community etc.

    Many of the artists come from bohemian, cult families and bloodline to this stuff anyway or, alternatively, they are actually related to the people in charge. So yes, they are MK'd and do not consciously KNOW what they are doing.

    On one level they "know" it. Like you "know" that when you lift a fork to your mouth for a bite of food, you are eating, but do they THINK about it? No.

    Still others are just getting paid. They sold themselves to the machine and are corrupt people who JUST DON'T CARE. Still others were created from a young age just to be a part of it, and so its all normal to them.

    There are different levels of awareness, but even if they KNEW they were controlled do you think they could get out of it once they're at those levels?

  19. Anonymous said...
    We are ALL part of the machine. We are born MK'd, it's a matter of realizing and undoing it (as much as that can be done anyway.)

    "As for the majority of us who are not MK'd..."

    IMO, "the majority" IS MK'd, they don't realize it though. They aren't in here reading this blog, or any of the others on the internet.

    What makes you so sure you aren't? or were at some point?


    I'm talking about people who are formally MK'd the traumatic way as described by people from families in satanic cults who go through ritual abuse and become programmed multiples. Or people who are sold into it from an early age.

    I definitely agree that in one way or another we are all mind controlled.

    And as for myself, I feel like I may very well have been MK'd formally as a child (trauma based). I don't really want to get into it here but it is quite possible.

    It doesn't make anyone a bad person to be MK'd. It's just what is and I'd rather be aware of the themes and programming than living in the dark like most who have no clue about it.

  20. "It doesn't make anyone a bad person to be MK'd."

    Psychological warfare is evil. If you're doing it you're evil, if it's being done to you're a puppet therefore you might be doing evil things that you're supposedly not aware of so that's a good excuse ainnit?

    It's good to be aware. All i'm saying is a lot of these more intelligent, aware artists know what is going on, they aren't victims (mostly male, very few females), they are going along with propagating these themes for whatever reason. It might have started with one just person against another person, like a street fight. You hit me and instead of me hitting you back and settling the matter then and there, i go tell my friends to jump you then harass you anyway they can, without getting caught.

    quoting Benjamin:
    "You are assuming they have any creative freedom over anything, which I'm fairly sure they don't (certainly not all the MK in their videos [none of them strike me as ardent conspiracy researchers ;p, why would they portray themselves with something so macabre?], the photoshoots they do with MK themes etc). They are puppets... you don't credit the empty shell for the Puppetmasters' work, that's just rude!"

    You are naive if you think a lot of artists are not out there doing exactly what they want, how they want it. Have you heard of a tiny little and from your country own releasing a record without a label and it being very successful?? If you can do that and make $ and still have fans and respect, you have power and remember what they say about power.

  21. fixing a typo:

    Have you heard of a tiny little *and from your country

    *and = band

  22. Yes yes, and I agree, I've said that some of these people are fully aware and involved like Nas and others. Like I go into a bit in this post, it's easy to be seduced into it. I don't think just because an artist appears to be intelligent/"aware" that excludes them from being a part of it however. 100% controlled, or 100% on side (fuck, most people would probably sell out if they offered you a mansion in LA with plenty of sex-kittens and money at your disposal...). There are many un-MK'd bands/rappers etc that are in on it, I've never said there aren't; but many of them ARE MK'd coming from intergenerational abuse families (+ other scenarios for this [2/12 7:15 anony comment pretty much sums up where I'm at too]; the majority being female I agree, but then I'd say those like 50 Cent, Eminem, and obviously going way back to Elvis, the Jacksons/Osmonds etc are certainly all victims and there are tonnes more) so their fucked up existence (and all the MK themes they are made to use in their writing/performances/movies etc) is all perfectly normal to them. But whether, they're in on it or are MK'd, they're still part of the same machine so like I said I don't really think it matters, they're all 'under the thumb' of the same beast that runs the show (whether they're MK'd or just doing what they're told, to keep their lifestyle). And there are probably a few exceptions, artists that do have total control over everything, though I don't see many (because they don't have the necessary exposure from the corporate controlled media to remain big, little bands don't have a hope... unless they 'sell their soul' of course ;p). Interesting discussion, though it gets a little confusing following it with all the anonymous posting.

    Cheers all.

  23. Whoops, my bad; switch Nas with Pharrell (probably cos I'd watched a Nas video earlier). Worth noting the significant differences between them anyway; Nas is on the 'right side' for sure, rapping about meaningful issues (couple more) rather than bullshit like "pussy", "guns n money" etc. But I dunno they'd obviously use their slaves as controlled opposition too, but I think people like Immortal Technique (etc, and probably Nas, though he gets a lot of corporate backup so who knows) are deffo not controlled and have full creative freedom, probably. You just won't see them getting any significant help/exposure from the corporate controlled media (unlike the ones I post on, who are supported/pushed onto the masses' TV's/magazines/etc by them for a reason).


    So, what do you think?

  25. the bug on the girl's face is an assassin bug.

  26. Sometimes there are people in this world that do evil things simply because they are evil... I have PTSD, and disassociation issues, due to severe trauma as a child... I was not in any CIA MK projects... I was just abused by a very sick foster father... He was evil just because he's evil... So sometimes if a person even a movie star acts a bit strange or seems "out of it" there are other tragic explanations other than ritual abuse....

  27. Yes I agree with that last anony. Most of the people I write about are abused by 'evil' people (I have said this many times) with nothing to do with CIA MK projects [when I say 'MK' I mean all forms of abuse/mind control/trauma; I've said it doesn't necessarily have to do anything to do with CIA MK 'experiments', do you think Britney Spears' (and the rest of them) dad originally worked for the CIA as soon as she was born, I highly doubt it; the CIA picks 'evil' people who are abusing their children and turn them into MK'd superstar cashcows]. But you have to understand the societal structure/global conspiracy that allows this to occur so rampant, the people at the top want as much abuse going on as people. So the victims of these (not most of the victims, such as yourself who are free from that mental bondage [there are literally millions however who are not; sex-trafficking/sexual slavery ties in massively here]) sociopathic pedophiles can then be used, having already been programmed to a degree by their original abuser. Most abuse is 'ritual abuse' as it is usually repeated over a long period of time in a 'ritualistic' manner (abusers often have specific things that they go through each time they abuse [ritual should never be confused with "satanism", though obviously it's naive to ignore the occult side of the perpetrators' belief systems]; and simple things like constant, repetitive electroshock abuse [probably the most prominent method of trauma-based mind control] are ritual abuse too). The sociopathic powers that be sadly want every foster father to be as sick as yours was, this is obviously something difficult to comprehend; but Elvis, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, most Hollywood stars (and other celebrity personalities) are victims of MK (again, I don't necessarily tie it to CIA MKULTRA [the CIA are just 'elite' pawns anyway]; all forms of psychological manipulation/mental enslavenement [more effective when done from cradle to the grave obviously; so of course most of the time when you see a celebrity "out of it" they have usually been drugged or have had a dissociative altered-state triggered or many other reasons in MK why the victim may appear "out of it"] are MK/mind control).

    I hope that clears some things up as to where I'm coming from, my heart goes out to you having to face up to such evil in your life. All the best.

  28. Ours is an envionment where evil is perceived to be rewarded while good is punished. As with everything the Gods have a reason for creating this perception::::
    People who fall on the good side of the good/evil scale have more favor, and when they do something wrong the Gods punish them BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM TO LEARN. The Gods want them to receive this feedback in hope they make corrections and begin to behave appropriately. The Gods DON'T like evil and refuse to grant this feedback.
    EVERYBODY pays for what they do wrong, only evil people must wait until their next life before they will experience the wrath of the Gods, manifested in their reincarnation as a lower form of life into environments with increased/enhanced temptations.
    Sadly, this allows the Gods to position this perception of evil rewarded as temptation, one which they use as an EXTREMELY effective corruptor.

    Both Africa and the Medittereanean are regions which have sexual issues. This is a sign of morbid disfavor once you understand that females are the God's favored gender. Muhammad's (Mohammed's) polygamy halfway through his life as a prophet was preditory. Now a huge percentage of Muslims believes in male superiority and that the abuse of women is God's will. Female genital mutilation is still practiced in Africa. Black misogyny is the most eggregious example in the recent past.
    Black member size is temptation to a predisposed population.
    The patriarchal cancer spread throughout Europe because of Christianity, of which the majority of policy makers were Italian men. Expect the largest landowner in Europe and the continent's original superpower also played a major role in African slavery.

    Militancy in Africa is consistant with the Iraqi example, as was slavery and the KKK here in America:::Fear enforces proper behavior. Without it we see what happens as a result of gross/morbid disfavor:::::AIDS, crack babies, dead young men in gangland retaliation killings. This is the purpose behind many black's historical tendancy towards resistance.
    The same principle was true in Europe and throughout the world for centuries:::People whom lived under iron fists were conditioned to think the right way. As a result they experienced higher numbers of children accend into heaven because they were taught to think and behave appropriately. Our preditory envionment of "freedom" was the primary purpose the Gods had when implimenting this strategy that is the United States, one which they used to spred the cancer of democracy and westernization throughout the world. And the Gods use this tool that is America to prey on the disfavored both at home and abroad.

    Even the Old Testiment is not to be taken literally, but the Gods do offer clues throughout to help the disfavored:::The apple is a tool of temptation used to corrupt Adam and Eve and cast them out of the Garden of Eden.
    There is another lesson to be learned from this passage, and it is quite similar to the vailing issue and the discourse over women's attire which ultimately died in the 70s:::Women are responsible for and control the fate of mankind.

    Think about what I say. Consider what I teach. Society is going to become disturbingly ugly as we approach the Apocalypse due to spiralling, runaway disfavor.
    I do not know when this will occurr, but it is the God's way to grant some time before they end on Planet Earth.
    Make the decision to always be good and never look back. Until you do this technology will employ tactics to test your resolve:::Ridicule, beligerance, doubt and refusal to abandon what people perceive to be their "investment".
    Pray daily. Think appropriately. Too many are confident, unaware of the God's awesome powers or their status as antients. Others may fall prey to their positioning.
    Be humbled, God-fearing and beware of the God's temptations, for everyone is tested to evaluate their worthiness.

    Search for the remainder of this document. Blogster/spot only allows 4000 charecters.

  29. Could you please write a more in depth follow up on the Neptunes' member Pharrell Williams? This man child nearing 40 looks like he is under some serious mind control. Why would he consistently dress like a child and talks about Disney movies as his favourites? Pharell did the score for Despicable Me [A Disney Movie]as well. Please check out these links....

    In A David Icke posting here's a quote...
    Can mind-control subjects who were programmed as children come into awareness and STILL choose the "dark sign" or to side with the illuminati? Of course, it happens all the time. Some mind-control subjects believe they are "special" to have been chosen to be programmed to be a "celebrity" or star. Please note that this actually rare, but it does happen. A perfect example would be Pharrell. He has written multiple sex-slave songs with triggers embedded in them such as, "Slave for You" (Britney is in fact a sex slave) and "Get Along With You" by Kelis (another mk'd slave). Pharrell is also a big user of sex slaves in the industry....was he programmed as a child? I believe Pharrell was programmed at some "summer camp" where he talked of meeting his friend Chad (whose father has military connections). But, Pharrell is still aware and still chose 'the dark side'. We must also note that some subjects are forced to.


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