
Monday 10 November 2008

Another MCM Ritual Sacrifice

Edit: Update on the story, footballer (many MK'd) Ricardo Morrison seems to have done the deed.

This story makes me think of a teenage model from a few years ago who was killed in a frenzied knife/sex attack (not too dissimilar to this one; also note Times invoking Kate Moss, the below victim lived on Moss street), above (click) we see Sally Anne Bowman with butterflies on her; and below the new victim/sacrifice, Amy Leigh Barnes also with a butterfly, as her necklace pendant thing. These WAGs/glamour models are usually MK'd; I was going to go more into them in the general sex-slave industry post (which will be done in the next few months at some point) with examples like Danielle Lloyd (lives in apt # 33, other things in her crib like the mirrors (there is more in the full length version which I saw on TV and can't find anywhere online); check it out and there are many more "WAGs" [put with braindead (literally; mk'd) footballers] who have similar things 'following' them [because of their controlled environment]). Edit: People might also be interested in another MCM of the same 'Amy Leigh' name in, Marilyn Monroe obsessed (click Myspace link) Amy Leigh Andrews [they've both also worked for Playboy; Andrews was recently at Heff's Halloween party I posted on]... are the 'coincidence theorists' starting to get it yet?

A teenage model has been stabbed to death following a row at her home. [was thinking of holding off posting this until more came out on the attacker's mental state; but imo a row does not lead to a stabbing, the British masses have been successfully brainwashed into thinking that groups of hooded youths are running around with knives stabbing each other for no apparent reason... SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!! (problem reaction solution)]

Privately-educated Amy Leigh Barnes, 19, was taken to hospital with knife wounds but could not be saved.

A man of 21 [7+7+7] was arrested 100 miles from the scene of the killing and was last night being questioned on suspicion of murder.

Victim: Amy Leigh Barnes, pictured with Blackburn Rovers player Benni McCarthy, was stabbed to death at her home in Manchester

Artist's daughter Miss Barnes was educated at £1,555-a-term Lords Independent School in Bolton and went on to study performing arts at Pendleton College, Salford.

She also taught drama at The Phoenix, a charity providing workshops for young people, but was concentrating on her modelling career at the time of her death.

The 19-year-old, who is listed on the books of the Manchester-based modelling agency Nemesis Casting, reached the finals of the Miss British Isles contest last year.

On the Purestorm online modelling and photography forum, Ms Barnes is described as a semi-professional model who has done 'lots of promotions for celebrity clubs in Manchester, work for Hollyoaks, dancing, acting, modelling, promotions.'

Miss Barnes was a regular at nightclubs popular with millionaire football stars and had dated Blackburn Rovers striker Benni McCarthy. Police were called to her home in Farnworth, Bolton, on Saturday morning. An ambulance was summoned but doctors were unable to save her.

'Life and soul of the party': Amy Leigh's modelling career was taking off

Her mother, Karyn, 40, an established artist who also teaches art at a sixth form college, and stepfather John Killiner, 36, were last night being comforted by family members at their home nearby.

In a statement yesterday, her family said: 'We are absolutely distraught.

'Words cannot express the pain we are in. We loved our baby so much, she was our reason for living. She was the most beautiful princess.'

'We will not rest until justice has been done for our gorgeous daughter.'

Friends also spoke of their shock. One said: 'Amy Leigh was the life and soul of the party and she will be deeply missed.

'She was very popular and loved going out night after night. She knew loads of footballers and went on dates with them.

Moss Street in Farnworth, near Bolton, where police and forensic scientists are investigating Barnes's murder

'Although she knew lots of people, she never let it go to her head. It's tragedy her life has been so cruelly cut short.'

A tribute page on Facebook drew scores more comments yesterday. A friend posted: 'She was a bubbly gorgeous girl with her whole life ahead of her. She loved to sing and dance and made a room light up with her smile.'

On the Facebook tribute page, a post from former Hollyoaks actress Hannah Tointon read: "R.I.P. x".

Footballers also left comments on the social networking site. Oldham Athletic player Paul Black wrote "r.i.p. x", while West Bromwich Albion striker Ishmael Miller posted the message: "R.I.P. Amy Leigh."

Only last year Amy Leigh had spoken about her excitement at getting to the finals of UK Model of the Year competition.

Glamour Girl: Amy Leigh had several high profile assignments including work for Playboy, Cosmopolitan and Hollyoaks [Holly Oak]

'I have always modelled but I have never really entered any competitions before, and I didn't really think this would come to anything,' she told her local newspaper. 'It was just something I thought I would have a go at, and I am really pleased I have got through to the finals.

'I want to stick with modelling. I've been getting more and more work and my parents are behind me all the way.'

She had also worked on assignments for Playboy, Cosmopolitan and the TV series Hollyoaks.

The teenager was regularly seen partying, along with a group of close friends, with footballers at nightclubs in Bolton, Manchester and Blackburn.

'Beautiful princess': Young Amy Leigh smiles for the camera

Friends said she had dated Blackburn Rovers' £2.5million South African striker McCarthy, 30, and the pair had been photographed together on a night out.

Other footballer friends on her Facebook page include Fraizer Campbell, currently on loan to Tottenham Hotspur from Manchester United, Phil Jagielka, of Everton, and Leroy Lita, of Norwich City.

Amy Leigh had only recently moved to the house in Farnworth where she was killed. A neighbour said: 'She was obviously very, very pretty but we did not appreciate she was a magazine model.'


  1. Interesting, isnt it? Especially when KITSON name specified. Stuck up in felines' world:

  2. Rihanna fainted backstage while performing:

    Britney's kid Jayden passed out too, poor thing:

    Another Disney girl gets slutty:

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Remarkable how a "chance" crime of passion can involve so many themes and serve so many agendas.

    Aside from the big "butternives only" England of the future, the media push of interracial dating (note how they emphasize black male/white woman only) is, as the foul comment above shows, causing a predictable backlash among white males, causing more division in society.

    The pink skulls on undergarments trend is one I find deeply disturbing.

    I've noticed whenever I hear of anyone around here paasing, famous or not, they're myspace/facebook pages fills up with R.I.P's. Something about that becoming more and more of a trend (?substitute?) feels wrong too...

  5. "Wardrobe malfunction" how academic an expression for whorish look for attention&others:

  6. A dog called MARILYN (MONROE)...

    Hilton's Dog Was A Gift From Korea

    Paris Hilton's new Pomeranian, called Marilyn Monroe, was a gift she was given on the streets of Korea.

    The socialite was walking past a pet store when a man ran out with a pooch present.

    She says, "Some guy gave me her for free. He said, 'I really want to give you this dog. It would be an honour.'

    "So I said, 'Ok! Can I bring her back to America?'"

  7. KKK slaying initiation ritual:

  8. Heh, Tinkerbell... now Marilyn Monroe, triggers my memory of the South Park episode, all her dogs killing themselves (and BUTTERS [symbolic traumatized kid (by parents, Cartman etc); butterfly]), the 'stupid spoiled whores' etc. South Park has so much shit hidden in it, the Cartman robot one is worth checking out in regards to the movie industry + electroshocks etc.

    Celtic, agreed on all that. I'm keeping myself off Facebook no matter how much badgering I get, those R.I.P.'s seem so mechanical and meaningless... more division, society is being RIPped apart ;p

    Felt I had to remove that comment; anyone interested it was just a caveman-esque racist jab at the victim (and her relationship with black people), typical programmed response from the ever-growing numbers of conditioned BNP supporters/haters of all things non-white/non-'British'.

    As always, thanks so much for the links (and in other posts); with my current limited time I'm really glad stories like Britney's kid having a seizure, Rihanna's collapse, Richie's jewelry at KITson ;p (nice spots) and the rest are getting posted for people to see and make the connections themselves. Cheers. And on the 'Disney girl get's slutty', I was in the process of posting that because she's one of the CHEETAH Girls (big spotted cat; I had edited their 'Cinderella' video into the Leopards post a day after original posting), so this syncs so perfectly in with my posts over the past few weeks ;p

    Cheers for the very interesting KKK initiation story; the main dude's "alias" is 'Chuck' [like the CIA MKTV show"Chuck", "Chucky" insane psychopathic doll], I see a Sun mentioning in the link too; KKK K=11 (x3=33), members have always been MK'd, coming from inbred/multigenerational abuse families making them perfect targets.

    Thanks again all.

  9. Back to (Miley) Cyrus, dont forget the significance of this name and his ancient bearers, Persian kings. According to most of the historians, Cyrus means "sun", "shining like the sun", hence the symbolism.

  10. I bet those H&M initials mean completely smth else or they were done before:

    Stephen Baldwin Has Hannah Montana's Initials Tattooed On His Arm

    Miley Cyrus has been forced to hand actor Stephen Baldwin a guest appearance on her Disney TV show, after she dared him to have her initials tattooed on his arm - and he called her bluff.

    The teen star and the born-again Christian met last year at a function in Washington D.C. where Cyrus dared Baldwin to have the letters H and M - the initials of her character Hannah Montana - inked. In return she offered him a cameo on her show, reports

    When Baldwin turned up in Cyrus' Nashville, Tennessee hometown on Monday to promote his new book, the Cyrus family drove to the studio to confront the 42-year-old - and he showed off his tattoo.

    According to, Cyrus has agreed to keep her side of the bargain, and Baldwin will appear in a future episode of her show - thrilling his two teenage daughters, Alia, 15, and Hailey, 12, who are huge fans.

    And another one, carrying much symbolism as well. Remember little MADELINE MCCANN and the occultism around her? There we have again MADELINE, the sun and ADAM (the so-called 1st man).

    Sandler Welcomes Baby Daughter

    Big Daddy star Adam Sandler has become a father for the second time - his wife has given birth to a baby girl.

    The actor and wife Jackie welcomed Sunny Madeline into the world earlier this month - and the funnyman is over the moon at the latest addition to his family.

    A statement on Sandler's website says, "Jackie and Adam had a beautiful baby girl, Sunny Madeline, on November 2. Everyone is happy and healthy."

    The couple, who wed in 2003, already have a daughter, two-year-old Sadie.

  11. All the boys and girls want to 5u** me - Britney


  13. CATHERINE ZETA JONES has a "sunny" dress:


  15. Extremely NSFW(or home, really) but this is Lydia Hearst. Medieval weapons, the stripes, the zebra, riding attire that looks like bondage wear, zoophilia, snake necklace ...


  16. She was into the occult, clearly. Add me on Facebook, Marc Stinebaugh. Also my site is Here is where I found that her mother and even her were involved with psychic stuff.

    There was another link that claimed she "WAS A PSYCHIC"...hence occultist.


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