
Wednesday 1 October 2008

What am I: an actor, or a prostitute?

Madonna's new movie, they've got her directing now [probably awfully mind]! It's called Filth and Wisdom and is pretty standard in its themes (see wiki). Note the poster's symbolism, the mouth on its own (individual parts of the face [or missing] = compartmentalized mind symbolically because, of some of the reasons stated in this post [where they can only verbalize the alters as living in various individual parts of the face/compartments]).


  1. "Suicide" again:

  2. Check this out from Jessica Alba. I wonder if she hasnt got bored of these ADs or she cant object at all, as the mask says...

  3. Nasty ;s More tears and trauma from Alba made by that dude who did Rihanna's Disturbia video; added new images to the other ones in this post, cheers. That resonates cannibalism and everything else [masked personalities etc] too because of Hannibal ;s people actually think this campaign has good intentions which I find ludicrous.

    Cheers again, "It's obviously suicide," so it obviously isn't then! [always helps to make them appear depressed so less questions are asked once they've dealt with her ;s]

  4. Weird pic of Angelina and her brother here:

    Don't know if this might be relevant, but it sprung to mind after reading your excellent post.


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