
Tuesday 14 October 2008

Welcome to Wonderland

This movie, [Edit: deleted unnecessary intro on what's coming next in a sex-slave industry/MCM post, that won't be posted for probably like a week or so by the way] which I can't seem to find a poster (above trailer shows a lot of what I'm capping) for seemed pretty odd to me. I went through a lot of it thinking I was watching another kids film like Mirrormask (that movie contains many Wonderland/Looking Glass themes; title of this post Welcome to Wonderland [it's all about the mirrored M/W/3] comes from Phoebe in Wonderland, the spaced out teacher (Mrs Dodger; basically only talks in Alice in Wonderland [trigger] phrases) who says it to the kids on the checkerboard stage ), then Felicity Huffman comes out with an F-bomb ("You haven't read Wonderland... that's fucked up considering I'm your wife." paraphrased, other random ones such as calling a creepy kid a 'faggot', I find it interesting that the actual meaning of faggot means something similar to the fasces [i.e bundle of sticks bound together, learnt from movie; everyone should know what the fasces is and what it represents by now], calling the principle a "pricksiple"; all this language is spoken with the children present) and I had to scroll back just to be sure I heard it right... her character is a neglectful mother who is stressed and is writing a book called (just so we're left under no illusions about what perspective this movie is really coming from) "Precarious Enchantment, Wonderland and Perversion"... [previous Alice in Wonderland perversion at end of this link and in this one]

Roseland Ballroom [...sighs, click image for info]
Felicity Huffman is certainly an interesting actress; being one of the Desperate Housewives (loose Stepford Wives type vibe), in her latest movie "a sitcom about sexual abuse" [E&B quote click link to see Georgia Rule MK sexual abuse trauma suggestiveness] Georgia Rule, where she plays Lily Wilcox [Lily is a name often associated with MK victims, given many examples in the past], the mother of Lindsay Lohan's [also totally MK'd; going to start a post on her next after watching her Biography ^^] character who is abused by her stepfather [LiLo's actual father is an abusive scumbag himself], the film even ties in the Mormon church which is involved in MK and other nafarious activities too. Georgia Rule doesn't hide that it's subtext is intergenerational trauma based mind control as it's tagline is: "In this family, attitude doesn't skip a generation." [because it's past down from generation to generation] Again, you can pick apart all of Felicity's movie roles for MK hints; she plays a transsexual in Transamerica called Sabrina Osbourne (Oz). Her next film is called The Chameleon. Felicity plays the red queen in Phoebe's dissociation scenes (one image from those scenes shown below).

Above image from movie intro sequence, probably not a coincidence that her name appears with a close-up of a paper butterfly. CBS all seeing eye watching over her on the red carpet.

Probably more interesting than Felicity though is the 9 year old child actress who plays Phoebe called Elle Fanning (Dakota's sister). Her family are part of this ultraconservative church. She, like Dakota took her middle name Elle as her main one (Elle's first is Mary, and Dakota's is Hannah). Dakota has been in a crazy amount of symbolic/MK movies; I remember seeing her in Spielberg's Taken as Allison [Alice, alien/abduction programming; she plays an alien, Elle also featured in it as an (younger version Dakota's character) alien who can communicate with dolphins; similar alien/abduction programming as War of the Worlds]. Dakota is voicing the protagonist of Coralina, Neil Gaiman's latest movie who also did Mirrormask (+ loads of others) and contains the standard MK/Alice in Wonderland themes: "The story of a young girl who unlocks a mysterious door in her new home, and enters into an adventure in a parallel reality." which comes out at the end of this year. Dakota probably warrants a post of her own but I'll go into some of her movies here (it's relevant to Elle for obvious reasons) like this one, Trapped has split mind symbolism on its poster, she is kidnapped in that. In Hansel and Gretel [Brothers Grimm fairytale] she played Katia, and she appeared in Nine Lives [cat has '9 lives']. She voiced Lilo (nickname [alter?] for Lindsey Lohan) in the alien/abduction programming based Lilo and Stitch 2 dvd movie. Probably the most blatant of her films suggestive of Dakota's MK (and by proxy, Elle's too) is hounddog: "a dark story of abuse, violence and Elvis Presley [MK victim] adulation in the rural South [the Fannings are part of the Southern Baptist Convention, obviously infiltrated]. Fanning's parents have been criticized for allowing her to film a scene in which her character is raped." wiki link to that quote. Here's some more info on that from TIME on the 'Fanning Controversy'.

half face in shadow, the other in light.

A few more movie posters for Dakota's movies. 'In The Realms of the Unreal' seems to be about an MK'd artist, it is narrated by Dakota; 'Push' features a cyclone type effect on it's poster and is about people with "powers" hiding from the US Gov't.

In I am Sam [note chain/interlocking rings of the swing], she plays the daughter of a mentally retarded Sean Penn and I've already mentioned War of the Worlds.

In Hide and Seek (note fragmented title, split mind symbolism with half her body/face hidden in the doorway) there is blatant MK symbolism as Robert DeNiro's character eventually finds out he suffers from MPD [Charlie alter].

And finally she appeared in Tomcats ("The last man standing gets the kitty." obviously referring to sex-kitten alters, this was Dakota's very first film which should tell you something about her; Tomcats could also even be a reference to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' total MK'd relationship which is often morphed as Tomkat), and Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat (note MM Mike Myers one eye looking through the glass goldfish bowl) probably has all the standard themes.

Elle with the White Rabbit below (note the mushrooms etc), and white rabbit above + checkerboard on the rabbit in her spinning Alice dissociation tool table [explained better latter, also note The Joker card].

But back to Elle, she is often depicted with the standard MK symbols on her clothing and such, a few images below. In The Nines (basically the perfect film to use on MK'd Hollywood stars who often don't have a clue where they are half the time) she plays Noelle (the kid doing sign language in the car at the beginning), and has featured in Deja Vu, Charlotte's Webb, Day 73 With Sarah, Nutcracker: The Untold Story based on the fairy tale-ballet (MK implications pretty self evident). A few images I've compiled from her limited number of films to illustrate this [loads more in the Phoebe movie further down] and from her public appearances. The Southern Baptist Convention are controlled by Freemasons; Billy Graham's (infamous Southern Baptist minister) involvement in mind control is described in great detail in Illuminati Formula... it is pretty clear that the Fanning sisters are unfortunately both mind kontrol victims.

Note the #7 (+an inverted pentagram on the jersey if you look closely), the kids zebra trousers, and of course Elle's purple t-shirt with butterflies.

Elle on the left, Dakota on the right. Try not to get too freaked out by the following images... though I fear it's very difficult not to!

Elle as Marilyn Monroe [presidential model MK sex-slave] on the red carpet, also note the Knight.

They take a particular liking to blond hair, blue eyed girls, hence probably why these two were selected at a very early age from the Southern Baptist Convention's probably limitless supply of Monarch slaves.

Note the checkerboard on both (that pattern on Dakota on the left gives the illusion of a checkerboard anyway [click on it and look] MK is all largely about illusion so I still think it counts, black/white nonetheless)

Dakota as Alice and Elle as Little Bo Peep on the red carpet.

This one completely freaked me out; Elle with a near-life size (to a toddler/child) Barbie Doll :S.

So what follows is a long, probably over-the-top analysis of the film Phoebe in Wonderland.

The film's intro sequence features close-ups of Elle's/Pheobe's (will refer to her as Elle throughout) spinning tool for dissociation as it features every single theme contained in Alice in Wonderland on one circular spinning table, a compact 'Alice in Wonderland Shrine' is probably the best way of describing it accurately [you can imagine this type of thing being used in reality by programmers].

This is spinning in the intro; that's a screen cap showing the dissociative spiral (used in hypnosis etc) on the 'Alice in Wonderland table' (this is the reason why when she goes through trauma she dissociates seeing Alice in Wonderland imagery; MK victims are forced to watch whatever programming script they're on [Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Disney etc] over and over; in the movie this is portrayed as a natural result, rather than intentional programming; because her mom [Huffman] is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland too so it has always constantly been pushed into her consciousness, without malice as there is no malicious intent).

Note the magnifying glass which Elle uses and is the Looking Glass, the pink torch, various black/white patterns.

Bill Pullman is in various things such as Casper, the Serpent and the Rainbow and others (Malice too).

Spinning/spiralling round and round is a common theme in the film, as you'd expect in this MK Movie. [the baby is being spun round and the black/white stuff below (also note chess board) spins. MK (by the way, when I say that I just mean general mind control victims; not necessarily part of specific gov't Monarch/MK programs) victims are usually hypnotized (and other techniques) as babies.

This one gives the illusion of a black/white pyramid.

Another butterfly in her room (on the left, there are some more shown later in the film).

The door with checkerboard panels drawn on is opened, and the camera zooms into it (above one is the last image from intro sequence I've pictured).

Elle tries to get up the courage to join the school play.

This is supposed to represent a mirror I think, note purple hat on the mad hatter.

Felicity takes Elle to some ballet thing where she says to her: "She's changing, the swan is turning into a Princess." as she spins round and round a number of times [swan/sawn in half]. Which I guess is this one; there's a reason why all these ballets and such are pretty much solely based on fairy-tales. This leads Elle to do lots of spinning of her own afterward. She has OCD (has to wash her hands a specific number of times, repeating phrases she hears uncontrollably, spitting etc) and other symptoms suggestive of MK.

She often hallucinates seeing Alice (because it's so much in her mind, programmed in through that Alice in Wonderland shrine spinning table and her mother's obsession with it; so this is inevitably what she sees when she dissociates/hallucinates after some sort of emotional trigger [doesn't necessarily have to be a trauma, but the hallucinations later on, after her self-inflicted traumas are far more vivid]).

"Are you erm, pretending this is looking glass land? Looks a little like a chess board." Felicity says to Elle after she sees her stepping on specific squares in a ritualistic fashion (pointless ritual/activity often seen in MK victims), she is told by an odd looking mechanical child-actor (the one constantly berrated for being effeminate, described him being called a faggot earlier in the post) that in order to get the part she must "pray to God" or do something she hates. So she basically inflicts trauma on herself (her resulting leg injuries are pretty nasty because she does it for so long) which leads to more dissociation. They do more spinning here also.

Another butterfly collage thing on the door, and below we see her at the psychiatrist where an hourglass, some sort of egg and his bow-tie appears to be a checkerboard also (closeup not pictured). Also a very conscious use of the black/white theme going on in his room.

The two "spoiled brat archetypes" (black/white duality also), the white one with a butterfly on her t-shirt. They describe how they poked needles into the eyes of a doll earlier in the movie.

Nicely angled shot with all those bunnies on show (and on the other bedside table in the background), also note the butterflies on the light, black/white panda and tings. Huffman's playful biting of her arm can be considered MK suggestive of cannibalism.

Falling is a massive theme in this movie; the spaced out teacher (Mrs Dodger constantly says "jump" which is imprinted in Elle's mind as a trigger (for literal jumping rather than just a signal to get started; later on) because she says it so often that it becomes part of her hallucinations.

Elle inflicts various traumas on herself, the earlier, less painful ones (tapping her fingers/knuckles hard for a long time in a specific order, stepping on the right squares in a checkerboard and others) only resulted in small-scale hallucinations. But as the pain increases and she dissociates further from it, the hallucinations become much more vivid. She continually jumps up and down a staircase (accessing different compartment of the mind); she says "Stretch out your toes, remember who you are, don't get fired." This is the kind of pointless (not to their minds though) traumatic activity (metaphor for much more serious traumas) MK'd kids would undertake, mixing in lines from Alice in Wonderland for programming.

So when she finally falls hard onto the steps; she dissociates from the pain (you can tell that from the big smile on her face, which shifts instantly after falling) and hears voices in her head (a woman laughing). She goes through the front door (into the compartment of the brain that houses these memories of Alice) and this extremely vivid hallucination occurs.

She meets the Red Queen (played by Huffman; her mother in the film [not pictured, see her near the top of this post], in actual MK hallucinations/dissociative 'trips' the programmer's face is often seen on some of the characters of the programming script they've been forced to watch over and over [usually the White Rabbit is seen as the programmer in Alice in Wonderland programming]) and they run on the spot (pointless activity) while the camera spins around them and they speak nonsense. Note Monarch Butterfly below, that's her mum/Red Queen's hand sticking out before they start running on the spot.

She continues running with the red queen for a while before falling to the ground and waking up in reality (the switch is very sudden, she is excitedly talking to the red queen then suddenly she falls and she's back to reality looking dejected). Elle describes to her therapist what she talks to the Red Queen (who he thinks is just an imaginary friend) about: "Wonderland, how nice it is to have a place where things aren't so fixed. It's all the opposite there you know. Be nice if... it were the same here..." Watch this bit (just before) here.


Elle's sister in the movie is also strange as she dresses as Karl Marx ('illuminati' puppet) for Halloween, Elle naturally as Alice (in reality Elle's sister Dakota dressed as Alice, see image back up the page). When the kid complains that noone recognizes her, Felicity says: "It's esoteric sweetie."

There are loads of skulls, bones etc around the place being Halloween, and one random home owner (whom Elle uncontrollably calls "fat" over and over) had a butterfly costume on. Just before this Elle's dad in the film says, "Don't let the poppies put you to sleep." mistakenly thinking it comes from Wonderland, but Felicity corrects him saying "The poppies are in Oz". You have to go through the poppy field to get to the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz Programming script. Poppies are obviously a drug (primary ingredient of heroin/cocaine) used in programming (it's no coincidence that since the Afghan invasion poppy production has gone through the roof) to tranquilize Monarch slaves/put them in a trance-state.

The next dissociation/hallucination scene [humpty dumpty; shattered egg/mind symbolism essentially, also a self-destruct program, like a shattered mirror which can also trigger self-destruction] occurs after some emotional trauma; as she is kicked out of the Alice in Wonderland theatrical play for spitting [spitting/splitting, when you are spat on it can make you go absolutely nuts; probably because it has some sort primal ejaculation subconscious resonance or something (in terms of someone elses body fluid being propelled at you)] at a classmate after being accused of murdering the class pet (beloved pets are often killed as part of trauma, often made to do it themselves; heightening the traumatic effect). These hallucinations always happen (in this movie) after some type of emotional or physical trauma as I've said, this is because the more trauma she undergoes (in the programming in reality; the movie portrays this trauma based programming metaphorically) the more she dissociates from it, the more vivid the hallucinations become.

"I think about Alice falling, I look down and I get scared." [says this as she's sitting on the catwalk (below) to Mrs Dodger] Alice falling = falling deeper into a trance. Elle says this to her drama teacher on a catwalk [called the same as what models walk on], which naturally you get to by climbing a spiral staircase. After this scene, Elle's sister describes how battery chickens are "hung upside down and electrocuted, but only a little so they can usually still feel it when they get their throats cut, but often the knife misses so they're still alive for the last part when they get dropped in boiling water" (obvious reference to electroshock and other methods involved in MK programming, this is spoken by the kid who wore that Karl Marx Kostume earlier).

The next dissociation scene occurs after some more trauma; heightened by the fact that she was ecstatic (being allowed back in the play after being banned) just before the emotional trauma of her father telling her that "Are you sure your mother could handle another one of you?", this was because he had got frustrated over her constantly jumping around and spinning, excited that she had just been let back into the play. This type of thing is seen in actual program (easily suggestible when in a confused state; one minute they're praised, the next they're berated for no reason). She runs out and steps on the cracks forcefully (trauma), those white squares with small black squares at an angle in the centre pattern seems to be symbolic to me (below). Again (like the first Red Queen dissociation scene), she exits through the front door and hallucinates....

...This one has a particularly twisted feel to it (the Wonderland characters smoking Hookah, probably something else mind) as the music becomes quite sinister and the camera is shakey/disorientated (as usual the characters she hallucinates from Wonderland have the faces of people from her actual life, such as the therapist is humpty dumpty in this scene [note the egg in his office further up], her mom is the red queen as before, and the principle is the mad hatter), the Wonderland characters are not nice to her and downright hostile, only saying lines from the book; which is in contrast to her previous hallucinations where they were pretty much all on her side trying to help.

They do not help and dismiss her away and she wakes up in the morning to her father's apology. Because this hallucination was not pleasant, she can no longer act properly, she becomes monotone and disinterested... the odd boy (who chose to play the Queen of Hearts and is teased) tells her to "stop it" (acting so poorly), then she screams "fag!" at him, runs up the spiral staircase, then a ladder which she sits atop and we have another hallucination/dissociation scene (dissociating from the emotional trauma of the scenario she ran away from, again the hallucinations are getting ever more detailed).

With the trigger phrase "jump" instilled in her mind through the drama teacher (Mrs Dodger) using it constantly as a signal to 'go'; she says just before the above drop, "Yes, I'm ready..." she jumps then you hear her land on the floor and we have another hallucination scene, this time completely messed up because of the heightened (literally) trauma and thus her level of dissociation was greater.

Note the reversed/mirrored/upside down image, and the distortion. She is read what she is accused of then suddenly she's in the principles office (where this dissociative hallucination continues, this time seen as a reflection in his mirror/reflective sphere, and then off other reflections in his office).

Note opaque disembodied head statue + grey (bowler?) hat.

As well as the Escher-esque reflecting sphere [note the use of it in MK Movie Labyrinth is mentioned, and also the Indonesian Shadow Puppets (MK is largely about illusion)], you've got the bull, chalice and such things too.

They keep saying standard lines from Alice in Wonderland such as "Off with your head!" "Consider your verdict", and lines from her actual life like "I'm so ashamed" and "Jump", showing how reality and fantasy are confused which leads people to do crazyass things (under MK, this is 100% controlled) like jumping from a large height (in programming this can and is obviously employed intentionally) that can only result in pain and trauma. Other lines from fairytales and things like that are mentioned by Elle too like lines from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (nursery ryhme described in Illuminati Formula as being used) and others, which she uncontrollably repeats (blamed on her OCD/tourrette's; more on this further down).

She tells the principle that "The Red Queen was just saying what Mrs Dodger always says... jump!" [Dodger is the one who I've said keeps saying 'jump'] when asked if she jumped or if she fell, the principle blames Dodger and then we have 3 quick-fire reflections from the royal court each saying "guilty!". Dodger [perhaps a reference to the LA Dodgers who are known to be involved in trauma based mind control] gets fired, and they get on with rehearsing the play on their own.

At another ballet performance, Elle gets anxious when the ballerina won't wake up, she repeats over and over uncontrollably, "wake up! wake up. wake up. wake up!" and Felicity assures her that there's nothing to fear because "She has a spell on her." Remember impressionable young children being programmed would not view such info with an adult's sceptical mind so to actually "cast a spell" over the child would be all the easier, i.e. putting them in trance/hypnotic states. This is exactly the kind of thing (taking the child to a fairytale ballet type thing) that occurs during the programming of young children as well as that kind of phrase spoken by the programmer/handler taking them, in order re-enforce what's going on in the child's mind in terms of what she's seeing.

After this scene, her OCD is described by Felicity saying: "Around Phoebe's age they can't control it... some obsess over ritual... and I guess some times it can be hard to see at first because if they concentrate very hard on something it goes away for a while, like being in a play; pretending to be someone else.... And her fantasy; Wonderland, that's just Phoebe wanting to be somewhere else", they conclude she has a form of tourettes; but Elle describes it at the end as such: "It's a voice in your head, that tells you to do the opposite of what you're supposed to do..." which is a speech she gives to the class then someone asks her "is it aids?" [aids was created by the CIA and there has been an antidote since it's creation which has been routinely given to Monarch slaves since the 60s/70s] to link/synch it back to the AIDS benefit Wonderland thing near the top of this post.

There is one final dissociative hallucination before the end of the film; as she climbs the now chained spiral staircase, back up to the catwalk where Mrs Dodger is waiting for her (in her mind anyway), she steps aside revealing the real Alice in Wonderland (the one she keeps hallucinating shown in various other images further up). So we have Elle on one side of the catwalk and Alice on the other, note all those Luciferian points of light; then Dodger and Elle run on the spot before disappearing into more Luciferian light, leading Elle to give the final MK suggestive lines (quoted below) in her performance as Alice.

Caterpillar: Who are you?
Alice: I hardly know sir, right now. At least I knew who I was when I woke up this morning, but I think I must have changed many times since then.
Caterpillar: Explain yourself!
Alice: I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly, or I can't understand it myself to begin with, and being so many different sizes in a day, it is very confusing.
Caterpillar: It isn't.
Alice: Well, perhaps you havn't found it so yet but when you have to turn into a crystalous [? coccoon it means I guess; perhaps a reference to early alters who are dehumanized into thinking they are gems or crystals], you will some day you know and then into a beautiful butterfly, I think you'll feel a little odd.
Caterpillar: Not a bit.
Alice: You're feelings maybe different. All I know is, it would feel very strange to me.
Caterpillar: You, who are you?

Then the film ends.

All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely puppets, performing on a Freemasonic Checkerboard that covers the entire World Stage and always has, but the masses only ever look straight ahead focused solely on what's next in their hectic/self-occupied lives, and will never take the time to reflect, look down (and I mean down literally as well as metaphorically [seeing the metaphorical Masonic checkerboard], all the way down to the horrors of society) and see the world for what it truly is. Thoroughly excellent interview on Red Ice with Paul Levy that goes into this theme that's worth checking out.

Daniel Barnz is the director, his next film also has MK suggestions as it's about a cop infiltrating a motorcycle gang as "Billy St. John", 'the truth of his identity becomes blurry, even to himself'. This recent stepping up of Alice in Wonderland related stuff coming out can't be coincidental [building up to Disney's main one no doubt filled with triggers etc], even Sesame Street has got in on the act lately!


  1. phoebe means shining/radiant in greek

  2. Very Interesting note about lilies and roses. Lilies having six petals symbolic of the Hexagram representing the kabbalistic macrocosmic world. The highest up is the deepest into the unconscious. Sitting on the clouds before tumbling down into the unconscious/archetypal world of symbolic tarot/playing cards. Roses as many know represents desire. The desire of the magician to control that inner unreal worlds of the MK programming. Unfortunately those worlds are very real and have an effect on the unknowing. The EL symbolism reminds me of the ancient name for Saturn (color black) (Lord of The Rings) the planet of limitations, law (rules) and hinderance which is what this MK programming is meant to do. Much like the wall humpty dumpty sits on as a warning. Not to mention that the egg and rabbits go back to fertility goddess worship with the spiraling staircase/DNA genetic boodline connection. Last note, the checkerboard fairy circle reminds me of the 19 tarot card (Resh) with a boy and girl holding hands meaning head or face. Countenance comes from a Latin word meaning, "to hold together, to contain" hence EL and gret EL. Contain the prgramming maybe,especially if the MK victim had a HEAD programmer, organizer, director, guiding power or controller. You be the Judge. I am just glad their are others out there who understand this stuff.

  3. Another great one Benjamin! best wishes as always-Devin


  5. Wow, thank you for another great post! I almost watched this movie the other day but then I decided not to and well, I´m kinda glad now because reading this was creepy enough. This sentence scares me:
    "Around Phoebe's age they can't control it... some obsess over ritual..."
    because when I was a kid I was so extreme, at 6 me and my friends listened to the swan lake ballet and told ourselves that Robin Hood had died and it was his funeral and we acted like mourners and stuff. And that is just a tiny example of my childhood. I was also blonde and blue eyed and always stuck in some fairytale - I still am - and then at 10 I got very involved in the occult (got out of it by my self at around 16 I just saw through it basically). Thankfully no-one else in my family is like that so they just thought I was weird and didn´t comment on it much, but if I´d lived with programmers I´d have been a perfect subject... The only reason I know so much about MK and monarch and such things now is because of you and celtic rebel :) I had been into david icke and texe marrs way sooner but in september of this year I got so obsessed with your blog and I´ve almost read it all by now, as well as the illuminati formula (and some other stuff as well) frankly I´m quite scared of it all, I had been seeing some of these things too but I thought it was all me and my crasy thinking putting symbolism everywhere. Like in my favorite online paper, the daily mail ;) I´m so glad that you are out there being so creative, seeing these things and speaking about them. It is a great service and you can be proud because eventually you will be proven right. May God bless you always :)

    your friend and fan in ICELAND


  6. oh and I can´t wait for the next MCM post as talked about in the beginning of this one!

  7. i believe you are horribly wrong with this move and the topic of alice in wonderland. the butterflies refer to the catapiller in the book which turns in to a butterfly, and poppies are certainly not drug, they can be used for cooking, and you can grow them. why would they sell poppy flowers if they're drug. they would be illegal like weed. you have some point with the movie but your a little off sweetie. ive studied alice in wonderland for years and know the book, its meaning and every little symbolic action to know this movie well enough. even though they are to every different films

  8. Aramis, If you've only been studying mainstream literature on Alice and reading it from a naive perspective (I'm sure you've become very attached to it over the years as a wonderful piece of literature which contains no subversive/sexual/negative symbolism) then of course you'll take that view, however it is clear that Lewis Carroll was a pedophile; the themes of dissociation (following the white rabbit [programmer/abuser] down a rabbit hole [tumbling/trauma] down to Wonderland [dissociation] and all the nonsense/confusion that exists in that world [altered states/drugs are heavily symbolized and many other things]) then this stuff is really self evident (the 'butterfly' motif doesn't just symbolize that one scene, it's multifaceted).

    I am fully aware of the caterpillar changing to a butterfly scene from the book, that is mind control/child abuse symbolic in itself as the child's mind is 'transformed' by the programmer (which is why I go on about the butterfly symbolism; in the book an abuser is symbolized by the phallic shaped caterpillar messing with Alice's head some more, as most of them do) through the trauma/dissociation. The ugly, phallic caterpillar which is eventually turned in to a 'beautiful butterfly' is the final result of the meticulous programming of the child (gone into this in more detail in previous posts). And going into Monarch (name originated from the Monarch butterfly) mind control (gov't trauma-based mind control project creating programmed multiples to be used as willing sex-slaves and the like) symbolism is very much connected to the butterfly motif which I've gone into in more detail countless times.

    Mainstream analysis of this type of (caterpillar to butterfly) symbolism here: "The Caterpillar also may represent the threat of sexuality [sexual abuse/trauma leading to dissociation/Wonderland], as suggested by its phallic shape. Alice recognizes this threat when she calls attention to the Caterpillar's impending bodily transformation, since caterpillars reach sexual maturity in butterfly form. Though she seeks guidance and compassion from the Caterpillar, she finds only further self doubt under its brusque scrutiny. Regardless, she defers to the Caterpillar's authority, just as she did with the White Rabbit in the previous chapter [both symbolic programmers/child abusers; the naive/innocent Alice submitting to their authority as they are more "responsible" adult figures, trusting them implicitly]. Alice's confusion peaks when the Caterpillar seems to be able to read her thoughts, answering her unspoken question “just as if she had asked it aloud.” Her identity is so confused now that her thoughts no longer seem to be her own. Alice has trouble reciting the poem “Father William” and finds that her inability to remember things she knows well shows the effects of Wonderland on her brain." A good analysis which also shows the total confusion/loss of identity associated with programming in Alice in Wonderland, caused largely by the dissociation resulting from the trauma.

    And on the poppies you mentioned, I thought it would have been obvious that I was referring to the Opium poppy, in the other main dissociation symbolic tale 'Wizard of Oz' (which this film invokes with the line I quoted in the post): "In the novel, while on their way to the Emerald City, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion walk through a field of poppies, and both Dorothy and the Lion MYSTERIOUSLY FALL ASLEEP, AS IF FROM THE OPIUM OF POPPIES.". You may want to take a look at my post on Disney's use of Alice dissociation themes where I covered Lewis Carroll's relationship with Alice Liddell and other stuff. Anyway, I hope this response helps clear up a few things for you.


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