
Thursday 16 October 2008

Programmed ObaMadness

Obviously all this is attempting to piss off that one lone Republican gun-nut who will take these insane views about Obama and act on them, failing that they could just trigger an MK slave to do the deed. I'm obviously no fan of Barack Obama who is to me just as controlled by the same entities as John McCain all working for the same agenda [though the 'elite' are genetically racist + various other motives for assassination]. "I believe Palin is filled by the Holy Spirit." lmao, she's certainly been filled by many things over the years! [apologiez for that]

More evidence of McCain's programmed existence here. John McCain 4.0 indeed. His regurgitated speeches, that sound exactly the same even in tone are played about half way through the video.

Couple of Colbert ones pertaining to this theme, One Eyed Palin above, "Not the same John McCain" below [have not watched these videos in full, but above note the rabbit and such]. More on McCain and such here, he represents AriZOna in the senate. Palin was undoubtedly in part programmed at her ultra-religious church, the Wasilla Assembly of God, more info on it here.

[P.S. may be a lot slower replying to comments, might reply to the odd one timely if I feel I've got something relevant to say, but I'm busier these days at Uni and such so apologiez if it takes like a week or so for me to reply]


  1. The Arizona-Alaska thing has me thinking - the AA, both states on the borders, one mostly desert the other mostly tundra. Aha! Good place for underground bases.

    Check out 'McCains Oven Ready Chips'


  2. What happened today in DETROIT:

    Ben, I did as u said and posted links on the thread u asked us to, Hope u have to time to threw an eye on it. I still see ppl who post randomly and I dont know whatta do: keep posting on that thread or on the most recent one. Thank u.

  3. Hehe, nice thinking aferris as usual. I used to love McCain "micro chips", like 2 minutes in the microwave awesome. Some humorous synch as to how McCain is controlled (through microwaves + implanted microchip ^^)?

    Anony, yeah probably should have said, just post wherever now, those links you provided really are excellent. And re-looking at some of them (assuming the last few ones are yours), the tour JJ's postponing due to messed up programming has the word Witch in it (Rock Witchu) + u=21=7+7+7. That Aubrey O'day link is mind blowing, the band she just kicked out of just did a signing for "DOLLHOUSE Teen which is for 13, 14-year-old young girls"... From her wiki page, loads more MK stuff as you point out (her 'alter ego', "party girl side", is called Auberella) At age 6 "she was at a performance of The Nutcracker [just went into that one very briefly in my Welcome to Wonderland post] and 'started to cry'" [sounds like the girl watching another ballet in WTW like I say in it, taking kids to these fairy-tale ballets is part of programming] Also as you point out her barcode tattoo, playing Dorothy etc all obvious MK synchs, nice work. N'Sync/BackstreetBoys "manager" (handler) says of her: "There's something about her eyes - she's almost hypnotic." And finishing on the Dollhouse, (mentioned that theme a lot in previous posts) Danity Kane's latest album is Welcome to the Dollhouse! Nice catch on Mariah and the rest too (but again iono for sure if they're all from you, apologiez if I credit wrong :). That Detroit shooting doesn't look like MK to me but who knows, could be, we'll see if more info comes out suggesting that.

    Thanks muchly and keep em coming, you (and the other commenters) always provide amazing info I haven't heard of; and just post them wherever now, should have said that was only for a few days.

  4. Always welcome, Ben, yes, most posts there too are mine. I do suspect MK in the DETROIT, at least to me its clear.... Hidden in the face u can say...

  5. Check out another one of the countless MK child victims, an actress I like, little ABIGAIL BRESLIN. Father - loud and clear - computer PROGRAMMER and consultant. JON BENET's father was same as far as I remember...

  6., together with WILLOW SMITH zebra-ed. - STAR hangin at her neck...

  7. Great work again Ben-you have an amazingly insightful mind and the fact that you are only 20 stuns me. I had to chime in here in regards to the Obama/Palin comments and being filled with the "holy" spirit! As a friend I have at my favorite discussion blog says "When the Iranians call us the "Great Satan"-if they only knew hehehe! Best Wishes-Devin


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