
Tuesday 28 October 2008

Pieces of Britney: Part 2: I'm a Slave...

Note the word stronger is disorientating (fuzzy multiple images, like it's being spun)

Jumping straight back into the video that followed Lucky; 'Stronger' [another MM creation; as the majority have been so far], I've included the single cover because of the zebra, black/white shirt she wears on it. 'Stronger' is probably a Nietzche reference these programmers are so obsessed with (and thus their victims), as her 'boyfriend' is seen at the start with another woman (she stops time, making them all essentially mannequins [more on that in the latest CSI write-up coming] for a short period). But what is probably most symbolic, is what is absent as the original featured: "during the beginning of the bridge, when Spears sings stronger than yesterday..., she is seen standing on the edge of the back of the silver prop chair as it spins."... now why would they cut that spinning scene I wonder. The silver/metallic chair is an Emeco 1006 chair apparently, designed specifically for the Navy [built in occult ritualistic fashion with 77 specific steps; built as part of the blood-sacrifice ritual en-masse called World War 2 (W23 M13 as I've said in the past; one of many reasons why they're so obsessed with it)], this type of chair also featured in Janet Jackson's videos according to wiki. Joseph Kahn, directed this video (I don't think he's a handler, those he's obviously 'handled' many MK victims in the hundreds of them he has directed) and has the "famous chair" in his house which he showed off to Cribs; he is set to make Neuromancer into a movie...
All the models/actors (pretty interchangeable tbh) are frozen like mannequins at Britney's behest, she storms off and drives into the night. That circular platform rotates/spins, in the centre of that platform is the DJ, so in the centre of that platform are more spinning circles! Lots of circles within circles, and spinning contained in this video.
There's that military reflective chair + reflective ground [this kind of all black/all white room is used in programming (obviously helps dissociation, going out of body, etc, as their are no reference points for your mind to register... it looks like it goes on forever); see the interrogation room in Own Worst Enemy, Matrix etc; obviously these types of rooms exist in reality and are used in programming].

LUCKY (see further down) being electroshocked.

Lightning flashes constantly (electroshock) as she drives towards the bridge (more half face illumination; she looks pretty tranced here). Note reflection that is focused on below (clearer reflection, but I wanted to cap the lightning at same time), the camera encircles the mirror (vertically), finishing on her reflection again.
Her programming is coming along nicely by this point! ;p [I think they've given her the illusion of freedom or something by this point] As, in Hit Me Baby One More Time she says, "My loneliness is killing me" in Stronger, "My loneliness isn't killing me anymore." Remember none of these are written by her (specifically both of those are written by Max Martin), they are written for her to go along with her programming [as well as having an effect on the masses].

The chair transforms into a phallic cane, with her legs spread naturally. Which she slams on the ground, then the below thing occurs.

Stargate? (the circle rotates like the stargate machine in First Contact) I'm sure Britney has taken plenty of trips to 'Kosmic Konsciousness' lmao [note twin yellow lines she walks on symbolizing the yellow brick road, and the bridge it is on serves various symbolic purposes (bridging the personalities required in healing; and the lack-there-of in MK victims. Bridges can symbolize change ((in this case her various alter-personalities)), and stability ((of the system)))].

The bridge can also represent the phallus, "which 'bridges the gap' between male and female sexual 'partners'". Quote from this good link with more on bridge symbolism.

Click below image to see the license plate LUCKY (the Marilyn Monroesque/Judy Garland alter from the Lucky video obviously), there are clearer frames but this was the clearest one I could cap. The video is well worth watching.

More Britney (up a tree as a cat) as the Sun symbolism (sun worship/ritual sun goddess like many other stars).
This video was then followed by 'Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know', the video basically soft-core porn showing her doing erotic poses and such (up a tree, like a cat) so there isn't much to show here. That's not to say it isn't very significant, because it is; the 'boyfriend' (symbolic handler) has an extremely distinctive tattoo that is prominently displayed in the frame throughout most of the video showing it's significance. The tattoo (used to mark property; he is a mind controlled French supermodel/MCM so this type of branding is expected) is of a generic horned head (simplified; the head part is just a simple shape), symbolizing 'Satan', Baphomet etc.

Quick interlude, split mind symbolism (note the reflection in the eye too) on the second book that 'Britney wrote with her mom' called 'a mother's gift' (they wrote another one a year before that called Heart to Heart) around the time that these videos were being produced (2000-2001). The story is about a girl with nothing, from a small town who makes it big, this is fiction of course, but it cements the delusion that this is what actually happened to Britney (rather than the true horrors of what really happened in her rise).

The next video is of course VERY interesting; the song itself 'I'm a Slave 4 U', as previously mentioned was created by The Neptunes, originally for Janet Jackson. Another slave, but she apparently turned it down (probably not what happened) due to it's raunchy nature and whatnot. Obviously the song refers to her enslavement (through trauma-based mind control; the lyrics directed at her handler as usual), here are the lyrics which I won't analyze because they're just so damn obvious in it's underage suggestiveness ("I know I may be young" etc) and her controlled existence. The video is set in a run-down futuristic city (apparently in Asia), in some kind of sauna where MK victims hypnotically amble around for no apparent reason; this was choreographed by the Oztralian dancer Wade Robson [programmed in the womb with Michael Jackson's Thriller ;p].

Something about this video always intrigued me; growing up as an over-stimulated teenager I always looked forward to Britney, Mariah, Christina etc.'s new videos (and not for the music). Since then though I obviously know my years of ogling these 'illuminati goddesses/slaves' probably wasn't very healthy from what I've learned over the last few years.

More Britney the Sun Goddess. Note dilapidated city (the future).

Naturally it features a bevvy of mind controlled models/actors (ask any model in LA or wherever what they do and it's usually "model stroke actress") dressed in symbolic clothing and whatnot. These spaced-out models are apparently stuck in this sauna type thing (you can imagine how these types of places, steam-rooms in particular can be used in trauma programming) with no water. Note the male model's checkerboard shoes.

These models continue to walk aimlessly, in a trance (when they're not writhing around together, panting and moaning in an erotic trance) throughout the video. The narrow corridor they walk through is extremely fractured (in terms of the walls/ceiling, note the light).

She continues walking through this corridor, before arriving at a room where the models are hypnotically dancing away, which she naturally joins in with them [dancing alter, symbolized by change of clothes + pink crotch...].

Grid pattern, the bottles (eminating light; Britney in darkness) probably symbolizing where the alters are housed in the internal system [on paper portrayed as the grid; the grid here is 6x9 [13x13 is the standard] (6/9 number rotation/spin; 6x9=54, 5+4=9)].

A few mirror scenes are present of course.

The DJ is also MK'd as he is marked by a red rose tattoo (he is also probably handling the MCMs currently dancing).

Britney's infamous erotic panting scenes.

The MCMs are so dissociated that they even give eachother their sweat to drink at one point (more sexual allusions; sharing body fluids); note the subtle dolls head to the right, I think it's the model's cufflink or something.
There's more to that video and I'm sure my analysis has missed things out (they use a lighter on a smoke-detector and this results in it raining outside..., BS is picked up [all the hands touching her all over] by the MCMs in crowd-surfing fashion. Worth watching. Her next video came in 2002, for the song 'Overprotected' (images from end of Part 1), another MM Max Martin creation (Rami is usually also involved with MM's Britney songs). Again the lyrics are suggestive of her MK, humorously understating her controlled existence: "I can't help the way I feel, But my life has been so overprotected." 'Protected' is obviously not the right word, overall it's about her accepting who she really is or something like that.
The very first scene is her opening the blue door, to the awaiting frenzied paparazzi; the singular of paparazzi is paparazzo [OZ] which I do not view as coincidence at all, they serve a specific purpose in the global Mind Kontrolled celebrity circuit.

Below is what it looks like on the inside, it says STAGE DOOR, but it isn't (just looks like a regular Freemasonic checkerboard floor in a corridor; the blue is more freemasonry [more blue later]). She then drives to one of those big stage warehouse things [a la Inland Empire where these are used (obviously as they are each essentially individual fantasy worlds in each warehouse used for different programming scripts and many other ways; many actors you see in movies who give memorable performances are likely MK'd, performing in post-hypnotic trances; sometimes the emotions look so real because they absolutely are, with the actor truly experiencing what we're watching on the screen) on the Hollywood slave played by Laura Dern]

So she drives from one stage door, to another one of those sound-stage Hollywood warehouse things; it is apparently #33 (with 34 opposite pictured and the guy in the 33 t-shirt below is shown on the roof of it when she first enters the warehouse), this is all an extremely conscious use of Freemasonic symbolism.

The actual song starts just as she enters the warehouse as she talks: "I need space... I need time... I need me..." hypnotic 'time and space' type phrase pulling the viewer into the right suggestible brain-state.

She sits on various psychiatrist type chairs, wearing sunglasses (can't see clearly; you [your eyes] are in the dark) and these are zoomed in on.

Note 33, l-k-m.

Note the box/chest with the number 17 [both 17 and 33 feature... hmm] written on it (look closely, bottom left of it). Boxes created in the internal system; in Illuminati Formula it is specifically noted that cedar (remember 'cedar springs' from her Broken Heart video?) chests are used in programming children.

Another psychiatry type chair, note the blue light bulb and the numerology ([2 out of shot]13, 214=7)

One of them is a LIZARD ^&^.

She sits on the horse from a carousel in the warehouse. Carousels are a big MK theme (internal system, spinning etc); go into it here. Check out all the MK'd Hollywood stars at the Carousel of Hope and the Jonas Brothers at it.

And here we have the room symbolising the confused state she exists in; as the walls close in on her (above) and open up (below), all the images of herself symbolizing the multiple personalities of Britney. Obviously the checkerboard floor (notice that here it is a diamond checkerboard floor and in the blue STAGE DOOR corridor it is a straight one) showing who is responsible for the media (who controls it?) circus (hence the headlines/titles 'double platinum', 'Britney Mania!' etc) that spirals around her constantly.

I'm skipping the next few videos (Darkchild remix of above song, and 'I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman'), not that there isn't anything in them but I need to skip some or else I'll never finish. These songs came out around the time of the release of her movie Crossroads, a few years later she would spend time in Eric Clapton Crossroads Centre in Antigua for "rehab" [Freeman goes into this somewhat here]. I'd like to write-up that movie at some point but here is the DVD cover; it is about three girls from Georgia (go into that bible-belt area a bit in this post) called Lucy (Britney Spears), Mimi (Taryn Manning), and Kit (Zoë Saldaña) who try to make it big in the music industry (Mimi was raped). Note Mimi's butterfly... remember she was raped [must do that Mariah Carey/Mimi post at some point].

Continuing this break from the videos, remember Mimi was raped and she has a butterfly on her green top; here's an extract from Illuminati Formula that might shed some light on why this is the case:
One of the "appropriate" tortures is to place a bar between a little girl’s legs, which spreads the girl’s loins for rape. Then the bent spread legs are flapped, while the victim is specifically told she is a "Monarch butterfly". Many victims have created butterflies in their minds while being raped. The programmers may tell some of their victims that out of caterpillar-worms come beautiful butterflies. While raping the child, the Programmers will describe their sperm fluid as "honey comb", and will cry out "hallelujah" when they come. It doesn’t take long for the child to realize it has no ability to resist what is being done to it. The will of the child victim is destroyed, and in its place remains a pliable slave.
The painful rape of a child with its legs held in a butterfly configuration is used to get butterfly alters.
Now obviously the natural response from the masses would be to recoil in horror at the very thought of this kind of thing occurring; never mind being commonly practised by programmers around the world. No, this is all just obviously in our sick little perversely paranoid minds [/sarcasm, but undoubtedly the attitude to all this stuff from a brainwashed sheeple]. Speaking of butterflies, like Paris she also has a butterfly tattoo except on her left foot, and she has a fairy on her back (below, there aren't really any good images of the butterfly tattoo, feel free to send one my way and I'll add it), a black/white/pink cross, Hebrew for 'strange', a small daisy (gone into in the past) on her right foot and various others [pink dice probably has something to do with access codes to her internal system]. Here's a good link describing her tattoos and one for the images here.

And I'd like to finish this part (come back with the third and final part in a few days), by pasting what transpired at her tour around this period (2001-2002), the Dream within a Dream tour. This could not be more blatant in what it is really about, it even has Angelina Jolie's father (who I mentioned in that link) Jon Voight [how Fing random is that?! this guy surely is dodgy :S]: "telling a bed time story to his young daughter about a magical ballerina who lived in a music box. Britney rose through a giant box in the middle of stage, dressed as a ballerina. She tore off her tutu and donned a bathrobe to perform "Lucky" and "Sometimes"."... That isn't even the worst of it though as: "The stage set for the tour was a unique key-shaped structure...The show began with a woman, dressed in a white nightgown, running across the stage with a lantern. A video of sleeping Britney appeared. Trapped in a bubble, she awoke [the bubble goes into Britney's eye]. She declared that she was "trapped in a dream within a dream" before being sucked into a sea of flames"

You can see the intro sequence above; the scarey gold fairy says, "Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, that you could no longer between the real world and the dream world?.... Which world are you in now?"....

And here's the Jon Voight bedtime story scene + ballerina music box (I'd shown this type of ballerina music box in my General's Daughter post and a bit on ballerinas here and elsewhere), it all feels very sad (listen to "her" lyrics; almost brings me to tears actually, poor girl; and the one who sits on Jon Voight's knee with [I think] butterflies on her pyjamas :'(). Back with final Part 3 in a few, comments with more enlighted analysis of the imagery are welcomed. Like last time, here's a couple of preview images from Part 3.


  1. "One of the "appropriate" tortures..."

    O..MY..GOD...this gave me a sour sensation in the pineal gland area =(

    I had a few things to comment on re: Britney's videos, things i had noticed to reinforce everything you had said (not that it needs it), but that paragraph seriously freaked me the fuck out.

  2. Judy Garland and her sisters performing in the 1920's. Notice their outfits (As above, so below)and the floor

    This stuff goes back pretty far.

  3. paris hilton at the TWIN TOWERS [boaz/jachin] medical facility last year. you can't make this stuff up


  5. And another one:

    note: rapper's sunglasses @ 2:29

  6. Great links and info all. Last anony, perhaps you could leave some kind of info ['check out xxxxxx's video' or something, just the name of the performer would be sufficient then I can google] with your links as that youtube link is unavailable in my country apparently, so I have no way of knowing what that video was supposed to be so I can't find an alternative one elsewhere online. You certainly are quick off the ball ;p that was only just posted to dlisted. Be putting some of these new MK videos (leave me a comment with what the first one was supposed to be plz) in a post.

    Cheers all.

  7. Ah, just watched Lady Ga Ga's new one, am I correct in assuming it was that one? ;P Very blatant, I assume it's that cos it's new. Post them in a day or two.

  8. Hi Ben. I'm last anony. I posted the Hilary Duff one (from dlisted) but duly noted for future reference.

    "(leave me a comment with what the first one was supposed to be plz) in a post."

    ^^This wasn't me but it's a video of Mariah Carey's "Honey"


  9. Cool, thanks for clearing that up. This is why I prefer people to leave some kind of identifying mark ;p (a name, signature or whatever) I wonder why sonybmg doesn't allow other countries to view, universal does. Yeah, to the poster who linked to MC's Honey, good one; I plan on covering all of Mariah's videos in a bigger MC post (possibly similar to these Britney ones), I have her latest tour on DVD where she performs on a checkerboard, with butterfly imagery everywhere and whatnot (her new video is interesting too, focusing on her butterfly perfume and her as a showgirl w/ infinity mirror and stuff).

    Cheers again all.

  10. Speaking of fairies (brit's tatt) and perfume (mariah), here's Paris Hilton's latest called...take a wild guess...

    Fairy Dust.

    This is a previous perfume of hers
    note: optical illusion stripey bottle


  11. What a joke! Father (himself controlled) controls her!

  12. BRILLIANT posts on Britney Ben, love reading it. In the Slave 4U video and song she says what sounds like 'kitty kitty' which is again the cat programming...this blows my mind all this stuff, no idea it was so prevalent.

  13. The sauna with the wooden walls reminded me of "CK Jeans banned ads."

    Just spotted Bijou Phillips at 2:05, she's a piece of work, that one.

    Another CK ad, this one for perfume called "Altered States". The guy's neck tattoo looks very similar to the model's kissing on Brit's neck. Maybe their astrological sign?

  14. Too high
    Can't come down
    Losin' my head
    Spinnin' 'round and 'round
    Do you feel me now?

    With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride
    You're toxic I'm slippin' under
    With the taste of the poison paradise
    I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?
    And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?

    What happens to Britney when she is being traumatised? rape? hallucinations? Is it like an acid trip? Could she ever escape from this programming?

  15. Can't wait for the Mariah one! Ode to a handler...(breakdown) love your analysis on the britney lyrics - all these love and desperation lyrics always did sound so needy and unhealthy guess we know why now and meanwhile we are all sold down the river with this mass mind control: slave to your emotions not complete without someone etc


    Break break down,
    Steady breakin me on down, break break down,
    Steady breakin me on down,
    Break break down, steady breakin me on down,
    Break break down, steady breakin me on down.


    You called yesterday to basically say
    That you care for me,
    But that you're just not in love
    Immediately I pretended
    To be feeling similarly
    And led you to believe it was okay
    To just walk away from the one thing
    That's unyielding and sacred to me


    Well I guess I'm trying to be
    Nonchalant about it
    And I'm going to extremes to prove
    I'm fine without you
    But in reality I'm slowly losing my mind
    Underneath a disguise of a smile
    Gradually I'm dying inside
    Friends ask me how I feel
    And I lie convincingly
    Cause I don't want to reveal
    The fact that I'm suffering
    So I wear my disguise
    Till I go home at night
    And turn down all the lights
    And then I break down and cry


    So what do you do
    When somebody you're so devoted to
    Suddenly just stops loving you
    And it seems they haven't got a clue
    Of the pain that rejection is putting you through
    Do you cling to your pride
    And sing "I will survive"
    Do you lash out and say "How dare you leave this way?"
    Do you hold on in vain as they just slip away

  16. Check out the MASSIVE butterfly in this video and the red walls and posture and outfits. Know you will cover this Ben just had to post this.

  17. So if someone whom you love doesn't love you anymore and dumps you and you're in pain because of it, he/she is your handler? as in, in control of your emotions?

    Isn't it normal to feel really hurt when dumped? I agree a lot of these popular songs sound really desperate ("But in reality I'm slowly losing my mind") but this one particular song, all MC/MK imagery aside, to me sounds pretty honest about what people go through. Especially when young, i think Mariah was 24 when this came out.

    I'm not completely disagreeing here though.


  18. Note the "M" gesture/mudra by the guy with the checkerboard shoes in the "Slave 4 U" video.

  19. hey benjamin,

    Brilliant as usual- your mind opens windows to air out the stench of the stuff.

    yeah I noticed the Jon voight thing years back when I saw this Britney show on cable, how he was reading a bedtime story (Madonna, OH FATHER- CAN U KEEP A SECRET programming) to the little girl - then I thiught about Jolie cutting herself and her deep hatred of he father... hes a pedo for sure. Cutting behavior (broken glass meme) is said to sometimes originate from childhood sexual abuse.

    I'm looking for connections in the Jennifer Hudson murder case here in Chicago (where I live) . It seems to "coincidental" that her family was wiped out by ??? (probably a paid hit by Gangster Disciples through the Chicago Police) one week before the elections with the funerals to be held on or near the day one million people will gather in Grant Park post election. GUN CONTROL to protect the CHILDREN, always go for the Root Chakra.

    Chicago (Dark Knight proramming- order out of chaos) is moving toward Martial Law if my specs are valid. The rally should be interesting.. and a lot of inner city minority youth(black and brown) are in danger of being rounded up as 'terrorists' whether they be guilty or innocent of gang activity (phase one of concentration camp usage) .


  20. anonymous said...
    What a joke! Father (himself controlled) controls her!
    29 October 2008 03:22

    And Brit lawyer's name is Andrew WALLET.

  21. You should go in therapy.

  22. just found your site and am quite blown away.

    whatcha think about the wild world of synchronicity?

  23. Still reading your blog in 2012...have to say very eye opening. The part about the butterfly programming and how they are traumatized, I threw up. So disgusting these 'programmers'...


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