
Thursday 30 October 2008

Fiercely GaGa MkTV

This post is a little messy; link me to any new videos (I may have forgotten some already linked) you've seen lately with MK/occult symbolism too and I'll add them in later (with less speculative description than these ones).

I'll kick things off with Lady GaGa's latest release, she emerges from the water with big dogs (choice of colours etc not coincidence; one disappears later and she lies down as if she were one herself) either side of her, wearing an uneven/fractured mirrormask (not really a 'mirrormask' but it's shiney and I guess reflective; just an excuse to link to an old post on the movie Mirrormask new readers might find interesting) which she throws off (note the fragmented face shot as she does this; many more of those in this video too), she encircles one eye with her finger and thumb, obviously all the wire-frame mannequin things, those mini-tv glasses (2:20) would be used in programming (i.e forcing victim to watch things so close to their eyes; with different images [not in the video] on each eye to encourage dissociation/confusion, and/or to program some image in specifically, to be copied in reality when triggered), she sings in blue latex infront of sun symbolism on numerous occasions too. Poker Face = loss of all emotions (through horrific programming; as in a poker face is attempting to give away as little emotional response [to a bad hand or whatever] as humanly possible).

Poker Face - Lady Gaga

Hillary Duff's latest video (I covered Hillary briefly in WAR Inc/pop star slaying post; standard Disney slave) is also MK symbolic as victims run with a torchlight chasing them, the dragon's head fountain, she seems to be trying to break into a dirty mirror (looks odd, like it's a corridor inside it), Hillary's wrists bound together in a mirror symbolic room (symmetrical room designs), her eyes are covered by a blindfold [an eye mask is subliminally flashed on screen for a second too], "Reach out and touch me!", the rappers checkerboard sunglasses, and various others. [apologiez for poor quality video; will replace when better is released]
Reach Out - Hilary Duff

Now, Beyonce's new album portrays one of her alters 'Sasha Fierce', here is a Telegraph link (cheers to commenter for this): "Beyonce renames herself 'Sasha Fierce'" for her double album 'I Am... Sasha Fierce'. Let's pick apart that alter's name first, the word fierce means numerous things associated with violence, anger, savagery; primal emotions, animals are often described as being fierce. For Sasha (feel free to give more enlightened speculation) I speculate that this was used as a trance-inducing repetitive chant "SashaSashaSashaSasha" during a ritual involving heavy trauma, creating the fierce, animalistic Sasha alter. "To correspond with the double album release, Columbia Records produced a website for Sasha Fierce.[12] It asks to call and try to describe Sasha. It also states her "true identity" will be released at a later date." Here's a link to that Sasha Fierce site (note the name is mirrored, as is the case with her album art; also note her Rosary beads [Catholic bs; Rosary/Rosemary]). Her new video for 'If I Were a Boy' is interesting as it has almost a Lynch-effect towards the end of the video when everything changes and you find out that they had swapped roles/personalities [note her traumatised/confused state after this is revealed (pictured in preview images bottom left)], which intentionally has many holes in that logic (confused reality) as she gave those W/M resonating earrings to her man [plenty of other reality-breaks too]? (covering her other video and others in a future post) Her current handler is Jay Z; long term programmer obviously her father Matthew Knowles [check out his latest project, a girl band called (death) 'From Above', featuring one of the girls from S Club 8 called Daisy; another couple girls from S(ex) Club are currently in another manufactured/MK'd band called The Saturdays which I've seen being pushed a lot lately in the UK]. "Split personality for new Beyonce album" (cheers for link).
If I Were A Boy - Beyonce Knowles
Edit: Thanks to commenter; Matthew Knowles has another band called Lady Lux (Lux = light/illuminance; which puts The Times' magazine Luxx in a more Luciferian perspective), check out their myspace page, note the fractured glass, black/white stripes etc. And also from an older comment; Beyonce and her mom's fashion line is called the House of Dereon, check out the below image of their kids line (note the ruby slippers, butterfly and whatnot). Here's a link to article below image comes from, official site link, and one more humorously true article comparing the clothes to those worn by Hollywood Hookers on Hollywood and Vine, and those controversial Bratz dolls.

Christina's new one to finish; like I said she seems a lot more self-aware than her fellow MMC Britney Spears, I think this video pretty much celebrates her MK'd existence. She knows her internal system is like a computer, so this video portrays it as such (with her controlling the various alters with a mixture of Minority Report hand signals and actual buttons on a sound-studio computer thing) as code appears on screen and CHRISTINA is spelled out. Then we see Christina in black/white stripes naturally, sat at a sound-studio table thing [I think this is a gatekeeper alter, as it can access other alters], she scans through the various alters looking which one she feels like today (obviously in reality she has no control over this at all; I guess maybe when she realized her true nature and accepted it perhaps they "loosened the leesh" somewhat and gave her more control), she chooses one and the lyrics say "goin out of control, getting ready to crash." [her internal computer/system is getting ready to crash I think it is referring to; as always the lyrics are MK suggestive], this alter-reality becomes more clearer as Christina programs it further. Then she chooses a child-like alter dissociatively riding her bicycle in a flowery fantasy-world. The mini-robot is a reference to her MK'd existence too (they are essentially like robots, and literally in their minds in some cases of programming). The blue-haired alter driving the car's earrings are the standard checkerboard pattern. Then her super-hero/Catwoman alter is pulled up, she shoots electricity from her hands, showing electroshock and cat/sex-kitten programming. Then at 2:58 she vaguely does the horns hand signal to finish. Obviously there is more to the video and I've probably missed out some important things (some of the imagery in the main controlling room, a candle on a glass tand for instance and some of the shots of her with a hot head [the heat sensor one]) or misinterpreted some things, but it's pretty clear to me (what with the dancing robot, gatekeeper alter controlling access to other alters, the many alters, checkerboard earrings etc) that this video is loaded with MK (cheers for tip in comments). Older Xtina videos will be covered in a future post like the Britney ones (still haven't started part 3 yet, probably get that going tomorrow, up in a few days).




    More and more blatant symbolism:

  3. Money in the head since kid:

  4. All these girls look the same and all their songs sound the same. Digital, repetitive, and cold. Sucks for this generation of young people to have this as their legacy.

  5. This comment I found today on, about KATHERINE HEIGL:
    "Kathrine H is a murderer and racist I have it on good athority she killed Jeniffer hudsons nephew then laughed about there being one less "Blackie" in the world".

    It mite be just a rant, but of course, never impossible, given the rotten Hollywood. And when I read that she was born and raised as Mormon and her husband is a member of KAPPA SIGMA fraternity, this comment starts to make a little more sense...

  6. Matthew Knowles has another new group called Lady Lux (light). Their myspace page is filled with symbolism.

  7. About the boy/girl duality and interchange of roles in the video, it's interesting that the song "if i were a boy" was chosen as the first single and considering also that the name she chose to give her alter ego happens to be unisex, and a variant of another name.

    Also interesting that they are pushing the double identity, double personality by introducing her alter ego's true identity at a later date (?) Don't we already know the true identity of the alter ego is HERSELF? Am i being dense here?

  8. (cont. from above post)

    Or are they saying that her alter has another alter?

    Another thing i noticed about the double theme is that this record is a "double album release"


  9. Sasha is also what Obama's youngest daughter is called. Short for Natasha.

  10. I remember she had mentioned the name of her alter/onstage persona a couple of years ago and it was just "sasha". The "fierce" part is a pretty recent development. I if find a link to that interview, i'll post it but it's 2 maybe 3 years ago.

    ^christian is fierce


  11. Sasha and Natasha are two completely different names. Tasha is the short form of Natasha but ok if they want to call her that. I think it's odd.

  12. Sasha = Alexander and as such = a male/female name.

    Take a better look and ull notice that its one of BRITNEY's double on the cover, not herself, no matter how much they'd photoshop the original.

    Halloweenish KERRY KATONA:

  14. Watching spooks [ William Blake] .anyhow Lucas is in Highgate cemetary = Karl marx = KM = MK
    Anyhow 'instructions' how to unlock MK
    8 years


  15. There's no Britney doubles.

    Her "doubles" is her faced photoshopped & morphed with other women's faces for pictures, advertisements for her perfumes and various magazine covers for the sole purposed of taking us for morons.

    There was a cover of a magazine where her face was obviously mixed Faith Hill's, another one her face was morphed with Tommy Mottola's wife, the mexican singer named Thalia, it was so obvious to me because i am very familiar with Thalia.

    From website:

    "As Britney Spears' upcoming Allure cover makes clear, heavy-handed photo re-touching can make you forget just about anyone's busted face or ruined career."

    Lots of pics from that shoot here for the

    Thalia: just image google her


  16. More than her photoshop awards worthy pictures, this caught my eye

    Scroll down and compare Pink's Funhouse cover and Brit's Circus. What the heck is going on.


  17. Doubles&photoshopping goes hand in hand, no problem :)

  18. The only human double i can see is the girl in the Womanizer video in the sauna as a body double but you never see her face. When Brit is laying down you can clearly see her head is photoshopped (or video version of that) onto another more fit and muscular body. But body doubles walking around being photographed and saying they are Britney? I don't think so.

    Or are you saying the woman who sat down for the album picture is NOT Britney and the art people morphed the woman's face with Britney pics? I can see that happening, kind of the reverse of what i am saying. That's totally believable.


  19. But* body doubles* walking around being photographed and saying they are Britney? I don't think so.

    * i mean to say doppelgänger.


  20. I shouldn't have said "there's no Britney doubles" with such absolute certainty. There might be. Clearly anything is possible, why not.


  21. "Usually when I hear the chords, when I put on my stilettos. Like the moment right before when you're nervous," she says. "Then Sasha Fierce appears, and my posture and the way I speak and everything is different."


  22. wow, and for anyone who didn't read that socialite life beyonce article above, this quote just tore my heart out, if it's true, the things they do to these poor mk puppets…

    “And despite her recent marriage, Knowles denied the pregnancy rumors. "No," she says. "Everybody wants me to be pregnant. They've been saying it for years and years. I guess it's just a part of being a celebrity. I want a family, but there's a time for it, and I'm not ready yet. But Sasha Fierce? She's been pregnant six times! That bitch is a total slut." Admittedly, this last quote may have been taken out of context. Or simply made up. ”



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