
Tuesday 7 October 2008

Britney plays the sexy secretary [and Sexy Zebra] as she unveils three sizzling looks [alters] in her comeback video

Fans have seen many sides of Britney Spears over the past year - but her latest transformation is darker than ever.

In the video for her single Womanizer, which is scheduled to be premiered in the U.S. on Friday [will post it with analysis], the rehabilitated singer displays three dramatically different looks [remember she rode #3 kart; probably has something to do with 3 main alters acting as gatekeeper; or one of the many many things related to the number 3].

And in sizzling shots she ditches her trademark blonde locks for a dark gothic style.

In wet look trousers and a PVC waistcoat that displays her toned stomach the 26-year-old poses as a waitress with attitude.

Good hair day: Britney tries out three different hairstyles in the video for her single Womanizer, including this dark gothic look

Her next scene takes in the boardroom as the singer pulls on a sharp bobbed wig and glasses.

The shot shows the brunette her dominating a city worker as she pins him down in his chair.

In her third image change Britney is more recognisable as a tousled blonde.

She shows off her enviable figure in a lace and satin wrap in a tousled bedroom scene as she appears to be ticking off a lover.

Femme fatale: The singer dons a sharp bobbed wig for a scene set in an office [note black/white, zebra, duality top (and shoes) I've picked out a lot in recent posts; such as on Hayden Panettiere (seen Hayden Christensen's (and Jessica Alba) Awake? total MK; more hexagonal bath tiles and other things)]

Womanizer was released in America last week and is the first single off her album Circus, which will be released on December 2 - her 27th birthday.

Britney has been on the mend since her father took control of her business affairs in February.

Before then she has suffered a very public meltdown and it was thought her career was in irreversible decline.

Slim figure: Britney Spears shows off her newly slim body in a scene from the video for her single Womanizer

Daily Mail link. [Cheers commenter also] Previous Britney stuff. AND OMG HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 IS PREMIERING TONIGHT IN LONDON!!!! :D ;S [/sarcasm obviously] Link to Paris Premiere images. Also, I want to write up American Dad and Family Guy's latest eppies (plenty of MK synchs), this post resonates so much with the last AD in my opinion (mirror, splitting to get alter-personality, he even says "something split in me" as the camera spins and such), from this episode [the episode aired on the fifth (so my post was before it aired), I don't get episodes till a day after when I download them though so obviously didn't see it beforehand].


  1. Britney's video is premiering this Friday on 20/20???
    Very strange...

  2. This is never ever the old Britney. Look at her face and bodyparts.

  3. I agree: these if not all are Britney imposters. Especially if u look at the pic where she's blonde.

  4. I wasn't aware Britney had "been replaced"... [got a link or something?] listen; I can see why they would replace an important celebrity or politician in extraordinary cases like Paul McCartney, but only in those VERY limited cases. Even if many of these celebrities have been replaced; the fundamental issue is mind control as these replacements would obviously be MK victims themselves [so essentially the same person anyway, in their minds; so I don't see any point in wildly speculating over every image that looks slightly different to a previous image of her... totally unnecessary and undoubtedly puts people off who are new to it].

    I wouldn't be surprised if they have "Britney backups" so if her programming has gone completely haywire they use them in public events and such, but I feel that is itself unlikely but loosely possible.

    What possible reason would there be for them suddenly to replace her with a lookalike, after her appearances at the VMAs and things (do you think that was an imposter too, when do you think she was replaced)? Just seems ridiculous to me... please tell me your logic so I can at least understand where you're coming from. Comparison images somewhere or something?

    It's amazing what you can do with makeup, plastic surgery, camera-work, lighting, MPD (can alter your face significantly when you shift) etc these days isn't it? Again, I think a lot of it is probably true; but why replace an MK victim [you are aware of her time at Mickey Mouse Club etc yes? it's the same Britney who was traumatized there as the one in the video here I think] who you can program to do whatever you want anyway?

  5. Of course, replacements can be occasional and could happen while the real artist is living. There are simple reasons, starting with sudden change of weight, other health issues til serious ones. And Britney has had such problems recently. Her weight fluctuated, her looks changed in worse. In no time she became the person we see in WOMANIZER video? Allow me to doubt. Also, I sent u the link about doubles, to put u in clear :)
    Back to Brit, last year, when she launched her album... She was on the edge so when she had the time to make an album? And remember that years ago, pics with her nude were circulating on the internet and in the end it was revealed that it wasnt Britney at all, but a double posing as her.


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