
Sunday 26 October 2008

Bondage for Freedom: Free the Wildcats!

So I saw those wildkittens in High School Musical 3 today [bros were going with sis, tagged along]. Obviously there are a tonne of sex-kitten references thrown in there; there's also all the other standard themes (checkerboard symbolism, yellow checker cab, butterflies, skull and bones etc), I'll write it up at some point. One interesting little tidbit I noticed was in the locker room with all the high school students psyching themselves up to win the 'big game', one random locker read 33 HANNAH 33 [as in Montana/Miley Cyrus]. One scene features Zac in the school hallway, and this rotates so up is down, down is up, [as in he is walking on the walls, ceilings etc as it rotates) standard MK scene. Ashley Tisdale plays the filthy rich 'spoiled princess' archetype (like Paris etc), as she is dressed up in tiger, zebra and other symbolic things. Half of the song scenes are (dissociative) hallucinations. GOOOO WILDCATS! [previous High School Musical 3 post]

"rawr" in a mirror (00:41) [note at 0:26 all the girls wear pink wigs (which we have noted in the past) and have cat ears]

"Cheers Butterfly"

Gotta love Disney for providing such excellent subversively perverse material ;p! But for an overt use of misogny/perversion, look no further than Quentin Tarantino. I saw this intentionally rubbish film (all that girl-talk dialogue, give me a break; praise jeebus for Sky Anytime for fastforwarding, which I never do in movies but I pretty much knew why the pointless dialogue was occurring), but some interesting MK hints in there anyway (butterfly and the rest, cryptic trigger phrase to get the lap dance, subliminal skull and bones [with electrical symbol instead of the bones] showing the 'elite' societies like that's involvement and the electroshock method often used [Kurt Russel's character symbolizes the insane misogynists who run the show, i.e Bonesmen, Rosicrucians, corporate 'elite' etc]), Death Proof, have not yet seen Grindhouse (they were split in two in the release outside of America). Zoe "The Cat" Bell who always lands on her feet and jokes about being called an Oztralian (she is from NZ) who is friends with the chick with the unicorn on her vest, in the opening credits they are referred to only as "The Girls". It's just a shame they killed off a serene looking blond Rose McGowan so soon in the movie ;s. Check out Celtic Rebel's Quentin Tarantino post. [this is not a proper post btw, in the middle of analyzing all of Britney's videos in order, might divide it into parts to put it out there quicker; I've decided to chill out and not worry about getting promised posts out asap (no plans on closing down the blog so no need to rush), and do a couple of posts I've been preparing in my mind for a while, while I don't have so much time available]

1 comment:

  1. re: HSM3, her character's name is SHAR PEI, like the breed of dog??? And she's the bitchy one of the group, from what i just read? Blatant.



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