
Tuesday 7 October 2008

Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Enter Wonderland

Hathaway is playing the White Queen, a benevolent monarch who is deposed and banished by her sister, the Red Queen (Carter) [Queen of Hearts], who has an affinity for crying out, “Off with their heads!” From here.
Lots on Anne Hathaway in my Get Smart post. Helena Bonham Carter; her mother is a psychotherapist, her father was a merchant banker and a former alternate UK Director representing the Bank of England at the IMF. Click for more very interesting info on Helena and her family's dodgy connections (there's even a Rothschild thrown in there!) in wiki, who featured in the Mirrormask post, with the same name as the protagonist and looking similar. She has been with Tim Burton since 2001, again though I do think she is another MK slave ["keep making our movies... and you can have our children... seriously we've lost all sense of empathy in our centuries of incessant inbreeding"]. He's even bringing Christopher Lee and Martin Sheen into the mix to star in this Disney production of a pedophile's work, see the movie's wiki page. Miley Cyrus (as Destiny Hope [apparently the "Miley" name came about because she smiled so much... riiiiight], playing 8 year old Ruthie) even made an appearance in Burton's Big Fish... [still yet to see that one] To be honest, I don't think Burton is making films purely to make money and entertain the kids. [font went nuts]

black/white [prison + mental prison uniform, hence why it's used that way in prisons; or used to be or whatever] So that's Depp (Mad Hatter) and Helena (Queen of Hearts)

Mia Wasikowski [played a couple of lillies, M&W, MIA] She is currently filming Alice in Wonderland, on a boat in England right now, below is a couple of images from that filming. The main location for filming is this place [note lilies mentioning] with some interesting sculptures and whatnot.

The Oztralian actress (posted on originally here) played a suicidal gymnast in an episode of In Treatment, here's a clip: "I don't remember... I don't have a heart". Grew up studying ballet, before moving to acting. [click ballet for gymnast/ballet loose mk connection]

Why wouldn't you marry this strikingly attractive man! [Helena did, allegedly under her own pretences]

And finally Shakespeare's wife Anne Hathaway will be the White Queen, note the "mystery man"'s checkerboard shoes, and her pentagram + vote.

Random video from Harry Potter featuring Helena and blood-line themes, note the caduceus/serpentine type thing on her wrist [she is in chains (interlocking rings) before escaping], the triangular prison etc. [Why do you think she plays insane women so often!? (fight club, harry potter etc.)]

+ Fight Club clips for good measure (Muse music also)


  1. Roseanne Barr has previously made comments about being an MK Ulta victim
    Now here is an interesting interview with her covering depression, being in a mental institution, sexual abuse from her father and believing she now controls her own mind;

  2. PLEASE see this thread, it contains a lot of mind blowing information pertaining to this topic.
    it is very active, with great contributors, and is about FAR MORE than Kurt Cobain. (ie: contains research on MI6 , Brooke Shields,
    etc etc. etc.)

  3. re: the black and white shirts, check out the little boys in this video. There are at least three of them all wearing black and white striped shirts at this function:

    this was a bizarre Christmas holiday showing of Wizard of Oz with a live symphony orchestra accompanying it.
    What Oz has to do with Christmas is beyond me. This was no doubt
    a pagan calendar event close to Christmas, taking place in all of all places San Francisco, California. (huge number of mk people in SanFran)
    my guess is these little boys are undergoing some training

  4. Amazing links; cheers all. anony on Roseanne Barr nice catch + analysis. Deffo another victim.

    nanamubidness; that is an amazing thread which I've come across a couple of times before, kind of makes my blog a bit redundant ;P Need to go through it from start to finish I think; obviously I'm in complete agreement with all the analyses of the images/info and the overall sentiment of the post. Direct link which everyone should check out and will obviously love if you like my blog [similar feel; some of the same things covered in both because we're tracking the same scent]. Nice spot on the black/white top on the kids at that creepy Oz thing too ;S Don't even want to think how many of them were there for programming.

    Thanks a lot.

  5. Ben, I was just thinking the opposite thing; that your blog sort of makes the thread seem less important! I sense that we mk researchers are taking the lead into whole new area of conspiracy research. We are creating an entire new genre of MK media study.

  6. Goddamn I'm so glad I didn't check out the last Harry Potter, I'd only hate Helena Bonham Carter more which I didn't think was even possible, holy shit.


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