
Tuesday 23 September 2008

Knifeman wearing 'Phantom of the Opera' mask stabs to death woman receptionist at language school

Note the fractured title [fractured mind], a theme I was working on in my next post before I saw this story.

This is Fing insane, WTF IS GOING ON! Too many mind controlled slayings, "This is the start of the revolution"... no doubt. WAKE UP! ALL THESE KILLINGS ARE MIND CONTROLLED!! This one couldn't be more obvious [half-face mask (split mind/masked personalities etc), "Phantom", 23 year old victim, self-destruct programming, etc]; check out elluminati's coverage of the Finnish mind controlled massacre [there are a tonne more that I suspect are mind controlled, such as this mother who killed her baby; arrived at hospital at 3.30]. Here's the link.

A knife attacker wearing a 'Phantom of the Opera' mask stabbed a woman to death and injured another before slitting his own throat, it has been revealed.

The two victims were working at a language school when the assailant stormed in yesterday evening.

A 23-year-old Asian woman died after being knifed in the chest and neck. Her partially clothed body was found at the scene by police who arrived moments after the attack.

The second woman was taken to hospital but was later discharged.

Phantom stabbing: A body is removed from the scene in Balaam [Baal, Lam] Street, Plaistow, east London today

The attacker, aged 29, is believed to have turned the knife on himself in an attempted suicide bid.

Police said today his condition was stable and officers were waiting to interview him.

The two women are thought to have been working as receptionists at St George's language college in Plaistow, East London.

They were in an office above a shop when the masked assailant burst in. The injured woman was able to escape and raise the alarm.

The attacker was wearing a 'Phantom of the Opera' mask and a wig

The attack took place just after 6pm and a blood-stained knife was found at the scene.

Witnesses told how the assailant was surrounded by unarmed officers and disarmed before being marched out and into an ambulance.

One witness followed police into the college after seeing the commotion outside.

The 24-year-old, who did not want to be named, said: 'They were banging on the door then went inside the college. They were shouting at someone saying, "Get down, get down on the floor".

'There were about six police around him. I saw the woman who survived. I recognised her as a receptionist - I had seen her before.

'She looked about 24 and Asian. She was crying and holding her head and looked very shaken. One of the officers was comforting her saying, "It'll be OK".'

A police source confirmed that the assailant was wearing a wig and a mask and said the dead woman was deliberately targeted, saying: 'He rushed up the stairs into the college and it would seem he was looking for someone specific.'

Officers are now investigating whether the man had been seen lurking around the college during the past few days.

One man, who works in a nearby kebab shop, said he knew the murder victim.

He said: 'She would come in here every lunchtime. She was so bubbly, such a nice, pretty girl. She had been a receptionist at the college for about a year.'

Bryan Wade, who lives opposite the college, said: 'I heard a scream and saw four or five people run out of the door.

'Then I saw about 20 police cars pull up. I saw officers marching out a guy in handcuffs. He was bent double. They took him to an ambulance and then brought out a bag of what looked like clothes.'

A Met spokesman said a 29-year-old had been arrested, adding: 'At this early stage, no one else is being sought.'

Stabbing investigation: Police search for clues near the St George's language school in Plaistow, London, where a woman was killed and another was injured


  1. 6pm, 6 police, she looked about 24 [2+4=6], nice apocalyptic subliminals huh? The guys 29 or 2+9=11, Master Number to solidify it in your traumatized mind from reading the story. Geezus Ben, wtf is up in the U.K.? Its the push by the NWO for those anti-weapon laws mate.

    Released Monarchs are cropping up everywhere. I remember reading either you or Ben Fairhall saying as we get closer to 2012, schizoids and schizoids would feels it first, so Monarchs are pretty much are schizoids, looks like MMC might have chaotic breakdown or triggers at random which will make it look like its more random. Fked up!

    Way to stay on top of it bro!
    Be well and BE SAFE.

  2. OOPS that was supposed to be schizoids and psychics would feel it first..sorry!

  3. This is a great MK-blog, Ben. Truly superb work.

    Michael, this is the quote: 'Choose your favourite terminology, but we are being told in myriad ways that the Earth is about to ender a transition phase around the Gregorian year 2012, and there will be geomagnetic effects that may open our pineal eyes. The first flowerings are the schizophrenics and psychics, those with Temporary Lobe Epilepsy, channels, shamans and visionaries who are more sensitive to the first and smaller magnetic changes. As the Earth's field gets nearer to reversal, it seems likely that there will be more pineal-openings, and those of us who have not confronted our inner selves and our accumulated emotional blockages may find this experience hellish.'

    It's from Geoff Stray; whose Red Ice interview is presently being streamed.


    P.S Ben, would you mind contacting me at re: Britney Spears, pls?

  4. Ben,

    Thanks man, I knew it had to be one of you guys, I just was stressing that Monarchs/MK victims have shattered minds much like schizoids so that as we get closer to 2012, it could inadvertently [as if they didn't know this the powers that B that is] trigger those Monarchs into random chaotic programs..theoretically speaking of course!

    Thanks again,
    Peace all.


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