
Wednesday 10 September 2008

IlluMiMusiC: Alis-on Goldfrapp

Quick one on Alison (Alice) Goldfrapp; the above video alone should be enough to convince those already aware [also note the serpent etc.]. And to confirm that this checkerboard usage is consciously put into this stuff (by obsessively controlling Freemasons) below we see her performing wearing a checkerboard. I can't be bothered to paste every single mind control symbolic album cover (view them here, also check out the occult names such as "Seventh Tree"), but note the standard Alison mirrored, Alis covering one eye is another theme, top hats/various hats. I've pictured is the cover of the single for the above Human (the song questions the handlers' humanity; as in many think their programmer/handler is a reptilian n that shit) because it confirms mind control with the red shoes from Oz focused in on [also the album cover of it, with Alison mirrored]. Wearing animal masks/helmets is a common theme in her Goldfrapp's performances (part of dehumanization process involved in programming), and she wears horses tails and things like that [I like her description of why here]. [Edit: Fixed videos, probably break again though like many in the blog, you can always google them]

They go one better in this photo shoot with her literally wearing ruby slippers (also note the black/white duality socks).

Rabbit from Wonderland mask + one eye covered, Alice-on as red riding hood below (from same photo shoot)

Alison with a (human) owl. [one of the "illuminati"'s signatures]

More dehumanization + all seeing eyes (peacock feathers = eyes obv)

White Rabbit, Grid (one eye I guess)

Alice-on Mirrored.

Finish with another one of their videos (Train), with more dehumanization, note all the animal heads, masks etc.

And this one "Twist" (twistin around and round, spin programming, like Kylie's "Spinning Around"). Note the checkerboard in a circle at about 1:06, the roses, the apple split in half, rollercoaster goes into a snakes mouth etc.


  1. This is a video link to her performing the first single off her new album on the Jonathan Ross Show, March 26, 2010.

    Pause it at 3:46 and what do you see?

  2. Have u seen her new video called 'Alive'? I didnt know she was a part of it, i just saw the video and immediately saw the links that were blatantly obvious. I think its safe to say that it DEFINATELY exists. Ive seen far too many music videos with all the same things. Oh and also the video for the band 'Phonat's song ...I dunno what its called but its on MTV and WOW THEY R SLY!! chek it out.


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