
Thursday 21 August 2008

'Organised chaos' at crash airline Spanair

Organized chaos, no doubt. I get the feeling this is just a preamble for something bigger (an innocent plane crash followed by some bigass "terrorist" attack or something, layers of trauma levelled against the masses are how these things work [in 2001 there was foot and mouth and other things before 9/11, also another plane crash which killed similar amounts of people (145) in Russia on July 3rd (777), another one that killed Aaliyah, see wiki]. Having massive connection problems so plenty of chaos here at the moment (feels like living in the stoneages... I'm going to be so screwed when the shit hits the fan and there's NO internet at all). Times link here. Some substantial posts to come in the following days unless my connection dies randomly (Error 619 I get, for an interesting synch [6/9 # rotation/spin], every connection [independent from eachother] magically died in this house last night). [Sorry if others posted this, I have just got online this second no time to check other blogs. Will add images if my connection survives longer.]

Spanair is a struggling airline which its owners have been trying to sell and whose pilots had been threatening strike action.

In a report in aviation magazine Flight International, pilots allegedly accused management of failing to put together a solid business plan.

The airline, based in Palma, Mallorca, is 94 per cent owned by the Scandinavian airline SAS which helped set up Spanair 20 years ago.

But last year SAS [like the SAS British military thugs] put the airline up for sale - only to withdraw its bid two months ago after failing to attract investors.

The credit crunch [organized chaos by the bankers] and oil prices [organized chaos also] didn't help, but investors were also deterred by heavy losses reported by Spanair in the first half of the year.

The second biggest airline in Spain, its bigger rival Iberia looked to buy and merge with Spanair - but withdrew in May, instead announcing in July it was in talks with British Airways with a view to a merger.

The decision by Iberia, and lack of other investment, left SAS with no choice but to look to ways to streamline operations at Spanair.

And according to Flight International, management had begun an initiative to reduce capacity by 25 per cent and lose 1,000 jobs.

Currently, Spanair has 327 daily flights (42 charter and 285 scheduled), a fleet comprising 63 aircraft and 3,524 employees.

But Spanish pilots union SEPLA says the company is wallowing in "organised chaos" and believes the management is failing to mitigate the "structural weakness" of Spanair, adds the report. [that just screams 9/11 resonance to me... twin towers were structurally weakened leading to the collapse (all completely organized chaos) in that mega-ritual.]

It claims that the new initiative is "vague", containing "only a plan for immediate cost-savings" with "nothing for the company's future". SEPLA adds that the pilots will take steps to arrange a lawful strike.

The union criticises Spanair's corporate structure, claims the carrier has no control over expenditure, and says aspects such as investment in the fleet have not materialised.

While owned by SAS, Spanair also co-operated with Lufthansa on 'codeshares,' a common industry practise whereby a flight operated by an airline is jointly marketed as a flight for one or more other airlines.

Lufthansa has such a system in place with Spanair on its Spanish routes from Munich and Frankfurt - today's crash flight was also a codeshare. Lufthansa flight LH2554 left Munich at 8.50am for Madrid, where passengers switched planes onto the Spanair flight.

However, a spokeswoman for SAS would not comment at this stage on how many passengers on the Spanair flight from Madrid orginated from Munich, if any.

So planes DO leave wreckages when they crash!? [Who'd have thunk it after all those magical dissintigrating planes on 9/11, and yes I know the differences between how the 9/11 planes are officially explained away]. The plane carried 173 [17, 73, 777] passengers in total (though other sources differ), I take it as a synch that I had posted about airport security just the day before this tragic event. The 2004 madrid bombings was a false flag terror attack by the way.

And wtf, some hilarious goddess worship here from the BBC: Clouds that look like breasts.

On Runway 36 (666) L, JK 5022.

Sunbreeze (note the vague 6 pointed star made out of pyramids)

Helicopter between some towers near the scene.


  1. Notice Alitalia is also under financial pressure to sell, apparently Putin took a look at it some months back, but usual crap, bad investments, workers getting screwed.
    Helicopters = pentagons [ I got a photo of one at my post ]
    Also a big towerblock burnt for 24 hours [ somewhere in Spain] a few years ago - didn't fall down

    Hope connexions work


  2. I agree with you about the organized chaos theory.

    I'm from Brazil, and in 2006 we had a very suspicious plane crash that was 'explained' by the media as a middle-air collision between a Boeing 737 and an Embraer Legacy corporate jet. The boeing crashed killing all the 154 (same number of people as in the spanair) while The Legacy miracously landed with some minor damages and all 7 passengers alive.

    Now, so what that there's not a plane in the whole history that has been through a middle-air crash and landed safely after that, no one needs to know about that!

    Anyway, that 'accident' (that killed many NWO enemies that were abord the Boeing, by the way) sparked a riot from the Air traffic controllers, demanding better working conditions and creating public pressure in order to desmilitarize the Brazilian Airspace.

    It was discovered later that these Air traffic controllers were acting following a recomendation from Cristoph Gilgen, head of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers. The riot caused a big chaos in the airports, as the controllers were delaying arrivals and landings...the so-called 'chaos' was very explored by the media in order to criticize the government and demand for air space desmilitarization.

    Do you know if there was any big shot or person of interest abord the spanair?

  3. guilhermelemmi, sorry for the delayed response, that is truely an amazing/fascinating comment but unfortunately I can't find any information on who was on the flight or their roles, I wouldn't bet against there being a few people on it who were people of interest/posed a threat though. I doubt we'll be told anything like that (or the actual cause) in the ensuing investigation either. You are definitely on the right lines with your thinking.

    Thanks for dropping in and it's a shame we only have mainstream sources to rely on.


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