
Wednesday 27 August 2008

"Generate Power"

Thought this McCain advert was rip-roaringly hilarious.

World War 3 propoganda no doubt [also the Russian stuff is all part of getting the sides set up for WW3, couple of interesting links here and here from the Mail]. [on the DNC (=21, 777), Obama is set to accept the nomination in an open stadium (note the JFK mentioning at the end of that link; watch out for the snipers mate... seriously); designed to look like an Ancient Greek temple.... (including two huge sets of twin pillars)]

By the way, all police are egotistical/power hungry maniacs (doesn't help that they're unwitting freemasonic pawns, hence the checkerboard); one punched a 12 year old boy with mental difficulties. Also, a double headed baby was born in Bangladesh, and an interesting archaeological discovery (1300 year old sacrificed mummy found [note the masks usage], which talks about sacrifice; giving us hints why these mind controlled killings take place, like my last post) was made: “The sacrifices were very common, particularly of children and young girls. They were part of their ritual offerings to the sea and the land.” (see link). Taking a couple days break from the blog (might do a Eureka post tomorrow though) and should be back with some more proper posts soon.

Need more evidence on what I said about cops?

Isn't fascism fun!


  1. “The sacrifices were very common, particularly of children and young girls. They were part of their ritual offerings to the sea and the land.”

    Supposedly, Mayans sacrificed took pride in it, because they thought they'd become a star in the after life. Now US military kids killed in battle are awarded a star for their sacrifice. Time is a circle, till people wake

  2. Great point. All you have to do is take a look at the many occult monuments around the world to see this illustrated too, dedicated to their [blood] "sacrifice". They're looking forward to some major sacrifice en masse soon in the coming WW3 I'm sure.



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