
Tuesday 22 July 2008

Insanity through Rihanna's Seduction

What's wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?

I'm going crazy now

No more gas in the rear
Can't even get it started
Nothing heard, nothing said
Can't even speak about it
Out my life out my head
Don't want to think about it
Feels like I'm going insane

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you

It can creep up inside you

And consume you

A disease of the mind

It can control you

It's too close for comfort

Put on your break lights
We're in the city of wonder

Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Faded pictures on the wall
It's like they talkin' to me

Disconnectin' phone calls
The phone don't even ring
I gotta get out
Or figure this shit out
It's too close for comfort

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you
It can creep up inside you
And consume you
A disease of the mind
It can control you
I feel like a monster

Put on your break lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Release me from this curse I'm in Trying to remain tame But I'm struggling
If you can go, go, go
I think I'm going to oh, oh, oh

Put on your break lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like
[should have the whole thing in bold really]

Apologiez for my lack of posting the past couple o days, took a break, working on a post to do with Charles Manson, David Lynch and other happy things. Disturbia is the name of that (not very good by the way) movie with Shia Lebeouf (who gets around a lot these days, transformers, indiana jones etc.). I also include the infamous Umbrella video, with the silver goddess inside the pyramid... rawr (love the grid pattern stockings ^^, also note her mirror image at one point, the first shot of Rihanna has her showing one eye, and all the mercury flying around eventually getting stuck to her making her appear silver, I'm pretty sure the umbrella is octagonal too, note the shift between black then white of the pyramid symbolizing duality). Jay Z (the illuminati's representative in hip hop) controls her, this is seen in this video with him calling her things like "little miss sunshine" and such. Russian corporate gangster Roman Abramovich paid £500,000 to have her "perform" for him (also note in the article, George Michael was paid £3.3 million to perform for another Russian oligarch (Roman Abramovich paid $33 million for a painting of an obese lady).

For the politically inclined, here is a parody to do with Hillary and Obama (note Hillary is put in the pyramid).

Vaguely symbolic shots for your perusal, note top one Rihanna has one eye covered, 2nd one green with beefed up "Oscars" (Ozcars), then Valis/zebra resonation with white/red checkerboard on the other side of her, next one has twin pillars + last one has purple.

Back with proper posts tomorrow.


  1. My word, it just could not be any more obvious than Raunchy Rebellious Rihanna...(from numerology...R is the numerical equivalent of 18/9 and represents possibilities. It is tolerant and humane but has a tendency to become short tempered. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will often act as peacemaker.) And those outfits, could they not display her anymore as a sex-toy? Geesh.

    We should figure out what Shia Lebeouf's "archetype" is, what Hollywood is using him as--maybe Tarot card archetype or whatnot, I am sure he symbolizes something.

    Great work man! Remember to take frequent breaks to prevent burnout and going insane!

    Later bro!

  2. Wow, pretty obvious mind control symbolism and lyrics. This song is terrible, I seriously doubt she sat down and wrote this herself.
    "A disease of the mind" indeed, very subliminal and flashy. Great work!

  3. This is scary stuff.My question is-why can't you deliver this message to those who are mind-controlled liki Miley,Jonas Bros, Mariah, etc instead of just telling us about all this?

  4. susan, your right (obviously I'd like to see them all deprogrammed/set free); but I think it would probably do more harm than good to them if they were suddenly awakened/told about their mind control. There needs to be some sort of coordinated effort among the psychiatric community... but that won't happen so I see it as pretty much an impossible situation unfortunately :S. All I can do from lowly position here is tell people about it...

    Thanks for dropping in.

  5. Susan,

    have to agree with Ben, meant to leave a comment sooner---if one tries to inform these poor MC people that they are mind controlled, a complex structure of protection clamps down on the mind, I think what happened to Britney when she went into her "alters" [the British speaking Britney, etc], she may have been approached or someone tried to alter her programming or what not, then it came clamping down. The media at it up.

    Programmers put complex protection structured programs into the mind of MC victims to prevent meddling with them.

    Be well.

  6. i don`t agree with you. first of all, why is everything so obvious? something is wrong. i mean, if they are what you claim, wouldn`t they hide their real identity? i think that music artists nowadays find cool using some "illuminati" motives in their videos to look more important, scary...although, if the listeners wouldn`t notice them, surely killuminati would:D

    you are mind controlled, not them. think. you are obssesed with illuminati, you can`t live your life normaly without one thought of that they are around you. YOU HAVE TO NOTICE everything connected with them. that`s real mind control, my friend. but you think that you are free, and they`re slaves. no, you re not. you get up every morning, scared, with the thoughts of are telling people about them and product more hysteria and obssesion with illuminati. for what? nothing!!while rihanna, beyonce, jay z and others, "illuminati puppets" are making a lots of money and laughing to those who are freaked with her art videos. well, i am willing to surrender myself to illuminati and ra itself to have such a life and not to think about my bills, or will my boss fire me if i get pregnant, and other non celebrity but real life stuff:D, even though i have a master degree in law.


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